Monday, June 4, 2012

English syllabus for class-II

                     Rotary School and College

Mirpur-14, Dhaka-1206
Syllabus for Class  Two
___________________________Subject: English _________________________________
Recommended Book:
English For Today
Metro Active English (Book-2)  By-Abul Kashem.
My Favourite English Grammar & Essay By Rowshan Ara Haque
My Pictorial word book (Bok-2)-By Fardus Ara Begum.

              Marks Distribution
                                                                                      Tutorial Examination-25
                        Types of Items and distribution of marks

There are 4 questions will be given on the questions Paper. Sufficient space or blanks for every answer will be showed for you. Make sure only one chance to give the answer on the answer scripts for each question. Each question carries 5 marks. ( wUD‡Uvwiqvj cix¶vq PviwU cÖkœ _vK‡e †Kvb weKí cÖkœ _vK‡e bv| cÖwZ cÖ‡kœi cv‡k¦© ev bx‡P Dˇii Rb¨ ch©vß RvqMv _vK‡e| Z‡e cÖwZ cÖ‡kœi Dˇii Rb¨ GKeviB DËi †`Iqvi RvqMv wba©vwiZ _vK‡e| cÖwZ cÖ‡kœi b¤^i 5 K‡i ‡gvU 4 wU cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ †gvU 20 b¤^‡ii cix¶v n‡e Ges evoxi wba©vwiZ Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 5 b¤^i a‡i ‡gvU 25 b¤^i wUD‡Uvwiqvj cix¶vi Rb¨ wba©viY Kiv n‡e|)
      1.  Word making by given letters.   (cÖ`Ë wKQy  eY© wb‡q kã MVb)                                            5
  1. Writing Bengali meanings from English words. (Bs‡iRx †_‡K  evsjv  A_© †jLv)                   5                
  2. Writing English meanings from Bengali words. (evsjv k‡ãi   Bs‡iRx   †jLv )                     5
  3. Translate into English.(evsjv evK¨ †_‡K Bs‡iRx iƒcvš—i )                                                         5                
  4. Home work /Hand writing (evoxi KvR/ nv‡Zi †jLv).                                                             5                _______________________________________________________________________                                     
                                                                                                              Total    Marks    =     25

Semester Examination-75

( cvwe©K cix¶vi gvbe›Ub)
                             Types of Items and distribution of marks

English for Today-20

From this paper only 4 questions will be set in the examination. There will not be any alternative items in the examination. Items must be changed according to semester examinations. Each questions carries 5 marks.
 Active English-35
 Only 7 questions will be set. Each questions carries 5 marks.
My Pictorial word book (Bok-2)-By Fardus Ara Begum.
Only 2 questions will be set. Each questions carries 5 marks.
Oral Test on Spelling-5
Oral Test will be taken organized by the subject Teacher before or after semester examination.
Speaking and Listening Test-5.
Speaking and listening will be taken organized by the subject Teacher before or after semester examination.
(N.B. Subject Teachers reserve the right to accept or partial change of the test items in the questions paper but marks distribution of individual subject will be remain unchanged)  ( welq wk¶KMY civgk©g~jK cÖ‡kœi aiY m¤ú~Y© MÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡ib A_ev AvswkK cwieZ©b K‡i cÖkœcÎ cÖbqb Ki‡Z cv‡ib wKš‘ welq wfwËK cÖ‡kœi b¤^i e›Ub m¤ú~Y© AcwieZ©bxq ivL‡eb|)

               First Tutorial Examination

  1. Word making by using given letters.  (cÖ`Ë wKQy  eY© wb‡q kã MVb)                                               
                                                   English for Today: Letter Aa to letter Zz. (Page-6-14)
  1. Writing Bengali meanings from English words. (Bs‡iRx †_‡K  evsjv  A_© †jLv)
                                                                         From active English: Page Lesson one to seven.                                    
  1. Writing English meanings from Bengali words.      
                                                                        From active English: Lesson one to seven.               
  1. Translate into English from Bengali.  .(evsjv evK¨ †_‡K Bs‡iRx iƒcvš—i )                        
                    From  -My Favourite English Grammar & Essay Part Two: Use of articles.
                               First  Semester Examination-75
                                              Types of Suggested  Test Items: 
                                  English For Today-20 (Lesson One to 12)
 (Any 4 items will be set in the question paper).Each types of Test Items carries  5 marks.
1         Giving a word beginning with A -----.
        (eY©¸‡jv w`‡q kã ˆZwi Kiv hvi cÖ_g eY©------------)
2        Writing the missing letters. (nviv‡bv ‡QvU nv‡Zi/ eo nv‡Zi eY©¸‡jv ‡jLv  )
3        Matching the letters with words . (Page-18)
4        Expressing statement using with this and that.(Page-22)

        Metro Active English (book-2)  By-Abul Kashem.
      Types of Items (Any 7 items will be set in the question paper).
  1. Using can and cannot in the sentence.   (Page-3,4,)
  2. Making sentence from the table . (Page- 7   )
  3. Using and, but or/Filling up blanks with and, but or, (Page-8,9,10, ).
  4. Filling in the blanks using key words from the table.  (Page-15)
  5. Using me, you, him, her, it, us, then as in the sentence/Fillings up blanks with the right words. (Lesson 05 ).
  6. Filling up the blanks using with very, here is/here are. (Page-42 )
  7. Matching in the right words using the made of/ made from/ full of/ a pair of.
                                                                                                                     (Page-38  )
       My Pictorial word book (Bok-2): Professions . Household articles (page-7)
                                                         Food and drinks   (Page-13).   Vegetables   (Page-15).
       Oral Test: Subject Teacher will conduct this Items before or after the semester Examination.
      Speaking and Listening Test: Subject Teacher will conduct this Items before of after the  semester examination.

                                                         Second Tutorial Examination

  1. Word making by using given letters.   (cÖ`Ë wKQy  eY© wb‡q kã MVb)                                              
                                                               English for Today: Letter  Aa to letter  Ll.
  1. Writing Bengali meanings from English words. (Bs‡iRx †_‡K  evsjv  A_© †jLv)
                                                                          From active English: Lesson  7 to 14                                    
  1. Writing English meanings from Bengali words.   (evsjv k‡ãi   Bs‡iRx   †jLv )   
                                                                           From active English: Lesson 7 to 14.                   
  1. Translate into English from Bengali          .(evsjv evK¨ †_‡K Bs‡iRx iƒcvš—i )                           
                        From  -My Favourite English Grammar & Essay
                        Part-Two : Translation -Verb to be’ AM, IS, ARE..
      5. Home work:

                Second   Semester Examination-75
                        Types of Suggested  Test Items:
                       English For Today-20  (Lesson 13 to 24)
Types of Items (Any 4 items will be set in the question paper)
1.      Writing/Filling in the missing numbers.(Page-31,34,38,41)
2.      Writing the numbers that come after.(Page-44)
3.      Writing the numbers that come between.(Page-44)
4.      Writing the words with a e i o u in the middle. (Page-46,47,48,49,50)
5.      Filling in the missing letters with a, e, i, o, u.(Page-50)

        Metro Active English (book-2)  By-Abul Kashem.

      Types of Items (Any 7 items  out of the followings will be set in the question paper)
  1. Filling in the blanks with many, much, some, no and any, a lot of (Page-54-56)
  2. Filling up the blanks with right words. (Page-60).
  3. Crossing out the unmatched one (Page-60).
  4. Circling the indirect objects in the sentences. (page-65)
  5. Adding –er and inserting the words in the sentences. (Page-69)
  6. Matching the ordinal numbers with right in word (Page-73).
  7. Placing the names of the month in the sentence. (Page-74)
  8. Filling up the blanks by using the right words. (Lesson Test-15).
 My Pictorial word book (Book-2)-By Fardus Ara Begum.
     Fruits (Page-16)   Crops  (page-17) Birds (Page-20) Fish (Page-22)
Oral Test: Subject Teacher will conduct this Items before or after the semester Examination.
Speaking and Listening Test: Subject Teacher will conduct this Items before or after the semester Examination.

                               Third  Tutorial Examination

  1. Word making by using given letters.     (cÖ`Ë wKQy  eY© wb‡q kã MVb)                                            
                                                        English for Today: Letter  Aa to letter  Ll.
  1. Writing Bengali meanings from English words. (Bs‡iRx †_‡K  evsjv  A_© †jLv)
                                                              From active English: Lesson 25-21.                                    
  1. Writing English meanings from Bengali words.       (evsjv k‡ãi   Bs‡iRx   †jLv )
                                                              From active English: Lesson25-21.                   
  1. Translate into English from Bengali.   .(evsjv evK¨ †_‡K Bs‡iRx iƒcvš—i )                               
                                                       From  -My Favourite English Grammar & Essay
                                                       Part-Two Translation: Verb ‘TO BE’ WAS, WERE.

                Third Semester Examination-75
                Types of Suggested  Test Items
                       English For Today-20  (Lesson 25 to 34)
Types of Items (Any 4 items will be set in the question paper)
1.      Writing the missing capital letters. (page-56)
2.      Writing the missing small letters.
3.      Filling in the missing letters and writing full sentence.(Page-61)
4.      Completing the sentences (About yourself). (Page-63 A1)

                                  Metro Active English (book-2)  By-Abul Kashem.
Types of Items (Any 7 items will be set in the question paper)
  1. Using everyday, yesterday and tomorrow in the sentence. (Page-82  )
  2. Using the position/places of the days in the sentence( Page-74)
  3. Matching (Page-50)
  4. Putting seasons in proper place. Page-(Lesson23)
  5. Changing How many /How much in the sentences. Page-60
  6. Using time / it is time for----in the sentences. Page-77,79
  7. Identification of countable and uncountable nouns. Page-54,55.
  8. Using Reflexive Pronoun in the sentences. Page-63.
My Pictorial word book (Bok-2)-By Fardus Ara Begum.
Profession (page-24)  Colours (Page-32)  Directions (Page-33) Time, days, month and season (Page34-35)
Oral Test: Subject Teacher will conduct this Item  in the class roombefore or after the semester Examination.

Speaking and Listening Test: Subject Teacher will conduct this Item before or after the semester Examination.





Designed and presented by:     

S.M. Ahsan Habib

English Teacher
Rotary School and College.
Mirpur-14 Dhaka-1206








Directed by: Md. Rezaul Karim

Rotary School and collge.
Mirpur-14. Dhaka-1206

Kh. Aleya Begum
Assistant Headmistress
Rotary School and college.
            Mirpur-14. Dhaka-1206

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