Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lesson 2(Commands, Instructions and Requests: Part-B) for PEC Exam

Read the given text and answer question no.1
“Munir, come here. Take out the stove and put it on the table. Go back to your seat.” “Reba, come here. Take out all the packets and put them on the table. Thank you, Reba. Go to your seat.” “Well, I think I need some more help. Hira, come to me. Bring out the spoons, the bowl and the frying pan and put them on the table.” “Thank you. Go to your seat.” “Today we will do something new in the class. We are going to make a big cake.” The students are excited. They have forgotten about the time. Meanwhile, the bell rings. The students are sad. The class is over. Ms Asma Haque tells the class, “Don’t be sad please. We will make the cake next week.”
1. Choose the correct answers from the distracters and write them: -                       1×10=10
(a) Who needs some more help?           (i) Munir   (ii) Reba    (iii) Ms Asma Haque    (iv) Hira 
(b) Go to your seat. This is a/an———-. (i) statement sentence  (ii) optative sentence  
(iii) question  sentence  (iv) imperative sentence                                 
(c) They have forgotten about the time.  This sentence belongs to———-.                  
(i) Simple Present Tense     (ii) Simple Past Tense    (iii) Present Perfect Tense   (iv) Simple Future Tense                              
(d) What did Munir do taking out the stove?
(i) He kept it on the table.    
(ii) He put it by the table.
(iii) He put it under the table. (iv) He did nothing.
(e) What did Reba put on the table? 
(i) the stove                 (ii) the packets     
(iii) all the packets      (iv) the big box 
(f) What did Hira do bringing out things?
(i) She kept them on the table. (ii) She put it on the table.       
(iii) She put them over the table.   (iv) None of them
(g) Whom didn’t Ms Asma Haque thank?         
 (i) Munir                  (ii) Reba      
(iii) Hira                   (iv) All of them
(h)  She will make the cake next week because————.
(i) the bells rings            (ii) the class is over
(iii) the students are sad  (iv) All of them
(i) Why do they need some household things?  
(i) to use in the class        (ii) to use in the kitchen  
(iii) to make a big cake    (iv) both (i) & (iii)   
(j) Which one is a correct contracted form? 
 (i) We’ill                    (ii) They’ve 
(iii) We’are              (iv) Do n’t

Answer Sheet:  
(a) (iii) Ms Asma Haque    
(b) (iv) imperative sentence                                
(c) (iii) Present Perfect Tense   
(d) (i) He kept it on the table.
(e) (iii) all the packets      
(f) (i) She kept them on the table.                             
(g) (i) Munir                 
(h) (iv) All of them
(i) (iv) both (i) & (iii)   
(j) (ii) They’ve

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