Monday, April 16, 2012

Paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC/Degree Exam

                                              A Railway station.(GKwU †ij †÷kb)
A railway station is place where trains stop for the passengers to get into and get off from the train. It is a busy place. It becomes very busy because of the arrival of trains. A big station is always crowded with passengers, hawkers, and posters. (‡ij‡÷kb n‡”Q Ggb GKwU RvqMv †hLv‡b hvÎx‡`i DVvbvgvi Rb¨ †UªbwU _v‡g| ‡Uªb Avmvi mg‡q Bnv Lye e¨¯Í _v‡K| eo †÷kb memgq hvÎx, †dixIqvjv, Ges †cv÷v‡i ficyi _v‡K|)
                        A village market (GKwU MÖvg¨ evRvi)
A village market means a place where people buy and sell their necessary things and products. ( GKwU MÖvg¨ evRvi n‡”Q Ggb GKwU RvqMv †hLv‡b †jvKRb Zv‡`i cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbmcÎ Ges`ªe¨ wewµ K‡i|)
                                               A tea stall (GKwU Pv‡qi †`vKvb)
A tea stall is a stall where tea and other snacks are sold. ((Pv‡qi †`vKvb n‡”Q Ggb GKwU †`vKvb †hLv‡b Pv Ges Ab¨vb¨ nvjKv Lvevi wewµ Kiv nq|)
                                             A book fair (GKwU eB †gjv)
A book fair is special kinds of fair where various kinds of books are displayed and sold. The fair where books are displayed for sale and display is known as book fair.(GKwU eB‡gjv n‡”Q GKwU we‡kl ai‡bi †gjv †hLv‡b wewfbœ ai‡bi eB cÖ`©kbx Ges wewµ Kiv nq| ‡gjv †hLv‡b eB¸‡jv wewµi Rb¨ cÖ`©kbx Ges ïay cÖ`©kbx Kiv nq Zv‡K eB‡gjv ejv nq|)
                                              A bus stand (GKwU evm÷vÛ)
A bus stand is a place where a bus stops for the passengers to get down and to get into the bus. (GKwU evm÷vÛ n‡”Q Ggb GKwU RvqMv †hLv‡b hvÎx‡`i DVvbvgvi Rb¨ evm _v‡g|)
                 Rbeûj †Kvb ¯’v‡bi bvg
A Tea Stall/A Railway Station/A Bus Stand/A Village Market etc
cÖ_‡g  Aby‡”Q‡`i msÁv w`‡Z n‡e Ges G m¤ú‡K© 2/3 vU evK¨ wjL‡Z n‡e )---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zvici(-------) is generally located in a suitable place. The place is wide and open. (--------) is a source of pleasure (Avb›`) .It is a place where people gather(R‡ov nIqv). It becomes a part and parcel of our life. Thus it is always crowded(RbvKxY©). Proper steps should be taken to improve it. Its great scenery (`„k¨) is unthinkable(AwPšÍbxq). In every life (-----------) is essential.(cÖ‡qvRbxq) But sometimes(gv‡S gv‡S) it is full of din and bustle. That is not suitable for environment. (-------------) should be free from it. Everything should be disciplined. (-----------) is becoming chaos (‡kvi‡Mvj) and anarchy (AivRKZv). Proper(mwVK) steps should be taken to improve its condition. All classes of people come here. We cannot ignore the blessing (Avkx©ev`) of (---------).So it is a very useful to us.  (mvavbiZ GKwU my›`i ¯’v‡b Aew¯’Z|¯’vbwU cÖk¯Í Ges †Lvjv‡gjv| (welq) we‡bv`‡bi GKwU Drm|Bnv Ggb GKwU RvqMv †hLv‡b †jvKRb R‡ov nq ev wgwjZ nq|GUvi DbœwZi Rb¨ h_vh_ c`‡¶c MÖnY Kiv DwPZ|Bnvi mywekvj `„k¨ AwPšÍbxq|Rxe‡bi memgq GwU cÖ‡qvRb|wKš‘ gv‡S gv‡S GUv †kvi‡Mvjc~Y©|GUv cwi‡e‡ki Rb¨ Dchy³ bq|( welq) GUv †_‡K gy³ nIqv DwPZ|mewKQy myk„sLjv nIqv DwPZ|( welq )wek„sLjv  Ges AivRKZv m„wó K‡i|Gi Ae¯’vi DbœwZi Rb¨ h_vh_ c`‡¶c MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e|me‡kªYxi gvbyl GLv‡b Av‡m|Avgiv (welq) Gi Avkx©ev`‡K AeÁv Ki‡Z cvwi bv|ZvB GUv Avgv‡`i LyeB DcKvix|)

                                          Early Rising (mKv‡j DVv)
Early rising means the getting up from bed early in the morning.(mKv‡j DVv ej‡Z mKvj mKv‡j weQvbv †_‡K DVv‡bv †evSv‡bv nq|)
                                       Morning walk (mKv‡j nvUuv)
Generally walking before sunrise for refreshment is morning walk. Morning walk refers to a journey on foot for pleasure and exercise at early hour of the day. A walk in the morning is really a pleasant experience. (mvaviYZ m~h© D`‡qi c~‡e© gb‡K m‡ZR Kivi Rb¨ †h nvUvunvwU Kiv nq ZvB cÖvZtågb|mKv‡j nvUuv ej‡Z e¨vqvg Ges Avb‡›`i Rb¨ †fvi †ejv K‡qK N›Uv cv‡uq †n‡U fªgb Kiv‡K †evSvq|)
                     AfvmMZ †Kvb Kg© hv ¯^v‡¯’i Rb¨ AwZcÖ‡qvRbxq
                             Early Rising/Morning Walk/etc
 cÖ_‡g  Aby‡”Q‡`i msÁv w`‡Z n‡e Ges G m¤ú‡K© 2/3 vU evK¨ wjL‡Z n‡e )-----------------
(……) it is a very interesting habit. We can get more pleasure (Avb›`)of life from (……).It serves(‡mev) the life both physicall(‰`wnKfv‡e) and mentally.(gvbwmKfv‡e) (…….) is beneficial (DcKvix) to mind, body and soul. It is the most valuable (g~j¨evb) at the every step in our lives. It is the way to success in life.It is preferable(A‡c¶vK…Z fvj) to wealth (m¤ú`). One may have much wealth but he is hated(N„wbZ) in the absence of (…….).One can build up this habit if he likes. Fixed(wbav©wiZ) time is necessary for it. It should an object of his leisure (Aemi) time. It turns(cwiYZ K‡i) to a habit of a man and he can’t but do it.(……) may cause some problem. Sometime,(gv‡Sgv‡S) if we are not careful(mZ©K) in our work. Out of habit a man sometimes performs(m¤ú~Y©) the task of (…….) in ill(fMœ) health that causes harm.(¶wZ) To sum up,(Dcmsnv‡i ejv hvq)  one should have a thinking for a while (wKQy mg‡qi Rb¨)before enjoying (…….) for its greatest enjoyment. (  ) AZ¨šÍ wPËvKl©K Af¨vm| Avgiv Rxe‡b A‡bK we‡bv`b Gi †_‡K ‡c‡Z cvwi|Bnv Rxe‡b kvixwiKfv‡e I gvbwmKfv‡e cÖkvwšÍ G‡b †`q| (    ) Gi gb,kixi Ges AvZ¥vi Rb¨ DcKvix| Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU c`‡¶cB AZ¨šÍ g~j¨evb|Bnv Ggb GKwU c_ hv Rxe‡b mvdj¨ G‡b †`q| Bnv m¤ú` A‡c¶v †kªq| GKR‡bi A‡bK m¤ú` _vK‡Z cv‡i| wKšÍ Bnvi Afv‡e †m N„wYZ nq| GKRb GB Af¨vm Mo‡Z cv‡i hw` †m cQ›` K‡i| wba©vwiZ mgq Bnvi Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ cÖ‡qvRb| Bnvi Aemi mg‡qi GKwU D‡&Ïk¨ _vK‡Z n‡e| Bnv gvby‡li Af¨v‡m cwiYZ K‡i Ges Bnv †m Bnv bv K‡i cv‡i bv| Bnvi wKQy mgm¨v m„wó Ki‡Z cv‡i| gv‡S gv‡S Avgv‡`i KvR m¤ú‡K© hw` mZ©K bv nB| Af¨vm Qvov gv‡S gv‡S (   ) KvR K‡i hv ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ ¶wZKi| ms‡¶‡c ejv hvq †h, cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB Avb›` Dc‡fvM Kivi Rb¨ wKQy¶b wPšÍv Kiv DwPZ|)        


                                    (weÁvb welK †Kvb Aby‡”Q`)                    
                    Computer/Mobile Phone/E-Mail/Internet
(-------) is one of the most useful(DcKvix) and importance(¸iZ¡c~Y©) invention(Avwe¯‹vi) of science. (-----) is a great(eo) success(mvdj¨) of modern(AvaywbK) science. It is now regarded(g‡b Kiv nq) as a milestone of the modern world of communication.(‡hvMv‡hvM). Its uses and functions are easy and rapid. A computer and telephone connection are required(cÖ‡qvRb) to get internet connection. The usefulness of (------) is very great. It does a great source of recreation.(we‡bv`b) It has made our life easy comfortable(Avivg`vqK) and happy. It is widely (e¨cKfv‡e) used in all over the world. It can perform (m¤ú~b©) hundreds of difficult things with in a short time. All sections of people are much benefited (DcK…Z) by using (------).It has opened(D‡¤§vPb) a new door in every steps of our life. The number of user of (------) are increasing (e„w× cv‡”Q) day by day in our developing (Dbœqbkxj) country. (-----) is very essential do business, doctors, teachers, high officials, service holders, shopkeeper. It also plays an important (¸iZ¡c~Y©) in promoting (cÖmvwiZ)co-operation (mn‡hvMxZv)and brotherhood (åvZ„Z¡‡eva) among the different nations of the world. In order to make our life more successful. We should learn the effective (Kvh©Kix) use of (----) well. However, (----) does a great good to us. (-----) weÁv‡bi DcKvix Ges ¸iZ¡c~Y© Avwe¯‹v‡ii g‡a¨ GKwU| (----) AvaywbK weÁv‡bi eo mvdj¨|AvaywbK we‡k¦i †hvMv‡hv‡Mi GKwU gvBj djK wn‡m‡e g‡b Kiv nq| Bnvi DcKvixZv, KvRKg© Lye mnR Ges MwZgq| B›Uvi ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi Ges †Uwj‡dvb ms‡hvM cÖ‡qvRb| (   ) Gi DcKvixZv A‡bK †ekx|Bnv we‡bv`‡bi eo Drm|Bnv Avgv‡`i Rxeb‡K Avivg`vqK Ges myLx K‡i‡Q|Bnv mvivwe‡k¦ me ¯’v‡b e¨eüZ nq| Bnv kZ kZ KwVb KvR gyn~‡©Zi g‡a¨ myPvi“fv‡e †kl Ki‡Z cv‡i| (    ) Gi e¨envi K‡i me †kªYxi gvbyl DcK…Z nq| Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b cÖwZwU †¶‡Î bZzb Øv‡ii D‡¤§vPb K‡i| Avgv‡`i Dbœqbkxj †`‡k (   ) Gi e¨envi cÖwZwbqZ e„wØ cv‡”Q|( ) e¨emv Kiv, Wv³vi, wk¶K, D”P c`©¯’ Kg©KZv©‡`i, PvKzixRxwe‡`i, †`vKvb`vi‡`i Rb¨ LyeB cÖ‡qvRb| c„w_exi wewfbœ RvwZi g‡a¨ mn‡hvMxZv Ges åvZ¡‡ev‡ai m¤cÖmvi‡Y (    ) ¸iZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i _v‡K| Avgv‡`i Rxeb‡K AwaKZi mvdj¨ e‡q wb‡q Avm‡Z Avgv‡`i (   ) Gi e¨envwiK Kvh©KvwiZv †kLv DwPZ| hvB‡nvK, (     ) Avgv‡`i eo ai‡bi DcKvi K‡i _v‡K|)
                                                   Road Accident (moK `„NUbv)
When a vehicle (hvbevnb) collides (msNl©) with another in the road it is called road accident.  
                Load shedding (we`y¨r weåvU)
Load shedding means frequent (evievi) failure of electricity.
                                                     Traffic Jam (hvbRU)
The interruption(evavMÖ¯Í) of regular movement(MwZ) of vehicles(hvbevnb) on roads and streets is known as traffic Jam. Traffic Jam means blocked(eÜ) of vehicles(hvbevnb) on roads and streets.                                                            
             Environment Pollution (cwi‡ek `~lb)
Environment pollution means contamination (`~wlZ) of environment by polluted air, water and too much noise around us. Any abnormal (A¯^vfvweK) change of environment in chemical, physical and biological characteristics in environment is called environment pollution.
                                            Air Pollution (evqy `~lb)
Air Pollution means pollution of air by smoke from Motor vehicles, mills and industrious.
                                            Water Pollution (cvwb `~lY)
Water Pollution means pollution of water by industrial, domestic and human waste and by many other factors
                                            Sound Pollution (kã `~lY)
Sound Pollution means too much noise from the horns of motor vehicles and from mills and factories around us.
                                              Deforestation (eb wbab)
Deforestation means cutting down and burning of trees at random.
                                                   Green house effect
Green house effect means the warming of the air around the earth for increased amount of carbon dioxide. (e
                                                Dowry System (‡hŠZzK cÖ_v)
The money or wealth claimed by a bridegroom and brought by the bride from her parents is called dowry.
            gvbyl KZ…©K m„ó mgm¨vejxi bvg
In our day to day life, we are facing many kinds of problems. It is one of them. It  causes much harm (¶wZKi) to human life. It is a great threat (ûgwK) to our life. It is going out of control day by day. It makes our life unhappy and unpleasant.(wbivb›`) There is hardly(Lye Kg) any man who is not familiar (cwiwPwZ) with this problem.  It spoils (bó) the peace (kvwšÍ) and discipline (k„sLjv) of our life. It hinders (evavMÖ¯Í) the development (DbœwZ) of our country to a great extent. It creates (m„wó K‡i) many social problems. We must get rid of this social problem by high lightening its dangerous (gvivZ¡K) effect (cÖfve) on our life, society and country.  All of us irrespective of caste, creed, colour, religion and age should launch a massive campaign (Mb RvMib) against this.For a more peaceful and happier life, we all should work hand in hand (nv‡Z nv‡Z) to remove this problem.


                 The life of farmer (GKRb K…l‡Ki Rxebx)
A farmer is a person who cultivates the land for agricultural production. He lives in a village. He cultivates and prepares his land with simple hand made tools.
               The life of a fisherman (GKRb †R‡ji Rxebx)
A fisherman is a person who leads his life by catching and selling fishes.He lives in a village near a river. He catches fish in the seas, rivers, haors, beels and ponds. When he catches a lot of fish, his joy knows no bounds.
                A day labourer (GKRb w`bgRy‡ii Rxebx)
A day labourer is a person who leads his life by the sweat of his borrows in various fields. He lives in a slum area.
                  A Rickshaw Puller (GKRb wi·vPvjK)
A Rickshaw Puller is a person who leads his life by pulling rickshaw. He lives in a slum area. He carries passengers from one place to another.When a man finds no other means of his livelihood, he takes driving a rickshaw.
                                      A street Beggar (GKRb wf¶zK)
A Street Beggar is a person who leads his life by begging from door to door, street to street. He is usually seen to beg standing by the roadside, railway station, bus stands, launch and streamer ghats. He tries his best to draw the sympathy of the passers-by with his peculiar voice.
                                     A Street Hawker (GKRb †dix Iqvjv )
A street hawker is a person who leads his life by selling various things from street to street. He is usually sells toys, cosmetics, utensils, sweets, ribbons etc. His articles are mainly attractive to the women and children.

                                         Mixe gvby‡li Rxebxi Dci Aby‡”Q`
(…….) is a very familiar (cwiwPwZ) face in our country. He is a poor man. He is to work hard from dawn (‡fvi‡ejv) to dusk (‡Mva~wj). He has hardly (Lye Kg) any times to pass (KvUv‡bv) in merriment (Avb›`) and happiness (myLx). He faces much difficulty (K‡ói) in supporting (‡fvib‡cvlb) the members of his family. He is to work in all good and bad weather (AvenvIqv). Sometimes (gv‡S gv‡S) he becomes tired (K¬všÍ) but cannot take rest. He cannot provide (mieivn) food, education and medicine to his family properly.(mwVKfv‡e) .He earns (Avq K‡i) very scanty(Lye Kg) money which does not fulfill (cwic~Y©) the demand (Pvwn`v) of his family members. He has the right (AwaKvi) to live in the society decently.(cwicvwUfv‡e).The government of the people or society should come forward (GwM‡q Avmv) to help such people and change their miserable (‡kvPbxq) condition.(Ae¯’v)(….. )

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