Monday, June 4, 2012

English-Syllabus for Class-4

Rotary School and School and College
Syllabus for Class Four
                                          Subject: English


Selected Books:
1.      English For Today
2.      Classic Functional English (Step-2). By Md. Hafiz Uddin
3.      An Easy word Book (Book-2)  By Amit Prasad Mutsuddi.
4.      Learning to communicate course  ( Book –3) By S.K. Ram & J.A. Mason.

                                     Tutorial Examination:-Marks-25
There are 4 questions will be given on the questions Paper. Each question carries 5 marks. ( wUD‡Uvwiqvj cix¶vq PviwU cÖkœ _vK‡e | cÖwZ cÖ‡kœi b¤^i 5 K‡i ‡gvU 4 wU cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ †gvU 20 b¤^‡ii cix¶v n‡e Ges evoxi wba©vwiZ Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 5 b¤^i a‡i ‡gvU 25 b¤^i wUD‡Uvwiqvj cix¶vi Rb¨ wba©viY Kiv n‡e|)

1.      Giving Bengali meaning/English meaning        (5 out of 7)                                      5
2.      Making sentence using the given  words.          (5 out of 10)                                    5
3.      Grammar                                                            (2 out of 4)                                      5                                                                                                    
4.      Translation                                                         (5 out of 8)                                      5                                             
5.      Home Work                                                                                                                5
6.      Total                                                                                                                          25
                                     Semester Examination- 75
                   Distribution of marks for semester examination
( cvwe©K cix¶vi gvbe›Ub)
1.      English For Today –Marks- 20
       4 Items will be tested in the examination. Each type of test items carries 5 marks.
2.      Classic Functional English (Step-2) :
 (2 Items will be tested in the semester examination. Each types of items carries 5 marks.)

   Paragraph Writing:-Marks-10

(One paragraph out two will be asked for the giving answer in the question paper)

   Formal /Informal letter:-10

Formal/Informal letter will be tested in the examination.
3.      An Easy word Book (Book-2)-   Marks-05
    Five words will be given for the semester examination in a different presentation.
4.      Learning to communicate course  ( Book –3)   Marks-10
Two Items will be given for semester Examination. No Alternative questions will be tested in the examination. Each Item carries 5 marks.
       5. Reading/Role play/Spelling well./Project work-   Marks-05         
      (Subject Teacher will organize this Item before the semester examination. Marks must be included in the semester examination.
 At least ten questions will be asked by the subject teacher. Each Questions Carries 0.5 marks. Subject Teacher will organize this Item in his/her fixed date before the Semester examination. Marks must be included in the semester examination.

(N.B. Subject Teachers reserve the right to accept or partial change of the suggested test items in the questions paper but marks distribution of individual subject will remain unchanged)  ( welq wk¶KMY civgk©g~jK cÖ‡kœi aiY m¤ú~Y© MÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡ib A_ev AvswkK cwieZ©b K‡i cÖkœcÎ cÖbqb Ki‡Z cv‡ib wKš‘ welq wfwËK cÖ‡kœi b¤^i e›Ub m¤ú~Y© AcwieZ©bxq ivL‡eb|)

                                            First Tutorial Examination                                                     

1.      Giving Bengali meaning/English meaning:
English For Today (Lesson one to Lesson 12.(Page  01   -32)       
2.      Making sentence using the given  words.
 English For Today   (Lesson one to Lesson 12.(Page  01   -32)    
3.      Grammar:
               Definition with examples: (D`vnib mn msÁv wjL)
      Language  and grammar (fvlv I e¨eKiY),Letter and Alphabet. (eY© I eY©gvjv)
Vowel and consonant (¯^ieY© I e¨ÄbeY©),Word and Syllable .  (kã I kãvsk )
Parts of speech (c`cÖKiY) Noun. (we‡kl¨) Pronoun (me©bvg)                                                                                                                                                         
4.      Translation :(evsjvq Abyev`) Translation:  Chapter-  Lesson-8 (Classic Functional English)
                                                                         Lesson—10, Lesson-11.                                                                                                   
5.      Home Work (evoxi KvR)                                                                                           

                                                First Semester Examination

Contents of the Suggested Test Items:
English For Today –(Lesson one to Lesson 12.(Page  01   -32)
1.   Making sentences from the table. (page-2).(‡Uwej e¨envi K‡i evK¨ MVb)
2.   Writing about yourself with the clues given blew: (Z_¨m¤^wjZ †Zvgvi wb‡Ri m¤ú‡K© ‡j_v)
(Your name, age, class, School, names of parents, their work, brothers and sisters (if any), pet/hobby.)   page-6(†Zvgvi bvg, †Zvgvi eqm, †kªYx, ¯‹zj, wcZv gvZvi bvg, Zv‡`i †ckv, †Zvgvi fvB‡evb Ges †Zvgvi †cvlvcÖvYx I kL)
  1. Writing the missing numbers.   ( Page-11)  (nviv‡bv msLvwU †jLv)
  2. Seen comprehension.
    1. Multiple Choices.(mwVK DËi evQvB)
    2.  Open ended Questions (cÖkœ)
    3. Filling in the gaps.(k~b¨¯’vb c~ib)
    4. Reading the table and making sentences.(‡Uwej e¨envi K‡i k~b¨¯’vb c~ib)
  3. Writing the numbers that comes after: page-21(cieZx© msLvwU †jLv)
  4. Writing the numbers that come between: Page-21.(`yB msL¨vi gv‡S nviv‡bv msLvwU ‡jLv)
Classic Functional English (Step-2)
 Contents of the Suggested  Test items(civgk©g~jK cª‡kœi aib)
 Grammatical Items:
1. Formation of sentence. (evK¨ MVb) (Classic Functional English :Step-2  Page-8.
a. Making sensible sentences of the following. But it is remembered that a sentence begins with a capital letters and ends with a full stop.(cÖ`Ë  G‡jv‡g‡jv kã e¨envi K‡i A_©c~b© evK¨ MVb hvi cÖ_g eY© eo nv‡Zi †jLv w`‡q ïi“ n‡e Ges dzj óc w`‡q †kl n‡e|)
            b. Dividing each of the sentences into two parts. 
(cÖ‡Z¨KwU evK¨‡K D‡Ïk¨ I we‡aq Abymv‡i wef³ Kib)
            c. Writing the kinds of sentences in the giving sentences.
(cÖ`&Ë evK¨ ¸wji †KvbwU †Kvb cÖKvi  Zv wjLv)
d. Matching the following function  that going together with different kinds of  sentences.  (ev‡K¨i cÖKvi‡f‡`i m‡½ Kv‡Ri wgjKib)                      (  Page-16)
2. Parts of speech. Classic Functional English :Step-2           (Page- 21-24)          )
           Picking out and classification of different kinds of parts of speech.(Page-21-23)
(wewfbœ cÖKv‡ii c` Ly‡R †ei Ki I Zv‡`i ‡kªYxKib)
3. Kinds of noun. Classic Functional English :Step-2  (Page-25-28)
 Classification of noun and putting them into the table.(Proper noun, common noun,Collective noun, material noun and abstract noun)
       (we‡k‡l¨i ‡kªbxwefvM /cÖKvi‡f` Abymv‡i evK¨ †_‡K Ly‡R †Uwe‡j emv‡bv)
4. Pronoun. Classic Functional English :Step-2  (Page-30-38)
a. Picking out the pronouns from the sentences.(evK¨ †_‡K me©bvg Ly‡R‡ei Kiv)
b. Filling up the blanks with correct pronouns chosen from those given in brackets.
          (eªv‡K‡U cÖ`Ë Dchy³ me©bvg wb‡q k~b¨¯’vb c~ib)
c. Turning the noun into personal pronoun in the sentences. (we‡kl¨‡K e¨w³MZ me©bv‡g iƒcvš—i )
d. Picking out the nouns in the given sentences and state that whether they are proper or   common----------.(evK¨ †_‡K we‡kl¨ evQvB Kib Ges †m¸wj †KvbwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii Zv D‡j­L Kib)
           e. Filling in the blanks with proper or common nouns as required.
                      (Dchy³  wb‡q k~b¨¯’vb c~ib)
           f.  Picking out and classifications of different pronouns from the sentences.
          (evK¨ †_‡K me©bvg evQvB Kib Ges Zv‡`i  †kªYxwefv‡M D‡j­L Kib)
5. Number.  (Classic Functional English :Step-2     (   Page-84)
     a. Adding –s to each word to form the plural.(cÖwZ k‡ãi mv‡_ s hy³K‡i  eû eP‡b cwibZ KiY)
     b. Adding -es to each word to form the plural.(cÖwZ k‡ãi mv‡_ es  hy³K‡i  eû eP‡b cwibZ KiY)
     c. Changing y to i and adding –es to form the plural.( y ‡K iGes es hy³K‡i  eû eP‡b cwieZ©b)
     d. Adding –s/es to the following/given nouns to show more than one.
 ( wbgœ wjwLZ k‡ãi mv‡_ s/es hy³ K‡i G‡Ki AwaK iƒcvš—iKib)
      e. Changing into opposite number. (wecixZ eP‡b cwieZ©b )
Paragraph. The Rose, My mother,  A Garden
Formal Letter/Informal letter.
a. Write a letter to your father asking for some money to purchase some new books
b. Write an application to your headteacher  for leave of absence..


Learning to communicate course  ( Book –3)
                                                  (Page 01----40)
Contents of the Suggested  Test items(civgk©g~jK cª‡kœi aib)
Grammatical Items:
  1. Using can or cannot in the sentences.(e‡K¨ Gi e¨envi )
  2. Writing five sentences each beginning with Don’t for the things you should not do. You may use suitable words from the list given below.  (Page-11)
                           (ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z wK Kiv †Zvgvi DwPZbv Zv e¨envi K‡i 5wU evK¨ ˆZwi Kib)
  1. Name three things we can find --------in a park/on trees/ in the classroom/ in the market/ on a street.  (Page-12B)
(Avgiv D`¨v‡b Mv‡Qi Dci †kªYxK‡¶i  evRv‡i I iv¯—vi Dc‡i hv †`L‡Z cvB Zvi wZbwU K‡i  bvg wjwce× Kib)
  1. Adding –ing to the words and making other changes if necessary. (Page-12)
                       (k‡ãi m‡½ hy³Kib Ges cÖ‡qvR‡b Ab¨vb¨ cwieZ©b)
5. Using right forms of the verbs given in the brackets(eªv‡K‡Ui g‡a¨ mwVK wµqvwUi e¨envi (Page20)                    
6.  Grouping some words that go together. (wKQy kã hv `‡ji m‡½ wg‡j _v‡K) (Page-21)      
  1. Making some new words using Un-   (e¨envi K‡i bZzb kã ˆZwi Kib)    (Page-22).
  2. Using is, are or am in the blanks below. (D‡j­wLZ k~b¨¯’v‡b Gi e¨envi )  (Page-30)                    
  3. Making new words by adding some letters.(wKQy eY© e¨envi K‡i bZzb kã ‰Zwi Kib)(Page-32)
  4. Completing some phrases and matching them with their names. (Page-32)
                      (k㸇”Qi m‡½i  bv‡gi wgj Ki‡bi gva¨‡g k~b¨¯’vb c~ib)

      An  Easy word Book (Book-2) 
Words about fruits , flowers, foods, and birds.
Second  Tutorial Examination.                                               
1.Giving Bengali meaning/English meaning     English For Today   (Lesson 13 to 24)
2.Making sentence using the given words.        English For Today (Lesson 13 to 24)
3.Grammatical Items:                                                        
     Definition kinds with  examples:
    1. Sentence. ( Classic Functional English Page-7)
    2. Adjective ( Classic Functional English Page37-)
    3. Verb. ( Classic Functional English Page-47)
    4. Gender.        ( Classic Functional English Page-85)                                                                                          
  1. Translation                                                         (5 out of 8)                                      
                           Translation: Chapter-Lesson-2   (Classic Functional English)
                                                     Lesson-3,4 (Classic Functional English)                                             
5.      Home Work                                                                                                               

                                      Second Semester Examination

                                       English for Today   (Lesson 13 to 24)

Contents of the Suggested  Test items(civgk©g~jK cª‡kœi aib)
1.Making sentence from the table.  Page-41.
2.Using full stops and capital letters.   Page-44.
3.Using question marks and capital letters.  Page-45
4.Using exclamation mark.
5.Fill in the blanks using the given clues. Page-54.
6.Reordering the months of the year.
7. Seen comprehension.
    1. Multiple Choice.
    2.  Open ended Questions
    3. Filling in the gaps.
8.Using   would/Could words in the sentences given clues some words.

Classic Functional English (Step-2)
Contents of the Suggested  Test items(civgk©g~jK cª‡kœi aib)
Grammatical Items
  1. Kinds of sentence. Classic Functional English :Step-2  Page-25)
Which of the following groups of words are sentences.
  1. Adjective                   Classic Functional English :Step-2  Page-39
  2. Verb. Classic Functional English :Step-2  Page-49-53)
 Strong verb and weak verb  ( Classic Functional English Page-50)
                                                               i.      Adding –ed to the following verbs.
                                                             ii.      Adding –d to the given verbs to show that the actions have already taken place eg. Save-Saved.
                                                            iii.      Name the verbs in the following sentences and say in each case whether the verbs is auxiliary or principal. (Page-49)  
  1. Gender. Classic Functional English :Step-2  Page-8
    1. Picking out the male and female words from the sentences. But not need picking out proper noun.
    2. Changing male words to female words and female words to male words.
    3. Classification the mentioned words according to the gender and putting them into the appropriate box.
    4. Filling in the blanks with correct gender chosen from those given in brackets.
    5. Giving the missing words:     Like-husband and wife
Paragraph. Yourself   Your family,  Rice,
 Informal /formal Letter
 a. Write a letter to father telling him how you have done in your examination.
 b. Write an application to your headteacher for admission to class-V.

                                    Learning to communicate course  ( Book –3)
                                                             (Page 41 to 80)
1.      Adding –full to the mentioned words.  (  Page –41)
2.      Picking the odd word out. (Page-47)
3.      Using e where necessary. (Page-48).
4.      Putting together words of opposite meaning. ( Page-55)
5.      Using the words in the sentences that follow.  (Page-55)
6.      Filling in the gaps using given words.   (Page-65,66)
7.      Matching groups of words of opposite meaning.  (Page-67)
8.      Matching and making phrases. (Page-76)
9.      Filling in the gaps. (Page-76)
                                                     An Easy word Book (Book-2)
                          Words about profession, Trade, commerce and Administration. 

Third  Tutorial Examination

1. Giving Bengali meaning/English meaning: English For Today –(Lesson 25 to 35)       
2. Making sentence using the given words.    : English For Today –(Lesson 25 to 35)     
3. Grammar                                                            
               Definition with examples: Revision of Ist and second tutorial Examination.                                                                                                  
 4. Translation                                                        
      Translation: Chapter- Lesson-7, 11,12 (Classic Functional English)                                            
5. Home Work                                                                                                               

     Third  Semester Examination

English For Today –(Lesson 25 to 35)

Contents of the Suggested  Test items(civgk©g~jK cª‡kœi aib)
1.Using comma and full stop. (Page-65)
2.Using Quotation marks.      (Page-67)
3.Using capital letter, full stop, comma, exclamation mark and quotation marks   in the following sentences, where necessary. ( Page-68)
4.Writing the numbers in words:   (Page-75)
5. Seen comprehension:     (Page-78)
a.       Multiple Choice.
b.      Filling in the gaps.
c.      Matching
d.      Reading the table and making sentences.
6. Seen Comprehension:     (Page-84-88)
e.      Multiple Choice.
f.       True/false
g.      Filling in the blanks.
h.      Open ended questions.
i.        Matching
j.        Making sentences from the table.
                                 Classic Functional English (Step-2)
Contents of the Suggested  Test items(civgk©g~jK cª‡kœi aib)


1.      Adverb(Classic Functional English :Step-2  (Page-62-67)
a. Picking out the adverb from the sentence.
b.      Picking out the adverbs from the given situation/story.
c.       Filling in the blanks with the most suitable adverbs from the box.
d.      Inserting the given adverbs in their correct places in each of these sentences. Eg She spoke (at the debate, last night, well)
2. Preposition. Classic Functional English :Step-2 ( Page-68-70)
3.      Person. Classic Functional English :Step-2  Page-91-93)
            4. Conjunction Classic Functional English :Step-2  (Page-71-72)
            5. Articles Classic Functional English :Step-2  (Page-97-100)
            6.Writing a or an before each of the following/given words.
            7.Formation of sentences. Classic Functional English :Step-2  Page-07
Paragraph. Our homeland,   Your parents,  Your school..
 Informal /formal Letter
 a. Write a letter to father telling him how you have prepared for your Annual Examination.
 b. Write an application to your headteacher to go home early from school.
Learning to communicate course  ( Book –3)
                                        (Page 81-125)
Contents of the Suggested  Test items(civgk©g~jK cª‡kœi aib)
  1. Picking the odd word out. (Page-82)
  2. Matching the words that go together. (Page82,93,112)
  3. Adding-er or –r to the doing words. (Page82)
  4. Matching new words by using these letters: (w sob c)  (Page-94).
  5. Using do or does in the sentences below. (Page-102)
  6. Using the words given in the box in the sentences below. (Page-102)
  7. Joining and making phrases. (Page-103)
  8. Joining and making new words (Page-105).
    An Easy word Book (Book-2) 
                                                                    Page –62 ,63,58, 58

Designed and presented by:     

S.M. Ahsan Habib

English Teacher
Rotary School and College.
Mirpur-14 Dhaka-1206

Directed by: Md. Rezaul Karim

Rotary School and collge.
Mirpur-14. Dhaka-1206

Kh. Aleya Begum
Assistant Headmistress
Rotary School and college.
            Mirpur-14. Dhaka-1206

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