Saturday, April 14, 2012

Articles for SSC/HSC Exam


Use articles where necessary. Put a cross(x) where an article is not needed.
1.    Our life is (a)-------sum total of hours, days and years. But all days are not equally memorable to us. Most of (b)------days are forgotten with (c)------passage of time. Only (d)-----few of these days remain ever fresh in our memory. My (e)-----days at school is such (f)------day. It is fresh in my mind even now when I was (g)------boy of six. My father proposed that I should be admitted into (h)----school in (i)-----class. I felt (j)-----both joy and fear.(Avgv‡`i RxebUv n‡jv wKQy N›Uv,w`b Ges eQ‡ii mgwó|wKš‘ me w`b Avgv‡`i Rb¨ mgfv‡e ¯§iYxq bq|AwaKvsk w`bB mg‡qi cwiµgvq fy‡j hvIqv hvq|Gw`b ¸‡jvi ïaygvÎ wKQy Avgv‡`i ¯§„wZ‡Z wPi m‡ZR _v‡K|we`¨vj‡q Avgvi cÖ_g w`em Giƒc GKUv w`b|GgbwK GLbI Avgvi g‡b m‡ZR|hLb Avwg GKwU Qq eQ‡ii evjK ZLb Avgvi evev cÖ¯Íve Ki‡jb †h, GKwU we`¨vj‡q cÖ_g †kªYx‡Z Avgvi fwZ© nIqv DwPr|)

2.    English is (a)---international language. We feel (b)---necessity of learning English at every step.This is (c)---only language of international overseas business, communication, co-operation and (d)---co-existence. It is essential to receive (e)----foreign degree of higher education. All (f)---good jobs need English knowing persons. So every educated man should know how to (g)----communicate in English. To learn and develop (h)----skill of English specially for (i)—students is very important. No (j)----students should be ignored of it.(Bs‡iRx GKwU AvšÍ©RvwZK fvlv Avgiv cÖwZwU ‡¶‡Î  Bs‡iwR †kLvi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv Abyfe Kwi|GUv n‡”Q AvšÍ©RvwZK e¨emv,†hvMv‡hvM,mn‡hvwMZv I mne¯’v‡bi GKgvÎ fvlv|we‡`kx wWMªx A_ev D”P wk¶v MÖn‡bi Bnv Rvbv Acwinvh©|mKj fvj PvKzix‡Z Bs‡iwR Rvbv †jv‡Ki `iKvi|Bs‡iwR Rvbv I Bs‡iwR‡Z `¶Zv AR©b Kiv we‡kl K‡i Qv·`i Rb¨ LyeB ¸iyZ¡c~Y©| †Kvb Qv‡Îi e¨vcv‡i AÁ _vKv DwPr bq|wKfv‡e Bs‡iwR‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z nq Zv cÖ‡Z¨K wkw¶Z †jv‡Ki Rvbv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

3.    Akbar (a)—great was one of (b)—greatest emperors of India.He was on the one side a great and on the other side a man of (c)---wisdom.Among all (d)---Mughal rulers he was (e)—best.As a result ,his name has been written in golden letters in the page of (f)---history.He was (g)----uneducated person.But he had (h)---ability to rule (i)---kingdom like (j)----expert ruler. (gnvgwZ AvKei fvi‡Zi gnvb mgªvU‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg wQ‡jb|wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb gnvb kvmK Ges Ab¨w`‡K GKRb cÖÁvevb e¨w³|mKj †gvNj kvmK‡`i g‡a¨ wZwb wQ‡jb me‡P‡q fvj|d‡j kvmK wn‡m‡e Zvi bvg BwZnv‡mi cvZvq ¯^Yv¶‡i †jLv i‡q‡Q| wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb Awk¶Z e¨w³| wKš‘ Zvi wQj GKRb `¶ kvm‡Ki gZ ivR¨ cwiPvjbvi ¶gZv|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
4.    (a)---cricket is (b)---foreign game in our country. But it is (c)---international game. After winning (c)---ICC Trophy in (e)—Malaysia in 1996,it has become more popular than football in our country. By defeating (f)---Keya Bangladesh got (g)---first victory in (h)---ODI cricket in 1998.Bangladesh got the taste of winning (i)—test match in January,2005 defeating (j)---Zimbabwe. (wµ‡KU Avgv‡`i †`‡k GKwU we‡`kx †Ljv|wKš‘ GUv AvšÍ©RvwZK †Ljv|1996 mv‡j gv‡jwkqvq AvBwmwm Uªdx R‡qi ci Avgv‡`i †`‡k dzUe‡ji †P‡q Bnv AviI RbwcÖq n‡q D‡V‡Q|‡Kwbqv‡K civwRZ K‡i evsjv‡`k 1998 mv‡j IwW AvB wµ‡K‡U cÖ_g weRq †c‡qwQj|2005 mv‡ji Rvbyqvix gv‡m wR¤^vey‡q‡K civwRZ K‡i evsjv‡`k †U÷ g¨v‡P R‡qi ¯^v` †c‡qwQj|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

5.    A student must take care of his (a)---nature. Every morning (c)---sun rises in (d)---east, day flows (e)---night, birds sing and (f)---plants blossom. Everywhere in (g)---nature there is (h)—harmony. If there were no discipline in (i)----nature, there would have been (j)---chaos everywhere. (GKRb Qv·K Aek¨B Zvi ¯^v‡¯’i hZœ wb‡Z n‡e KviY GKwU my¯’ †`‡n my¯’ g‡bi evm|fvj ¯^v¯’ mdjZvi PvweKvwV|fvj ¯^v¯’¨ Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z GKRb Qv·K Aek¨B ¯^v¯’¨wewa †g‡b Pj‡Z n‡e|GKRb ¯^v¯’nxb †jvK wekvj m¤ú‡`i gvwjK n‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ †m AmyLx Rxeb hvcb K‡i|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

6.    Though Patriotism is (a)---universal human trait, it is often torn away by (b)---state herself.(c)---poor people of (d)---poor country become indifferent to their state affairs and lose (e)---sense of patriotic. Such people would have become as patriotic as (f)---Simon Bolivar or (g)---Abraham Lincoln if they had a caring government of leader who would make their lives a bit easier.(h)---people of (i)---wealthy country simply love their country because the state provides them with everything like shelter,education,job and (j)---security. (hw`I  †`k‡cÖg n‡”Q wPišÍb GK gvbe ‰ewkó Zey I GUv cÖvqB ivóª Øviv wewNœZ nq|GKwU Mixe †`‡ki †jv‡Kiv Zv‡`i ivóªxq Kvh©µ‡gi e¨vcv‡i D`vmxb _v‡K I †`kcÖ‡gi Abyf~wZ nvivq|G ai‡bi RbMY wmgb ewjfvi A_ev Aveªvnvg wjsK‡bi gZ †`k‡cÖwgK n‡Zv hw` Zv‡`i †mev`vbKvix miKvi A_ev †bZv _vKZ hviv Zv‡`i Rxeb‡K GKUz mnRZi KiZ|m¤ú`kvjx GKwU †`‡ki †jv‡Kiv mvaviYZ Zv‡`i †`k‡K fvjev‡m KviY ivóª Zv‡`i‡K mewKQy †hvMvb †`q †hgb Avkªq,wk¶v,PvKzix I wbivcËv|)                        
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
7.    (a)-------discipline is seen in (a)------nature. Every morning (c)-----sun rises in (d)-----east, day follows (e)------night, birds sing and (f)-----plants blossom. Everywhere in (g)----nature, there is (h)---harmony. If there were no discipline in (i)------nature, there would have been (j)------chaos everywhere. (cÖK…wZ‡Z k„sLjv †`Lv hvq|cÖwZw`b mKv‡j m~h© c~e©w`‡K Dw`Z nq,w`b ivZ‡K Abymib K‡i,cvwL Mvb Mvq Ges ¸k¥jZv cÖùzwUZ nq|cÖK…wZi me©ÎB GKUv mvgÄm¨ Av‡Q|hw` cÖK…wZ‡Z †Kvb wbqg k„s•Ljv bv _vKZ Zvn‡j me©ÎB GKUv †Mvj‡hvM †j‡M _vKZ|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

8.    One day I met (a)---lame man. After talking for a while he showed me (b)---identity card. Seeing (c)---identity card I came to know that he was (d)---university student. After completing his (e)----study he joined (f)---army. During the liberation War he fought (g)---bravely against (h)---occupying army of the then West Pakistan. But it is (i)---irony of fate that  bullet of (j)---enemies hit on his left leg. Thus he lost his leg. (GKw`b Avgvi GK  †Lvovu †jv‡Ki mv‡_ mv¶vZ n‡jv|wKQy¶Y K_v ejvi ci †m Avgv‡K GKwU cwiPqcÎ †`Lvj|cwiPqcÎwU †`‡L Avwg Rvb‡Z cvijvg †h †m wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKRb  QvÎ wQj|cov‡jLv †kl Kivvi ci †m †mbvevwnbx‡Z †hvM w`‡qwQj|gyw³hy‡Øi mgq †m Z`vbxšÍb cwðg cvwK¯Ív‡bi `Lj`vi †mbvevwnbxi weiy‡× hy× K‡iwQj| wKš‘ GUv fv‡M¨i wb©gg cwinvm,kµ‡`i GKUv ey‡jU Zvi evg cv‡q AvNvZ †n‡bwQj|Gfv‡e †m Zvi cv nvwi‡qwQj|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------


9.    A library is (a)---part and parcel (b)----educational institution. It is (c)----unique place where books for different subjects are kept for (d)---reading. It ennobles (e)---readers to read books of their choice that create (f)----enthusiasm for learning. Student should pay (g)----visit to (h)---library regularly. They can borrow books for (i)----certain period and return them after (j)---given time. (GKwU cvVvMvi GKwU wk¶vcÖwZôv‡bi GK Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|GwU GKwU AwØZxq RvqMv †hLv‡b covi Rb¨ wewfbœ wel‡qi eB ivLv nq|GwU cvV‡`i Zv‡`i cQ›`gZ eB co‡Z m¶g K‡i hv †kLvi Rb¨ cÖej Drmvn m„wó K‡i|Qv·`i wbqwgZ cvVvMvi GKevi cwi`k©b Kiv DwPr|Zviv GKwU wbw`©ó mg‡qi Rb¨ eB avi wb‡Z cv‡i Ges cÖ`Ë mg‡qi c‡i †m¸‡jv †diZ w`‡Z cv‡i|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
10.Patriotism is a noble (a)----virtue. It inspires (b)----man to shed last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his(c)---- country.(d)----man without patriotism is not better than(e)----beast. A true patriot is honoured by (f)-----all. He thinks for (g)-----welfare of his country. On (h)---other hand (i)----unpatriotic man thinks only of his own interest, Those who die (j)-----country are true patriots. They are remembered even after their death. (‡`k‡cÖg GKwU gnr¸b| GUv GKRb gvbyl‡K Zvi †`‡ki ¯^vaxbvZv i¶vq Zvi †kl i³ we›`y Siv‡Z AbycÖvwYZ K‡i|‡`k‡cÖgnxb GKRb gvbyl GKwU cïi †P‡q DËg bq|GKRb mwZ¨Kv‡ii †`k‡cÖwgK mevi Øviv m¤§vwbZ|‡m Zvi †`‡ki Kj¨v‡Yi Rb¨ wPšÍv K‡i|hviv †`‡ki Rb¨ g„ZyeiY K‡i ZvivB †`k‡cÖwgK| GgbwK Zv‡`i‡K g„Zy¨i c‡iI ¯§iY Kiv nq|
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
11.Unemployment is (a)….great social evil. All (b)….able-bodied persons in a society should be engaged in any occupation. (c)….unemployed man has to lead a vagabond life. Life becomes (d)…..curse and burden to him. He has (e)….idle brain which very soon becomes (f)….devil’s workshop. There are many reasons of (g)….unemployment in our country. Bangladesh is not (h)……industrialized country. The mills and factories that we have can give employment to (i)….limited number of people similar is the case with (j)…..agriculture. (‡eKviZ¡ GKwU wekvj mvgvwRK cvc|mgv‡Ri me mej‡`nx gvby‡li †h †Kvb †ckvq wb‡qvwRZ _vKv DwPZ|GKRb †eKvi gvbyl‡K feNy‡i Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z nq|Rxeb Zvi wbKU GKwU †evSv Ges Awfkv‡c cwiYZ nq|Zvi Kv‡Q GKwU Ajm gw¯Í®‹ hv Lye kxNÖB kqZv‡bi KviLvbvq cwibZ nq|Avgv‡`i ‡`‡ki †eKv‡Z¡i A‡bK¸‡jv KviY i‡q‡Q|evsjv‡`k GKwU wkívwqZ †`k bq|Avgv‡`i ‡h wgj I KviLvbv Av‡Q Zv mxgZ msL¨K †jvK‡K Kg©ms¯’vb  w`‡Z cv‡i|K…wl‡¶‡Î I GKB e¨vcvi|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

12.Punctuality is of great value to (a)….student. (b)….unpunctual boy who is late in (c)…..class will miss (d)…..part of his lesson and fall (e)…..behind other students. But (f)…..punctual student will learn his lesson in (g)……time and do well in (h)---examination. Punctuality is (i)---key to success in life. We all should be (j)….punctual in our activities.(GKRb Qv‡Îi wbKU mgqvbyew©ZZv eo g~j¨evb|GKRb mgqvbyeZx©Zvnxb QvÎ †h K¬v‡m †`ix‡Z hvq †m Zvi cv‡Vi GKwU Ask †c‡Z e¨_© n‡e Ges Ab¨vb¨ Qv·`i wcuQ‡b co‡e|wKš‘ GKRb mgqvbyew©Z QvÎ Zvi cvV h_vmg‡q wkL‡e Ges cix¶vq fvj Ki‡e| mgqvbyew©ZZv Rxe‡b mdj nIqvi PvweKvwV|Avgv‡`i Kv‡R Avgv‡`i mK‡ji mgqwbô nIqv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

13.Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her (a)—husband. During marriage ceremony (b)—section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from (c)—guardians of the brides. (d)—poor illiterate girls become (e)—victims of dowry. If (f)—guardians fail to fulfill. (g)—demand of (h)—bridegroom. The brides are maltreated. So, the poor cannot think of marriage of their daughters. It is (i)—social curse. This curse can be eliminated by changing the outlook of people specially the male (j)—members.(‡hŠZzK ej‡Z eySvq GKRb K‡b KZ…©K Zvi ¯^vgxi wbKU AvbxZ m¤ú` ev UvKv|weevn Abyôvb Kv‡j †jvfx †jvK‡`i GKwU Ask K‡Yi AwffveK‡`i wbKU A‡bK m¤ú` ev UvKv `vwe K‡i|Mixe Awkw¶Z evwjKviv †hŠZz‡Ki wkKv‡i cwiYZ nq|hw` Awffve‡Kiv e‡ii `vex c~iY Ki‡Z e¨_© nq Zvn‡j K‡b‡`i mv‡_ `ye©¨envi Kiv nq|myZivs Mix‡eiv Zv‡`i Kb¨v‡`i we‡qi K_v fve‡Z cv‡i bv|GwU GKwU mvgvwRK Awfkvc|RbM‡Yi `„wófw½ cwie©Z‡bi gva¨‡g G Awfkvc `~i Ki‡Z cviv hvq,we‡klK‡i cyiyl m`m¨‡`i|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

14.Journey is always (a)---pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey my heart leaps up with (b)---joy. But (c)----journey by boat gives me (d)----greatest pleasure. Since Bangladesh is land of (e)---rivers. It is (f)---easy matter to make (g)---journey by boat. Whenever I get (h)----opportunity to make (i)---journey by boat, I make (j)—best use of the opportunity. (ågb me©`v Avgvi wbKU Avb›``vqK|hLbB Avwg †Kvb åg‡b hvB ZLbB Avgvi ü`q Avb‡›` †b‡P I‡V|wKš‘ †bŠKv ågb Avgv‡K me‡P‡q †ekx Avb›` †`q|evsjv‡`k b`xgvZ„K †`k nIqvq †bŠKvågb Kiv mnR e¨vcvi|hLbB Avwg †bŠKv åg‡bi my‡hvM cvB ZLbB Avwg my‡hvMwUi m‡ev©Ëg e¨envi Kwi|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

15.It was (a)---dark night. A blind man was walking along (b)---road.He held (b)—lamp in his hand. Two men  laughed at (d)---him.One of them said, “What is (c)--- ---use of lamp to (d)--- blind man?” The other called the blindman (e)---fool. (f)-- blind man heard this and took it to (g)---heart.He said,(h)----lamp is not for me, It’s for those (i)----people who’re are careless”. What a surprise,” said (j)---others. (GwU wQj GK AÜKvi ivZ| GK AÜ Zvi nv‡Z GKwU evwZ wb‡q iv¯Ív w`‡q nvUu‡ZwQj|`~Rb †jvK e„×wU‡K Dcnvm Kij|GKRb ejj, ÓGKRb A܇jv‡Ki evwZi `iKvi Av‡Q?ÓAb¨Rb Zuv‡K †evKv ejj|A܇jvKwU GUv ïbj Ges ejj ÓGUv Zv‡`i Rb¨ hviv AmZ©K|ÓAb¨Rb ejj, ÓKx Avðh©!Ó)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

16.A true friend is (a)…..asset. He stands by his (b)……..friend in time of danger. He is not (c)----- --greedy man. He always wishes for (d)…….welfare of his friend. But it is (e)--------matter of (f)--------fact that (g)-------ideal friend is very rare today.(h)------selfish man cannot be (i)-------true friend. He thinks of his own (j)-------interest.(GKRb cÖK…Z eÜz GKwU m¤ú`| wec‡`i mgq Zviu eÜzi cv‡k `vuovq|‡m †jvfx e¨w³ bq|‡m me©`v Zvi eÜzi Kj¨v‡bi Rb¨ AvKvsLv K‡i|wKš‘ GUv ev¯Ze †h eZ©gv‡b GKRb cÖK…Z eÜz LyeB weij|GKRb ¯^v_©ci gvbyl GKRb cÖK…Z eÜz n‡Z cv‡i bv|‡m Zvi wb‡Ri ¯^v_© wPšÍv K‡i|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

17.The great ship Titanic sailed for New York from Southampton on April,1912.At that time she (a)---largest ship.(b)---tragic sinking of this great (c)----liner will always be remembered for she went down on her first voyage. Four days after sailing out, while it was sailing across (d)----icy(e)---waters of (f)---North Atlantic.(g)---huge ice Berge was suddenly spotted. After (h)---alarm had been given (i)---great ship turned sharply to avoid (j)—collision. (e„nr RvnvR UvBUvwbK GwcÖj,1912 G mvD_v¤úvUb n‡Z wbDq©‡Ki D‡Ïk¨ hvÎv Kij|‡m mg‡q †mwU wQj e„nËg RvnvR|G wekvj RvnvRwUi Kiybfv‡e Wy‡e hvIqv me©`v ¤§iY Kiv n‡e KviY GwU Zvi cÖ_g hvÎvq Wy‡e wM‡qwQj|hvÎvi Pviw`b ci hLb GwU DËi AvUjvw›U‡Ki eidhy³ cvwb AwZµg K‡i hvw”Qj,ZLb nVvr GKwU wekvj eid LÛ wPwüZ Kiv n‡qwQj|msNl© Gov‡Z wekvj RvnvRwU GKwU mZ©K ms‡KZ †`Iqvi ci `ª“Z †gvo †bq|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

18.Money can not buy (a)-----happiness. Money is (b)-----must for our life. But it is not (c)-----necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d)-------psychological thing. It is (e)—name of (f)-----feeling. It means the contentment of (g)-----mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and content with his life is (h)-----really happy man. Happiness cannot be purchased with (i)---money. No doubt, money has got something to do with (j)----happiness but it cannot give us happiness.(UvKv myL wKb‡Z cv‡i bv|mwZ¨ ej‡Z †M‡j,Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Rb¨ UvKv Avek¨v¤¢vex|wKš‘ Avgv‡`i myL Avbq‡bi Rb¨ GUvi cÖ‡qvRb †bB|myL cy‡ivcywi GKwU gvbywlK e¨vcvi| GUv Abyf~wZi GKwU bvg|Bnvi A_© gvbwmK cwiZ…wß|‡mB cÖK…Z myLx †h †m hv cvq Zv wb‡q mš‘ó Ges Zvi Rxeb wb‡q cwiZ…ß|UvKv w`‡q myL µq Ki‡Z cviv hvq bv|wbtm‡›`‡n ,my‡Li mv‡_ UvKv wKQyUv m¤ú„³,wKš‘ GUv Avgv‡`i‡K myL w`‡Z cv‡i bv|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

19.We have six seasons in (a)----Bangladesh. Every season appears at an interval of every two months. The winter is one of (b)----six seasons in Bangladesh. It comes after (c)---late autumn. It comprises the two Bengali months of Paush and Magh. Winter comes with us its fog and chill. Life in nature seems to be dull. Trees turn grey and leafless. Men and animals shiver with cold.(d)---sky becomes clear and blue. Poor people suffer from much cold. In this season vegetables are available in abundance. There is (e)---very special features of (f)----season. It is (g)----collecting time of juice from date trees. In winter (h)---general health of people remains satisfactory. No doubt winter is (i)---cold season. But at (j)----same time it is enjoyable too.(Avgv‡`i †`‡k QqwU FZz Av‡Q|cÖwZ `yBgvm AšÍi cÖ‡Z¨K FZyi Avwefv©e N‡U|evsjv‡`‡ki QqwU FZyi g‡a¨ kxZ Ab¨Zg|‡ng‡šÍi ci kx‡Zi AvMgb N‡U|evsjv †cŠl Ges gvN-GB `yBgvm wg‡j kxZKvj|VvÛv Ges Kyqvkv wb‡q kx‡Zi AvMgb N‡U|cÖK…wZi i~c ZLb Amvo g‡b nq|MvQ¸‡jv a~mi Ges cvZvwenxb _v‡K|gvbyl Ges RxeRš‘ VvÛvq Kvuc‡Z _v‡K|AvKvk cwiQbœ Ges bxj _v‡K|VvÛvq Mixe †jv‡Kiv A‡bK `~‡fvM †cvnvq|GB FZy‡Z kvKmewR cÖPzi cwigv‡b Drcvw`Z nq|GB FZzi GKwU we‡kl iƒc †`Lv hvq|GB mg‡q †LRyi MvQ n‡Z †LRy‡ii im msMÖn Kiv nq|kx‡Z gvby‡li ¯^v¯’¨ mvavibZ m‡šÍvlRbK chv©‡q _v‡K|m‡›`‡n †bB †h,kxZ n‡jv VvÛv FZz| wKš‘ GKBfv‡e GUv Dc‡fvM¨I e‡U|
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

20.Students are (a)------greatest force of (b)-----nation. (c)----ideal student is (d)----asset to any country. He has some qualities that can be followed. He gets up early in (e)----morning. He never wastes his time in vain. He always makes (f)—brilliant result in the examinations .He is a boy of (g)---good manners and character. He is truthful, honest, sincere and dutiful. He respects his parents ,teachers  and other superiors in (h)---polite way. He is helpful to his fellow students. He is never rude to anybody. He is (i)----student of high thinking and plain living. Infact, he is (j)---example for others to follow. ((QvÎiv RvwZi me‡P‡q eo kw³|GKRb Av`k© QvÎ †h †Kvb †`‡ki Rb¨ GKwU eo m¤ú`|Zvi wKQy ¸Y _v‡K hv Abymib‡hvM¨|‡m Zvi mgq Ah_v bó K‡i bv|‡m cix¶vq memgq D¾¡j djvdj K‡i|‡m fvj AvPiY I Pwi‡Îi †Q‡j|‡m nq mZ¨ev`x,mr,wbôvevb I KZ©e¨civqY| †m Zvi wcZvgvZv,wk¶K I Ab¨vb¨ †Rô¨‡`i mykxjfv‡e kªØv K‡i|‡m mncvwV QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i cÖwZ mvnvh¨kxj nq|‡m Kv‡iv cÖwZ K‡Vvi bq|‡m nq D”P g‡bvfve †cvlbKvix Ges mvaviY Rxeb hvcbKvix GKRb QvÎ|cÖK…Zc‡¶ †m Ab¨‡`i wbKU AbymiY‡hvM¨ D`vniY|
Answer (a)…..(b)……(c)…(d)……(e)…..(f)……(g)……(h)…..(i)……(j)……
21.The invention of computer is one of (a)---greatest advances in (b)----modern technology. It is (c)----fairly recent invention. Computer is (d)----substitute for (e)---human brain. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning. In a few minutes (f)---computer can perform calculations that trained mathematicians would need years to complete.(g)----faster computers can handle millions of problems in (h)----few seconds. It can perform many operations at (i)---time and (j)---same time without any confusion. (Kw¤úDUvi Avwe¯‹vi AvaywbK cÖhyw³i wecyj AMÖMwZi GKwU|GUv AwZ mv¤cÖwZK Avwe¯‹vi|gvbe gw¯Z‡®‹i weKí n‡”Q Kw¤úDUvi| Kw¤úDUvi Áv‡bi me kvLvq `vi“b RwUj me KvRKg© Ki‡Z mg_©|Ggb wnmve hv m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cÖwkw¶Z MwYZwe`‡`i eQ‡ii ci eQi jvM‡e wKš‘ Kw¤úDUvi Zv K‡qK wgwb‡UB Ki‡Z cv‡i| `ª“ZMwZi Kw¤úDUvi¸wj j¶ j¶ mgm¨v K‡qK †m‡K‡ÛB mgvavb Ki‡Z cv‡i|GUv GKB m‡½ A‡bK KvR wek„sLjv QvovB Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
22. Every woman is (a)-----potential mother.(b)-----future of a child depends on how it is brought up. In this case (c)-----educated mother plays (d)-----important role. She can bring up a child better than (e)-----illiterate  mother. So,(f)-----difference between (g)-----educated and (h)------uneducated mother can never be denied.(i)-----educated mother is an asset. She knows how to build up (j)---career of her child. (cÖ‡Z¨K bvixB m¤fvebvgq gv|GKwU wkïi fwel¨Z wbf©i K‡i †m wKfv‡e eo n‡q D‡V‡Q Zvi Dci|GB †¶‡Î GKRb wkw¶Z gv ¸i“Z¡c~Y©f~wgKv cvjb K‡i|GKRb wkw¶Z gv I GKRb Awkw¶Z gv Gi g‡a¨Kvi cv_©K¨ A¯^xKvi Kiv hvq bv|GKRb wkw¶Z gv I GKRb Awkw¶Z gv‡qi PvB‡Z fvjfv‡e wkï‡K eo K‡i Zzj‡Z cv‡i|GKRb fvj ¯¿x gv‡b GKRb wkw¶Z gwnjv |‡m Zvi ¯^vgxi me‡P‡q fvj eÜz|Zvi K_vevZv© Zvi ¯^vgxi g‡bi Dci my`~icÖmvix A‡gvPbxq Qvc †dj‡Z cv‡i|)

23. (a)----English poet was staying in (b)----Italy for the benefit of his health.He received (c)----unpaid letter from one of his friends containing nothing but a few words.He had to pay double postage for such (d)---unwise activity.He decided to teach his friend (e)---good lesson.So he collected (f)----stone  and packed it up in (g)---box.He sent (h)----box to his friend.The friend thought that the contents of the parcel were valuable.So he paid the charge for carrying.He was astonished to see nothing in the box but (i)---ordianry (j)----stone.(GKRb Bs‡iR Kwe Zvi ¯^v‡¯’i DbœwZi Rb¨ BZvjx‡Z Ae¯’vb KiwQ‡jv|‡m Zvi eÜzi Kv‡Q †_‡K GKwU Acwi‡kvwaZ cÎ MÖnY Ki‡jv hv‡Z †Kej K‡qKwU kã Qvov Avi wKQyB wQj bv| Zv‡K G ai‡bi KvÛÁvbnxb Kv‡Ri Rb¨ `yBevi WvKgvïj cwi‡kva Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|‡m Zvi eÜz‡K GKwU DwPZ wk¶v †`Iqvi wmØvšÍ wb‡qwQj|ZvB †m GKwU cv_i msMÖn Ki‡jv Ges Zv GKwU ev‡· c¨v‡KU Ki‡jv|‡m ev·wU Zvi eÜzi Kv‡Q cvVv‡jv eÜzwU fve‡jv †h cv‡m©‡j Gi wfZi g~j¨evb wKQy wQj|ZvB †m Dnv en‡bi Rb¨ gvïj cwi‡kva Ki‡jv|‡m ev‡· †`‡L AevK n‡jv †h, GKwU mvaviY cv_i Qvov wKQyB wQj bv|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
24. The compute is (a) ---fairly recent invention. It has now become (b)------essential (b)-------part of modern life. It has (c)-----greatly benefited us and brought about revolutionary changes in our life. Any device that helps people perform (d)-------mathematical calculations may be called (e)------computer. In this sense,(f)-----abacus is also (g)------simple computer. Today, however,(h)-----term computer’ refers to a special kind of (i)------electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at (j)-------great speed.(Kw¤úDUvi GKwU AZ¨vaywbK mv¤cÖwZK Avwe¯‹vi|GUv eZ©gv‡b Rxe‡b GKwU AZ¨vek¨Kxq Ask n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q|GUv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b ‰ec­weK cwieZ©b Avbqb K‡i‡Q|‡h †Kvb ai‡bi Avwe¯‹…Z wRwbm hv MvwYwZK mgm¨v mgvav‡b m¶g Zv‡KB Kw¤úDUvi ejv P‡j|GKw`K †_‡K A¨vevKvm I GKwU mnR mij Kw¤úDUvi|hv †nvK, Kw¤úDUvi n‡”Q GK ai‡bi B‡jKUªwbK †gwkb| K‡qK wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ Kw¤úDUvi MvwYwZK wnmve m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cv‡i|`ª“ZZg Kw¤úDUvimg~n wgwjqb mgm¨vi K‡qK †m‡K‡Û mgvavb Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
25. Everybody knows that sincerity is (a)-----key to success.(b)-----person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c)----rules of sincerity can never go (d)----long way in (e)-----world. Many (f)----man is not conscious of (g)-----importance of (h)----sincerity for which they don’t have (i)-----benefit of (j)----success. However, we should be sincere to our work.(mK‡jB Rv‡b †h,AvšÍwiKZvB mvd‡j¨i PvweKvwV|GKRb e¨w³ K‡Vvi cwikªg Øviv Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i|‡h †jvKwU AvšÍwiKZvi bxwZ AbymiY K‡i bv ‡m RM‡Z KL‡bv †ekx `~‡i †h‡Z cv‡i bv|A‡bK †jvKB mZZvi ¸i“Z¡ m¤ú©‡K m‡PZb bq hvi d‡j Zviv mvd‡j¨i myweav cvq bv |hv †nvK Kv‡R K‡g© Avgv‡`i mr nIqv DwPZ|)
     Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

26. (a)-------deal student is an asset for a country. He is different from (c)----idle student.(d)---industrious work hard.On the other hand (e)---idle waste away their time.They do not know that (f)---time is (g)----most valuable thing.If anyone wants to shine in life,he should make (h)---best use of his time.Otherwise he will suffer in (i)—long run.he will have to drag a miserable (j)---life.(GKRb Av`k© QvÎ GKwU †`‡ki m¤ú`| †m Ajm Qv‡Îi †_‡K Avjv`v cÖK…wZi nq|cwikªgxiv K‡Vvi kªg w`‡q KvR K‡i _v‡K|Acic‡¶ Aj‡miv Zv‡`i mg‡qi AcPq K‡i _v‡K|Zviv Rv‡b bv †h mgq me‡P‡q g~j¨evb m¤ú`|hw` †KD Rxe‡b DbœwZ mvab Ki‡Z Pvq Z‡e Zv‡K mg‡qi m‡ev©Ëg e¨envi wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e|Ab¨_vq †m cwiYv‡g †fvMvwšÍi wkKvi n‡e|Zv‡K AZxe KóKi Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z n‡e|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

27.  (a)----pious man is he who is very much religious.He does not run after name and fame.He is different from (b)----worldly man.(c)-----religious minded people are quiet different from (d)---people who want to have much (e)----wealth.(f)----virtuous believe that their lies (g)----eternal life after death.(h)---greedy people give importance to this world.However (i)---virtuous man enjoys mental (j)----peace. (GKRb ¸Yxe¨w³ †mB †h AwaK gvÎvq avg©xK|wZwb KLbI bvg I h‡ki wcQ‡b Qy‡U bv|wZwb cvw_©e e¨w³ †_‡K Avjv`v cÖK…wZi nb|avg©xK †jvKRb AZzj abevb nIqv cÖZ¨vkx †jvK‡`i †_‡K m¤ú~Y© Avjv`v|avgx©‡Kiv wek¦vm K‡ib †h,g„Zz¨i ci GK `xN© ciKvj weivR Ki‡e|‡jvfx e¨w³iv GB c„w_exi cvw_e© m¤ú‡`i Dci AwaK Aw`K ¸i“Z¡  w`‡q _v‡Kb| Gfv‡e GKRb avg©xK e¨w³ gvbwmK cÖkvwšÍ Dc‡fvM K‡i _v‡Kb|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

28. Dhaka stand on (a)------Buriganga. It is (b)-----old city. It is a populous (c)------city. People of different religions live in (d)-----city. Their occupation is not (e)-----same. There is (f)-----Engineering University and Agricultural University in (g)-----Dhaka.(h)------Zoo and (i)-----National Museum are famous.(j)-------Engineering University is also famous.(XvKv eywoM½v b`xi Zx‡i Aew¯’Z|GUv GKwU cyivZb kni |GUv GKwU Rbeûj bMi|wewfbœ a‡g©i †jvKRb G kn‡i evm K‡ib|Zv‡`i †ckv GK iKg bq| XvKvq GKwU cÖ‡KŠkjx wek¦we`¨vjq Ges GKwU K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq Av‡Q|wPwoqvLvbv Ges RvZxq Rv`yNi weL¨vZ ¯’vb|cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vjq I weL¨vZ|XvKv  kn‡ii iv¯ÍvNvU mg~n Lye eo bq|)
         Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

29. Truthfulness is (a)---greatest of all (b)----virtues which makes (c)---person really great.If we do not cultivate (d)---habit of speaking (e)---truth,we cannot command (f)----condidence of others.The man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life.It may be that we may succeeded once or twice by telling (g)----lie but it never brings about (h)----good result.A lie never lies hiddent.Today or tomorrow it comes to light.Then (i)----real character of (j)---liar is revealed and nobody believes him.All hate him and speak ill of him behind his back.(mZ¨evw`Zv mKj ¸‡Yi †miv hv GKRb gvbyl‡K mwZ¨B gnvb K‡i|hw` Avgiv mZ¨ K_v ejvi Af¨vm Abykxjb bv Kwi Z‡e Avgiv Ab¨‡`i wek¦¯ÍZv AR©b Ki‡Z cvwi bv |‡h †jvK‡K †Kn wek¦vm K‡i bv †m Rxe‡b weL¨vZ n‡Z cv‡i bv| n‡Z cv‡i †h Avgiv wg_¨v ejvi Øviv `yÕGKevi mdj jvf Ki‡Z cvwi wKš‘ Zv KLbI fvj dj e‡q Av‡b bv|wg_¨v KLbI †Mvcb _v‡K bv|AvR A_ev Kvj GUv cÖKvwkZ n‡eB|ZLb wg_¨vev`xi PwiÎ cÖKvwkZ n‡e Ges †Kn Zv‡K wek¦vm Ki‡e bv|mK‡jB Zv‡K N„Yv K‡i Ges Zvi Amv¶v‡Z Zvi wb›`v K‡i|)
  Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

30. (a)-----angry man is not liked even by (b)---idiot.There is difference between (c)---educated and (d)----uneducted.Again there is difference between (e)---rich and (i)---poor.An educated (g)----man should come forward to educate (h)----uneducated man.On the other hand,(i)----rich man should have symphathy for (j)---poor man. GKRb ivMvwš^Z gvbyl‡K GKUv wb‡©eva I cQ›` K‡i bv|GKRb wkw¶Z I GKRb Awkw¶‡Zi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ Av‡Q Avevi abx I `wi‡`ªi g‡a¨I cv_©K¨ Av‡Q|GKRb wkw¶Z †jv‡Ki DwPZ Awkw¶Z‡`i wkw¶Z Ki‡Z GwM‡q Avmv|Ab¨w`‡K GKRb abx e¨w³i DwPZ GKRb Mixi e¨w³i Rb¨ mnvbyf~wZ ivLv|

31.  (a)….16 th December is (b)….red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day we achieved victory at (c)….cost of (d)….bloody war. Bangladesh came into being as (e)….independent country. It occupied a place in the world (f)… Every year,we observe (g)….day with solemnity. We remember (h)….supreme sacrifice of our heroic sons. The day is (i)…..public holiday. The national flag is hoisted on (j)….top of the each house.(evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnv‡m 16 B wW‡m¤^i GKwU HwZnvwmK w`em|GBw`‡b Avgiv GKwU i³v³ hy‡×i wewbg‡q weRq AR©b K‡iwQjvg| evsjv‡`k GKwU ¯^vaxb †`k wn‡m‡e Rb¥jvf K‡iwQj|GUv we‡k¦i gvbwP‡Î wb‡Ri RvqMv K‡i wb‡qwQj| h_vh_ fveMv¤fx‡h©i mv‡_ Avgiv cÖwZeQi w`bwU cvjb Kwi| Avgiv Avgv‡`i exi mšÍvb‡`i cig Z¨vM‡K ¯^iY Kwi|G w`bwU GKwU miKvix QywUi w`b|‡ZvcaeŸwbi gva¨‡g w`bwU ïi“ nq|cÖ‡Z¨K evox‡Z RvZxq cZvKv D‡ËvwjZ nq|)
      Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
32. Illiteracy is (a)----great problem in our country.It is (b)---great obstacle to (c)----way of (d)----progress and there are many reasons behind it.Poverty is (e)----main cause of this illiteracy in (f)----our country.Due to poverty,(g)----poor people cannot send  their children to (h)---school.So,everybody should drive away (i)----proverty from (j)---society.(wbi¶Zv Avgv‡`i †`‡ki GKwU eo mgm¨v|GUv Dbœq‡bi c‡_ GKwU evav Ges Gi wcQ‡b A‡bK KviY Av‡Q| Avgv‡`i †`‡ki GB wbi¶Zvi cÖavb KviY `vwi`ªZv|`vwi‡`ªi Kvi‡Y Mixe †jv‡Kiv Zv‡`i mšÍvb‡`i ¯‹z‡j cvVv‡Z cv‡i bv|) 
      Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
33. Population exploration is (a)---constant threat to our environment and existence.Especially in Bangladesh (b)----poppulation is growing at such (c)---high rate that (d)—environment may soon fail to supply (e)---people with their minimum (f)----necessities.Unless we take (g)---immediate steps to stop this rapid growth of population,our (h)---environment will one encounter (i)----unpredictable with danger,consequently ,(j)---inhaitants may experience destruction. (RbmsL¨v we‡ùviY Avgv‡`i cwi‡ek I Aw¯—‡Z¡I Rb¨ GKwU ¯’vqx ûgKx|we‡kl  K‡i evsjv‡`‡k RbmsL¨v Ggb D”Pnv‡i evo‡Q †h,†jvKRb‡K b~b¨Zg Pvwn`v mieivn Ki‡Z cwi‡ek kxNªB e¨_© n‡Z cv‡i|hw` Avgiv RbmsL¨v e„w×i GB D”Pnvi eÜ Ki‡Z bv cvwi Ges G¶zwY c`‡¶c bv †bB Z‡e Avgv‡`i cwi‡ek GKw`b wec`msKzj mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb n‡Z n‡e|djZt Awaevmxiv aeŸs‡mi AwfÁZv jvf Ki‡e|)
     Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
34.Population of a country is (a)---asset.It becomes (b)----burden when (c)----country cannot afford to her people (d)----basic needs of life.Bangladesh is (e)---densely populated country based on (f)---agricultural economy.Moreover,our population is growing in (g)---alarming way.(h)---present growth of our population is 21.6 per thousand people.It is obviously (i)—very high rate.Hence we should all make (j)---united effort to combat with population problem. (GKwU †`‡ki RbmsL¨v GKwU m¤ú`|hLb †`kwU Zvi RbMY‡K Rxe‡bi ‡gŠwjK cÖ‡qvRb ¸wj †gUv‡Z cv‡i bv ZLb GUv (RbmsL¨v) GKwU †evSv n‡q `vuovq|evsjv‡`k K…wl A_©bxwZwfwËK NbemwZc~Y© GKwU †`k|‡gv‡Ui Dci Avgv‡`i RbmsL¨v AvksKvRbKfv‡e evo‡Q|Avgv‡`i RbmsL¨v AvksKvRbKfv‡e evo‡Q| Avgv‡`i eZ©gvb RbmsL¨v e„w×i nvi cÖwZ nvRv‡i 21.6|GUv Aek¨B GKwU AwZ D”Pnvi|ZvB Avgv‡`i mK‡ji DwPZ RbmsL¨v mgm¨vi wei“‡× hy× Kivi Rb¨ mw¤§wjZ †Póv Kiv|)

35. Newspaper is (a)---people’s parliament.The newspaper plays (b)----vital role in modern civilization.It is said to be (c)----mirror of the world.We must have the habit of reading (d)-----newspaper daily.It helps us in aquring (e)----general knowledge which is essential for our education.Nobody can keep (f)---contact with (g)---outside world without newspaper.Mere (h)---bookish knowledge is not sufficient in (i)---struggle of life.(j)---man who does not read newspaper daily is like a frog in a narrow well. (msev`cÎ RbM‡Yi msm`|AvaywbK mf¨Zvq msev`cÎ e¨vcK f~wgKv iv‡L|GUv‡K we‡k¦i Avqbv ejv nq|Avgv‡`i Aek¨B cÖwZw`b msev`cÎ covi Af¨vm _vKv DwPZ|GUv Avgv‡`i‡K mvaviY Ávb A©R‡b mvnvh¨ K‡i hv Avgv‡`i wk¶vi Rb¨ Ri“ix|msev`cÎ Qvov †KD ew©nwe‡k¦©i mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM ivL‡Z cv‡i bv|Rxeb msMÖv‡g †Kej cyw_uMZ ÁvbB h‡_ó bq|‡h †h e¨w³ cÖwZw`b msev`cÎ c‡ob bv wZwb GKwU msKxY© K~‡ci e¨v‡Oi gZ|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
36. Makkah is an ancient (a)-------city. (b)------------first mosque of (c)--------world was built there. Hazrat Ibrahim built it. It is known as(d)----------Kaaba mosque. Many days have passed away. Suddenly a hole was found in (e)----------wall. Today people all over (f)--------------world go to Makkah. They spend a busy (g)------time there. They forget the activities of this (h)-------world. The Muslims of (i)----------whole world gather there and perform (j)------Hajj.(g°v GKwU bMix|c„w_exi cÖ_g gmwR` †mLv‡b wbwg©Z n‡qwQj|nhiZ Beªvnxg (Avt) GUv wbg©vb K‡ib|GUv Kvev gmwR` bv‡g cwiwPwZ|A‡bKw`b AwZevwnZ n‡q wM‡q‡Q|nVvr GKwU †`qv‡j GKwU MZ© †`Lv wM‡qwQj|AvR c„w_exi mKj †jv‡Kiv g°vq Mgb K‡ib|Zviv †mLv‡b e¨¯Í mgq AwZevwnZ Ki‡Zb|Zviv c„w_exi Kvh©vejx f~‡j hvb|c„w_exi me gymjgv‡biv †mLv‡b R‡ov nq Ges n¾¡ cvjb K‡ib|)
      Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
37. Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was born in Hogly in (a)—year 1732.His father was a wealthy (b)---person.He inherited (c)---vast property.He was very kind to (d)---poor.He spent (e)---lot of money for the poor.He gave away (f)---whole property for the education of (g)----meritorious students.One night he was sleeping.He heard (h)—sound.He woke up.He saw(j)----man.The man was (j)---thief. (nvRx gynv¤§` gnmxb 1732 Lªx÷v‡ã ûMjx‡Z Rb¥ MÖnY K‡ib|Zvi evev GKRb abevb e¨w³ wQ‡jb|wZwb AZzj m¤úwËi DËvivwaKvix wQ‡jb|wZwb Mixi‡`i cÖwZ `qvevb wQ‡jb|wZwb Mixe‡`i Rb¨ cÖPzi A_© LiP Ki‡Zb|wZwb Zvi mKj m¤úwË †gavex wk¶v_x©‡`i Rb¨ `vb K‡i‡Qb|GKiv‡Z wZwb NygšÍ Ae¯’vq wQ‡jb|wZwb GKwU kã ïb‡jb|wZwb †R‡M DV‡jb|wZwb GKRb †jvK †`L‡Z †c‡jb|‡jvKwU wQj GKRb †Pvi|)
      Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
38. (a) -----ant is (b)-------industrious insect. No other insect is as industrious as (c)----ant. If we open (d)------pages of history, we shall see that (e)------men who have become great were (f)-----industrious .(g)-------industrious are liked by all. On (h)-----other hand (i)-----idle are hated by all. So, industry is (j)-----must to prosper in life. (wcucov GKwU cwikªgx cÖvYx|Ab¨ †Kv‡bv cÖvYx wcucovi gZ GZ cwikªgx bq|hw` Avgiv BwZnv‡mi cvZv Lywj Z‡e †`L‡Z cvB †h, †mBme e¨w³ hviv eo n‡q‡Qb Zviv wQ‡jb cwikªgx|cwikªgx‡`i mK‡jB cQ›` K‡i|Ab¨c‡¶,Aj‡miv mK‡ji Øviv N„wYZ nq|ZvB Rxe‡bi DbœwZi Rb¨ cwikªg Aek¨ cÖ‡qvRb|)

Gm.Gg. Avnmvb nvexe


39. (a)---is a planet.It rises in (b)----east and sets in (c)---west.It is (d)—source of all heat,the setting (e)----sun presents (f)---enjoyable scence.(g)-----moon has no light of its own.It gets light from the sun.(h)----stars shone in (j)---sky.We cannot see all the stars.Many stars are bigger than the sun.They are far away from (j)---earth. (m~h© GKwU b¶Î|GwU c~e©w`‡K Dw`Z nq Ges cwðgw`‡K A¯Í hvq|GUv mKj kw³i Drm|A¯ÍwgZ m~h© Dc‡fvM¨ `„k¨ Dcnvi †`q| Pv‡u`i wb‡Ri †Kvb Av‡jv †bB|GwU m~h© †_‡K Av‡jv cvq|b¶Î ivwR AvKv‡k Dw`Z nq|Avgiv me b¶Î †`L‡Z cvwi bv|A‡bK b¶Î m~‡h©i †P‡q AwaKZi eo|Giv c„w_ex †_‡K A‡bK `~‡i Aew¯’Z|)
       Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
40. Once there was (a)----Sultan in Bengal.He was fond of hunting.He went on (b)---hunting.He took aim at a deer and shot (c)---arrow at the deer but the arrow pierced(d)---infant in stead.(e)----infant was the only child of its mother.It was a (f)---bolt from the blue to (g)---woman.She was at a loss.It was irreparable (h)---loss for the mother.(i)----Sultan thought that it would be (j)---injustice to the woman if he would not compensate the woman. (GK`v evsjvq GKRb myjZvb wQ‡jb|wZwb wkKv‡ii cÖwZ AvMÖnx wQ‡jb|wZwb wkKv‡i wM‡qwQ‡jb|wZwb GKwU nwi‡Yi w`‡K j¶¨ wbw”Q‡jb Ges ZxiwU nwiYwUi w`‡K wb‡¶c K‡iwQ‡jb wKš‘ `y©fvM¨RbKfv‡e GUv GKwU hye‡Ki ey‡K we× K‡iwQj|hyeKwU wQj Zvi gv‡qi GKgvÎ mšÍvb|GUv Zvi gv‡qi wbKU webv †g‡N eRªcv‡Zi gZ g‡b n‡jv|wZwb wKsKZ©e¨wegyp n‡q †M‡jb|GUv Zvi gv‡qi Rb¨ Ac~ibxq ¶wZi KviY n‡q `uvwo‡qwQj|myjZvb fvej †h GUv n‡e gwnjvwUi cÖwZ AwePv‡ii kvgxj hw` wZwb gwnjwUi ¶wZc~iY bv cÖ`vb K‡ib|)
      Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
41. (a)----newspaper is called (b)-----store house of knowledge.In the morning we eagerly wait for a newspaper.We cannot do a single day without newspapers.It contains the new of (c)—entire world.We can get (d)----news of economics,politics and many other things of (e)—world.It plays (f)---important role in creating public (g)---opinion.Through newspapers we know (h)---culture of another country.(i)----economist writes artiticles on economics.(j)—eassyist writes essays and they are published through newspapers.(msev`c·K Áv‡bi fvÛvi ejv nq|mKvj‡ejv AvMÖnmnKv‡i Avgiv msev`c‡Îi Rb¨ A‡c¶v Kwi|msev`cÎ e¨ZxZ Avgiv GKw`b I Pj‡Z cvwi bv|GUv mgMÖ we‡k¦I msev` aviY K‡i _v‡K|Avgiv A_©bxwZ ,ivRbxwZ Ges we‡k¦i Ab¨vb¨ welqvejx m¤ú‡K© msev` †c‡Z cvwi|Rbmvavi‡Yi gZvgZ m„wó Ki‡Z msev`cÎ ¸i“Z¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i _v‡K|msev`c‡Îi gva¨‡g Avgiv Ab¨vb¨ †`‡ki K…wó m¤ú©‡K Rvb‡Z cvwi|A_©bxwZwe`MY A_©bxwZ m¤ú©‡K cÖeÜ wj‡L _v‡KbMíKvi ev cÖvewÜKMY cÖeÜmg~n wj‡L _v‡Kb Ges G¸‡jv msev`c‡Îi gva¨‡g cÖKvk Kiv nq|)
      Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
42. Bangladesh is (a)----country of rivers.Of (b)---rivers some are famous.But some of (c)—big rivers have dried up.They go dry especially in (d)---summer season.But during (e)---rainy season all the rivers are full to (f)---brim.In winter (g)---farmers of Bangladesh face water crisis.Then they are to depend on (h)---mercy of nature.Then our farmers feel the necessity of (i)----irrigation.A scientific irrigation system is a great need for our (j)---agriculture. (evsjv‡`k GKwU b`xgvZ…K †`k|Gme b`xi g‡a¨ wKQy cÖL¨vZ b`x i‡q‡Q|wKQy msL¨K eo b`x ïwK‡q hvq|we‡klZ G¸‡jv MÖx‡®§i †gŠmy‡g ïwK‡q hvq|wKš‘ elv©Kv‡j me b`x Kvbvq Kvbvq c~Y© _v‡K|kxZKv‡j K…l‡Kiv cvwbi Afv‡ei m¤§yLxb nq|Gici Zviv cÖK…wZi `qvi Dci wb©fikxj n‡q c‡o|GRb¨ Avgv‡`i K…l‡Kiv cvwb †m‡Pi cÖ‡qvRb Abyfe K‡i| GKwU weÁvbm¤§Z †mP e¨e¯’v Avgv‡`i K…wli Rb¨ LyeB cÖ‡qvRb|)

43. There lived (a)----old farmer in a village.He was (b)---honest farmer.He had three sons who were very idle.But he knew that (c)---idle brian is the devil’s workshop.So he advised them to be hardworking.He taught them that (d)---industrious prosper and (e)—lazy suffer.However,the sons did not pay heed to their father’s advice.The farmer grew digging (h)---lands but found nothing.But the lands were cultivated well.The lands produced (i)—bumper crop.They realized (j)---importance of their father’s statement. (GKMÖv‡g GK e„× K…lK evm Ki‡Zb|wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb mr †jvK| Zvi wZbRb cyÎ wQj LyeB Ajm gw¯Í®‹ kqZv‡bi KviLvbv|ZvB wZwb Zv‡`i K‡Vvi cwikªg Kivi Rb¨ Dc‡`k w`‡jb|wZwb Zv‡`i wk¶v w`‡Zb †h cwikªgxiv DbœwZ jvf K‡ib Ges Aj‡miv cwiYv‡g †fvMvwšÍi wkKvi nq|hv‡nvK cyÎiv Zv‡`i wcZvi Dc‡`‡k †Kvb KY©cvZ KiZ bv|K„lKwU AviI e„× n‡q †Mj|wZwb Zvi cy·`i ej‡jb †h Zvi Rwgi bx‡P g~j¨evb m¤ú` jyKvwqZ ivLv Av‡Q|e„× K…lK gviv †M‡jb|Zvi cy·`i Rwg Lbb ïi“ Kij wKš‘ wKQyB Lyu‡R †cj bv|wKš‘ Rwgmg~n fv‡jvfv‡e Pvlvev` Kiv n‡qwQj|d‡j Rwg‡Z AwaK †ekx cwigv‡Y dmj d‡jwQj|Zviv Zv‡`i wcZvi Dc‡`k evYxmg~n Abyaveb Ki‡Z †c‡iwQj|)
      Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
44. Early rising means the habit of getting up from (a)---bed early in (b)---morning.This habit is very useful to (c)----man in various ways.Regarding it there is (d)---English proverb: “Early to bed and Early to rise makes (e)---man healthy,wealthy and wise.”Really this proverb is correct.(f)----early riser finds time to take some exercise or (g)---walk in (h)---morning air.(i)----morning air refreshes both his mind and body.This certainly improves his health and gives him energy for (j)---day’s work.(mKv‡j DVvi A_© Lye mKv‡j weQvbv †_‡K DVvi Af¨vm|gvby‡li Rb¨ G Af¨vmwU wewfbœfv‡e LyeB DcKvix|G e¨vcv‡i GKwU Bs‡iwR cÖev` Av‡Q, ÒmKvj mKvj Nygv‡Z hvIqv Avi mKv‡j kh¨vZ¨vM gvbyl‡K ¯^v¯’¨evb,m¤ú`kvjx Avi Ávbx K‡i|ÓG cÖev`wU mwZ¨B mwVK|mKv‡j kh¨vZ¨vMKvix wKQyUv e¨vqvg Kivi Ges †fv‡ii evZvm nvUuvi Rb¨ mgq cvq|‡fv‡ii evZvm gb I kixi Dfq‡KB m‡ZR K‡i|GUv Aek¨B Zvi ¯^v‡¯’¨i DbœwZ K‡i I Zv‡K w`‡bi Kv‡Ri Rb¨ kw³ †hvMvq|)
       Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
45. Bangladesh is a land of (a)---celestial beauty.(b)----land,(c)----rivers and the forests are (d)---sources of this beauty.(e)---tourism business can flowerish Bangladesh profusely.(f)---wild animals of (g)----Sundarbans are also (h)---great asset.Torism can play (i)----vital role in the national economy.But it is still in its tender age.So we have to cross (j)----long way. (evsjv‡`k GKUv AZ¨šÍ my›`i †`k|Gi f~wg,b`-b`x Ges ebf~wg Gi †mŠ›`‡h©i Drm|ch©Ub e¨emv cÖmvi jvf NU‡Q ch©vßfv‡e|my›`ie‡bi eb¨ cÖvYxI GKUv eo m¤ú`|ch©Ub RvZxq A_©bxwZ‡Z GKUv weivU f~wgKv ivL‡Z cv‡i|wKš‘ Bnv GLbI ˆkk‡e i‡q‡Q|ZvB Avgv‡`i `xN©c_ AwZµg Ki‡Z n‡e|)
     Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
46. (a)---English is (b)----international language that must be learnt by all (c)---people of (d)---world.One is blind today without (e)----help of English.(f)----English knowing persons gets privilege everywhere.Today English is not only the language of (g)----British, it is now world language.Moreover,now there are many kinds of English ,but (h)----English of (i)----English is still (j)----best. (Bs‡iwR GKwU AvšÍ©RvwZ©K fvlv hv mviv we‡k¦i me †jv‡Ki †kLv DwPZ|Bs‡iwR mn‡hvMxZv Qvov AvR‡K GKRb AÜ|Bs‡iwR Rvbv e¨w³ me©Î myweav †c‡q _v‡K|AvR Bs‡iwR ïay weªwUk‡`i fvlv bq GUv GKUv we‡k¦I fvlv|GZ`wfbœ GLb A‡bK ai‡bi Bs‡iwR Av‡Q|wKš‘ Bs‡iR‡`i Bs‡iwR m‡ev©Ëg|)
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

47. Education is one of (a)…..basic needs of (b)------a human being.(c)…..poor socio-economic condition of Bangladesh can be largely attributed to most people’s inaccessibility to (d)……education. If all the people were educated, they could live (e)…..healthy and planned (f)… It enhances our ability to raise crops, store food, protect (g)------environment and carry out our social responsibilities. it is only education which can help us to adopt (h)------rational attitude. It provides us with (i)…….enlightened awareness about things and this awareness is (j)-----prerequisite for social development.(wk¶v gvbe RvwZi †gŠwjK cÖ‡qvR‡bi GKwU|`vwi`ª,Av_©mvgvwRK Ae¯’v evsjv‡`‡ki AwaKvsk ‡jv‡Ki wk¶vq cÖ‡e‡ki †¶‡Î evav A‡bKvs‡k `vqx|hw` me †jvK wkw¶Z nq,Zviv ¯^v¯’¨evb I cwiKwíZ Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z cvi‡e|Bnv kl¨ Drcv`‡b,Lv`¨ gRy‡`,cwi‡ek msi¶‡b I mvgvwRK `vwqZ¡ cvj‡b Avgv‡`i mvg_© evwo‡q †`q|GKgvÎ wk¶vB Avgv‡`i wePvieyw× msµvšÍ g‡bvfve‡K mnvqZv Ki‡Z cv‡i|Bnv Avgv‡`i m‡PZbZv e„wׇZ †hvMvb †`q †h m‡PZbZv mvgvwRK Dbœq‡b c~e©Dc‡hvMx|)
     Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
48. Bangladesh is land of (a)---scenic beauty.(b)-----land,(c)-----rivers and the forests are (c)----sources of this beauty.Geographically Bangladesh can be divided into four regions.In many places there are a lot of amazing beautiful spots.There are many historical places also.For this reason,(e)-----tourisim business can flowerish here.(f)---wild animals of (g)---Sundarbans are also (h)----great asset.Tourism can play (i)---vital role in national economy.But it is still in its tender age.So,we have to cross (j)—long way.(evsjv‡`k GKwU `k©bxq my›`i †`k|b`-b`x,ebvÂj Gi †mŠ›`‡h©i Drm|‡fŠMwjK w`K w`‡q evsjv‡`k‡K Pvifv‡M fvM Kiv nq|A‡bK ¯’v‡b cÖPzi we¯§qKi my›`i GjvKv i‡q‡Q|GLv‡b A‡bK HwZnvwmK wb©`kb I i‡q‡Q|GB Kvi‡b cwievRªK e¨emv GLv‡b cÖmvi jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i|my›`ie‡bi eb¨cÖvYx I weivU m¤ú`|ch©Ub Avgv‡`i RvZxq A_©bxwZ‡Z e¨vcK f~wgKv ivL‡Z cv‡i|wKš‘ GLbI GUv ˆkke ch©v‡q i‡q‡Q|ZvB Avgv‡`i `xN© c_ AwZµg Ki‡Z n‡e|)
     Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
49. Bangladesh is (a)-----world’s most densely populated country.Our development effors are frustrated because of (b)----great size of our population.(c)----population exploration is growing at such (d)----high rate that (e)----environment may soon fail to supply (h)----people with their minium necessities.It is needed (i)----alarming situation.Something should be done to change (j)----situation. (evsjv‡`k we‡k¦i Rbeûj †`k¸wji Ab¨Zg|Avgv‡`i Dbœqb cÖ‡Póv e¨_©Zvi Kvib GB e¨vcK AvKv‡ii RbmsLv|RbmsLv we‡ùvib Avgv‡`i cwi‡ek I mgv‡Ri Rb¨ wbišÍi ûgwK|Zvi RbmsLv GZ D”Pnv‡i e„w× cv‡”Q †h cwi‡ek Zvi RbM‡bi Rb¨ byb¨Zg cÖ‡qvRb mieivn Ki‡Z kªxNÖB e¨_© n‡e|mZ©KZvg~jK Ae¯’v cÖ‡qvRb GB cwi‡ek cwieZ©‡bi Rb¨ wKQy Kiv DwPZ|)
      Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
50. A brilliant student is (a)---assset.One day he may be (b)----engineer or (c)----M.B.B.S. doctor.He makes (d)---best use of his time.He makes a proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly.He knows that youth is (e)----golden period of (f)----life.He has (g)----aim in life.He knows that (h)----life without (i)----aim is like (j)---ship without a rudder.(GKRb †gavex QvÎ GKUv m¤ú`|GKw`b †m nqZ GKRb cÖ‡KŠkjx A_ev Gg,we,we,Gm Wv³vi n‡e|‡m mg‡qi mبenvi K‡i|‡m Zvi mgq‡K h_vh_fv‡e fvM K‡i wb‡q †mB Abyhvqx KvR K‡i|‡m Rv‡b †hŠeb KvjB Rxe‡bi ¯^Y©gq hyM|Zvi Rxe‡bi j¶¨ Av‡Q|‡m Rv‡b †h j¶¨nxb Rxeb nvjnxb Rvnv‡Ri b¨vq|)   

51.Bangladesh is (a)-- --independent country. But nobody made (b)- ----gift of independence to us. It was (c)-----province of (d)------Pakistan in the name of East Pakistani rulers treated East Pakistan as (f)-----colony of West Pakistan in (g)------name of Pakistan and deprived us of our due share.(h)-----Pakistani army brutally cracked down upon (i)-----innocent people of East Pakistan.(j)-------people took arms.
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
52.Man is (a)-------architect of his own fate. If we avoid labour, we shall not be lucky. Some people think that (b)-----success in life depends on fate. But that is not correct. Hard work is necessary for getting success in every sphere of life. Industry is (e)-----key to success. Those, who depends on fate must always lag behind. It is (d)-----fact that industry makes everything different. If you become (e)-----industrious person, your life will be successful.
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------
53.(a)…………21 st of February is (a)…..important day in our national calendar. On this day in 1952,valiant youths of (c)….soil laid down their lives to establish (d)……..honour of Bangla, their mother language. Their demand was to recognized Bangla as (e)……official language of (f)….state as it was (g)….language of most of (h)….population. Because of their sacrifice ,we have got (i)….Bangla as our official language. Now,Bangla is (j)….internationally recognized language.
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

54.Every student wants to be better in (a)------exam. But it is not (b)….easy work.(c)…..student has to do something for this. From (c)….very beginning he must be serious. He should read (d)…..texts again and again. He must not memorise (f)…..answer without knowing the meaning. He must not make notes from (g)….common source. He should have a good (h)….command over English. By doing all these things (i)….. student  can hope to make a good (j)….result.
Answer (a)…..(b)……(c)…(d)……(e)…..(f)……(g)……(h)…..(i)……(j)……

55.Electronic mail, popularly known as e-mail is (a)….communication of message via electronic means. Although (b)…….telex communication is electronic in nature too, there are difference between (c)…..telex and (d)…..e-mail. Telex communication is terminal to terminal while (e)……electronic communication is user to user via (f)… In telex, messages destined to number of users are sent to (g)…..same terminal where it is distributed in a printed form by (h)…..operator. On (i)…..other hand, e-mail, is delivered to (j)…..individual electronic mail box based in a computer.
Answer: (a)------(b)----(c)------(d)------(e)----(f)-----(g)-----(h)-----(i)------(j)------

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for supplying a good material on article.

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