Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rules of Writing power

------------ am/is/are+ certain that-wbwðZ
(and) that implies that (Ges ) Zv †_‡K GUv Abygvb Kviv hvq †h....
..what follows from this thatG †_‡K †h K_vwU D‡V Av‡m †h
….this implies that …..ej‡Z eySvq
….truly speaking mZ¨ ej‡Z wK
……kind of    (mvaviYxKib)
…divided into  wefË/fvM Kiv
A big sum of +noun weivU As‡Ki
A bit   wKQy mgq
a few K‡qK Rb /KqKwU , Aí K‡qKwU ,AíwKQy (h †Mvbv hvq )
A few minutes ago  K‡qK wgwbU Av‡M
A few years ago-K‡qK  eQi Av‡M
a few-mvgvb¨
A good deal of  eûmsL¨K/cÖPzi
A good number of ‡ek
A group of   mgwó
a jiffy-GKgyn~‡Z© g‡a¨
a little longer-Avi wKQy¶b
A little-wKQy cwi gvb , Aí cwigvb (hv †Mvbv hvq bv)
 A minute/second-GKwgwb‡Ui/†m‡K‡Ûi Rb¨
A number of -K‡qKwU , K‡qK Rb
A tomorrow afternoon-AvMvgx Kvj we‡K‡j
A.D.(Anno Domini)-L„óvã
About -Pviw`‡K
About/of doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi e¨vcv‡i /m¤ú‡K©/wel‡q
About/of having +property ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi/cvIqvi e¨vcv‡i
Above all  m‡e©vcwi/me©cwi me‡‡q eo K_v nj
Above- Dc‡ii w`‡K
According to me Avgvi g‡Z
Across -AvovAvwo fv‡e   
Actually cÖK„Z c‡¶/mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©
After  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi ci
After  having  property ‡Kvb wKQy _vKv/cvIqvi ci
After all †gv‡Ui Dci/me wKQy m‡Z¡ I/m‡e©vcwi /nvRvi n‡jI
After that Zvici   After this  Gici
After ward-c‡i, cieZx©‡Z   After-c‡i
Again (Avevi, ZvQov ,AwaKš‘)  Again and again-evi evi
ahead-mvg‡bi w`‡K
al ready-B‡Zvg‡a¨ 
Al well as   Z_v, I, Ges
All day long mvivw`b e¨vwc
All in all-‡gv‡Ui Dci (ejv hvq )
All of the boys   †Q‡j‡`i mK‡j
All of them  Zv‡`i mK‡j
All of us Avgiv   mK‡j
All of you  ‡Zvgiv mK‡j
all the time-me mg‡q /me©`v
All the while memgq/me©`v
all through (the year/his life)mviv eQi /Rxeb a‡i
All through his life mviv Rxeb a‡i
All-me ¸‡jv , mevB
almost all-‡gv‡UI, Av‡`Š / cÖvqB mevB /me¸‡jv
almost always-cÖvqB me©`v
Almost- cÖvqB 
almost no-ej‡Z ej‡Z †Kv‡bv-B †bB
Almost none- ej‡Z ej‡Z †KD bv-B †bB
Along- (eivei , mvg‡bi w`‡K  †mvRv )
Already-B‡Zvg‡a¨ †Kvb KvR n‡q †M‡Q Ggb
Also ( Avevi , ZvQv&ov, AvwaKš‘)&
Alternatively Ab¨ K_vq /weKífv‡e ejv hvq
Always  memgq/me©`v
Am/is/are  nq
------------am/is/are +clear that-¯úó
am/is/are likely to+ verb-m¤¢eZ n‡e ,
Am/is/are made  Kiv nq
Am/is/are made to be Kiv nq
am/is/are most likely to+ verb-Le m¤¢eZ (n‡e)
Am/is/are supposed to be nevi K_v
Am/is/are supposed to have _vKvi K_v
am/is/are to be Ki‡Z n‡e
-----am/is/are/was/were +natural that-¯^vfvweK
-am/is/are/was/were +very surprising that   -we¯§qKi
am/is/are+used to +verb+ ingAf¨¯Í,Af¨v‡mi `vm
An example would be-GKUv D`vniY n‡Z c‡i G †h
And   Ges
And that’s mainly because
Another important thing is that Av‡iKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© e¨vcvi n‡jv
another name for    Aci bvg
Another thing   Av‡iKwU K_v
Another way of putting it is----
Any way/any how-hv ‡nvK 
Any yet- ZeyI
Any-‡Kv‡bv (cÖkœ-†evaK ev‡K¨
Anybody else  ‡h †KD
Anything else Avi wKQy
Around-(Pviw`‡K we‡klZ ) about-Pviw`‡K 
As   †h‡nZz/ KviY /†m‡nZz/ Ggb   †hgb,†hgb..†Zgb/hLb
As a consequence d‡j /hvi d‡j/djvdjekZ
As a result d‡j/hvi d‡j/djvdjekZ
as follows/the following  h_v,†hgb,wbgœi~c
As if   †hb
As it were ‡hb,wVK †hb,g‡Zv
as long as/so long as-hZ¶b ch©šÍ
As soon as  †hBgvÎ †mBgvÎ /gvÎB/hLbB
at last Ae‡k‡l
As though †hb
As to m¤^‡Ü
As yet GLb I ch©šÍÍ /GLb I bv
aside-cv‡k (MwZ kxj A‡_© )/cv‡ki w`‡K ,c‡k
At 4 p.m.-weKvj 4 Uvq
At 4 p.m.-weKvj 4Uv ev‡R
At 6 a.m.-mKvj 6Uv ev‡R
At a time GK mv‡_
At dawn-‡fv‡i 
at dusk-‡Mvaywji mgq
at first ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
At last Ae‡k‡l
At night-iv‡Zi ‡ejv
At noon-`ycy‡ii mgq
At once GLbB
At present   eZ©gv‡b  At present- eZ©gv‡b, GB g~û‡Z©
at the beginning ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
At the end Ae‡k‡l
At the same time-GUvI we‡ePbv Ki‡Z n‡e †h|
At variance with e†j wecixZ/AmvgÄm¨
Away  `~‡i
B.C. (before Christ)-L©óvc~e©
back-‡cQ‡bi w`‡K  backward-‡cQ‡bi w`‡K
Barely  ai‡Z †M‡j bv
Became nj-`~i AZxZ
Because  KviY /‡h‡nZz/†m‡nZz because of-Kvi‡Y
Because of doing something/In case of doing somethingKivi Kvi‡b/wKQy Kivi Rb¨/‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Rb¨ ev Ki‡Z
Because of having +property ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi †¶‡&Î/cvIqvi †¶‡&Î
Become nB
Before  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi c~‡e©
Before +noun /verb +ing +clause Kivi Av‡M
Before having  property  ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi c~‡e©/cvIqvi c~‡e©
Before long AwP‡iB
Before that  Zvi Av‡M
Behind  (doing)  something   ‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi wcQ‡b
behind (having) +property ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi wcQ‡b/cvIqvi wcQ‡b
Being /becoming/getting ‡Kvb wKQy n‡q/‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi `iyb
beneath-(webxZ ) wbP w`‡q ,Zj w`‡q 
Beside  (doing) something   ‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi cvkvcwk
beside-cv‡k/cv‡k  w¯’i A‡_©
beside-Icv‡k, H‡Zv GLv‡b cv‡k(w¯’i A‡_© )
besides that GQvov/ZvQvov I
Both …..and.. DfqB/ Df‡qB, DfqwUB 
breadth wise-Avov Avwo , cÖ¯’ eivei
broad-cÖk¯Í   But-wKš‘
By and by Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í/µgvš^‡q
by comparison-Zzjbv g~jKfv‡e
By dint of  Dcv‡q
By doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi g‡a¨ w`‡q/gva¨‡g
By force of  e†j
By means of   Dcv‡q
by that time-‡m mg‡qi g‡a¨
By the by K_v cÖm‡½
By the side of  cv‡k
By the way-fv‡jv K_v
by turns-ch©vq Kª‡g
By way of   ej‡Z wM‡q/K_v cÖm‡½
by-cvk w`‡q /w`‡q
Can be mvg_¨©
 can not /could not +but +verb †VKv‡Z bv cviv, Gov‡Z bv cviv
Can not/could not  +but+verb  bv K‡i cviv,
can-cviv     can’t-bv civ-cvwi /cv‡i /cvi bv
cannot-bv cviv -cvwi /cv‡i /cvi bv
Consequently d‡j /hvi d‡j/djvdjekZ
Continually µgvMZ
Contrarily- wecixZ µ‡g
Could be n‡Z cviZvg/cvijvg/†c‡qwQjvg (mvg_©¨)
Could- cviZvg    Could not- cviZvg bv , cvwiwb
Could have (mvg©_¨) _vK‡Z cviZ
Day after day-w`‡bi ci w`b a‡i
Day-w`b   Daily-cÖwZw`b
Decade- `kK
Despite/Inspite of m‡Z¡I
Doing something ‡Kvb wKQy K‡i
Down bx‡P             Down there-ILv‡b wb‡P
Downward- wb‡Pi w`‡K 
 Due to  Kvi‡Y
Durable -‡UK mB
During mg‡q/hveZ Kvj a‡i
Earlier-Gi Av‡M
Either …or A_ev/nq GBRb bv nq AciRb
Else     Ab¨ †KD
Equally  GKBfv‡e
Equally important GKBfv‡e GB welqwUI ¸i“Z¡c~Y© †h
evanescent- (Bfv‡m›U) Acm„qgvb
Even though-GgbwK hw`I
Eventually ‡kl ch©šÍ
Eventually d‡j /hvi d‡j/djvdjekZ
Everlasting `xN© mgq/wPi¯’vqx
Every century-cÖwZ kZvãx
Every decade-cÖwZ `kK
Every era-cÖwZ hyM
Every evening -cÖwZ w`b mܨv
Every Friday morning -cÖwZ ïµevi mKvj
Every Friday-cÖwZ ïµevi
Every month cÖwZ gv‡m
Every morning cÖwZ mKv‡j
Every night cÖwZ iv‡Z
Every now and then-cÖvqB hLb-ZLb /gv‡S gv‡S
Every week-cÖwZ mßvn
Every year cÖwZ eQ‡i
Everybody else cÖ‡Z¨‡K
Everyday-cÖwZ w`b
Everyone else cÖ‡Z¨‡K
Everywhere else-Ab¨vb¨ meLv‡b
far from-`~‡i
few and far between-KgmsLKevi
few-Lye KgmsL¨K, AZ¨Kg msL¨K , ej‡Z †M‡j GK`g bv (hv †Mvbv hvq )
Finally   Ae‡k‡l First cÖ_gZ
first/firstly-cÖ_gZ /ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
for a long time-A‡bK¶Y a‡i
For a short time Aí mg‡qi Rb¨
For a while wKQy¶‡bi Rb¨/Aí mg‡qi Rb¨
For doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Rb¨
For doing something ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Rb¨ ev Ki‡Z
For example D`vniY ¯^iƒc
For fear of   f‡q
for GKvi‡Y
For having property ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi Kvi‡Y/cvIqvi Kvi‡Y
For instance D`vniY ¯^iƒc
For sometime-‡ek wKQy mgq a‡i
For that  †m Rb¨
For that reason  †m Kvi‡b
For the purpose of   D‡Ïk¨
For the sake of   Rb¨
For the want of     Afv‡ei Kvi‡Y
For this   GRb¨
For this reason    G Kvi‡b
For this reason G Kvi‡b
for two hours-`yN›Uv hveZ
Formerly   Av‡M/AZx‡Z
Fortnight-`yB mßv‡n
forward-mvg‡b w`‡K
four times-Pvi evi, Pvi ¸b
frankly speaking mwZ¨ K_v ej‡Z †M‡j
Frequently cÖvq  mgq
frequently evi evi
From a moral point of view ‡bŠwZK `„wó‡Kvb †_‡K †`L‡j ej‡Z nq †h
From a political point of view ivR‰bwZK `„wó‡Kvb †_‡K †`L‡j
From doing something ‡Kvb wKQy Kiv n‡Z/†_‡K
 from the beginning to the end- AvMv †Mvov/ ïi“ ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ-
From this  G †_‡K
from time immemorial- A‡bK Av‡M †_‡K
From time to time gv‡S gv‡S
Further -AwaKš‘ /AviI
Further more AwaKšÍ/ïay GLv‡bB Sv‡gjvi †kl bq
Generally-mvavibZ t/cÖvq mgq /Lye †ekx mgq
Had    wQj
Had become nj-`~i AZxZ
Had been nj
Had been wQjvg-`~ieZx© AZxZ
Had to be n‡Z nj
hardly …..when ‡hBgvÎ
Hardly clause +when clause  Kivi mv‡_ mv‡_B,Kivi n‡q‡Q wK nqwb
Hardly ever K`vwPr
Hardly had…when
has to be Aek¨B KiYxq
have to/has to Kiv Riƒix/Kivi LyeB cÖ‡qvRb/GRb¨ Ki‡Z n‡e
Have/has  Av‡Q
Have/has been able to be n‡Z †c‡iwQ
Have/has to be n‡Z n‡e
Having +property ‡Kvb wKQy ‡c‡q
having +verb –ed n‡q/nIqvi ci
He /she/it /Rahim   is
He himself /she herself †m wb‡R
He/she/Rahim/it    has
Hence-G Kvi‡b ejv nq †h
Here and there GLv‡b †mLv‡b (¯’v‡bi †¶‡Î)
homeward-M„nvwfg~‡L, evwoi w`‡K
How †hfv‡e
However hZB/-Aek¨ ( GUvI mZ¨ †h )
Hundreds of people  kZ kZ gvbyl
I /we /you /they      have  +
I am nB
I am certain that -wbwðZ
I myself       Avwg wb‡R
I want to say one thing- Avwg Av‡iKwU K_v ej‡Z PvB
I will conclude by saying that –GK_v e‡j Avwg Dcmsnvi Uvbe ‡h
I will sum up by saying that-GK_v e‡j Avwg BwZ Uvbe †h
I/he/she/it  was
if -hw`
If I may be allowed to speak frankely -hw` Avgv‡K ‡Lvjv †gjv fv‡e K_v ejvi AbygwZ †`q nq
If not-hw` Zv bv nq ( Zvn‡j )..
if so-hw` ZvB nq (Zvn†j)
Immediately-AwP‡iB            after-c‡i
In    wfZ‡i
In  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi †¶‡Î
In /under circumstances G Ae¯’vq/cwiw¯’wZ‡Z
In 1996-1996 mv‡j
in 2003-2003 mv‡j
In a like manner-GKBfv‡e
in a minute/in a second-gyn~‡Z©i g‡a¨
In a moment mvgvb¨ mgq/gyn~‡Z©i g‡a¨
In a month-GK gv‡mi g‡a¨
In accordance with in confirmily mv‡_ mvgÄm¨c~Y©
In addition AwaKšÍ/AviI
In all †gvU
In any case-GgbwK /hvB †nvK
In case +clause n‡j,hw` Ggb nq,hw` GUv Kiv nq
In case of   NU‡j
In case of +Noun ‡¶‡Î,†ejvq,n‡j
In common with  Ab¨‡`i mv‡_ mgvbfv‡e
In conclusion-Dcmsnv‡i ejv hvq, G wm×všÍ Uvbv hvq †h
In connection with   cÖm‡½
In consequence of   d‡j
In contrast-wecixZ c‡¶
In defense of   c‡¶
In doing something ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi †¶‡Î
In fact   e¯ZZc‡¶
In fact  Avm‡j
In future-fwel¨‡Z
In future-MZ Kvj mKvj
In here-GLv‡b ( †Kv‡bv ¯’v‡bi g‡a¨ )
Up here-GLv‡b Dc‡i
In honour of   m¤§v‡b
In January-Rvbyqvwi  gv‡m
In keeping with   Zvj †i‡L
In need cÖK„Z c‡¶/mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©
In no circumstances ‡Kvb †¶‡ÎB bv
In no time-Aí mg‡qi g‡a¨
In order to     D‡Ï‡k¨
In other words-Ab¨ K_vq
In pursuance of   cvIqvi Rb¨
In quest of   mÜv‡b
In regard to  mg‡Ü
In respect of  we‡ePbvq
In September-‡m‡Þ¤^i gv‡m
In short-ms‡¶‡c ejv hvq
In spite of that -Zv m‡Z¡I /In spite of-Zv m‡Z¡I
In summary-‡gv‡Ui Dci ms‡¶‡c ejv hvq
In that case-‡m‡¶‡Î
In the afternoon -weKv‡j
In the evening -mܨvq
In the event of   m‡Z¡I
In the face of     gy‡L
in the first place -cÖ_gZ
In the hope of  Avkvq
In the mean time-B‡Zvg‡a¨,BZ¨em‡i
In the morning   mKv‡j
In the past   AZx‡Z
In the recent past BwZc~‡e©
In the same manner -GKBfv‡e|
In the same way GKBfv‡e
In the twinkle of an eye ‡Pv‡Li mvg‡b/‡Pv‡Li cj‡K
In this context   G cÖm‡½
In this regard    G e¨vcv‡i
In time  mg‡qi g‡a¨/mg‡qi wfZi/g‡a¨
In total †gvU
In view of we‡ePbvq
In/on behalf of   c‡¶
Incase hw` Ggb nq
Incidentally-K_v cÖm†½ n‡q †bqv hvq ‡h
Inspite of doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kiv m‡Z¡ I
Instead of doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi cwie‡Z©
Into wfZ‡i  Into-wfZ‡ii w`‡K 
Inward-‡fZ‡ii w`‡K   In-wfZ‡i 
Irrelevant  AcÖmvw½K
It is clear that -¯úó
It is easy to understand that-GUv †evSv mnR †h
It is natural that -¯^fvweK
It is obvious that -GUv †h ¯úó/GUv eySv mnR †h
It is only because GUv ïay G Kvi‡b †h
It is very surprising that-we¯§qKi
It means /This means/That means/This indicates GUv Bw½Z †`q,Gi A_© GB `vouvq †h Zvi gv‡b n‡jv
Kind of/sort of…ai‡bi
last century -MZ kZK
Last century MZ kZvãx
last decade-MZ `kK
last era-MZ hyM
last millennium- MZ mnmªvã
last month-MZ gvm
last morning MZ mKvj
Last night MZ ivZ
Last week MZ mßv‡n
Last year MZ eQi
last/lastly-cwi‡k‡l ej‡Z nq †h
lately m¤cÖwZ
Later c‡i
length wise-Avov Avwo , cÖ¯’eivei
lest …should b‡Pt,bB‡j,K‡iv bv Ki‡j, hv‡Z …bv
Let alone ‡Zv ejviB A‡c¶v iv‡L bv,†Zv `~‡ii K_v
Let me summarize by saying that mvims‡¶c ej‡Z
Let us turn to-GLb †PvL‡divb hvK Gi  w`‡K
Life long     Rxeb e¨vcx/AvRxeb a‡i
Like wise     Abyiƒcfv‡e likewise-GKBfv‡e
little-AZ¨šÍ Kg cwi gv‡b (hv †Mvbv hvq )
long lasting-   `xN©Kvj wU‡K _v‡K Ggb m¤^‡a¨ ejv hvq †h,
Majority of the people AwaKvsk †jvK
Many times  A‡bK evi/ A‡bK ¸b
Many types of  A‡bK ai‡bi
many-A‡bK ¸‡jv (hv Mbbv Kiv hvq )
much-A‡bKUv , A‡bK Lvwb(hv Mbbv Kiv hvq bv)
May be    n‡Z cvwi
may be-m¤¢eZ , n‡ZI cv‡i †h    perhaps- m¤¢eZ
May have _vKv `iKvi
May n‡ZI cv‡i  ,m¤eZ n‡e (wbKU fwel¨r eySv‡Z )
may not-bv I n‡Z cv‡i
Meanwhile    BwZg‡a¨ Meanwhile -B‡Zvg‡a¨,BZ¨em‡i
Might be n‡Z cviZvg/cvijvg/†c‡qwQjvg (m¤¢vebv)
Might have(m¤¢vebv ) _vK‡Z cviZ
might- n‡jI n‡Z cvi‡Zv (AZx‡Z wb‡`©k Ki‡Z )
Millions of people jvL jvL/†KvwU †KvwU  gvbyl
Minute -wgwbU   Moment -gyn~Z©
Month after month-gv‡mi ci gvm a‡i
month- gvm   monthly-gvwmK
More often than not-cÖvqB
Moreover ZvQvovI/-AwaKšÍ
Most of the time-AwaKvsk mg‡q
Most probably-Lye m¤¢eZ
Must /will Ki‡eB Ki‡e
Must be ne/n‡e/nev
Must have been Aek¨B/wbðqB/ n‡q _vKe/n‡qwQ
Must have_vK‡e/_vK‡Z n‡e
Namely-‡hgb , h_v
Naturally ¯^vfvweKfv‡e
near- Kv‡Q
Need to be nIqvi `iKvi/cÖ‡qvRb
Need to had _vKvi `iKvi/cÖ‡qvRb wQj
Need to have _vKv `iKvi
Need to have Av‡Q
Need to have been nIqvi `iKvi/cÖ‡qvRb
Need(s) to be verb +ed or need(s) verb+ing Kiv cÖ‡qvRb A_ev Kiv cÖ‡qvRb n‡q c‡o‡Q
Needed to be nIqvi `iKvi/cÖ‡qvRb
Needed to have _vKvi `iKvi/cÖ‡qvRb wQj
needs to be Kiv `iKvi
Neither     nor `yR‡bi †KD bq
Neither ….nor GwUB I bq IwUI bq
Never KLbI bv
Next   cieZx©‡Z/c‡ii  K_v n‡jv
next century-AvMvgx kZvãx
Next decade- AvMvgx `kK
Next era-AvMvgx hyM
Next Friday cie©wZ ‡mvgevi
Next Friday morning cie©wZ ‡mvgevi mKv‡j
Next Friday-AvMvgx ïµevi
Next millennium-AvMvgx mnmªvã
Next month-AvMvgx gvm
Next week-AvMvgx mßvn
Next year-AvMvgx eQi
No doubt cÖK„Z c‡¶/mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©
No one of the boys  †Q‡j‡`i †KD bv
No one of them        Zv‡`i †KD bv
No one of us   Avgv‡`i/Avgiv  †KD bv
No sooner     than ‡hBgvÎ
No sooner +past than past Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB,Avm‡Z No sooner +past than past bv Avm‡ZB
No sooner had ….than
No-‡Kv‡bvB(bv) , GKUvI bv , GKUzI bv 
None of us Avgv‡`i/Avgiv  †KD bv
Not at all-‡gv‡UI bv
Not only     too ‡Kej bq  I
Not till ZZ¶b ch©šÍ bq
Not to mention bv ej‡jI P‡j
Now   GLb
Now a days-AvRKvj
Nowhere ‡Kv_vI bq
Occasionally- gv‡S gv‡S
Off  `~‡i
Off and on-gv‡S g‡a¨
often- cÖvqB AwaKvsk mg‡q
On  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Dc‡i
On account of    Kvi‡Y
On Friday-ïµev‡i
On no account ‡Kvb Kvi‡bB bv
On occasionally -gv‡S gv‡S
On the 10 th June,2004-10B Ryb 2004 Zvwi‡L
On the 20 th proximo-AvMvgx gv‡mi 20 ZwiL
On the 20th instant -GBgv‡mi 20 ZvwiL
On the brink of    gy‡L
On the contrary   wecixZ c‡¶
On the ground of    Kvi‡Y
On the one hand  GKw`K †_‡K
On the other hand-Aci c‡¶ /wecixZ c‡¶ Ab¨ w`‡K
On the part of       Kv‡iv wb‡Ri †ejvq
On the pretence of   Q‡j,bv‡g
On the whole †gv‡Ui Dci
On time   GKevi/mgqgZ
Once again   Avi I GKevi/ Avevi
Once GK`v/GKevi
Once upon a time GK`v/GK mgq
One kind of   GK cÖKvi
One the eve of   cÖv°v‡j
One type of them  ‡m¸‡jvi g‡a¨
Only ‡Kej
Only by ‡Kej gvÎ Øviv
Only in this way ‡Kej GBfv‡e
Only then      when ‡Kej ZLb...hLb
Onto  Dc‡i
Or   A_ev
otherwise- b‡Pr,bB‡j , bZzev , Ab¨K_vq
Ought not to-(Kiv ) DwPZ bq
Ought to-(Kiv ) DwPZ
Out    evB‡I   outward-eB‡ii w`‡K
over and over again-evievi ,evisevi
Over night-ivZvivwZ/mvivivZ
Over there-Gcv‡k , GB †Zv Gcv‡k Ab¨ cvk †_‡K ejv
Over there-Icv‡k , H ‡Zv GLv‡b
 over-Dc‡i w`‡q
Periodically wbw`ó mgq ci ci
Previously Av‡M AZx‡Z 
Probably- m¤¢eZ
Procrastinating-`xN© m~Îx /AvVvi gv‡m eQi Ggb
Provided /provided that GK k‡Z©/kZ© _v‡K †h
Providing that GK k‡Z©/kZ© _v‡K †h
Rarely Lye Kg mgq
Rarely/hardly ever-Lye Kg , eo †Rvi gv‡S g‡a¨
Rather..than eis
Rather-eis (GK K_vq ejv hvq †h
Recently /lately   m¤cÖwZ
Regarding-Gi m¤^‡Ü Kjv hvq †h|
regularly-wbqwgZ      Repeatedly  evi evi
requires to be Kiv cÖ‡qvRb-
Right now-wVK GLb
Round  Pvicv‡k¦©
Scarcely     when ‡hBgvÎ
Scarcely …before/when mv‡_ mv‡_ Kiv,n‡jv wK n‡jv bv GgZve¯’vq
Scarcely ai‡Z †M‡j bv
Scarcely ever K`vwPr
Seldom K`vwPr
Several times A‡bK evi
several times-K‡qK evi , K‡qK ¸b
shall be  able to /will be able tocvie/cvi‡e m¶g n‡e /ne
Shall be/will be ne
shall not/will not  able to  cvi‡e bv
Shall/will have _vK‡e
short lived-¯^ívqy
Should be         nIqv DwPr
Should have _vKv DwPr
Should have been  nIqv DwPr wQj
Should have/had _vKv DwPr wQj
should not-(Kiv ) DwPZ bq
should-(Kiv) DwPZ
sidewise-cv‡k eivei , GK cv‡k , cvk Ny‡i
Simultaneously-GKB mv‡_ ,hyMc_fv‡e
since- ‡h‡nZz /KviY /‡h‡nZz/†m‡nZz /n‡Z
since morning-mKvj †_‡K
So AZGe/ZvB/ GZ †ekx
So far   G ch©šÍ
So it follows that ….
so it is clear that  Zvn‡j GK_v ¯úó †h
So we must say that ……
So ZvB,myZivs,AZGe,d‡j
Somebody else Ab¨ †KD
Sometimes  gv‡S gv‡S/KLbI KLbI
Some-wKQy , K‡qKwU , K‡qK Rb
so-myZivs   Soon mnmv
Specifically we‡klfv‡e ej‡Z ‡M‡j ej‡Z nq †h|
      Sporadically/Intermittently  ¶‡Y  ¶‡b, †_‡K †_‡K
straight-‡mvRv , eivei
sub +having done +clauseKiv n‡j/n‡j ci/Kivi ci
Such ….that Ggb   †h
Such …as   Ggb   †h
ten times-`kevi , `k ¸b
That  ‡h  †m
That is  A_©vr
That is the general case that-mPivPi Giƒc N‡U †h 
That is to say-Ab¨ K_vq
That is why A_¨©vr Ab¨K_vq/Zvi gv‡b n‡jv GB †h
That is-A_¨©vr Zvi g‡b n‡jv GB †h
That reminds me of-G †_‡K Avgvi Gi K_v g‡b c‡o hv‡”Q-
That/which-hv ( e¯‘)
That’s because Zvi KviY
That’s why G Kvi‡b/†m Kvi‡b/ †m Rb¨B
The consequence was that -dj Giƒc n‡qwQj †h
The day after tomorrow AvMvgx ciï
The day before yesterday MZ ciï
The reasons are many KviY A‡bK ¸‡jv
The whole day mvivw`b mvi/ w`b a‡i
The whole night mvivivZ/mvi ivZ a‡i
then  ZLb
then  ZLb
Then  Zvici
There are basically-g~jZ
There is no…but Ggb †KD †bB †h….K‡i bv,Pvq bv
There is still another thing-ZeyI Av‡iKwU wRwbm ejv `iKvi
Therefore ZvB,myZivs,AZGe,d‡j
They all  Zviv mK‡j
They themselves Zviv wb‡R
Thirdly   Z…ZxqZ
This afternoon-AvR weKv‡j
This evening-AvR mܨvq
This is the general case-mPivPi Giƒc N‡U †h
This moment GBg~n©~‡Z
This morning-AvR mKv‡j  
 Though -hw`I /-Aek¨
Thousands of people nvRvi nvRvi gvbyl
Three times/thrice-wZb ev‡i , wZb ¸b
Through  doing something ‡Kvb wKQy _vKvi/cvIqvi gva¨‡g
Thus         Gfv‡e
Till          ch©šÍ
Time consuming-mgq mv‡c¶ mgq jv‡M Ggb
To be done/Verb+ ed Kivi Av‡Q.K…Ze¨,Kivi g‡Zv,Ki‡Z n‡e,hv Kiv n‡e
To be frank         ej‡Z †M‡j
To be/become/get +complement ‡Kvb wKQy nIqvi Rb¨,j‡¶¨, D‡Ïk¨,
To begin with-ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
To illustrate   D`vnib ¯^iƒc
To me     Avgvi g‡Z
To night AvR iv‡Z
To speak the idea in a nutshell ms‡¶‡c eb©bv w`‡Z wM‡q ej‡Z..
To start with ïi“‡ZB ej‡Z nq †h
To sum up-‡gv‡Ui Dci/mvwe©Kfv‡e /Ae‡k‡l ejvhvq
Today AvR 
Tomorrow afternoon-AvMvgx Kvj weKvj
Tomorrow evening-AvMvgx Kvj mܨvq
Tomorrow morning-AvMvgxKvj mKvj
Tomorrow night -AvMvgx Kvj ivZ
tomorrow-AvMvgx Kvj
Tonight-AvR ivZ
Too- I
 To-w`‡K , cÖwZ
toward home-M„nvwfgy‡L ,evwoi w`‡K
Toward mvg‡bi w`‡K / Awfg~‡L /w`‡K
toward(s) the west-cwðgvwfgy‡L , cwðg w`‡K 
transient-(UªvbwR‡q›U) ¶b ¯’vqx
twice-`yevi, `yB¸b    Two-`ywU  
Under bx‡P
Under consideration we‡ePbvaxb
Under trail   we‡ePbvaxb
underneath-wb‡P, wb‡P w`‡q  under-wb‡P
Unless hw` bv 
Until now    GLb I ch©šÍ Until--hZ¶b bv ch©šÍ
Up     Dc‡i
Up here-GLv‡b Dc‡I  upward-Dc‡ii w`‡K
used to AZx‡Zi Af¨vm
Used to be nZvg (Af¨vm )
Usually  h_vixwZ /......mPivPi...../mvavibZ t
verb +ing cluse + subject+ clause Kivi ci/Kiv n‡j/K‡i
verb+ing +subject +clause Kivi ci/K‡i
very few-AZ¨šÍ Aícwigvb
very often-Lye †ekx mgq
Wanted to be n‡Z †P‡qwQjvg
was able to +verb ‡c‡i wQjvg /‡c‡iwQj
was not able to +verb-cvwiwb /cv‡iwb
Was to be n‡Z nZ
was/were likely to +verb nIqvi m¤¢vebv wQj
was/were most likely to +verb-Lye m¤¢eZ n‡Zv, nIqvi Lye †ewk m¤¢vebv wQj
Was/were supposed to be nevi K_v wQj
Was/were supposed to have_vKvi K_v  wQj
Was/were wQjvg-wbKU AZxZ
We all Avgiv   mK‡j
We are hopeful that-Avkvev`x
We can say that  Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi †h
We suggest that Avgiv mycvwik KiwQ
We/you/they           are
Week- mßvn
Westward- (cwðgvwfg~‡L , cwðg w`‡K
What   hv   Zv welqe¯Í
What is the name thing -GKB K_v Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq Gfv‡e †h
Whatever  †h  B /hvwKQyB
Where  ‡hLv‡b
Where ever ‡hvLv‡bB
Whether /if  wK  bv
Whether ….or ‡nvK ev bv †nvK
Which/that ‡hwU †mwU,†h¸wj †m¸wj
Who ‡h   †m//whwb wZwb/‡K
Who else Ab¨ †K?
Whoever-‡he¨vw³B / †hB
Whom/who/hv‡K  Zv‡K,hv‡`i‡K Zv‡`i‡K/Kv‡K /hv‡K
Whose Kvi /hvi / hvi  Zvi/hv‡`i Zv‡`i
Why   †Kb/Kx Rb¨/Kx Kvi‡b
Wide - cÖk¯Í
 will KieB Kie (†Rvi †`qv ev M~iƒZ¡ †`Iqv)
With a view to   D‡Ïk¨
With an eye to wbR‡i
With doing something ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi wb‡q/mv‡_
With reference to wel‡q/e¨vcv‡i
with the result that --hvi dj GB n‡qwQj †h
within a week-GK mßv‡ni gv‡a¨
Without  doing something   ‡Kvb wKQy Kivi Qvov/e¨ZxZ
Worth +doing (verb +ing) Kivvi †hvM¨/Kiv jvfRbK/Kivi `vex/†hvM¨Zv/mydj/jvf
Would be nZvg (Abf¨vm )
Would like to be n‡Z †P‡qwQjvg
Would like to have been n‡Z †P‡qwQjvg
yesteday-MZ Kvj  
Yesterday afternoon-MZKvj weKvj
yesterday evening-MZ Kvj mܨv
yet GLb ch©šÍ bv
Yet to verb GLb I K‡I bvB,GLb I nq bvB
Yet-Z_vwc, ZeyI
You all ‡Zvgiv mK‡j
You can
You can’t
It’s all right to
If you want you can
You’d better not..
You are not supposed to
You’re allowed to
You are not allowed to
Have got
Don’t have to
There is/was no need to
I would like you to
Linking words indicationg addition/inclusion
And (I, Ges)
Both---and (DfqB, Df‡qB, DfqwUB,Dfq¯’vbB)
Or (A_ev, wKsev, bZzev)
Either-------or (A_ev, nq GBRb---bv nq AciRb, nq GwU bv nq AciwU)
Neither ----- nor (GwUI bq----IwUI bq) (GBRb I bq ----H RbI bq)
Not only ------but also (I, †Kej GwU---IwUI, †Kej GBRb bq--HRbI) (†Kej G welqwU bq---H welqwUI)
As well as (Z_v, I, Ges)
Besides/Moreover/Further more (Zv QvovI, AwaKšÍ)
In addition (AwaKšÍ)
Again (Avevi, ZvQvov)
Linking words Indication purpose
(D‡Ïk¨ cÖKvkK ms‡hvMKvix  kã)
So that/ In order that/That (‡hb, hv‡Z K‡e/hvi d‡j)
So----that (GZ----†h)
So much----that/so many—that (GZ †ewk cwigvb---†h/GZ †ewk msL¨K ---†h)
As much as/As much—as/As many---as (hZUzKz—ZZUzKz/ hZUzKz m¤¢e/hZ¸‡jv---ZZ¸‡jv)
Lest (b‡PZ  bZzev, cv‡Q, Ab¨_vq)
Linking Words Indicating comparison (Zzjbv cÖKvkK ms‡hcMKvix  kã)
As---as (gZ, b¨vq, †hgb---†Zgb):nu¨v †evaK ev‡K¨
So-----as (gZ, b¨vq, †hgb---†Zgb): bv †evaK ev‡K¨
Than (‡P‡q/A‡cÿv)

Linking words indicating contrast
(‰emv`„k¨ cÖKvkK ms‡hvRK kã)
While/Whereas (Ab¨w`‡K, A_P)
Though/Although (hw`I ---ZeyI/hw`I---/n‡jI)
Even though(hw`I ---ZeyI/n‡jI)
Despite/In spite of(m‡Z¡I)
Nevertheless/Nonetheless (m‡Z¡I)
Still/yet ( ZeyI, Zv m‡Z¡I)
Instead (cwie‡Z©, Zvi cwie‡Z©, eis)
But (wKš‘)
On the other hand/On the contrary (Ab¨w`‡K, cÿvšÍ‡i)
However (Z‡e, hv †nvK)
Any way  (hv †nvK, Z‡e)
However (Z‡e, hv †nvK)
Any way (Z‡e, hv †nvK)
All the same (GKB K_v)
All the same (Zv m‡Ë¡I)
Linking words indicating condition        (kZ© cÖKvkK ms‡hvMKvix kã)
Otherwise/or(bZzev, b‡Pr, Ab¨_vq, wKsev)
If(hw`I): kZ© †evSv‡Z
Provided/Provided that/Providing that         (hw`, kZ© GB †h) kZ© †evSv‡Z
Incase (hw`) kZ© †evSv‡Z
Unless (hw` bv, bv n‡j): kZ© †evSv‡Z
Until/Till (bv ch©šÍ, ch©šÍ ):mg‡qi †ÿ‡Î
Only (‡Kej, Z‡e)
Linking words indication time & place
No sooner had---than (n‡Z bv n‡ZB gvÎB)
Scarcely had--- when (n‡Z bv n‡ZB gvÎB)
Hardly had--- When/before
                 (n‡Z bv n‡ZB gvÎB)
As (hLb---ZLb, mg‡qi mv‡_ mv‡_)
When (hLb---ZLb)
While (hLb---ZLb)
Before (c~‡e©)
After (c‡i)
As soon as (‡hBgvÎ---- †mBgvÎ/gvÎB)
Sometimes (KL‡bv, KL‡bv, gv‡S gv‡S)
At present/Presently/Recently/of late (eZ©gv‡b, m¤cÖwZ)
Now (GLb, Gevi)
Then (Zvici, Gici, AZ:ci)
After wards (c‡i, cieZx© Kv‡j)
At first/Firstly(cÖ_‡g, cÖ_gZ, me©cÖ_g)
Kv‡Ri aviv ev ch©vqt
At the beginning (kyiæ‡Z)
Secondly (wØZxqZ)
Thirdly (Z’ZxqZ)
Next (Zvici)
After this/after that (Gici, Zvici)
Finally/At last/At the end(Ae‡k‡q)
Where (‡hLv‡b---†mLv‡b) ¯’vb †evSv‡Z
When (hLb---ZLb) mgq †evSv‡Z
Linking wors indicating reason
(KviY cÖKvkK ms‡hvMKvix kã)
Because/As/Since (‡h‡nZz/†m‡nZz---†m‡nZz)
Why  (‡Kb, Kx R‡b¨, Kx Kvi‡b)
Unking words indication result
(dj vdj)
So/therefore(ZvB, myZivs, AZÎe, d‡j
As a result/consequently/as a consequence/eventually (d‡j, hvi d‡j, djvdjekZ)
Thus (Gfv‡e, †mfv‡e)
Naturally (¯^vfvweKfv‡e, ¯^fveZB)
Linking word indicating manner
(aib cÖKvkK cÖ‡qvMKvix  kã)
As if/As though (‡hb)
As it were  (‡hb)
By and by (Av‡¯Í, Av‡¯Í, µgvš^‡q)
How  (‡hfv‡e, wKfv‡e):aib, c×wZ †evSv‡Z
Such—as/such—that (Ggb---†h)
However (hZB)
As  (‡hgb, †hgb---†Zgb)
Linking words indicating summary
          (mvigg© cÖKvkK mO‡hvMKvix kã)
After all (mewKQz m‡Z¡I)
On the whole (‡gv‡Ui Dci/mewKQz wg‡j‡q)
Above all (m‡e©vcwi)
In all/In total (‡gvU)
Linking words indicating emphasis
    (¸iæZ¡ cÖKvkK ms‡hvMKvix kã)
Indeed/No doubt
                           (cÖK„Z c‡ÿ/mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©)
Actually (cÖK…Z c‡ÿ, mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©)
Other linking words
                               (Ab¨vb¨ ms‡hvMKvix kã)
Rather---than  (eis)
Whether/If (wKbv)
Whether----or (‡nvK ev bv †nvK)
That (‡h)
Who (‡h---‡m/whwb wZwb/hviv Zviv):e¨w³ †evSv‡Z)
Whom/Who (hv‡K---Zv‡K, hv‡`i‡K---Zv‡`i‡K) e¨w³/e¯‘
Whose (hvi--- Zvi, hv‡`i-- Zv‡`i): e¨w³/e¯‘
Which/that (‡hwU-- †mwU/†m¸wj-- †m¸wj): e¯‘ †`‡ki Which  e‡m
That (†h--- †m)
What (hv-- Zv): welq/e¯‘
Whatever (‡h--- B)
Whoever (‡h-- B)
As usually/Usually (mPivPi)
By the by (K_v cÖm‡½/Av”Qv)

You would better
I think you ought to
It isn’t a good idea to
If I were you I wouldn’t
You shouldn’t
It would be better not to
I don’t advise you to
My advise is to
You should
I would advise you
You should
You would better
You could
You are allowed to
You are not allowed to
She asked me to
She told me to
She wanted me to
She odered me to
She advised me to
She tried to persuade me to
She urged me to
She wanted me to
She invited me to
She reminded me to
Have/has the ability to +verb
am/is/are in a position to +verb
was/were in a position to +verb
am/is/are capable of +verb+ing
was/were+ capable of+ verb+ing
am/is/are incapable of +verb+ing
have/has no choice but to +verb
have/has no alternative to +verb
managed to
did not manage to +verb
cannot but +verb
cannot help+verb+ing
am/is/are supposed to +verb
It +is/was+requires/required/obligatory that +clause
It’ll probably
It looks as if it’ll
It probably won’t
It does not look as if it will
It is not likely to
I am absolutely sure it will
It is sure to
It sounds as if it will

Kx /hv– (‡Kvb e¯‘ Rvb‡Z) What
‡Kv_vq/†h_vq-(‡Kvb ¯&nvb  Rvb‡Z)  Where
KLb/hLb- -(‡Kvb mgq Rvb‡Z)  When
wKfv‡e/†Kgb- -(‡Kvb KvR wKfv‡e nq Rvb‡Z) How
‡Kb (‡Kvb ‡Kb,wK Kvi‡b  Rvb‡Z)      Why
‡K/Kviv /†h /†K †K/†h †h Who
Kv‡K/Kv‡`i‡K/hv‡K        Whom
‡KvbwU                        Which +noun
Kvi wU /hviwU               Whose+noun
KZ`~i                          How far
KZevi /KZevi/KZ mgq cici   How often
KZ¶b hver/KZ j¤^v       How long
KZ¸‡jv                          How many+Plural
Kx cwigvb/KZUzKz             How much+Countable noun
KZ¶b-                         How long
‡Kvb mvn‡m                    How dare
KZ fvov                        How fare
Avi  KZ¶b                    How much longer?
KZ Av‡¯Í                       How slowly
KZ `ª“Z                         How quickly
Kvi mv‡_                     With whom
‡Kv_v †_‡K                    From where
‡KvbwU‡Z                      In which+Noun
GKvwaK‡Ki ga¨ †_‡K †e‡Q †bIqv Which (one)
Avi wK /Avi wKfv‡e                  What else
Avi †K                                 Who else
Avi Kv‡K                              Whom else
Avi †Kv_vq                            Where else
Avi wKfv‡e                              How else
AvK…wZ‡Z/†`L‡Z †Kgb what ….look like
Avi wK?                                 what else

‡Kgb/†Kvb cÖKv‡ii         What type of +Noun
‡Kgb/†Kvb cÖKv‡ii        What sort of +Noun
‡Kgb/†Kvb cÖKv‡ii         What kind of +Noun
wK‡mi Rb¨?/hvi Rb¨-        For what
‡Kvb mgq/†h mgq What time
‡Kvb ¯nv‡b/†h ¯nv‡bAt what place
wK m¤ú‡K©/hv m¤ú‡K©About what
wK‡mi wei“‡Ø/hvi wei“‡Ø-Against what
‡Kvb  welq¸‡jv‡Z?/†h welq¸‡jv‡Z  In what subjects
wK‡mi Av‡M?/hvi Av‡M WBefore what
wK‡mi wcQ‡b?/hvi wcQ‡b Behind what
wK‡mi cv‡k/hvi cv‡kBeside what
wK‡mi Øviv/hvi Øviv        By what
wK n‡Z?/hv n‡Z           From what
wK‡mi Dci?/hvi Dci       About what
wK‡mi g‡a¨/hvi g‡a¨         In What
wK‡mi bx‡P/hvi bx‡P         Under what
wK‡mi Dci/hvi Dci       Upon what
wK‡mi mv‡_/hvi mv‡_        Upon what
wK Qvov/hv Qvov                Without what
wK‡mi g‡a¨ w`‡q/hvi g‡a¨ w`‡q   Through what
wK eivei/hv eivei           Along what
wK‡mi mvg‡b/hvi mvg‡b  In front of What
wK‡mi Dci/hvi Dci After what
wK‡mi c‡i/hvi c‡i After what
wK‡mi cÖwZ/hvi cÖwZTo what
‡Kvb ¯’v‡b?/†h ¯’v‡b In What place

1.     Zzwg Ki | You (do)
2.     Zzwg Ki bv | You do not(do)
3.     Zzwg wK Ki ?   Do you (do)?
4.     Zzwg wK Ki bv? Don’t you (do)?
5.     Zzwg wK Ki ?   What do  you (do)?
6.     Zzwg wK Ki bv? What don’t  you (do)?
7.     Zzwg wKfv‡e Ki ?  How do  you (do)?
8.     Zzwg wKfv‡e Ki bv? How don’t  you (do)?
9.     Zzwg KLb Ki ? When  do  you (do)?
10. Zzwg KLb Ki bv? When  do  you (do)?
11.  Zzwg ‡Kv_vq  Ki ? Where  do  you (do)?
12. Zzwg ‡Kv_vq  Ki bv ? Where  don’t  you (do)?
13. Zzwg ‡Kb  Ki ? When  do  you (do)?
14. Zzwg ‡Kb  Ki bv ? Why  do  you (do)?
15.  ‡K  K‡i ? Who  does?
16. ‡K  K‡i bv? Who   doesn’t   (do)?
17. ‡K  ‡K ev Kviv K‡i ? Who  do  you (do)?
18. Zzwg ‡Kvb  KvRwU Ki ?Which ( )do you (do) ?
19. Zzwg ‡Kvb  KvRwU  Ki bv ? Which (    ) do you do?
20. Zzwg Kvi  KvRwU Ki ? Whose (    ) do you do?
21. Zzwg Kvi  KvRwU  Ki bv ? Whose (    ) don’t you do?
22. Zzwg Kv‡K   Ki ? Whom/who do you do?
23. Zzwg   Kv‡K  Ki bv ? Whom/who don’t you do?

1.     Zzwg K‡iwQj | You (did)
2.     Zzwg Ki wb| You did not (do)
3.     Zzwg wK K‡iwQj ? Did you (do)?
4.     Zzwg wK K‡iwQ‡j bv? Didn’t you (do)?
5.     Zzwg wK K‡i wQj ? What did  you (do)?
6.     Zzwg wK Ki wb? What didn’t  you (do)?
7.     Zzwg wKfv‡e K‡iwQj ? How did  you (do)?
8.     Zzwg wKfv‡e Ki wb? When  did  you (do)?
9.     Zzwg KLb Ki ? When  did  you (do)?
10. Zzwg KLb Ki wb? When  did  you (do)?
11.  Zzwg ‡Kv_vq  K‡i wQ‡j ? Where  did  you (do)?
12. Zzwg ‡Kv_vq  Ki wb ? Where  didn’t  you (do)?
13. Zzwg ‡Kb  K‡iwQj ? When  did  you (do)?
14. Zzwg ‡Kb  Ki wb ? Why  didn’t  you (do)?
15. ‡K  (K‡i )wQj ? Who  (did)?
16. ‡K  (K‡i wb ? Who   didn’t   (do)?
17. ‡K  ‡K ev Kviv K‡iwb ? Who  didn’t  you (do)?
18. Zzwg ‡Kvb  KvRwU K‡iwQj ? Which(  )  did you do ?
19. Zzwg ‡Kvb  KvRwU  Ki wb ? Which  (    ) didn’t  you do?
20. Zzwg Kvi  KvRwU (K‡i )wQ‡j ? Whose (    ) did you do?
21. Zzwg Kvi  KvRwU  (Ki) wb ? Whose (    ) didn’t you do?
22. Zzwg Kv‡K   (K‡i )  wQj ? Whom/who did you do?
23. Zzwg   Kv‡K  (Ki) wb ? Whom/who didn’t you do?

1.     Zzwg Ki‡e |        You will (do)
2.     Zzwg Ki‡e bv |    You will not (do)
3.     Zzwg wK Ki‡e ?    Will you(do)?
4.     Zzwg wK Ki‡e bv?   Won’t You do?
5.     Zzwg wK Ki‡e ?      What will you (do)?
6.     Zzwg wK Ki‡e bv?    What won’t you (do)?
7.     Zzwg wKfv‡e Ki‡e ?  How will you (do)?
8.     Zzwg wKfv‡e Ki‡e bv? How won’t you (do)?
9.     Zzwg KLb Ki‡e ?      When  will you (do)?
10. Zzwg KLb Ki‡e bv?  When  won’t you (do)?
11.  Zzwg ‡Kv_vq  Ki‡e ? Where  will you (do)?
12. Zzwg ‡Kv_vq  Ki‡e bv ? Where  will you (do)?
13. Zzwg ‡Kb  Ki‡e ?    Why  will you (do)?
14. Zzwg ‡Kb  Ki‡e bv ? Why  won’t you (do)?
15. ‡K  Ki‡e ?             Who  will  (do)?
16. ‡K  Ki‡e bv?          Who  won’t( do) ?
17. ‡K  ‡K ev Kviv Ki‡e  ? Who  will  (do)?
18. Zzwg ‡Kvb  KvRwU Ki‡e    ? Which(  )  will  you (do)?
19. Zzwg ‡Kvb  KvRwU  Ki‡e   ? Which (    ) won’t  you do?

A q B G   (Kwi/Ki/K‡i)
cÖZ¨vkv Kiv
                  expect/expects to+ verb
Avkv Kiv
                  hope/hopes to +verb
m¤§wZ †`Iqv
               consent/consents to +verb
                  need/needs to +verb
msMÖvg Kiv
                   strive/strives to +verb
ivRx nIqv
                 agree/agrees to +verb
cwiKíbv Kiv
                    plan/plans to +verb
Sz‡K cov
                   tend/tends to +verb
Ae‡njv Kiv
               neglect/neglects to +verb
¤§ib Kiv
               remember/remembers +verb
AMÖmi nIqv
              proceed/proceeds to +verb
cÖZxK&v Kiv
             long/longs for +verb +ing
              intend/intends to +verb
‡Póv Kiv
                try/tries to +verb
                enjoy/enjoys to +verb
cQ›` Kiv
               like/likes to +verb
Pvwj‡q hvIqv
           continue/continues to +verb
AwaKZi cQ›` Kiv
           prefer/prefers to +verb
Kíbv Kiv
           imagine/imagines to +verb
Kvgbv Kiv
          desire/desires to +verb
AbyZvc Kiv
            regret/regrets to +verb
fq Kiv
            dread/dreads to +verb
Abykxjb Kiv
          practice/practices to +verb
D‡`¨vM †bIqv
          attempt/attempts to +verb
‡Póv Kiv
endeavour /endeavours to +verb
e¨e¯’v Kiv
manage/manages to +verb

AvMÖnx bv
S+am/is/are+interstested in +verb+ing+
  He is interested in reading a story book
S+am/is/are+not+interstested in +verb+ing+……
He is not interested in playing football.
  ‡Z fq cvq
‡Z fq cvq bv
S+am/is/are+ afraid of  +verb+ ing……
S+am/is/are+ not +afraid of  +verb+ ing
..m¤¢veb †bB
S+am/is/are+a +possibility of +verb+ing
There is a possibility of raining tomorrow
S+am/is/are+not+a +possibility of +verb+ing
B”Qv Av‡Q/†bB
S+have/has  +intention of /no intention of +verb+ing
cQ›` Av‡Q/†bB
S+have/has +choice of/no choice of  +verb +ing
..wcÖq bv
S+am/is/are+fond of  +verb+ing
S+am/is/are+not+fond of  +verb+ing
Pvwj‡q hvIqv
S+keep/keeps on +verb+ing
S+do/does not +keep on +verb+ing
Pvwj‡q hvBwb
S+kept on +verb+ing
S+did not +keep on +verb +ing
S+am/is/are+successful in +verb+ing +……
S+ insists on +verb+ing
S+ am/is/are accustomed to +verb+ ing +…

         Verb (Past form)                      
      Shall do/will +(     )
                Shall do
    am/is/are+ verb+ ing
             am/is/are doing
    was/were +verb +ing
            was/were doing
     have/has+ verb of past participle
               have/has done
      had +verb of past participle
                       had done
Ki‡Z _vwK/_vK/_v‡K
       Keep +verb+(ing)                 
                     Keep doing
Ki‡Z _vKj/_vK‡j/_vKj/jvMj
      kept +verb +ing           kept doing
Ki‡Z _vK‡ev/_vK‡e
       Shall be/will be+ verb+(ing)
              Shall be/will be doing
mgq hver KiwQ/KiQ/Ki‡Q
         have/has been +verb+ ing         for /since
        has been raining for two hours
         have been reading since morning
Kiv DwPZ
            should (  verb )
              should do
Kiv cÖ‡qvRb
           need +( verb  )
              need do
nqZ K‡i/Ki‡e
              may +(verb)
              may do
Aek¨B K‡i/Ki‡e
         must+ (verb)
            must do
nqZ Ki‡jI Ki‡Z cvv‡i
            might +verb
             might do
Ki‡Z cv‡i
          can +(verb)
         can do
Ki‡Z cviZ
       could + ( verb)
         could do
           would +(verb )
        would do
Ki‡Z n‡e
 have/has to +(verb)
have/has to do                                                                        
Kivi K_v
 am/is/ are+ supposed to +(verb)
   am/is/are supposed to do
Kivi K_v wQj
 was/were+ supposed to+ (verb)
was/were supposed to do
Ki‡Z hv‡”Q
                 am/ is/ are+ going to +(verb)
              am/is/are supposed to do
Ki‡Z hvw”Qj
              was/were+ going to +(verb)
                 was/were going to do
m¤¢eZ K‡i/Ki‡e
               am/ is/ are+ likely to +(verb)
                am/is/are likely to do

m¤¢eZ K‡iwQj
               was/ were+ likely to +(verb)
                was/were likely to do
Lye m¤¢eZ K‡iwQj/Ki‡e
             am/ is/ are+ most likely to + ( verb)
             am/is/are most likely to do
Lye m¤¢eZ K‡iwQj
            was, were+ most likely to +( verb)
            was/were most likely to do
Ki‡Z n‡”Q
              Have/has got to +(verb)
g‡b nq K‡i
              seem to +(verb)
                seems to do
 eis Kwi
              had better+ (verb)
              had better
 eis Kwi
             would rather+ (verb)
             would rather do
KiZvg/Ki‡Z Af¨¯Í wQjvg
             used to+ (verb)
             used to do
 Ki‡Z Af¨¯’
              am/get used to +(verb)+ing
  Ki‡Z Af¨¯’ n‡q c‡iwQjvg
              was/got used to +(verb)+ing
  Ki‡Z Af¨¯Í n‡q co‡ev
             will be/get used to+ (verb)+ing
  Kwibv ej‡jB P‡j
             hardly ever +(verb)
cvIqvi ci
 After having                     After +verb +ing
cvIqv/_vKvi c~‡e©
 Before having                  before +verb +ing
_vKvi/cvIqvi wcQ‡b
 Behind having                 Behind +verb +ing
_vKvi/cvIqvi cvkvcvwk
 Beside having                 Beside  +verb +ing
_vKv/cvIqvi Rb¨/`iæb
 For having                       For +verb +ing
cvIqvi _vKvi ‡‡Î
 In having                         In +verb +ing
cvIqv/_vKvi Kvi‡b
Incase of having              In case of  +verb +ing
cvIqv/_vKvi Kvi‡b
On account of having    
                                     On account of  +verb +ing
cvIqv/_vKvi Kvi‡b
Because of having        Because of  +verb +ing
_vKvi/cvIqvi cwie‡Z©
In spite of having           In spite of  +verb +ing
_vKvi/cvIqvi gva¨‡g
Through having             Through  +verb +ing
By having                       By  +verb +ing
_vKv wb‡q
With having                   with  +verb +ing
_vKv/cvIqv e¨ZxZ
Without having              without  +verb +ing
_vKv/cvIqv n‡Z †_‡K
From having                 from +verb +ing
_vKvi Dci
On having                     on having +verb +ing
_vKv/cvIqvi e¨vcv‡i/wel‡q/m¤ú‡K©
Of/about having          of/about +verb +ing

1 comment:

kawser said...

thank you for that

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