Friday, March 16, 2012

Application to the Head Teacher-3

we`¨vj‡q ‡h †Kvb cÖKvi wKQy Av‡qvRb ev e‡›`ve¯Í  Kiv wb‡q  †h †Kvb cÖKvi Av‡e`b cÎ
1.     Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to go on a picnic(eb‡fvRb).
2.     Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to hold debate competitions(weZ©K cÖwZ‡hvwMZv)  in your school.
3.     Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to arrange a study tour/excursion (wk¶vmdi)  in your school.
4.     Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to arrange a Milad Mahfil(wgjv` gvnwdj)   in your school.
5.     Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to arrange a drama(bvUK Av‡qvRb) in your school.
6.     Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to arrange a farewell (we`vq Abyôvb )  party in honour of the outgoing SSC students of  your school.
7.     Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to hold the birth anniversary(Rb¥ e©vwlKx)/death anniversary(g„Zz¨ e©vwlKx )of Kazi Nazrul Islam/Rabindranath Tagore/-----  in your school.
8.     Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to hold a Baishakhi Mela(‰ekvLx †gjv)  on your school premises on the occasion of Pahela Baishakh.
Dated : ……April 2011
The Headmaster
Subject: An application for arranging (cÖ‡kœ D‡j­wLZ welq  )
Dear Sir,
We beg most respectfully to state that we are the students of your school. Our school is one of the oldest and famous schools in the district. The result of our school is satisfactory. We are proud of our school. Our school arranges (cÖ‡kœ D‡j­wLZ welq) every year. But this year no such programme has yet been arranged. We have decided to arrange (cÖ‡kœ D‡j­wLZ welq) if you allow us to do it. You know that (cÖ‡kœ D‡j­wLZ welq ) is not out education. In order to perform it, your kind consideration is badly needed with some financial support. Our Bengali and English teacher has given their consent to guide us.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby.
We remain
Your most obedient pupils
The students of………School.
cÖavb wk¶K,
‡ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR,
welqt------------------------------Rb¨ Av‡e`b|
mwebq wb‡e`b GB †h,Avgiv Avcbvi bvgKiv  we`¨vj‡qi  Qv&Î Qv&Îx| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjqwU †Rjvi cyivZb Ges bvgKiv ¯‹zj¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi djvdj m‡šÍvlRbK| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq‡K wb‡q Avgiv MweZ©|cÖwZ eQi Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡q---------Av‡qvRb K‡i _v‡K wKš‘ cwiZv‡ci GB ‡h G eQi GLbI Ggb  Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb Kiv nqwb| Avgiv -------Gi Av‡qvRb Kivi wmØvšÍ wb‡qwQ hw` Avcwb Avgv‡`i‡K AbgwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib|Avcwb Rv‡bb †h Bnv wk¶vi evB‡ii †Kvb  Ask bq|GUv‡K mvdj¨gwÛZ Ki‡Z Avcbvi m`q we‡ePbvi mv‡_ Avw_©K mn‡hvwMZv Kvgbv KiwQ| Avgv‡`i Bs‡iwR Ges evsjv wk¶K Zviv Avgv‡`i  mn‡hvMxZv Ki‡eb e‡j Avk¦vm w`‡q‡Qb|
AZGe,cÖv_©bv I Avkv Kwi  †h,-----------hvevi AbygwZ cÖ`v‡b evwaZ Ki‡Z Rbv‡ei myAvÁv nq|
-----------------we`¨vj‡qi  Qv&Î Qv&Îx|

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