Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Completing Sentence for SSC/HSC Exam

Rule 01: Too —— to অথবা enough ——- to ব্যবহার করে simple sentence গঠন করা হয়। মনে রাখতে হবে যে, adjective বা adverb-এর পূর্বে too বসে এবং পরে enough বসে। তাছাড়া noun-এর পূর্বে too much/too many/enough বসে। এদের structure ও উদাহরণ নিচে দেওয়া হলোঃ
a) Sub + verb + too + adj / adv + (for + personal object) + to + verb-এর base form + অন্যান্য
b) Sub + verb + adj / adv + enough + (for + personal object) + to + verb-এর base form + অন্যান্য
c) Sub + verb + enough / too much / too many + noun + (for + personal object) + to + verb-এর base form + অন্যান্য
Q. The man was too weak —————.
A. The man was too weak to walk.
Q. The load is too heavy for her —————.
A. The load is too heavy for her to carry.
Q. —————- to complete in time.
A. He works too slowly to complete in time.
Q. It is too interesting a matter for us ————-.
A. It is too interesting a matter for us to overlook.
Rule 02: So ——- that ব্যবহার করে complex sentence গঠন করা হয়। মনে রাখতে হবে যে, that-এর পরের clause-টিতে মূল াবত্ন-এর base form-এর পূর্বে tense ও অর্থ অনুযায়ী can/could/cannot /could not বসে। এর structure ও উদাহরণ নিচে দেওয়া হলোঃ
a) Sub1 + verb + so + adj / adv + that + sub2 + can /could / cannot / could not + verb-এর base form + অন্যান্য
Q. The patient was so weak ————-.
A. The patient was so weak that he could not walk.
Q. Their throats were so dry ————-.
A. Their throats were so dry that they couldn’t speak.
Q. He is so expert that ————-.
A. He is so expert that he can solve it easily.
Q. She is ————that she can understand it quickly.
A. She is so intelligent that he can understand it quickly.
Q. He plays so skilfully ————. (modal ব্যবহার না করে করম্নন)
A. He plays so skilfully that everybody gets amused.

Rule 03: So that অথবা in order that ব্যবহার করে complex sentence গঠন করা হয়। মনে রাখতে হবে যে, that-এর পরের clause-টিতে মূল verb-এর base form-এর পূর্বে tense ও অর্থ অনুযায়ী can/could/may/might/will বসে। উল্লেখ্য যে, নিশ্চিত অর্থে can/could এবং সম্ভাবনা অর্থে may/might বসে। এর structure ও উদাহরণ নিচে দেওয়া হলোঃ
a) Sub1 + verb ——- + so that / in order that + sub2 + can /could / may / might / will + verb-এর base form + অন্যান্য
Q. The girl read attentively so that ————.
A. The girl read attentively so that she could pass.
Q. We eat so that —————.
A. We eat so that we may live. ( সম্ভাবনা অর্থে )
Q. The lady flattered John so that ————-.
A. The lady flattered John so that she could exploit him.
Q. ——————- that they may get harvest.
A. The farmers sow seeds that they may get harvest.
Q. I closed the door so that he ————.
A. I closed the door so that he might not enter the room.
Q. She saved money in order that ————-.
A. She saved money in order that she could buy a gift.

Provided / provided that / providing that / if / whether / in case   

Rule 04: Provided/provided that/providing that/if/whether /in case এর অর্থ যদি। এটি ব্যবহার করে complex sentence গঠন করা হয়। মনে রাখতে হবে যে, এদের পরে একটি clause বসিয়ে sentence-টি complete করতে হবে। এর structure ও উদাহরণ নিচে দেওয়া হলো :
a) Sub1 + verb ——- + provided / provided that / providing that / if / whether / in case + sub2 + verb + অন্যান্য
Q. She will shine in life provided that ————-.
A. She will shine in life provided that she works hard.
Q. The plane will take off provided ————-.
A. The plane will take off provided the weather is good.
Q. I must agree to go providing that ————.
A. I must agree to go providing that my expenses are paid.
Q. ——————— if circumstances favour us.
A. We’ll start our programme if circumstances favour us.
Q. I’ve bought a chicken in case ————-.
A. I’ve bought a chicken in case her sister stays to lunch.
Q. I’m not sure whether/if ————-.
A. I’m not sure whether/if I’ll have time.
Q. Let’s buy a bottle of wine in case ————-.
A. Let’s buy a bottle of wine in case Roger comes.


kishor saran said...


Anonymous said...

Omprakash Choudhary removed the conversation name

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