Monday, June 4, 2012

Sample Question for -I

                                                    Rotary School and College                            

                                               Sample question paper (bgybv cÖkœ)

                                                    For class-one  (cÖ_g †kªYxi Rb¨)
                                                               Subject: English                                                        Full marks:75
Time:2:30 hrs.
                                                                    English For Today
  1. In the box there is one word for each letter of the alphabet. Look and complete the list below with words from the box: (e‡· D‡j­wLZ kã w`‡h wb‡Pi ZvwjKv m¤úbœ Ki| wb‡Pi e‡K& cÖwZwU e‡b©i Rb¨ GKwU kã †`Iqv Av‡Q)                                
Egg    cap   apple   bat   doll    ant
                                                                                            A is for ant. First one is showed for you.                  5 
                                                                                                           (cÖ_‡g K‡i  †`Lv‡bv nj)
  1. B is for---------------------------------
  2. C is for---------------------------------
  3. D is for---------------------------------
  4. E is for---------------------------------
  5. A is for---------------------------------
  1. Look at the alphabet and answer the following question.                                                                        5
               (e‡·i eb©gvjv ¸‡jvi w`‡K ZvKvI Ges wb‡Pi cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI)                                                                                                                                          
a    b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i    j   k   l   m   n   o   p  q      r     s     t     u    v     w    x     y    z

a.    What is the fifth letter? (cÂg eb©wU wK?)-----------------------------------------.
d.       Write the last letter of all. (‡k‡li eb©wU wjL)-------------------------------------.
b.      Which letter comes next after d?(d Gi ci †Kvb eb© Av‡m)----------------------.
c.       What are the missing letters? (nviv‡bv eb©¸‡jv wK wK? ) d  e-------g--------i.     
3. Re order the following letters in alphabetical order  (wb‡Pi eb©¸‡jv mvwR‡q wjL)                                            5
                                       q     m     o     n   s    p    r
                                m   n   --------   -------     -------   --------   ---------.                                                           5 
4. Look at group of words given in the box and write these words in alphabetical order
                       (e‡·i wKQy kã ¸wji w`‡K ZvKvI Ges eb©µwgK Abymv‡i mvRvI)                                                               5
A.   Cat   Bag   Dog   Pen    Head

B.   Foot   Eye   Hand   Mouth   Leg
                                                                                A. Bag,  Cat,  Dog,  Head,  Pen.
                                                                                           First one is done for you.(cÖ_g jvBb K‡i †`Lv‡bv n‡jv)
                   B. Eye­  _____  ______  ______  ______  _____

Or           Make new words by adding these letters.  (Dc‡ii eb©¸‡jv w`‡q kã ˆZwi Ki).
                                          e l g=  leg   -( First one is done for. cÖ_gwU †`Lv‡bv n‡jv)                               5
    1. e t n         ____
    2. r t a         ____
    3. t p o         ____
    4. p c a        ____
    5. g e g        ____

                                                                 Active English-35
5. Write an before words beginning with a, e, i, o, u and write a before words beginning with other letters( †h mg¯— k‡ãi  Av‡M  a, e, i, o, u w`‡q ïi“ nq †mBkã ¸wji Av‡M  an em‡e Ges GB eb©¸wjQvov Ab¨vb¨  eb© w`‡q kã ïi“ n‡j  a wjL‡e)                                                                                                                                                 5
                                                     Example are given for you(D`vnib †`Iqv n‡jv)
                                                                           an     ox,           a   leg
  1.     _______     flowers
  2.     _______    elephant
  3.     _______     egg
  4.     _______     horse
  5.     _______      house.

6.  Underline the unmatched one.   (Awgj kãwUi bx‡P `vM `vI)                                                                           5
                                                                 Like  (‡hgb) : Mira Mina, Reza
a.        Amin,   Rumi,   Salim
b.        Miss,    Helena, Salma, Taher
                  c.     Shila,   Sabina, Hasan
                  d.     He,      Her,      His
                  e.  Mother,  Son,  Daughter
    7. Use he/she in the gaps. If word is male word then will come he and Female word will come she. (k~b¨¯’v‡b he  Ges she  w`‡q c~ib Ki| hw` cyi“levPK kã nq Zvn‡j he  Ges gwnjvevPK kã n‡j she n‡e).                            5
                                   He is Anis.       She is Sabina.
                                               ( Examples are  showed for you.(cÖ_‡g D`vnib †`Lv‡bv n‡jv)
a.      ------Mrs Samia.
b.      ___is Ruma
c.       ___is my father
d.      ___is my mother
e.      ___is my sister
8. Match the male and Female words that go together.                                                                                      5
(cyi“levPK I ¯¿xevPK k‡ãi wgj †`LvI)

a.      Father
b.      Brother
c.       Son
d.      Man
e.      He
f.        Boy


  1. Father- Mother (First one is done for you)  cÖ_gwU †`Lv‡bv nj|
  2. Brother     ____
  3. Son            _____
  4. Man          _____
  5. He             _____                                             f.     Boy ___
9.  Pick out all the words which mean only one will add just after this is/that is and which mean more than one will add just after these are/those are.( ‡KejgvÎ GKwU e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j Zvi c~‡e© This is /That is em‡e | Avi G‡Ki AwaK e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j em‡e |)                                                                                                            5
                                                                 These are :      bench/a bench/benches.
                                                                   First one is done for you . (cÖ_gwwU K‡i ‡`Lv‡bv n‡jv)
a. This is :            chair/ a hair/chairs                     b. Those are :      kite/kites/a kite
c. That is :           an egg/eggs/egg’s                         d. These are :      mangoes/mangos/a mango
e. Those are :      an apple/apples/apple
 10. Choose one of the words in  the list on the right to describe each of the things below.
                              ( Wvb w`‡Ki †Kvb Dchy³ kãwU evgcv‡ki D‡j­wLZ wel‡qi Ae¯’v eb©bv K‡i‡Q|)                                       5
                                                                          First one is done for you (cÖ_gwU K‡i ‡`Lv‡bv n‡jv)
a. This banana is : old/ ripe/fat.    (GLv‡b KjvwU †Kgb Zvi eb©bv w`‡j DËi Avm‡e ripe)
b. The cat is: pet/long/cold
c. A banana is: short/long/round
            d. A leaf is : black/ white/green
e.  Sugar is : sour/sweet/hot
f.  An ice-cream is : hot/ripe/cold
11. Write the missing words. Each ends with-s ( k‡ãi  m‡½  hy³ K‡I nviv‡bv kãwU wjL)
                          This is a hen.  These are hens   First one is done for you (cÖ_gwU K‡i ‡`Lv‡bv n‡jv)
    1. This is a flag.   These are ___
    2. This is a pen.   These are ___
    3. That is a kite.   Those are ___
    4. That is a bird.   Those are ___
    5. That is a spoon. Those are ___
                                                             Picture dictionary-10
12. The words in the box have wandered. put the words in their proper places.                                           5
( kã¸wj mwVK ¯’v‡b wjL) e‡·i g‡a¨ k㸇jv wew¶ßfv‡e/ G‡jv‡g‡jv †kªbx‡Z Av‡Q †m¸wj wb‡q RvqMvgZ emvI)

Orange   Rose  Apple       Lotus  Mango  Banana
                                            First one is done for you(cÖ_gwU K‡I †`Lv‡bv nj)
 Fruits                                          Flowers
a.Banana                                      a._____
b.______                                       b._____
c.______                                        c._____
13. Put at the end of each sentence the right word from the box( eK&R †_‡K kã wb‡q Amgvß evK¨ mgvß Ki) First one is done for you (cÖ_gwU K‡I †`Lv‡bv nj)                                                                                                     5
a fruit
a  flower
                                   A water lily is _ a flower. First one is done for you(cÖ_gwU K‡i †`Lv‡bv nj)
  1. A pine-apple is _______
  2. A tube Rose is ________
  3. A Lemon is ________
  4. A china Rose is _____
  5. A olive is _____
14.  Oral Test: Rhyme recitation from memory. Subject Teacher will organize this Test before or after the      Semester Examination.                                                                                                                               5  
15. Speaking and Listening Test: Subject Teacher will organize this Test before or after the      Semester Examination. 

Designed and presented by:     

S.M. Ahsan Habib

English Teacher
Rotary School and College.
Mirpur-14 Dhaka-1206

Directed by:  Md. Rezaul Karim

Rotary School and collge.
Mirpur-14. Dhaka-1206

Kh. Aleya Begum
Assistant Headmistress
Rotary School and college.
            Mirpur-14. Dhaka-1206

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