The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in
correct order
“It’s so cold, and I’ve nothing to eat,
cried Mr Grasshopper unhappily. The door opened and there was Mr. Grasshopper
standing outside in the cold. “What can I do, Mr Ant?” “Come in!” shouted Mr
Ant again. One morning, Mr Ant was eating his breakfast when there was a knock
at the door. Mr Grasshopper walked in very slowly and sat down. “You look ill”
he shouted. “What’s wrong?” asked Mr. Ant. “Would you like some breakfast?”
Answer: GK`v mKv‡j hLb wg.wccov hLb mKv‡ji
bv¯Ív Lvw”Qj ZLb `iRvq GKUv †UvKvi kã ïbj|‡m wPrKvi K‡i ejj, Ò †fZ‡i G‡mv|Ó
`iRv Ly‡j †Mj Avi `iRvi evB‡i VvÛvi g‡a¨ wg Nvmdwos †K `vwo‡q _vK‡Z †`Lv
†Mj|wg.wcucov cybivq wPrKvi K‡i ejj, †fZ‡i G‡mv|Ó ÒZzwg wK mKv‡ji bv¯Ív Lv‡e?Ówg
Nvm dwos ax‡i ax‡i †n‡uU G‡m e‡m coj|wg.wcucov wRÁvmv Kij, ÒwK n‡q‡Q? †Zvgv‡K
`~e©j †`Lv‡”Q|Ó A¯^w¯Íi m‡½ wg Nvm dwos †K‡`u ejj, ÒLye kxZ c‡o‡Q Avi Avgvi
Lvevi wKQyB †bB|Avwg wK Ki‡Z cvwi wg.wccov
Mr Ant stayed inside his house. “Come in!”
he shouted. The soft earth became hard and nothing could grow. One morning Mr.
Ant was eating his breakfast when there was a knock at his door. After
sometime, the warm sunny days finished. Through his windows he looked at the
trees and the white fields covered in snow. The door opened and there was Mr.
Grasshopper standing outside in the cold. Then the winter season came and the
weather in Greece
grew cold. Then it started snowing and the fields were covered in soft white
snow. The leaves dropped off the trees and the countryside looked bare and
Answer: wKQyw`‡bi g‡a¨B Dò †iŠ`ªgq w`b¸‡jv
dzwi‡q †Mj|Gici kxZ ‡gŠmyg Gj Avi MÖx‡¯§i AvenvIqv VvÛv n‡q Gj|big gvwU k³ n‡q
DVj Ges wKQyB Avi Drcbœ Kiv †Mj bv|MvQ †_‡K cvZv¸‡jv S‡i coj Ges MÖvgvÂj aymi
Avi gwjb †`Lv‡Z jvMj|Gici ïi“ nj ZzlvicvZ Avi Rwg¸‡jv mv`v big Zzlv‡i f‡i ‡X‡K
†Mj|wg.wccov Zvi N‡iB _vK‡Z jvMj|‡m Zvi Rvbvjv w`‡q evB‡i ZvwK‡q mv`v Zzlv‡i
XvKv MvQ¸‡jv Avi dm‡ji gvV †`Lj|Ggwb GKw`b wg.wcucov hLb mKv‡ji bv¯Ív Lvw”Qj
ZLb `iRvq g„`y †UvKvi AvIqvR ïb‡Z †c‡jb|‡m wPrKvi K‡i ejj, Ò ‡fZ‡i G‡mv|Ó `iRv
Ly‡j †Mj Avi evB‡i VvÛvi g‡a¨ wg Nvmdwos‡K _vK‡Z †`Lv †Mj|
But they were very different people. They
lived in the same village. He got up early in the morning and started working
on his farm. Their names were Mr Ant and Mr. Grasshopper. But Mr Grasshopper
was very lazy. They were very good friends. Mr Ant was a very serious and
hardworking person. Once upon a time there were two farmers. He used to waste
his time. It was near the sea in Greece.
Answer: GK`v `yÕRb K…lK wQj|Zv‡`i bvg wQj
wg. wcucov I wg.Nvmdwos|Zviv GKB MÖv‡g evm KiZ|GwU wQj MÖx‡mi mgy‡`ª Zx‡ii
wbK‡U|Zviv Lye fv‡jv eÜz wQj|wKš‘ Zviv wQj ci¯úi †_‡K wfbœ ¯^fv‡ei|wg wcucov
wQj K‡Vvi cwikªgx|‡m Lye †fv‡i D‡V Zvi Lvgv‡ii KvR ïi“ KiZ|Avi Ab¨w`‡K Nvmdwos
wQj LyeB Ajm|‡m Avj‡mwg K‡i Zvi mgq AcPq KiZ|
It was
during summer season when the mangoes were ripe. The owner of the orchard,
Hamidur Rahman, was a very rich man. Hamidur Rahman and his friends started
eating the mangoes. He was an honest, hardworking man and looked after a large
mango orchard. So Hamidur Rahman asked Suruj Ali to pick some of the mangoes
and gave them to his friends. But the mangoes did not taste sweet. Once upon a
time there lived a poor man called Suruj Ali. Then he gave them to his master. One
day some of Hamidur Rahman’s friends came to visit him. Suruj Ali went to the
orchard and carefully picked some nice, large mangoes.
Answer: GK`v
myi“R Avjx bv‡g GK `wi`ª †jvK evm KiZ|‡m wQj mr I K‡Vvi cwikªgx GKRb †jvK|‡m
GKwU eo AvgevMvb †`Lvïbv KiZ|evMvbwUi gvwjK nvwg`yi ingvb wQ‡jbGKRb AZ¨šÍ
abx/m¤ú`kvjx †jvK|GKw`b nvwg`yi ingv‡bi K‡qKRb eÜz Zvi m‡½ †`Lv Ki‡Z Av‡m|GUv
wQj MÖx¯§Kvj hLb Avg cvKvi mgq|Kv‡RB nvwg`yi ingvb myi“R Avjx‡K KZ¸‡jv cvKv Avg
†c‡o G‡b Zvi e›×z‡`i‡K w`‡Z ej‡jb|myi“R Avjx evMv‡b †Mj Ges mh‡Zœ K‡qKwU my›`i
I eo eo cvKv Avg †c‡o Avbj|AZtci wZwb G¸‡jv Zvi gwbe‡K w`‡jb|hLb nvwg`yi ingvb
I Zvi eÜziv Avg¸‡jv †L‡Z jvMj,ZLb nvwg`yi ingvb ejj, ÒAvg¸‡jv †L‡Z wgwó
bq|G¸‡jv UK|Ó)
“Let’s go and find out,” another said. So very slowly
and carefully they approached the sound. One day they were walking through the
dark Indian forest when they heard a sound. They were very keen to learn and
never stopped searching new.” But unfortunately all of them were blind. Once
upon a time, many years ago, there lived six young men. “What’s that?” One of
them asked. They all stopped and listened carefully.
Answer: A‡bK A‡bK eQi c~‡e© GK mgq QqRb Zi“b evm KiZ|Zviv wk¶v MÖn‡Y Lye
AvMÖnx wQj Ges KL‡bv Zv‡`i Ávb A‡š¦lY _vgvZ bv|wKš‘ `yfv©M¨µ‡g Zviv mevB wQj
AÜ|GKw`b Zviv Mfxi AÜKviv”Qbœ fviZxq e‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡q †n‡uU hvIqvi mgq GKwU kã
ïb‡Z †cj|Zviv mevB †_‡g wM‡q mZ©KZvi mv‡_ ïbj|Zv‡`i GKRb ejj, ÒGUv Avevi wK‡mi
kã?Ó Zviv Avevi ïbj|Ab¨ GKRb ejj, ÒPj,Avgiv wM‡q Ly‡uR †`wL|Ó ÒAvwg GwU wec`RbK
g‡b Kwi bv Ges Avgiv bZzb wKQy wkL‡Z cvie|ÓKv‡RB Lye ax‡i ax‡i Ges mveavbfv‡e
Zviv k‡ãi w`‡K GwM‡q †Mj|
That is why it is suitable. They dug deep into the
ground with their spades and with their hoes. They broke the soil into small
pieces. A piece of land was given to the class8 students. So when all the tools
were made, the students started to work. The headmaster gave it to them. It was
a hot day in March. It was about twelve metres long and six metres wide. He and
Mr Ahmed chose it.It was near the school’s well,was always sunny, and during
the rainy season never flooded.It was chosen for three reasons.
Answer: Aóg †kªYxi QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K GK LÛ Rwg †`qv nj|GwU cÖvq evi wgUvi j¤^v
Ges Qq wgUvi PIov|cÖavb wk¶K Zv‡`i‡K GUv w`‡q‡Qb|wZwb Ges Rbve Avn‡g` GUv cQ›`
K‡i‡Qb|wZbwU Kvi‡Y GUv cQ›` Kiv n‡q‡Q|GwU we`¨vj‡q K~‡ci wbK‡U Aew¯’Z,me mgq
m~‡h©i Av‡jv cvq|Ges el©vKv‡j KL‡bv cvweZ nq bv|GRb¨ GwU Dchy³ wQj|Kv‡RB hLb
me¸‡jv hš¿cvwZ ˆZwi n‡j QvÎQvÎxiv KvR ïi“ Kij|GwU wQj gvP© gv‡mi GKwU Mig
w`b|Zviv †Kv`vj w`‡q gvwU Mfxi K‡i Lbb Kij Ges Zv‡`i wbovwb w`‡q gvwU‡K †f‡O
†QvU †QvU UzKiv Kij|)
He worked there in the laboratory in his house. Once
upon time a time there lived a famous magician called Frankel. He only used his
spells to make bad people good. He was a good magician. If they improved, he
would take his magic spell off them. He never did any house work. He lived in a
small town in Germany.
In it he made his magic spells. Frankel lived by himself in a large house. He
used his magic spells to make his life easier and more comfortable.
Answer: GK`v d«¨v‡¼j bv‡gi GKRb weL¨vZ hv`yKi evm KiZ|wZwb Rvgv©bxi GKwU
†QvÆ kn‡i evm Ki‡Zb|wZwb Zvi evwoi GKwU M‡elYvMv‡i KvR Ki‡Zb|M‡elYvMv‡i wZwb
Rv`ygš¿ ˆZwi Ki‡Zb| wZwb Rv`ygš¿ ˆZwi Ki‡Zb ïaygvÎ g›`‡jvK‡K fv‡jv Kivi
Rb¨|Avi,Zv‡`i DbœwZ n‡j wZwb Rv`ygš¿ Zz‡j wb‡Zb|d«¨v‡¼j GKvKx Zvi GKwU weivU
evwo‡Z _vK‡Zb|wZwb KLbI Zvi N‡ii KvR Ki‡Zb bv|wZwb Zvi Rv`ygš¿ w`‡q Rxeb‡K mnR
I AvivgcÖ` K‡i Zz‡jwQ‡jb|)
Sometimes we
pulled the chain. So we tied a chain to old kerosene tin and put some small
pieces of metal into it. “Now what can we do?” I asked. Then the birds flew
away and again our plants were safe! “Well, if we don’t want the birds to eat
all our plants, we’ll have to make something to scare them away,” my wife
replied. When the tin moved, it made a loud noise. “We can’t stand here and
watch our plants all day!” “We can use bamboo and an old tin to make it.”
Sometimes the wind blew.Then we tied the tin to the top of a bamboo pole.
Answer:Ò Avgiv GLb Kx Ki‡Z cvwi?Ó Avwg wRÁvmv Kijvg| ÒAvgiv mvivw`b a‡i
GLv‡b `vwuo‡q †_‡K Avgv‡`i PvivMvQ cvnviv w`‡Z cvie bv!Ó wVK Av‡Q,Avgiv hw`
Avgv‡`i PvivMvQ¸‡jv‡K cvwL‡Z LvIqv‡Z bv PvB,Zvn‡j I¸‡jv‡K Zvovevi R‡b¨ fq †`Lv‡bvi GKUv e¨e¯’v
Ki‡Z cvwi,Ó Avgiv ¯¿x DËi w`j| ÒAvgiv evuk Ges cyivZb wUb w`‡q GUv ˆZwi Ki‡Z
cvwi|Ód‡j,Avgiv GKwU †K‡ivwm‡bi wU‡b †PBb jvMvjvg Ges Gi g‡a¨ wKQy avZe UzKiv
ivLjvg|AZtci Avgiv GUv‡K GKUv ev‡kui LywuUi Dciw`‡K jvMvjvg|gv‡S-g‡a¨ evZvm
eB‡Zv Avi,KLb I KLbI Avgiv †PBb UvbZvg|wUbwU hLbB bo‡Zv ZLbB kã ˆZwi n‡Zv|Gi
d‡j cvwL D‡o †h‡Zv Avi Avgv‡`i Pviv¸‡jv wbivc` _vK‡Zv|
Because all his father’s visitors were grown ups. It
was a nice warm evening in March. Then she felt the room. Suddenly Anwar felt
embarrassed and shy. Anwar was reading a book in his bedroom at home. “Look
after them for a few moments, dear, while I go and get your father,” she said.
Then his mother called him. “Some people have come to see your father.” Mrs
Latifa Begum exclaimed. He found his mother with some visitors in the living room.
So Anwar went downstairs.
Answer: GUv wQj gv‡P©i GK
Dò we‡Kj|Av‡bvqvi evwoi †kvevi N‡i GKwU eB cowQj|Ggb mgq Zvi gv WvK‡jb|Av‡bvqvi
Zvi gv'‡K K‡qKRb AwZw_mn emevi N‡i †`Lj|Av‡bvqvi wmwo †f‡½ wb‡P bvgj|wg‡mm
jwZdv †eMg ej‡jb, Ò‡Zvgvi evevi mv‡_ †`Lv Kivi Rb¨ K‡qKRb †jvK G‡m‡Qb|ÓwZwb
ej‡jb, Zzwg wKQy mg‡qi R‡b¨ AwZw_‡`i †`Lvïbv Ki,ZZ¶‡Y Avwg †Zvgvi evev‡K wb‡q
Avwm|ÓGici wZwb Ni †_‡K †ewi‡q †M‡jb|nVvrB Av‡bvqvi A¯^w¯’ I j¾v‡eva Ki‡Z
jvMj|KviY,Zvi evevi m‡½ †`Lv Ki‡Z Avmv AwZw_iv mK‡jB Zvi †P‡q eq‡m eo|
Mr Ahmed and
the boys went to visit the smithy. They walked up to the smithy and looked in.
Inside the hut there were two blacksmiths. They were working together. They
could also see a young boy. He was helping the two blacksmiths. He pulled a
small metal chain. When he pulled it, the bellows blew. Mr Ahmed and his
students could see the large bellows at the back of the smithy. And in front of
the bellows stood the forge.
Answer: Rbve Avn‡g` Ges †Q‡jiv Kvgvikvjv cwi`k©b Ki‡Z †Mj|Zviv †n‡uU
Kvgvikvjv ch©šÍ †Mj Ges wfZ‡i ZvKvj|Kvgvikvjvi wfZi `yÕRb Kvgvi wQj|Zviv GK m‡½
KvR K‡iwQj|Zviv Aek¨ GKwU †QvÆ †Q‡j‡KI †mLv‡b †`L‡Z †cj|‡m Aci `yÕRb Kvgvi‡K
mn‡hvwMZv KiwQj|‡Q‡jwU GKwU avZe †PBb a‡i UvbwQj|hLb †m †PBbwU UvbZ,nvciwU †_‡K
evZvm †ei n‡Zv|Rbve Avn‡g` Ges Zvi wk¶v_x©iv Kvgvi‡`i †cQ‡b GKwU eo nvci †`L‡Z
†cj|Avi,nvciwUi mvg‡bB wQj GKwU AwMœKzÛ|
This is the
blacksmith’s forge behind which are the bellows. Mr Ahmed is pointing to a
small hut near the pond where a smithy stands. In the middle a bright fire is
burning. It’s a quiet afternoon in Nurpur. When he pulls the chain, the bellows
blow and the forge burns bright and red. They are eager to look inside and see
the blacksmiths working at their forge. Mr Anis Ahmed is standing under a large
mango tree near the college pond. The bellows are blowing, because a small boy
is pulling a small metal chain. Inside the smithy, three people are working.
The students are looking at the smithy with interest. Answer: Rbve Avwgb Avn‡g` K‡jR cyKz‡ii cv‡k GKwU wekvj AvgMv‡Qi wb‡P `vwou‡q
Av‡Qb| b~icy‡i GLb kvšÍ we‡Kj| Rbve Avn‡g` cyKz‡ii cv‡ki GKwU †QvÆ Kz‡uoN‡ii
w`‡K wb‡`©k K‡i‡Qb †hLv‡b KvgvikvjvwU i‡q‡Q|wk¶v_©x©iv Kvgvikvjvi w`‡K DrmyK
n‡q ZvKv‡”Q|Zviv Kvgvikvjvi †fZi Kxfv‡e AwMœKz‡Ûi cv‡k Kvgivi KvR Ki‡Q Zv †`L‡Z
AvMÖnx|Kvgvikvjvi †fZ‡i wZbRb †jvK KvR Ki‡Q|gvSLv‡b GKwU D¾¡j AwMœKyÛ R¡j‡Q|GUv
Kvgvi‡`i AwMœKzÛ hvi †cQ‡b i‡q‡Q nvci|nvci w`‡q evZvm †ei n‡”Q KviY GKwU †QvÆ
†Q‡j GKwU avZe †kKj a‡i Uvb‡Q|‡Q‡jwU hLb †kKj a‡i Uvb †`q ZLb nvci n‡Z evZvm
†ei nq Ges AwMœKvÛwU D¾¡j I jvj n‡q R¡‡j|
“Our school garden looks so beautiful that
everyone admires it,” Rina told her mother. They look like lovely green balls
now. “Oh, good’ exclaimed Rina. Rina and her friends showed her round the
school garden. At last, she thanked them for their school garden. “Would you
like to see it too? “Yes, I would,” replied Mrs Salam, “Then I’ll show you
everything but I especially want to show you our egg plants. First she saw the
bamboo fence. So the next day, Mrs Salam went to her daughter’s school. Then she
saw the scarecrow as well as the plants. Answer: wibv Zvi gv‡K ejj, ÒAvgv‡`i ¯‹z‡ji evMvbwU †`L‡Z GZ my›`i †h mevB Gi
cÖksmv K‡i|Ó ÒZzwg wK GUv †`L‡Z PvI?Ó Òn¨vu,Avwg PvB,Ó wg‡mm mvjvg DËi
w`‡jb|wibv Avb‡›`i mv‡_ e‡j DVj, ÒIn Kx gRv|Ó ÒZvn‡j †Zvgv‡K Avwg mewKQy
†`Lve,we‡kl K‡i,Avgv‡`i †e¸b¸‡jv Uz†`Lve|GLb I¸‡jv‡K PgrKvi meyR e‡ji gZ
†`Lvq|ÓKv‡RB c‡ii w`b wg‡mm mvjvg Zvi †g‡qi ¯‹z‡j †M‡jb Ges wibv I Zvi eÜziv
Zvu‡K Zv‡`i evMvbUv Ny‡i †`Lvj|cÖ_‡g wZwb ev‡uki bZzb †eovUv †`L‡jb|Zvici wZwb
KvKZvo–qv Ges PvivMvQ¸‡jv †`L‡jb|me‡k‡l wZwb Zv‡`i ¯‹zj evMv‡bi Rb¨ Zv‡`i‡K
ab¨ev` Rvbv‡jb|
When her parents returned together, Rina was
surprised. “And so have you, Rina,” added her father. It was an interesting
story, so Tunu didn’t worry about his mother. When Rina, finished, Tunu said,
“If you wrote your stories down, you’d become a famous writer.” He and Kashem
have been so helpful.” “At the hospital,” replied Rina’s father. Rina told Tunu
a true story about a young Bangladeshi girl and an English lady. “I told Anwar to
fetch your father from the office,” Rina’s mother explained. The story lasted
for about half an hour until their parents came home. “Where did you meet?” she
asked them.
Answer: wibv Uzby‡K GKRb evsjv‡`kx Zi“Y
I GKRb Bs‡iR gwnjv mg‡Ü GKwU mZ¨ Kvwnbx ejj|GUv GKUv gRvi Mí wQj e‡j Uzby gv‡qi
R‡b¨ Dw`Mœ nqwb|MíwU Zv‡`i evevgv bv Avmv ch©šÍ cÖvq Ava N›Uv mgq wb‡q
PjwQj|wibv Mí †kl Ki‡j Uzby ejj, Ò‡Zvgvi Mí¸‡jv wj‡L ivL‡j Zzwg GKRb weL¨vZ
†jLK n‡Z cvi‡Z|ÓZvi evev gv GKmv‡_ wdi‡j wibv AevK n‡jv|wibv Zv‡`i‡K wRÁvmv
Kij,Ò †Zvgiv GKmv‡_ n‡j †Kv_vq?/†Zvgv‡`i †`Lv nj †Kv_vq?Ó ÒnvmcvZv‡j,Ó wibvi
evev DËi w`‡jb| Ò‡m Avi Kv‡mg A‡bK mvnvh¨ K‡i‡Q|Ó ÒZzwgI,wibvÓZvi evev †hvM
After a few
minutes, however, Suruj Ali heard his master shouting, so he rushed back. “How long
have you been working for me?” Then he rushed into the mango orchard and picked
some fresh ones. “Three years and you still don’t know which mangoes are sweet
and which ones sour!’ “These ones look so good, he said to himself. When Suruj
Ali knew that the mangoes were sour, he took them away quickly. “What’s the
matter, sir?” he asked. Then he bought them to his master and went away. “These
mangoes are sour too!” Hamidur Rahman shouted. “Three years, Sir,” Suruj Ali
Answer: myi“R Avjx hLb Rvb‡Z cvij †h,Avg¸‡jv UK ZLbB †m †m¸‡jv mwi‡q
†djj|AZtci †m Avg¸‡jv gwb‡ei Kv‡Q wb‡q †Mj Ges P‡j †Mj|K‡qK wgwbU ci,myi“R Avjx
gwb‡ei wPrKvi ï‡b `ª“Z Zvi Kv‡Q wd‡i Gj|‡m wR‡Ám Kij, ÒwK e¨vcvi ,Rbve!Ó ÒZzwg
KZw`b hveZ Avgvi Rb¨ KvR KiQ?ÓwZwb wR‡Ám Ki‡jb| ÒwZb ermi hveZ,Rbve,myi“R Avjx
DËi w`‡jb|ÒwZb ermi hveZ KvR KiQ,Avi GLb ch©šÍI Zzwg Rvb bv †h,†Kvb Avg¸‡jv
wgwó Avi †Kvb¸‡jv UK!Ó
“So that’s our enemy!” we exclaimed. So we hid
inside our house, looked out of the window and waited. “If we want to know who
this new enemy is, we’ll have to watch our plants carefully,” I said. “But the
enemy won’t come if we stay here. We’ll have to hide in the house.” Soon there
were three or four birds all eating our lovely plants. Suddenly we noticed
something small. It was a bird and it started eating a small green leaf. It
flew down from the bough of a tree onto one of our plants. “Yes,” my wife
Answer:ÒAvgiv hw` Avgv‡`i bZzb kµ‡K †`L‡Z PvB Zvn‡j PvivMvQ¸‡jv‡K mZ©KZvi
m‡½ †`Lvïbv Ki‡Z n‡e,ÓAvwg ejjvg| Òn¨uv,ZvB,Ó Avgvi ¯¿x ejj| ÒwKš‘ Avgiv GLv‡b
_vK‡j kµ GLv‡b Avm‡e bv|Avgv‡`i‡K N‡i jyKv‡Z n‡e|Ód‡j,d‡j Avgiv wb‡R‡`i‡K N‡ii
g‡a¨ jyKvjvg Ges Rvbvjv w`‡q evB‡i ZvwK‡q A‡c¶v Ki‡Z jvMjvg|nVvr K‡iB Avgiv
†QvÆ wKQy GKUv †`L‡Z †cjvg|GUv GKUv Mv‡Qi Wvj †_‡K D‡o G‡m Avgv‡`i GKwU PvivMv†Q
bvgvj|GwU wQj GKwU cvwL Ges GwU GKwU KwP meyR cvZv †L‡Z ïi“ Kij|ÒGB Zvn‡j kµ,Ó
Avgiv we¯§q cÖKvk Kijvg|wKQy¶‡Yi g‡a¨B †mLv‡b AviI 3/4 wU cvwL †`Ljvg hviv
Avgv‡`i my›`i PvivMvQ¸‡jv †L‡Z ïiy Kij|
“Look, here a passport,” said Rafiq. “If I leave the
bag here, someone else may take it,” she thought. But Salma was a very
responsible young person and was not afraid. When Salma arrived home her elder
brother Rafiq was there. When they looked inside it, they found many things. So
she picked up the bag and took it home. It’s British and belongs to someone
called Janet Green. “If I pick it up, people may think I am a thief.” This bag
must belong to her. She was born in Bristol
and it is a social worker.
(Òhw` Avwg GwU Zzwj Zvn‡j †jv‡K fve‡e Avwg †Pvi|Ó wKš‘ mvjgv AZ¨šÍ
`vwqZ¡kxj Zi“bx wQj Ges fq cvqwb| Òhw` Avwg e¨vMwU †d‡j hvB,Ab¨ †KD GwU wb‡q
hv‡e,Ó †m fvej|ZvB †m e¨vMwU Zzjj Ges evmvq wb‡q †Mj|mvjgv hLb evmvq †cŠQj ZLb
Zvi eo fvB iwdK †mLv‡b wQj|‡m Zv‡K e¨vMwU †`Lvj|Zviv e¨vMwUi †fZ‡i A‡bK wKQy
†`L‡Z †cj| Ò‡`L,GLv‡b GKwU cvm‡cv©U Av‡Q,ÓiwdK ejj|GwU wewUªk Ges R¨v‡bU MÖxY
bvgK KviI n‡e|GB e¨vMwU Aek¨B Zvi|Zvi Rb¥ weª÷‡j Ges ‡m GKRb mgvRKgx©|
We worked so
hard that soon our flowers and vegetables were growing very well. Then we
planted seeds and seedlings in our garden. “About ten years ago, my wife and I
came to live here in Nurpur. Early one morning we were eating our breakfast and
looking out of the window, when we saw some cows and goats in our garden. We
built our house for ourselves on a nice piece of land and made a garden around
it. We were shocked because they were eating all our young plants.” “ I don’t
know,” I replied. “How long have they been there?” my wife asked. We stood and
looked at our garden. We quickly ran out into the garden and chased the cows
and goats away, but it was too late.
Answer: `k eQi Av‡Mi K_v Rbve Avwbm Avn‡g` Ges Zvi ¯Îx b~icy‡i evm Ki‡Z
Av‡mb|Zviv wb‡R‡`i Rb¨ GKUzKziv PgrKvi Rwg‡Z GKwU evwo ˆZwi K‡ib|evwoi Pvicv‡k
Zviv GKwU evMvb I ˆZwi K‡ib|Zviv Zv‡`i evMv‡b exR Avi PvivMvQ †ivcb K‡ib|Zviv K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Zv|kªxNÖB
Zv‡`i dzjAvi mewR¸‡jv PgrKvifv‡e †e‡o DV‡Z _v‡K|Ggwb GKw`b mKv‡j Zviv Zv‡`i
mKv‡ji bv¯Ív Lvw”Qj|Zviv Rvbvjv w`‡q evB‡i ZvKv‡jv|Zviv Zv‡`i evMv‡b wKQy Mi“
Avi QvMj †`L‡Z cvq|
Would you
help us? They said, “Were sorryÓ. The teacher let them argue with each other for some time. We have all
felt your elephant. We forget about you. Then the teacher explained to them.
The six blind men argued because they could not agree with each other. The n he
cried out, “stop now! Stop and listened to me! But unfortunately we can not
agree about it.Ó they felt
ashamed and stopped arguing hearing the teacher’s voice.
Answer: AÜQqRb †jvK ci¯úi ZK© KiwQj,KviY Zviv wb‡Riv GKgZ n‡Z cviwQj bv|
wk¶K Zv‡`i‡K wKQy mgq ci¯ú‡ii g‡a¨ ZK© Ki‡Z w`‡jb|Zvici wZwb wPrKvi K‡i ej‡jb,
ÒGevi Pzc Ki, _vg Avi Avgvi K_v †kvb|Ó AÜ QqRb †jvK Zv‡`i wk¶‡Ki K_v ï‡b jw¾Z
nj Ges ZK© eÜ Kij| Zviv ejj, Ò Avgiv `ytwLZ|Ó Ò Avgiv Avcbvi K_v fy‡jB
wM‡qwQjvg| Avcwb wK Avgv‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡eb? Avgiv mevB Avcbvi nvwZ‡K ¯úk© K‡iwQ,
wKšÍ Avgiv †Kv‡bv wel‡qBGKgZ n‡Z cviwQ bv|Ó
But he was
lucky. But it was difficult for him to live alone. So he returned home and
again he started his life with his family. One of them visited Ruplals hut
during the night. It was not a tiger. Ruplal was a brave man to live in the
jungle. He wanted to the comfortable. It was only a little mouse! In fact, it’s
a dangerous place with many wild animals. But the jungle is not a comfortable
Answer: iƒcjvj R½‡j evm Kivi g‡Zv mvnmx †jvK wQj wKš‘ R½‡j GKvKx evm Kiv Zvi
R‡b¨ KwVb wQj| †m Avivg LyRu‡Z ‡P‡qwQj|wKšÍ R½‡j †Kv‡bv Avivg`vqK ¯’vb
bq|e¯‘yZ,GUv bvbv iKg eb¨ Rš‘ mg„× GKwU fqsKvi ¯’vb|Ggwb GKwU Rš‘y ivwÎKv‡j
i~cjv‡ji Kz‡o Ni cÖ`w¶Y K‡i|wKš‘ i~cjvj wQj †mŠfvM¨evb|GUv evN wQj bv| GUv wQj
ïayB GKUv B`yui|
So they were
able to look after her. After a week, she felt much better and was able to
retune home. So I felt very upset when I
heard about her accident. I’m very fond of my grandmother. She lives with my
aunt and uncle in a village near here. I wanted to help as much as possible.
That is why, I visited her everyday in Nurpur Hospital.
She’s always very kind to me. Answer: Avwg Avgvi bvbxi
Lye f³|wZwb memgq Avgvi cÖwZ m`q|ZvB hLb Avwg Zvui `~NUbvi Lei cvB ZLb LyeB
gg©vnZ nB|Avwg hZ`~i mh ¢ Zv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z PvBZvg,ZvB cÖwZw`b b~ic~I nvmcvZv‡j
Zv‡K †`L‡Z †hZvg|GK mßvn c‡i wZwb †ek fvj †eva Ki‡jb I evmvq wdi‡Z m¶g
n‡jb|wZwb Kv‡Qi GKwU MÖv‡g Avgvi gvgvgvgxi mv‡_ _vK‡Zb| Gi d‡j Zviv Zv‡K
†`Lvïbv Ki‡Z cviZ|
She stood up
quickly and looked down at the paper bag. She felt so excited and happy that
she ran quickly along the path to the college pond. All her lovely eggs were
broken. After breakfast Rina collected about half a dozen eggs from the chicken
house. She didn’t hurt herself very much, but she dropped her paper bag. Rina
bent down and carefully looked inside the paper bag. Putting them carefully
into a paper bag she started for her school. It was broken and something inside
was making it damp. While Rina was running near the college pond, she suddenly
tripped over a stone and fell. Mr Ahmed’s going to be very pleased with these
lovely eggs.
Answer: mKv‡j bv¯Ívi ci wibv gyiwMi †Lvqvo †_‡K Ava WRb wWg msMÖn
Kij|wWg¸‡jv GKwU KvM‡Ri e¨v‡M mZ©KZvi m‡½ †i‡L †m ¯‹z‡ji D‡Ï‡k¨ iIbv nj|‡m GZUvB
Lywk I Avbw›`Z wQj †h ,†m `ª“Z K‡j‡R cyKz‡ii cv‡ki iv¯Ív w`‡q †`Š‡o Pjj| (‡m
fvej) Rbve Avn‡g` G my›`i wWg¸‡jv †`‡L Lye Lywk n‡e|wibv hLb K‡jR cyKz‡ii cvk
w`‡q †`Šovw”Qj ZLb nVvr K‡iB †m GKwU cv_‡ii Dci †nvPuU †L‡q c‡o hvq|‡m wb‡R Lye
gvivZ¡K e¨v_v bv †c‡jI Zvi KvM‡Ri e¨vMwU †d‡j †`q|‡m Lye `ªyZ D‡V `vouvq Ges
Zvi KvM‡Ri e¨v‡Mi w`‡K ZvKvj|GUv wQ‡ou wM‡qwQj Ges wfZ‡ii GKUv wKQy GUv‡K
wfwR‡q w`‡qwQj|Zvi mKj my›`i wWg¸‡jvB †f‡½ wM‡qwQj|)
Hans was
amazed. “Goodness!” he exclaimed. “Is the bush going to clean the floor?” After
a few minutes, the door of the laboratory suddenly opened and in walked a
brush. The brush emptied the water into the floor and then went out. “You can
start cleaning the floor now.” But the brush didn’t start washing anything. It
has arms and legs just like a person and was carrying a bucket of water.
“That’s enough water, brush”, said Hans. After a few minutes it returned and
emptied another bucket of water onto the floor.
Answer: K‡qKwgwbU c‡i,nVvr
M‡elYvMv‡ii `iRv Ly‡j †Mj Ges eªvk ‡nu‡U cÖ‡ek Kij|eªvkwUi wVK gvby‡li g‡Zv
nvZ-cv wQj Ges GwU GK evjwZ cvwb enb
K‡iwQj|n¨vÝ wew¯§‡q Awff~Z n‡q †Mj| †m wPrKvi w`‡q e‡j DVj, Ònvq Avjvn!eªvkwU
wK †g‡S cwi¯‹vi Ki‡Z hv‡”Q?Ó &eªvkwU †g‡Si Dci evjwZi cvwb †X‡j w`‡q evB‡i
P‡j †Mj|Aí K‡qK wgwbU c‡i wd‡i G‡m GUv †g‡S‡Z AviI GK evjwZ cvwb †X‡j w`j|n¨vÝ
ejj, Òn¨vÝ GUzKz cvwbB h‡_ó|Zzwg eis
†g‡S cwi¯‹vi ïi“ Ki‡Z cvi|ÓwKšÍ eªvk †Kv‡bvwKQyB †avIqv ïi“ Kij bv|Ó
He looked at
the fishermen’s boat on the sea. So while Mr Grasshopper enjoyed his leisure.
Mr Ant worked hard from morning until night. He looked at the leaves on the
trees, the green fields etc. But Mr Ant continued to work on his farm. While Mr
Ant worked on his farm, Mr Grasshopper sang happily in the warm sun. Then Mr
Grasshopper fell sleep. For many days, weeks and months, he was busy in his
field. After that Mr Grasshopper slept quietly in his chair. And when he
stopped, he sat and admired the beautiful countryside all around him. And as
soon as the crops were ready, he stopped the grain in his granary.
Answer: wg.wccov hLb Zvi Lvgv‡i KvR KiZ ZLb wg.Nvmdwos Dò †iŠ‡`ª g‡bi my‡L
Mvb KiZ|Avi,hLb †m Mvb _vgvZ ZLb †m e‡m e‡m Zvi Pvicv‡k¦i© PgrKvi MÖvg¨
cwi‡e‡ki cÖksmv Ki‡Zv|‡m Mv‡Qi meyRcÎcje Avi,mey‡R XvKv gv‡Vi w`‡K ZvKv‡Zv|‡m
AviI mgy‡`ªi ey‡K gvwS‡`i ‡bŠKv¸‡jvi w`‡K ZvwK‡q ‡`L‡Zv|Gfv‡eB wg Nvmdwos Nywg‡q co‡Zv|Gici †m Zvi †Pqv‡i Mfxi Ny‡g X‡j
co‡Zv|Aciw`‡K wg wccuov Zvi Lvgv‡i KvR K‡i †h‡Zv|Gfv‡e eûw`b,mßvn Avi gv‡mi ci
gvm †m Zvi dm‡ji gv‡V e¨¯Í _vKZ|Avi,hLbB Zvi dmj N‡i †Zvjvi mgq n‡Zv ZLb †m
dmj¸‡jv Zvi †Mvjvq Zz‡j ivLZ|A_v©r wg Nvmdwos hLb Zvi Aemi hvcb KiZ ZLb
wg.wccuov mKvj †_‡K ivZ Aewa K‡Vvi cwikªg KiZ|
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