Flood in Bangladesh
(d¬vW Bb evsjv‡`k-evsjv‡`‡ki eb¨v)
Flood (d¬vW-eb¨v) means (wgbm-ej‡Z
overflow (Ifvi‡d¬v-Dc‡P cov) of water. Flood (døvW-eb¨v) occurs (IKvm©-N‡U) in Bangladesh
every (Gfwi-cÖwZ) year (Bqvi-eQi).When (‡nv‡qb-hLb) it takes place(‡UKm‡cøm-N‡U) seriously(wmwiqvmwj-gvivZ¡Kfv‡e), it weakens (DB‡Kbm-`~e©j
K‡i †`q)
our hopes(‡nvcm-Avkv) of prosperity(‡cªvmcvwiwU-mg„w×). It is like a
curse (Kvm-Awfkvc) of nature (b¨vPvi-cÖK…wZ) on us. Flood (døvW-eb¨v) is a natural (b¨vPvivj-cÖvK…wZK) calamity (K¨vjvwgwU-`y‡hvM)©. Now-a-days (bvD
G †Wm-eZ©gv‡b), it is an annual (GwbDAvj-evwl©K) affair(A¨vwdqvi-welq) in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh suffers (mvdvim-Kó †fvM K‡i) from flood (d¬vW-eb¨v) every year(Gfwi
Due(wWD-Rb¨/Kvi‡Y) to heavy(‡nwf-fvix) rainfall (‡iBbdj-e„wócvZ) or other (Av`vi-Ab¨vb¨) causes (K‡Rm-Kvi‡Y) when rivers or
canals (K¨vbvjm-Lvjmg~n) overflow (Ifvi‡d¬Š-Dc‡P
their banks (e¨vsKm-e¨vsKmg~n) and sweep away(mywqc A¨vDI‡q-e‡q
villages and towns, then it is called(KjW-ejv nq) flood(døvW-eb¨v).
The causes(K‡Rm-KviY) of flood(døvW-eb¨vi) are many(‡gwb-A‡bK). Excessive (GKwmwmf-AwZwi³) and continued (KbwUwbDqyW-Pjgvb/cÖevwnZ) heavy(‡nwf-fvix) rainfall(‡iBbdj-e„wócvZ) is the main
cause (‡gBb
KR-cÖavb KviY) of
flood (døvW-eb¨v) in our
country. It may be caused (KRW-Kvib) by cyclones (mvB‡K¬vbm), tidal bores (UvBWvj‡evim-Rj”&Q¦vm), or melting (‡gjwUs-Mjv) of snow (‡¯œv-eid) on mountains (gvDb‡UBbm-ce©Zmg~n).
Relief (wiwjd) should be given (wM‡fb-‡`Iqv
properly(‡cÖvciwj-h_vh_fv‡e) to the flood (d¬vW-eb¨v) affected(A¨v‡dK‡UW-AvµvšÍ) people. They
should be rehabilitated (wi‡nwfwj‡n‡UW-cyb©vevmb). Easy loans (BwR
†jvbm-mnR †jvb) and seeds (wmWm-exR) should be given (wM‡fb-‡`Iqv
nq) to
Flood(døvW-eb¨v) causes(K‡Rm-KviY) a huge (wnDR-cÖPzi cwigvb) loses (j‡Pm-bó nq) to our country
every year(Gfwi
Bqvi-cÖ‡Z¨K eQi). So we must control (Kb‡UŠj-wbqš¿b Kiv) flood(døvW-eb¨v) at any cost. Ours is an
agricultural country. Our national(b¨vkbvj-RvZxq) economy (BKbwg-A_©bxwZ) and the prosperity (‡cªvmcvwiwU-mg„w×)
of our people largely depend(wW‡cbW-wbf©i K‡i) on agriculture(AvMÖxKvjPvi-K…wl
So, the government(Mf©b‡g›U-miKvi) of Bangladesh should
take both short-term and long-term measures(wgRvi-cwigvc) to control(Kb‡UŠj-wbqš¿b
Kiv) floods(døvW-eb¨v) so that they
may not cause(KR-KviY)
the damage(W¨v‡gR-webó)
of our crops(‡µvcm-dmj),
and properties(‡cÖvmcvwiwU-mg„w×).
Flood causes (d¬vW K‡Rm-eb¨vi Kvi‡Y) a big loss (jR-webó nq) of life (jvBd-Rxeb), property (cÖvcvwU©-mgcwË) and crops (‡Kªvcm-dmj). It washes away (Iqv‡mm
A¨vDI‡q-fvwm‡q wb‡q hvq)
villages (wf‡j‡Rm-MÖvgevmx‡`i), roads (‡ivWm-iv¯ÍvNvUmg~n) and even (&B‡fb-GgbwK)
houses (nvD‡Rm-evwoNimg~n). Many (‡gwb-A‡bK) human
lives (wnDg¨vb jvBfm-gvby‡li Rxeb) are lost (j÷-wecbœ nq).All
(Aj-me) the communication(KwgDwb‡Kkb-‡hvMv‡hvM
e¨e¯’v) is suspended(mvm‡cbW-¯’wei
n‡q hvq).People(wccj-RbmvaviY) become (weKvg-nq) muddy (gvw`-K`©gv³) and unhealthy (A¯^v¯’¨Ki). There is scarcity (¯‹¨viwmwU-Kg) of drinking water (wWªswKs
IqvUvi-Lvevi cvwb). The
price(cÖvBm-g~j¨) of
all daily necessities(‡WBwj †bwmmvwim-‰`wbK Rxe‡bi wRwbmcÎ) goes up(‡MŠIm Avc-‡e‡o hvq).
Flood (d¬vW-eb¨v) affected (A¨v‡dK‡UW-AvµvšÍ) people (wccj-RbMY) become (weKvg-nq) helpless (‡njc‡jm-Amnvq) and houseless (nvDm‡jm-M„nnxb). Many (‡gwb-A‡bK‡K) have to (‡nf Uz-nq) live (wjf-evm Ki‡Z nq) under (AvbWvi-bx‡P) the open sky (w` Ic‡b ¯‹vB-‡Lvjv AvKv‡ki
bx‡P). People (wccj-RbMb‡K) suffer (mvdvi-Kó †fvM K‡i) from(dg©-nB‡Z) various(‡fwiqvm-wewfbœ) diseases(wWwRm-‡ivMmg~n). Many (‡gwb-A‡bK)people(wccj-gvbyl) die(WvB-gviv hvq). Many(‡gwb-A‡bK) water borne(IqvUvi †evb cvwb evwnZ) diseases (wWwR‡mm-‡iv‡Mi) are break out(‡eªK AvDU-cÖv`yfve© †`Lv hvq). Man’s (g¨vbm-gvby‡li) sufferings (mvdvwism-`ytL K‡ói) know(‡bŠ) no (‡bv) bounds (evDÛm-mxgv _v‡K bv). Domestic (W‡gbwUK-M„ncvwjZ) animals Gwbg¨vjm-cïcvwLmg~n) suffer (mvdvi-‡fvM K‡i)
a lot.
The after(AvdUvi-c‡ii) effect (B‡dKU-cÖfve) of flood (døvW-eb¨v) is more (‡gvi-AviI) dangerous (‡WbRvivm-gvivZ¡K/fqven).Things (w_sm-wRwbmcÎ) get rotten (‡MU i‡Ub-c‡P
hvq).The environment (Gbfvib‡g›U-cwi‡ek) begins (wewMbm-Avi¤¢
n‡Z _v‡K) to pollute (cjyU-`~wlZ). Flood (døvW-eb¨v) affected(A¨v‡dK‡UW-AvµvšÍ) people(wccj-RbMY) suffer(Kó †fvM K‡i) from hunger(nvsMvi-ÿzavq). They become (weKvg-nq) sick (wmK-Amy¯’). The price (cÖvBm-g~j¨) of all (Aj-me) daily (‡WBwj-cÖ‡Z¨Kw`‡bi) necessaries(‡bwmmvwim-cÖ‡qvRbxq) goes up(‡MŠm Avc-e„w× cvq).
Flood(d¬vW-eb¨v) visits(wfwRUm-Av‡m) our
country(AvIqvi KvwbUª-Avgv‡`i
†`‡k) almost (Aj‡gv÷-cÖvq) every year (Gfwi Bqvi-cÖ‡Z¨K eQi). The floods (d¬vW-eb¨v) that(`¨vU-hv) occurred (AKviW-N‡UwQj) in the
year 1954, 1960, 1974, 1984, and 1987 were terrible (‡Uwiej-gvivZ¡K). The floods(d¬vWm-eb¨vmg~n) of 1998 broke (‡eªvK-‡f‡½wQj) all the records(‡iKWm-Z_¨mg~n‡K) of the past(cv÷-AZx‡Zi).
The whole (‡nvj-mviv) country(Kvw›Uª-‡`k) went(I‡q›U-wM‡qwQj) under water(AvbWvi IqvUvi-cvwbi bx‡P).The miseries (wgRvwim-Kómg~n) of
the flood (d¬vWm-eb¨vmg~n) stricken (÷vB‡Kb-cxwoZ) people (wccj-RbMY) knew (wb¨D) know (‡bv) bounds (evDÛm-mxgv bv _vKv).More than two core (‡gvi `¨vb `y †Kvi-`yB †KvwUi I
†ewk) and fifty lacks(wddwU jvKm) of people became(we‡Kg-n‡qwQj) shelter less (‡kjUvi‡jm-M„nnxb). More than 75% (‡gvi `¨vb †m‡fbwU %-cPvËi fv‡Mi I
†ewk) of the crops (‡µvcm-dmjmg~n) were damaged (W¨v‡gRW-bó n‡qwQj).Thounsands (_vD‡RbWm-nvRvi nvRvi) of people (wccj-RbMY) died (WvwqW-g„Zz¨ eiY K‡i).All the economic activities (BKbwgKm GKwUwfwUm-A_©‰bwZK
Kvh©vejx) of the county (Kvw›Uª-‡`‡ki) came(‡Kg-G‡mwQj) to a standstill(÷¨vÛ w÷j-¯’wei).
It affected (A¨v‡dK‡UW-AvK&ªvšÍ) almost (Aj‡gv÷-cÖvq
the whole (‡nvj-mgMÖ)
Bangladesh. It captured (K¨vcPviW-Avq‡Z¦ G‡mwQj) the city areas (Gwiqvm-GjvKvmg~n) like (jvBK-we‡kl
Dhaka, Rajshahi, Rangpur, etc. the misery (wgRvwi-Kó) of the people (wccj-RbMY) knew no bounds(wbD †bv
evDÛm-mxgv bv _vKv).
Relief operations(wiwjd Icv‡ikbm-wiwjd cwiPvjbvmg~n) become(weKvg-nq) badly needed (wb‡WW-`iKvi nq) for the flood
affected people. Government and voluntary organizations (fjvbUvqvwi AM©vbvB‡Rkb-‡mev ms¯’v) come forward (Kvg diIqvW©-GwM‡q Av‡m) to help (‡njc-mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨) the flood victims (d¬vW wfKwUgm-eb¨vq AvµvšÍ). Relief camps (wiwjd K¨vgcm) are set up (‡mU Avc-¯’vcb Kiv nq) at different places
†c&øBm-wewfbœ ¯’v‡b) like (jvBK-we‡kl K‡i) schools and
colleges. Relief materials (wiwjd
g¨vwUwiqvjm-wiwjd mvgMÖx) like(jvBK-we‡kl K‡i) food(dzW-Lv`¨), clothes(‡K¬v_m-‡cvkvKAvkvK), medicines (‡gwWwmbm-Jlamg~n) etc(G¨vU‡mUiv-BZ¨vw`). are promptly (‡cÖvgUwj-mwVKfv‡e) distributed (wWmwUªweD‡UW-weZiY Kiv nq) among(A¨v‡gvs-g‡a¨) the flood victims(d¬vW wfKwUgm-eb¨v `y©MZ‡`i)
Floods(d¬vW-eb¨v) do some(mvg-wKQz) good(¸W-fvj) to us. It brings (weªwism-wb‡q
silt(wmë-evwj) and makes(‡gBKm-‰Zwi
our lands fertile (dviUvBj-De©i).Our soil(m‡qj-gvwU) becomes(weKvgm) suitable(myB‡Uej-Dchy³) for growing (‡MÖvwis-evovi
more and better (‡eUvi-A‡cÿvK…Z fvj) crops (‡Kªvcm-dmjmg~n). It washes away (Iqv‡mm
A¨vDI‡q-fvwm‡q wb‡q hvq) all(Aj-me) dirty things(WvwU© w_sKm-gqjv Ave©Rbv). Thus it cleans (wK¬bm-cwi¯‹vi
our environment(Gbfvib‡g›U-cwi‡ek).
Firstly(dv©÷wj-cÖ_gZ) drainage(‡WªB‡bRW) system(wmm‡Ug-cØwZ) should(myW-DwPZ)be improved(BgcÖæfW-DbœwZ). Secondly, river beds should be
dredged (‡Wª&RW-Lbb Kiv). Thirdly, a well(I‡qj-fvj) planned(cøvbW-cwiKíbv) irrigation(Bwi‡Mkb-‡mP e¨e¯’v) system should(myW-DwPZ) be introduced(Bb‡UªvwWDmW-cwiPq
Kiv‡bv). Fourthly, we
should(myW-DwPZ) build(weì-‰Zwi Kiv) our houses on high land(nvB j¨vÛ-DPz f~wg‡Z).
Both long and short time plans can
be taken. The silted(wmj‡UW-cwj‡Z fiv hvIqv) up beds of our
rivers should be excavated (G·‡Kwf‡UW-Lbb Kiv) for carrying more water. Proper
embankments(Bge¨vsK‡g›U-eva) should be
constructed(Kb÷ªvK‡UKW-wbwg©Z) along the banks of
the rivers.
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