Friday, March 16, 2012

Application to the Head Teacher-4

GjvKvi †Kvb mgm¨v mgvavb Ki‡Z KZ©c‡¶i Kv‡Q Av‡e`b|
Write an application to the Thana Nirbahi Officer/The Upazilla Nirbahi Officer  /Deputy Commissioner /The  Concerned Authority/The Mayor/The Union Parisad Chariman/The Upazila Chairman  requesting for (mgm¨vi welq)----------------------------------
1.     Write an application to the TNO requesting for repairing (†givgZ) the damaged (fv½v)& bridge of your locality. (GjvKv)
2.     Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parished  requesting (Aby‡iva)  for repairing the tub-wells (bjK~c) damaged by the recent devastating (asmvZ¡K) flood(eb¨v).
3.     Write an application to the D.C requesting for the construction of a road in your areas.
4.     Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parished  requesting  for construction of a bridge (eªxR wbgvY©)over the canal (K¨vbv‡ji Dci) in your area.
5.     Write an application to the UNO of your Upazilla   requesting  for a deep tube) well(Mfxi bjK~c in your area where arsenic poisoning has been found in the tube-well.
6.     Write an application to the D.C requesting him for a charitable dispensary (`vZe¨/webv cqmvq wPwKrmvjq) for free treatment in your locality.

--------------hvi eive‡i wjL‡Z n‡e

Subject: An application for--- welq (removing/repairing/setting up a /taking steps in controlling)….

Dear Sir,
With due respect, we would like to state that we are the inhabitants of (GjvKv) area. Ours is an area of a large population. About 100000 people live here. We have been living here peacefully. But now a days we the inhabitants of (GjvKv) are facing problem for (welq ).Normal life is greatly hampered here for (welq ) .For our normal life, we need to have (welq removed/constructed/repaired/set up/controlled/---) immediately. If necessary steps are not taken immediately, our existence will become quiet impossible.

We, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to take proper steps to (welq ) as soon as possible so that we live in peace and safe.
Yours faithfully
On behalf of the inhabitants of (GjvKv ) area.
--------hvi eive‡i wjL‡Z n‡e
welqt----------------------------------Rb¨ Av‡e`b|
h_vh_ m¤§vbcÖ`©kbc~e©K Avgiv Avcbvi wbKU D‡j­L Ki‡Z PvB †h, Avgiv --------- GjvKvi Awaevmx| Avgv‡`i GjvKvq A‡bK gvby‡li emevm|cÖvq GK jvL gvbyl GLv‡b emevm K‡i|Avgiv †ek kvwšÍc~Y©fv‡e emevm KiwQ| wKšÍ GLb Avgiv GB GjvKvi Awaevmxiv -------mgm¨vq AvwQ|GRb¨ ¯^vfvweK Rxeb I e¨vnZ n‡”Q| Avgv‡`i ¯^vfvweK Rxe‡bi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i ----------------Ri“ix cÖ‡qvRb| hw` cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v bv †bIqv nq Zvn‡j Avgv‡`i Rxeb wU‡K _vKv Am¤¢e n‡e|
AZGe,cÖv_©bv GB †h,Avgvi Av‡e`b gÄyi K‡i h_vh_ cª‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡eb hv‡Z Avgiv kvwšÍ I wbivc‡` emevm Ki‡Z cvwi|
Avcbvi wek¦¯Í
--------- GjvKvi Awaevmx‡`i c¶ †_‡K

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