Saturday, April 14, 2012

Composition on Problem in Bangladesh

Common composition for Degree Examination-2012
  1. Arsenic Pollution
  2. Green house effect
  3. Recent flood affect of Bangladesh
  4. Population problem of Bangladesh.
  5. Load shedding
  6. Copying in the examination
  7. Student Politics in Bangladesh.
  8. Deforestation in Bangladesh
  9. Illiteracy in Bangladesh
  10. Corruption in Bangladesh
  11. Gender discrimination in Bangladesh
  12. Unemployment problem in Bangladesh
  13. Natural calamity
  14. Child labour
  15. Violence against women in Bangladesh.
Introduction: “X” is the main factor which may be called the major pediment to the overall development of the country. “X” is a vast and complex matter. There are various kinds of problems now a serious and so much harmful element as an obstruction for the improvement the society. “X” is injurious and destructive of public interest. This kind of problem is one of the greatest challenges in our human life. “X” is a complex thing for our daily life. It is an obstruction for the prosperity of our national life.
Effects of it: “X” is incurable social disease. “X” causes many kinds of obstacles points. The people are fully unable to lead their life in peaceful way.
Now a days we face the news in the daily social problem. Many of us try to avoid this problem. So it is going out of control gradually it is continues ,we will have no way to solve it by any means. It has become the gradual global problem new. It is threatening to the every existence of the human being. There is hardly any area which is not affected by “X”. It creates problems of for reaching consequence of the socio-economic development of our country.
Another problem: He is almost certain that one of the main causes of “X” is the negligence and illiteracy of same people   of our country. In fact, “X” cause great sufferings to the people.Moreover, “X” loses and vanishes any kind of ethical virtue of morality life becomes almost to a small stand still.
Social awareness: Social awareness should be created among all the people of our society.We can get of this problem by raising conscious in them. Again this problem can be solved by creating opportunities for the people. Napoleon said “Nothing is impossible for man. So the government and conscious people of our country also should come forward to extend their strong helping hand to solve the  “X”

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