Saturday, June 2, 2012

Use conjunctions

Use conjunctions in the blanks
Grammar Test
1.---------------- duty calls us we must obey.
2. --------------- he was ambitious I slew him.
3. ���� he was industrious, I encouraged him.
4. ���� you eat too much you will be ill.
5. ���� you try, you will not succeed.
6. Be vigilant ���� do not be afraid.
7. Do not go ���� I come.
8. He finished first ���� he began late.
9. He fled, ���� he was frightened.
10. He has succeeded better ���� he hoped.
11. He remained at home ���� he was ill.
12. I am sure ���� he said so.
13. I do it ���� I choose to.
14. I ran fast, ���� I missed the train.
15. I shall not go ���� I am invited.
16. Live well ���� you may die well.
17. Make haste, ���� you will be late.
18. Open rebuke is better ���� secret love.
19. Rustum is slow ���� sure.
20. Take a lamp, ���� the night is dark.
21. Take care ���� you fall.
22. The purse has been lost ���� stolen.
23. I do not know ���� he came here yesterday.
24. Wait ���� I return.
25. Three ���� three make six.
26. Is his name Sen ���� Gupta?
27. He will not come ���� it rains.
28. ���� you run, you will not overtake him.
29. He is very rich ���� he is not happy.
30. ���� I return, stay where you are.
31. He was punished, ���� he was guilty.
32. He behaved ���� a brave man should do.
33. There is no doubt ���� the earth is round.
34. I wonder ���� he will come.
35. He is witty ���� vulgar.
36. Will you kindly wait ���� I return?
37. Karim is tall, ���� Abdul is taller.
38. He lost his balance ���� fell off the bicycle.
39. He tried hard; ���� he did not succeed.
40. Is this my book ���� yours?
41. My brother is well ���� my sister is ill.
42. He sells ����mangoes ���� oranges.
43. He did not succeed ���� he worked hard.
44. ���� Rama ���� Hari played well.
45. I honour him ���� he is a brave man.
46. You may go ���� I will stay.
47. Rama reads for pleasure ���� Hari reads for profit.
48. We decided to set out ���� it was late.
49. ���� he was poor, he was honest.
50. He is ----------- a knave---------- a fool.

Answer to conjunctions

1. If/When
2. As /Because/ Since
3. As/Because/Since
4. If
5. Unless
6. and
7. until/till
8. though
9. because/as/since 10. than
11. because/as/since 12. that
13. because/as/since 14. but 15. unless 16. so that/that
17. or 18. than
19. but
20. as/since/because 21. or 22. or 23. that/when/if 24. till/until
25. and 26. or 27. if 28. Unless 29. but 30. Until/Till
31. as/since/because 32. as 33. that 34. if/when
35. but 36. until/till
37. but 38. and 39. nevertheless 40. or
41. but
42. not only ... but also
43. though
44. Both ... and
45. because/as/since 46. but 47. but/whereas 48. though
49. Though
50. Neither ... nor

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