So that/ in order that (hv‡Z /†hb+D‡Ïk¨hy³evK¨vsk) NUbvejxi ga¨Kvi Kvh©KiY m¤úK© I djvdj
e¨eüZ nq|
Complex sentence Gi cÖ_g clause-G Ggb GKwU welq
_v‡K hv GKwU D‡Ï‡k¨ Kiv n‡q‡Q A_©vr cÖ_g NUbvwUi djvd‡j Ab¨ GKwU NUbv NU‡Z
cv‡i, Ggb K‡i ev NUv‡bvi D‡Ï‡k¨ G ai‡bi
†¶‡‡Î t-
wbqgt Subject+
verb+ Extension+ So that/in order that +subject +can/could/may/might
+verb (present)+ other words.
wbqgt Present
tense+ so that+ subject + can/may +Verb (present)+ evwK Ask.
1. The students studies diligently so that they can secure/get good
(QvÎ-QvÎxiv covïbv g‡bv‡hv‡Mi
mv‡_ K‡i hv‡Z Zviv fvj b¤^i AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
wbqgt Past
tense+ so that+ Extension +subject+ could/might+ V(present) +evwK Ask.
2. The students studied diligently so that they could secure good
(QvÎ-QvÎxiv covïbv g‡bv‡hv‡Mi
mv‡_ K‡iwQj hv‡Z Zviv fvj b¤^i AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
1. We take exercise so that we can keep our body fit.
(Avgiv ˆ`wnK e¨vqvg Kwi hv‡Z Avgiv Avgv‡`i kixi‡K h‡_vchy³ ivL‡Z
3. We eat so that we may live. (Avgiv LvB hv‡Z Avgiv evPu‡Z cvwi|)
4. He worked
hard so that he could pass.( ‡m GZ cwikªg
K‡iwQj hv‡Z cvk Ki‡Z †c‡iwQj|)
5. He always flatters his boss so that he may get
(†m memgq Zvi em‡K †Zvlv‡gv` K‡i hv‡Z †m myweav †fvM Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
6. He went to London
so that he could achieve higher education.
(‡m jÛ‡b wM‡qwQj hv‡Z †m D”PZi wk¶v MÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
7. He opened a bank account so that he could
easily deposit money.
(‡m e¨vs‡K GKvD›U Ly‡j wQj hv‡Z †m Zvi UvKv ¸‡jv msi¶Y Ki‡Z cviZ|)
Man eats in order that they may live.(gvbyl Lvq hv‡Z †m †e‡Pu _vK‡Z cv‡i|)
They come here in order that they could enjoy a
( Zviv GLv‡b G‡mwQj hv‡Z Zviv
wPÎwU Abyaveb Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
Which/that (‡hwU--†mwU/†h¸‡jv---†m¸‡jv)
e¯Í, cªvbx, †`‡ki cwie‡Z© e‡m|
GwU singular I plural Dfq ‡¶‡Î e¨eüZ nq|That e¯Í, cÖvYx e¨w³i cwie‡Z© e‡m,
Z‡e †`‡ki cwie‡Z© e‡mbv|GwUI singular I plural Dfq‡¶‡Î e¨eüZ nq|
He is sure that he will pass in the examination.(‡m wbwðZ †h †m cix¶vq cvk Ki‡e|)
That he is honest he is poor.( ‡m mr †m Mixe|)
It is true that we are progressing day by day.(Bnv mZ¨ †h Avgiv w`b w`b DbœwZ jvf KiwQ|)
He said that he had not gone to school the
previous day.
(‡m ejj †h †m MZKvj we`¨vj‡q
His silence proves that he is guilty.(Zvi wbieZv cÖgvb K‡i †h †m †`vlx|)
I am sure that he will succeed.(Avwg wbwðZ †h †m mvdj¨ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
Mother told me that she would cook for me.(gv ejj †h †m Avgvi Rb¨ ivbœv K‡iwQj|)
Whose (hvi-Zvi, hv‡`i
1. This is the boy whose father is a
teacher. (GB nq evjKwU hvi evev GKRb
2. The man whose son is a doctor has
come to see you.
(‡jvKwU hvi cyÎ Wv³vi †Zvgv‡K †`L‡Z
So ----that (GZB †h)/
Sub+ verb+ so+ adjective/adverb +that + subject
+can/could+(not)+verb (present
Form)+Extension (ewa©Z Ask).
Sub+ verb+ so+ adjective/adverb +that + subject +shall/will+(not)+verb
form)+Extension(ewa©Z Ask).
Sub+ verb+ so+ adjective/adverb +that + subject
+do/does/did +(not)+verb (present form)+Extension (ewa©Z Ask).
Sub+ verb+ so+ adjective/adverb +that + subject
+verb (present form)+Extension (ewa©Z Ask).
1. The old
man is so weak that he can not walk. (e„× †jvKwU GZ
`ye©j †h †m nvUu‡Z cv‡i bv|)
2. He is so
weak that he can’t walk. (†m GZ `ye©j †h
nvUu‡Z cv‡i bv|)
3. He is so
dishonest that nobody trusts him. (†m GZ Amr †h †KD
Zv‡K wek¦vm K‡i bv|)
4. He was so
foolish that he could not realize his friends.
(†m GZ †evKv wQj †h †m Zvi eÜz‡`i‡K Abyaveb/eyS‡Z cvijv bv|)
5. Musa was
so determined that he could easily success.
(gymv GZ msKíe× wQj †h †m mn‡RB mvdj¨ jvf K‡iwQj|)
6. The dinner
was so delicious that I could not check my temptation.
(LveviwU GZ my¯^v`y wQj †h Avwg Avwg Avgvi †jvf mseiY Ki‡Z cvijvg
7. The load
was so heavy that he could not carry it.
(‡evSvwU GZ fvix
wQj †h †m GZ wb‡q †h‡Z cvij bv|)
hw` + eZ©gvb
Kvj, +fwel¨rKvj
wbqgt If+ Subject
+verb (present)+Extension, Subject +shall/will +verb(present)
A_ev, fwel¨rKvj +hw` +
eZ©gvb Kvj
wbqgt Subject+
shall /will +verb (present)+Extension, If +Subject+ verb
If you walk slowly you will miss the train. (hw` Zzwg ax‡i ax‡i nvUu Zzwg †UªbwU †c‡Z e¨_© n‡e|)
If you help me I will give money. (hw` Zzwg Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki, Avwg †Zvgv‡K UvKv †`e|)
If you do not waste your time you will pass in
the examination.
(Zzwg hw` ‡Zvgvi mgq bó bv Ki,
Zzwg cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
will not be punished if you study attentively.
(Zzwg kvw¯Í cv‡e bv hw` Zzwg g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ covïbv Ki|)
If you write
me I will answer to you.(Zzwg hw` Avgv‡K
†jL, Avwg †Zvgv‡K DËi w`e|)
If you invite me I will go there.(Zzwg hw` Avgv‡K Avgš¿Y RvbvI, Avwg †mLv‡b hve|)
If you study more you will learn more.
(hw` Zzwg †ewk K‡i covïbv
Ki,Zzwg †ewk K‡i Rvb‡Z cvi‡e|)
If her uncle arrives, she will be happy.(hw` Zvi gvgv Av‡m †m Lywk n‡e|)
Be truthful if you want to shine in life.(mZ¨evw` nI hw` Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z PvI|)
Subject+ verb (past form)+Extension+ before +subject+ had+ verb(Past
Subject+ had +verb (past Participle) +Extension+
After+ Subject +Verb (Past)+Extension.
He came home before he had completed the work.
(‡m evox G‡mwQj
KvRwU †kl Kivi Av‡M|)
He was given the job after he had applied for it.
(Zv‡K PvKzwi †`Iqv
n‡qwQj GB c‡` Av‡e`b Kivi ci|)
It is high time/It is time
‡Kvb KvR Kivi Dchy³ mgq BwZg‡a¨B
AwZevwnZ n‡q‡Q,ZvB Avi †`wi bv K‡i GLbB KvRwU ïi“ Kiv
DwPZ-Giƒc †evSv‡Z It is
high time/It is time nq Ges c‡i Subject I verb Gi past form
It is high time/It is time+ subject
+verb base form(Present form)+others+
It is high time we changed our
decision.(BnvB Dchy³ mgq Avgv‡`i wmÏvšÍ
cwieZ©b Kievi |)
wbqgt If+ Subject+
verb(Past form)+ Extension, Subject+ would/ could /might+ verb
(present ) +Extension
Or ,
wbqgt Subject+
would/ could /might+ verb (present ) +Extension if+ Subject+
verb (Past form)+ Extension
If I went there, I would met him.
(hw` Avwg †mLv‡b †h‡Z cviZvg
Avwg Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
If they wanted, I would go. (hw` Zviv PvBZ, Avwg †mLv‡b †hZvg|)
If I found him, I would tell him.(hw` Avwg Zv‡K †cZvg Avwg ‡Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
If you told me the news I would come.(hw` Zzwg Avgv‡K msev`wU w`‡Z Avwg Avm‡Z cviZvg|)
If I knew his phone number, I would call him.
(hw` Avwg Zvi †dvb b¤^i RvbZvg,
Avwg Zv‡K †dvb Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
If I were rich I would help the poor.
(hw` Avwg abx n‡Z
cviZvg Avwg Zv‡K Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
If I were you, I would help the poor.(hw` Avwg Zzwg nZvg Avwg Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
If I were a king, I would help the poor.(hw` Avwg ivRv nZvg, Avwg Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
wbqgt If+
Subject+ had+ verb(Past Participle)+ Extension, Subject+ would have/ could
have /might have + verb (past
participle ) +Extension.
wbqgt Subject+
would have/ could have /might have+ verb (past participle ) +Extension
if+ Subject+ had+ verb(Past Participle)+ Extension.
If I had seen you before, I would have helped you.
(hw` Avwg,†Zvgv‡K Av‡M †`L‡Z
cviZvg,Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
If I had got student visa, I would gone to Australia.
(hw` Avwg QvÎ wfmv †cZvg Avwg
A‡óvwjqv †h‡Z cviZvg|)
If I had met him before I would have gone.
(hw` Avwg Zvi Av‡M Av‡M mv¶vZ
Ki‡Z cviZvg, Avwg †mLv‡b †h‡Z cviZvg|)
If I had seen him I would punished him.
(hw` Avwg Zv‡K †`LZvg, Avwg
Zv‡K kvw¯Í w`‡Z cviZvg|)
If I had found you I would have told my problems.
(Avwg hw` †Zvgv‡K †`L‡Z cviZvg Avwg †Zvgvi mgm¨vi mgvavb K‡i w`‡Z
1. Had I been a rich, I would have
helped the poor.
(Avwg hw` abx nZvg Avwg
Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
Had I seen him I would have not gone away.
(hw` Avwg Zv‡K †`L‡Z cviZvg,
Avwg †h‡Z cviZvg|)
In case/Provided
(that)/providing (that)/if (hw`)
In case/Provided (that)/providing
(that)/if (hw`) Gi wVK c‡ii clause wU kZ© cÖKvk K‡i
Ges Ab¨
clause wU djvdj cÖKvk K‡i|
He can lend you the money provided you will help
(‡m †Zvgv‡K UvKv avi w`‡Z cv‡i GKk‡Z© †h Zzwg Zv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|)
He will shine in life provided that he works
(‡m Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡e GK
k‡Z© †m K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡e|)
KviY wewkó evK¨vsk ,+dj wewkó¨ evK¨vsk
As she was ill, she could not attend the meeting.
(‡h‡nZz †m Amy¯’ wQj, †m
Av‡jvPbvq AskMÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡iwb|)
As he was tired, he could not go to school.(‡h‡nZz †m K¬všÍ wQj, †m ¯‹z‡j
†h‡Z cvij bv|)
As it was raining, I could not go out.(‡h‡nZz e„wó nB‡ZwQj, Avwg evB‡i hvBwb|)
4. Crops did not grow well as it
did not rain in time.
(dmj fvj nBwb †h‡nZz fvj
e„wócvZ nqwb|)
He always fails in the examination because
he is not attentive to study.
(‡m memgq cix¶vq †dj K‡i KviY †m covïbvq g‡bv‡hvMx bq|)
Rahim could not walk fast because he was ill.(iwng `ª“Z nvUuj bv KviY †m wQj Amy¯’|)
Since the boy broke discipline, he was punished.
(‡h‡nZz evjKwU k„•Ljv f½
K‡iwQj,Zv‡K kvw¯Í †`Iqv n‡qwQj|)
Since they played well, they won the match.(‡h‡nZz Zviv fvj †L‡jwQj,Zviv g¨v‡P wR‡ZwQj|)
10. Since the
weather was very cold, I could not go out.
(‡h‡nZz AvenvIqv Lye VvÛv
wQj,Avwg evB‡i hvBwb|)
Lest (b‡PZ, bZzev,
cv‡Q, Ab¨_vq) cv‡Q fq nq †h..Õ Giƒc A_© cÖKvk K‡i|KZ©v Zvi D‡Ï‡k¨ mdj Ki‡Z
Zrci Ges wKQyUv kswKZ †h †m Zvi Kv‡R
mdj nj wKbv|
Lest Gi c~‡e©i e³‡e¨i
KviYwU clause AvKv‡i wjL‡Z nq|
cÖ_g clause Gi subject I wØZxq clause Gi
subject GKB _v‡K|
lest Gi c‡ii clause wUi MVb n‡et-
KviYm~PK evK¨ +lest+
subject+ should/might+ V(present form)+ other words
Subject +verb +lest+subject+should/might+verbGi base form (Present form)+evwK Ask
Lest Wv‡b KLbI
bv‡evaK (Negative) kã e‡m bv
Walk fast lest you should miss the train.(`ªyZ nvUu bZzev †UªbwU †dj Ki‡e|)
Avoid mistakes lest you should get poor good
(fyj Gwo‡q Pj bZzev cix¶vq Zzwg
Kg b¤^i cv‡e|)
Read attentively lest you should fail in the
(g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ †jLvcov Ki
bZzev cix¶vq †dj Ki‡e|)
The old man walks slowly lest he should fall.
(e„ׇjvKwU Lye ax‡i ax‡i nv‡Uu
bZzev †m c‡i †h‡Z cv‡i|)
They ran hurriedly lest they should miss the
(Zviv ‡`Šovw”Qj bZzev Zviv
†UªbwU †dj Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
Go to the bank with the cheque lest you should
fail to cash your cheque.
(‡PKwU wb‡q e¨vs‡K hvI bZzev
†P‡K UvKv †c‡Z e¨_© n‡e|)
He walked fast lest he should miss the train.
(†m `ªyZ nvUwuQj bZzev Zviv
†UªbwU †dj Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
He walks slowly lest he should stumble. (‡m ax‡i nvUwQj bZzev Zv‡K †nvPUu †L‡Z n‡e|)
Read diligently lest you should fail. (g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co cv‡Q †dj Ki‡e|)
Where+ clause (†hLv‡b)
I know where he goes.(Avwg Rvwb †m †Kv_vq hvB|)
You may go where you wish.(Zzwg †h‡Z cvi †hLv‡b †Zvgvi B”Qv|)
Where there is a will
there is a way.(hZ¶Y Avk ZZ¶Y k¦vm|)
This is the village where I was
born.(GB nq MÖvg †hLv‡b Avwg Rb¥MÖnY
Since(ZLb †_‡K/Zvici †_‡K †Kvb mgq †_‡K/†_‡K)
(1g ev‡K¨)present Indefinite
Perfect Tense +Since (wØZxq ev‡K¨) Past
Indefinite Tense
Or, (1g ev‡K¨)Past Indefinite Tense /+Since (wØZxq ev‡K¨)Past
Perfect Tense
It is long time since I saw you last.
(A‡bK w`b AwZµvšÍ nj Avwg
†Zvgv‡K ‡kl †`‡LwQjvg|)
It was many years since we meet last.
(A‡bK w`b AwZµvšÍ n‡qwQj Avgiv
cÖ_g †`Lv K‡iwQjvg|)
It is many years since I saw him.(A‡bK w`b AwZµvšÍ n‡q‡Q Avwg Zv‡K †`‡LwQjvg|)
Five years have passed since he left the country.
(cvPu ermi AwZµvšÍ n‡q‡Q Avwg
†`k Z¨vM K‡iwQjvg|)
It is long since I saw you last.(A‡bK w`b AwZµvšÍ nj Avwg †Zvgv‡K ‡kl †`‡LwQjvg|)
Subject(Noun/Pronoun)+is/are/was/were+the+(noun)+that/who/which +evK¨vsk
It is you who are to blame. (GB nq Zywg †h Gi Rb¨ `vqx |)
It is I who am
to blame .(GB nB Avwg †h †Zvgvi wk¶K)
It is I am to blame.(GB nB Avwg †h Gi Rb¨ `vqx |)
Sadnan is one of the students who got prize.
(mv`bvb A‡bKRb
Qv‡Îi g‡a¨ GKRb †h cyi¯‹vi †c‡qwQj|)
Subject+ be verb(is, are, was, were) +the place +where+ evK¨vsk
Danger comes where night falls.(‡hLv‡b ev‡Ni fq †mLv‡b ivZ nq |)
I know where he lives .(Avwg hvwb Zviv ‡Kv_vq _v‡K |)
Subject+ be verb +the time/month/year +when+ evK¨vsk
Saturday is the day when I go for a week tour.
(kwbevi GKwU w`b
hLb Avwg mvßvwnKfv‡e Nyi‡Z hvB |)
1971 is the year when we got our independence.
(1971 mv‡j Avgiv Avgv‡`i
¯^vwabZv AR©b Kwi |)
10 am is the time when we go to school.
(mKvj 10Uv nq Ggb
GKwU mgq hLb Avgiv ¯‹z‡j hvB|)
10 pm is the time when we eat .(ivZ 10Uv Ggb
GKwU mgq hLb Avgiv weQvbvq hvB |)
Do you know when the last train will arrive?(Zzwg wK hvb †k‡li †UªbwU Avm‡e |)
+present Tense+ Future Tense Or
Future Tense+ When+ present
When+ Past
Tense,+ Past Tense
Or, When
+Present Tense,+ Present Tense
Or Present Tense+ When +Present Tense
When he arrived here he was accorded a warm
(hLb ‡m GLv‡b G‡mwQj Zv‡K Dò Af¨©_bv Rvbv‡bv n‡qwQj|)
When I entered the classroom, I found
him absent.
(hLb Avwg †kªYxK‡¶ cÖ‡ek K‡iwQjvg,Avwg Zv‡K Abycw¯’Z †`‡LwQjvg|)
As if/As though (†hb))
Õ‡hbÕ Gi e¨envi Bs‡iRx‡Z A‡bKUv Aev¯Íe
kZ©g~jK (unreal conditional sentence) gZ| as if/as
though Gi ×viv Ggb Ae¯’v †evSv‡bv n‡q
_v‡K hv cÖK…Z Ae¯’v bq|
Present tense Gi †¶‡Ît-
Subject+ verb (present indefinite)+ as
if/as though+ sub+ verb(past indefinite)+ +evwK Ask
He talks as if/as though he won the first
(‡mGgbfv‡e K_v
e‡j †hb †m cÖ_g cyi¯‹viwU †c‡qwQj|)
Past Tense Gi †¶‡‡Î t-
Subject+ verb(past)+ as if/as though+
subject+ verb(past participle form)+ +evwK Ask
He talked as though he
had won the first prize.
(‡mGgbfv‡e K_v e‡jwQj †hb †m cÖ_g cyi¯‹viwU †c‡qwQj|)
He speaks as if he knew everything.(‡m Ggb fv‡e K_v e‡j †hb †m mewKQy hv‡b |)
Shima tells the matter as if she knew everything.
(wmgv welqwU Ggb
fv‡e e‡j †hb †m me Rv‡b |)
He pretends as if he were a mad .(†m Ggb fvb Kij †h †m cvMj |)
sooner had-------than (n‡ZB/n‡Z bv n‡ZB)t
wbqgt No sooner
+had+ subject+ verb Gi Past participle+ object +than +subject
+verb Gi Past form +evwK Ask
1. No sooner had I reached the
station, than the train left.
(Avwg †÷l‡b
†cŠQ‡Z bv †cŠQv‡Z †UªbwU †Q‡i w`j |)
2. No sooner had he reached the
school, than the bell rang.
(Avwg ¯‹z‡j †cŠQv‡Z bv †cŠQv‡Z †ej w`‡q w`j |)
3. No sooner had the police came, than
the thief ran away.
(cywjk Avm‡Z bv Avm‡Z †Pvi
cvwj‡q †Mj |)
4. No sooner had the doctor gone, than
the patient died.
(Wv³vi Avm‡Z bv Avm‡Z †ivMx g‡i †Mj |)
Hardly had-----when/before (n‡ZB/n‡Z bv n‡ZB)t
wbqgt Hardly
+had+ subject+ verb Gi Past participle+ object +when/before
verbGi Past form +evwK Ask
1. Hardly had I reached the station,
when the train started.
(Avwg †÷l‡b †cŠQv‡Z bv †cŠQv‡Z
†UªbwU P‡j †Mj|)
Scarcely had-----when/before (n‡ZB/n‡Z bv n‡ZB)t
wbqgt scarcely +had+ subject+ verb Gi Past
participle+ object +when/before
+subject+ verbGi Past form+
Scarcely had he reached the station, when the
train left.
(‡m †÷l‡b †cŠQv‡Z bv †cŠQv‡Z
†UªbwU P‡j †Mj|)
Scarcely had the assembly begun, when the speaker
(mgv‡ek ïi“ bv n‡ZB e³v cÖ‡ek K‡iwQj|)
Scarcely had I reached the station, when the
train left.
(Avwg †÷l‡b †cŠQv‡Z bv †cŠQv‡Z
†UªbwU P‡j †Mj|)
Unless (hw` bv, Zv bv
n‡j, bv Ki‡j)
†Kvb GKwU KvR bv Ki‡j, bv n‡j AciwU NU‡Z
cv‡i Ggb A_© cÖKv‡ki Rb¨
Unless+ clause nq| Unless Gi c‡ii clause wU present tense n‡j Aci clause G subject
Gi ci will/can e‡m| wKš‘ past tense
n‡j would/ could e‡m|
unless hy³ clause wU KL‡bv Negative nq bv| Dfq clause B GKB tense Gi nq|
Unless+ nu¨v †evaK evK¨vsk,/ bv †evaK
wbqgt bv †evaK evK¨vsk + unless +nu¨v‡evaK evK¨vsk|
You can not shine in life unless
you work hard.
(Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ
jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv hZ¶b bv Zzwg K‡Vvi cwikªg bv Ki|)
We can not keep our body fit unless we take a balanced
(Avgiv Avgv‡`i ¯^v¯’¨ mwVK ivL‡Z cvwi bv hZ¶Y bv Avgiv mylg Lv`¨
MÖnY K‡i _vwK|)
You will not pass in the examination, unless
you study hard.
(Zzwg cix¶vq cvk
Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv hZ¶Y bv Zzwg covïbvq cwikªg bv Ki‡Q)
He could not obtain a good result, unless he
studies hard.
(‡m cix¶vq fvj djvdj jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv hZ¶Y bv †m covïbvq cwikªg bv
wbqgt Unless+ nu¨v †evaK evK¨vsk,/ bv †evaK e¨vKvsk
Unless you hurry up, you will miss the train.
(hw` bv Zzwg ZvovZvwo bv Ki,Zzwg †UªbwU †dj Ki‡e|)
Unless you study attentively, you will fail in
the examination.
(hw` bv Zzwg
g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ covïbv bv Ki, Zzwg cix¶vq †dj Ki‡e|)
Unless you work hard, you will not shine in life,
(hw` bv Zzwg
K‡Vvi cwikªg bv Ki,Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
Unless you study hard, you will not pass in the
(hw` bv Zzwg
covïbvq cwikªg bv Ki,Zzwg cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
Unless you work hard, you
cannot prosper in life.
(hw` bv Zzwg
K‡Vvi cwikªg bv Ki,Zzwg Rxe‡b mg„w× jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
Unless you read attentively, you will
fail in the examination.
(hw` bv Zzwg g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ covïbv bv Ki, Zzwg cix¶vq †dj Ki‡e|)
Till ch©šÍ): /Until (hZ¶b ch©šÍ bv,)
†Kvb GKwU NUbv ch©šÍ ev †h ch©šÍ bv
eySv‡Z till ev until mgq wb‡`©kK NUbv D‡jL Kiv
nq `ywU clause B
GKB tense Gi nq|Till Gi c‡ii evK¨vsk negative (bv-†evaK) ev affirmative
(nuv-†evaK) ev‡K¨i
†h †KvbwU n‡Z cv‡i|
1. You will be writing it till the
bell rings.(Zzwg GUv wjL‡Z _vK‡e hZ¶b
ch©šÍ N›Uv bv ev‡R|)
2. We waited there till the rain
stopped.(Avgiv †mLv‡b A‡c¶v K‡iwQjvg
hZ¶Y ch©šÍ e„wó bv _v‡g|)
3. I shall nurse my mother till she
comes round.
(Avwg Avgvi gv‡K †mev Kie hZ¶b
ch©šÍ †m Av‡ivM¨ jvf K‡i|)
4. We waited there till the rain
did not stop.
(Avgiv †mLv‡b A‡c¶v K‡iwQjvg
hZ¶Y ch©šÍ e„wó bv _v‡g|)
5. Wait here till I come back.
(GLv‡b A‡c¶v Ki hZ¶b bv ch©šÍ Avwg wd‡i Avwm|)
Until kãwU negative A_© cÖKvk K‡i|ZvB until ×viv †h clause ïi nq †m clause ‡h no ev not e‡m bv|
1. They will not go out until the
rain stops.(e„wó bv _vgv ch©šÍ Zviv evB‡i
hv‡e bv|)
2. He will be waiting for me until I
come back.
(‡m Avgvi R‡b¨ A‡c¶v Ki‡Z _vK‡e
hZ¶b ch©šÍ bv Avwg bv wd‡i Avwm|)
3. Work hard until success comes.(K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki hZ¶Y ch©šÍ bv mvdj¨ Av‡m|)
4. We walked until we became tired.(Avgiv †n‡UuwQjvg hZ¶b ch©šÍ Avgiv K¬všÍ n‡qwQjvg|)
5. We shall stay in this room until the
rain stops.(Avgiv GB i“‡g _vKe hZ¶Y bv
e„wó _v‡g|)
6. Wait here until he comes.(‡m bv Avmv ch©šÍ GLv‡b A‡c¶v Ki|)
Though/Although/Even though (hw`I— --ZeyI/hw`I/n‡jI) w`‡q `ywU ci¯úi we‡ivax fv‡ei Zzjbv ¯’vcb
K‡i| †Kvb Ae¯’v ev NUbvi wecixZg~Lx †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq,
wbqgt Though/Although/Even
though+ 1wU evK¨vsk +wecixZgyLx 1wU evK¨vsk(wecixZag©x)
Though he is poor, he is honest.(hw`I †m Mixe †m mr|)
Though he is rich, he is dishonest.(hw`I †m abx †m Amr|)
Though Bangladesh has limited natural
resources she has a vast population.
(hw`I evsjv‡`‡k cÖvK…wZK m¤ú` mxwgZ ZeyI Gi wecyj RbmsL¨v i‡q‡Q|)
Though the boy is intelligent he is lazy.(hw`I †m eyw×gvb †m Ajm|)
He went out although
it was raining heavily.(‡m evB‡i †ei n‡jv hw`I cÖPzi
e„wócvZ nB‡ZwQj|)
As soon as(†h‡Z bv †h‡ZB; Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB;NU‡Z bv NU‡ZB)
GKwU KvR n‡Z bv
n‡ZB Avi GKwU KvR ïiy n‡j A_ev GKwU KvR ïiy nIqv gvGB Avi GKwU KvR m¤úbœ n‡j
Avgiv As soon as e¨envi Kwi|As soon
as+ past indefinite tense+ past indefinite tense.
As soon as we saw him, he
ran away in fear.
(Avgiv †hBgvÎ Zv‡K †`‡LwQjvg,†m f‡q cvwj‡q †Mj|)
Had+ subject+ verb(past
participle)+complement+ modifier,+ subject+ would have/could have/might have+
verb(past participle)+ complement+ modifier.
1. Had I had the time, I would have
gone to market yesterday.
(Avgvi hw` mgq _vKZ,Avwg MZKvj
gv‡K©‡U †h‡Z cviZvg|)
2. Had he been here yesterday, I would
have told you.
(‡m hw` MZKvj GLv‡b _vKZ,Avwg †Zvgv‡K ej‡Z cviZvg|)
Wish: Aev¯Íe kZ©g~jK
ev‡K¨i (unreal conditional sentence)Gi gZ e¨eüZ nh G‡ÿ‡Î Ggb Ae¯’v
cÖKvk K‡i ev ev¯Íe m¤§Z bq|
Future wish: Subject+ wish+ that+
subject+ would/ could+ were
She wishes that she
could buy a new house next month.
(‡m Avkv K‡i †h †m bZzb evwo µq Ki‡e|)
I wish that I would attend the
party tomorrow.
(Avwg Avkv Kwi †h
AvMvgxKvj Avwg cvwU‡Z AskMÖnY Kie|)
Present wish: Subject+ wish+ that+
subject+ verb(past indefinite)
He wishes that she
had a car.(‡m Avkv K‡i †h Zvi GKwU Mvox
Past wish: Subject+ wish+ that+
subject+ verb(past perfect)
He wishes that she had
bought a new house last month.
(‡m Avkv K‡i †h †m MZgv‡m GKwU evwo wKb‡Z cviZ|)
[hv---Zv]: welhe¯Í/e¯Í
What he has told is not true.(‡m hv e‡j‡Q Zv mZ¨ bq|)
Do you believe what he said yesterday?(Zzwg wK wek¦vm Ki †m MZKvj hv e‡jwQj|)
Who (‡h--†m/whwb/
wZwb/hviv---Zviv) :e¨w³ †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq| Singular I plural Dfq number G
e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i|
1. A
patriot is he who loves his country.(GKRb †`k‡cÖwgK
n‡”Q †m †h Zvi †`k‡K fvjev‡m|)
3. It is
he who has broken the glass.(GB nq †m †h
MvmwU †f‡½‡Q|)
4. It is I
who am your teacher.(GB nq Avwg †h †Zvgvi wk¶K|)
5. Sadnan
is one of the students who got prizes.(mv`bvb nq GKRb
QvÎ †m cyi¯‹vi †c‡qwQj|)
6. The man
who loves his country is a patriot.(‡h †jvK †`k‡K
fvjev‡m †m †`k‡cÖwgK|)
What [hv---Zv]: welhe¯Í/e¯Í
1. What you say is not true.
2. Do you believe what he said
Incase [hw`,(†Kv‡bv wKQz) NU‡j/n‡j]
clause+ incase+ subordinate clause
He carries an umbrella incase it rains.
(‡m GKwU QvZv enb
K‡i hw` e„wó nq|)
subordinate clause,+ Principal clause.
Incase he come, I waited at the station.
(hw` Ggb nq †m
Av‡m,Avwg ‡÷k‡b A‡c¶v K‡iwQjvg|)
Present tense+ incase+ present.
Call me in case you face any
(Zzwg Avgv‡K ‡WK
hw` Ggb nq †h Zzwg wec‡` c‡o‡Qv|)
tense+ incase+ present
He will carry an umbrella incase it
rains(‡m GKwU
QvZv enb Ki‡e hw` e„wó nq|)
past tense,+ past tense
Incase he came, I waited at the
(hw` Ggb nq †m
G‡mwQj,Avwg ‡÷k‡b A‡c¶v K‡iwQjvg|)
Whatever+ clause (hvB †nvK bv †Kb A‡_©)/hv-B
Whatever he says is false/is true.
(‡m hv e‡j Zv wg_¨v/mZ¨|)
We can’t do whatever we like.(Avgiv Ki‡Z cvwi bv hv Avgiv cQ›` Kwi|)
Children want whatever they play
with.(‡Q‡j‡g‡qiv PvB hv Zviv †Lj‡Z
cQ›` K‡i|)
A son likes whatever his mother
gives to him.(GK Rb mšÍvb cQ›` K‡i hv Zvi gv
Zv‡K †`q|)
How (†hfv‡e,
wKfv‡e) c×wZ, aib,cÖwµqv †evSv‡Z Giƒc How e¨envi Kiv nq)
I do not know how he did the work.(Avwg Rvwb bv wKfv‡e †m KvRwU K‡iwQj|)
This is the method how I solved the
problem.(GB nq c×wZ †h fv‡e Avwg mgvavb
Why (‡Kb, KxR‡b¨, Kx
Kvi‡b) KviY †evSv‡Z why e¨envi Kiv nq|
We do not know the reason why he comes
here. (Avwg Rvwb bv KviYwU †Kb †m
GLv‡b Av‡m|)
Do you know why he often comes here?(Zzwg wK Rvb †Kb †m cÖvqB Av‡m|)
Wherever (†hLv‡bB †nvK bv †Kb BZ¨vw` A‡_©)
I’ll go wherever I like.(Avwg hve †hLv‡b Avwg cQ›` Kwi|)
He can go wherever he wants to.(‡m †h‡Z cv‡i †hLv‡b †m †h‡Z PvB|)
She will prosper wherever she moves.(‡m mg„w× jvf Ki‡e †hLv‡bB †m hv‡e|)
cÖev` evK¨t
All that glitters is not gold.(hv wKQy PKPK K‡i Zv †mvbv bq|)
A man is known by the company he keeps.(m½ †`‡L gvbyl †Pbv hvq|)
A man who is drowning catches at a straw WyešÍ gvbyl LoKz‡Uv I a‡i AvuK‡o a‡i|)
Danger comes where danger is feared.(‡hLv‡b ev‡Ni fq †mLv‡b ivZ nq|)
Danger often comes where it is feared. (‡hLv‡b ev‡Ni fq †mLv‡b ivZ nq|)
Strike the iron while it is hot.(KvPvuq bv †bvqv‡j evku,cvK‡j K‡i Vvm Vvm|)
When danger is gone,God is forgotten.(wec` †cwi‡q †M‡j Avgiv Avjvn‡K fy‡j hvB|)
While there is life,there is hope.(hZ¶Y k¦vm ZZ¶Y Avk|)
Allah will bless us so long as our purpose is
(hZ¶Y Avgv‡`i
D‡Ïk¨ mr ZZ¶Y Avjvn Avgv‡`i g½j Ki‡eb|)
10. Man
Proposes but God disposes.(gvbyl fv‡e GK
,nq Ab¨|)
11. Make hay while
the sun shines.(‡Svc ey‡S †Kvc gv‡iv|)
12. What is
done cannot be undone.(K…ZKv‡h©i dj Awbevh©)
13. What is
lotted can not be blotted.(fv‡M¨ hv Av‡Q Zv
†KD LÛv‡Z cv‡i bv|)
14. Uneasy
lies the head that wears a crown.(ivRvi gyKzU g¯ÍK
me©`v `ywðšÍvMÖ¯Í _v‡K|)
15. Man is
born free, but everywhere he is in chains.
(gvbyl Rb¥m~‡Î ¯^vaxb wKš‘ me©ÎB †m k„•LwjZ|)
16. Grasp all lose
all.(AwZ †jv‡f ZuvwZ bó|)
17. United we
stand, divided we fall. (GKZvB
ej,wew”QbœZvq cZb|)
18. God loves
those who speak the truth.(hviv mZ¨ K_v
e‡jb,Avjvn Zv‡`i fvjev‡mb|)
19. Handsome
is he who has a handsome deed.
(gvby‡li Avmj
†mŠ›`h© Zvi †Pnvivq bq, Kv‡R|)
20. There is
no rose but has a thorn. (`ytL webv myL jvf nq wK gwn‡Z?)
21. Fools rush
in where angels fear to tread.(nvwZ †Nvov
†Mj,gkv e‡j KZ Rj|)
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