Friday, March 30, 2012

2nd Conditional sentences for JSC Examination.

             Probable 2nd Conditional sentences for JSC Examination.

          Main clause
           Subordinate clause

            Past tense
Subject+verb (Past form)+Ext

Subject+ would/could/might+ verb+ Ext.
1.     If I had a car I would go on a long drive.
(hw` Avgvi Mvox _vKZ Avwg A‡bK `~i‡Z¡i c_ AwZµg KiZvg|)
2.     If I went there, we would /might/could see it.
      (hw` Avwg †mLv‡b †hZvg,Avgiv GUv †`L‡Z †cZvg|)
3.     If I were a king, I would help the poor. ( Avwg hw` ivRv nZvg Avwg Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
4.     If you told me the news I would be benefited.
    (Zzwg hw` Avgv‡K msev`wU ej‡Z Avwg DcK…Z nZvg|)
5.     If I were a rich man I would have established a charitable dispensary.
     (Avwg hw` abx nZvg Avwg GKwU `vZe¨wPwKrmvjq ¯’vcb KiZvg)
6.     If I were you I would have helped the poor. (Avwg hw` Zzwg nZvg Avwg Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ KiZvg)
7.     If we went there, we could meet her. 
    (Avgiv hw` †mLv‡b †hZvg Avgiv Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z cviZvg)
8.     If you came I would help him.(hw` Zzwg Avm‡Z Avwg Zv‡K mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
9.     If we played well, we would win the match.
(hw` Avgiv fvj †LjZvg ,Avgiv †Ljvq Rq jvf Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
10.  If he got high salary, he would spend much.
     (hw` †m D”P †eZb †cZ †m AwaK e¨q Ki‡Z cviZ)
11.  If I knew it, he would inform me of it.
    (hw`  Avwg GUv RvbZvg †m GUv m¤ú©‡K Z_¨ w`‡Z  cviZ)
12.  If he studied hard, he would do well in the exam.
(hw` Kó K‡i †m †jLvcov KiZ †m cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z cviZ|)
13.  If I were perfect, I could be rewarded.
     ( Avwg hw` mwVK _vKZvg Zvn‡j Avgv‡K cyi¯‹…Z Kiv †nvZ|
14.  If they played well, they would win the match.
(hw` Zviv fvj †Lj‡Z cviZ ,Zviv †Ljv q Rq jvf Ki‡Z cviZ|)
15.  If he studied seriously, he could pass.
     (hw` †m †jLvcovq AvšÍwiK n‡Zv †m cvk Ki‡Z cviZ|)
16.  If I knew it earlier, I would take decision.
 (hw` Avwg Av‡M Rvb‡Z cviZvg, Avwg wmØvšÍ wb‡Z cviZvg|)
17.  If I finished my work early, I could go with you.
(hw` Avwg Avgvi KvR Av‡M †kl Ki‡Z cviZvg Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ †h‡Z cviZvg|)
18.  If you attended the class, you would know many things.
(hw` Zzwg †kªYx‡Z Dcw¯’Z _vK‡Z Zzwg A‡bK wKQy Rvb‡Z cvi‡Z|)
19.  If I had a lot of money, I would help the poor.
(hw` Avgvi A‡bK UvKv _vKZ, Avwg Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)

20.  If I knew his address, I would go to his house.
(hw` Avwg Zvi wVKvbv Rvb‡Z cviZvg Avwg Zvi evwo‡Z †h‡Z cviZvg|)
21.  If I were a millionaire, I would help the poor.
(hw` Avwg j¶cwZ n‡Z cviZvg Avwg Mwie‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
22.  If you worked hard, you could pass the examination.
(Zzwg hw` K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z cvi‡Z ,Zzwg cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cvi‡Z|)
23.  If it rained timely, we could get good crops.(hw` mgqgZ e„wó nZ,Avgiv fvj dmj †cZvg)
24.  If we were conscious, we would save ourselves .
(hw` Avgiv m‡PZb n‡Z cviZvg, Avgiv wb‡R‡`i‡K wbivc‡` ivL‡Z cviZvg|)
25.  If I got Aladdin’s lamp, I would change the world.
(hw`  Avwg Avjv`x‡bi cÖ`xc †cZvg Avwg wek¦‡K cwieZ©b Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
26.  If I had a vast wealth, I would set up a hospital.
(hw` Avgvi A‡bK m¤ú` _vKZ, Avwg GKwU nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
27.  If I were an optimistic, I could see it other way.
(hw` Avwg Avkvev`x n‡Z cviZvg, Avwg Bnv Ab¨fv‡e †`L‡Z cviZvg|)
28.  If they reached home by 8 pm, they would meet me.
(hw` Zviv ivZ 8 Uvi g‡a¨ Avm‡Z cviZ,Zviv Avgvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z cviZ|)
29.  If you neglected your studies, you could not pass the examination.
(hw` Zzwg †Zvgvi cix¶vq Ae‡njv bv Ki‡Z ,Zzwg cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cvi‡Z|)
30.  If he tried, he would be successful. (hw` †m †Póv KiZ,†m mvdj¨ jvf Ki‡Z cviZ|)
31.  If I knew him, I would invite him.
     (hw` Avwg Zv‡K wPb‡Z cviZvg, Avwg Zv‡K Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡Z cviZvg|)
32.  If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.
     (hw` Avwg cvwL n‡Z cviZvg, Avwg AvKv‡k Do‡Z cviZvg|)
33.  He could avoid the accident, if he came in time.
 (†m `y©NUbv Gov‡Z cviZ, hw` †m mgqgZ Avm‡Z cviZ|)
34.  If he started early, he would reach early.
(hw` †m Av‡M Av‡M iIbv w`‡Z cviZ,†m Av‡M Av‡M †cŠQ‡Z cviZ|)
35.  If I were a rich man, I would help you.
(hw` Avwg abx n‡Z cviZvg, Avwg ‡Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg)
36.  If he came, I would go. (hw` †m Avm‡Z cviZ, Avwg †h‡Z cviZvg|)
37.  If you phoned me, I would respond to you.
(hw` Zzwg †dvb Ki‡Z, Avwg †Zvgvi Wv‡K mvov w`‡Z cviZvg|)
38.  If you wrote quickly, you would finish your writing.
(hw` Zzwg `ª“Z wjL‡Z cvi‡Z, Zzwg †Zvgvi †jLv †kl Ki‡Z cvi‡Z|)
39.  If I had a garden, I would grow rose there.
(hw` Avgvi GKwU evMvb _vKZ,Avwg †mLv‡b †Mvjvc Rb¥v‡Z cviZvg|)
40.  If I were a king, I would help the poor.
(hw` Avwg ivRv n‡Z cviZvg, Avwg Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg)
41.  If I were you, I would help you. (hw` Avwg Zzwg nZvg, Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
42.  If he informed me earlier, I could know the matter.
(hw` †m Avgv‡K Av‡M RvbvZ, Avwg e¨vcviwU Rvb‡Z cviZvg|)
43.  If you spoke good English, you could get a good job.
(hw` Zywg fvj Bs‡iwR ej‡Z cvi‡Z,Zzwg fvj PvKzwi †c‡Z cvi‡Z|)
44.  If you got up early in the morning, you could enjoy fresh air.

45.  If you started early, you would reach early.
(hw` Zzwg Av‡M Av‡M iIbv w`‡Z cvi‡Z,Zzwg Av‡M Av‡M †cŠQ‡Z cviZ|)
46.  If the rich found a hospital, we could get a good medical treatment.
(hw` abxiv nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Ki‡Z cviZ, Avgiv fvj wPwKrmvmyweav †c‡Z cviZvg|)
47.  If I knew how to play, I would play in the field.
(hw` Avwg RvbZvg wKfv‡e †Lj‡Z nq, Avwg gv‡V †Lj‡Z cviZvg|)
48.  If I got money, I would help the poor.
    (hw` Avwg UvKv †cZvg, Avwg Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
49.  If you were honest, you would be rewarded.
    (hw` Zzwg mr n‡Z cvi‡Z,Zzwg cyi¯‹vi †c‡Z cvi‡Z|)
50.  If you gave the letter, I could read it. (hw` Zzwg wPwV w`‡Z cvi‡Z, Avwg c‡o †`L‡Z cviZvg|)
51.  If I got lottery, I would set up a hospital.
(hw` Avwg jUvix †cZvg, Avwg GKwU nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
52.  If he obeyed his mother’s order, he would not face any problem.
    (hw` †m Zvi gv‡qi Av‡`k cvjb KiZ, †m †Kvb wec‡` co‡Z cviZ bv|)
53.  If you touched the flower, I might punish you.
(hw` Zzwg dyjwU ¯úk© Ki‡Z Avwg †Zvgv‡K kvw¯Í w`Zvg|)
54.  If they did not come, I would go to them.(hw` Zviv bv AvmZ, Avwg Zv‡`i Kv‡Q †hZvg|)
55.  If he was well, he could attend the meeting.
    (hw` †m fvj _vKZ, †m wgwUs‡q Dcw¯’Z _vK‡Z cviZ|)
56.  If I were a leader, I could help the poor.
   (hw` Avwg †bZvg nZvg, Avwg Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
57.  If you properly utilized time, you could succeed.
(hw` Zzwg †Zvgvi mgq h_vh_ e¨envi Ki‡Z, Zzwg DbœwZ Ki‡Z cvi‡Z|)
58.  If she spoke English, she could get a good job.
(†m hw` fvj Bs‡iwR ej‡Z cvi‡Z,‡m  fvj PvKzwi †c‡Z cvi‡Z|)
59.  If you did as I told you, I would be happy.
(hw` Zzwg Avwg †hfv‡e e‡jwQjvg Ki‡Z, Avwg Lykx n‡Z cviZvg|)
60.  If I knew his phone number, I would call him.
    (hw` Avwg Zvi †dvb b¤^i Rvb‡Z cviZvg, Avwg Zv‡K
61.  If I got a scholarship, I could get higher education.
(hw` Avwg ¯‹jviwmc †cZvg, Avwg D”P wk¶v MÖnY Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
62.  If I were on holiday, I would visit India.
    (Avwg hw` QywUi w`‡b _vKZvg, Avwg fviZ †h‡Z cviZvg|)
63.  If I were child again, I would enjoy much.
    ( Avwg hw` wkï _vKZvg, Avwg Lye Avb›` Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
64.  If it rained, you would stay home. (hw` e„wó n‡Zv, Zzwg evwo‡Z _vK‡Z|)
65.  If he delayed, he might be punished. ( hw` †m †`ix KiZ, Zv‡K kvw¯Í †c‡Z n‡Zv|)
66.  If I saw him, I would tell him. (Avwg hw` Zv‡K †`LZvg, Avwg Zv‡K ej‡Z cviZvg|)
67.  If you were more careful, you could avoid accident.
(Zywg  hw` Av‡iv mZ©K _vK‡Z, Zzwg `yNUbv Gov‡Z cvi‡Z|)
68.  If you came yesterday, you might see me.
    (hw` Zzwg MZKvj Avm‡Z, Zzwg Avgv‡K †`L‡Z cvi‡Z|)
69.  If I had enough money, I would help the poor.
(hw` Avgvi A‡bK UvKv _vKZ, Avwg Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)

70.  If he studied attentively, he would pass the examination.
(hw` †m covïbv g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ KiZ,†m cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z cviZ|)
71.  I would help the orphan if I had much money.
(Avwg GwZg‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg hw` Avgvi cÖPzi UvKv _vKZ|)
72.  If I knew how to swim, I would get into water.
(hw` Avwg RvbZvg wKfv‡e mvZvi KvUu‡Z nq,Avwg cvwb‡Z bvg‡Z cviZvg|)
73.  If he studied seriously, he would do well in the exam.
(hw` †m covïbv AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ KiZ,†m cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z cviZ|)
74.  If you did that, you would be punished.
(Zywg  hw` HUv Ki‡Z, †Zvgv‡K kvw¯Í †c‡Z nZ|)
75.  If we invited them, they would come.( hw` Avgiv Zv‡`i‡K `vIqvZ w`‡Z cviZvg,Zviv AvmZ|)
76.  If he annoyed me, I would punish him. (hw` †m Avgv‡K ivMvZ, Avwg Zv‡K kvw¯Í w`Zvg|)
77.  If you helped me, I would be successful.
( Zywg  hw` Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z, Avwg mvdj¨ jvf Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
78.  If I were a rich man, I would help the poor.
(hw` Avwg abx nZvg Avwg Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
79.  If I knew this, I would take right decision.
(hw` Avwg RvbZvg, Avwg mwVK wmØvšÍ wb‡Z cviZvg|)
80.  If he wrote more, she would get more marks.
(hw` †m Av‡iv wjL‡Z cviZ, †m AviI b¤^i †cZ cviZ|)
81.  If you asked him, he would answer you.
     (hw` Zzwg Zv‡K WvK‡Z, †m †Zvgv‡K DËi w`‡Z cviZ|)
82.  If I were an actor, I would earn much money.
(hw` Avwg GKRb Awf‡bZv n‡Z cviZvg Avwg A‡bK UvKv Dc©vRb Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
83.  If you made a noise in the class, you would be punished.
(hw` Zzwg †kªYx‡Z gvivgvwi Ki‡Z ,Zzwg kvw¯Í †c‡Z cvi‡Z|)
84.  If you remained truthful, you would be rewarded.
(Zzwg hw` m‡Z¨ Abo _vK‡Z,†Zvgv‡K cyi¯‹…Z Kiv †nvZ|)
85.  If you spoke the truth, you would be honest.
    (Zzwg hw` m‡Z¨ ej‡Z,Zzwg mZ¨ev`x n‡Z cvi‡Z|)
86.  If you shouted, you would be punished. Zzwg hw` wPrKvi Ki‡Z,†Zvgv‡K kvw¯Í †`Iqv †nvZ|)
87.  If they played well, they would win the game.
(hw` Zviv fvj †Lj‡Z cviZ,Zviv †Ljvq Rq jvL Ki‡Z cviZ|)
88.  If I found him, I would tell him the news.
(Avwg hw` Zv‡K ‡cZvg, Avwg Zv‡K LeiwU w`‡Z cviZvg|)
89.  If you attended the class, you might learn.
    (Zzwg hw` †kªYx‡Z Dcw¯’Z _vK‡Z,Zzwg wkL‡Z cvi‡Z|)
90.  If they wanted, I would go.(hw` Zviv PvB‡Zv, Avwg †hZvg|)
91.  If I were rich I would help the poor. (Avwg hw` abx nZvg , Avwg Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
92.  If I met him I would tell her the matter.
(Avwg hw` Zvi mv¶vZ Ki‡Z ‡cZvg, Avwg Zv‡K e¨vcviwU w`‡Z cviZvg|)
93.  If you invited me, I would join the party.
(Zzwg hw` Avgv‡K Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡Z, Avwg cvwU‡Z †hvM`vb Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
94.  If you worked sincerely, you would prosper.
(Zzwg hw` AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ KvRwU Ki‡Z cvi‡Z, Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ/mg„w× †c‡Z|

95.  If he had enough money, I would set up a hospital.
 (hw` Avgvi cÖPi cwigvb UvKv _vK‡Zv Avwg nvmcvZvj wbg©vY KiZvg )
96.  If you helped me, I would be pleased. (Zzwg hw` mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvi‡Z, Avwg Lykx nZvg|)
97.  If he agreed to my proposal, I would give some money.
(hw` †m Avgvi cÖ¯Ív‡e ivwR †nvZ, Avwg Zv‡K UvKv w`‡Z cviZvg|)
98.  If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.
    (Avwg hw` cvwL n‡Z cviZvg, Avwg AvKv‡k Do‡Z cviZvg|)
99.  If I got money, I would help you.(hw` Avgvi UvKv _vKZ, Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
100.         If you helped her, he would be grateful to you.
(Zzwg hw` Zv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvi‡Z, †m †Zvgvi cÖwZ K…ZÁ _vKZ|)
101.         If I possessed vast wealth, I could help you .
(Avwg hw` cÖPyi m¤ú` AR©b Ki‡Z cviZvg Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
102.         If I had a computer, I would type myself.
(hw` Avgvi Kw¯úDUvi _vKZ, Avwg wb‡R wb‡R UvBc Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
103.         If I were a king, I would help the poor.
(Avwg hw` ivRv nZvg , Avwg Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
104.         If she waited for me, I would meet him.
(‡m hw` Avgvi Rb¨ A‡c¶v  Ki‡Z cvi‡Zv, Avwg Zvi mv‡_ mv¶vZ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
105.         If she were rich, she would help the poor.
(hw` †m ivRv n‡Z cvi‡Zv,†m Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvi‡Zv|)
106.         If you drank river water, you would suffer from diarrhea.
(hw` Zzwg b`xi cvwb cvb Ki‡Z, Zzwg Wvqvwiqvq AvµvšÍ n‡Z cvi‡Z|)
107.         If you carried the umbrella, you would not catch cold.
(hw` Zywg QvZvwU enb K‡i wb‡Z, ‡Zvgvi VvÛv jvM‡Zv bv|)
108.         If I were a child again, I would be very glad.
          (Avwg hw` wkï n‡Z  cviZvg Avwg Lye Lykx nZvg|)
109.         If I were a singer, I would sing. (Avwg hw` MvqK nZvg, Avwg Mvb †M‡Z cviZvg|)
110.         If she studied seriously, she would pass in the exam.
(‡m hw` cov‡jLv AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ KiZ †m cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cviZ|)
111.         If he had good qualification, he would get a good job.
(hw` Zvi fvj †hvM¨Zv _vKZ, †m fvj PvKzix †c‡Z cviZ|)
112.         If I worked in this factory, I would be a manager.
(hw` Avwg GB d¨vKUix‡Z KvR Ki‡Z cviZvg, Avwg e¨e¯’vcK n‡Z cviZvg|)
113.         If you respected them, they would respect him.
(Zzwg hw` Zv‡`i‡K kª×v Ki‡Z,  Zviv Zv‡K kª×v KiZ|)
114.         If the man walked more, he would be tired.(hw` †jvKwU †ekx nvUuZ, †m K¬všÍ n‡q †hZ|)
115.         If you apologized, I would forgive you.
           (Zzwg hw` ¶gv PvB‡Z, Avwg †Zvgv‡K ¶gv K‡i w`Zvg|)
116.         If I finished my work early, I would go there. (Avwg hw` XvKv kn‡ii †gqi n‡Z cviZvg
117.         If I were a mayor of Dhaka city, I would remove the traffic jam.
(Avwg hw` XvKv kn‡ii †gqi n‡Z cviZvg , Avwg hvbhU wbimb Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
118.         If I finished my work early, I would go with you.
     (Avwg hw` Avgvi KvR Av‡M Av‡M †kl Ki‡Z cvwi, Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ hve|)

Subordinate clause
Main clause
Subject+ would/could/might+ verb+ Ext.
Past tense
(Subject+verb (Past form)+Ext
119.              Phone me if you need something. (Avgv‡K †dvb Ki‡e hw` †Zvgvi `iKvi nq|)
120.         You would be ill if you played in the sun. (Zywg Amy¯’ n‡Z hw` Zzwg †iŠ‡`ª †Ljvayjv Ki‡Z)
121.         You could attend the class in time, if you started early.
      ( Zzwg †kªYx‡Z mgq g‡Zv Dcw¯’Z n‡Z cvi‡Z hw` Av‡M iIbv w`‡Z cvi‡Z|)
122.         He would be rewarded if he worked hard.
           (‡m cyi¯‹vi †c‡Z cviZ  hw` K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z cviZ|)
123.         I would shine in life, if I worked hard.
     ( Avwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki‡Z cviZvg hw` K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
124.         I could be her friend if she liked.(Avwg Zvi eÜz n‡Z cviZvg hw` †m Avgv‡K cQ›` KiZ|)
125.         I would draw a good salary, If I knew English.
        (Avwg fvj †eZb †cZvg hw` Avwg Bs‡iwR RvbZvg|)
126.         I would give him the pen, if he wanted.(Avwg Zv‡K KjgwU w`‡Z cviZvg hw` †m PvBZ|)
127.         He would catch the bus, if he walked fast.
         (†m evmwU ai‡Z cviZ, hw` ‡m `ª“Z nvuU‡Z cviZ|)
128.         She would get prize, if she worked hard.
     (hw` cyi¯‹vi †c‡Z cviZ,hw` †m K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z cviZ|)
129.         She could pass in the examination, if he worked hard.
    ( ‡m cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cviZ,hw` †m K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z cviZ|)
130.         You could enjoy fresh air, if you got up early in the morning.
    (Zzwg wbg©j evZvm Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvi‡Z, hw` Zywg mKvj mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K DV‡Z cvi‡Z|)
131.         You would be ill, If you did not eat balanced diet.
    (Zzwg Amy¯’ n‡Z cvi‡Z hw` Zzwg mylg Lv`¨ bv †L‡Z|)
132.         I would live in America if I got a green card.
     (Avwg Av‡gwiKv evm Ki‡Z cviZvg hw` Avwg MÖxb KvW© †cZvg|)
133.         I would give you a cup of tea, if you came.
    (Avwg †Zvgv‡K GK Kvc Pv LvIqv‡Z cviZvg hw` Zzwg Avm‡Z|)
134.         I would help the poor if I had a lot of money.
     (Avwg Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg,hw` Avgvi A‡bK UvKv _vKZ|)
135.         You could do well in the examination if you studied attentively.
    (Zzwg cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z cvi‡Z hw` Zzwg covïbvq g‡bv‡hvMx n‡Z cvi‡Z|)
136.         You could catch the train if you walked fast.
         (Zzwg †UªbwU ai‡Z cvi‡Z hw` Zzwg `ª“Z nvUu‡Z|)
137.         I’d established a hospital if I had a lot of money.
    ( Avwg nvmcvZvj wbg©vY KiZvg hw` Avgvi cÖPi cwigvb UvKv _vK‡Zv|)
138.         They would get tired If they worked hard.( Zviv K¬všÍ n‡Z cviZ, hw` Zviv K‡Vvi cwikªg KiZ|)
139.         You would get the chance if you tried.(Zzwg my‡hvM †c‡Z cvi‡Z, hw` Zzwg †Póv Ki‡Z|)
140.         I would meet him, if I saw him.(Avwg Zvi mv‡_ mv¶vZ Ki‡Z cviZvg, hw` Avwg Zv‡K †`L‡Z †cZvg|)
141.         I would help him if he wanted .(Avwg Zv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg hw` †m PvBZ|)

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