Friday, June 29, 2018

Paragraph on Global warming

Global Warming(‰ewkK DòZv)
Global warming (‰ewkK DòZv) means (gxb&R&-ej‡Z †evSvq) gradual (M¨vRyAvj-µ‡g µ‡g msNwUZ n‡”Q) increase (BOµxm-e„w× cvq) in the world’s temperature (‡UgcÖvPv(i)-ZvcgvÎv) caused(KRW-N‡U) by green house gases. Green house gases work like the curved (Kvf&-evKu/eµZv) glass around the planet (cø¨vwbU&-MÖn). It is the gradual warming of the air because of heat being trapped on earth. This is happening because (weKR&-Kvi‡Y) of environmental pollution (cwi‡ek `~lY).We are destroying (aeŸsm KiwQ) our tropical (UªwcKj&-(MÖx¯§gÛjxq) rain (†iBb-e„wó) forests, growing industries (D`xqgvb wkíKviLvbv) and mills-factories (KjKviLvbv), using CFC gas. Thus, we are polluting our environment (BbfvBAvivbgv›U-cwi‡ek). By the destruction (evB w` †W÷vKkvb-aeŸs‡mi gva¨‡g) and burning (evwb©O-‡cvov‡bv) down our forests (dwim&U&m-ebR½jmg~n), the amounts (AvgvDbU&-cwigvb) of carbon dioxide (Kve©bWvB A·vBW) are increasing. The increased amounts of carbon dioxide around (AvivDb&W&-PZy©w`‡K) the earth have made a layer (‡jBAv(i)-¯Íi) in space (gnvk~Y¨). The sun rays (mvb †iBR-m~‡h©i iwk¥) are coming through (_ªy-wfZi w`‡q/gva¨‡g) the layer but the heat cannot pass through the layer. This is why the heat is being trapped on earth (Av_&-c„w_ex) and making our globe (‡Møxevj-f~gÛj) warmer (‡hv0gvi-Mig nIqv). As a result of this, the temperatures of the world are increasing (BOµxwm&s-e„w× cv‡”Q) day by day. The weather pattern (c¨vUb-Av`k© ixwZ) is changing (‡PBbwRs-cwieZ©b n‡”Q). The polar ice (‡cvjvi AvBm-giæ‡`kxq eid) caps (K¨vcm-DcwifvM) are melting (‡gjwUs-Mj‡Q) and this might cause (KR&-m„wó K‡i) the flooding (d¬vwWs-eb¨v) of huge areas (wnDR Gwiqvm-wekvj RvqMvmg~n) of the globe. Bangladesh also cannot escape (B‡¯‹Bc-gyw³ cvIqv) the paws (‡cvR-_vev) of this enemy (Gbvwg-kÎæ/ÿwZKviK †Kvb wKQz). The lower southern part (mvD`vb© cvU©-`wÿY As‡k) of the country may go under water one day. Global warming is a big trouble (Uªvej-Amyweav) to all of us and animals including (BbK¬zwWs-mswkøó/mv‡_) plants (cø¨vtbUm-Dw™¢`mg~n/ MvQMvQov) and other living beings (wjwfs wewqOm-emevmiZ Rxe). We should (myW-DwPZ) prevent (wcÖ‡fb&U&-cÖwZ‡iva/wbeviY) the pollution of the environment (BbfvBAvivbgv›U-cwi‡ek) and save(‡mBf&-evPvu‡bv) our living place(wjwfs †cøBm-emev‡mi ¯’vb).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please remove sign language from the global warming paragraph . then it can be readable and made this paragraph perfect.

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