Friday, August 19, 2016

Nakshi Kantha

Nakshi Kantha(bKwk Kv_uv)
Nakshai Kantha(bKwk Kv_vu) is a kind (KvBÛ-cÖKvi) of embroidered (GgeªqWv‡iW-bKkv Kiv) quilt (KzBë-Kv_uv).The name (‡bBg-bvg) was taken (‡U‡Kb-‡bqv n‡q‡Q) from Bengali word (‡esMwj IqvW©-evsjvkã), ‘Nakshi’(bKwk) which (ûwqP-hvi) means (wgbm-gv‡b) artistic (AvwU©w÷K- ‰kwíK) pattern (c¨vUvb©-iæc). It is a kind (KvBÛ-cÖKvi of traditional (UªvwWkbvj-HwZn¨evnx/cÖPwjZ) craft (µvdU-n¯Íwkí) and is said (‡mBW-ejv n‡q _v‡K) to be indigenous (BbwWwRbvm-‡`kR) to Bangladesh and West Bengal (I‡q÷ †esMj-cwðge½) in India. The art has been practiced (cÖvKwUmW-PP©v n‡q Avm‡Q) in rural Bengal (iæivj †esMj-MÖvg evsjvq) for centuries (‡mbmywim-kZ kZ eQi a‡i).The Nakshi Kantha’(bKwk Kv_uv )became (we‡Kg-nj) popular (ccyjvi-RbwcÖq) after (AvdUvi-c‡i) poet (c‡qU-Kwe) Jasim Udddin’s (Rwmg DwÏbÕm) poem (c‡qg-KweZv) “Nakshi Kanthar Math” (bKwk Kv_vui gvV) was published (cvewjmW) in 1929.It has a far reaching (dvi wiwPs-m~`~icÖmvix) effect (B‡dKU-cÖfve) on the field of Bangladeshi culture (evsjv‡`wk KvjPvi-evsjv‡`‡ki ms¯‹…wZ) and tradition(UªvwWkvb). Traditional (UªvwWkvbvj) Kanthas (Kv_uvm) are made for family (d¨vwgwj) use (BDR-e¨envi). Old (Iì-cyivZb) or new(wbD-bZzb) cloth (K¬_-Kvco) and thread (‡_ªW-my~Zv) are used (BDRW-e¨eüZ nq) to make these (w`R-G¸‡jv) quilts (KzBëm-Kv_uvmg~n).Mymensingh (gqgbwmsn), Jamalpur (Rvgvjcyi), Rajshahi (ivRkvnx), Faridpur (dwi`cyi), Bogra (e¸ov) and Jessore (h‡kvi) are most famous (d¨vgvm-weL¨vZ) for this (w`R-GB) craft(µvdU-bKkv). Now (bvD-GLb) it is produced (‡cÖvwWDmW-‰Zwi nq) commercially (Kgv©wmqvwj-evwYwR¨Kfv‡e) and we can find (dvBÛ-‡`L‡Z cvB) them in many (‡gwb-A‡bK) expensive (G·‡cbwmf-e¨qeûj) handicraft (n¨vwÛµvdU) shops (n¯Íwk‡íi †`vKvb¸‡jv‡Z) in cities. The quilts (KzBë-Kv_uv) are now in great (‡MÖU-Lye †ewk) demand (wWgvÛ-Pvwn`v) because (weKR-KviY) of the colorful (Kvjvidzj-is‡eis‡qi) patterns ((c¨vUvb©-iæc) and designs (wWRvBbm-AvKvu) embroidered (GgeªqWv‡iW-bKkv Kiv) on them. Finally (dvBbvjx-Ae‡k‡l), we can say that “Nakshai Kantha” signifies (wmMwbdvBm-Zvrch© enb K‡i) a token of (cÖwZwbwaZ¡ K‡i) Bengali culture (‡esMwj KvjPvi-evOvjx mvs¯‹…wZi).

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