Probable 1st Conditional sentences for
JSC Examination
If [hw`]+ eZ©gvb Kvj+
If + present indefinite tense:
Sub+ Verb(s/es)+ Ext.
Subject+ shall/will+ Verb(present)+
1. If he comes,
I will discuss the matter.(hw` †m Av‡m Avwg
e¨vcviwU Av‡jvPbv Kie|)
2. If her uncle
arrives, she will go there.(hw` Zvi PvPv
Av‡m,†m ‡mLv‡b hv‡e|)
3. If I miss
the train, I will not be able to go home.
(hw` Avwg †UªbwU †dj Kwi,Avwg evox †h‡Z cvie bv|)
4. If it rains I’ll
stay at home (hw` e„wó nq,Avwg evox‡Z _vKe|)
5. If we cut
down trees at random, there will be less rain in the country.
(hw` Avgiv AhvwPZfv‡e MvQ KvwU,†`‡k Kg e„wócvZ n‡e|)
6. If you are
honest you’ll be respected. .(hw` Zzwg mr nI
Zzwg m¤§vwbZ n‡e|)
7. If you do
not read attentively, you will not pass.
(hw` Zzwg g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ covïbv bv Ki,Zzwg cvk Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
8. If you do
not walk fast, you will not get there in time.
(hw` Zzwg `ª“Z bv nvUu,Zzwg †UªbwU mgqgZ ai‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
9. If you do
not work hard, You can’t prosper in life.
(hw` Zywg K‡Vvi
cwikªg bv Ki, Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
10.If you do
not work hard, you will fail in the examination.
(hw` Zywg K‡Vvi cwikªg bv Ki,Zzwg cix¶vq †dj Ki‡e|)
11.If you get a
balanced diet, you will become healthy.
(hw` Zzwg mylg Lv`¨ ‡c‡Z PvI,Zzwg ¯^v¯’¨evb n‡e|)
12.If you give
him an inch he will give you two inches.
(hw` Zzwg Zv‡K GK Bw `vI, †m †Zvgv‡K `yB Bw †`‡e)
13.If you
invite me, I shall come. (hw` Zzwg Avgv‡K Avgš¿b RvbvI,Avwg Avme|)
14.If you read
in Cadet College you will join the army
(hw` Zzwg K¨v‡WU K‡j‡R covïbv Ki,Zzwg †mbvevwnbx‡Z mn‡R ‡hvM`vb Ki‡Z
15.If you read
more, you will do better in the examination.
(hw` Zzwg †ewk †ewk covïbv Ki,Zzwg cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
16.If you
respect others, they will respect you. (hw` Zzwg Ab¨‡K
kª×v Ki,Zviv †Zvgv‡K kª×v Ki‡e|)
17.If you speak
the truth, you will be rewarded. (hw` Zzwg mZ¨ K_v
ej,Zzwg cyi¯‹vi cv‡e|)
18.If you study
more, you will learn more.
(hw` Zzwg †ewk ‡ewk covïbv Ki,Zzwg †ewk ‡ewk Rvb‡Z cvi‡e|)
19.If you write
me, I will telephone you. (hw` Avgv‡K
†jL,Avwg †Zvgv‡K †Uwj‡dvb Kie|)
20.If you work
hard, you will succeed. (hw` Zzwg cwikªg Ki,Zzwg mvdj¨
jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
21.If you rise
early, you will be healthy. (hw` Zzwg mKvj
mKv‡j DV,Zzwg ¯^v¯’¨evb n‡e|)
22.If the
students idle away their time, they will not do well in the examination.
23.If the boy
runs fast, he will win the first prize. (hw` evjKwU `ª“Z
†`Šovq †m cÖ_g cyi¯‹vi cv‡e|)
24.If you
remain truthful, everybody will love you.
(hw` Zzwg m‡Z¨ AUj _vK,cÖ‡Z¨‡K †Zvgv‡K fvj evm‡e|)
25.If the wind
blows gently, environment will remain calm and quiet.
(hw` g„`y g›` evZvm cÖevwnZ nq,cwi‡ek kvšÍwkó _vK‡e|)
26.If you are
not honest, you will not be respected by anybody.
(hw` Zzwg mr nI,Zzwg cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Øviv m¤§vwYZ n‡e|)
27.If you
respect others, you will be respected. (hw` Zzwg Ab¨‡K
kª×v Ki,Zzwg m¤§vwbZ n‡e|)
28.If you play
in the rain you will catch cold. (hw` Zzwg e„wó‡Z
†fR,†Zvgvi VvÛv jvM‡e|)
29.If you
follow the advice of your teacher, you will make a good result in the
examination. (hw` Zywg †Zvgvi wk¶‡Ki Dc‡`k
†g‡b Pj,Zzwg cix¶vq fvj djvdj jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡|)
30.If you start
late, you will miss the train. (hw` Zzwg †`ix
Ki,Zzwg †UªbwU †dj Ki‡e|)
porter will carry the load if you pay him more.
(Kzwj †Zvgvi †evSv
enb Ki‡e hw` Zzwg Zv‡K UvKv `vI|)
32.If you repay
the loan, you will be given a larger loan.
(hw` Zzwg †jvb cwi‡kva Ki,Zzwg †ewk K‡i SY cv‡e|)
33.If we rise
early, we can enjoy the fresh air of the morning.
(hw` Zzwg ZvovZvwo
Avm,Avgiv mKv‡j gy³ evZvm Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvwi|)
34.If he speaks
more, he will be efficient in speaking.
(hw` †m †ewk K_v e‡j,†m K_vq `¶ n‡e|)
35.If he gets
up early, he will take physical exercise.
(hw` †m ZvovZvwo DV‡Z cv‡i,†m †`ŠwnK e¨vqvg Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
36.If you read
sincerely, you will pass in the examination.
(hw` Zzwg AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ covïbv Ki,Zzwg cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
37.If you
clings to your decision, others will not lie you.
(hw` Zzwg †Zvgvi wm×v‡šÍ AUj _vK,A‡b¨iv †Zvgv‡K wg_¨v ej‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
38.If you drive
recklessly , you will meet an accident.
(hw` Zzwg SzwKc~Y©fv‡e Mvox PvjvI,Zzwg `~NUbvq co‡e|)
39.If you make
a noise in the class, you will be punished.
(hw` Zzwg †kªYx‡Z MÛ‡Mvj Ki,†Zvgv‡K kvw¯Í †`Iqv n‡e|)
40.If you rise
early, you will get enough time. (hw` Zzwg ZvovZvwo
DV,Zzwg h‡_ó mgq cv‡e|)
41.If you come
round earlier, you will come here earlier.
(hw` Zzwg ZvovZvwo my¯’ nI Zzwg GLv‡b Avm‡e|)
If [hw`]+ eZ©gvb Kvj+
If + present indefinite tense:
Sub+ Verb(s/es)+ Ext.
Subject+ shall/will+ Verb(present)+
42.If you are
not careful, you will not gain success.
(hw` Zzwg mZ©K bv nI,Zzwg mvdj¨ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
43.If he hates
me, I will not talk with him. (hw` †m Avgv‡K N„Yv K‡i,Avwg Zvi mv‡_ K_v eje bv|)
44.If he comes
late, he will miss the class. (hw` †m †`ix‡Z
Av‡m, †m †kªYx‡Z cov wkL‡Z e¨_© n‡e|)
45.If it is
hot, I will not eat it. (hw` Mig nq,Avwg GUv Lve bv|)
46. If anyone
does something great, he will be honoured. (hw` †KD fvj wKQy K‡i,†m m¤§vwbZ n‡e|)
47.If you do
not walk fast, you will miss the train. (hw` Zzwg `ªyZ bv
nvUu Zzwg †UªbwU †dj Ki‡e|)
48.If you
practise regularly, you can perform well.
(hw` Zzwg wbqwgZ Abykxjb Ki,Zzwg fvj Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
49.If you do
not come to my house , I will be very sad.
(hw` Zzwg Avgvi evox‡Z bv Avm,Avwg Lye `ytwLZ ne|)
50.If you can
do the work, everybody will praise you.
(hw` Zywg KvRwU Ki‡Z cvi,cÖ‡Z¨‡K
†Zvgvi cÖksmv Ki‡e|)
51.If we cut
down trees at random, our country will turn into a desert.
(hw` Avgiv G‡jv‡g‡jv MvQ
KvwU,Avgv‡`i †`kwU gi“fywg‡Z cwiYZ n‡e|)
52.If you want
to go abroad, you will need much money.
(hw` Zzwg we‡`‡k ‡h‡Z PvI,†Zvgvi
†ek UvKv jvM‡e|)
53.If I hear
any news, I will tell you. (hw` Avwg †Kvb
msev` ïwb,Avwg †Zvgv‡K eje|)
54.If you are
sorry, I will forgive you.(hw` Zzwg `yrwLZ
nI,Avwg †Zvgv‡K ¶gv Kie|)
55.If I become
rich, I will help you. (hw` Avwg abx nB,Avwg †Zvgv‡K
mvnvh¨ Kie|)
56.If you turn
left, You will see school. (hw` Zzwg ev‡g
†Nvi,Zzwg ¯‹zj †`L‡Z cvi‡e|)
57.If she
likes, she will go. (hw` †m cQ›` K‡i,‡m P‡j hv‡e|)
58.If I go
there, I will meet you. (hw` Avwg †mLv‡b hvB,Avwg †Zvgvi
mv‡_ mv¶vZ Kie|)
59.If you want
any help, I will help you. (hw` Zzwg †h‡Kvb mvnvh¨ PvI,Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Kie|)
60.If you study
regularly, you will do well in the examination.
(hw` Zzwg wbqwgZ covïbv Ki,Zzwg cix¶vq fvj dj jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
61.If you want
to go a foreign country, you will need visa.
(hw` Zzwg we‡`‡k †h‡Z PvI,†Zvgvi wfmvi `iKvi n‡e|)
62.If it rains,
I will not go out. (hw` e„wó nq,Avwg evB‡i hve bv|)
63.If you boil
water, the germs will be killed. (hw` Zzwg cvwb
dzUvI,RxevYy gviv hv‡e|)
64.If I stand
first, I shall get a prize. (hw` Avwg cÖ_g
nB,Avwg GKwU cyi¯‹vi cve|)
65.If you wake
me up, I will read books. (hw` Zzwg Avgv‡K
Nyg †_‡K DVvI,Avwg eB¸‡jv coe|)
66.If you
accompany me, I will be happy. (hw` Zzwg Avgvi m½x
nI,Avwg Lywk ne|)
67.If the
weather is fine, I will go out. (hw` AvenvIqv fvj
_v‡K,Avwg evB‡i hve|)
68.If the girl
speaks English, they will understand their teacher.
(hw` evwjKvwU Bs‡iwR ej‡Z cv‡i,Zviv Zv‡`i wk¶K‡K eyS‡Z cvi‡e|)
69.If I stay
with you till midnight, I will be sick.
(hw` Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ ga¨ivÎ ch©šÍ _vwK,Avwg Amy¯’ n‡q hve|)
70.If she has
got enough money, she will help you.
(hw` Zvi cÖPzi A_© _v‡K,†m †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|)
71.If you are
attentive to your studies, you will learn well.
(hw` Zzwg †Zvgvi covïbvq
g‡bv‡hvMx nI,Zzwg fvjfv‡e wkL‡Z cvi‡e|)
72.If the sun
shines we will go out. (hw` m~h© wKib †`q,Avgiv evB‡i
73.If I get a
million dollar I will help you.
(hw` Avgvi wgwjqi Wjvi _v‡K,Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Kie|)
74.If she does
not hide the truth she will be rewarded.
(hw` †m mZ¨ bv jyKvq Zv‡K cyi¯‹…Z Kiv n‡e|)
75.If you do
not follow discipline in the classroom, you will be punished.
(hw` Zzwg †kªYxi wbqgk„sLjv bv †g‡b Pj,†Zvgv‡K kvw¯Í †`Iqv n‡e|)
76. If he is a
true patriot, he will get honour.( (hw` †m cÖK…Z
†`k‡cÖwgK nq,†m cyi¯‹i cv‡e|)
77.If I do
that, he will follow me. (hw` Avwg †mUv
Kwi,†m Avgv‡K Abymib Ki‡e|)
78.If you want
to speak English, you will practice it well.
(hw` Zzwg Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v ej‡Z PvI,†Zvgv‡K GUv fvjfv‡e Abykxjb Ki‡Z
79. If you
don’t know how to swim, you will not get into water.
(hw` Zzwg wKfv‡e mvZvi KvUu‡Z nq bv Rvb,Zzwg cvwb‡Z bvg‡e bv|)
80.If the boys
talk in the class, they will be punished.
(hw` evj‡Kiv †kªYx‡Z K_v e‡j,Zv‡`i‡K kvw¯Í †`Iqv n‡e|)
81.If you get
A+,I will be happy. (hw` Zzwg G+ cvI,Avwg Lywk ne|)
82.If you have
knowledge in computer, you will get a good job.
83. (hw` †Zvgvi
Kw¤úDUv‡ii Dci Ávb _v‡K,Zzwg fvj PvKzwi cv‡e|)
84.If you
neglect your studies, you will fail in the examination.
(hw` Zzwg †Zvgvi
covïbv Ae‡njv Ki,Zzwg cix¶vq †dj Ki‡e|)
85.If you have
written the letter, you will get a prize. (hw` Zzwg wPwVwU wj‡LQ,Zzwg cyi¯‹viwU cv‡e|)
86.If you have
enough money, I will help you.
(hw` †Zvgvi h‡_ó UvKv _v‡K,Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Kie|)
87.If you are
optimistic, you will be successful. (hw` Zzwg Avkvev`x
nI,Zzwg mvdj¨ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
88.If he
becomes rich, he will help you. (hw` †m abx nq,†m
†Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|)
If [hw`]+ eZ©gvb Kvj+
If + present indefinite tense:
Sub+ Verb(s/es)+ Ext.
Subject+ shall/will+ Verb(present)+
89.If you open
an account, I will send money. (hw` Zzwg GKvD›U
‡Lvj,Avwg UvKv cvVve|)
90.If you do
not start at once, you will not reach in time.
(hw` Zzwg GLbB ïi“ bv Ki,Zzwg mgqgZ †cŠQvu‡Z cve‡e bv|)
91.If you have
done the work, you will go home. (hw` Zzwg KvRwU
K‡iQ,Zzwg evox‡Z †h‡Z cvi‡e|)
92.If you read
more, you will learn more. (hw` Zzwg †ewk †ewk
co,Zzwg †ewk †ewk Rvb‡Z cvi‡e|)
93.If the
students are unmindful, the teacher will not teach.
(hw` QvÎ-QvÎxiv Ag‡bv‡hvMx nq,wk¶K Zv‡`i‡K wk¶v †`‡e bv|)
94.If you get
success, you will work hard.
(hw` Zzwg mvdj¨ cvB‡Z PvI,†Zvgv‡K K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z n‡e|)
95.If you don’t
hurry, you will miss the train. (hw` Zzwg ZvovZvwo
bv Ki,Zzwg †UªbwU †dj Ki‡e|)
96.If my
parents get my brilliant results, they will be happy.
(hw` Avgvi evevgv fvj djvdj cvB,Zviv Lye Lywk n‡e|)
97.If you want
to get GPA 5, you will have to work hard.
(hw` Zzwg wRwcG 5 †c‡Z PvI,†Zvgv‡K K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z n‡e|)
98. If you do your duty, you will be rewarded.
(hw` Zzwg †Zvgvi KZ©e¨ cvjb Ki,Zzwg cyi¯‹…Z n‡e|)
99. If you drink pure water, you will keep
fit. (hw` Zzwg weï× cvwb cvb Ki,Zzwg wbivc` _vK‡e|)
100. If the fog
melts, we will start. (hw` Kyqvkv †K‡U hvq,Avgiv hvÎv
101. If you tell
a lie, people will hate you. (hw` Zzwg wg_¨v
ej,†jvKRb †Zvgv‡K N„Yv Ki‡e|)
102. If you
follow the advice of your teacher, you will succeed in your life.
(hw` Zzwg †Zvgvi wk¶‡Ki Dc‡`k Abymib Ki,Zzwg Rxe‡b mvdj¨ jvf Ki‡Z
103. If any
students fail to understand any grammatical problem, he should discuss it
the teacher. (hw` †Kvb QvÎ-QvÎx †h‡Kvb
e¨vKiYMZ mgm¨v eyS‡Z Amyweav nq,Zv‡`i DwPZ wk¶‡Ki
mv‡_ Av‡jvPbv Kiv|)
104. If he drinks
tea too much, he will become sick.
(hw` †m AwZwi³ Pv cvb K‡i,†m Amy¯’ n‡q hv‡e|)
105. If you act
wisely, you will overcome the problem.
(hw` Zzwg weÁZvi
mv‡_ KvR Ki,Zzwg †Zvgvi mgm¨v mgvavb Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
106. If you
delay, you will miss the class. (hw` Zzwg †`ix
Ki,Zzwg †kªYxi cov Rvb‡Z e¨_© n‡e|)
107. If you walk
in the dark, you will slip. (hw` Zzwg AÜKv‡i
nvU, Zzwg †nvPU Lv‡e|)
108. If you are
not careful, you will not shine in life.
(hw` Zzwg mZ©K bv nI,Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
If [hw`]+ eZ©gvb Kvj+
If + present indefinite tense:
Sub+ Verb(s/es)+ Ext.
Subject+ shall/will+ Verb(present)+
109. If you are
late, I shall wait for you. (hw` Zzwg †`ix
Ki,Avwg †Zvgvi Rb¨ A‡c¶v Kie|)
110. If you are
sick, you will go to doctor. (hw` Zzwg Amy¯’ nI,Zzwg Wv³v‡ii
Kv‡Q hv‡e|)
111. If you come
early, you will get the ticket. (hw` Zzwg ZvovZvwo
Avm,Zzwg wU‡KUwU cv‡e|)
112. If you
there, I shall wait. (hw` Zzwg †mLv‡b _vK,Avwg A‡c¶v
113. If it rains
timely, they will get good crops. (hw` mgqgZ e„wócvZ
nq,Zviv fvj dmj cv‡e|)
114. If he works
hard, he will succeed in life.
(hw` †m K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡i †m Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
If he comes I shall support him.(hw` †m Av‡m Avwg Zv‡K mg_©b †`e|)
If he gets more,he wants more.(hw` †m †ekx cvq †m †ekx PvB)
117. If he had
obtained Golden GPA A+,he could have got the chance into a medical
(hw` †m †Mv‡ìb wRwcG G+ cvq †m †gwW‡Kj K‡j‡R PvÝ †cZ|)
118. If her
uncles arrives she will start for school.(hw` Zvi PvPv Av‡m †m ¯‹y‡ji hv‡e|)
119. If you do not waste your time you will do better in the examination.
(Zzwg hw` †Zvgvi mgq bó Ki Zvn‡j Zzwg cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
123. If you
get up early, you will enough time to study.
(Zzwg hw` mKv‡j DV,covïbvi Rb¨ Zzwg h‡_ó mgq
124. Test a
man if you have to depend on him.
(GKRb gvbyl‡K hvPvB Ki hw` †Zvgv‡K Zvi Dci wbf©i Ki‡Z nq|)
125. You
will shine in life if you work hard.
(hw` Zzwg K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki,Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki‡e|)
126. If you do
that I shall be in trouble.(Zzwg hw` GUv Ki,Avwg wec‡` coe|)
127. If it
rains in time, we will get good crops.(hw` mgq gZ e„wó nq,Avgiv fvj dmj cve|)
128. If you
need, I might help you.(hw`
†Zvgvi `iKvi nq Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvwi|)
129. If you invite me, I shall
come. (Zzwg
`vIqvZ Ki‡j Avwg Avme|)
130. If you help me, I shall
help you. (hw`
Zzwg Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki,Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Kie|)
131. If you
walk slowly, you will miss the train. (Zzwg hw` Av‡¯Í nvUu,Zywg †Uªb ai‡Z e¨_© n‡e|)
132. If you can do this work, I shall give you a
nice gift.
(hw` Zzwg GB KvRwU
Ki‡Z cvi,Avwg †Zvgv‡K GKwU my›`i Dcnvi †`e|)
133. If you are not careful, you will miss the
train. (hw` Zzwg mZ©K bv nI,Zzwg †UªbwU
†dj Ki‡e|)
134. If you are not honest, nobody will believe you.
(hw` Zzwg mr bv nI,†KD †Zvgv‡K wek¦vm Ki‡e bv|)
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