Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
off hand(Lvwj nv‡Z)
Cope with (Zvj wgwj‡q Pjv)
Pave the way(c_ ‰Zwi Kiv)
In time(h_v mg‡q)
Eat a humble pie (Acgvb nRg Kiv)
Leave no stone unturned(‡Póvi µwU bv Kiv)
Tell upon(¶wZ Kiv)
(a)You must-------------------------the changing situation.(Zzwg
Aek¨B cwiewZ©Z Ae¯’v †K‡U DV‡e |)
(b)The train is running -----------------------------------------(
h_vmg‡q hv‡”Q |)
(c) Hard work----------------------------------------------our health.(K‡Vvi
cwikªg Avgv‡`i kix‡ii Rb¨ ¶wZKi |)
(d) They ------------------------------------to solve the
problem.(Zviv mgm¨vwU mgvav‡bi †Póvi †Kvb GywU K‡i wb |)
(e) Education ---------------------------------------------to
succeed in life.(wk¶v Rxe‡b mdjZvi c_ ‰Zix K‡i |)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
as if(‡hb)
Sine die(AwbwóKv‡ji Rb¨ eÜ †Nvlbv Kiv)
Scape goat (GKR‡bi †`vl A‡b¨iDci Pvcv‡bv)
Crying need
(AwZ cÖ‡qvRbxq)
On the wane
(aeŸs‡mi †kl cÖv‡š—)
Bone of contention weev‡`i welq|)
By leaps and bounds (`ª“Z e„w× cvIqv)
Nip in the bud (A¼z‡iB webó)
(a) She talks ---------------------------------------------she
were mad.(†m Ggb
fv‡e K_v e‡j †h †m †hb cvMj|)
(b) The school was closed ----------------------------------------------( ¯‹zjwU
Awbw`óKv‡ji Rb¨ eÜ n‡q †Mj|)
(c) The price of essential is
increasing ------------------------( wbZ¨cÖ‡qvRbxq `ªe¨vw`i g~j¨ AwZ `ª“Z e„w×
(d)The land is a --------------------------------------between
two sisters.(RwgwU `yB †ev‡bi g‡a¨ weev‡`i welq|)
(e)All his hopes were----------at the death of her mother. (Zvi
gv‡qi g„Zz¨‡Z Zvi mKj ¯^cœ A¼z‡iB webó n‡q †Mj|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Burning question (cÖavb Av‡jvP¨ welq)
Gift of the gab(evK cUz)/fvje³v
Pros and cons LywUubvwU
Take to task(wZi¯‹vi Kiv
By turns cvjvµ‡g Avmv
Nip in the bud(A¼z‡iB webó nIqv)
(a)All his hopes were---------------------------------------------------------(Zvi mKj
¯^cœ A¼z‡iB webó n‡q †Mj|)
(b) Joy and Sorrows come-----------------------------------in our
Rxe‡b `ytL Kó cvjvµ‡g Av‡m|)
(c) A piece of land is the -----------------between
the two brothers.(GKLÛ Rwg `yB fvB‡qi g‡a¨ weev‡`i welq|)
(d) Population problem is a --------------------------of the
RbmsL¨v mgm¨v GKwU cÖavb Av‡jvP¨ welq|)
(e) You must know the ---------------------------------------------of
the matter.(Zzwg Aek¨B welqwU LywUubvwU Rvb|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
good at (`¶)
Part and parcel Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|)
Died by (`y©NUbvq gviv hvIqv)
Call in(‡W‡K wb‡q Avmv)
Come off(Abyôvb msMwVZ nIqv
Put off AvMvgx Kv‡ji Rb¨ †d‡j ivLv)
In a fix(nZeywz×
doctor.(`qv K‡i Wv³vi WvK|)
He is----------------------------------------------------------------------------in
English.(wZwb Bs‡iR‡Z `¶|)
My brother------------------------------------an
accident yesterday.(Avgvi fvB MZKvj `y©NUbvq gviv †M‡Q|)
Do not----------your
today’s work for tomorrow.(‡Zvgvi AvR‡Ki KvR AvMvgx Kv‡ji Rb¨ †d‡j †i‡Lv
is -------------------------------------------------------of education.(ågY
wk¶vi Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Without delay wej¤^ Qvov
Part and parcel
Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|)
All on a sudden (mnmv
Hue and cry(‡kvi‡Mvj)
In a body(GKmv‡_)
Pick up a quarrel with A‡b¨i mv‡_ SMov Kiv)
Well to do m”Qj cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnb
A library is
--------------------------------------of a school.(GKwU jvB‡eªwi GKwU we`¨vj‡qi
Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|)
He comes of
a -------------------------------------------------family.( wZwb
m”Qj cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnb K‡i‡Qb|)
Finish the
work------------------------------------------------------------------( wej¤^
Qvov KvRwU †kl Ki|)
Do not ---------------------------------------------------------------------others.(A‡b¨i
mv‡_ SMov K‡iv bv|)
began to rain.(mnmv e„wó Avi¤¢ nj|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
at home in `¶|)
Sine die Awb©w`ó Kv‡ji Rb¨ eÜ
Take after g‡Zv|)
Tell upon¶wZKi|)
Fresh blood(bZzb mf¨/†jvK)
Look down upon N„Yvi †Pv‡L †`Lv
By leaps and downs (`ªZMwZ‡Z e„w× cvIqv)
¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ ¶wZKi|)
We should
not ---------------------------------------the poor.(Avgv‡`i Mwie‡`i N„Yvi †Pv‡L †`Lv
DwPZ bq|)
The school
was closed -----------------------------------------------------.( ¯‹zjwU
Awb©w`ó Kv‡ji Rb¨ eÜ|)
He is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------English.(wZwb
Bs‡iRx‡Z `¶|)
The girl---------------------------------------------------------her
mother.(‡g‡qwU †`L‡Z Zvi gv‡qi g‡Zv|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Go through (cvV¨ eB cov)
As if(‡hb)
Come round(Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv)
Blessed with Avkx©ev`cyó|)
At large (¯^vwabfv‡e)
Come true mZ¨ e‡j cÖgvwYZ nIqv)
Birds fly-------------------------------------------------------------in
the sky.(cvwL ¯^vwabfv‡e AvKv‡k D‡o|)
Bangladesh is -----------------------mainly natural
resources.(evsjv‡`k A‡bK cÖvK…wZK m¤ú‡` Avkx©ev`cyó|)
He never--------------------------------------------------------his
text book(‡m KLbI Zvi cvV¨ eB c‡o bv|)
speaks------------------------------------------------he were mad.(‡m Ggb
fv‡e K_v e‡j †hb †m cvMj|)
His dreams
¯^cœ mZ¨ e‡j cÖgvwYZ n‡q‡Q|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
In a nutshell ms‡¶‡c
Out and out cy‡ivcywi
Nip in the bud(ïi“‡ZB bó Kiv)
In the guise of Qχe‡k
Thirst for Z…òv _vKv
Crying need Ri“wi cÖ‡qvRb|)
Beggars description(eY©bvZxZ)
English is a -------------------------for everybody.(cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Rb¨ Bs‡iRx wkLv Ri“wi
The police
came here---------------------------------------a beggar.(
wfLvwii Qχe‡k GLv‡b cywjk G‡mwQj|)
He is------------------------------------------------------------------------a
gentleman.(wZwb cy‡ivcywi f`ª‡jvK|)
Please tell
us the matter---------------------------------------------(`qv K‡i
NUbvwU ms‡¶‡c Avgv‡`i‡K ejyb|)
should have----------------------------------------knowledge.(QvΆ`i
Áv‡bi cÖwZ Z…òv _vKv DwPZ|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
In the guise of( QÙ‡e‡k)
Safe and sound (wbivc‡`)
Well up(mycwÛZ)
Find fault with (Ac‡ii †`vl aiv)
Get the sack(eiLv¯— Kiv)
To the backbone (nv‡o nv‡o e¾vZ|)
Sine die (Awb©w`ó Kv‡ji Rb¨ K¬vm evwZj)
We reached
wbivc‡` evwo †cŠ‡QwQjvg|)
The boy is
wicked---------------------------------------------------------------.( †Q‡jwU
nv‡o nv‡o e¾vZ|)
It is not
good to -----------------------------------------------------------others.(Ac‡ii
†`vl aiv fvj bq|)
The classes
have been suspended--------------------------------(Awb©w`ó Kv‡ji Rb¨ K¬vm evwZj Kiv
friend.(‡m eÜzi QÙ‡e‡k G‡mwQj|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
At best(‡ewki c‡¶)
Yellow dog(nxb e¨ww³)
Red letter day (¯§iYxq
Above all (cÖavbZ)
Put off †d‡j ivLv)
crying need ( Ri“wi
cÖ‡qvRb |)
(a) learning english is a --------------------------------------for
everyday.(cÖZ¨‡Ki Rb¨ Bs‡iwR wk¶v Ri“wi cÖ‡qvRb |)
(b)16th december is a --------------------------of our
national life.(16 wW‡m¤^i Avgv‡`i RvZxq Rxe‡b GK ¯§iYxq w`b)
(c)Do not------------------------------your today’s work for
tomorrow.(AvR‡Ki KvR AvMvgx w`‡bi Rb¨ †d‡j †iL bv )
hated by all. (Lvivc †jvK‡K mK‡jB N„bv K‡i| )
(e)Kazi Nazrul Islam was a philosopher,
educationist and-----------------------------------------a great poet.
bRi“j Bmjvg GKRb `v©kwbK , wk¶vwe` Ges cÖavbZ GKRb eo Kwe| )
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
A slow coach Ajm e¨vw³
In full swing (cy‡iv`‡g Pj‡Q)
Go through
(cvV Kiv)
Leave on stone unturned (†Póvi †Kvb ΓwU bv Kiv)
In black and white wjwLZfv‡e
Summer friend(mymg‡q eÜz)
Look forward(cÖZ¨vkv Kiv)
(a)The chairman wanted the statement ----------------------------------.(mfvcwZ
weeibwU wjwLZfv‡e †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(b) I have -------------------------------------------------------------------
the novel. (Avwg Dcb¨vmwU fvjfv‡e c‡owQ|)
(c) Parisa --------------------------------------- to solve the
problem. (cwk©qv mgm¨v mgvav‡b †Póvi †Kvb ΓwU K‡iwb|)
(d) Our classes are going
on-------------------------------------------------.(Avgv‡`i †kªYxi covïbv cy‡iv`‡g
(e) ------------like him will
fail to complete the work in time.(Zvi gZ Ajm e¨vw³ h_vmg‡q KvR Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡e|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Come to light cÖKvwkZ nIqv)
By turn(ch©vqµ‡g
Crying needAwZ cÖ‡qvRbxq
For good (wPiZ‡i)
At all cost (‡h‡Kvb
Come true mZ¨ e‡j cÖgvwbZ nIqv)
Cock and bull story MvRvLywo Mí
I don’t believe
your -----------------------------------------------------.( Avwg
†Zvgvi MvRvLywo Mí wek¦vm Kwi bv|)
My secret
will never ----------------------------------------------------.( Avgvi
inm¨ †KvL‡bv cÖKvwkZ n‡e bv| )
Education is
the --------------------------------------- of our country.(Avgv‡`i
†`‡ki wk¶v AwZ cÖ‡qvRbxq | )
He left home
wPiZ‡i evwo †Q‡owQj| )
His dream
¯^cœ mZ¨ e‡j cÖgvwbZ n‡q‡Q|
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Carry on(Pvwj‡q hvIqv)
Put off (‡Lvjv)
Weal and woe (myL `ytL)
As if (†hb)
In lieu of (cwie‡Z© )
Tell upon (¶wZKi)
All in all(m‡e©‡mev)
come by turns.( myL `ytL chv©q µ‡g Av‡m| )
(b)He talks -----------------------------------------------------
he were mad.(†m Ggb
fv‡e K_v e‡j †m †hb cvMj| )
(c) Fahim took Biology --------------------------------------------------------------------------Elective
(dvwngv Hw”QK Mwb‡Zi cwie‡Z© RxeweÁvb wb‡qwQj| )
(d) Over exercise -------------our health.(AwZwi³
e¨vqvg ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ ¶wZKi| `qv K‡i †Zvgvi RyZv †Lv‡jv | )
(e) Please,-------------------------------------------------------------------your
shoes.(`qv K‡i †Zvgvi RyZv Lyj|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
in store for(Kcv‡ji wjLb)
by dint of (d‡j/Øviv)
all on a sudden nVvr
in a fix(wKsKZ©e¨wegyo
nip in the bud(kyi“‡ZB bó Kiv)
beggar description Kó Aeb©bxq
crying need(LyeB cÖ‡qvRbxq)
(a) The suffering of the
cyclone affected people ------------------------ (mvB‡K¬vb Avµvš— †jvK‡`i Kó
Aeb©bxq |)
(b) English learning is a-------------------------------for everybody.
(cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Rb¨ Bs‡iRx wk¶v LyeB cÖ‡qvRbxq|)
(c)Only Allah knows what is ----------------------------------------------.( weavZv
ZvB Rv‡b Avgvi Kcv‡j Kx Av‡Q|)
(d)He stood first ------------------------------------------------hard
lavour.( †m K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi d‡j cÖ_g n‡qwQj|)
(e) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it
began to rain.(nVvr e„wó ïi“ nj|
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
make good(¶wZc~iY)
as if(‡hb)
all in all(m‡e©‡mev)
hard and fast(aivevuav)
well up (mycwÛZ )
pick a quarrel(SMov m„wó Kiv)
part and parcel (Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|)
a) A liberary is a ----------------------------------------------------of
a school.(GKwU cvVvMvi ¯‹z‡ji Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|)
b) Don’t try to ------------------------------------------------with
others.( Ac‡ii mv‡_ SMov evav‡bvi †Póv K‡iv bv|)
c) There is no --------------------------------------------------rule
in this case.(G e¨vcv‡I †Kv‡bv evavuaiv wbqg †bB|)
d) He talks ---------------------------------------he knew everything.( †m Ggb
fv‡e K_v e‡j †hb †m mewKQz Rv‡b| )
e)The man is ----------------------------------------------------------------------in
English.(†jvKwU Bs‡iRx‡Z `¶| )
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
free from(gy³)
close to( Lye KvQvKvwQ)
cure for (cÖwZ‡laK)
recovered from (Av‡ivM¨ jvf)
thirst for( Ávb wccvmv)
attend on(‡mev Kiv)
preside over (mfvcwZZ¡ Kiv)
(a)My house is not very------------------------------------out
school. ( Avgvi evwo Avgv‡`i ¯‹z‡ji Lye KvQvKvwQ bq|)
(b)There is no ------------------------------------------------------------AIDS.(GBWm
†iv‡Mi †Kv‡bv cÖwZ‡laK †bB| )
(c)We are not ---------------------------------------------------------------diseases.( Avgiv
†ivM †_‡K gy³ †bB| )
(d)Students should have ------------------------------------knowledge.( QvG
QvGx‡`i Ávb wccvmv _vKv DwPZ| )
(e)Our Headmaster has --------------------------------------illness.(
Avgv‡`i cÖavb wk¶K Av‡ivM¨ jvf K‡i‡Qb| )
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
in a nutshell (ms‡¶‡c)
a red letter day(¯^iYxq w`b)
leave on stone unturned(‡Póvi †Kvb µwU bv Kiv)
stone’s throw (GK Uvbv)
take after (gZ/wgj)
at a stretch (GK Uvbv)
sine die (Awbw`©óKv‡ji Rb¨ e›a
(a)The boy -----------------------------------------------------------his
Zvi evevi gZ †`L‡Z n‡q‡Q|)
(b)The school was closed
--------------------------------------------------.(¯‹zjwU Awbw`©óKv‡ji Rb¨ e›a n‡q
(c) Please tell us the story
------------------------------------------------.(`qv K‡i MíwU ms‡¶‡c Avgv‡`i‡K
(d)I can walk five kilometers
------------------------------------------.(Avwg GK Uvbv cuvP wK‡jvwgUvi
nvuU‡Z cvwi|)
(e)He -------------------------------------------to
gain the object.(‡m Zvi j¶¨e¯‘y jvf Kivi Rb¨ †Póvi ΓwU Kij bv|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
At home in(`¶)
In a body(GK‡hv‡M)
Make good(¶wZc~iY)
For good wPiZ‡i
To and fro (Gw`K Iw`K)
Cope with Zvj wgwj‡q Pjvi †Póv
Pick a quarrel with(A‡b¨i mv‡_ SMov Kiv)
(a)Try to ------------------------------ the changing world. (cwie©Zbkxj
RM‡Zi mv‡_ Zvj wgwj‡q Pjvi †Póv Ki|)
(b)Do not -----------------------------------------------------------------------
others. (A‡b¨i mv‡_ SMov Ki bv |)
(c)Why is she running -------------------------------------------------
? (‡Kb
†m Gw`K Iw`K †`Šov‡`Šwo Ki‡Q?)
(d)Shewli is ----------------------------------------------------------------------
English. (wkDwj Bs‡iwR‡Z `¶ |)
(e)He left the country ---------------------------------------------------------------
wPiZ‡i †`k †Q‡o †Mj|
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
In a blood(GKmv‡_)
Dead letter (AcÖPwjZ)
For good(wPiZ‡i)
Eat humble pie(Acgvb
nRg Kiv)
Go ahead (mvg‡b AMÖmi nIqv)
Cut short (Rxebvemvb)
For nothing (AKvi‡YB)
(a) You have to ------------------
for your misconduct . ( ‡Zvgv‡K †Zvgvi Am`vPvi‡Yi Rb¨ kvw¯— †c‡Z n‡e|)
custom is now ------------------------------------------------------------------
. (cÖ_vwU
GLb AcÖPwjZ|)
(c)Meena quarreled with me --------------------------------------
. (wgbv
AKvi‡YB Avgvi mv‡_ SMov K‡iwQj|)
(d)You should have determination to with your work . (‡Zvgv‡K
†Zvgvi Kv‡R AMÖmi n‡Z n‡j msKí _vK‡Z n‡e|)
(e)Her life was
-------------------------------------------------- by an accident . (GK
`yN©Ubvq Zvi Rxebvemvb NUj|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
To the backbone
make good(¶wZc~iY)
well up(mycwÛZ)
Call in (‡W‡K wb‡q Avmv)
Take after(gZ/†Pnvivi wgj)
Likely to(‡Kvb wKQzi m¤¢vebv/Avkv Kiv hvq)
Part and parcel (Awe‡PQ`¨ Ask)
(a)He is -------------------------------------------------------------------
fall in danger . (‡m wec‡` co‡Z cv‡i|)
(b)A library is --------------------------------------------------
of a college . (cvVvMv‡i K‡j‡Ri Awe‡PQ`¨ Ask|)
(c)The man is ----------------------------------------------------------------
in English .( ‡jvKwU Bs‡iwR‡Z `¶|)
(d)The boy is wicked -----------------------------------------------------------------
. (‡Q‡jwU
nv‡i nv‡i e¾vZ|)
(e)She -----------------------------------------------------------
her parents . (‡m Zvi evev-gvi gZ †`L‡Z n‡q‡Q|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Up and doing (Zrci nIqv)
At length(Ae‡k‡l)
Beggar description (eY©bv Kiv hvq bvGgb)
Take off (Ly‡j ivLv)
All the same (GKB K_v|)
Play truant (¯‹zj cvjv‡bv)
Put off(‡d‡j ivLv)
(a)The miseries of the flood affected people are --------------------------------------------------------------
(eb¨vq Avµvš— †jvKR‡bi `ytL-`y`©kv fvlvq eY©bv Kiv
hvq bv|)
(b)The secretary of the
forum discussed the problems -------------------------------------------------------
(‡dviv‡gi (gÂ)†m‡µUvix mgm¨v¸‡jv
mwe¯—vi Av‡jvPbv Ki‡jb|)
(c) It is -----------------------------------------------------
to me whether you agree to my proposal or not .
(Zzwg Avgvi cÖ¯—v‡e ivwR nI ev bv nI Zv Avgvi Kv‡Q
GKB K_v|)
(d) -------------- your shoes when you enter a mosque . ( hLb
Zzwg gmwR‡` cÖ‡ek Ki ZLb †Zvgvi RyZv Ly‡j ivL|)
(e) Some students
------------- and do badly in their examination . (wKQz QvÎ ¯‹zj dvuwK †`q Ges cix¶vq
Lvivc K‡i|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
At large(¯^vaxbfv‡e)
At a loss (nZeyw×)
In quest of (mÜv‡b)
Step by step (av‡c av‡c)
Got in(cÖ‡ek)
Blue blood(AvwfRvZ¨
Well-to-do (m”Qj)
(a) Try to advance -------------------------------------------------------------
. (av‡c
av‡c AMÖmi n‡Z ‡Póv Ki|)
(b)I am ---------------------------- to decide what to do . (Kx Ki‡Z
n‡e Zv wm×vš— wb‡Z Avwg nZeyw× n‡q c‡owQ|)
(c)Birds fly -----------------------------------------------------------
in the sky . ( cvwL AvKv‡k ¯^vaxbfv‡e D‡o|)
(d)He comes of a -------------------------------------------------
family . (‡m GK m”Qj cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnb K‡i|)
(e)We should go far and wide ------------------------- knowledge
. Avgv‡`i
Áv‡bi mÜv‡b me©Î hvIqv DwPZ |
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Block head(‡evKv)
At a dead lock(APj)
Bless with (Avkxe©v`cyó)
In the long run (cwi‡k‡l)
Sum and substance (mvivsk)
From hand to mouth(w`‡b Avq w`‡b e¨q)
French leave (webv AbygwZ‡Z †Kvb QzwU KvUvb)
(a)Write the --------------------------------------------------------------
of the poem . (KweZvwUi mvivsk †jL|)
(b)At present our telephone
is ----------------------------------- .(eZ©gv‡b Avgv‡`i †Uwj‡dvb APjn‡q
(c)Sinners suffer ------------------------------------------------------------------
.( cvcxiv
cwi‡k‡l Kó cvq |)
(d)No one should enjoy-------------------------------------(Kv‡iviB
webv AbygwZ‡Z †Kvb QzwU †bqv DwPZ bq)|
(e )Bangladesh is
-------------------many natural resurces(evsjv‡`k A‡bK cÖvK…wZK m¤ú‡`
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
on the contrary (Acic‡¶)
Safe and sound( wbivc‡`)
Yellow dog (Nxb‡PZv)
Ups and doing(Zrci)
Without delay(‡`wi bv K‡i)
kith and kin( (AvZ¡xq¯^Rb)
(a)I reached home-----------------------------------------------------------------(Avwg
wbivc‡` evwo †cŠQvjvg |)
heated by all(Nxb‡PZv ‡jvK‡K mevB N„Yv K‡i |)
(c)Finish the work----------------------------------------------------------------(‡`wi bv
K‡i KvRwU †kl Ki|)
(d)There are ------------------------------------------------in
a mans life(gvby‡li Rxe‡b DÌvb I cZb Av‡Q|)
(e) He hates me ,---------------------------------I
love him(‡m Avgv‡K N„Yv K‡i ,Acic‡¶ Avwg Zv‡K fvjevwm |)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Bone of connection
(weev‡`i welq)
Fight shy of
(Gwo‡q Pjvi †Póv Kiv)
Epoch making
(hyMvš—Kvix c`‡¶c)
In black and white(wjwLZfv‡e)
A slow coach (Ajm I wb‡e©va)
Nip in the bud(AsKz‡i webó)
on the spur of the moment (AvKw¯§K Zvobvq)
(a)Don’t try to-----------------------------------------------------------me(Avgv‡K
Gwo‡q Pjvi †Póv Ki bv|)
(b)The piece of land is the --------between two brothers(H GKLÊ
Rwg `yB fvB‡qi g‡a¨ weev‡`i welq|)
(c)landing on the moon is an
------------------------------------event(Pvu‡` AeZiY GKwU hyMvš—Kvwi NUbv|)
(d)He gave his consent-------------------------------------------------(‡m
AvKw¯§K Zvobvq Zvi gZ w`‡qwQj|)
(e)-----------like you can never prosper in life(‡Zvgvi
gZ GZ Ajm I wb‡e©va e¨w³ Rxe‡b KLbB DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡I bv|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms.
Be fits and starts (AwbqwgZ)
Part and parcel (Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask)
Come down (†b‡g hvIqv)
Give away(weZiY Kiv)
Tough cookie (fq¼i e¨vw³|)
At a stretch(GK bvMv‡o)
A white elephant(AwZwi³ e¨q)
(a)You wont be able to do communicate wlth her.he is
(Zzwg Zvi mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z cvi‡e
bv, †m GK fq¼i e¨vw³|
(b)The gov postponed the project as it
proved to be------------------------------------------------.
(miKvi cÖ‡R±wU evwZj K‡I w`‡qwQ‡jv , KviY GUv LyeB
e¨qeûj wQj|)
(c)Reading newspaper is a -----------------of a delay life.(msev`
cÎ cvV Avgv‡`i ˆ`bw›`b Rxe‡bi Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask| )
(d)If you want to successful, you can not to the work.(hw`
Zzwg K„ZKvh© n‡Z PvI ,Zvn‡j Zzwg KvRwU AwbqwgZ Ki bv|)
(e)The price of vegetable is now-------------------------------------------------.(kvK
mewRi `vg GLb †b‡g hv‡”Q|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
good at(`¶)
died by (`yN©Ubvq gviv hvIqv)
call in (†W‡K
wb‡q Avmv)
come off(Abyóvb msNwUZ nIqv)
put off(‡d‡j ivLv)
in a fix(nZeyw×)/wKsKZ©e¨wegyo)
As if (†hb)
part and parcel(Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask)
(a)Please -------------------------------------------------------------------a
doctor.(`qv K‡I GKRb Wv³vi WvK|)
(b)He is -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Mathematics.(‡m As‡K
(c)My father ---------------------------------------accident
yesterday.(Avgvi evev MZKvj `yN©Ubvq gviv †M‡Qb|)
(d)Physical exercise is the ----------------------------------of
education.(kvixwiK e¨vqvg wk¶vi Awe‡”Q`¨
(e)He speaks --------------------------------------------------he
were mad.(‡m Ggb
fv‡e K_v e‡j †hb †m cvMj| )
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
in store for (Kcv‡ji wjLb)
all on a sudden (nVvr)
crying need (Ri“wi)
nip in the bud(AsKz‡i webó)
by dint of (gva¨‡g/Øviv)
in a fix(nZeyw×)/wKsKZ©e¨wegyo)
beggar description (K‡ói fvlvq eY©bvZxZ)
(a)The sufferings of cyclone affected people --------------------.(N~wY©evZ¨vq
Avµvš— †jvKR‡bi Kó fvlvq eY©bvZxZ|)
(b)English learning is a -------------------------------------------for
everyday.(Bs‡iRx wk¶v cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Rb¨ Ri“wi| )
(c)Only Allah knows what is ---------------------------------------me.( †Kej
AvjvnB Rv‡bb Avgvi Kcv‡j Kx Av‡Q|)
(d)He stood first ---------------------------------------------hard
labour.(‡m K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi gva¨‡g cÖ_g n‡qwQj|)
begun to rain.(nVvr K‡i e„wó Avi¤¢ nj|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
end in smoke (wbõj nIqv)
on the verge of aŸs‡mi ØvicÖv‡š—|)
come to term Av‡cvl gxgvsmvq †cŠQj
on the wane( n«vm cvIqv)
out of date (APj)
hard and fast (aivevuav)
hold good(cÖ‡qvR¨ nIqv)
(a)This example -------------------------------------------------in
your case.(G `„óvš— †Zvgvi †¶‡G ejer _vK‡e|)
(b)His popularity is --------------------------------------------------------------------.( Zvi
RbwcÖqZv n«vm cv‡”Q )
(c)He is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------of
aŸs‡mi ØvicÖv‡š—|)
(d)They -------------------------------------after long
discussion.(Zviv `xN© Av‡jvPbvi ci Av‡cvl gxgvsmvq †cŠQj|)
(e)All his attempts-----------------------------------------------------------------------.( Zvi
mKj †PóvB wbõj nj|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
in a body (GK‡hv‡M)
come round(Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv)
goes through(cvV Kiv)
hard and fast(aivevavu wbqg)
in the guise of (QÙ‡e‡k)
black and white (wjwLZfv‡e)
(a)He fell ill but -----------------------------------------soon. (†m
Amy¯’ n‡q c‡owQj wKš‘ kxNªB my¯’ n‡q DVj|)
(b)All the students come to the headmaster ---------------.(me
QvÎB cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU GK‡Î G‡mwQj|)
(c)He come -------------------------------------------------------a
beggar.(†m GK wf¶y‡Ki QÙ‡e‡k G‡mwQj|)
(d )There is no-----------------------------------------rule
in this case. (GB wel‡q †Kvb aivevav wbqg †bB|)
(e )He never --------------------------------------------------his
text book. (†m KLbI Zvi cvV¨ eB c‡o bv|)
the following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
In a body(GKm‡½)
For good(wPiw`‡bi R‡b¨)
Go ahead(mvg‡bi w`‡KGwM‡q hvIqv
Eat humble pie(Acgvb nRg Kiv)
Dead letter(APj)
Cut short(msw¶ß)
For nothing (‡Kvb Kv‡Ri bq)
(a) You have to------------------------------------for your
misconduct.(‡Zvgvi `ye©¨env‡ii Rb¨ AbyZß n&Iqv DvPZ|
(b)This custom is now -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cÖ_v GLb APj)
(c) Meena quarrelad with me----------------------------------------------------------(gxbv
Avgvi mv‡_ SMov K‡i)
(d)you should have
determination to--------------with your work(‡Zvgvi `„i
msKí wb‡q GwM‡q hvIqv DwPZ|
(e)Her life was -------------------------------------------------by
an accident.(``yN©Ubvq Zvi Rxeb APj n‡q †M‡Q|
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
Carry on(Pvwj‡q hvIqv)
Put off(‡d‡j ivLv)
Weal and woe(myL `ytL)
All in all(m‡e©‡mev)
in lieu of(cwie‡Z©)
As if(‡hb)
Conducive to(Dc‡hvMx)
(a)Ruma took biology -------------------------------------elective
As‡Ki cwie‡Z© Rxewe½vb wb‡qwQj|
(b)They---------------- there
business even after incurring loss.(¶wZ
nIqv m‡Ë¡I Zviv e¨emvq Pvwj‡q hvw”Qj|)
(c)The head Master is --------------------------------------of
the school. (cÖavb wk¶K mv‡ne we`¨vj‡qi m‡e©m©ev|)
(d)He talks ------------------------------------------------------he
were mad.(‡m Ggbfv‡e K_v e‡j †hb †m cvMj|)
(e)Morning walk is ---------------------------------------------------------health.(cÖvZtågY
¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ DcKvix|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
To the backbone(nv‡o nv‡o `yó)
Make good(¶wZc~iY)
Take after(wgj _vKv)
Likely to(Avkv Kiv hvq)
Step by step(av‡c av‡c)
Well up(mycwÛZ)
Part and parcel(Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask)
(a)He is ------------------------------------------------------------------------fall
in danger.(‡m wec‡` co‡Z cv‡i|)
(b)A library is -------------------------------------------------of
s achool.(cvVvMvi we`¨vj‡qi GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|)
(c)A man is -------------------------------------------------------------------in
English.(GKRb gvbyl Bs‡iwR‡Z `¶|)
(d)The boy is wicked-----------------------------------------------------------------------.(evjKwU
nv‡o nv‡o `yó|)
(e)Nipa -------------------------------------------------------------------her
mother.(wbcv †`L‡Z Zvi gv‡qi gZ|)
Complete the
following sentences with the Phrase & Idioms
In a body(GKm‡½)
Every inch(cÖwZg~n©‡Z©)
In vogue(cÖPwjZ)
Pick a quarrel(SMov m„wó Kiv)
Make good (¶wZc~iY)
out and out(cyivcywi)
(a)He is ---------------------------------------------------------------a
gentle man.( ‡m cÖwZwU †¶‡Î GKRb f`ª‡jvK|)
(b)Don’t --------------------------------------------------------------------with
A‡b¨i m‡½ SMov K‡iv bv|)
(c)This fashion is no
Avi cÖPwjZ †bB|)
(d) I rushed to the spot hearing
a ------------------------------------.(SMov ï‡b Avwg NUbv¯’‡j Avwg Dcw¯’Z
(e)We supported him---------------------------------------------------------.(AvgivGK
m‡½ Zv‡K mg©_b w`‡qwQjvg|)
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