Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Model Test:English 2nd Paper for HSC Exam

Part A : Grammar

1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary.
follow, bring, crown, go, jump, find, achieve
Everybody wants to be (a)___ success in life. But for (b)___ the desired success one has (c)___ a long way with patience, sincerity and honesty. But unfortunately many of us avoiding the honest path of lie (d)___ the dark way to enjoy the fruit that eventually fails to (e)___ happiness.
2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
My dear Arif,
I have heard that you are indifferent (a)___ study. Be serious (b)___ your study. We expect much (c)___ you. Never associate (d)___ bad boys and waste a single moment in vain. I believe (e)___ your potentials. Just try and reach your original goal.
Your elder brother

3. Use articles where necessary. put a cross (�) where an article is not necessary.
Our parliament building is (a)__ highly expensive building. It is (b)__ wonder of modern architecture and technology. It is one of (c)__ largest and most spectacular buildings in (d)�world. (e)__ management cost of the parliament house is about (f)__ 50 million taka per year. It is (g)__ expensive building. (i)__ American architect Louis I Kahn designed this (j)__ building.
4. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases.
Give up, skin and bone, break out, capital punishment, deprive of, burning question, at any cost
5. Change the form of speech of the following.
Rajib said to me, �Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday? Yes, I�ve.� I replied.
�What an interesting book it is!� I wish I could borrow the book earlier!� I said.
�Will you return the book today?� he asked.

6. Read the following passage and change the following sentences as directed.
(a) I read Nazneen�s letter published on 5th January. (Make it complex). (b) I can understand her problems. (Make it compound). She aspires to live in a nuclear family. (c) Nazneen thinks that things are always easy in a small family. (Make it simple). (d) She believes that small family is a happy family. (Make it passive). Actually small family is not always a happy family. (Make it interrogative)
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tag questions.
Drug is ruining our young generation, (a)__?
You cannot deny that drug has its beneficial effect (b)__?
Stranger! Everyone knows it gradually affects the internal function of the body (c)__?
But drug helps one to forget frustration, (d)__?
Strong will can defeat frustration, (e)__?
8. Complete the following sentences
a) It is high time__ .
b) My joy knows no bound when I__ .
c) Time once lost__ .
d) The man who wastes time idly__ .
e) We should take fresh air so that__ .

Part B : Composition

9. Write a paragraph answering the following questions
(a) how is the life of a teacher?
(b) What does she/he do?
(C) What responsibilities do we have to the person?
10. Write an application to the Principal of your college for the development of the girls� common room.
11. Write a dialogue between the two friends on television.
12. Suppose you are a reporter of the Daily Sun. Recently teachers and students of Barisal B M College formed a human chain to create public awareness and protest against Eve-teasing. Now write a report based on you observation.
13. Complete the story
A mouse and a lion lived in a forest___

Answers B
9. Life of a teacher
A teacher is a person who teaches in a school, college or a university. But it usually denotes a school-teacher. A teacher is a highly respected person in any society. The life of a teacher is quite simple. He is a man of plain living and high thinking. He belongs to a noble profession and his life is a noble one. It appears that a teacher has long vacations to enjoy and therefore, he does not have much work to do. But this is wrong Idea. As a matter of fact, a teacher has a lot of work to do. He has to make an annual lesson plan for his students. He takes up classes and takes them in the class according to that plan to prepare his lesson at home before going to take up classes. This consumes a great deal of his time. Besides, he has to check the homework of the students. He has to frame question papers for the students weekly, monthly and termination examinations. Then he has to look over their answer scripts. All these are strenuous job. Sometimes a teacher has to spend his time by the sweat of his bro, but though he spends a very busy time and is generally held in high esteem, in our society he is often neglected and given a very poor salary. Though he is the architect of the nation, his salary is not commensurate with his responsibility and his work. So we have a great responsibility to a teacher. We have to vindicate and uphold his social status and ensure the emoluments that he deserves.
. Writing an Application

The Principal

Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal
Subject : Prayer for the development of the girls common room
I beg most respectfully to state that the facilities available in the girls common room are very poor. Besides, the number of students has increased considerably this year. So, the common room is always crowded. But many of the girls students have to idle away their time. More newspapers and more facilities for indoor games can keep them engaged. Two more newspapers � one Bengali and one English, four more chessboards with chessman and a ping-pong table will do for the present.
I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to give orders to supply the articles mentioned above.
Yours obediently,
Keramat Ali
On behalf of the students of class XI

2. Writing a dialogue

A dialogue between myself (Rezwan) and my friend (Tareq) about good and bad effects of television
Rezwan : Listen to me, Tareq, please.
Tareq : Yes, tell me please
Rezwan : What do you think of the good effects of television?
Tareq : Advantages of television- many and many- too many to count. In a word, the world comes close to our eyes with the help of television
Rezwan : Right. Television is the most modern means of amusement. It has also a lot of educative values. We can hear the speech of eminent persons. It has proved its superiority over newspapers, radios and other means.
Tareq : Cant we watch and see the news and views of home and abroad?
Rezwan : Why not? As soon as we switch on television, the news of the farthest corner of the globe appears before our eyes. We can see the current news through it. Don�t you think about its important pastime?
Tareq : Your thinking is right. The dwellers of village as well as the towns watch TV as it is their pastime. They enjoy watching drama, jatra song live show of different functions and so on.
Tareq : Everything is okay. But it�s true that every action has its reaction as well. Television has bad side also. It harms us when we misuse it. Doesn�t it?
Rezwan : Definitely. I also shudder to think how so sweet can become so demonic. It can drive people to the wrong way. Sometimes youngsters become addicted to enjoying and watching TV for all day long putting off the studies.
Tareq : Obscene pictures, kidnapping, nude scenes, immoral facts hijacking, looting etc are shown on TV screens. Watching these harmful things people walk on the wrong way.
Rezwan : The guardians as well as the authority should be aware of the bad effects of TV
Tareq : Thank you
Rezwan : Welcome. See you later.

  12. Writing a report on situation/event/ incident
Human chain protesting eve-teasing
Farid Ahmed, Barisal, 20 July, 2012. The teachers and students of Government B M College Barsial formed a human chain in front of the Barisal Press Club yesterday to create public awareness and protest against eve-teasing. A large number of students and teachers took part in the programme. They were carrying different placards and banners and demanding the punishment of the eve-teasers as well as the killers of the Mizanur Rahman, a teacher of Natore Girls� College. Recently the tendency of eve-teasing has increased around the country and the innocent school and college going girls are becoming the victims of this inhuman treatment . The Deputy Commissioner of Barisal Police Super and political leaders spoke during the occasion. The speakers urged the teenagers not to tease any one as it is a social crime and the eve-teasers must be punished. Besides social campaign against eve-teasing, acid throwing hijacking should be launched by the government to keep the young generation free from these curses. But above all, we should be conscious of such kind of ills of the society.
13. The Lion and the mouse
A mouse and a lion lived in a forest. One day the lion was sleeping in a cave. The mouse was playing nearby. The lion caught hold of the mouse. He became so angry that he wanted to kill the mouse. The mouse became very much frightened. But he did not lose heart. He said to the lion, �O king of the forest, I am a very tiny creature. I made a great mistake, please forgive me this time. I may be of some help to you any time. Hearing this, the lion smiled and let the mouse go. Days, months and years passed by. One night, the mouse heard the roar of lion. The mouse went to the place from where the sound was coming. Having reached there he saw the lion trapped in a hunter net. The net was too difficult for the lion to break. The mouse gave his identity and requested him not to make any sound. The mouse began to cut the net with his sharp teeth. The lion was freed before dawn. The lion expressed his gratitude to the mouse.The mouse said in reply, even the smallest creatures can be of great help to the giants.�

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