Friday, June 29, 2018

Paragraph on Leisure/Pastime

Leisure/ Pastime (‡jRv(i)-AeKvk/Aemi)
Leisure (‡jRv(i)-AeKvk/Aemi) is the time when a man is free from routine work and can do whatever (IAUGfv(i)-hvB‡nvK bv †Kb) he likes. It is a temporary (‡UgcÖvwi-A¯’vqx/mvgwqK) relief from the monotonous (gvwbUvwbAvm-‰ewPÎnxbZv,GKmyiZv) routine task of our daily life. Village people spend (‡¯úbW-e¨q K‡i/AwZevwnZ K‡i) their leisure by flying kites (KvBUm-Nywo), fishing (wdmBO-gvQ aiv), playing, swimming (mywqwgO-mvZvui KvUv) and gardening (Mv‡©Wwbs-evMvb Kiv). City people spend (‡¯úbW-e¨q K‡i/AwZevwnZ K‡i) their leisure by shopping (kwcs-‡KbvKvUv), reading books (wiwWs eyKm-eB cov), watching television (IAPBO †Uwjwfkb-‡Uwjwfkb †`Lv), using computer (BDwRO KvgwcDUvi- Kw¤úDUv‡ii e¨envi), going park (‡MŠBO cvK©-cv‡K© hvIqv) and zoo. The common sports (Kgb †¯úv©Um-mvaviY †Ljv¸‡jv) are football (dzUej), cricket (wµ‡KU), ha-du-du (nvWz-Wz), chess (‡Pm-`vev‡Ljv) etc. The common pastimes (Kgb cv:mUvBgm-mvaviY Aemimg~n) are gossiping (MwmcBO-‡LvgMí) listening radio (wj‡mwbO †iwWI-‡iwWI †kvbv), watching television (IAPBO †Uwjwfkb-‡Uwjwfkb †`Lv),reading books (wiwWs eyKm-eB cov), and newspapers etc. In late winter, the nature looks very beautiful (weDwUdj-my›`i) and the sky remains (wi‡gBbm-_v‡K) very clear. Different (wWd&ivb&U-wewfbœ) kinds (KvnbWm-cÖKv‡ii/iK‡gi) of flowers are bloomed (eøygW-cÖùzwUZ nq) everywhere (GfwiI G Av(i)-meLv‡b). People enjoy (BbRB-Dc‡fvM K‡i) it very much. In the late winter, many people travel (Uªvfj-ågb K‡i) from one place to another and enjoy (BbRB-Dc‡fvM K‡i) the natural beauty (b¨vPv(iv)j weDwU-cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h©). Besides (wemvBWm-GQvovI), people enjoy (BbRB-Dc‡fvM K‡i) then various kinds of games like badminton, volleyball, dariabandha (`vwoqvev›×v) and ha-du-du (nv Wz Wz) etc. Travelling (UªvfjBO-ågY) is a good leisure (‡jRv(i)-AeKvk/Aemi). It refreshes (wi‡d«‡mm-m‡ZR K‡i) our mind and broadens (‡eªvt‡Wbm-cÖk¯Í) our outlook (AvDUjyK-`„k¨). As I am a student, I do not get much time for leisure (‡jRv(i)-AeKvk/Aemi). I spend (‡¯úÛ-e¨q Kiv) my leisure(‡jRv(i)-AeKvk/Aemi) by playing cricket and reading novels on holiday, watching (IAPBO-‡`Lv) television and visiting many nice places. Leisure(‡jRv(i)-AeKvk/Aemi) should be significant (wmMwbwdKvbU-we‡kl A_©c~Y©, Bw½Zc~Y©,¸iZ¡c~Y©) for everyone.

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