Use articles where necessary. Put a
cross(x) where an article is not needed.
(a)----teacher is
often compared with (b) -----architect.He is called the architect of a
nation.He is(c)------ light of lerning and makes (d)------------- illiterate
people worthy literate citizen of our
country.But it is(e) ------is matter of great regret that (f) -----teachers are
not held in our society. They lead (g)----humble life in(h)-----midst of(i)----
want.Still they keep the light(j)---- of education burning in order to remove
the darkness of illiterataracy and superstitions from the society.(wk¶K‡K cÖvqB GKRb ¯’cwZi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq|Zvu‡K
GKwU RvwZi ¯’cwZ ejv nq|wZwb wk¶vi Av‡jv Ges wZwb Awkw¶Z RbMb‡K Avgv‡`i †`‡ki
†hvM¨ wkw¶Z bvMwiK wn‡m‡e M‡i Zz‡jb|wKš‘ eoB cwiZv‡ci welq GB ‡h Avgv‡`i mgv‡Ri
wk¶K‡`i h_vh_ m¤§vb †`qv nq bv|Zvuiv Afv‡ei g‡a¨ GK mvavib Rxeb hvcb K‡ib|Zey
Zvuiv wk¶vi Av‡jv R¡vwj‡q iv‡Lb mgvR †_‡K AÁZvi AÜKvi Ges Kzms®‹vi `~ixKi‡bi
2. Shams always tries to educate (a)_ _ _
uneducated.He tells them to check (b)_ _ _ beast in them .He reads in (c)_ _ _Rajshahi
Univercity.Being (d)----- active boy, he hates (e) ----- idle. He has (f)
--------- great deal of books. He makes (g) --------- best use of his time. He
has made (h) ----------- few plans. He knew that(i)----- time is (j)
--------valuable thing. (kvgm memgq Awkw¶Z‡`i wkw¶Z Kivi †Póv K‡i|‡m
Zv‡`i‡K Zv‡`i ga¨Kvi cïZ¡‡K wbqš¿b Ki‡Z e‡j|‡m ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡q c‡o|Kg©V
evjK nIqvq †m Ajm Rxeb N„Yv K‡i|Zvi A‡bK eB Av‡Q|‡m Zvi mg‡qi m‡ev©Ëg e¨envi
K‡i|‡m wKQz cwiKíbv K‡i‡Q| †m Rv‡b †h mgq Lye g~j¨evb wRwbm|)
3. English is (a)---international language. We
feel (b)---necessity of learning English at every step.This is (c)---only
language of international overseas business, communication, co-operation and
(d)---co-existence. It is essential to receive (e)----foreign degree of higher
education. All (f)---good jobs need English knowing persons. So every educated
man should know how to (g)----communicate in English. To learn and develop
(h)----skill of English specially for (i)—students is very important. No
(j)----students should be ignored of it.(Bs‡iRx GKwU AvšÍ©RvwZK fvlv Avgiv
cÖwZwU ‡¶‡Î Bs‡iwR †kLvi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv
Abyfe Kwi|GUv n‡”Q AvšÍ©RvwZK e¨emv,†hvMv‡hvM,mM‡hvwMZv I mne¯’v‡bi GKgvÎ
fvlv|we‡`kx wWMªx A_ev D”P wk¶v MÖn‡bi Bnv Rvbv Acwinvh©|mKj fvj PvKzix‡Z
Bs‡iwR Rvbv †jv‡Ki `iKvi|Bs‡iwR Rvbv I Bs‡iwR‡Z `¶Zv AR©b Kiv we‡kl K‡i Qv·`i
Rb¨ LyeB ¸iyZ¡c~Y©| †Kvb Qv‡Îi e¨vcv‡i AÁ _vKv DwPr bq|wKfv‡e Bs‡iwR‡Z
†hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z nq Zv cÖ‡Z¨K wkw¶Z †jv‡Ki Rvbv DwPZ|)
4. (a)-------16th December is
(b)-----red letter day in the history of Bangladesh .on the day we achieve
victory at (c)-------cost of(d)-------bloody battle .Bangladesh came into brings
at (e)independent country .It occupied a place in the world (f)-----map. Every
year we observe (g)------day with due solemnity .we reamer (h)---- sacrifice of
our heroic sons .the day is
(i)------public holiday .the day begins with gunshot. The national flag
hoisted on (j)-----top of the each house.(16 wW‡m¤^i evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnv‡m GK ¯§iYxq w`b |GB w`‡b Avgiv GK i³v³
msMÖv‡gi wewbgq weRq jvf K†iwQjvg |evsjv‡`k GK ¯^vaxb‡`k wn‡m‡e AvZªcÖKvk
K‡iwQj| GUv we‡k¦i gvbwP‡G GKwU ¯’vb jvf K‡iwQj|cÖwZeQi h_vh_ fveMv¤¢x‡h©I mv‡_
Avgiv w`bwU cvjb K‡i _vwK|Avgiv Avgv‡`i ex‡iwPZ mš—vb‡`i m©e‡kªó Av‡Z¥vrm©M
¯§ib K‡i _vwK|w`bwU miKvwi QzwUi w`b |cÖ‡Z¨KwU evwoi P~ovq RvZxq cZvKv Dov‡bv
5. It was(a)----- dark night.A blind was
walking along (b)----- road with (c)----lamp in his hand.Two men laughed at(d)-----blind man.One of them
said “What is (e)---- use of(f)--- lamp to a blindman?”The other called him
(g)-----fool.The blind man heard this
and and said,” It is for those who are (h)----careless.” “What (i)----surprise
said (j)----others.(GUv wQj GK AÜKvi ivZ|GKRb A܇jvK iv¯Ív w`‡q
nvUuwQj|‡m Zvi nv‡Z GKwU evwZ a‡iwQj|`yÕRb †jvK Zv‡K we`ª“c Kij|Zv‡`i GKRb ejj,
ÒGKRb A܇jv‡Ki Kv‡Q evwZi Kx cÖ‡qvRb?Ó Ab¨Rb A܇jvK‡K †evKv ejj|A܇jvKwU GUv
ïbj Ges g‡b Lye `ytL †cj|‡m ejj, Ò evwZwU Avgvi R‡b¨ bq|GUv †mB me †jv‡Ki Rb¨
hviv Amveavb|wK Avðh© ! Ab¨Rb ejj|Ó)
6. One day I met (a)---lame man. After talking
for a while he showed me (b)---identity card. Seeing (c)---identity card I came
to know that he was (d)---university student. After completing his (e)----study
he joined (f)---army. During the liberation War he fought (g)---bravely against
(h)---occupied army of the then West Pakistan. But it is (i)---irony of
fate that a bullet of (j)---enemies hit on his left leg. Thus he lost his leg.
Avgvi GK †Lvovu †jv‡Ki mv‡_ mv¶vZ
n‡jv|wKQy¶Y K_v ejvi ci †m Avgv‡K GKwU cwiPqcÎ †`Lvj|cwiPqcÎwU †`‡L Avwg Rvb‡Z
cvijvg †h †m wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKRb QvÎ
wQj|cov‡jLv †kl Kivvi ci †m †mbvevwnbx‡Z †hvM w`‡qwQj|gyw³hy‡Øi mgq †m Z`vbxšÍb
cwðg cvwK¯Ív‡bi `Lj`vi †mbvevwnbxi weiy‡× hy× K‡iwQj| wKš‘ GUv fv‡M¨i wb©gg
cwinvm,kµ‡`i GKUv ey‡jU Zvi evg cv‡q AvNvZ †n‡bwQj|Gfv‡e †m Zvi cv nvwi‡qwQj|)
7. Truthfulness
is -----greatest of all ----------virtue that make -----person really great if
we do not cultivate ----habit of speaking---truth we cannot command confidence
of other .the man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life. it may be
that we may be succeed once and twice by telling lie but it never being about
good result .a lie never lie hidden today or tomorrow it comes on light then
real character of liar is behave and nobody believe him. (mKj Mybvewji g‡a¨ mZ¨evw`Zv me©‡kªô hv GKRb‡K mwZ¨B eo K‡i †Zv‡j| Avgiv
hw` mZ¨ K_v ejvi Af¨vm M‡o bv Zzwj Zvn‡j Avgiv A‡b¨i wekvm AR©b Ki‡Z cvie bv|‡h
e¨vw³‡K †KD KLbI wek¦vm K‡i bv †m KLbI weL¨vZ n‡Z cvi‡e bv|GUv n‡Z cv‡i †h
wg_¨v K_v e‡j Avgiv GKevi wKsev `yÕevi K…ZKvh© n‡Z cvwi wKš—y GUv KLbI fvj dj Ab‡Z
cv‡i bv |wg_¨v KLbI XvKv _v‡K bv |AvR A_ev Kvj GUv cªKvk cv‡eB |ZLb wg_¨vev`xi
mwZ¨Kv‡ii PwiÎ cÖKvk cvq Ges Zv‡K †KD wek¦vm K‡i bv |)
8. Man
cannot live alone so he want(a) ------company .He cannot live even for(b) -----day without (c)----help of others.For
this reason man has been living together in(d) ----society for(e) ---identify
period.It is called social life.No one in(f)---- society can do whatever he
likes.He has to abide by (g)---law or order of (h)--society .People can make(i)
---happy community if they are obedient to law and order.(j) ----honest and
selfless man can lead a community and a nation.(gvbyl GKv evm Ki‡Z cv‡ibv| ZvB †m m½ Pvq |A‡b¨I
mvnvh¨ Qvov †m GKw`b I Pj‡Z cv‡I bv|‡m Rb¨ eûKvj †_‡K gvbyl GK‡Î mgv‡R emevm
K‡i Avm‡Q |G‡K ejv nq mvgvwRK Rxeb |mgv‡R †KDB hv B”Qv Zv Ki‡Z cv‡i bv |Zv‡K
mgv‡Ri AvBb Kvbyb †g‡b Pj‡Z nq |gvbyl mgv‡Ri AvBb Kvbyb †g‡b myLx m¤cÖ`vq Mo‡Z
cv‡I |GKRb mr Ges wbt¯^v_© gvbyl GKwU m¤cÖ`vq A_ev †`‡ki †bZ…Z¡ w`‡Z cv‡i |)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)---
9. The prize giving ceremony is
(a)------occasion of joy. Almost every school holds (b)-----prize giving
ceremony. The last prize giving ceremony of our (c)-----school was held on 2
March in (d)------school compound. We decorated (e)------school building very
tastefully. (f)------big pandal was erected to hold the function. There were
two tables neatly decorated on which (g)------prizes were kept. On one side was
(h)------platform from where the speeces
were delivered. There was also a victory stand from where (i)------receipients
received their (j)------prizes.(cyi¯‹vi weZib Abyôvb GKwU Avb‡›`i Dcj¶|cÖvq mKj
¯‹z‡j cyi¯‹vi weZibx Abyôvb AbywôZ nq|me©‡kl cyi¯‹vi weZibx Abyôvb ¯‹zj cÖv½‡b
AbywôZ n‡qwQj 2iv gvP©|Lye g‡bvigfv‡e Avgiv Avgv‡`i ¯‹z‡ji `vjvb¸‡jv
mvwuR‡qwQjvg|Abyôvb Av‡qvR‡bi R‡b¨ GKwU c¨v‡Ûj wbg©vY Kiv n‡qwQj|‡hLv‡b cyi¯‹vi
ivLv n‡qwQj,†mLv‡b `ywU †Uwej mvRv‡bv n‡qwQj|GK cv‡k e³e¨ †`Iqvi Rb¨ g ˆZwi
Kiv n‡qwQj|‡hLv‡b MÖnxZviv cyi¯‹vi MÖnY Ki‡e †mLv‡b GKwU weRq g wQj|)
10. You are (a)------students of class ten
(b)------highest class of the school. To come to this stage you had to undergo
a lot of hardship and to make (c)-----effort. None of you can deny
(d)------fact of getting help from (e)------so many dedicated and friendly
teachers. This is however,(f)------usual process. What (g)------tremendous
job(h)------teachers shouldered to bring you at this stage. All these have been
done to you to help you in becoming (i)------unique
person,having(j)------ability,integrity and hard for your own excellence. (Zzwg
`kg †kªYxi QvÎ hv †Zvgvi ¯‹z‡ji m‡ev”P© †kªYx|GB Ae¯’vq Avm‡Z †Zvgv‡K cÖPzi
cwikªg Ges †Póv Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|A‡bK AvZ¥Z¨vM Ges eÜzZ¡c~Y© wk¶K‡`i †_‡K cÖvß
mvnvh¨ †Zvgiv †KDB A¯^xKvi Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|GUv GKUv ¯^vfvweK cÖwµqv|‡Zvgv‡K GB
avc cvi Kwi‡q †`qv wk¶K‡`i GK AmvaviY e¨w³ nIqvi R‡b¨ hv †Zvgvi mvg©_¨,GKvMÖZv
DrK©l©Zvi Rb¨|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)---
11. A true friend is (a)…..asset. He stands by
his (b)……..friend in time of danger. He is not (c)----- --greedy man. He always
wishes for (d)…….welfare of his friend. But it is (e)--------matter of
(f)--------fact that (g)-------ideal friend is very rare today.(h)------selfish
man cannot be (i)-------true friend. He thinks of his own (j)-------interest.(GKRb
cÖK…Z eÜz GKwU m¤ú`| wec‡`i mgq Zviu eÜzi cv‡k `vuovq|‡m †jvfx e¨w³ bq|‡m me©`v
Zvi eÜzi Kj¨v‡bi Rb¨ AvKvsLv K‡i|wKš‘ GUv ev¯Ze †h eZ©gv‡b GKRb cÖK…Z eÜz LyeB
weij|GKRb ¯^v_©ci gvbyl GKRb cÖK…Z eÜz n‡Z cv‡i bv|‡m Zvi wb‡Ri ¯^v_© wPšÍv
12. Money is (b)-----must for our life. But it
is not (c)-----necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely
(d)-------psychological thing. It is (e)—name of (f)-----feeling. It means the
contentment of (g)-----mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and content
with his life is (h)-----really happy man. Happiness cannot be purchased with
(i)---money. No doubt, money has got something to do with (j)----happiness but
it cannot give us happiness.(UvKv myL wKb‡Z cv‡i bv|mwZ¨ ej‡Z †M‡j,Avgv‡`i
Rxe‡bi Rb¨ UvKv Avek¨v¤¢vex|wKš‘ Avgv‡`i myL Avbq‡bi Rb¨ GUvi cÖ‡qvRb †bB|myL
cy‡ivcywi GKwU gvbywlK e¨vcvi| GUv Abyf~wZi GKwU bvg|Bnvi A_© gvbwmK cwiZ…wß|‡mB
cÖK…Z myLx †h †m hv cvq Zv wb‡q mš‘ó Ges Zvi Rxeb wb‡q cwiZ…ß|UvKv w`‡q myL µq
Ki‡Z cviv hvq bv|wbtm‡›`‡n ,my‡Li mv‡_ UvKv wKQyUv m¤ú„³,wKš‘ GUv Avgv‡`i‡K myL
w`‡Z cv‡i bv|)
13. A gental man once the advertised for
(a)------ post of poen and nearly 50 candidets came to apply for (b)------
situation . Of course only one could be chosen and 49 must be sent away.When
(c)------ choice was made (d)------- friend asked (e)----- gentleman why he had
selected (f)----- one he came with (g)----- least recommendous . The gentleman said,
“There are many things I noticed in his favoure. He knew (h)---- use of the mat
at the door , he closed the gently as he entered he made way for (i)------ lame
man who came into the office and all of my question were ansered properly and
respectfully. I think his politeness is (j)----- gret recomendence.(GK
f`ª‡jvK GKevi GKRb wcq‡bi R‡b¨ weÁwß w`‡jb Ges cÖvq cÂvkRb cÖv_x© GB PvKzwii
Rb¨ `iLv¯Í Ki‡Z Avmj|Aek¨ gvÎ GKRb‡K †bqv n‡Z cv‡i Ges 49 Rb‡K †diZ cvVv‡bv
n‡e|hLb wbe©vPbwU †kl nj,GK eÜz f`ª‡jvK‡K wR‡Ám Ki‡jb †Kb wZwb †mB GKRb‡K cQ›`
Ki‡jb hvi R‡b¨ †Kvb mycvwik wQj bv|‡mB f`ª‡jvK ej‡jb, ÒZvi c‡¶ K_v ej‡Z cv‡i
Ggb A‡bK wKQyB Avwg j¶¨ K‡iwQ|‡m `iRvq gv`yiUvi e¨envi Rv‡b,†m hLb cÖ‡ek Kij
ZLb †m N‡ii `iRvwU Avj‡Zvfv‡e eÜ K‡i w`‡qwQj, †h †Lvuov †jvKwU Awd‡m G‡mwQj Zvi
R‡b¨ c_ K‡i w`‡qwQj Ges Avgvi me cÖ‡kœi DËiB h_vh_fv‡e Ges m¤§v‡bi mv‡_ †`qv
n‡qwQj|Avgvi g‡b nq Zvi bgªZvB Zvi Rb¨ eo mycvwik|Ó
14. Akbar (a)—great was one of (b)—greatest
emperors of India.He was on the one side a great and on the other side a man of
(c)---wisdom.Among all (d)---Mughal rulers he was (e)—best.As a result ,his
name has been written in golden letters in the page of (f)---history.He was
(g)----uneducated person.But he had (h)---ability to rule (i)---kingdom like
(j)----expert ruler. (gnvgwZ AvKei fvi‡Zi gnvb mgªvU‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg
wQ‡jb|wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb gnvb kvmK Ges Ab¨w`‡K GKRb cÖÁvevb e¨w³|mKj †gvNj kvmK‡`i
g‡a¨ wZwb wQ‡jb me‡P‡q fvj|d‡j kvmK wn‡m‡e Zvi bvg BwZnv‡mi cvZvq ¯^Yv¶‡i †jLv
i‡q‡Q| wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb Awk¶Z e¨w³| wKš‘ Zvi wQj GKRb `¶ kvm‡Ki gZ ivR¨
cwiPvjbvi ¶gZv|)
15. A journey is always (a)---pleasure to me.
Whenever I go on a journey my heart leaps up with (b)---joy. But (c)----journey
by boat gives me (d)----greatest pleasure. Since Bangladesh
is land of (e)---rivers. It is (f)---easy matter to make (g)---journey by boat.
Whenever I get (h)----opportunity to make (i)---journey by boat, I make
(j)—best use of the opportunity. (ågb me©`v Avgvi wbKU Avb›``vqK|hLbB Avwg †Kvb
åg‡b hvB ZLbB Avgvi ü`q Avb‡›` †b‡P I‡P|wKš‘ †bŠKv ågb Avgv‡K me‡P‡q †ekx Avb›`
†`q|evsjv‡`k b`xgvZzK †`k nIqvq †bŠKvågb Kiv mnR e¨vcvi|hLbB Avwg †bŠKv åg‡bi
my‡hvM cvB ZLbB Avwg my‡hvMwUi m‡ev©Ëg e¨envi Kwi|)
16. Patriotism is a noble (a)----virtue. It
inspires (b)----man to shed last drop of blood to defend the freedom of
his(c)---- country.(d)----man without patriotism is not better
than(e)----beast. A true patriot is honoured by (f)-----all. He thinks for
(g)-----welfare of his country. On (h)---other hand (i)----unpatriotic man
thinks only of his own interest, Those who die (j)-----country are true
patriots. They are remembered even after their death. (‡`k‡cÖg GKwU gnr¸b| GUv GKRb
gvbyl‡K Zvi †`‡ki ¯^vaxbvZv i¶vq Zvi †kl i³ we›`y Siv‡Z AbycÖvwYZ
K‡i|‡`k‡cÖgnxb GKRb gvbyl GKwU cïi †P‡q DËg bq|GKRb mwZ¨Kv‡ii †`k‡cÖwgK mevi
Øviv m¤§vwbZ|‡m Zvi †`‡ki Kj¨v‡Yi Rb¨ wPšÍv K‡i|hviv †`‡ki Rb¨ g„ZyeiY K‡i
ZvivB †`k‡cÖwgK| GgbwK Zv‡`i‡K g„Zy¨i c‡iI ¯§iY Kiv nq|
17. We have six seasons in (a)----Bangladesh. Every season appears at an interval
of every two months. The winter is one of (b)----six seasons in Bangladesh. It comes after (c)---late autumn. It
comprises the two Bengali months of Paush and Magh. Winter comes with us its
fog and chill. Life in nature seems to be dull. Trees turn grey and leafless.
Men and animals shiver with cold.(d)---sky becomes clear and blue. Poor people
suffer from much cold. In this season vegetables are available in abundance.
There is (e)---very special features of (f)----season. It is (g)----collecting
time of juice from date trees. In winter (h)---general health of people remains
satisfactory. No doubt winter is (i)---cold season. But at (j)----same time it
is enjoyable too.(Avgv‡`i †`‡k QqwU FZz Av‡Q|cÖwZ `yBgvm AšÍi
cÖ‡Z¨K FZyi Avwefv©e N‡U|evsjv‡`‡ki QqwU FZyi g‡a¨ kxZ Ab¨Zg|‡ng‡šÍi ci kx‡Zi
AvMgb N‡U|evsjv †cŠl Ges gvN-GB `yBgvm wg‡j kxZKvj|VvÛv Ges Kyqvkv wb‡q kx‡Zi
AvMgb N‡U|cÖK…wZi i~c ZLb Amvo g‡b nq|MvQ¸‡jv a~mi Ges cvZvwenxb _v‡K|gvbyl Ges
RxeRš‘ VvÛvq Kvuc‡Z _v‡K|AvKvk cwiQbœ Ges bxj _v‡K|VvÛvq Mixe †jv‡Kiv A‡bK
`~‡fvM †cvnvq|GB FZy‡Z kvKmewR cÖPzi cwigv‡b Drcvw`Z nq|GB FZzi GKwU we‡kl iƒc
†`Lv hvq|GB mg‡q †LRyi MvQ n‡Z †LRy‡ii im msMÖn Kiv nq|kx‡Z gvby‡li ¯^v¯’¨
mvavibZ m‡šÍvlRbK chv©‡q _v‡K|m‡›`‡n †bB †h,kxZ n‡jv VvÛv FZz| wKš‘ GKBfv‡e GUv
Dc‡fvM¨I e‡U|
18. Though Patriotism is (a)---universal human
trait, it is often torn away by (b)---state herself.(c)---poor people of
(d)---poor country become indifferent to their state affairs and lose
(e)---sense of patriotic. Such people would have become as patriotic as
(f)---Simon Bolivar or (g)---Abraham Lincoln if they had a caring government of
leader who would make their lives a bit easier.(h)---people of (i)---wealthy
country simply love their country because the state provides them with
everything like shelter,education,job and (j)---security. (hw`I †`k‡cÖg n‡”Q wPišÍb GK gvbe ‰ewkó Zey I GUv
cÖvqB ivóª Øviv wewNœZ nq|GKwU Mixe †`‡kiv †jv‡Kiv Zv‡`i ivóªxq Kvh©µ‡gi
e¨vcv‡i D`vmxb _v‡K I †`kcÖ‡gi Abyf~wZ nvivq|G ai‡bi RbMY wmgb ewjfvi A_ev
Aveªvnvg wjsK‡bi gZ †`k‡cÖwgK n‡Zv hw` Zv‡`i †mev`vbKvix miKvi A_ev †bZv _vKZ
hviv Zv‡`i Rxeb‡K GKUz mnRZi KiZ|m¤ú`kvjx GKwU †`‡ki †jv‡Kiv mvaviYZ Zv‡`i †`k‡K
fvjev‡m KviY ivóª Zv‡`i‡K mewKQy †hvMvb †`q †hgb Avkªq,wk¶v,PvKzix I wbivcËv|)
19. (a)-------discipline is seen in
(a)------nature. Every morning (c)-----sun rises in (d)-----east, day follows
(e)------night, birds sing and (f)-----plants blossom. Everywhere in
(g)----nature, there is (h)---harmony. If there were no discipline in
(i)------nature, there would have been (j)------chaos everywhere. (cÖK…wZ‡Z
k„sLjv †`Lv hvq|cÖwZw`b mKv‡j m~h© c~e©w`‡K Dw`Z nq,w`b ivZ‡K Abymib K‡i,cvwL
Mvb Mvq Ges ¸k¥jZv cÖùzwUZ nq|cÖK…wZi me©ÎB GKUv mvgÄm¨ Av‡Q|hw` cÖK…wZ‡Z †Kvb
wbqg k„s•Ljv bv _vKZ Zvn‡j me©ÎB GKUv †Mvj‡hvM †j‡M _vKZ|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)---
20. A student must take care of his
(a)---nature. Every morning (c)---sun rises in (d)---east, day flows
(e)---night, birds sing and (f)---plants blossom. Everywhere in (g)---nature
there is (h)—harmony. If there were no discipline in (i)----nature, there would
have been (j)---chaos everywhere. (GKRb Qv·K Aek¨B Zvi ¯^v‡¯’i hZœ wb‡Z n‡e KviY
GKwU my¯’ †`‡n my¯’ g‡bi evm|fvj ¯^v¯’ mdjZvi PvweKvwV|fvj ¯^v¯’¨ Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z
GKRb Qv·K Aek¨B ¯^v¯’¨wewa †g‡b Pj‡Z n‡e|GKRb ¯^v¯’nxb †jvK wekvj m¤ú‡`i gvwjK
n‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ †m AmyLx Rxeb hvcb K‡i|)
21. (a)---Cricket
is (b)---foreign game in our country. But it is (c)---international game. After
winning (c)---ICC Trophy in (e)—Malaysia
in 1996,it has become more popular than football in our country. By defeating
(f)---Keya Bangladesh got (g)---first victory in (h)---ODI cricket in
1998.Bangladesh got the taste of winning (i)—test match in January,2005
defeating (j)---Zimbabwe. (wµ‡KU Avgv‡`i †`‡k GKwU we‡`kx †Ljv|wKš‘ GUv
AvšÍ©RvwZK †Ljv|1996 mv‡j gv‡jwkqvq AvBwmwm Uªdx R‡qi ci Avgv‡`i †`‡k dUe‡ji
†P‡q Bnv AviI RbwcÖq n‡q D‡V‡Q|‡Kwbqv‡K civwRZ K‡i evsjv‡`k 1998 mv‡j IwW AvB
wµ‡K‡U cÖ_g weRq †c‡qwQj|2005 mv‡ji Rvbyqvix gv‡m wR¤^vey‡q‡K civwRZ K‡i
evsjv‡`k †U÷ g¨v‡P R‡qi ¯^v` †c‡qwQj|)
22. A library is (a)---part and parcel
(b)----educational institution. It is (c)----unique place where books for
different subjects are kept for (d)---reading. It ennobles (e)---readers to
read books of their choice that create (f)----enthusiasm for learning. Student
should pay (g)----visit to (h)---library regularly. They can borrow books for
(i)----certain period and return them after (j)---given time. (GKwU
cvVvMvi GKwU wk¶vcÖwZôv‡bi GK Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|GwU GKwU AwØZxq RvhMv †hLv‡b covi
Rb¨ wewfbœ wel‡qi eB ivLv nq|GwU cvV‡`i Zv‡`i cQ›`gZ eB co‡Z m¶g K‡i hv †kLvi
Rb¨ cÖej Drmvn m„wó K‡i|Qv·`i wbqwgZ cvVvMvi GKevi cwi`k©b Kiv DwPr|Zviv GKwU
wbw`©ó mg‡qi Rb¨ eB avi wb‡Z cv‡i Ges cÖ`Ë mg‡qi c‡i †m¸‡jv †diZ w`‡Z cv‡i|)
23. Unemployment is (a)….great social evil. All
(b)….able-bodied persons in a society should be engaged in any occupation.
(c)….unemployed man has to lead a vagabond life. Life becomes (d)…..curse and
burden to him. He has (e)….idle brain which very soon becomes (f)….devil’s
workshop. There are many reasons of (g)….unemployment in our country. Bangladesh is not (h)……industrialized country.
The mills and factories that we have can give employment to (i)….limited number
of people similar is the case with (j)…..agriculture. (‡eKviZ¡ GKwU wekvj mvgvwRK
cvc|mgv‡Ri me mej‡`nx gvby‡li †h †Kvb †ckvq wb‡qvwRZ _vKv DwPZ|GKRb †eKvi
gvbyl‡K feNy‡i Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z nq|Rxeb Zvi wbKU GKwU †evSv Ges Awfkv‡c cwiYZ
nq|Zvi Kv‡Q GKwU Ajm gw¯Í®‹ hv Lye kxNÖB kqZv‡bi KviLvbvq cwibZ nq|Avgv‡`i ‡`‡ki
†eKv‡Z¡i A‡bK¸‡jv KviY i‡q‡Q|evsjv‡`k GKwU wkívwqZ †`k bq|Avgv‡`i ‡h wgj I
KviLvbv Av‡Q Zv mxgZ msL¨K †jvK‡K Kg©ms¯’vb
w`‡Z cv‡i|K…wl‡¶‡Î I GKB e¨vcvi|)
24. Our life is (a)-------sum total of hours,
days and years. But all days are not equally me morable to us. Most of
(b)------days are forgotten with (c)------passage of time. Only (d)-----few of
these days remain ever fresh in our memory. My (e)-----days at school is such
(f)------day. It is fresh in my mind even now when I was (g)------boy of six.
My father proposed that I should be admitted into (h)----school in
(i)-----class. I felt (j)-----both joy and fear.(Avgv‡`i RxebUv n‡jv wKQy N›Uv,w`b
Ges eQ‡ii mgwó|wKš‘ me w`b Avgv‡`i Rb¨ mgfv‡e ¯§iYxq bq|AwaKvsk w`bB mg‡qi
cwiµgvq fy‡j hvIqv hvq|Gw`b ¸‡jvi ïaygvÎ wKQy Avgv‡`i ¯§„wZ‡Z wPi m‡ZR
_v‡K|we`¨vj‡q Avgvi cÖ_g w`em Giƒc GKUv w`b|GgbwK GLbI Avgvi g‡b m‡ZR|hLb Avwg
GKwU Qq eQ‡ii evjK ZLb Avgvi evev cÖ¯Íve Ki‡jb †h, GKwU we`¨vj‡q cÖ_g †kªYx‡Z
Avgvi fwZ© nIqv DwPr|)
25. Punctuality is of great value to
(a)….student. (b)….unpunctual boy who is late in (c)…..class will miss
(d)…..part of his lesson and fall (e)…..behind other students. But
(f)…..punctual student will learn his lesson in (g)……time and do well in
(h)---examination. Punctuality is (i)---key to success in life. We all should
be (j)….punctual in our activities.(GKRb Qv‡Îi wbKU mgqvbyew©ZZv eo g~j¨evb|GKRb
mgqvbyeZx©Zvnxb QvÎ †h K¬v‡m †`ix‡Z hvq †m Zvi cv‡Vi GKwU Ask †c‡Z e¨_© n‡e Ges
Ab¨vb¨ Qv·`i wcuQ‡b co‡e|wKš‘ GKRb mgqvbyew©Z QvÎ Zvi cvV h_vmg‡q wkL‡e Ges
cix¶vq fvj Ki‡e| mgqvbyew©ZZv Rxe‡b mdj nIqvi PvweKvwV|Avgv‡`i Kv‡R Avgv‡`i
mK‡ji mgqwbô nIqv DwPZ|)
26. Dowry means property or money brought by a
bride to her (a)—husband. During marriage ceremony (b)—section of greedy people
claim much wealth or money from (c)—guardians of the brides. (d)—poor
illiterate girls become (e)—victims of dowry. If (f)—guardians fail to fulfill.
(g)—demand of (h)—bridegroom. The brides are maltreated. So, the poor cannot
think of marriage of their daughters. It is (i)—social curse. This curse can be
eliminated by changing the outlook of people specially the male (j)—members.(‡hŠZzK
ej‡Z eySvq GKRb K‡b KZ…©K Zvi ¯^vgxi wbKU AvbxZ m¤ú` ev UvKv|weevn Abyôvb Kv‡j
†jvfx †jvK‡`i GKwU Ask K‡Yi AwffveK‡`i wbKU A‡bK m¤ú` ev UvKv `vwe K‡i|Mixe
Awkw¶Z evwjKviv †hŠZz‡Ki wkKv‡i cwiYZ nq|hw` Awffve‡Kiv e‡ii `vex c~iY Ki‡Z
e¨_© nq Zvn‡j K‡b‡`i mv‡_ `ye©¨envi Kiv nq|myZivs Mix‡eiv Zv‡`i Kb¨v‡`i we‡qi
K_v fve‡Z cv‡i bv|GwU GKwU mvgvwRK Awfkvc|RbM‡Yi `„wófw½ cwie©Z‡bi gva¨‡g G Awfkvc
`~i Ki‡Z cviv hvq,we‡klK‡i cyiyl m`m¨‡`i|)
27. The great ship Titanic sailed for New York
from Southampton on April,1912.At that time she (a)---largest ship.(b)---tragic
sinking of this great (c)----liner will always be remembered for she went down
on her first voyage. Four days after sailing out, while it was sailing across
(d)----icy(e)---waters of (f)---North Atlantic.(g)---huge
ice Berge was suddenly spotted. After (h)---alarm had been given (i)---great
ship turned sharply to avoid (j)—collision. (e„nr RvnvR UvBUvwbK GwcÖj,1912 G
mvD_v¤úvUb n‡Z wbDq©‡Ki D‡Ïk¨ hvÎv Kij|‡m mg‡q †mwU wQj e„nËg RvnvR|G wekvj
RvnvRwUi Kiybfv‡e Wy‡e hvIqv me©`v ¤§iY Kiv n‡e KviY GwU Zvi cÖ_g hvÎvq Wy‡e
wM‡qwQj|hvÎvi Pviw`b ci hLb GwU DËi AvUjvw›U‡Ki eidhy³ cvwb AwZµg K‡i
hvw”Qj,ZLb nVvr GKwU wekvj eid LÛ wPwüZ Kiv n‡qwQj|msNl© Gov‡Z wekvj RvnvRwU
GKwU mZ©K ms‡KZ †`Iqvi ci `ª“Z †gvo †bq|)
28. Learning (a)------- language means learning
also its culture and so(b)----- language cannot be taught or learned apart from(c)-----
culture. (d)---- relationship between (e)--- two is functional and mutually
complementary. You have compared perhaps language with (f)--- electric wire
which may be (g)---dead in itself.Culture could be(h)--- current that passes
through this wire and makes it(i)---- active and purposeful. You need both(j)---
language and culture to be integrated. (GKwU fvlv wk¶vi A_© GUvi ms¯‹…wZI
†kLv Ges G Kvi‡YB ms¯‹…wZ Qvov fvlv †kLv‡bv I hvqbv|GB `ywUi g‡a¨ m¤ú©K(nq)
e¨envwiK Ges ci¯úi m¤ú~iK|fvlv‡K m¤¢eZt Zzwg GKwU ‰e`y¨wZK Zv‡ii mv‡_ Zzjbv
K‡iQ hv ¯^qs A‡K‡Rv n‡q _vK‡Z cv‡i|ms¯K…wZ‡K ejv ‡h‡Z cv‡I we`y¨Z cÖevn hv GB
Zv‡ii g‡a¨ w`‡q cwievwnZ nq Ges GUv‡K mwµq I D‡Ïk¨ c~Y© K‡i Zz‡j|Zzwg fvlv I
ms¯‹…wZ‡K GKxf~Z e‡j g‡b Ki‡Z/eyS‡Z cvi|)
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