Friday, March 30, 2012

Re-arrangement for SSC Exam


Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)   He took the lion’s paw in his hand and removed a big thorn from it.
(‡m wms‡ni cvÄvUv Zvi nv‡Z wbj Ges GKwU eo KvUv `~i Kij|)
(b)   His master was very bad and inflicted heavy torture on him.
(Zvi gwbe Lye Lvivc wQj Ges Zv‡K AZ¨vPvi KiZ|)
(c)   Androcles was very home-sick.(G‡ÛvwK¬m M„nKvZi n‡q c‡owQj|)
(d)   One day he fled from his master’s house and tool shelter in a cave.
(GKw`b †m Zvi gwb‡ei evox †_‡K cvwj‡q †Mj Ges GKwU ¸nvq Avkªq wbj|)
(e)   The lion seemed wounded as he was groaning.
(wmsnUv‡K AvnZ g‡b nw”Qj †Kbbv †m KvZivw”Qj|)
(f)    He was caught by a slave merchant who sold him to a rich man in another country.(‡m GK `vm e¨emvqx KZ„K a„Z nq †h Zv‡K Ab¨ †`‡ki GK abx e¨w³i Kv‡Q wewµ K‡i †`b|)
(g)   The lion was relieved of his pain.(wmsnwU e¨_v †_‡K gyw³ †cj|)
(h)   Once upon  a time there lived a young man named Androcles. (GK`v G‡ÛvwKm bv‡gi GK hyeK evm KiZ|)
(i)    He came near Androcles and lifted his paw.
(‡m G‡ÛvwK¬‡mi wbKU Avmj Ges Zvi _vev Zz‡j aij|)
(j)    In the evening a lion entered the cave.(mܨvq GK wmsn ¸nvq cÖ‡ek Kij|)

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Re- arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  He showed it to his wife.( ‡m Zvi ¯¿x‡K †`Lvj|)
(b)  However ,he picked it up and carried it home.
(hv †nvK, †m GUv Z‡j wbj Ges evwo wb‡q †Mj|)
(c)   The lands yielded him some crops.(Rwg †_‡K †m wKQy dmj †cZ|)
(d)  One day he was walking through the fields.(GKw`b †m gv‡Vi g‡a¨ w`‡q †n‡Uu hvw”Qj|)
(e)  He thought that it might have been dropped by a passerby.
(‡m fvej †h ,GUv †Kvb cw_K †d‡j wM‡q‡Q|)
(f)   With that he supported his family with difficulty.
(GUv Øviv †m Kvq‡K¬‡k Zvi cwievi fiY‡cvlY KiZ|)
(g)  He had a few acres of land. (Zvi K‡qK GKi Rwg wQj|)
(h)  So he always thought how he could and add to his income.
(wKfv‡e Zvi Avq e„w× Kiv hvq Zv †m memgq fveZ|)
(i)    There lived a farmer in a village.(GKMÖv‡g GK K…lK evm KiZ|)
(j)   While walking he came across a purse of gold.(nvUvui mgq †m GKwU ¯^‡Y©i _‡j †cj|)

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Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph
(a)   The angel took down his request and went away.
(‡d‡ikZv Zvi Aby‡iva wj‡L ivLj Ges P‡j †Mj|)
(b)   His name was Abu Ben Adhem. (Zvi bvg wQj Avey web Av`g|)
(c)   Abu then requested him to put his name in the list because he loved mankind and his fellow  brothers.(Zvi bvg ZvwjKvq wjwce× Kivi Rb¨ Avey Zv‡K Aby‡iva Ki‡jb KviY wZwb gvbeRvwZ‡K Ges Zvi cÖwZ‡ekx‡`i‡K fvjevm‡Zb|)
(d)   He again appeared the next night and showed Abu that his name was at the top of the list.(‡m Avevi c‡ii iv‡Z nvwRi nj Ges Avey‡K †`Lvj †h Zvi bvg ZvwjKvi kx‡l©|)
(e)   The angel was writing the names of persons who loved God.
(hviv Avj­vn‡K fvjev‡mb †d‡ikZv Zv‡`i bvg wj‡L‡Qb|)
(f)    Once upon a time there was an honest and pious man.
(GK mgq GKRb mr Ges avwg©K †jvK wQ‡jb)
(g)   He asked the angel if his name was there.
(wZwb †d‡ikZv‡K wR‡Ám Ki‡jb Zvi bvg †mLv‡b Av‡Q wKbv|)
(h)   He was once sleeping peacefully.(GK`v wZwb kvwšÍ‡Z Nygv‡Z wQ‡jb|)
(i)    In reply the angel said that his name was not there.
(cÖwZ Dˇi †d‡ikZv ejj †h Zvi bvg †mLv‡b †bB|
(j)    Suddenly he woke up and saw an angel.(nVvr wZwb †R‡M DV‡jb Ges GK †d‡ikZv‡K †`L‡jb)

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Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph
(a)   The Mayor called a meeting of the councilors.(‡gqi Dc‡`®Uv‡`i GKwU mfv WvK‡jb|)
(b)   The people of the town came to the Town Hall.(kn‡ii †jv‡Kiv UvDb n‡j Dcw¯’Z nj|)
(c)   At the moment there was a knock at the door.(‡mBg~n~‡Z© `iRvq GKwU KivNvZ nj|)
(d)   They said to the Mayor to do something about rats.
(Bu`y‡ii e¨vcv‡i wKQy Kivi Rb¨ Zviv †gqi‡K ejj|)
(e)   The Mayor and the Councillors talked about the problem.
(‡gqi Ges Zvi Dc‡`®UvMb mgm¨vi e¨vcv‡i Av‡jvPbv Ki‡jb|)
(f)    A long time ago the town of Hamelin in Germany was faced with a great problem.(A‡bKw`b Av‡M Rvg©vbxi n¨v‡gwjb kni GK weivU mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb n‡qwQj|)
(g)   But they could not find a way out.
  (Zviv †Kvb Dcvq †ei Ki‡Z cvij bv|)
(h)   The Stranger entered the Hall. (AvMšÍK K‡¶ cÖ‡ek Kij|)
(i)    It became full of rats. (GUv Bu`y‡i ficyi n‡qwM‡qwQj| )
(j)    “Come in” the mayor called.(‡gqi wfZ‡i Avm‡Z ejj|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  Alexander was pleased with Porus for his bold reply.
(cyi“m mvnwmKZvc~Y© Dˇi Av‡jKRvÛvi Lykx n‡jb| )
(b)  He was brought before Alexander.(Zv‡K Av‡jKRvÛv‡ii mvg‡b wb‡q Avmv nj|)
(c)   There ruled a king name Porus.(‡mLv‡b cyi“m bv‡g GKRb ivRv evm Ki‡Zb|)
(d)  Alexander the king of Mecedon, crossed the Khaibarpass and reached India.
(‡gwm‡Wv‡bi ivRv Av‡jKAvÛvi LvBevicvm AwZµg Ki‡jb Ges fvi‡Z †cŠQ‡jb|)
(e)  Porus came forward with his men and arms to defend his land.
(Av‡jKRvÛv‡ii Avµgb †_‡K Zvi †`k‡K i¶v Kivi Rb¨ cyi“m Zvi ‰mb¨ Ges A¯¿ wb‡q mvg‡b AMªmi n‡jb|)
(f)   Then he came to the plain of Panjab. (Zvici wZwb cvÄv‡ei mgf~wg‡Z G‡jb|)
(g)  But unfortunately he was defeated and was prisoned.
(h)  “Like a king” was the reply from porus.(cyi“m DËi wQj,Ò GKRb ivRvi gZÓ|)
(i)    He allowed him to rule the country as before.
(Zv‡uK h_vixwZ Av‡Mi gZ †`k cwiPvjbv Kivi AbygwZ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡jv|)
(j)   Alexander asked him how he would like to be treated.
(Av‡jKRvÛvi Zv‡K wRÁvmv Ki‡jb wZwb †Kgb AvPib cQ›` K‡ib|)

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Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph
(a)   As each pebble went down,the water in the jar rose up little by little.
(cÖ‡Z¨K wkjvLÛ hZB wb‡P bv‡g,Kiwmi cvwb µgvš^‡q Ic‡i DV‡Z _v‡K|)
(b)   It flew one place to another in search of water and at last found a jar in a garden.(GwU cvwbi mÜv‡b GK¯’v‡b †_‡K Ab¨¯’v‡b Do‡Z _v‡K Ges Ae‡k‡l GKwU Kjwm †`L‡Z cvq|)
(c)   Then it decided to fly away in despair.(ZLb GwU nZvk n‡q Ab¨Î D‡o hvIqvi wm×všÍ †bq|)
(d)   The crow tried to turn the jar over and over again but it had no effect.
(KvKwU evievi KjwmwU Dëv‡bvi †Póv Kij wKš‘ Zv‡Z †Kvb dj n‡jv bv|)
(e)   Then it dropped the pebbles into the jar.(Zvici GwU wkjvLÛ¸‡jv Kjwmi †fZ‡i †djj|)
(f)    A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water.
(GKwU KvK LyeB Z…òvZ© wQj Ges cvwb cvb Ki‡Z PvBj|)
(g)   There was some water in the jar but it was too low down and out of its reach.(Kjwm‡Z mvgvb¨  cvwb wQj wKš‘ Zv GZ bx‡P wQj hv Zvi bvMv‡ji evB‡i|)
(h)   As it was leaving the jar,it noticed a heap of pebbles.
(hLb †m Kjwm †Q‡o hvw”Qj,ZLb †m GK ¯Z’c wkjv LÛ †`L‡Z †cj| )
(i)    It hit upon a plan then and took some pebbles.
(ZLb †m GKwU cwiKíbv Av‡Uu Ges wKQy wkjvLÛ †bq|
(j)    When the water came to the mouth of the jar the crow drank it.
(cvwb Kjwmi gy‡L Avm‡j KvK Zv cvb K‡i|)

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Re- arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a) He wanted to teach him a good lesson.( ‡Z Zv‡K DwPZ wk¶v w`‡Z PvBj|)
(b) So one day he painted the word ‘dumb’ on a board.
     ( ZvB GKw`b †m GKLÛ Kv‡Vi Dci Ô‡evevÕK_vwU wjLj|)
(c) So he thought how he could add to his income.( Kv‡RB †m fvej wKfv‡e Zvi Avq evov‡e|)
(d) He could not earn much by begging.( wf¶v K‡i †m †ekx DcvR©b Ki‡Z cviZ bv |)
(e) Once there lived a beggar in a city.( GK`v GKkn‡i GK wf¶zK evm KiZ|)
(f) One day an idea crossed of him.( GKw`b Zvi gv_vq eyw× Gj|)
(g) He was jealous of him. G‡Z Zvi  cÖwZ Lye Clv©wš^Z wQj|
(h) Another beggar also lived in the city. Aci GKRb  wf¶zK I kn‡i evm KiZ|
(i) He hung it round his neck. ‡m GUv Zvi Mjvq Szwj‡q w`j|
(j) He though that he would have more money it pretended to be dumb.
    (‡m fvej †h  hw` †m †evevi fvb K‡i Z‡e †m AwaK UvKv cqmv cv‡e| )

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Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  Then the leaders of the robbers came to Saddi.( Zvici WvKvZ‡`i m©`vi mv`xi wbKU Avmj|)
(b)  The merchants had their goods and a lot of money.
(ewYK‡`i Kv‡Q A‡bK gvjvgvj Ges UvKv cqmv wQj|)
(c)   He had a bundle of books and some money with him.
(Zvi Kv‡Q KZK¸‡jv eB Ges wKQy UvKv wQj|
(d)  They travelled for twelve days without any trouble.
(Zviv webv Amyweavq 12 w`b ch©šÍ ågb Kij|
(e)  He ordered Saddi to give all he had to him.
(‡m mv`x‡K Av‡`k Kij Zvi Kv‡Q hv Av‡Q me w`‡q w`‡Z|
(f)   On the thirteenth day a gang of robbers attacked them.
(13Zg w`‡b GK`j WvKvZ Zv‡`i Avµgb Kij|)
(g)  Sheikh Saddi handed him the bundle of books and also the little money he had without fear.(‡kLmv`x wb©f‡q Zvi eB¸‡jv Ges wKQy UvKv Zv‡K w`‡q w`j|)
(h)  Once Sheikh Saadi was going to Bagdad with a group of rich merchants.
(GK`v †kLmv`x GK`j ewYK‡`i mv‡_ evM`v‡` hvw”Qj|)
(i)    Saadi then said, “I hope that you will make a good use of these books.
(ZLb mv`x ej‡jb,ÒAvwg Avkv Kwi †h †Zvgiv GB eB¸‡jvi m‡ev©Ëg e¨envi Ki‡e|)
(j)   The robbers took away all the goods and money from the merchants.
(WvKv‡Ziv ewYK‡`i KvQ †_‡K mKj gvjvgvj I UvKv cqmv wQwb‡q wbj|)

Correct information

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:                                                                                                                                
(a)   Once the queen of Belgium invited him to Brussels.
(GKevi ‡ejwRqv‡gi ivbx Zv‡Ku eªv‡mj‡m Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡jb|
(b)   When he reached the destination, the queen said to him. “I sent a car for you, Dr. Einstein”.(MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQvgvÎ ivYx Zv‡Ku ej‡jb †h wZwb Zvi Rb¨ GKwU Mvox cvwV‡qwQ‡jb|y)
(c)   The officials also expected to see somebody who would appear to be rich and aristocratic to them.(Kg©KZ©ve„›` I Zv‡Ku RvKRgKc~Y© AwfRvZ †cvkv‡K cÖZ¨vkv K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(d)   Einstein, the great scientist was very simple in his ways of life.
(GB wek¦weL¨vZ weÁvbx AvBb÷vBb AZ¨šÍ mv`vwm‡a Rxebhvcb Ki‡Zb|)
(e)   “I did not think that anybody would send a car for me.” Replied the great scientist, with a smile.(gnvb weÁvbx DËi w`‡jb Ò Avwg fvwewb †h Avgvi Rb¨ †KD Mvox cvVv‡e|Ó)
(f)    Einstein, however, walked the whole way with a suitcase in one hand and a violin in the other.(AvBb÷vBb GK nv‡Z myU‡Km Ges GKnv‡Z GKwU †envjv wb‡q mvivUv c_ nvUu‡jb|)
(g)   So they went back to the queen and informed her that he had not come by this train.
(Zvuiv wd‡i †M‡jb Ges ivYx‡K ej‡jb †h H †Uª‡b AvBb÷vBb Av‡mwb|)
(h)   “But I can assure you. I have greatly enjoyed the walk”
(wKš‘ Avwg wbwðZ Ki‡Z cvwi †h,Avwg nvUu‡Z cQ›` Kwi|)
(i)    They could never imagine that this shabby man would be Einstein himself.
(Zvuiv fve‡Z cv‡iwb †h AvBb÷vBb Ggb mv`vwm‡a †cvkv‡K Avm‡eb|)
(j)    When he got down from the train at Brussels, he could not think that there were actually many gorgeously dressed officials to receive him at the station.( eªv‡m‡j‡m †Uª‡b †_‡K †b‡g AvBb÷vBb fve‡Z cv‡iwb †h Zv‡Ku ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡Z RvKRgKc~Y© †cvkv‡K A‡bK Kg©KZv© †mLv‡b wQj|)

Correct information

Re arrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph.                                                                                                 
(a) “Stop,” said the bad man. “What have I done to deserve it?”
( ‡jvKwU ejj Ô_vg,ÕAvwg Ggb Kx K‡iwQ †h Ggb KiQ?Ó)
(b) When the bad man came down, the owner of the garden caught hold of him and began to beat him with the stick.( Lvivc †jvKwU hLb wb‡P bvgj ZLb evMv‡bi gvwjK Zv‡K a‡i ‡dj‡jb Ges jvwV w`‡q †cUv‡Z ïi“ Ki‡jb|)
(c) One day the bad man was stealing some mangoes from the garden of a neighbour.
       ( GKw`b g›` †jvKwU GK cÖwZ‡ekxi evMvb †_‡K Avg Pzwi K‡iwQj|)
(d) But when he did any work, he would say “God had done it done by me.”
     (wKš‘ hLbB †m †Kvb KvR KiZ,†m ejZ Ò Ck¦i Avgv‡K w`‡q GUv Kwi‡q‡Qb|Ó)
(e) “Why are you stealing mangoes from my garden?” asked the owner of the garden.( evMv‡bi gvwjK wRÁvmv Ki‡jb, Ò‡Kb Zzwg Avgvi evMvb †_‡K Avg Pzwi KiQ|)
(f) “Because God is getting it done by me,” replied the bad man.
       (ÒKviY Ck¦i Avgv‡K w`‡q GUv Kiv‡”QbÓ g›` ‡jvKwU DËi w`j|)
(g) The owner of the garden said nothing.
      ( evMv‡bi gvwjK wKQyB ej‡jb bv|)
(h) He took a stick and was waiting for the bad man till he came down from the tree.
     ( wZwb GKwU jvwV wb‡jb Ges g›` †jvKwU MvQ †_‡K †b‡g bv Avmv ch©šÍ A‡c¶v Ki‡jb|)
(i) There was a bad man in a village.
 (GKMÖv‡g GK g›`‡jvK wQj|)
(j) The owner of the garden saw him stealing the mangoes and he hurried to the garden.
     (evMv‡bi gvwjK Zv‡K Avg Pzwi Ki‡Z †`L‡jb Ges evMv‡b wd‡i †M‡jb|)
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Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.    
(a)  There she became a teacher of a school in Calcutta.
( ZLb wZwb KwjKvZv GKwU ¯‹z‡ji wkw¶Kv wQ‡jb|)
(b)  Soon her activities for the service of mankind spread all over the world.
( Lye kªxNÖB Zvi RbKj¨vYg~jK Kg©KvÛ mviv we‡k¦ Qwo‡q coj|)
(c)   She was on her heels for her services of mankind even at her old age.
(GgbwK e„× eq‡m I wZwb wbt¯^v_© gvbeKj¨v‡Y wb‡qvwRZ wQ‡jb|)
(d)  As a recognition to her service, she was awarded Nobel Prize for peace in 1979.
( wZwb Zvi †mevi ¯^xK…Z¯^iƒc 1979 mv‡j kvwšÍ‡Z †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡ib|)
(e)  She was one of those people who dedicated their lives to the service of mankind.
( hviv gvbe †mevq wb‡R‡K Rxeb DrmM© K‡iwQ‡jb wZwb wQ‡jb Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg|)
(f) When she was eighteen, she decided to be a nun and came to Calcutta.
    ( AvVvi eQi eq‡m wZwb mbœ¨vwmbx Rxeb nIqvi wm×všÍ wb‡jb Ges KjKvZvq Avm‡jb|)
(g)  She swore to dedicate her life for the cause of helpless and poor people.
 (wZwb Amnvq Ges Mixe gvby‡li Rb¨ wb‡Ri Rxeb DrmM© Kivi kc_ MÖnY K‡ib|)
(h)  She was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. (wZwb 1919 mv‡j hy‡Mv¯­vwfqvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(i)    She was also given ‘Bharat Ratna Award’ in the following year.
(cieZ©x eQi Zv‡K fviZiZœÕ cyi¯‹v‡i f~wlZ Kiv nq|)
(j)   You have heard the name of Mother Teressa. (‡Zvgiv wbðqB gv`vi †Z‡imvi bvg ï‡bQ|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph
(a) He traveled for more than thirty years. (wZwb wÎk eQ‡ii I †ekx mgq ågb K‡ib|)
(b) He boarded a ship for chittagong.( wZwb PUªMÖvg AwfgyLx GKwU Rvnv‡R DV‡jb|)
(c) Outside the town of Sylhet two persons met him.
    ( wm‡jU kn‡ii evB‡i `yB e¨w³ Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡jb|)
(d) Ibn Batuta became very pleased hearing it.( GUv ï‡b Be‡b eZzZv Lye Lykx n‡jb|
(e) It took him about six months to reach Chittagong.( PUªMÖvg †cŠQv‡Z Zvi Qqgvm mgq †j‡MwQj|)
(f) They said that they were sent by Shah Jalal to receive him.
     ( Zviv ejj †h,Zv‡K eiY K‡i †bIqvi Rb¨ kvnRvjvj Zv‡`i‡K cvwV‡q‡Qb|)
(g) From there he had to walk for another month to reach Sylhet.
     ( ‡mLvb †_‡K wm‡jU †cŠQv‡Z Zvi AviI GKgvm nvUu‡Z n‡qwQj|
(h) You might have heard the name of Ibn Batuta.
      ( ‡Zvgiv Aek¨B Be‡b eZzZvi bvg ï‡b _vK‡e|
(i) He wrote down all that he saw.
     wZwb hv †`‡L‡Qb Zvi meB wjwce× K‡i †i‡L wM‡q‡Qb|
(j) He heard the name of Shah Jalal of Sylhet and decided to visit him.
    ( wZwb kvnRvjv‡ji bvg ï‡bwQ‡jb Ges Zv‡uK †`Lvi wmØvšÍ wb‡jb|

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.    
(a)  Soon he gave up medicine for literature.( kxNÖB wZwb mvwn‡Z¨i Rb¨ wPwKrmv kv¯¿ cwiZ¨vM Ki‡jb|) 
(b)  Then he took to write plays.(Zvici wZwb bvUK †jLvq g‡bvwb‡ek Ki‡jb|)
(c)   He was born in 1874 in Paris.(wZwb 1874 mv‡j c¨vwi‡m Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(d)  This brought for him a good name.(GUv Zvi Rb¨ mybvg e‡q wb‡q Avbj|)
(e)  Some of his well-known plays are Mrs. Cardlac, Lady Frederic etcHe qualified as a doctor and this life had no charm for him.(Zvi mycwiwPZ bvUK¸‡jvi g‡a¨ K‡qKwU n‡jv wg‡mm KvwW©qvK,†jwW †d«‡WwiK BZ¨vw`|)
(f)   William Somerset Maugham is regarded as one of the greatest short story writers of modern time.(DBwjqvg mgvi‡mU gg AvaywbK hy‡Mi GKRb Ab¨Zg †kªô †QvU Mí †jLK|)
(g)  It was realistic study of the life of lowly neigbourhood in London.
     (GUv jÛ‡bi wbgœ wbKUeZx© GjvKvi Rxe‡bi ev¯Íeagx© M‡elYv)
(h)  He wrote a few other novels as well.( .(wZwb Av‡iv wKQy Dcb¨vm iPbv K‡ib|)
(i)    He made his first appearance in literature by writing Liza of Lambeth, his first novel(wZwb wjRv Ae A¨vg‡e_ÕDcb¨vm †jLvi gva¨‡g me©cÖ_g mvwn‡Z¨ AvZ¥cÖKvk K‡ib|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and write them in a paragraph:                                                                                                                      
(a)  By the time he was 25 years old, he had become well known as a writer of great talent.(cwPuk eQi eq‡mi g‡a¨ wZwb GKRb cÖwZfvevb †jLK wn‡m‡e mycwiwwPwZ n‡jb|)
(b ) When he was a small boy, his father was sent to prison for debts.
     (hLb wZwb †QvUª evjK wQ‡jb ZLb Zvi evev‡K F‡bi Rb¨ KvivMv‡i cvVv‡bv n‡qwQj|)
(c) Charles Dickens was one of the greatest English novelists on the 19th century.
    (Pv©jm wW‡Kbm Dbwesk kZvwãi Bs‡iwR †kªô Jcb¨vwmK‡`i Ab¨Zg wQ‡jb|)
(d) He could not go to school and receive education.
      (wZwb we`¨vj‡q wM‡q †jLvcov Ki‡Z cv‡ibwb|)
(e) He never forgot his hard experience of his boyhood.
    (wZwb KL‡bv I Zvi evj¨Kv‡j K‡Vvi AwfÁMZvi K_v f~‡j hvbwb|)
(f) He was born on February 7 in 1812 in Portsmouth.
     (wZwb 1812 mv‡ji 7 B †deªyqvix †cvU©mgvD_ G Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(g) Even during his lifetime, he was exceptionally popular.
    (GgbwK Zvi RxeÏkvq wZwb AmvaviYfv‡e RbwcÖq n‡hwQ‡jb|)
(h) He wrote some of the best novels in English literature.
     (wZwb Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i wKQy †kªô Dcb¨vm wj‡LwQ‡jb|)
(i) Dickens died on June 9, 1870.  (wW‡Kbm 1870 mv‡ji 9 Ryb g„Zy¨eiY K‡ib|)
(j) Dickens had to work in a factory at the are of twelve
   ( wW‡Kbm†K  12 eQi eq‡m Zv‡K KviLvbvq KvR Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)   The Banker said. “ I will put an end to your toiling”.
      (e¨vsKvi ejj, ÒAvwg †Zvgvi cwikªg jvNe K‡i †`e|)
(b)  One day the banker asked the cobbler, “How much a year do you earn?”(GKw`b e¨vsKvi gywP‡K ejj, ÒZzwg eQ‡I KZ UvKv Dcv©Rb Ki|)
(c)   He took the money,hurried back home and buried it in the earth,but alas!He burreid his happiness with it too. (‡m UvKv wb‡q `ª“Z evox‡Z wdij Ges gvwU‡Z cuy‡Z jvLj,wKš‘ nvq!†m Gi mv‡_ Zvi Avb›`‡KI cyu‡Z ivLj|)
(d)  There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing morning till night.(‡Kvb GK ¯’v‡b GKRb m~Lx gywP evm KiZ|‡m mKvj †_‡K ivZ ch©šÍ KvR K‡i I Mvb †M‡q mgq KvUvZ|)
(e)  The cobbler replied, “How much a year, Sir?”(gywP cÖZy¨Ë‡i ejj , Ò GK eQi KZUzKz,m¨vi?Ó)
(f)   Take this money and keep them carefully and use them in time of need.(UvKv¸‡jv bvI Ges hZœmnKv‡i ivLGes cÖ‡qvR‡b †m¸‡jv LiP Ki|)
(g)  He had a rich neigbour who was a banker.(Zvi GKRb abx cÖwZ‡ekx wQj †h wQj GKRb e¨vsKvi|)
(h)  I have never counted in that way.(Avwg KLbI Gfv‡e wnmve Kwiwb|)
(i)    The cobbler had never seen so much money at a time in life before.(gywP Zvi Rxe‡b c~‡e© KLbI GKmv‡_ GZ UvKv †`‡Lwb|)
(j)   As you can see. I live from hand to mouth but somehow I mangae to have three meals everyday and I am happy.(Avcwb  †hgbUv †`L‡Qb, Avwg w`b Avwb w`b LvB wKš‘ Avwg †h †h‡Kvb Dcv‡q wZb †ejv Lvevi †hvMvo Ki‡Z cvwi|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  In 16099 Galileo heard of telescope invented by a Hans Lippershey, a maker of spectacles.(1609 mv‡j M¨wjwjI `~iex¶b  h†š¿i K_v †kv‡bb hv n¨vbm wicv‡ik bvgK GKRb Pkgv cÖ¯ÍZKviK KZ…K Avwe¯‹„Z n‡qwQj|) 
(b)  He persuaded his father to let him study medicine and philosophy at the University of Pisa.(wcmv BDwbfvwm©wU‡Z Zvu‡K wPwKrmv I `k©‡bi Dci cov‡jLv Kivi AbygwZ w`‡Z wZwb Zviu wcZv‡K ivRx Kivb|
(c)   He wanted to make his son a cloth-dealer.(wZwb Zviu †Q‡j‡K Kvcoe¨emvqx evbv‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(d)  Soon Galileo made more telescope with which he made many amazing discoveries about the sun and the moon and stars.(kªxNÖB M¨vwjwjI AwaK kw³kvjx `~ixwe¶Y hš¿ cÖ¯‘Z K‡ib hvi mvnv‡h¨ wZwb m~h©,P›`ª I b¶Îmg~n m¤ú©‡K A‡bK Avðh©RbK Avwe¯‹vi K‡ib|
(e)  Galileo was born on 15 February 1564,at Pisa,Italy.(1564 mv‡ji 15 †deª“qvix BUwjxi wcmvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(f)   He set to work on the day he heard of the Dutch telescope and made one of his own.(WvP D”Pex¶Y hš¿ m¤ú‡K© †kvbvi w`b †_‡KB wZwb Kv‡R †j‡M hvb Ges wb‡R GKwU ˆZix K‡ib|)
(g)  He showed at a very early age,an unusual talent for science.(AZ¨šÍ Kg eq‡mB wZwb weÁv‡b AmvaviY †gavi cwiPq †`b |)
(h)  But Galileo had no taste for business.(wKš‘ M¨vwjwjIi e¨emv‡q †Kvb AvMÖn wQj bv|)
(i)    His father was a skilful musician and mathematician.(Zvui wcZv wQ‡jb GKRb `¶ msMxZÁ Ges MwYZwe`|)
(j)   At the age of only seventeen he had invented an important scientific law-the law of pendulum. (gvÎ 17 eQi eq‡m wZwb GKwU M~i“Z¡c~Y© ˆeÁvwbK m~µ †`vjK m~Î Avwe¯‹vi K‡ib|)

Correct information

Re- arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  He rose to a high position in the army by his good work and courage. (‡m Zvi fvj KvR Ges mvnwmKZvi e‡j †mbvevwnbx‡Z D”Pc‡` Avmxb n‡jb|)
(b)  France under him was very powerful.(Zvi Aax‡b d«vÝ Lye kw³kvjx wQj)
(c)   More than 170 years ago there lived in France one of the greatest soliders called Napolelon Banaparte.(GKk mËi eQ‡ii I Av‡M †b‡cvwjqvb †evbvcvU© bv‡g divmx †`‡k GKRb Ab¨Zg †kªô ‰mwbK wQ‡jb|)
(d)  When he was young,he joined the France army as an ordinary soldier.(hLb wZwb hyeK wQ‡jb,ZLb wZwb GKRb mvaviY ‰mwbK wn‡m‡e divmx †mbvevwnbx‡Z †hvM`vb K‡ib|)
(e)  He fought several wars with the neighboring countries and won victories over them.(wZwb cÖwZ‡ekx †`‡ki mv‡_ K‡qKwU hy× K‡ib Ges Zv‡`i wei“‡× weRqx nb|)
(f)   Yet the France men remember him with due respect.(Zey I divmx RbMb Zv‡Ku h_vh_ m¤§v‡bi mv‡_ ¯^iY K‡ib|)
(g)  He was born in 1769.(wZwb 1769 mv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(h)  He died in 1821.(wZwb 1821 mv‡j g„Zy¨eiY K‡ib|)
(i)    In 1804 he proclaimed himself to be the emperor.(1804 mv‡j wZwb wb‡R‡K mgªvU †Nvlbv K‡ib|)
(j)   He grew very powerful and soon became the greatest man in the country.(wZwb LyeB kw³kvjx n‡q D‡Vb Ges †`‡ki †kªô gvbyl wn‡m‡e cwiYZ nb|)

Correct information

Re- arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  He is our pride.(wZwb Avgv‡` Me©|)
(b)  Dr.Muhammad Yunus was born in 1940 in Chittagong.(W.gynv¤§` BDbym 1940 mv‡j PUªMÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(c)   In 1997,Professor Yunus organized the world’s first Micro-credit Summit in  Washington D.C. (1997 mv‡j cÖ‡dmi BDbym IqvwksUb wW.wm. †Z we‡k¦i ¶z`ª FY m‡¤§vj‡bi Av‡qvRb K‡ib|)
(d)  He is also the Managing Director of the Grameen Bank.(wZwb MÖvgxY e¨vs‡Ki e¨ve¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I e‡U|)
(e)  He received his primary Education in Chittagong.(wZwb PUªMÖv‡g Zvui cÖv_wgK wk¶v AR©b K‡ib|)
(f)   He is the founder of Grameen Bank.(wZwb MÖvgxY e¨vs‡Ki cÖwZôvZv)
(g)  He was awarded nobel peace prize in 2006.(wZwb 2006 mv‡j †bv‡ej kvwšÍ cyi¯‹v‡i f~wlZ nb|)
(h)  He was the head of Economics Department of Chittagong University.(wZwb PUªMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡q A_©bxwZ wefv‡Mi cÖavb wQ‡jb|)
(i)    He received his Ph.D from Vanderbilt University in USA.(wZwb Av‡gwiKvi f¨vÛviweë wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K wc.GBP.wW wWMÖx jvf K‡ib|)
(j)   He is the third of 14 children of his parents. (wZwb Zvui wcZvgvZvi 14 mšÍv‡bi g‡a¨ Z…Zxq|)

Correct information

Re- arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  Shakespeare was married at  eighteen to a woman of twenty one.(‡kK&ªwcqvi 18 eQ‡i 21 eQi eq¯‹ GK gwnjv‡K weevn K‡ib|)
(b)  There he became an actor and a playwright.(‡mLv‡b wZwb GKRb Awf‡bZv Ges bvU¨Kvi n‡qwQ‡jb|)
(c)   But he never attended any college.(wKš‘ wZwb KL‡bv †Kvb K‡j‡R fwZ© nbwb|)
(d)  But this time he was thirty.(‡m mgq Zvi eqm wQj wÎk)
(e)  He received a sound basic education.(wZwb Lye fv‡jv ‡gŠwjK wk¶v jvf K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(f)   During the next ten years he composed his greatest plays.(cieZ©x 10 eQ‡i wZwb Zvui me‡P‡q weL¨vZ bvUK¸‡jv wkL‡jb|)
(g)  William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Strateford on-Avon in England.(DBwjqvg †kK&ªwcqvi 1564 mv‡j Bsj¨v‡Ûi ÷ªvU©‡dvW© Ab A¨vf‡b Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(h)  He had three children before he was twenty one.(21 eQi c~‡e© Zvui wZb mšÍvb wQj|)
(i)    A few years later,he went to London.(K‡qK eQi c‡i wZwb jÛ‡b hvb|)
(j)   He had become prosperous before he reached the age of thirty four. (34 eQi eq‡m †cŠuQvi c~‡e© wZwb mg„×kvjx n‡qwQ‡jb|)

Correct information

Re- arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  In 1271 he set out from Venice to China.
(1227 mv‡j wZwb †fwbm †_‡K Px‡bi D‡Ïk¨ hvÎv kyi“ K‡ib|)
(b)  They had travelled by land and sea.(Zviv ¯’jc‡_ Ges mgy`ªc‡_ ågb K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(c)   For transport they had used ships, camels,horses and donkeys.
(cwien‡bi Rb¨ Zviv RvnvR,DU,†Nvov Ges Mvuav e¨envi K‡iwQj|)
(d)  He was accompanied by his father and uncle.(wZwb Zvui evev Ges PvPvi m½x n‡qwQ‡jb|)
(e)  They also travelled over mountains and across deserts.
(Zvuiv cvnvo Ges gi“f~wg ågb K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(f)   He was one of the greatest adventurous men.
(wZwb me‡P‡q `ytmvnwmK‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg wQ‡jb|)
(g)  It book the Polos over three years to reach China.
(Px‡b †cŠuQv‡Z †cv‡jv‡`i wZb eQi mgq †j‡MwQj|)
(h)  Actually at that time Journey was very difficult because of no speedy vechicles.(cÖK…Zc‡¶ `ª“ZMwZi hvbevnb bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y †mB mgq ågb Lye KwVb wQj|)
(i)    He was then 50 years old.(ZLb Zvui eqm wQj 15|)
(j)   Marco Polo was born in 1256 in Venice.(gvi‡Kv †cv‡jv 1216 mv‡j †fwb‡m Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re write them in a paragraph
(a)   One said, “ I have lost my husband.”(GKRb ejj, Ô Avwg Avgvi ¯^vgx‡K nvwi‡qwQ|)
(b)   A poor woman once came to Buddha.(GK`v GK `wi`ª gwnjv ey‡×i wbK‡U G‡jb|)
(c)   The sorrowful mother went from door to door seeking the mustard seeds but at every door she met with sad replies.(GB `ytwLbx gv Øv‡i Øv‡i †M‡jb mwilv ex‡Ri †Lvu‡R wKš‘ cÖwZwU evox‡ZB wZwb `ytLRbK DËi †c‡jb|)
(d) She returned with heavy heart to the great teachers and told him the result of her search.(wZwb `ytL fvivµvšÍ n‡q gnvb wk¶‡Ki wbKU wd‡i G‡jb|Ges Zvu‡K (eyׇK)Zvi AbymÜv‡bi djvdj Rvbv‡jb|)
(e) (He told her that there was only one medicine which could revive her son.(wZwb Zv‡K (eyׇK) ej‡jb Zvi mšÍvb‡K evwPu‡q †Zvjvi Rb¨ GKwU gvÎ Jla Av‡Q|)
(f)   Another said, “Our youngest child died last year.”(Ab¨Rb ejj,ÒMZeQi Avgvi Kwbô mšÍvbwU gviv †M‡Q|)Ó
(g)  Then Buddha told her affectionately that she must not think much of her own grief since sorrow and death are common to all.(Ggb ey× Zv‡K ggZvRwoZ K‡Ú ej‡jb †h Zvi wb‡Ri `ytL wb‡q AwaK wPšÍv Kiv DwPZ bq KviY `ytL Ges g„Zz¨ mK‡ji Rb¨B AeavwiZ|)    
(h)  The holy man was touched by the great sorrow of the woman.(GBgnvgvbewU gwnjvwUi `ytL †`‡L e¨w_Z n‡jb|)
(i)    She asked him whether he could give her any medicine to restore her dead child to life.(wZwb (gwnjv) Zvu‡K wRÁvmv Ki‡jb †h wZwb (ey×) Zv‡Ku Ggb †Kvb Jla w`‡Z cv‡i wKbv hv Zvi g„Z mbvZv‡bi Rxeb wdwi‡q w`‡Z cv‡i|)
(j)   He told her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where death had never entered.(wZwb Zv‡K Ggb M„n †_‡K GKgy‡Vv mwilv exR Avb‡Z ej‡jb †hLv‡b KL‡bv g„Zy¨ cÖ‡ek K‡iwb|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re write them in a paragraph
(a)  At the age of eleven he showed his poetic genius.(GMvi eQi eq‡m wZwb Zvui Kvwe¨K cÖwZfvi cwiPq w`‡qwQ‡jb|)
(b)  On his return from the battle field,he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.(hyׇ¶Î †_‡K wd‡i Avmvi ci wZwb Zievix Z¨vM K‡i Kjg ai‡jb Ges KweZv wjL‡Z ïi“ Ki‡jb|)
(c)   In 1914 When the first world War  broke out,he wanted to join the army.(1914 mv‡j hLb cÖ_g wek¦hy× msNwUZ nq,ZLb wZwb †mbvevwnbx‡Z †hvM`vb Ki‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(d)  Our national poet,Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 BS at churulia in Burdhwan.( Avgv‡`i RvZxq Kwe ea©gvb †Rjvi Pzi“wiqv MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(e)  He wrote a lot of poems,short stories,gagals,novels etc and travelled all the branches of Bengali literature.(wZwb A‡bK KweZv,Mvb,†QvUMí,MRj,Dcb¨vm BZ¨vw` iPbv K‡ib Ges evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i mKj kvLvq wePiY K‡ib|)
(f)   At last, at the age of nineteen he joined the army as an ordinary soldier on the side of the alliance.(Ewbk eq‡m wZwb mvaviY ˆmwbK wn‡m‡e †mbvevwnbx‡Z †hvM`vb K‡ib
(g)  His poems inspired our freedom fighters in the liberation war of Bangladesh.(Zvui KweZv evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbvZv msMÖv‡g gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Aby‡cÖiYv w`‡qwQj|)
(h)  His famous poem ‘ Bidrohi’ stirred the whole nation.(Zvui weL¨vZ KweZv Ôwe‡`ªvnxÕ mgMÖ RvwZ‡K bvov w`‡qwQj|)
(i)    He died on 29 Agust,1976.(wZwb 1976 mv‡ji 29 AvM÷ g„Zz¨eib K‡ib|)
(j)   Then he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet.

Correct information

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.             
(a)  Shakespeare composed both tragedies and comedies. (‡mK&ªwcqvi we‡qvMšÍK I wgjbvZœK Dfq cÖKvi bvUK iPbv K‡ib|)
(b)  In 1592, he became a member of the newly formed Lucre Chamberlains Company.(cieZ©x `yB eQ‡i wZwb Zvi `xN© KweZv Ô‡fbvm Ges G‡WvwbmÕGes Ô‡cvj Ae †jvKwiÕiPbv K‡ib|)
(c)   By 1592, he established himself as a dramatist of the age.(1592 mv‡ji w`‡K wZwb Zvui mg‡qi GKRb bvU¨Kvi wn‡m‡e wb‡R‡K cÖwZwôZ K‡ib|)
(d)  William Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets and dramatists of the world.(DBwjqvg †mK&&ªwcqvi c„w_exi Ab¨Zg GKRb †kªô Kwe Ges bvU¨Kvi wQ‡jb|)
(e)  Shakespeare was interested in the theatre and very soon he became an actor.(‡mK&ªwcqvi bvU‡K Lye AvMÖnx wQ‡jb Ges kªxNB wZwb GKRb Awf‡bZv n‡jb|)
(f)   He retired sometime before 1613 and died in 1616 in Paris.(wZwb 1613 mv‡ji wKQyw`b c~‡e© Aemi MÖnY K‡ib Ges 1616 mv‡j c¨vwi‡m g„Zy¨eiY K‡ib|)
(g)  He was ranked the greatest dramatist in 1598.(1598 mv‡ji g‡a¨ Zv‡K †kªô bvU¨Kv‡ii gh©v`vq AwawôZ Kiv n‡jv|)
(h)  His famous works are king Lear, Hamlet, Othello, Mac Beth, As you Like It, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s  Dream, The Merchant of Venice.(Zvi weL¨vZ Kg©¸wji----- g‡a¨   Ab¨Zg|)
(i)    In the next two years, Shakespeare wrote two long poems entitled: Venus and Adonis and Rape of Lucrace.(cieZ©x `yB eQi wZwb Zvi `ywU `xN© KweZv Ô‡fbvmÕGes G‡WvwbmÕGes Ô‡cvj Ae †jvKwiÕ iPbv K‡ib|)
(j)   He possessed property both in Stratford and in London.(wZwb ÷ªvU‡dvW Ges jÛb Dfq RvqMv‡Z m¤úwË AR©b K‡ib|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.                             
(a)  Socrates wrote nothing but the general method and tendency of his teaching are preserved in the Dialogues of Plato.(m‡µwUm wKQyB †j‡Lbwb wKš‘ Zvi wk¶v †`Iqvi mvavib Dcvq Ges cÖebZv †c­‡Uvi msjv‡ci g‡a¨ msiw¶Z|)
(b)  He devoted himself to the investigation of virtue that makes a good citizen.(wZwb ¸b AbymÜv‡b wb‡R‡K wb‡qvwRZ K‡iwQ‡jb hv GKRb fvj bvMwiK‡K cwiYZ K‡i|)
(c)   He was condemned by a narrow majority of judges, and sentenced to death by drinking a cup of hemlock.(wZwb msKxY©gbv msLvMwiô wePviK‡`i Øviv †`vlx mve¨¯Í n‡qwQ‡jb Ges Zv‡K GK ‡cqvjv †ngjK (wel) cvb Kwi‡q g„Zz¨`Ê †`Iqv n‡qwQj|)
(d) He was a man of uncouth appearance.(wZwb GKRb A™¢yZ †Pnvivi gvbyl wQ‡jb|)
(e) He interrogated those who had a reputation for wisdom and refuted them.
 (wZwb Zv‡`iB wRÁvmvev` Ki‡Zb hv‡`i Áv‡bi L¨vwZ Av‡Q Ges hyw³LÛb Ki‡Zb|)
(f)   Socrates was the greatest Greek Philosopher.(m‡µwUm me‡P‡q gnvb GKRb wMÖK `vk©wbK wQ‡jb|)
(g)  When the sentence was pronounced he said to the judge, “Now I’m going to die and you to live. But only God knows which is better.”(hLb g„Zz¨`Ê †Nvlbv Kiv n‡jv ZLb wZwb wePviK‡`i ej‡jb, ÒGLb Avwg gi‡Z hvw”Q Avi †Zvgiv †e‡uP _vK‡e|wKš‘ Ck¦i Rv‡bb †KvbUv fvj|Ó
(h)  He was married to Xanthippe, who had a reputation of being scold.(Zvi we‡q n‡qwQj †Rbw_wci mv‡_ †h Zv‡K cÖvqB Zxeª fvlvq Zxi¯‹vi KiZ|)
(i)    He thus made enemies and was finally accused of impiety.
(Gfv‡eB Zvi A‡bK kÎ ˆZix n‡jv Ges P~ovšÍfv‡e Zv‡K Aavw©gKZvi Rb¨ †`vlx mve¨¯Í Kiv n‡jv|)
(j)   He frequented public places and conversed with all and sundry. 
(wZwb †jvK mgvM‡g Ny‡i †eov‡Zb Ges mK‡ji mv‡_B K_v ej‡Zb|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.    
(a)  He was called the “Father of Biology.” Because of his creativity.(Zvi m„RbkxjZvi Kvi‡Y Zvu‡K ÔRxeweÁv‡bi RbKÕ ejv nq|)
(b)  ‘Politics’ is one of his famous books where we get the fullest development of his wisdom.(ÔcwjwU·Õ Zvui Ab¨Zg weL¨vZ MÖš’,†hLv‡b Avgiv Zvui Áv‡bi cwic~Y© weKvk †`L‡Z  cvB|)
(c)   Aristotle was born in Greece.(Gwi÷Uj MÖx‡m Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib)
(d)  He also wrote books on literature, Biology, Economics and Comparative Politics.(wZwb mvwnZ¨,RxeweÁvb,A_©bxwZ Ges Zzjbvg~jK ivRbxwZi Dci I eû MÖš’ iPbv K‡ib|)
(e)  He wanted to be a free thinker.(wZwb gy³ wPšÍvi AwaKvix n‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(f)   His father wanted him to be a physician but he never cherished to be so.(Zvi wcZv †P‡qwQ‡jb †m wPwKrmK †nvK|)Zwb gy³ wPšÍvi AwaKvix n‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)~jK ivRbxwZi Dci I eû MÖš’ iPbv K‡ib|)
(g) As a result, from his childhood, he studied under a great free thinker Plato.(d‡j ˆkke †_‡KB wZwb gnvb gy³wPšÍvwe`  †c­‡Uvi Aax‡b wk¶v jvf K‡ib|)
(h)  He was a son of a Royal Physician.(wZwb ivR wPwKrm‡Ki cyÎ wQ‡jb|)
(i)    Aristotle achieving his academic qualifications took the pen to write on different topics suitable for human civilization.(Gwi÷Uj cÖvwZôvwbK wk¶v AR©b K‡i gvbemf¨Zvi Rb¨ fvj wKQy wjL‡Z Kjg Zz‡j wb‡jb|)
(j)   Plato taught Aristotle according to his own way.
(‡c­‡Uv Gwi÷Uj‡K Zvui wb‡Ri gZ K‡i wk¶v w`‡jb|)    

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.
(a)  There he saw a spider trying to reach the ceiling with the help of its silken thread to complete the cobweb.(wZwb †`L‡Z †c‡jb GKwU gvKomv Zvi Rvj †evbv †kl Kivi Rb¨ Qv‡` hvIqvi †Póv Ki‡Qb|)
(b)  Bruce observed that the spider came out successful in its twentieth attempt.(eª“m j¶¨ Ki‡jb gvKomvwU Zvi 12 Zg †Póvq K…ZKvh© nb|)
(c)   The greedy king of England attacked Scotland to grab his territory.
(Bsj¨v‡Ûi †jvfx ivRv Zvi ivR¨ ¯KUj¨vÛ‡K MÖvm Kivi Rb¨ Avµgb K‡ib|)
(d)  Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland.(ievU eª“m ¯‹Uj¨v‡Ûi ivRv wQ‡jb|)
(e)  He saw a ray of hope from the struggle and thought that if the spider did not accept defeat why should he?(G hy× †_‡K GKUv Avkvi Av‡jv †`L‡Z cvb Ges wPšÍv Ki‡jb hw` gvKomv civRq eiY bv  K‡i,Z‡e wZwb Ki‡eb †Kb?)
(f)   He regained over the country well and his subjects were happy under his rule.
(wZwb fv‡jvfv‡e †`k Pvjv‡Zb Ges Zvi cÖRviv my‡L kvwšÍ‡Z iv‡R¨ evm KiZ|)
(g)  Filled with new hope he brought together his scattered forces and finally succeeded in defeating his enemies.(bZzb Avkvq D¾xweZ n‡q wZwb G‡jv‡g‡jv ˆmb¨‡`i GKwÎZ K‡ib Ges kµ‡`i civwRZ Ki‡Z m¶g nb|)
(h)  He tried his best to uphold the independence but fortune did not smile upon him.
(wZwb ¯^vaxbvZv‡K mygbœZ ivLvi Rb¨ h_vmva¨ †Póv K‡ib Ges kµ‡`i civwRZ Ki‡Z m¶g nb|)
(i)    After repeated defeats, he has to take shelter in a lonely cave.
(evi evi civwRZ n‡q wZwb GK wb©Rb ¸nvq Zv‡K Avkªq wb‡Z nq|)
(j)   The spider tried again and again to go up but dropped down every time,Still it went on trying.  (gvKomv Dc‡i †h‡Z evievi †Póv Kij wKš‘ cÖwZeviB bx‡P c‡o †Mj| Zv m‡Z¡I †m †Póv Ki‡Z jvMj|)

Correct information

Rearrange the flowing sentences according to sequence.
(a)  He was given a job in the civil in 1983.(1883 mv‡j wmwfj mvwf©‡m GKwU PvKzix ‡`Iqv n‡qwQj|) 
(b)  He was educated at Howkshead Gramar school St John’s College Cambridge.
(wZwb nK‡kW MÖvgvi ¯‹z‡j Ges †m›U Rbm K‡j‡R wk¶v jvf K‡ib|)
(c)   William Wordsworth a romantic poet was born on April, 1770 at Cockermouth, Cumberland.(GKRb †ivgvw›UK Kwe DBwjqvg Iq©vWmIqv_© 1770 mv‡j Kvgevij¨v‡Ûi KKvigvD‡›U Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(d) After 1810, his literary life marked the beginning of a decline and he died on April 23, 1850 at the age of eighty. (1810 mv‡ji c‡i Zvi Kvwe¨K cÖwZfv n«vm †c‡Z ïi“ K‡i Ges 1850 mv‡ji 23 GwcÖj 80 eQi eq‡m wZwb g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|)
(e) He went to France and lived there for a year.(wZwb d«v‡Ý hvb Ges †mLv‡b GKeQi wQ‡jb|)
(f) He became a friend of S.T. Coleridge who was his contemporary.
(wZwb Zvui mgmvgwqK Gm.wU.†Kvjwi‡Ri eÜz n‡qwQ‡jb|)
(g)Wordsworth began his literary life with Coleridge and his sister Dorothy.
(Iqv©WmIqv©_ Zvi Kvwe¨K Rxeb ïi“ K‡iwQ‡jb †KvjwiR Ges Zvi †evb W‡ivw_i mv‡_|)
(h)  They jointly published Lyrical Ballads in 1798.
(Zvuiv 1798 mv‡j †hŠ_fv‡e ÔwjwiK¨vj e¨vjvWmÕcÖKvk K‡ib|)
(i)    The later part of his life was prosperous and peaceful.
(Zvui Rxe‡bi cieZx© mgq wQj mg„×kvjx I kvwšÍc~Y©|)
(j)   He also received honourary degree from Durham and oxford University in 1833 and 1839 respectively.(wZwb h_vµ‡g 1833 mv‡j Wvinvg Ges 1839 mv‡j AK&&ª‡dvW© wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡Km¤§vbm~PK wWMÖx jvf K‡ib|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)  During the time when he was president of  America, a civil took war took place.
 (wZwb hLb Av‡gwiKvi †cÖwm‡W›U n‡qwQ‡jb ZLb GKwU M„nhy× n‡qwQj|)
(b)  He rose from humble origin.(wZwb nZ`wi`ª cwievi †_‡K D‡V G‡mwQ‡jb|)
(c)   As a man he was very simple and kind.(kvbyl wn‡m‡e wZwb AZ¨šÍ mij I `qvjy|)
(d)  He was always in favour of the slaves.(wZwb `vm‡`i c‡¶ wQ‡jb|)
(e)  It began in 1861 and continued for more than four years.
(GUv 1861 mv‡j ïi“ n‡qwQj GKs Pvi eQ‡ii I ‡ekx mgq a‡i P‡jwQj|)
(f)   Abraham Lincoln was among the greatest presidents of the United States of America.(Aveªvnvg wjsKb hy³iv‡ói ‡cÖwm‡W›U‡`i g‡a¨ me‡P‡q weL¨vZ wQ‡jb|)
(g)  The civil war occurred over the questions of slavery.(`vm‡Z¡i cÖ‡kœ M„nhy× msNwUZ n‡qwQj|)
(h)  He was born in 1809.(wjsKb 1809 mv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(i)    There were many Negro slaves in America in those days.
(‡mB mgq Av‡gwiKvq A‡bK wb‡MÖv `vm wQj|)
(j)   He became great by his own efforts and perseverance.
(wjsKb wb‡Ri cÖ‡Póv Ges Aa¨emv‡qi Øviv weL¨vZ n‡qwQ‡jb|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)    He completed his secondary education from a high school in Aarau.(wZwb AvivD D”P we`¨vjq †_‡K Zviu gva¨wgK  wk¶v m¤úbœ K‡ib|)
(b)    For the next couple of years,he taught mathmatics and physics in a secondary school.(cieZ©x K‡qK eQi wZwb gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q MwYZ I c`v_© wel‡q wk¶v`vb K‡ib|)
(c)    He obtained Ph.D degree from the University of Zurich.(RywiL wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K wZwb wc.GBP.wW wWMÖx AR©b K‡ib|)
(d)    In 1922,Einstein obtained Nobel Prize in Physics.(1922 mv‡j wZwb c`v©‡_ †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvb|)
(e)    Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879.(Avjev©U AvBb÷vBb  1879 mv‡j Rvgv©bx‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(f)     He got admitted in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 1896.(1896 mv‡j wZwb myBm †dWv‡ij Bbw÷wUDU Af †UK‡bvjwR‡Z fwZ© nb|)
(g)    His father was a businessman.(Zviu wcZv wQ‡jb GKRb e¨emvqx|)
(h)    He received a regular appointment at the University of Zurich.(RywiL wek¦we`¨vj‡q wZwb mnKvix wn‡m‡e ¯’vqx c` cvb|)
(i)     When the business failed,they moved to Millan.(hLb e¨emv _ye‡o c‡o ZLb Zviuv wgjv‡b P‡j hvb|)
(j)     He graduated in 1900.(wZwb 1900 mv‡j m¤§vb wWMÖx jvf K‡ib|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)    He was tired of rulling his kingdom.(wZwb Zvui ivR¨ kvmb Ki‡Z Ki‡Z K¬všÍ n‡q co‡jb|
(b)    Their names were Goneril,Regan and Cordelia.(Zvu‡`i bvg wQj M‡bwij,wi‡Mb Ges K‡W©wjqv|)
(c)    He needed peace and rest.(Zviu kvwšÍ Ges wekªv‡gi cÖ‡qvRb wQj|)
(d)    Now Lear was a very old man.(GLb wjqvi GKRb Lye e„× gvbyl|)
(e)    Long ago King Lear was rulling Britain. (A‡bK Av‡M wjqvi e„‡Ub kvmb Ki‡Zb|)
(f)     He was over eighty years old.(Zvui eqm Avwk eQ‡ii Dc‡i|)
(g)    King Lear had three daughters.(wKs wjqv‡ii wZb †g‡q wQj|)
(h)    So he made up his mind to give up his throne and to divide his kingdom among his thre daugtehrs.(ZvB wZwb Zviu wmsnvmb †Q‡o †`Iqvi wmØvšÍ wb‡jb Ges Zvi wZb †g‡qi gv‡S Zvi ivR¨ fvM K‡i †`Iqvi Rb¨ gbw¯’i Kij|)
(i)     But first he wanted to know much they love him.(wKšÍ Zviv Zvu‡K KZUzKz fvjev‡m cÖ_‡g Zv wZwb Rvb‡Z PvB‡jb|)
(j)     At first Lear asked his eldest daughter Goneril how much she loved him.(cÖ_‡g wjqvi Zvi eo †g‡q M‡bwij‡K wRÁvmv Ki‡jb †h ‡m Zvu‡K KZUzKz fvjev‡m|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re-write them in a paragraph:
(a)    A world’s fair was held in Paris.(c¨vwi‡m GKwU wek¦ †gjv AbywôZ n‡qwQj|)
(b)    The Tower was completed in March in 1889.(UvIqviwU 1889 mv‡ji gvP© gv‡m m¤úbœ n‡qwQj|)
(c)    He had his education in Engineering.(wZwb cÖ‡KŠkjx‡Z wk¶v jvf K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(d)    It is still regarded as one of the wonders of the world.(GwU GLbI we‡k¦i we¯§q¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq|)
(e)    Gustave made plans of dame,factories,stations and structures of big size construction.(¸¯Íve evau,d¨v±ix,†÷kb Ges eo eo wbgv©‡Yi KvVv‡gv cwiKíbv Ki‡Zb|)
(f)     Million of people visit the tower every year.(j¶,j¶ gvbyl cÖwZ eQi G UvIqviwU cwi`k©b K‡i|)
(g)    Gastave proposed a 989 feet high tower of Iron as a symbol of exhibition and a lot of people worked on it for two years.(¸¯Íve cÖ`©kwbi †gjvi cÖZxK wn‡m‡e 989 dzU †jvnvi UvIqv‡ii cÖ¯Íve K‡ib Ges A‡bK †jvK `yB eQi a‡i G‡Z KvR K‡ib|)
(h)    He comes of a rich family.(wZwb abx cwievi †_‡K G‡m‡Qb|)
(i)     He used to work for a railway construction company.(wZwb GKwU †ij c_ wbg©vY †Kv¤úvbx‡Z KvR Ki‡Zb|)
(j)     The Eiffel Tower was named after Gustave Eiffel.(¸¯Íve AvB‡d‡ji bvgvbymv‡i AvB‡dj UvIqv‡ii bvgKiY Kiv nq|)

Correct information

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:                                                                                                                             
(a)    During his stay he received an unpaid letter from his friend,which contained nothing but some words.(‡mLv‡b Ae¯’vbKv‡j wZwb Zvi GK eÜzi wbKU †_‡K WvKgvïj cwi‡kva bv Kiv GKwU wPwV †c‡jb,wPwV‡Z K‡qKwU kã Qvov Avi †Kvb wKQyB wQj bv|)
(b)    The poet had to pay double postage,so he became very annoyed.(Kwe‡K wØMyb WvKgvïj cwi‡kva Ki‡Z n‡qwQj,ZvB wZwb AZ¨šÍ ivMvwš^Z n‡jb|)
(c)    So he procured a heavy stone and packed it up in a fine box.(ZvB wZwb GKwU fvix cv_i msMÖn Ki‡jb Ges GKUv my›`i ev‡· XyKv‡jb|)
(d)    He friend thought that the contents of the parcel were valuable,so he paid the heavy charge for carrying.(Zviu eÜz fve‡jb †h GB Wv‡K g~j¨evb wKQy _vK‡Z cv‡i GRb¨ wZwb †gvUv As‡¼i WvKgvkyj cwi‡kva Ki‡jb|)
(e)    To his utter surprise he found nothing but an ordinary stone.(wKšÍ AZ¨šÍ cwiZv‡ci welq †h †m G‡Z GKwU mvaviY GKwU cv_i Qvov wKQyB †cj bv|)
(f)     An English poet was staying in Italy for the benefit of his health.(GK Bs‡iR Kwe Zviu ¯^v‡¯’¨i DbœwZi Rb¨ BUvwj‡Z Ae¯’vb KiwQ‡jb|)
(g)    Then he sent it to his friend with the words on it “ Carriage to be paid on delivery.”(ZLb wZwb GUv Zvi eÜzi wbKU cvVv‡jb Zv‡Z †jLv wQj ÒWvKgvïj cwi‡kva K‡i wb‡Z n‡e|Ó)
(h)    With a great hope in mind he opened the box.(wZwb g‡b eo Avkv wb‡q ev·wU Lyj‡jb|)
(i)     He wanted to teach his friend a good lesson.(wZwb Zvi eÜz‡K GKwU Dchy³ wk¶v w`‡Z PvB‡jb|)
(j)     Thus he poet taught his friend a good lesson.(Gfv‡e Kwe Zvi eÜz‡K Dchy³ wk¶v w`‡jb|)

Correct information

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:                                                                                                                            
(a)    The wise man pointed to him and said, “This is an honest man.”(Ávbx e¨w³ Zvi w`‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡jb Ges ej‡jb, Ò GwU GKRb mr e¨w³|Ó)
(b)    If they had danced,their pockets would have juggled.(hw` Zviv bvPZ,Zv‡`i c‡KU SbSb kã KiZ|)
(c)    All the people blushed and refused to dance except one who danced cheerfully and well.(cÖ‡Z¨‡KB j¾v †cj Ges bvP‡Z A¯^xK…Z Rvbvj †KejgvÎ GKRb e¨w³ †h wKbv fv‡jvfv‡e Ges Drdzj­g‡b bvPj|)
(d)    The Sultan was sitting on the throne.o dance except one who danced cheerfully and w(myjZvb wmsnvm‡b e‡mwQ‡jb|)
(e)    So they refused to dance.(ZvB Zviv bvP‡Z A¯^xK…Z Rvbvj|)
(f)     As soon as the applications were assembled before the throne the Sultan said, “Gentlemen, I would like you to dance.”(‡hBgvÎ `iLv¯ÍKvixiv wmsnvm‡bi mvg‡b mw¤§wjZ n‡jv,myjZvb ej‡jb, Ò Avwg †Zvgv‡`i bvP †`L‡Z PvB|Ó)
(g)    How did he know?(wZwb wKfv‡e Rvbv‡jb?)
(h)    All dishonest men failed their pockets with the money when they were passing through to the Sultan.(myjZv‡bi wbKU hvIqvi mgq cÖ‡Z¨K Amr e¨w³B UvKv w`‡q Zv‡`i c‡KU fwZ© Kij|)
(i)     He had placed sacks of money in the corridor.(wZwb eviv›`vq _‡j fwZ© UvKv ivL‡jb|)
(j)     The wiseman was also sitting near him.(Ávbx e¨w³ I Zvi cv‡k e‡mwQ‡jb|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re write them in a paragraph.
(a)   He showed extra ordinary credit in every examination of the school.(wZwb ¯‹z‡ji cÖwZwU cix¶vq  AmvaviY K…wZZ¡ †`wL‡q‡Qb|)
(b)   He has great contribution to the scientific research of Bangladesh.(evsjv‡`‡ki ‰eÁvwbK M‡elYvq Zviu weivU Ae`vb i‡q‡Q|)
(c)   Extra-ordinary meritorious Dr. Kudrat E-Khuda was born in 8 th May,at village Margra in the district of Birbhum in West Bengal in 1900 A.D.(AmvaviY †gavex Wt Kz`ivZ-B-Ly`v 1900 mv‡ji 8 †g cwðge‡½i exif~g †Rjvi gviMÖv MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(d)   In 1925 getting star marks he passed M.Sc in chemistry from Kolkata University.((1925 mv‡j †KvjKvZv wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K ÷vi gvK©m mn imvqb we`¨vq Gg.Gm,wm wWMÖx jvf K‡ib|)
(e)   He died on 3 November in 1977.(wZwb 1977 mv‡ji 3 b‡f¤^i gviv hvb|)
(f)    His father Hazrat Shah Abdul Mukit was a pious man and his moterh Fashia Khatun was also a pious  woman.(Zvui wcZv nhiZ kvn Ave`yj gywKZ wQ‡jb GKRb avwg©K †jvK Ges Zvui gv dvwmnv LvZzb I wQ‡jb GKRb avwg©K gwnjv|)
(g)   In 1929 he passed D.Sc from Imperial College in England.(wZwb 1929 mv‡j Bsj¨v‡Ûi B‡¤úwiqvj K‡jR †_‡K wW.Gm.wm wWMÖx jvf K‡ib|)
(h)   At the age of six he was admitted in a Furkania Madrasha and then he admitted in a English school.(hLb Zvui eqm Qq,ZLb wZwb dziKvwbqv gv`ªvmvq Ges Zvi ci Bs‡iwR ¯‹z‡j fwZ© n‡qwQ‡jb|)
(i)    He made great plan to give the new structure of education system.((wk¶ve¨e¯’vi bZzb Kv‡Vvgv cÖe©Zb Ki‡Z wZwb GK gnvcwiKíbv cÖYqb K‡iwQ‡jb|)
(j)    In 1953 he was appointed Chairman of Secondary Education Board.(1953 mv‡j wZwb gva¨wgK wk¶v‡ev‡W©i †Pq¨vig¨vb wbhy³ nb|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re write them in a paragraph
(a)   In his young age,Ibn Sina came in contact with the philosopher, scientist, mathematician and astrologer of that nature.(hyeK eq‡m Be‡b wmbv wewfbœ `vk©wbK,weÁvbx,MwbZwe` Ges †R¨vwZwe©Ávbx‡`i ms¯ú‡k© Av‡mb|)
(b)   Sultan Mahmud,the king of Gajni,invited him to the royal court.(MRwbi ivRv myjZvb gvngy` Zv‡K ivR`iev‡i Avgš¿b Rvbvb|)
(c)   Ibn Sina is called the prince of medical science.(Be‡b wmbv‡K wPwKrmvweÁv‡bi RbK ejv nq|)
(d)   Ibn Sina was born in 985 in Bukhara,in Iran.(Be‡b wmbv 985 mv‡j mv‡j Biv‡bi eyLiv‡Z Rb¥Mªnb K‡ib|)
(e)   The then State Government was acquainted with his fame.(ZrKvjxb miKvi Zvui L¨vwZ m¤ú‡K© AeMZ n‡jb|)
(f)    ‘Al Beroni’ Abu Shehol, Jurjani were among them.(Avj †ei“bx,Avj wknj,RyRv©wb wQ‡jb Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg|)
(g)   His ‘ Kanoon’is the best recited book in the medical science.(Zvui Kvbyb eBwU wPwKrmv weÁv‡bi me©vwaK cwVZ eB|)
(h)   In his childhood his name and fame became famous all over the Persia Gulf area.(‰kkeKv‡jB cvi‡m¨i DcK~jeZx© GjvKvq Zvi mybvg I L¨vwZ Qwo‡q c‡o|)
(i)    His full name was Abu Ali Sina.(Zvui cy‡iv bvg wQj Aveyj Avjx wmbv|)
(j)    His renown as a physician spread all places in his early age.(cÖ_g Rxe‡bB wPwKrmK wn‡m‡e Zvi mybvg me©ÎB Qwo‡q c‡o|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.    
(a)  Now.Dr Sen is a philosopher of welfare economics.(GLb W †mb Kj¨vYgyLx A_©bxwZi `vk©wbK|)
(b)  He is the founder of welfare economics which touches the lives of the poorest people of the society.(wZwb Kj¨vYgyLx A_©bxwZi cÖwZôvZv hv mgv‡Ri AwZ `wi`ª gvby‡li Rxeb‡K ¯úk© K‡i|)
(c)   Finally he became the professor of Trinty College,Cambridge in 1977.(Ae‡k‡l wZwb 1977 mv‡j wZwb K¨vgweª‡Ri wUªwbwU K‡j‡Ri Aa¨vcK nb|)
(d)  His parents were Dr Ashutos Sen and Amita Sen both were ardent followers of Rabindranath.(Zvui evev wQ‡jb Avï‡Zvl †mb Ges gv wQ‡jb AwgZv †mb|)
(e)  He wrote many books on welfare economics of which economics inequality and poverty and famines are famous.(wZwb Kj¨vYygLx A_©bxwZi Dci A‡bK eB wj‡L‡Qb hvi g‡a¨ ÔA_©‰bwZK ˆelg¨ Ges `vwi`ª Ges `ywf©¶Õ n‡”Q weL¨vZ|)
(f)   Amarta Sen was born in Dhaka,in November 1993.(AgZ¨© †mb 1993 mv‡j b‡f¤^‡i XvKvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(g)  At first he was admitted to St.Gregory’s School in Dhaka.Then he had his education from Shantineketon and next in Presidency College and finally at Cambridge.(Zv‡K cÖ_‡g XvKvi †m›U †MÖMix ¯‹z‡j fwZ© Kiv nq|Zvici wZwb kvwšÍ wb‡KZ‡b,cieZx©‡Z †cÖwm‡WÝx K‡j‡R Ges †k‡l K¨vgweªR †_‡K wk¶vMÖnY K‡ib|)
(h)  He was the first Asian winner of Nobel prize in Economics awarded in 1998.(1998 mv‡j Zv‡K cÖ_g Gkxq wn‡m‡e A_©bxwZ‡Z †bv‡ej cyi¯‹v‡i cyi¯‹…Z n‡qwQj|)
(i)    Later he thought at Delhi University and next in London School of economics at Oxford.
(cieZ©x‡Z wZwb w`j­x wek¦we`¨vjq Ges A·v‡dv‡W©i jÛb ¯‹yj Af BK‡bvwg· G wk¶v w`‡Zb|)
(j)   Back to India he became the Head of Economics Department of Jadavpur University.(fvi‡Z wd‡i wZwb hv`ecyi wek¦we`¨v|)`¨vjq Ges A·v‡dv‡W©i j‡q A_©bxwZ wefv‡Mi cªavb n‡qwQ‡jb|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and re write them in a paragraph
(a)  Now the sun’s turn, and he shone brightly with rays so scorching heat soon.The traveler took of his cloth.(Gevi m~‡h©i cvjv Ges †m Ggb cÖLi Zvc wewKiY Kij †h cw_K Ngv©³ nj Ges&Ae‡k‡l Zvi Avj‡Lj­v Ly‡j †djj|)
(b)  A traveller was passing by.(GK cw_K †n‡uU hvw”Qj|)
(c)   As neither would yield to other, they agreed to have contest to prove their strength.(‡h‡nZz †KD Kv‡iv K_vq ivwR bv nIqvq cÖwZ‡hvMxZvi gva¨‡g Zv‡`i kw³ cix¶v‡Z ivwR nj|)
(d)  He who would take off the traveller’s clothes would be  held as the winner of the contest.(‡h cw_‡Ki Mv‡qi Avj‡Lj­vwU Ly‡j †dj‡Z cvi‡e,†mB cÖwZ‡hvMxZvq Rqjvf Ki‡e|)
(e)  The poor traveller shivered and wrapped the cloth round him as closely as possible.(‡ePviv cw_K kxZ Abyfe Kivq Zvi Mv‡qi Avj‡Lj­vwU hZ`~i m¤¢e Mv‡q Rwo‡q wbj|)
(f)   Once upon a time,the sun and the wind had a quarrel.(GK`v m~h© I evZv‡mi g‡a¨ SMov nj|)
(g)  They decided to try their strength on him.(Zviuv Zv‡`i kw³ cix¶vq wm×všÍ MÖnY Kij|)
(h)  Each boasted that he was more powerful than the other.(cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Me© Kij †h,†m A‡b¨i †P‡q †ekx kw³kvjx)
(i)    He caused to blow a cold blast and then brought down a showed of rain.(Ggb †Rv‡i evZvm eBj hvi d‡j e„wó nj|)
(j)   The wind had the first chance.(cÖ_g cvjv wQj evZv‡mi)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.     
(a)  He established Bengali in the history of the world.(wZwb we‡k¦i BwZnv‡m evsjvfvlv‡K cÖwZwôZ K‡ib|)
(b)  He achieved Nobel Prize in 1913 for the ‘Gitanjali’(wZwb 1913 mv‡j MxZvÄjxi Rb¨ †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvb|)
(c)   He was born in 1861 in Kolkhata in Jorasako Tagore family.(wZwb 1861 mv‡j KjKvZvi †Rvovmv‡uKvi VvKzi evwo‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(d)  Rabindranath was one of the greatest poets in the world.(iex›`ªbv_ wQ‡jb we‡k¦i †kªô Kwe‡`i GKRb|)
(e)  His name will remain alive so long as Bengali will have existence.(evsjvfvlv hZw`b _vK‡e,iex›`ªbv‡_i bvgI ZZw`b _vK‡e|)
(f)   He breathed his last on 9th Agust, 1941.(1941 mv‡ji 7 AvM÷ wZwb ci‡jvK Mgb K‡ib|)
(g)  He composed our National Anthem “Amar Sonar Bangla.”(Avgv‡`i RvZxq m½xZ ÔAvgvi †mvbvi evsjv ÕwZwb wj‡L‡Qb|)
(h)  He was also a Philosopher, musician, novelist, and short story.(wZwb GKRb `vk©wbK,m½xZÁ,Jcb¨vwmK Ges †QvU Mí †jLK I wQ‡jb|)
(i)    He is the pride of our literature.(wZwb Avgv‡`i mvwn‡Z¨i ‡MŠie|)
(j)   He was a great teacher.  (wZwb GKRb gnvb wk¶K wQ‡jb|)

Correct information

Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.
(a)  She wrote many books like Padmarage,Motichur etc.(wZwb A‡bK eB †j‡Lb †hgb cÙivM,gwZPzi BZ¨vw`)
(b)  She was born in 1810 in Rangpur.(wZwb 1880 mv‡j iscy‡i Rb¥MÖnb K‡ib|)
(c)   She wanted to break the chain of keeping inside home.(N‡ii wfZ‡ii †Pqvi wZwb †f‡½ †dj‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(d)  Being educated,she worked women folk.(wkw¶Z n‡q wZwb bvix RvwZi Rb¨ KvR K‡ib|)
(e)  Begum Rokeya was the pioneer for the woman to come out.(gwnjv‡`i N‡ii evB‡i Avbvi Rb¨ †eMg †iv‡Kqv AMÖ`~Z|)
(f)   Her husband Sakhawat Hossain encouraged her to do so.(Zvui ¯^vgx mvLvIqvZ †nv‡mb Zvu‡K Zv Ki‡Z DrmvwnZ K‡ib|)
(g)  Begum Rokeya fought against all superstitions.(‡eMg †iv‡Kqv mKj Kzms¯‹v‡ii wei“‡× msMÖvg K‡ib|)
(h)  She died in 1932.(wZwb 1932 mv‡j gviv hvb|)
(i)    She worked social welfare till death.(wZwb Avg„Zz¨ mgv‡Ri Rb¨ KvR K‡i †M‡Qb|)
(j)   She set up many schools for the girls specially.(wZwb A‡bK ¯‹zj cÖwZôv K‡ib we‡kl K‡i †g‡q‡`i Rb¨ D¤§y³|)


Re-arrange the following sentences according to the sequences and re-write them in a paragraph.                                                           
(a)  In 1805 Alfred Nobel joined in his father’s company.(1850 mv‡j Avj‡d«W †bv‡ej Zvui evevi †Kv¤úvbx‡Z †hvM`vb K‡ib|)
(b)  He was an engineer and chemist.(wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb cÖ‡KŠkjx Ges imvqbwe`)
(c)   The Nobel Prize has been being given since 1901.(1901 mvj †_‡K †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi †`Iqv nq|)
(d)  He earned a lot of money from his dynamite business.(wZwb Zvui wWbvgvBU e¨emv †_‡K cÖPzi A_© Avq K‡ib|)
(e)  This award was named after Alfred Nobel and it was called ‘Nobel Prize’.(G cyi¯‹v‡ii bvgKiY Kiv Avj‡d«W †bv‡e‡ji bvg Abymv‡i Ges GUv‡K ejv nq Ô †bv‡ej cyi¯‹viÕ|)
(f)   Alfred Nobel was born on October 2, 1833 at Stockholm, Sweden.(Wt Avj‡d«W †bv‡ej 1833 mv‡j 21 A‡±vei myB‡W‡bi ÷K‡nv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|
(g)  He had ammunition business at Leningrad.(‡jwjbMÖv‡` Zvui A¯¿ e¨emv wQj|)
(h)  After some years Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.(K‡qK eQi ci Avj‡d«W †bv‡ej wWbvgvBU Avwe¯‹vi K‡ib|)
(i)    He undertook a plan to give a reward for encouraging the creative work and for setting up peace in the world.(we‡k¦i kvwšÍ cÖwZôvq m„Rbkxj KvR‡K DrmvwnZ Kivi Rb¨ wZwb GKwU cyi¯‹vi †`qvi cwiKíbv Ki‡jb|)
(j)   His father Emanuel Nobel was an architect and researcher.
(Zvui evev Bgvby‡qj †bv‡ej wQ‡jb GKRb ¯’cwZ Ges M‡elK|)

Correct information

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:                                                                                                                            
(a) One of  them stared pecking the dog’s tail. (Zv‡`i GKwU KzKz‡ii †j‡R †VvKi w`‡Z jvMj|)
(b  Both the crow went near the dog.(Dfq KvKB KzKz‡ii Kv‡Q †Mj|)
(c) The dog dropped the bone and looked at the crow.(KzKziwU gvs‡mi nv‡oi UzKiv †d‡j w`j Ges Kv‡Ki w`‡K ZvKvj)
(d ) Once a dog was eating a bony piece of meat under a tree.(GK`v GK KzKzi GKwU Mv‡Qi wb‡P e‡m GK UzKziv nvohy³ gvsm Lvw”Qj|)
(e) The dog not only felt disturbed but also became angry.(KzKziwU †Kej wei³B nj bv ivMvwš^Z I nj|
(f) It flew away and after some time returned with another crow.(GwU D‡o †Mj Ges wKQy¶Y ci Av‡iKwU KvK‡K mv‡_ wb‡q wd‡i Gj|)
(g) A crow saw him and wished to eat that.(GKwU KvK Zv‡K †`Lj Ges Dnv †L‡Z PvBj|)
(h) In the mean time the other crow flew away with the bone.(BwZg‡a¨ Aci KvKwU nvohy³ gvsmwU wb‡q D‡o †Mj|)
(i) This make him sad and helpless.(GUv Zv‡K `ytwLZ Ges Amnvq K‡i Zzjj|)
(j) The dog ran after the crow but in vain.(KzKiwU Kv‡Ki wcQ‡b QyUj wKšÍ meB e„_v|)

Sentence order

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:                                                                                                                            
(a)  A number of people applied for the job.(eû msL¨K †jvK c`wUi Rb¨ `iLv¯Í K‡iwQj|)
(b)  Once there lived a sultan in a country.(GK †`‡k GK myjZvb evm Ki‡Zb|)
(c)   They came through a passage where gold coins were kept.(¯^Y©gy`ªv ivLv GKwU Mwjc_ w`‡q Zviv G‡mwQj|)
(d)  Then he found the desired man.(AZci wZwb Zvi Kvw¼Z †jvKwU †c‡jb|)
(e)  When all arrived, the sultan asked them to dance.(hLb me cÖv_x© nvwRi n‡jv myjZvb Zv‡`i‡K bvP‡Z ej‡jb|)
(f)   He wanted to appoint an honest man as his tax collector.(wZwb Ki Av`v‡qi Rb¨ GKRb mr ‡jvK wb‡qvM Ki‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb|)
(g)  All the applicants blushed and refused except one.(GKRb Qvov Ab¨me cÖv_x© jw¾Z nj Ges A¯^xKvi Kij|)
(h)  The applicants were asked to meet the sultan one by one.(cÖv_©x‡`i GKRb GKRb K‡i myjZv‡bi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z ejv n‡qwQj|)
(i)    So he asked for the wise counselor’s advice.(myZivs wZwb weÁ Dc‡`óvi Dc‡`k PvB‡jb|)
(j)   Then he invited applications.(Zvici wZwb `iLv¯Í Avnevb Ki‡jb|)

Correct information

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:                                                                                                                             
(a)    Edison created  his first invention,an electric volt-recorder,when he was only twenty years old.(gvÎ 21 eQi eq‡m GwWmb cÖ_g B‡jKwUªK †fvU †iKW©vi Avwe¯‹vi K‡ib|)
(b)    After that Edison concentrated  on inventing objects that his expected would be readily marketable.(Gici GwWmb Ggb me eû MÖš’ Avwe¯‹v‡i g‡bvwb‡ek K‡ib †h¸‡jv Zvr¶wbKfv‡e evRviRvZ Kiv nq|)
(c)    The inventions made Edison both famous and rich.(Avwe¯‹vi¸‡jv GwWmb‡K weL¨vZ I abx K‡i Zzjj|)
(d)    He died in West Orange ,New Jersy in 1931.(1931 mv‡j wbD Rvwm©i I‡q÷ A‡i‡Ä wZwb g„Zz¨ eiY K‡ib|)
(e)    Tomas Alva Edison,the great American inventor,was born in the town of Millan,Ohio in 1847.
(f)     His school master considered him retarded.(Zvi ¯‹zj wk¶K Zv‡K cÖwZe›×x g‡b Ki‡Zb|
(g)    It did not sell welll.(GUv fvj wewµ nj bv|)
(h)    He had only threee months of formal education during his boyhood.(‰kk‡e wZwb gvÎ wZb gv‡mi AvbyôvwbK wk¶v jvf K‡ib| )
(i)     For most of his life,Edison suffered from seriously impaired hearing.(Rxe‡bi AwaKvsk mgq GwWmb gvivZ¡Kfv‡e `ye©j kªe‡Yw›`ª‡qi mgm¨vq †fv‡Mb|)
(j)     He made a series of very useful inventions.(wZwb avivevwnKfv‡e A‡bK DcKvix e¯‘ Avwe¯‹vi K‡ib|)

Sentence order

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:                                                                                                                            
(a)Fatema Ahmed was born in Jamalpur district in 1976.(dv‡Zgv Avn‡¤§` 1976 mv‡j Rvgvj †Rjvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(b)She has been awarded the honour in recognition of her integrity and dedication.(Zvi GKwbóZv I GKvMÖZvi Rb¨ Zv‡K m¤§v‡bi cyi¯‹v‡i cyi¯‹„Z Kiv n‡q n‡q‡Q|)
(c)She is a teacher from Neel para primary school.(‡m bxj cvov cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq †_‡K Avm‡Q|)
(d)She is popular with her students.(‡m QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i wbKU AZ¨šÍ RbwcÖq|)
(e)This year’s National Award for Teaching has been awarded to Mrs.
     (GB ermi wg‡mm dv‡Zgv‡K Zvi wk¶KZvi Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ cyi¯‹vi †Nvlb vKiv nq|)
(f)She is popular also with her colleagues in the same manner.
     (GKB Kvi‡b †m Zvi mnKgx©‡`i Kv‡Q I RbwcÖq wQj|)
(g)She started her career as a teacher in Jalilpur primary school.
    (‡m Rwjjcyi cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q †hvM`v‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡q Zvi K¨vwiqvi ïi“ K‡ib|)
(h)She has always been interested in teaching.(‡m eiviiB wk¶v †`Iqvi cÖwZ AvMÖnx wQ‡jb|)
(i)She then joined Neel para primary school after her marriage.
     (Zvi weev‡ni ci †m bxjcvov cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q †hvM`vb K‡ib|)
(j)She taught there for three years.(‡m †mLv‡b wZb ermi wk¶v `vb K‡ib|)

Sentence order

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:                                                                                                               
(a) He had been bitten by mad dog.(‡Q‡jwU‡K GKwU cvMjvKzKz‡i Kvgwo‡qwQj|)
(b) He discovered that many diseases are caused by germs and he also found cures for several of them.(wZwb D™¢veb K‡ib †h A‡bK †ivMB RxevYyi Kvi‡Y N‡U Ges G¸‡jvi KZK¸‡jvi †gqv`Kvj I wZwb mbv³ K‡ib|)
(c) He found a mad dog and injected some weak germs of its diseases into its blood.(wZwb GKwU cvMjv KzKzi Ly‡Ru †ei Ki‡jb Ges Gi †iv‡Mi wKQy `ye©j RxevYy i‡³ cÖ‡ek Ki‡jb|)
(d) Other doctors began to study his work.(Ab¨ Wv³viiv Zvui KvR wb‡q M‡elYv ïi“ Ki‡jb|)
(e) Pasteur was a French scientist.(cv¯‘i wQ‡jb GKRb divmx weÁvbx|)
(f) The dog was cured.(KzKziwU Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kij|)
(g) One day a boy named Joseph Meister was brought to Pasteur.(GKw`b †Rv‡md wgóvi bv‡g GKwU †Q‡j‡K cv¯‘‡ii Kv‡Q Avbv nj|)
(h) The news of Pasteur’s success spread all over the world.(cv¯‘‡ii mvd†j¨i msev` mvivwe‡k¦ Qwo‡q coj|)
(i)At first, he only treated animals, because he did not want to cause the death of any human being.(cÖ_‡g wZwb RxeRš‘i wPwKrmv Ki‡Zb KviY wZwb †Kvb gvby‡li g„Zy¨i KviY n‡Z PvB‡Zb bv|)
(j)Pasture gave him some injections and the boy did not get dog’s disease.(cv¯‘i Zv‡K K‡qKwU Bb‡RKkb w`‡jb Ges evjKwUi RjvZ¼ nj bv|)

Sentence order

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:  
(a) One day he was on hunting in the jungle.( .(GKw`b wZwb R½‡ji g‡a¨ wkKvi KiwQ‡jb|)
(b) By chance it pieced a boy standing in the jungle.(`yfv©M¨µ‡g GwU R½‡j `vuwo‡q _vKv GKwU evjK‡K we× Kij|)
(c) His capital was Sonargaon near Dhaka.(Zviu ivRavbx wQj XvKvi A`~‡i †mvbviMvu‡q|)
(d) The boy instantly died.(‡QvwU Zr¶wbKfv‡e gviv †Mj|)
(e) The Sultan’s hobby was hunting.(myjZv‡bi kL wQj wkKvi Kiv|)
(f) Long ago,there was a Sultan in Bengal.(A‡bK Av‡M evsjvq GK myjZvb wQj|)
(g) He shot an arrow aiming at a fawn (wZwb nwjb kveK‡K j¶¨ K‡i GKwU Zxi Qyo‡jb|)
(h) The arrow missed aim.(ZxiwU j¶¨åó nj|)
(i) He name was Giasuddin Azam.(Zviu bvg wQj wMqvm DwÏb AvRg|)
(j) He was very just and kind ruler.(wZwb wQ‡jb Lye `qvjy I b¨vqcivqb kvmK|)

Sentence order

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:  
(a)    “Why do people say God is everywhere?”(Ò‡Kb gvbyl e‡j †h Ck¦i me©Î weivRgvb|Ó)
(b)    “I see Him nowhere,therefore,show me where He is.”(ÒAvwg Zv‡K KLb I †`wLbv,myZivs Avgv‡K †`LvI †m †Kv_vq Av‡Q|Ó)
(c)    A person once went to Sadhu and asked two questions.(GK`v GK e¨w³ GKRb mvayi Kv‡Q †Mj Ges Zv‡K `ywU cÖkœ Kij|)
(d)    “Why is man punished for crime,since he is not a free agent,but made to do as God wished?”ooking after the fire.s ugly.(‡Kb gvbyl‡K Zvi Aciv‡ai Rb¨ kvw¯Í †`Iqv nq,†h‡nZy †m wb‡R †_‡K †Kvb KvR K‡i bv,Zv‡K mªóvi B”Qv Abyhvqx Kiv‡bv nq|)
(e)    The man went to Judge and complained against Sadhu for having inflicted a severe pain in the head.(‡jvKwU wePvi‡Ki Kv‡Q †Mj Ges mvayi wei“‡× Awf‡hvM Avbj †h Zvi gv_vq cÖPzi e¨_v Ki‡Q|)
(f)     The Sadhu took up a lump of earth and flung it at the head of the questioner.(mvay GK UzKiv gvwU wbj Ges cÖkœKvixi w`‡K wb‡¶c Kij|)
(g)    The Judge has arrested the Sadhu and brought up for trial.(wePviK mvay‡K †MÖdZvi Kij Ges wePv‡ii Rb¨ Avbv nj|)
(h)    As the accused stood on the dock,the judge said, “Why,instead of answering the complaint’s questions,did you throw a lump of earth at him?”(hLb Awfhy³ KvV‡Mvovq `vuo Kiv‡bv nj ZLb wePviK ejj, ÒAwf‡hvMKvixi cÖ‡kœi DËi †`Iqvi cwie‡Z© †Kb Zzwg Zvi w`‡K gvwU wb‡¶c Ki‡j?Ó)
(i)     He has told you that there is a pain in his head,let him show me the pain,and I shall show him God.(‡m Avcbv‡K ej‡Q †h †m Zvi gv_vq e¨v_v †c‡q‡Q,Avgv‡K Zvi e¨_v †`Lv‡Z e‡jb,Avwg Zv‡K mªóv †`Lve|)
(j)     The Sadhu replied, “The blow he recived with the lump was an answer to his questions.”(mvay ejj, Ò‡h AvNvZ †m G gvwUi UzKiv Øviv †c‡q‡Q GUv Zvi cÖ‡kœi DËi|Ó)

Sentence order

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:  
(a)    “You must work harder,” they said angrily. “You are a lazy girl.”(Ò‡Zvgv‡K AviI K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z n‡e,ÓZviv Lye ivMvwš^Z ¯^‡i ejj, ÒZzwg GKwU Ajm †g‡q|Ó)
(b)    She lived with her aunt.(‡m Zvi PvPxi mv‡_ _vK‡Zv|)
(c)    She had two daughters.(Zvi wQj `yB Kb¨v|)
(d)    They were both fate and ugly.(Zviv DfqB wQj †gvUv Ges KzrwmZ|)
(e)    The aunt and her daughters hated Cinderella because she was beautiful.(PvwP Ges Kb¨viv wmb‡Wªjv‡K N„Yv Ki‡Zv KviY †m wQj my›`ix|)
(f)     They made her do all the work in the house.(Zviv Zv‡K w`‡q N‡ii mKj KvR Ki‡Zv|)
(g)    She worked very hard but they always scolded her for not working hard enough.(‡m K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Zv wKš‘ Zviv memgq Zv‡K K‡Vvi cwikªg bv Kivi Rb¨ eKv w`Z|)
(h)    Cinderella’s father and mother were both dead.(wmb‡Wªjvi evev-gv †KD RxweZ wQj bv|)
(i)     The ugly sisters sat lazily in comfortable chairs all day trying to make themselves look less ugly.(K`vKvi †evb¸‡jv Ajmfv‡e Avivg`vqK †Pqv‡i e‡m wb‡R‡`i AviI Kg KzrwmZ Kivi Kv‡R wjß _vKZ|)
(j)     Poor Cinderella stayed in the kitchen all day,washing the dishes and looking after the fire.(Amnvq wmb‡Wªjv mvivw`b ivbœvN‡i _vKZ,_vjvevmb cwi¯‹vi KiZ Ges Pzwj­i Av¸‡bi w`‡K bRi ivLZ| )

Sentence order

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:  
(a)    He saw Fazlul Haque was reading his lessons and tearing off the pages of his book one after another.(wZwb †`L‡jb dRjyj nK cowQ‡jb Ges Zviu eB ‡_‡K GKUvi ci GKUv c„ôv wQ‡o †djwQ‡jb|)
(b)    His father Kazi Wazed Ali was a famous renowned pleader in the Barisal Bar.(Zviu evev KvRx Iqv‡R` Avjx wQ‡jb ewikvj ev‡ii GKRb weL¨vZ DwKj|)
(c)    One day Fazlul Haque was reading in his study.(GKw`b dRjyj nK Zviu cov cowQ‡jb|)
(d)    From his boyhood,he was very meritorious boy.(‰kkeKvj †_‡KB wZwb Lye †gavex wQ‡jb|)
(e)    His father was passing by.(Zvui evev cvk w`‡q hvw”Qj|)
(f)     The great leader of our country whom we love and admire is Sher-E-Bangla A.K.Fazlul Haque.(Avgv‡`i †`‡ki weL¨vZ †bZv hv‡K Avgiv fvjevwm Ges kª×v Kwi wZwb n‡jb †ki -B-evsjv G. †K. dRjyj nK|)
(g)    He at once entered the room and said, “O my boy,don’t play with your book.”(wZwb Zr¶bvr i“‡gi g‡a¨ cÖ‡ek Ki‡jb Ges ej‡jb, Ô‡n erm,eB wb‡q †Lj bv|Ó)
(h)    “I am not playing .I have already gone through these pages.”(Avwg †LjwQ bv|Avwg BwZg‡a¨ GB c„ôv¸‡jv c‡o †d‡jwQ|)
(i)     His father wanted to test him.(Zviu wcZv Zv‡K cix¶v Ki‡Z PvB‡jb|)
(j)     “So, I don’t need  them at all. “said he.”(Ò ZvB Avgvi Avi G¸‡jvi cÖ‡qvRb †bB|Ó)

Sentence order

Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite hem in a paragraph:  
(a)    Soeometimes it was difficult to satisfy him with answers.(gv‡S gv‡S Zv‡K DËi w`‡q mš‘ó Kiv KwVb wQj|)
(b)    The boy often undertook some risky adventures.(‡Q‡jwU cÖvqB SzwKc~Y© KvR KiZ|)
(c)    People soon got tired when they talked to him.(hLb †jvKRb Zvui mv‡_ ejv ejZ ZLb Zvuiv Lye ZvovZvwo K¬všÍ  n‡q coZ|)
(d)    Because he was always asked, “Why ,why,why?”(ÒKviY †m me©`vB wRÁvmv KiZ,Ó †Kb,†Kb?Ó)
(e)    A young boy of six or seven became the subject of talk in a village.(Qq A_ev mvZ eQ‡ii GKwU †Q‡j GK MÖv‡gi Av‡jvPbvi welqe¯‘‡Z cwiYZ nj|)
(f)     He was inquisitive about things around him.(‡m Zvi cv‡ki wRwbm wb‡q ‡KŠZznjx wQj|)
(g)    For example,once the boy set his father’s barn on fire only to see how it could burn.(D`vniY¯^iƒc GKw`b evjKwU Zvi evevi †MvjvN‡i Av¸b jvwM‡q w`j ïay GUyKz †`Lvi Rb¨ †h GwU wKfv‡e †cv‡o|)
(h)    But his loving mother never felt annoyed with the boy.(wKšÍ Zvi †mœngqx  gv KLb I †Q‡jwUi cÖwZ ivM Ki‡Zb bv|)
(i)     His father got angry for this kind of activity.But at the same time he was proud of the young boy.(Zvi evev G ai‡bi Kvh©Kjv‡c †i‡M †h‡Zb|wKšÍ GKB mg‡q wZwb hyeK †Q‡jwU‡K wb‡q Me©‡evaI Ki‡Zb|)
(j)     Do you know who this boy was? He was Thomas Alva Edison.He was born in a village of Millan in the United Sates of America on the 11th February,1887.(‡Zvgiv Rvb wK G †Q‡jwU †K wQj?  †m wQj Ugvm Avjfv GwWmb |wZwb 1947 mv‡ji 11 †deª“qvix gvw©Kbhy³iv‡óªi wgjv‡bi GKwU MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)

Sentence order


Anonymous said...

Answer for the re-arrange, please.


so so nice, but Ans ta dile valo hoto

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