According to structure, Sentence
According to
structure, Sentence
Sentences are of three
kinds according to the structure:
(1) Simple sentence (সরল বাক্য)
(2) Complex sentence (RwUj বাক্য)
(3) Compound sentence (†hŠwMK বাক্য)
(1) Simple sentence: ‡h sentence G GKwU gvÎ sub.Ges GKwU Finite verb(cÖKvk¨ ev উহ্য _v‡K, Zv‡K Simple
sentence e‡j|
I read a book. Rahim
reads a book.
Characteristics of
Simple are of four :
(1)1wU sub._vK‡e|
(2) 1wU Finite verb_vK‡e|
(3) ‡Kvb conjunction _vK‡e bv| I saw him writing
(4)GKwU gvÎ clause ev evK¨vsk
_vK‡e| He saw me eating
Characteristics of
finite verb:
(i) Ab¨ VerbGi mvnvh¨ QvovB wb‡Ri A_© cÖKvk
(ii) Tense / Person/
Number Abyhvqx
cwie©wZZ n‡e|
2) Complex sentence: ‡h Sentence G GKwU gvÎ Principal Clause Ges GK ev
GKvwaK subordinate
clause _v‡K, Zv‡K Complex
sentence e‡j| I know
what he thinks.
(i)2wU Sub _vK‡e|
(ii) 2wU finite verb_vK‡e|
(iii)GKwU sub. Co-ordinating conjunction _vK‡e|
Note: ïi“‡Z hw` conjunction e‡m Zvn‡j
gvSLv‡b Kgv n‡e; Avi hw` conjunction
e‡m Zvn‡j †Kvb Kgv n‡e bv| If you read, you will pass. This is the boy who did this.
Sub. Co-ordinating :
When/As/since/ Bacause / If/ Unless/Though/ Although/ that/so/Ges WH-word ¸‡jv me e¨eüZ n‡e| Bnv‡`i g‡a¨ †Kvb GKwU _vK‡Z n‡e|
As/since/ Because-KviY eySv‡Z
e¨eüZ n‡e|
If n¨uv‡evaK kZ©
eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nh|
Unless bv‡evaK kZ©
eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nq| [ unless=
if + not]
Though/Although –GKwU K_vi
gva¨‡g Aci GKwU K_vi ¸i“Z¡ eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
That -`yÕwU ¯^vfvweK
K_v‡K hy³ Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq|
So-djvdj ev ZvB
eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nq| As:
Though he is poor(subordinate clause), he is honest (principal clause). I
know that he will come. I could not go to University as I was ill. I want such
a boy as will be honest. The news that he had an accident is two.
(3) Compound sentence:hLb †Kvb sentence G GKvwaK Principal Clause, Co-ordinating
conjunction Øviv hy³ nh, Zv‡K Compound sentence e‡j|
Characteristics of
compound sentence: [3]
(i)2wU sub_vK‡e| Z‡e Dfq subjectGKB n‡j GKwU sub.Dnv _vK‡Z cv‡i|
(ii) `yywU finite verb _vK‡e|
(iii) GKwU co-ordinating conjunction _vK‡e|
conjunction : and, but, or, than, both – and, not only --- but also, no less
than, no fewer than, neither – nor, either or, otherwise, still yet,
nevertheless, on the contrary, while, only, therefore, consequently, for,
thus etc.
*And-mgRvZxq ev GKB iKg K_v eySv‡Z
e¨eüZ nq|
*He came into the room and sat down.
*But/yet: wecixZ ev
wfbœRvZxq K_v eySv‡bvi Rb¨ G `ywU e¨eüZ nq| He is poor but (he is) honest.
* or A_ev, bZzev, bB‡j BZ¨vw` K_v
eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq| Study
hard or (otherwise) you will fail.
Therefore: Result বুঝানোর জন্য Therefore e¨eüZ nq। He studied all
day long therefore he passed the S.S examination.
These c×wZ ev Method eySv‡bvi Rb¨ Thus e¨eüZ nq|He discovered a pen thus he
Double sentence: ‡h Compound sentence `y’টি Principal Clause (Co-ordinate Clause)
Zv‡K Double sentence e‡j| He went to market and bought a shirt.
Multiple sentence: ‡h compound sentence G `y’‡qi AwaK Principal Clause (coordinate clause) _v‡K, Zv‡K Multiple Sentence e‡j| He went to college, attended classes
and worked in the library.
Contracted Sentence : hLb †Kvb compound sentence G GKB word ev group of words ‡K `yBevi bv
wj‡L A‡bK mgq compound
sentence ‡K msw¶ß AvKv‡i †jLv nq Gi“c msw¶ß (Contracted) sentence ‡K contracted sentence e‡j|
(i) GKB SubjectG `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Predicate _vK‡j : He went to market and he bought a
wj‡L †jLv hvq- He went
to market and bought a book.
(ii) GKB Predicate Gi `yÕ ev
Z‡ZvwaK subject _vK‡j: Either he (has done it)(pred) or
his brother has done it(pred). Neither he (has passed)(pred) nor his brother
(has passed)(pred)
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