Friday, March 30, 2012

Linking words

Linking words indicationg addition/inclusion
And (I, Ges)
Both---and (DfqB, Df‡qB, DfqwUB,Dfq¯’vbB)
Or (A_ev, wKsev, bZzev)
Either-------or (A_ev, nq GBRb---bv nq AciRb, nq GwU bv nq AciwU)
Neither ----- nor (GwUI bq----IwUI bq) (GBRb I bq ----H RbI bq)
Not only ------but also (I, †Kej GwU---IwUI, †Kej GBRb bq--HRbI) (†Kej G welqwU bq---H welqwUI)
As well as (Z_v, I, Ges)
Besides/Moreover/Further more (Zv QvovI, AwaKšÍ)
In addition (AwaKšÍ)
Again (Avevi, ZvQvov)
Linking words Indication purpose
(D‡Ïk¨ cÖKvkK ms‡hvMKvix  kã)
So that/ In order that/That (‡hb, hv‡Z K‡e/hvi d‡j)
So----that (GZ----†h)
So much----that/so many—that (GZ †ewk cwigvb---†h/GZ †ewk msL¨K ---†h)
As much as/As much—as/As many---as (hZUzKz—ZZUzKz/ hZUzKz m¤¢e/hZ¸‡jv---ZZ¸‡jv)
Lest (b‡PZ  bZzev, cv‡Q, Ab¨_vq)
Linking Words Indicating comparison (Zzjbv cÖKvkK ms‡hcMKvix  kã)
As---as (gZ, b¨vq, †hgb---†Zgb):nu¨v †evaK ev‡K¨
So-----as (gZ, b¨vq, †hgb---†Zgb): bv †evaK ev‡K¨
Than (‡P‡q/A‡cÿv)

Linking words indicating contrast
(‰emv`„k¨ cÖKvkK ms‡hvRK kã)
While/Whereas (Ab¨w`‡K, A_P)
Though/Although (hw`I ---ZeyI/hw`I---/n‡jI)
Even though(hw`I ---ZeyI/n‡jI)
Despite/In spite of(m‡Z¡I)
Nevertheless/Nonetheless (m‡Z¡I)
Still/yet ( ZeyI, Zv m‡Z¡I)
Instead (cwie‡Z©, Zvi cwie‡Z©, eis)
But (wKš‘)
On the other hand/On the contrary (Ab¨w`‡K, cÿvšÍ‡i)
However (Z‡e, hv †nvK)
Any way  (hv †nvK, Z‡e)
However (Z‡e, hv †nvK)
Any way (Z‡e, hv †nvK)
All the same (GKB K_v)
All the same (Zv m‡Ë¡I)
Linking words indicating condition        (kZ© cÖKvkK ms‡hvMKvix kã)
Otherwise/or(bZzev, b‡Pr, Ab¨_vq, wKsev)
If(hw`I): kZ© †evSv‡Z
Provided/Provided that/Providing that         (hw`, kZ© GB †h) kZ© †evSv‡Z
Incase (hw`) kZ© †evSv‡Z
Unless (hw` bv, bv n‡j): kZ© †evSv‡Z
Until/Till (bv ch©šÍ, ch©šÍ ):mg‡qi †ÿ‡Î
Only (‡Kej, Z‡e)
Linking words indication time & place
No sooner had---than (n‡Z bv n‡ZB gvÎB)
Scarcely had--- when (n‡Z bv n‡ZB gvÎB)
Hardly had--- When/before
                 (n‡Z bv n‡ZB gvÎB)
As (hLb---ZLb, mg‡qi mv‡_ mv‡_)
When (hLb---ZLb)
While (hLb---ZLb)
Before (c~‡e©)
After (c‡i)
As soon as (‡hBgvÎ---- †mBgvÎ/gvÎB)
Sometimes (KL‡bv, KL‡bv, gv‡S gv‡S)
At present/Presently/Recently/of late (eZ©gv‡b, m¤cÖwZ)
Now (GLb, Gevi)
Then (Zvici, Gici, AZ:ci)
After wards (c‡i, cieZx© Kv‡j)
At first/Firstly(cÖ_‡g, cÖ_gZ, me©cÖ_g)
Kv‡Ri aviv ev ch©vqt
At the beginning (kyiæ‡Z)
Secondly (wØZxqZ)
Thirdly (Z’ZxqZ)
Next (Zvici)
After this/after that (Gici, Zvici)
Finally/At last/At the end(Ae‡k‡q)
Where (‡hLv‡b---†mLv‡b) ¯’vb †evSv‡Z
When (hLb---ZLb) mgq †evSv‡Z
Linking wors indicating reason
(KviY cÖKvkK ms‡hvMKvix kã)
Because/As/Since (‡h‡nZz/†m‡nZz---†m‡nZz)
Why  (‡Kb, Kx R‡b¨, Kx Kvi‡b)
Unking words indication result
(dj vdj)
So/therefore(ZvB, myZivs, AZÎe, d‡j
As a result/consequently/as a consequence/eventually (d‡j, hvi d‡j, djvdjekZ)
Thus (Gfv‡e, †mfv‡e)
Naturally (¯^vfvweKfv‡e, ¯^fveZB)
Linking word indicating manner
(aib cÖKvkK cÖ‡qvMKvix  kã)
As if/As though (‡hb)
As it were  (‡hb)
By and by (Av‡¯Í, Av‡¯Í, µgvš^‡q)
How  (‡hfv‡e, wKfv‡e):aib, c×wZ †evSv‡Z
Such—as/such—that (Ggb---†h)
However (hZB)
As  (‡hgb, †hgb---†Zgb)
Linking words indicating summary
          (mvigg© cÖKvkK mO‡hvMKvix kã)
After all (mewKQz m‡Z¡I)
On the whole (‡gv‡Ui Dci/mewKQz wg‡j‡q)
Above all (m‡e©vcwi)
In all/In total (‡gvU)
Linking words indicating emphasis
    (¸iæZ¡ cÖKvkK ms‡hvMKvix kã)
Indeed/No doubt
                           (cÖK„Z c‡ÿ/mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©)
Actually (cÖK…Z c‡ÿ, mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©)
Other linking words
                               (Ab¨vb¨ ms‡hvMKvix kã)
Rather---than  (eis)
Whether/If (wKbv)
Whether----or (‡nvK ev bv †nvK)
That (‡h)
Who (‡h---‡m/whwb wZwb/hviv Zviv):e¨w³ †evSv‡Z)
Whom/Who (hv‡K---Zv‡K, hv‡`i‡K---Zv‡`i‡K) e¨w³/e¯‘
Whose (hvi--- Zvi, hv‡`i-- Zv‡`i): e¨w³/e¯‘
Which/that (‡hwU-- †mwU/†m¸wj-- †m¸wj): e¯‘ †`‡ki Which  e‡m
That (†h--- †m)
What (hv-- Zv): welq/e¯‘
Whatever (‡h--- B)
Whoever (‡h-- B)
As usually/Usually (mPivPi)
By the by (K_v cÖm‡½/Av”Qv)

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