Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wrong order:

Unit-One, Lesson-7, The Smithy

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
About four or five boys were keen to go there with Mr Ahmed. “We have asked our parents” they said. “Who wants to visit the smithy?” Mr Ahmed asked Class 8 the next day after school. “Very good,” said Mr Ahmed. “So there’s no problem.” The smithy stands near the large pond in front of Nurpur Government College. “Then let’s go.” People call it the college pond. Mr. Ahmed pointed to a small hut. “We can walk there, because it’s not very far.”
Answer Sheet:

“Who wants to visit the smithy?” Mr. Ahmed asked Class 8 the next day after school. About four or five boys were keen to go there with Mr. Ahmed. “We have asked our parents” they said. “So there’s no problem.” “Very good,” said Mr Ahmed. “Then let’s go.” “We can walk there, because it’s not very far.” The smithy stands near the large pond in front of Nurpur Government College. People call it the college pond. Mr. Ahmed pointed to a small hut.

Unit-One, Lesson-10,
 Feeling Good!

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.    10       
It was always sunny. It was about twelve metres long. A piece of land was given to the Class 8 students. It was six metres wide. The headmaster gave it to them. It stood near the school’s well. That is why it was suitable. He and Mr. Ahmed chose it. It was chosen for three reasons. During the rainy season, it was never flooded. 
Answer Sheet:
A piece of land was given to the Class 8 students. It was about twelve metres long. It was six metres wide. The headmaster gave it to them. He and Mr. Ahmed chose it. It was chosen for three reasons. It stood near the school’s well. It was always sunny. During the rainy season, it was never flooded. That is why it was suitable

Unit-One, Lesson-14, Water Hyacinths
12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.        10       
We often do it. You just collect them and dry them in the sun. Luna and Rina walked along with Rina’s mother. Of course, if the water hyacinths are mixed with other things, like old leaves it’s even better. “Water hyacinths can be made into fertilizer,” she said. Then it can be made into very good fertilizer. “Yes,” said Rina’s mother. “Here we are,” said Mrs. Rehana Salam. “They look lovely and large,” said Luna. “Come and look at the vegetables in my garden, Luna.”
Answer Sheet:
Luna and Rina walked along with Rina’s mother. “Water hyacinths can be made into fertilizer,” she said. You just collect them and dry them in the sun. We often do it. Then it can be made into very good fertilizer. Of course, if the water hyacinths are mixed with other things, like old leaves it’s even better. “Here we are,” said Mrs. Rehana Salam. “Come and look at the vegetables in my garden, Luna.” “They look lovely and large,”said Luna. “Yes,” said Rina’s mother.
Unit-Two, Lesson-3, The Ant and The Grasshopper: Part 1
12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
He planted many crops and looked after them carefully. Once upon a time, two farmers, Mr. Ant and Mr. Grasshopper, lived in the same village near the sea in Greece. “When do you eat?” “Don’t you ever stop working?” asked Mr. Grasshopper. They were very good friends, but as you will see, they were very different people. Mr. Ant was a very serious, hard-working person. “I like to water my crops everyday.” he told his friend, Mr. Grasshopper. He got up very early in the morning, ate a small breakfast, and then started working on his farm. “And as soon as they’re ready, I like to collect them quickly and put them safely in my house.” He worked very hard all day under the hot summer sun.
Answer Sheet:
Once upon a time, two farmers, Mr. Ant and Mr. Grasshopper, lived in the same village near the sea in Greece. They were very good friends, but as you will see, they were very different people. Mr. Ant was a very serious, hard-working person. He got up very early in the morning, ate a small breakfast, and then started working on his farm. He worked very hard all day under the hot summer sun. He planted many crops and looked after them carefully. “I like to water my crops everyday.” he told his friend, Mr. Grasshopper. “And as soon as they’re ready, I like to collect them quickly and put them safely in my house.” “Don’t you ever stop working?” asked Mr. Grasshopper. “When do you eat?”

Unit-Two, Lesson-6, The Ant and The Grasshopper: Part 4
12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
Mr. Ant stayed inside his house.  “Come in!” he shouted. The soft earth became hard and nothing could grow. One morning, Mr. Ant was eating his breakfast when there was a knock at the door. After sometime, the warm sunny days finished. Through his windows he looked at the trees and the white fields covered in snow. The door opened and there was Mr. Grasshopper standing outside in the cold. Then the winter season came and the weather in Greece grew cold.
Then it started snowing and the fields were covered in soft white snow. The leaves dropped off the trees and the countryside looked bare and grey.
Answer Sheet:
After sometime, the warm sunny days finished. Then the winter season came and the weather in Greece grew cold. The soft earth became hard and nothing could grow. The leaves dropped off the trees and the countryside looked bare and grey. Then it started snowing and the fields were covered in soft white snow. Mr. Ant stayed inside his house. Through his windows he looked at the trees and the white fields covered in snow. One morning, Mr. Ant was eating his breakfast when there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” he shouted. The door opened and there was Mr. Grasshopper standing outside in the cold.

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.       10       
But many of our crops have already been sold in order to buy things like fuel, and to pay for our children’s school fees. Mr. Ant thought he would tell his wife about his friend. We can’t help him very much. Mr. Ant agreed. “You are right, my dear,” he said. “Can we help Mr. Grasshopper, dear?” he asked her. Everything’s so expensive nowadays. “Well, I’d like to help your friend,” Mrs. Ant replied. “We’ve enough for ourselves, but we aren’t rich.” Poor Mr. Grasshopper!
Answer Sheet:
Mr. Ant thought he would tell his wife about his friend.  “Can we help Mr. Grasshopper, dear?” he asked her. “Well, I’d like to help your friend,” Mrs. Ant replied. But many of our crops have already been sold in order to buy things like fuel, and to pay for our children’s school fees.  Everything’s so expensive nowadays.  “We’ve enough for ourselves, but we aren’t rich.” Mr. Ant agreed. “You are right, my dear,” he said.   Poor Mr. Grasshopper! We can’t help him very much.

Unit-Two, Lesson-15, Who Stole the Eggplants: Part 1

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.       10       
They look like lovely green balls now. “Would you like to see it too?” Then I’ll show you everything, but I especially want to show you our eggplants. So the next day, Mrs Salam went to her daughter’s school and Rina and her friends showed her round the school garden. Oh! good,  exclaimed Rina. “You and your teacher have worked very hard,” Mrs Salam said. “Yes, I would,” Mrs Rehana Salam replied. “Our school garden looks so beautiful that everyone admires it,” Rina told her mother one day. First she saw the new bamboo fence. Then she saw the scarecrow as well as the plants.
Answer Sheet:
“Our school garden looks so beautiful that everyone admires it,” Rina told her mother one day. “Would you like to see it too?” “Yes, I would,” Mrs Rehana Salam replied. Oh! good,  exclaimed Rina. Then I’ll show you everything, but I especially want to show you our eggplants. They look like lovely green balls now.  So the next day, Mrs Salam went to her daughter’s school and Rina and her friends showed her round the school garden. First she saw the new bamboo fence. Then she saw the scarecrow as well as the plants. “You and your teacher have worked very hard,” Mrs Salam said.

Unit-Two, Lesson-17, Honesty is the Best Policy: Part 1

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
When Hamidur Rahman and his friends started eating them, Hamidur Rahman said, “These mangoes don’t taste sweet. The owner of the orchard, Hamidur Rahman, was a very rich man. They’re sour! He was an honest, hardworking man and looked after a large mango orchard. Suruj Ali went to the orchard and carefully picked some nice, large mangoes. It was during the summer season when the mangoes were ripe. So Hamidur Rahman asked Suruj Ali to pick some of the ripe mangoes and give them to his friends. Once upon a time there lived a poor man called Suruj Ali. One day some of Hamidur Rahman’s friends came to visit him. Then he gave them to his master.
Answer Sheet:
Once upon a time there lived a poor man called Suruj Ali. He was an honest, hardworking man and looked after a large mango orchard. The owner of the orchard, Hamidur Rahman, was a very rich man. One day some of Hamidur Rahman’s friends came to visit him. It was during the summer season when the mangoes were ripe. So Hamidur Rahman asked Suruj Ali to pick some of the ripe mangoes and give them to his friends. Suruj Ali went to the orchard and carefully picked some nice, large mangoes. Then he gave them to his master. When Hamidur Rahman and his friends started eating them, Hamidur Rahman said, “These mangoes don’t taste sweet. They’re sour!

Unit-Two, Lesson-18, Honesty is the Best Policy: Part 2

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
“What’s the matter, sir?” he asked. “Three years and you still don’t know which mangoes are sweet and which ones are sour!” Hamidur Rahman exclaimed. “These ones look good.” he said to himself. Then he brought them to his master and went away. Then he rushed into the mango orchard and picked some fresh ones. After a few minutes, however, Suruj Ali heard his master shouting, so he rushed back. When Suruj Ali knew that the mangoes were sour, he took them away quickly. “How long have you been working for me?” “These mangoes are sour too!” Hamidur Rahman shouted. “Three years, sir”, Suruj Ali replied.
Answer Sheet:
When Suruj Ali knew that the mangoes were sour, he took them away quickly. Then he rushed into the mango orchard and picked some fresh ones.  “These ones look good.” he said to himself. Then he brought them to his master and went away. After a few minutes, however, Suruj Ali heard his master shouting, so he rushed back. “What’s the matter, sir?” he asked.  “These mangoes are sour too!” Hamidur Rahman shouted.  “How long have you been working for me?” “Three years, sir”, Suruj Ali replied. “Three years and you still don’t know which mangoes are sweet and which ones are sour! Hamidur Rahman exclaimed.
12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
When her parents returned together, Rina was surprised. “And so have you, Rina,” added her father. It was an interesting story, so Tunu didn’t worry about his mother. When Rina finished, Tunu said, “If you wrote your stories down, you’d become a famous writer.” “At the hospital,” replied Rina’s father. “I told Anwar to fetch your father from the office.” Rina’s mother explained. Rina told Tunu a true story about a young Bangladeshi girl and an English lady. “He and Kashem have been so helpful.” The story lasted for about half an hour until their parents came home. “Where did you meet?” she asked them.
Answer Sheet:
Rina told Tunu a true story about a young Bangladeshi girl and an English lady. It was an interesting story, so Tunu didn’t worry about his mother. The story lasted for about half an hour until their parents came home. When Rina finished, Tunu said, “If you wrote your stories down, you’d become a famous writer.” When her parents returned together, Rina was surprised. “Where did you meet?” she asked them. “At the hospital,” replied Rina’s father. “I told Anwar to fetch your father from the office.” Rina’s mother explained. “He and Kashem have been so helpful.” “And so have you, Rina,” added her father. 
Unit-Three, Lesson-8, Another Accident
12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10      
“Mr. Ahmed’s going to be very pleased with these lovely eggs,” she thought to herself. “Have you remembered Mr. Anis Ahmed’s eggs? Rina?” she asked her. Then she carried them to school. Yes, thank you, mother. I haven’t forgotten them, Rina replied. She felt so excited and happy that she ran quickly along the path to the college pond. While she was running near the college pond, she suddenly tripped over a stone and fell. The next morning, Rina’s mother reminded her about the eggs. She didn’t hurt herself very much, but she dropped her paper bag. After breakfast Rina collected about half a dozen eggs from the chicken house and put them carefully into a paper bag.
Answer Sheet:
The next morning, Rina’s mother reminded her about the eggs. “Have you remembered Mr. Anis Ahmed’s eggs? Rina?” she asked her. Yes, thank you, mother. I haven’t forgotten them, Rina replied. After breakfast Rina collected about half a dozen eggs from the chicken house and put them carefully into a paper bag. Then she carried them to school. She felt so excited and happy that she ran quickly along the path to the college pond.   “Mr. Ahmed’s going to be very pleased with these lovely eggs,” she thought to herself. While she was running near the college pond, she suddenly tripped over a stone and fell. She didn’t hurt herself very much, but she dropped her paper bag.
Unit-Two, Lesson-17, Honesty is the Best Policy: Part 1
12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
When Hamidur Rahman and his friends started eating them, Hamidur Rahman said, “These mangoes don’t taste sweet. The owner of the orchard, Hamidur Rahman, was a very rich man. They’re sour! He was an honest, hardworking man and looked after a large mango orchard. Suruj Ali went to the orchard and carefully picked some nice, large mangoes. It was during the summer season when the mangoes were ripe. So Hamidur Rahman asked Suruj Ali to pick some of the ripe mangoes and give them to his friends. Once upon a time there lived a poor man called Suruj Ali. One day some of Hamidur Rahman’s friends came to visit him. Then he gave them to his master.
Answer Sheet:
Once upon a time there lived a poor man called Suruj Ali. He was an honest, hardworking man and looked after a large mango orchard. The owner of the orchard, Hamidur Rahman, was a very rich man. One day some of Hamidur Rahman’s friends came to visit him. It was during the summer season when the mangoes were ripe. So Hamidur Rahman asked Suruj Ali to pick some of the ripe mangoes and give them to his friends. Suruj Ali went to the orchard and carefully picked some nice, large mangoes. Then he gave them to his master. When Hamidur Rahman and his friends started eating them, Hamidur Rahman said, “These mangoes don’t taste sweet. They’re sour!
Unit-Two, Lesson-18, Honesty is the Best Policy: Part 2
12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
“What’s the matter, sir?” he asked. “Three years and you still don’t know which mangoes are sweet and which ones are sour!” Hamidur Rahman exclaimed. “These ones look good.” he said to himself. Then he brought them to his master and went away. Then he rushed into the mango orchard and picked some fresh ones. After a few minutes, however, Suruj Ali heard his master shouting, so he rushed back. When Suruj Ali knew that the mangoes were sour, he took them away quickly. “How long have you been working for me?” “These mangoes are sour too!” Hamidur Rahman shouted. “Three years, sir”, Suruj Ali replied.
Answer Sheet:
When Suruj Ali knew that the mangoes were sour, he took them away quickly. Then he rushed into the mango orchard and picked some fresh ones.  “These ones look good.” he said to himself. Then he brought them to his master and went away. After a few minutes, however, Suruj Ali heard his master shouting, so he rushed back. “What’s the matter, sir?” he asked.  “These mangoes are sour too!” Hamidur Rahman shouted.  “How long have you been working for me?” “Three years, sir”, Suruj Ali replied. “Three years and you still don’t know which mangoes are sweet and which ones are sour! Hamidur Rahman exclaimed.
Unit-Three, Lesson-1, Visitors

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
All his father’s visitors were grown ups. When Anwar went downstairs, he found his mother with some visitors in the living room. “So how can I look after all these grown­ up people?” “Some people have come to see your father.” Mrs. Latifa Begum explained. It was a nice warm evening in March. Then she left the room. “Look after them for a few moments, dear, while I go and get your father,” she said. Suddenly Anwar felt embarrassed and shy. “I’m not an adult, because I’m only thirteen.” Anwar thought to himself. Anwar was reading a book in his bed room at home, when his mother called him.
Answer Sheet:
It was a nice warm evening in March. Anwar was reading a book in his bed room at home, when his mother called him. When Anwar went downstairs, he found his mother with some visitors in the living room. “Some people have come to see your father.” Mrs. Latifa Begum explained. “Look after them for a few moments, dear, while I go and get your father,” she said. Then she left the room. Suddenly Anwar felt embarrassed and shy. All his father’s visitors were grown ups. “I’m not an adult, because I’m only thirteen.” Anwar thought to himself. “So how can I look after all these grown­ up people?”

Unit-Three, Lesson-3, The Accident: Part 1

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10      “What are all those people looking at?” asked Kashem. “Let’s go and see.” “I don’t know,” replied Anwar. One afternoon, when Anwar and Kashem were walking home together, they noticed a small crowd near the college pond. So the two boys walked quickly over to the crowd of people. They were all looking at an old lady. There’s been an accident. That poor old lady’s fallen down and hurt herself. What shall we do? “Look,” said Kashem.
Answer Sheet:
One afternoon, when Anwar and Kashem were walking home together, they noticed a small crowd near the college pond. “What are all those people looking at?” asked Kashem. “I don’t know,” replied Anwar. “Let’s go and see.” So the two boys walked quickly over to the crowd of people. They were all looking at an old lady. “Look,” said Kashem. There’s been an accident. That poor old lady’s fallen down and hurt herself. What shall we do? 
Unit-Three, Lesson-1, Visitors

12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10       
All his father’s visitors were grown ups. When Anwar went downstairs, he found his mother with some visitors in the living room. “So how can I look after all these grown­ up people?” “Some people have come to see your father.” Mrs. Latifa Begum explained. It was a nice warm evening in March. Then she left the room. “Look after them for a few moments, dear, while I go and get your father,” she said. Suddenly Anwar felt embarrassed and shy. “I’m not an adult, because I’m only thirteen.” Anwar thought to himself. Anwar was reading a book in his bed room at home, when his mother called him.
Answer Sheet:
It was a nice warm evening in March. Anwar was reading a book in his bed room at home, when his mother called him. When Anwar went downstairs, he found his mother with some visitors in the living room. “Some people have come to see your father.” Mrs. Latifa Begum explained. “Look after them for a few moments, dear, while I go and get your father,” she said. Then she left the room. Suddenly Anwar felt embarrassed and shy. All his father’s visitors were grown ups. “I’m not an adult, because I’m only thirteen.” Anwar thought to himself. “So how can I look after all these grown­ up people?”

Unit-Three, Lesson-3, The

Accident: Part 1
12. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form.   10      “What are all those people looking at?” asked Kashem. “Let’s go and see.” “I don’t know,” replied Anwar. One afternoon, when Anwar and Kashem were walking home together, they noticed a small crowd near the college pond. So the two boys walked quickly over to the crowd of people. They were all looking at an old lady. There’s been an accident. That poor old lady’s fallen down and hurt herself. What shall we do? “Look,” said Kashem.
Answer Sheet:
One afternoon, when Anwar and Kashem were walking home together, they noticed a small crowd near the college pond. “What are all those people looking at?” asked Kashem. “I don’t know,” replied Anwar. “Let’s go and see.” So the two boys walked quickly over to the crowd of people. They were all looking at an old lady. “Look,” said Kashem. There’s been an accident. That poor old lady’s fallen down and hurt herself. What shall we do? 

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