Monday, June 18, 2012

Dialogues in everyday situations

Dialogues in everyday situations

প্রাত্যহিক জীবনে ভিন্ন ভিন্ন কিছু situation এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু dialogues আমরা আলোচনা করবো বেশ কিছু পর্বে। আজ তার প্রথম পর্ব।

Busy life (একজন ব্যস্ত লোকের প্রাত্যহিক জীবনে কথোপকথনের অংশ)

I have got a hectic life.
I had a hectic trip to Chittagong yesterday.
I've got a pretty tight schedule today!
Let's call it a day, shall we?
We could do it first thing tomorrow morning.
I'm up to my neck in work. (Avgvi GKMv`v KvR)
My hands are full at the moment. (H)
I'm tied up for the moment. (H)
IÕm running behind the schedule. (Kv‡Ri wcQ‡b c‡o hvw”Q|)
I'll just grab something to eat. (wKQy GKUv †L‡q †be)

Hectic= Kg©e¨¯Í| Hectic life/hectic schedule/hectic journey etc.

Conversations on the phone....

You're so difficult to get through to! (†Zvgv‡K †Zv †dv‡b cvIqvB hvq bv|)
I kept getting a busy signal.
Is your phone out of order?
My telephone was disconnected.
ItÕs a bad network.
We seem to have a bad
connection on this phone.

Is Tushi in? (Uywm Av‡Q?)
IÕm afraid, Mou is out at the moment.
IÕm sorry, Raju is out. Would you like to leave a message?
Can I leave a message for Mahi? (gvwni Rb¨ GKUv †g‡mR ivL‡Z cvwi?)
Would you care to leave a message for Laboni?
IÕm afraid, Mr. Firoj is out to lunch? Would you like to leave a message?
Let me get back to you in a few minutes.
I've put him on hold. Would you like to take the call?


Expressions about time...

My watch gains time. (Avgvi Nwo dv÷ n‡q hvq|)
My watch loses time. (Avgvi Nwo †møv n‡q hvq|)
˜ My alarm clock didn't go off this morning.
˜ I always forget to put the alarm on.
˜ My watch always gains ten minutes a day.
˜ It is fifteen/quarter past five. ( GLb cvuPUv †e‡R c‡bi wgwbU / GLb †mvqv cvuPUv|)
It is thirty/ half past five. (GLb mv‡o cvuPUv|)
It is fifteen/ quarter to five. (GLb †cŠ‡b QqUv)
It is ten past five. (GLb cvuPUv †e‡R `k|)
It is ten to five.(GLb cvuPUv evR‡Z `k wgwbU evwK|)

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