Write a
letter to your friend describing/telling/narrating/experiencing /tell how/…about—(cÖkœc‡Î D‡jwLZ welq)
utter Ibrahimpur Dhaka cantt.-1206
dear Friend/Father/ (eÜzi bvg/PvPvZ fvB/†evbi bvg )
the beginning (ïi“‡ZB) of the
letter take my profound (myMfxi) love and
best wishes (ï‡f”Qv) from the core
(AšÍt¯’j) of my heart. A sweet letter from you has just
anchored to the shore(Zxi) of my heart.
Thank you for your letter. I am quiet well. I hope you are also hale (my¯’) and hearty (mej) by the grace
(ing‡Z) of Almighty (me©kw³gvb)
Allah. I am glad (Lywk)/shocked (gg©vnZ) to tell you a few lines about –(‡h welq wb‡q cix¶vq Avm‡e
Zvi bvg)
GLv‡b c‡Îi g~j
Ask/K_v/cÖavb As‡ki K_v¸‡jv Kgc‡¶ 6/7 jvBb wjL‡Z n‡e|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
No more today. Wishing you a sound
health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck. Keep well and write to me. Have a nice time.
Hopping to hear from you soon
loving (eÜz/†Q‡j/Kb¨v/fvB/†evb)
* Draw an envelop and write full
addresses of the writer and receiver.*
(wb‡P ïaygvÎ wPwVi g~j Ask †`Iqv nj)
Write a letter to you friend telling him the benefit(DcKvixZv) of reading newspaper.
A newspaper
is a store (fvÛvi) house of
knowledge. It is a mirror (Avqbv) of the
current (mv¤cÖwZK) world. By
reading newspaper we can enrich (mg„×) our
knowledge (Ávb) on various
fields(wewfbœ †¶‡Î). By reading
newspaper we can learn the current information (Z_¨) on science,
education, literature (mvwnZ¨),
agriculture, sports and games, arts and culture(K…wó-ms¯‹…wZ). Every
student and every educated (wkw¶Z) person
should read newspaper.
Write a letter to your friend about the importance (¸iZ¡) of learning English.
English is
an international (AvšÍ©RvwZK) language.
We cannot (cvwibv) communicate
(‡hvMv‡hvM) with the other corner (Ab¨cÖvšÍ) of the world without (Qvov) English.
All international seminars and discussions (Av‡jvPbv Abyôvb) are held (AbywôZ) in English. Books on higher education (D”Pwk¶v) are written (wjwLZ) in English.
To be (n‡Z) a doctor, a
good teacher, a good tourist, one must (Aek¨B) have (_vK‡Z nq) a good (fvj) knowledge(Ávb) in English. So I am telling you to learn (‡kL) English to make life successful (mvdj¨gq Rxeb).
Write a letter to your friend telling him about my aim
in life.
Teaching is
a noble (gnr) profession
(‡ckv). My aim is to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher of
my village school. The students of my village school do not get standard (DbœZgv‡bi) education (wk¶v). After
completing (‡kl K‡i) SSC I will
admit (fwZ©) myself into
a famous (weL¨vZ) university.
From there I will complete (m¤ú~Y©) all
necessary (cÖ‡qvRbxq) degrees.
Then I will join (‡hvM`vb) in my
village school. A teacher can lead (cwiPvjbv Kiv) an honest
life (mrRxeb).
Write a letter to your friend describing (eb©bv) your hostel life (QvÎvevm Rxeb).
Our school
hostel is a two-storeyed (`yB Zjvwewkó) building (feb) in our school compound (cÖv½b). A strict (K‡Vvi) discipline
(k„•Ljv) is maintained (wbqwš¿Z) in every (cÖ‡Z¨K) sphere (‡¶‡Î) of hostel
life. The hostel in charge looks after the academic (wk¶vmsµvšÍ) affairs (w`K/welqvejx) of the
hostel. He loves me very much. Other student’s of the hostel are very friendly
(eÜzcivqb) and co-operative (mn‡hvMxc~Y©
g‡bvfve). The meals are pure and good. After all, my hostel
life is very interesting (gRvi) to me.
Write a letter to your friend advising (Dc‡`k) to him be serious (&AvšÍwiK) about his
I am greatly
(gvivZ¡Kfv‡e) heart (gg©vnZ) to know(‡R‡b) that you are not regular(wbqwgZ) in your studies. I am informed (Rvbv‡bv n‡q‡Q) that you are mixing (‡gjv‡gkv) with bad
boys. It has broken (‡f‡½‡Q) my heart (Avgvi ü`q). You know that our economic (A_©‰bwZK) condition (Ae¯’v) is not
good. You are our hope. You should not hurt (gg©vnZ) us this
way. You should use your time properly (mwVKfv‡e). You should
be regular in your studies. I hope that you must follow (Abymib) my advice.
Write a letter to your father informing him about your
preparation for the Junior
School Certificate Examination.
You wanted
to know the progress (DbœwZ) for the
ensuring (Avmbœ) Junior School
Certificate Examination. You will be glad (Lywk) to know
that I have studied all my subjects very carefully(hZœmnKv‡i). I shall be able to secure (b¤^i AR©b) about 90% marks in Mathematics and 80 % marks in
English, Bengali and Social Science. Our headmaster takes up special (we‡kl) classes every morning. It has helped me a lot. Do
pray that I can keep your heads(gv_v) high(D”P) by the grace (ing‡Z) of Allah.
Write a letter to your friend/cousin congratulating
him/her brilliant success in the J.S.C examination.
I came to
know by your letter that you have passed the J. S. C examination with
G.P.A-5:00. I congratulate (Awfb›`b) you on your
brilliant (‡MŠiegq) success. In
fact, this brilliant result is a matter of pride and joy for us. This success
now brings (wb‡q Avmv) golden
opportunities (my‡hvM) for you to
rise in life. I am sure that you will do still better in your future
Write a letter to your friend describing him/her about
your village.
My village
is a big one. It is by the side of a river. The natural scenery(cÖvK…wZK `„k¨) of the village is very charming (g‡bvg»yKi). There is a high school, two primary schools and a
market in our village. My village has many flower gardens. The villagers (MÖvgevmxiv) love one another (G‡K Ac‡i). They live
in peace (kvwšÍ‡Z). I am happy
for my village.
Write a letter to your friend describing the prize
giving ceremony of your school.
Every year
our school holds (AbywôZ) a grand (RvKRgKfv‡e) prize giving ceremony. The last ceremony was held(AbywôZ) on Friday last. The school buildings(we`¨vjq feb) were decorated (mvRv‡bv) nicely (my›`ifv‡e). The D.C was the chief (cÖavb) guest (AwZw_) of the
function (Abyôvb). The function
started (ïi“ nIqv) at 10 am
with our national (RvZxq) anthem (msMxZ). Then the chief guest(cÖavb AwZw_) gave away (weZiY Kiv) prizes among (g‡a¨) the winners
10.Write a letter to your father informing
(Rvbv‡bv) him the result of your annual examination and requesting
(Aby‡iva) him to send (cvVv‡bv) you some
money in order to buy new books and school uniform (¯‹zj †cvkvK).
The result
of my annual exam published (cÖKvwkZ) yesterday.
I have stood first in the examination. Our class will be started January10,
2012. I will have to buy some new books and school uniform (¯‹zj †Wªm) .I will also have to buy a new shirt. Now I need 2200
Tk. So you are requested to send me the money as soon as possible.
11.Write a letter to your friend inviting (`vIqvZ) him to the marriage ceremony of your
elder (eo) brother/sister.
You will be
glad to know that the marriage (weevn) ceremony (Abyôvb) of my elder (eo) sister/sister
will be held (AbywôZ) on Sunday
next. All of my friends will attend (Dcw¯’Z) the marriage
(weevn) ceremony (Abyôvb). I would
request you to come to our house at least (Kgc‡¶) three days
earlier (Av‡M Av‡M).
11. A letter to your friend inviting(Avgš¿b) him/her to go with him/her to visit(ågb) a place of historical interest(HwZnvwmK ¯’vb).
You will be
glad to know that we are going to a picnic at Sonargaon(‡mvbvi MvuI). It is a place of historical interest (HwZnvwmK ¯’vb). It is near (wbK‡U) to Dhaka. I
hope you will join (AskMÖnY) us. We
shall start at seven o’clock in the morning from our school campus. You will
come in time (h_vmgq). Your
presence (Dcw¯’wZ) will give
us much (A‡bK) pleasure (Avb›`).
12. Write a
letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic.
We are going
to enjoy a picnic at Gazipur
National Park on 21
December. It is one of the most suitable picnic spots in our country. We shall
start at seven o’clock in the morning from our school campus. You will come in
time (h_vmgq). We will enjoy there lot. You are
cordially invited to attend us. Your presence (Dcw¯’wZ) will give
us much (A‡bK) pleasure (Avb›`).
13. Write a
letter to your friend to attend your birthday ceremony.
You must be
glad (Lywk) to know that the coming 20th
May is my birthday. A small party is going to be arranged (Av‡qvRb). All my relatives (AvZ¡xq¯^Rb) and friends
(eÜzMb) have been invited (Avgwš¿Z). My parents
and my grandparents will be happy to have you in their midst (g‡a¨) .Your arrival (Dcw¯’wZ) will make
my party more (AwaK) enjoyable (Avb›`gq). So you are heartily (AvšÍwiKfv‡e) requested (Aby‡iva) to come to my birthday party.
14. Write a
letter to your friend describing him about a serious (gvivZ¡K) accident (`yNUbv) that you
have witnessed(‡`‡LQ).
It was
January 10, 2011.After school hour, I was returning home on foot. I saw a boy
crossing (cvi nIqv) the busy (e¨¯Í) school road. Just (wVK) at that moment
(GB gyû‡Z©) a cruel (NvZK) truck was running at a great speed (`ª“Z MwZ‡Z). The truck driver could not control (wbqš¿b) speed (`ª“Z). He was run
over (Pvcv cov) by the speedy truck (`ª“ZMvgx Uªv‡Ki Øviv). I rushed (`ª“Z Dcw¯’Z nIqv) to the spot
(NUbv¯’‡j) and found (‡`Ljvg) him dead.
His parents were informed (msev` †`Iqv nj) of the
accident. I will never (KLbI) forget (fy‡j hvIqv) this serious (gvivZ¡K) accident (`yNU©bv).
15. Write a
letter to your friend thanking him/her for sending you a nice present/gift.
I am very
glad to receive (MÖnY Kiv) your letter
and parcel (c¨v‡KU) of a nice
birthday gift. Thanks a lot for the gift. I wonder (AevK) how you could guess (Abygvb) my desires
(B”Qv) of a dictionary. I shall preserve (msi¶Y) it. It will come to use altogether (me‡¶‡Î) in my life. Many presents (Dcnvi) I received on the occasion (Abyôv‡b) but the one received from you is the best of all.
16. A letter to
your friend telling him how to improve (DbœwZ) his
knowledge in English.
You will be
happy to know that I am going to advise how you can improve (DbœwZ) your skill (`¶Zv) in English.
English is used (e¨eüZ) and
understood (‡evaMg¨) in almost (cÖvq) all over the countries. By listening, speaking and
reading books you can improve (DbœwZ) your
English. I advise (Dc‡`k) you to read
(cvV Kiv) English newspaper and listen (kªeb Kiv) to English news bulletin regularly (wbqwgZ). Read story books and novels. Try(‡Póv Kiv) to speak(ejv) English as
much as (hZ`~i m¤¢e) you can. If
you follow (Abymib) these
instructions (wb‡`©kbvejx) you will
surely (wbwðZfv‡e) improve (DbœwZ).
Jahan Sharif said that excellentn for students and teachers.
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