Friday, March 30, 2012

Close Test with /without clues for HSC Exam

1.     Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Dictionaries are very important books in the (a)-----of a people.A dictoniary lists the words in a language (b) that the reader may (c)-----them easily.A dictionary entry gives us the accepted (d)----of a word,its division into (e)----,its pronouciation,its origins, and its meanings.Sometimes a dictionary also provides (f)----or,opposities of a word.In addition,if the word is a (g)----that describes a visible thing,the dictionary may provide a (h)-----of it.Dictoinaries of the past,present and future can become your teachers and good (i)----Don’t (j)----them.(kã‡Kvl¸‡jv GKwU RvwZi Rxe‡b LyeB ¸iZ¡c~Y© eB|GKwU kã‡Kvl GKwU fvlvi k㸇jv‡K eY©wfwËK ZvwjKvfy³ K‡i hv‡Z cvV‡Kiv Lye mn‡RB Ly‡Ru cvq|GKwU kã‡Kvli  Gw›Uª Avgv‡`i GKwU k‡ãi evbvb,wewfbœ wm‡je‡j iƒcvšÍi,Gi D”PviY, A_© Ges Drm m¤ú‡K© aviYv †`q|KL‡bv KL‡bv GKwU kã‡Kv‡l GKwU k‡ãi mgv_©K Ges wecixZv_©K kãMy‡jv D‡j­L K‡i|Bnv QvovI hw` kãwU GKwU we‡kl¨ nq,kã‡Kvl Zvi GKwU Qwe cÖ`vb Ki‡Z cv‡i|AZxZ,eZ©gvb Ges fwel¨‡Zi kã †Kvl¸‡jv †Zvgvi wk¶K Ges fvj eÜz n‡Z cv‡i|‡m¸‡jv‡K fyj‡e bv|)
Answer:(a) language/life (b) alphabetically (c) find (d) spelling (e) syllables (f) synonyms (g) noun (h) picture (i) friends (j) neglect

2.     Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Children are fond of festivals.They become very (a)---on a day of festival.If it is their birthday,their joys become over (b)---.They become very (c)---to have wishes from their beloved perons.Th whole day they (d)---to spend times in joy.Usually a child on its birthday,gets up early and tries to (e)—clsoed to their parents.If (f)---a nice day,if it is presented anything very (g)---to it.Children also want to have their friends (h)---to their hosue on a festival.They expected to have party.Their joys give pleasure to their (i)--.We should try to keep the children always in a (j)—mind. wkïiv Drme wcÖq| Drm‡ei w`‡b Zviv LyeB Avb›` Dc‡fvM K‡i|hw` GUv Zv‡`i Rb¥w`‡bi Drme nq Zv‡`i Avb‡›`i D”Qvm cÖevwnZ nq|Zv‡`i wcÖq †jvK‡`i KvQ †_‡K ï‡f”Qv †c‡j Zviv LyeB AvMÖnx nq|mvivw`b Zviv Avb‡›` w`bwU AwZevwnZ Ki‡Z Pvq|mPivPi GKwU wkï Zvi Rb¥w`‡b Lye mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K I‡V Ges Zv‡`i wcZvgvZvi AwaK mvwbœa¨ †c‡Z †Póv K‡i|hw` GBUv nq  my›`i w`‡b Zviv Dcnvi †c‡q _v‡K Zvi wcÖq wKQyZ‡e Zviv LyeB Avbw›`Z nq| wkïiv Zv‡`i Avgwš¿Z e›×z‡`i Drm‡e Zv‡`i M„‡n †`L‡Z †c‡q AviI Avbw›`Z nq|Zviv GKwU cvwUi Av‡qvRb Ki‡Z cÖZ¨vkv K‡i _v‡K|Zv‡`i Avb›` Zv‡`i eq‡mi †KD Avbw›`Z K‡i|‡Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i memgq DrmegyLi gb ivL‡Z Avgv‡`i †Póv Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer (a)joyous (b)flooded (c) eager (d) want (e) remain (f) becomes (g) favourite (h) invited (i) elders (j) festive

3.     Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Hamidur Rahman was the (a)-----who gave shape to the (b)----and design of the Shaheeed Minar,by (c)----all the aspirations of Bengali (d)----and nationalism.He was the first art (e)----of Bangladesh who in the 1950s (f)----to Europe and studied at “Ecole de Beaux Art” in Paris.He was the (g)----of the new painting movement (h)----Pakistan.But he is most (i)---for his remarkable (j)---of the Central Shaheed Minar.(nvwg`yi ingvb wQ‡jb †mB e¨w³ whwb evOvwji cwiPq I RvZxqZvev‡`i †PZbv‡K GKwÎZ K‡i knx` wgbv‡ii AvK…wZ aviYv I bKkv ˆZwi w`‡qwQ‡jb|wZwb wQ‡jb evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g Pvi“Kjvi QvÎ whwb 1950 Gi `k‡K BD‡ivc wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges c¨vwi‡m ÒEcole de Beaux ArtÓGi Dci Aa¨vqb K‡iwQ‡jb|wZwb wQ‡jb ZrKvjxb cvwK¯Ív‡bi wPÎvsK‡bi bZzb avivi AMÖ`~Z|Z‡e wZwb †K›`ªxq knx` wgbv‡ii bKkvi Rb¨B AwaK cwiwPZ|
Answer: (a) men (b) concept (c) combining (d) identity (e) student (f) went (g) pioneer/leader (h) then (i) remembered /known (j) design

4.     Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
In 1884 France (a)-----the United States with gift as a dramatic gesture of friendship.This (b)-----gift was in the form of a huge copper statue.Its(c)------is “Liberty Englightening the world”.Most people,however(d)-----Its simply as the stattue of liberty.The pieces of statute (e)---in the United States in 214 cases.The French people donated the money for the (f)----of the statue.Grateful,the people of the United States collected the funds for the (g)----granite and concrete pedestal.This impressive monument found a (h)----home in liberty Island in New York harbour.At 151 feet and 1 inch high,it (i)----one of the largest statues in the world.The monumental lady with the torch quickly became a (j)----of American democracy.(1884 mv‡j d«vÝ gvwK©bhy³ivóª‡K GK Dcnvi w`‡qwQj|eÜz‡Zi GK bvUKxq Bw½Z wn‡m‡e|GB e¨vcK Dcnvi GKUv wekvj Zvgvi gywZ© wn‡m‡e Av‡m|GUvi mwVK bvg nq Òwek¦‡K Av‡jvwKZ K‡i †h ¯^vaxbvZvÓ|‡ewki fvM †jvK hv‡nvK,GUv‡K Rv‡b mvaviYZfv‡e  ¯^vaxbvZvi g~wZ© wn‡m‡e|AvM‡gb Zviv gvwK©b hy³iv‡óª g~wZ©Uv‡K ¯’vcb K‡i 214 wU Avav‡i|divwmevmxiv g~wZUv‡K wbgv©‡bi UvKv `vb K‡i|K…ZÁ n‡q gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi RbMY MÖvbvBU Ges wm‡g‡›Ui cv`‡`k e¨vcK Puv`v K‡i A_© msMÖn K‡i|GB †gvngq cÖwZg~wZ©wU GKwU ¯’vqx M„n Ly‡Ru cvq wbDIqK© †cvZvkª‡q  ¯^vaxbvZv Øx‡c|151 wdU GK Bw D”PZvq nIqvq we‡k¦ me‡P‡q eo cÖwZg~wZ©¸‡jvi GKwU|UP© nv‡Z cÖwZg~wZ©i gwnjv `ª“Z cwiYZ nq gvwK©b MbZ‡š¿i GK cÖZxK wn‡m‡e|)
Answer: (a) presented (b) massive/spectacular (c) right/officical (d) know (e) arrived (f) construction (g) round/massive/spectcular (h) permanent (i) remain (j)symbol
5.     Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Education for girls is essential for the development in all (a)----of the society.So,investments in the education of (b)-----with bring in greated (c)-----in the field of economic and social (d)-----.Educated women can contribute more to the family (e)----than those who have no schooling.Educated (f)----are more likely to send their (g)----to school and look after their health and nutrition.Thus (h)----women can contribute to the (i)----development.On the other hand,failure to educate women is a tremendous (j)----of human resources.(mgv‡Ri mKj †¶‡Î Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ wk¶v LyeB cÖ‡qvRbxq|ZvB,bvix wk¶v‡¶‡Î wewb‡qvM wb‡q Avm‡e AwaKZi Avq,A_©‰bwZK Ges mvgvwRK Kj¨v‡Y hv‡`i †Kvb cÖvwZôvwbK †jLvcov †bB Zv‡`i †P‡q †ewk Ae`vb ivL‡Z cv‡i|wkw¶Z gv‡qiv Zv‡`i †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i AwaK msL¨vq ¯‹z‡j cvVv‡Z cv‡i Ges Zv‡`i ¯^v¯’¨ I cywói e¨vcv‡i hZœ wb‡Z cv‡i|Gfv‡eB wkw¶Z gwnjv m¤cÖ`vq Dbœq‡b Ae`vb ivL‡Z cv‡i|Aci c‡¶,gwnjv‡`i wkw¶Z Kivi e¨_©Zv gvbe m¤ú‡`i Pig AcPq|)
       Answer: (a) sectors/spheres (b) women (c) returns (d) development (e) welfare (f) mothers
                  (g) children  (h) educated (i) community  (j) wastage/waste
6.     Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.
The world is getting (a)---because  of pollution.Every year millions of people all over the world die (b)---as a result of pollution.In recent years there have been (c)----reports tha the world’s (d)—is undergoing a significant (e)---.All  these reports provide strong (f)---that world temperatures are (g)---day by day.Climatologist (h)----that midway through the next century temperatures may have (i)----as much as 4 C.This could raise sea-levels and thereby (j)---coastal areas and farmlands.(`~l‡bi Kvi‡Y wek¦ DòZi n‡”Q|cÖwZeQi wek¦e¨vcx j¶¨ j¶¨ gvby‡li `~l‡Yi d‡j Ah_v g„Zy¨ eiY K‡i|mv¤cÖwZK eQi¸‡jv‡Z Avkv•LvRbK Lei n‡jv †h,c„w_exi Rjevqy GKwU D‡j­L‡hvM¨ cwie©Z‡bi †fZi w`‡q hv‡”Q|Gme Lei k³ cÖgvY mieivn Ki‡Q †h,c„w_exi ZvcgvÎv w`b w`b e„w× cv‡”Q|AvenvIqvwe`MY fwel¨ØvYx Ki‡Qb †h,AvMvgx kZvwãi gvSvgvwS ZvcgvÎv 4 wWMÖx †©šÍ †e‡o †h‡Z cv‡i|G‡Z mgy`ª ¯Í‡ii D”PZv e„w× †c‡Z cv‡i Ges DcK~jxq GjvKvmg~n Ges K…wl Rwg c­vweZ n‡Z cv‡i|) Answer: (a)warmer (b) unnecessarily (c) alarming (d) climate (e) change (f) evidence/evidences (g) increasing/rising (h) predict (i) risen/increased (j) flood

7.     Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Language (a)----an important medium of expression of thoughts,feelings,ideas etc.We use it from the (b)---we wake up in the morning (c)----we go to bed at night.We use languae not only during our (d)---hours but also in our dreams.We use language to (e)----what we feel and to say (f)----we like or dislike.We also use it to (g)---information.In Short,language is an (h)----part of what we do,(i)----and believe.We must avoild (j)------bad language.(fvlv nq wPšÍv,Awfe¨w³,aviYv BZ¨vw`i gva¨‡g GKwU ¸iZ¡c~Y© gva¨g|Avgiv GwU e¨envi Kwi mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K DVvi c~e© g~n~Z© †_‡K Avgiv iv‡Z weQvbvq hvIqv ch©šÍ|Avgiv fvlv ïay Avgv‡`i RvMwiZ Ae¯’vqB e¨envi Kwi bv,¯^‡cœi gva¨‡gI e¨envi Kwi|Avgiv fvlv e¨envi Kwi Avgiv hv Abyfe Kwi Zv e¨³ Kivi Rb¨,Avgiv hv cQ›`/AcQ›` Kwi Zv ejvi R‡b¨|Avgiv GwU Z_¨ Rvbvi/cvIqvi R‡b¨ I e¨envi Kwi|g~jZ,fvlv nj Avgiv hv Kwi aviY Kwi Ges wek¦vm Kwi Zvi GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|Avgv‡`i g›` ev Lvivc fvlv e¨envi Aek¨B Gwo‡q Pjv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) is (b) moment (c) till (d) waking (e) express (f) what (g) obtain (h) integral (i) perceive (j) using
8.     Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Many diseases are rising (a)-----an (b)----rate,which experts belive is (c)----to increased (d)----of the development.Pollution (e)-----to be greater in urban areas although rural societies too are (f)----by (g)---use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides.Nevertheless,today city people (h)---to suffer from many more diseases and suffer more (i)----than country people.Now let us see how life in cities is(j)----from that in the country.(A‡bK †ivM Avkv•LvRbKfv‡e e„w× cv‡”Q hv we‡klÁiv wek¦vm K‡ib µgea©gvb `~l‡bi d‡j nq|bMi GjvKv¸‡jv‡Z `~lY AwaKZi g‡b nq hw`I MÖvgxb mgvR¸‡jv ivmvqwbK mvi Ges KxZbvk‡Ki e¨vcK e¨envi Øviv AvµvšÍ|ZvQvov,eZ©gv‡b kn‡ii †jvK‡`i †`Lv hvq A‡bK †ewk †iv‡M AvµvšÍ Ges MÖv‡gi †jvK‡`i Zzjbvq A‡bK †ewk fy‡M|GLb Avgiv †`wL Kxfv‡e kn‡ii Rxe‡bi †P‡q wfbœZi|)
     Answer:(a) at (b) alarming  (c) due (d) pollution (e) appears (f) afflected (g) increased
    (h) appear (i) severely (j) different
9.     Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Microcredit institutions have a great (a)-----in Bangladesh.Grameen Bank is one of them which has (b)---recognition.It (c)----money to the poor especially the (d)----women.It (e)----the need to develop skills and (f)----consciousness among them.It creates(g)----opportunity for rural women.Thus institution has a positive (h)----on their economic variables and family(i)----.It also helps to (j)----their poverty.(evsjv‡`‡k SY `vb cÖwZôvb mg~‡ni weivU ¸iZ¡ i‡q‡Q|MÖvgxY e¨vsK G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg hvi AvšÍ©RvwZK ¯^xK…Z i‡q‡Q|Bnv `wi`ª‡`i‡K we‡klK‡i MÖvgxY gwnjv‡`i‡K A_© SY †`q|GwU `¶Zv Dbœq‡bi cÖ‡qvR‡bi Dci †Rvi †`q Ges Zv‡`i gv‡S m‡PZbZv e„w× K‡i|GwU MÖvgxY gwnjv‡`i PvKzwii my‡hvM m„wó K‡i|Zv‡`i A_©‰bwZK Uvbvc‡ob Ges cwievi cwiKíbvi Ici GB cÖwZôv‡bi GKwU BwZevPK cÖfv&e i‡q‡Q|GwU Zv‡`i `vwi`ªZv n«vm Ki‡Z I mvnvh¨ K‡i|)
Answer:(a) importance (b) international (c) lends (d) rural (e) emphasizes (f) raise (g) employment (h) impact (i) planning (j) reduce

10. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Investment in education (a)-----girls increase the economic and social (b)----of development investment in all other sectors . Educating girls contributes  (c)------- wealth through its empact on economic development . Educated women have higher income (d)------ than those who have (e)------- no schooling . Educated mother is more (f)------ to send both their boys and girls to school . It is important to rialise that (g)-------- in girls education generally results (h)------- an integrated approach to community development . Thus (i)------- to educate girls results in a tremendous  waste of potential human (j)-------(†g‡q‡`i R‡b¨ wk¶vq wewb‡qvM Ab¨vb¨ mKj Lv‡Z Dbœqb we‡bv‡qv‡Mi A_©‡bwZK Ges mvgvwRK je„w× K‡i|‡g‡q‡`i wkw¶ZKiY A_©‰bwZK Dbœq‡bi Dci Zvi cÖfv‡ei gva¨‡g m¤ú` m„wó‡Z Ae`vb ivL‡Q|hviv ¯‹y‡j †Kvb wk¶v cvqwb Zv‡`i †_‡K wkw¶Z bvix‡`i AwaKZi Av‡qi m¤¢ebv i‡q‡Q|wkw¶Z gv‡q‡`i Zv‡`i †Q‡j‡g‡q Dfq‡KB ¯‹z‡j cvVv‡bvi AwaK m¤¢ebv i‡q‡Q|GUv Abyaveb Kiv ¸iZ¡c~Y© †h,†g‡q‡`i wk¶vq mdjZv mvaviYZ mgvR Dbœq‡bi m¤^wš^Z c`‡¶c †_‡K dj jvf K‡i|myZivs †g‡q‡`i‡K wkw¶Z Ki‡Z e¨_© nIqv m¤¢ebvgq gvbe m¤ú‡`i cÖPÛ AcP‡q ch©ewmZ nq|)
Answer: (a) for (b) returns (c) creating (d) potential (e) had (f) likely (g) success (h) from
                (i) failing (j) resources
11. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Trees are very useful to humans.They (a)----the rich to soil from being (b)-----away by rain water and floods.You can see trees being (c)----along mountain slopes,on roadsides,in parks and gardens.Trees give us shade.They (d)----life  to a place with their colourful flowers,beautiful leaves,fruits and thick trunks.They (e)---shelters for birds and animals.They give us timber,medicines,paper,gum and many other useful things.They (f)---in carbon di-oxide and (g)----oxygen.As you know by now man (h)----oxyzen to (i)—and live.Trees are our best friends.We should (j)----them and plant more trees around us.(MvQ gvby‡li R‡b¨ LyeB DcKvix|Zviv e„wói cvwb Ges eb¨v KZ…©K mg„× Dcwifv‡Mi gvwU ay‡q hvIqv cÖwZ‡iva K‡i|cvnv‡oi Xvj eivei,iv¯Ívi cv‡k¦©, cv‡K© Ges evMv‡b †Zvgiv MvQcvjv Rb¥v‡Z †`L‡Z cvI|MvQ Avgv‡`i Qvqv cÖavb K‡i|Zv‡`i iwOb dzj,my›`i cvZv,djg~j Ges †gvUv KvÛ GKwU ¯’vb‡K cÖvY Pv‡j¨ f‡i †`q|Zviv cvLcvLvwj Ges RxeRš‘i Avkªq ‡hvMvb †`q|Zviv Avgv‡`i KvV,Ilya,KvMR,AvVv Ges Ab¨vb¨ A‡bK `iKvix wRwbm †`q|Zviv Kve©bWvB AK&ªvBW ï‡l †bq Ges Aw·ª‡Rb Drcbœ K‡i|‡Zvgiv †hgbwU †R‡bQ gvby‡li k¦vm †bIqv Ges †e‡Pu _vKvi R‡b¨ AwK&ª‡Rb cÖ‡qvRb|MvQ Avgv‡`i cig eÜz|Zv‡`i‡K Avgv‡`i i¶v Kiv DwPZ Ges Avgv‡`i Pviw`‡K AviI MvQ jvMv‡bv DwPZ|
Answer: (a) prevent (b) washed (c) grown (d) give (e) provide (f) take (g) produce (h) needs
                (i) breath (j) protect
12. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
In ancient times,education was (a)-----for the general people but a (b)----for the chosen few who took on (c)----roles in the (d)----of the state and in a religion.(e)----Greece,education became more (f)-----in about the 15th century BC.The Greeks,however,sent(g)----theur male children to school.When Rome was (h)----by the Greeks,the Romans under Greek influence (i)----a strong (j)---of literacy.(cÖvPxbKv‡j wk¶v mvaviY gvby‡li Kv‡Q wQj bv|wKšÍ GwU wQj evQvB Kiv Aí K‡qKR‡bi g‡a¨ GKwU we‡klvwaKvi hviv ivóª cwiPvjbvq Ges ag© cvj‡b †KŠkjMZ f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡Zb|wMÖ‡m, cÖvq wLª÷c~e© 5g kZvwã‡Z wk¶v AwaKZi we¯Í„Z nq|wMÖKiv,hv‡nvK,ïaygvÎ Zv‡`i cyi“l wkï‡`i‡K ¯‹z‡j cvVvZ|hLb wMÖKiv †ivg Rq K‡i wb‡qwQj,†ivgvbiv wMÖK‡`I cÖfv‡e ¯^v¶iZvi GKwU kw³kvjx HwZ‡n¨i Dbœqb NUvq|)
Answer: (a) not (b) privilege (c) strategic (d) running (e) in (f) widespread (g) only (h) conquered (i) developed (j) tradition

13. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a)----his future from the astrologers.A famous astrologer (b)----to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras.The king called on him to know about his future and the astrologer told him something (c)--.At this the king got (d)----and condemned him to (e)---saying, “Men like you should not live to (f)---the peace of the world.” But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g)----. “How long will you live?” asked the king.With ready(h)—the astrologer said, “This king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, “Drive this (j)---away,let him not come here again.”(‡Kvb GK mgq GK ivRv wQ‡jb whwb †R¨vwZlx‡`i KvQ †_‡K Zvi fwel¨r Rvbvi R‡b¨ Lye AvMÖnx wQ‡jb|GKRb weL¨vZ †R¨vwZlx Zvi †ebvim hvIqvi c‡_ ‰`e¨µ‡g Zvi ivRavbx‡Z G‡m hvÎvweiwZ w`‡jb|ivRv Zvi fwel¨r Rvbvi R‡b¨ Zvi mv‡_ mv¶vr Ki‡jb Ges †R¨vwZlx Zv‡K AcÖxwZKi wKQy ej‡jb|G‡Z ivRv w¶ß n‡q DV‡jb Ges Zv‡K g„Zy¨`Ê w`‡jb G K_v e‡j,Ó †Zvgvi gZ gvbyl‡`i c„w_exi kvwšÍ bó Kivi R‡b¨ †e‡Pu _vKv DwPZ bq|Ó wKšÍ †R¨vwZlx‡K cÖvY`Ê †`Iqvi Rb¨ mwi‡q †bIqvi Av‡M Av‡iKwU fvebv Zvi g‡b D`q nj| ÒZzwg KZw`b evP‡eu?Ó ivRv wR‡Ám Ki‡jb| Dcw¯’Z eyw× w`‡q †R¨vwZlx ej‡jb, Òb¶ÎivwR †Nvlbv Ki‡Q †h,Rvnvcbvi g„Zy¨i gvÎ GK mßvn Av‡M Avwg gviv hve|AZÎe,we`vq|Ó GK_v ï‡b ivRv g„Z gvby‡li gZ d¨vKv‡k n‡q †M‡jb Ges wPrKvi K‡i ej‡jb, ÒGB nZfvMv‡K Zvwo‡q `vI,Avevi †hb †m GLv‡b bv Avm‡Z cv‡i|Ó)
Answer: (a) knowing (b) happened (c) unpleasant (d) furious (e) death (f) spoil (g) execution (h) wit (i) declare (j) wretch
14. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
in vain
(a)----illiteracy problem is the (b)----task of the hour.We must educate all of our people(c)---our balanced development;otherwise all of our development plans must go (d)--.If we can educate our people,half of our problems will be automatically (e)-----.That’s why,education is (f)----the nerve of development.All strength and power to (g)---the development  of our country(h)----from education.So,we (i)---give topmost priority on education sector if we really want the (j)----of our dear motherland.( wbi¶iZv mgm¨v †gvKvwejv Kiv G mg‡qi me‡P‡q ¸iZ¡c~Y© KvR|Avgv‡`i mylg Dbœqb wbwðZ Ki‡Z Avgv‡`i‡K Aek¨B mKj RbMY‡K wkw¶Z Ki‡Z n‡e; Ab¨_vq Avgv‡`i mKj Dbœqb cwiKíbv Aek¨B e„_v n‡q hv‡e|hw` Avgiv Avgv‡`i RbMY‡K wkw¶Z Ki‡Z cvwi,Avgv‡`i A‡a©K mgm¨v Avcbv Avcwb mgvavb n‡q hv‡e|G Kvi‡Y,wk¶v‡K ejv nq Dbœq‡bi mœvqykw³|‡`‡ki mylg Dbœq‡bi R‡b¨ mKj kw³ Ges ¶gZv wk¶v †_‡K DrmvwiZ nq|myZivs Avgv‡`i Aek¨B wk¶v Lv‡Zi Dci m‡e©v”P AMÖvwaKvi w`‡Z n‡e hw` Avgiv mwZ¨ mwZ¨ Avgv‡`i wcÖq gvZ…f~wgi Dbœqb PvB|)
Answer(a) Addressing (b) paramount (c) to ensure (d) in vain (e) solved (f) called (g) balance (h) originates (i) must (j) upliftment.
15. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Education is one of the basic (a)------ of a human being.The poor socio-economic condition of Bangladesh can be largely (b)------ to most people’s inaccessibility to education. If all the people were (c)------, they could live a healthy and (d)--- life. It enhances our (e)---- to raise crops, store food, (f)----- the environment and carry out our social responsibilities. it is only education which can help us to adopt a (g)---- attitude. It (h)------ us with an enlightened (i)---- about things and this awareness is the (j)----- for social development.(wk¶v gvbe RvwZi †gŠwjK cÖ‡qvR‡bi GKwU|`vwi`ª,Av_©mvgvwRK Ae¯’v evsjv‡`‡ki AwaKvsk ‡jv‡Ki wk¶vq cÖ‡e‡ki †¶‡Î evav A‡bKvs‡k `vqx|hw` me †jvK wkw¶Z nq,Zviv ¯^v¯’¨evb I cwiKwíZ Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z cvi‡e|Bnv kl¨ Drcv`‡b,Lv`¨ gRy‡`,cwi‡ek msi¶‡b I mvgvwRK `vwqZ¡ cvj‡b Avgv‡`i mvg_© evwo‡q †`q|GKgvÎ wk¶vB Avgv‡`i wePvieyw× msµvšÍ g‡bvfve‡K mnvqZv Ki‡Z cv‡i|Bnv Avgv‡`i m‡PZbZv e„wׇZ †hvMvb †`q †h m‡PZbZv mvgvwRK Dbœq‡b c~e© Dc‡hvMx|)
Answer(a) needs (b)important (c) development (d) knoweldge (e) educated  (f) healthy (g) Education (h)enables  (i) choice (j) ability
16. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        

There are many prople in our country who have a conservative (a)-----.Quite early in life they learn to (b)----that everything in this world was (c)----.They think all that happens to them was (d)----by God.From this belief the poor generally accept their (e)-----.They also accept all their (f)----and suffering without trying much to overcome them.They also (g)---a firm belief that those who (h)----sufferings in this world will be (i)---rewarded in the next world.They also have the same sort of (j)---towards illness and disease.( Avgv‡`i †`‡k A‡bK gvbyl Av‡Q hv‡`i i¶Ykxj `„wófw½ i‡q‡Q|‡ek Aí eqm †_‡K Zviv wek¦vm Ki‡Z †k‡L †h,G we‡k¦i mewKQyB c~e©wbav©wiZ|Zviv g‡b K‡i Zv‡`i Rxe‡b hv wKQy N‡U meB Ck¦i K©Z„K w¯’ixK…Z|GB wek¦vm †_‡K `vwi`ªiv mvaviYZ Zv‡`i `vwi`ª‡K †g‡b †bq|Zviv Zv‡`i mKj `ytL Ges Kó‡K civf~Z Kivi AwaK †Póv Qvov †g‡bI †bq|Zviv GKwU `„p wek¦vm †cvlYI K‡i ‡h,hvivGB c„w_ex‡Z Kó mn¨ Ki‡e Zv‡`i‡K ciKv‡j h‡_ó cwigvb cyi¯‹…Z Kiv n‡e|Amy¯’Zv Ges †iv‡Mi cÖwZI Zv‡`i GKB ai‡Yi g‡bvfve i‡q‡Q|)
Answer:(a) outlook (b) belive (c) predeterminded (d) ordaind (e) poverty (f) sorrows
              (g) hold (h) undergo (i) amply (j) attitude .
17. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Animals must be able to (a)----- themselves from enemies in order to (b)-------- Different animals have (c)------- ways . Some animals are protective colouring that is their (d)------- changes to much their (e)------ . The tree tood changes (f)------ gray to green when it (g)------ from the trunk of a tree to green  (h)------- . Similarly the dead leaf butterfluy (i)----- being seen by its enemies because it (j)------ like to dray leaf. (wU‡K _vKvi R‡b¨ cÖvYx‡`i Aek¨B kµ‡`i nvZ †_‡K wb‡R‡`i i¶v Kivi mvg©_¨ _vK‡Z n‡e|wfbœ wfbœ cÖvYx‡`i wfbœ wfbœ cØwZ i‡q‡Q|‡Kvb †Kvb cÖvYxi wbivcËvg~jK iÄK c`v_© i‡q‡Q A_¨vr Zv‡`i is cwieZ©b nq Zv‡`i cvwicvwk¦©K Ae¯’vi mv‡_ Lvc LvIqv‡bvi R‡b¨| mvaviY †M‡Qb e¨vO a~mi †_‡K mey‡R cwiewZ©Z nq hLb GwU Mv‡Qi KvÛ †_‡K GKwU meyR cvZvi m‡i Av‡m| GKBfv‡e,SivcvZv cÖRvcwZ Zvi kµ‡`i `„wó‡K dvwKu †`q †Kbbv GwU GKwU ïK‡bv cvZvi gZ D‡o P‡j|)
Answer :(a) protect (b) survive (c) different (d) colour (e) look (f) from (g) move (h) leaf (i) escape (j) flies.
18. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Day to day

Hellow, my name is Charles Karoro and I am a banker.My salary is (a)---- but the (b) ----- expenses in Nsirobi are (c) ----- high. Housing and food are (d) -------- in the capital, I have (e) ------- an apartment but it is really too small for my family. Of course it doesn`t have a garden. So my (f) ------- Marin, who loves gardening can`t (g) ------- anything. She can`t go out to work either, because theres no one eles in the house to look after the children. So, the whole family depends on my (h) --------- alone. I have great hopes for my children and would like to send them to a good school. But good schools are very (i) --------. I am not sure how much I will be able to help them. Morever, I am often in a fix about whether I should (j) --------- my income with my brothers in the village.   (n¨v‡jv,Avgvi bvg Pvj©m K¨v‡iviv Ges Avwg GK e¨vsK Kg©KZ©v|Avgvi †eZb fvj wKš‘ bvB‡ivwe‡Z ˆ`bw›`b e¨qmg~n †Xi †ewk|Avevmb Ges Lv`¨ DfqB ivRavbx‡Z e¨qeûj|Avwg GKwU G¨vcv©‡g›U fvov K‡iwQ wKšÍ Avgvi cwiev‡ii  Rb¨ GwU mwZ¨B Lye †QvU|Aek¨ Gi evMvb †bB|myZivs Avgvi ¯¿x †gwib †h evMvb Kiv fvjev‡m †m †Kvb wKQyB Rb¥v‡Z cv‡i bv|‡m evB‡i Kv‡RI †h‡Z cv‡i bv,†Kbbv †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i †`Lvïbvi R‡b¨ evmvq †KD †bB|Kv‡RB,cy‡iv cwievi GKgvÎ Avgvi Dcv©R‡bi Dci wbf©ikxj|Avgvi †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i R‡b¨ Avgvi D”Pvkv i‡q‡Q Ges GKwU fv‡jv ¯‹z‡j cvVv‡Z cQ›` Kie|wKš‘ fv‡jv ¯‹zj¸‡jv LyeB e¨qeûj|Avwg wbwðZ bB,Avwg KZUv Zv‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z mg_© ne| AwaKš‘,MÖv‡g Avgvi fvB‡`i mv‡_ Avgvi DcvR©‡bi fvMvfvwM Kiv DwPZ n‡e wKbv G e¨vcv‡i Avwg cÖvqB wKsKZ©e¨wegyp _vwK|)
Answer: (a) Okay (b) day to day (c) pretty (d) costly (e) reneted (f) wife (g) grow  (h) income (i)expensives (j) share.

19.  Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary
Children are fond of festivals.They become very (a)---on a day of festival.If it is their birthday,their joys become over (b)---.They become very (c)---to have wishes from their beloved perons.Th whole day they (d)---to spend times in joy.Usually a child on its birthday,gets up early and tries to (e)—clsoed to their parents.If (f)---a nice day,if it is presented anything very (g)---to it.Children also want to have their friends (h)---to their hosue on a festival.They expected to have party.Their joys give pleasure to their (i)--.We should try to keep the children always in a (j)—mind. (wkïiv Drme LyeB cQ›` K‡i| Drm‡ei w`‡b Zviv LyeB Avbw›`Z nq|hw` GUv Zv‡`i Rb¥w`‡bi Drme nq Zv‡`i Avb‡›`i D”Qvm cÖevwnZ nq|Zv‡`i wcÖq †jvK‡`i KvQ †_‡K ï‡f”Qv cvIqvi Rb¨ LyeB D`MÖxe _v‡K| mvivw`b Zviv Avb‡›` w`bwU AwZevwnZ Ki‡Z Pvq|mPivPi GKwU wkï Zvi Rb¥w`‡b Lye mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K I‡V Ges Zv‡`i wcZvgvZvi AwaK mvwbœa¨ †c‡Z †Póv K‡i|GwU GKwU Avb›`gq w`‡b cwiYZ nq hw` GB my›`i w`‡b Zviv Dcnvi †c‡q _v‡K Z‡e Zviv LyeB Avbw›`Z nq| wkïiv Zv‡`i Avgwš¿Z e›×z‡`i Drm‡e Zv‡`i M„‡n †`L‡Z †c‡q AviI Avbw›`Z nq|Zviv GKwU cvwUi Av‡qvRb Ki‡Z cÖZ¨vkv K‡i _v‡K|Zv‡`i Avb›` Zv‡`i ‡R¨ó‡`i  Avbw›`Z K‡i|Avgv‡`i me©`v wkï‡`i gvbwmK Avb‡›`i g‡a¨ ivLv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) joyful/joyous (b) flooded (c) eager (d) want (e) remain (f) delightful/joyful (g) favourite (h) invited (i) elders (j) festive
20.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.
Every year the Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding (a)….to the field of science, literature, and economics and for the (b)….of peace. It is the world’s most (c)….prize. If there is more than one recipient, the prize money is (d)….equally among the winners. The prize was (e)….by Sir Alfred Nobel, the father of science of destruction. He (f)…dynamite. Though Nobel was born in Sweden, he was (g)….in Russia. For this important invention, he became (h)….all over the world. He earned a (i)…sum of money. The prize is given from the interest of the money. The winners of the Nobel Prize are (j)…with great respect across the globe. (cÖwZ eQi weÁvb, mvwnZ¨,A_©bxwZ Ges kvwšÍi AMÖMwZ‡K mvnvh¨ Kivi R‡b¨ Amvgvb¨ Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cÖ`vb Kiv nq|GUv c„w_exi me‡P‡q gh©v`vKi cyi¯‹vi|hw` cyi¯‹vi MÖnxZv GKvwaK nq,Z‡e cyi¯‹v‡ii A_© weRqx‡`i g‡a¨ mgvbfv‡e fvM K‡i †`Iqv nq|aŸsm weÁv‡bi RbK m¨vi Avj‡d«W †bv‡ej KZ…©K cyi¯‹viwU cÖwZôv Kiv n‡q‡Q|wZwb wWbvgvBU Avwe¯‹vi K‡iwQ‡jb|‡bv‡ej myB‡W†b Rb¥MÖnY Ki‡jI ivwkqvq wk¶v jvf K‡ib|GB ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Avwe¯‹v‡ii Rb¨ wZwb mviv c„w_ex‡Z weL¨vZ n‡q Av‡Qb|wZwb AZzj A_© DcvR©b K‡iwQ‡jb|cyi¯‹vi cÖ`vb Kiv nq G UvKvi my` †_‡K|‡bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi weRqx‡`i we‡k¦ AwaK kª×vi mwnZ g~j¨vqb Kiv nq|)y 
Ans(a) contribution (b) promotion (c) prestigious (d) divided (e) instituted (f) invented (g) educated (h) famous (i) huge (j) treated

21.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        

Bangladesh is a (a) ------- populated country, but a large number of her people are (b) ------. It is not possible for her to ensure (c) -------- to the teeming millions.Self employment is a possible (d) -------- to this problem. It means that people themselves should (e) ------- avenues for self employment. Facilities for trainmimg in (f) ------- trades and vocation are available (g) -------- the country. The yourts, in particular, can train themselves in any of these trades and turn into a useful (h) -------. The govt. also (i) -------- easy loanes and counselling with a view to helping them start an (j) -------- earning activity.(evsjv‡`k Nb RbmsL¨vi †`k,wKšÍ Zvi RbM‡bi GKwU Ask †eKvi j¶ j¶ RbM‡bi  Rb¨ PvKzwi wbwðZ Kiv Zvi R‡b¨ m¤¢e bq|AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb GB mgm¨vi GKwU m¤¢ve¨ mgvavb|Gi A_© GB †h,RbMY wb‡RivB AvZ¥K©gms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ c_ AbymÜvb Ki‡e|wewfbœ e¨emv Ges †ckvq cÖwk¶‡Yi myweav †`k Ry‡o i‡q‡Q|we‡kl K‡i hye m¤cÖ`vq G mKj e¨emvi †h †Kvb GKwU‡Z Zviv cÖwk¶Y wb‡Z cv‡i Ges cÖ‡qvRbxq Rbkw³‡Z iƒcvwšÍZ n‡Z cv‡i|miKviI mnR SY Ges civgk© cÖ`vb K‡i Zv‡`i GKwU ¯^vaxb Dcv©Rb Kg©KvÛ ïi“ Ki‡Z mnvqZv Kivi R‡b¨|)
Answer: (a) densely (b) unemployed (c) employment (d) solution (e) explore (f) different (g) across (h) manpower (i) provides (j) independent.
22.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        

Of the fast increasing population most of them are poor and (a) -----.They do not realize the (b) ------- conscquences of having so many children. They do not know that they are creating the existing food problem more serious and more (c) ------. There is always (d) -------- of food. Again the mouths to be fed are multiplaying too (e) ------- for food production to keep peace with. The threats of famine and mass (f) ------- now loom larger  than ever before,because the population  is increasing in geometrical progression.While the food production is increasing in arithmetical progression.The agriculture of our country is still (g)----.They cannot apply scientific (h)----of cultivation in their lands.So the production of food (i)-----is very low.Thus the increasing population adds to (j)----problem.(`ª“Z ea©bkxj RbmsL¨vi AwaKvsk `wi`ª Ges wbi¶i|Zviv GZ †ewk †Q‡j‡g‡q _vKvi Lvivc cwibwZ Dcjwä K‡i bv|Zviv Rv‡b bv †h,weivRgvb Lv`¨mgm¨v‡K Zviv AviI Zxeª K‡i Zzj‡Q|memgq Lv‡`¨i NvUwZ i‡q‡Q|Avevi †h gyL¸‡jv‡K Avnvi Zz‡j w`‡Z n‡e Zv‡`i msL¨v GZ `ª“Z †e‡o hv‡”Q †h,†mB mv‡_ Zvj wgwj‡q  Avgiv Lv`¨ Drcv`b Ki‡Z cviwQ bv|`yw©f¶ Ges MY Abvnv‡ii ûgwK †h †Kvb mg‡qi †_‡K me‡P‡q †ewk cÖKU n‡q †`Lv w`‡”Q|‡Kbbv RbmsL¨v R¨vwgwZK MwZ‡Z e„w× cv‡”Q hLb Lv`¨ Drcv`b MvwYwZK MwZ‡Z evo‡Q|Avgv‡`i †`‡ki K…wl GLbI Avw`g ch©v‡qi| Zviv Zv‡`i Rwg‡Z Pvlvev‡`i ˆeÁvwbK cØwZ cÖ‡qvM Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|myZivs Lv`¨km¨ Drcv`b AwZgš’i|GLb µgea©gvb RbmsL¨v mgm¨v e„w× Ki‡Q|)
Answer: (a) illiterate (b) evil (c) acute (d) shortage (e) rapidly (f) starvation (g) primitive (h) method (i) crops (j) food.

23.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
The Computer is a (a) ----recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b)….life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c)….revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d)….that helps people (e)…mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the (f)….is a simple computer. Today however, the term (g)….refers to special kind of electronic (h)….that can perform mathematical calculations and (i)…large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j)….mathematicians would need years to complete.( (Kw¤úDUvi GKev‡i AZ¨vaywbK mv¤cÖwZK Avwe¯‹vi|GUv eZ©gv‡b AvaywbK Rxe‡b GKwU AZ¨vek¨Kxq Ask n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q|GUv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b cÖvq ‰ec­weK cwieZ©b Avbqb K‡i‡Q| ‡h †Kvb ai‡bi Avwe¯‹…Z hš¿ hv MvwYwZK mgm¨v mgvav‡b m¶g Zv‡KB Kw¤úDUvi ejv P‡j|GKw`K †_‡K A¨vevKvm I GKwU mnR mij Kw¤úDUvi|hv †nvK, Kw¤úDUvi n‡”Q GK ai‡bi B‡jKUªwbK †gwkb| K‡qK wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ Kw¤úDUvi MvwYwZK wnmve m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cv‡i|Ges `ªZ MwZ‡Z wecj cwigvb Z_¨ cÖwµqvwš^Z Ki‡Z cv‡i|Aí K‡qK wgwb‡U GKwU Kw¤úDUvi  GKwU wnmve m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cªwk¶YcÖvß MwYZwe`‡`i A‡bK eQi mgq jvM‡Zv|
Ans:(a) fairly (b) modern (c) about (d) device (e) perform (f) abacus (g) computer (h) machine (i) process (j) trained

24.Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
slow pace
getting on
It seems hard to believe that I’ve been in Savar for a whole month now! I prmised  to write you and tell you how I was (a)----.So here it goes.When I first got there I just couldn’t get used to the (b)----of life.Now, though.I am learning to take things (c)----- I am beginning to feel at home.You can’t imagine how (d)----the universeity campus is.It is very large,very green and (e)----the best campus in the country.It’s (f)----wonderful.My first (g)---of the students and teachers here is that they are really (h)----and helpful.And the (i)---is wonderful.As you know I am staying in a hall of (j)-----but life here is so different particularly if you are used to home comforts.(GwU wek¦vm Ki‡Z KwVb g‡b nq †h,Avwg GLb cy‡iv GKgvm mvfv‡i KvwU‡q w`‡qwQ|Avwg K_v w`‡qwQjvg †Zvgv‡K wjLe Ges wKfv‡e GLv‡b Pvwj‡q hvw”Q Zv †Zvgv‡K eje|AZGe GLb ZvB K‡iwQ | hLb cÖ_g Avwg GLv‡b †cŠQjvg Avwg wVK gš’i MwZi Rxe‡bi mv‡_ Af¨¯Í n‡Z cviwQjvg bv|GLb,hw`I Avwg mnRfv‡e mewKQy wb‡Z wkLwQ,Avwg ¯^v”Q›`¨ Abyfe Ki‡Z ïi“ K‡iwQ|Zzwg Kíbv Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv,wek¦we`¨vjq GjvKvwU KZ my›`i|GwU wekvj NbmeyR Ges m¤¢eZ †`‡ki me©‡kªô wk¶v½b|GwU cy‡ivcywi PgrKvi|GLvbKvi QvÎ Ges wk¶‡`i m¤ú‡K© Avgvi cÖ_g aviYv GB †h,Zviv mwZ¨ mwZ¨ eÜzcivqb Ges mnvqZvKvix|Avi cvVvMviwU Ac~e©|Zzwg Z Rv‡bv,Avwg AvevwmK n‡j LvKwQ,wKšÍ GLvbKvi Rxeb GK`g wfbœ we‡kl K‡i hw` Zzwg evwoi Aviv‡g Af¨¯Í _vK|)
Answer:(a) getting on (b) slow peace (c) easy/easier (d) beautiful/charming (e) probably (f) simply (g) impression (h) friendly (i) library (j) residence .

25. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Once upon a time there (a)-----in the city of Bagdad a young bachelor who was by (b)---a porter.One day he sat in the market place learning idly (c)----his basket.A young woman (d)-----in rare silks and coaked in a gold embroidered mantle,stopped before him and gently raised her (e)-----.Beneath it there showed dark eyes with lashes and lineaments of (f)----beauty. “Lit up your basket,porter.”,she said in a (g)----voice, “and follow me.” At once the porter took up his basket,(h)----to himself, “This is (i)----a lucky day!” He followed her until she stopped at the door of a house and (j)---.(GK`v evM`v` bMix‡Z GK AweevwnZ hyeK evm KiZ,†m wQj †ckvq GKRb gy‡U|GKw`b evRv‡i Zvi Szwoi Dci †njvb w`‡q †m Ajmfv‡e e‡mwQj|`vwg wm‡éi Kvco cwiwnZv Ges †mvbvjx bw·`vi Puv`i Rov‡bv GK Zi“bx Zvi mvg‡b G‡m _vgj Ges ax‡i ax‡i Zvi †NvgUv D‡Ëvjb Kij| †NvgUvi bx‡P †`Lv w`j j¤^v cvcwoIqvjv Kv‡jv †PvL Ges cwic~Y© †mŠ›`©‡h¨i gyLveqe| †Zvgvi SzwowU Zz‡j bvI gy‡U, wgwó K‡Ú †m ejj, ÒGes †Zvgv‡K Abymib Ki| Zr¶bvr gy‡U Zvi Szwo Zz‡j wbj, g‡b g‡b fve‡Z jvMj| GwU cÖK…Zc‡¶ GKwU †mŠfv‡M¨i w`b| †m Zv‡K Abymib Kij hZ¶b bv †m GKwU evwoi `iRvq G‡m _vgj Ges KovNvZ Kij|)
Answer: (a) lived (b) trade  (c) against  (d) dressed (e) veil (f) perfect (g) sweet (h) thinking (i) indeed (j) knooked
26. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Mr Zaman is a house wife.She loves (b)----.She lives in an apartment block.There are seven more families in the building.She has an (b)-----cook.So she does not have to do any (c)----.Almost everyday around eleven o’clock she (d)----to visit one of her (e)---in the apartments mostly to gossip.Most of the houswives she (f)----do not have much domestic help and they (g)-----this time to cook,clean or do other household (h)---.But Mrs Zaman does not seem to be (i)----.She does not mind (j)----the personal matters of one family with another.(wg‡mm Rvgvb GKRb M„wnbx| wZwb Mí¸Re Kiv cQ›` K‡ib| wZwb GKwU GcvU©‡g›U fe‡b evm K‡ib| febwU‡Z AviI mvZwU cwievi _v‡K| Zvi GKRb AwfÁ ivayuwb Av‡Q| myZivs Zv‡K ivbœvi ‡Kvb KvR Ki‡Z nq bv| cÖvq cÖ‡Z¨Kw`b †ejv GMviUvi w`‡K wZwb fe‡bi GKRb cÖwZ‡ekxi evmvq †eov‡Z hvb cÖavbZ Mí¸Re Kivi Rb¨| AwaKvsk M„nxwbi hv‡`i evmvq wZwb †eov‡Z hvb Zv‡`i Lye GKUv Kv‡Ri †jvK †bB| Ges Zviv G mgqwU e¨envi K‡ib ivbœv cwi®‹vi Kivi Kv‡R A_ev evwoi Ab¨vb¨ LywUubvwU Kv‡R| wKš‘ wg‡mm Rvgvb weeªZ †eva K‡ib e‡j g‡b nq bv| wZwb GK cwiev‡ii e¨w³MZ welqvw` Ab¨ cwiev‡ii mv‡_ Av‡jvPbv Ki‡ZI wKQy g‡b K‡ib bv| )
Answer: (a) gossiping (b) experinced (c) cooking (d) goes (e) neigbours (f) visits (g) use (h) chores  (i) bothered (j) discussing.
27. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
We cannot get rid of our (a)----but a proper management of it can certainly reduce its quantity.If we think of burning,burying,recycling and thus(b)---our waste,we can to a large (c)----save our (d)----.Our garbage consists (e)-----various kinds of things.Some are burnable,(f)------are (g)----.In some countries waste is destroyed by (h)----.The non burnable waste is melted and (i)----.Some rubbish is not (j)----at all.(Avgiv Avgv‡`i eR¨© †_‡K cy‡ivcywi gy³ n‡Z cvie bv wKš‘ Gi mwVK e¨e¯’vcbv wbwðZfv‡e Gi cwigvb Kwg‡q w`‡Z cv‡i| Avgiv hw` cywo‡q †djv, gvwU Pvcv †`Iqv, K_v wPšÍv K‡i Ges Gfv‡e Avgv‡`i e‡R¨©i e¨envi Kwi, Z‡e Avgiv A‡bKvs‡k Avgv‡`i cwi‡ek‡K i¶v Ki‡Z cvie| Avgv‡`i  Ave©Rbv wewfbœ ai‡bi wRwbm wb‡q MwVZ|‡Kvb †KvbwU `vn¨,†KvbwU A`vn¨; †Kvb †`‡k e©R¨ aeesm Kiv nq Pzwj­i gva¨‡g| A`vn¨ eR¨© Mjv‡bv nq Ges c~bMVb Kiv nq| †Kvb †Kvb Ave©Rbv †gv‡UB Ave©Rbv bq|)
Answer:(a) waste (b) manage (c) extent (d) environment (e) of  (f) some (g) non- burnable
               (h) incinerators (i) refabricated (j) rubbish.

28. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.
Napoleon Bonaparte said, “Give me an educated (a)……and I will give you an educated (b)…..” From this saying we can (c)….the great role of the mother in building up an educated nation because a child usually (d)….up in contact with its mother and from its childhood he/she develops his/her talents. If the mother (e)……, she will be able to teach her children. In another sense, her children naturally will learn from what she says and does because a child ,up to a certain (f)…is always in (g)…..of its mother .So he/she will follow everything that is said and done by his/her mother. Besides, an educated mother (h)… to bring up and (i)…her children well. So it is universally true that an educated nation is largely (j)…----to its mother.(‡b‡cvwjqvb †evbv‡cvU© e‡j‡Qb, ÒAvgv‡K GKRb wk¶Z gv `vI, Avwg †Zvgv‡`i GKwU wkw¶Z RvwZ †`e|ÓGK_v †_‡K Avgiv eyS‡Z cvwi †h GKwU mywkw¶Z RvwZ MV‡b gv‡qi wekvj f~wgKv i‡q‡Q|KviY GKwU wkï ¯^fveZ Zvi gv‡qi mvwbœ‡a¨ †e‡o I‡V Ges DbœwZ mvab K‡i _v‡K|gv wkw¶Z n‡j †m Zvi wkï‡`i wk¶v `vb Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e|Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq †h,†m(gv)hv e‡j Ges K‡i Zv †_‡K wkïwU ¯^fveZB wk‡L _v‡K,KviY wbw©`ó eqm ch©šÍ †m Zvi gv‡qi ms¯ú‡k© _v‡K|ZvB †m mewKQyB AbymiY Ki‡e hv Zvi gv KZ…©K ejv Ges Kiv nq|GQvov GKRb wkw¶Z gv Rv‡bb Kxfv‡e Zvi mšÍvb‡`i jvjb cvjb Ki‡Z nq|myZivs GUv wPišÍb mZ¨ †h GKwU wkw¶Z RvwZ gv‡qi wbKU fxlY FYx|)
Ans (a) mother (b) nation (c) understand (d) grows (e) educated (f) age (g) touch (h) knows
      (i) nurture (j) indebted
29. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
The development of railway in the 19th century has (a)----a profound (b)----on social and (c)----development in many parts of the world.This process is (d)----in most (f)----fashion by the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.It is the first and still the most (f)----model of a (g)----train that goes (h)-----a mountain.It is (i)----known as toy train perhaps because of its (j)-----wagons and its slow speed.(Ebwesk kZvwã‡Z †ij c‡_i Dbœqb we‡k¦i A‡bK ¯’v‡b mvgvwRK Ges A_©‰bwZK Dbœq‡bi Mfxi cÖfve †d‡j‡Q| GB cÖwK&ªqvwU `vwR©wjs wngvjvqb †ijI‡q KZ©„K GKwU e¨wZµwg avivq wPwÎZ n‡q‡Q| GwU cÖ_g Ges GLbI hvÎxevnx †Uª‡bi me‡P‡q Amvavib GKwU bgybv †hwU GKwU cvnv‡oi Ici w`‡q P‡j wM‡qwQ‡jv| GwU RbwcÖqfv‡e †Ljbv †Uªb wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ m¤¢eZ Zvi iwOb Kvgiv Ges axi MwZi Kvi‡b|)
Answer(a) had (b) influence (c) economic (d) illustrated (e) exceptional (f) outstanding
            (g) passenger  (h) up (i) popularly (j) colourful.
30. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                         
The Bristish have a (a)-----for (b)----their emotions private.Some obvious things are (c)---in Bristish behaviour.For example,on public transport one passenger does not (d)----talk to another passenger.One meeting,people do not (e)----and often simply shake hands on a first(f)----.In theatres,concert halls and cinemas audiences(g)------as unfriendliness.If a visitor (i)----the first move to start a conversation,he will find that British people are (j)---- (e„wUk‡`i L¨vwZ i‡q‡Q Zv‡`i Av‡eMmg~n‡K GKv‡šÍ ivLvi Rb¨| e„wUk‡`i AvPi‡b wKQy ¯úó wRwbm j¶b| D`vib¯^iƒc, miKvwi hvbevn‡b GKRb hvÎx mvavibZ Av‡iKRb hvÎxi mv‡_ K_v e‡j bv| mv¶v‡Zi mgq †jv‡Kiv Avwj½b K‡i bv| Ges cÖ_g cwiP‡q cÖvqB ïay nvZ †gjvq| w_‡qUvi, mw½Z n‡jv Ges wm‡bgvi †kªvZ…gÛjx bxie _v‡K Abyôvb PjvKv‡j| G mKj AvPib ˆewk‡ó¨i †KvbwU‡KB AeÜzZ¡myjf wn‡m‡e e¨vL¨v †`Iqv DwPZ n‡e bv| hw` †Kvb Af¨vmMZ K_vevZ©v ïi“ Kivi cÖ_g D‡`¨vM MÖnY K‡i| wZwb †`L‡Z cv‡eb †h, e„wUk RbMb eÜzZ¡myjf |
Answer: (a) reputation (b) keeping (c) noticeable (d) usualy (e) embrace (F) introduction
               (g) remain (h) interpreted (i) makes (j) friendly

31. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Young people often consider (a)-----poetry by heart a tiresome drudgery.But the learning of poetry has great advantage (b)----merely reading it.Poems that have been learnt become a permanent personal(c)---.The mind is (d)-----with a store of beautiful or lofty (e)----and ideas which may be a source of pleasure,comfort and inspiration at (f)-----when the books are not at hand.Poems selected for learning ,however,should be worthy (g)----the time to be spent on them and should be those which make a strong appeal to the learner.The best way to (h)----a poem to memory is not to learn it line by line,but to read the whole poem (i)-----over and over again until it is thoughly.(Zi“biv cÖvqB KweZv gyL¯’ Kiv‡K GKwU weiw³Ki GK‡N‡q KvR g‡b K‡i|wKš‘ KweZv gyL¯Í Kivq ïay Zv covi †P‡q A‡bK myweav i‡q‡Q|‡h mKj KweZv gyL¯Í Kiv nq †m¸‡jv GKwU  ¯’vqx e¨w³MZ m¤úwˇZ cwiYZ nq|g‡b nq mg„× nq PgrKvi A_ev myPvi“ wPšÍvfvebv Ges aviYvi mÂq Øviv hv gv‡S gv‡S Avb›`,mvš—¡bv Ges Aby‡cÖiYvi Drm n‡Z cv‡i hLb nv‡Zi Kv‡Q eB _v‡K bv|Z‡e gyL¯Í Kivi R‡b¨ wbev©wPZ KweZv,G¸‡jvi Dci mgq e¨q Kivi †hvM¨ nIqv DwPZ Ges †m iKg n‡Z n‡e hv gyL¯ÍKvixi Kv‡Q Zxeª Av‡e`b m„wó K‡i|KweZv gyL¯Í Kivi DËg cš’v jvB‡bi ci jvBb gyL¯Í Kiv bq,eis cy‡iv KweZvwU evi evi D‰”Pt¯^‡i cov hZ¶Y bv GwU m¤ú~Y©i“‡c gyL¯Í nq|)
Answer: (a) learing (b) over (c) possession (d) enriched (e) thoughts (f) times (g) of
                 (h)  commit (i) aloud (j) learnt.
32. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Television has become the most (a)-----and most wide spread (b)---of entertainment of the (c)----world.A wide range of programmes of varied (d)----is telecast on (e)-----channels.Almost every middle class and (f)----working class families have a (g)---set today.Television programmes are not only entertaining;they can be highly (h)----too.For example,television is used for (i)-----learning.Courses run by the Open University are (j)-----on television by them.(‡Uwjwfkb eZ©gvb we‡k¦i we‡bv`‡bi me‡P‡q mvaviY Ges me‡P‡q eûwe¯—…Z Drm n‡q `vuwo‡q‡Q|wewea AvK©l‡bi e¨vcK Abyôvbgvjv AmsL¨ P¨v‡b‡j m¤cÖPvi nq|cÖvq cÖ‡Z¨K ga¨weË cwievi Ges GgbwK kªgRxwe †kªYxi cwievimg~‡ni AvRKvj GKwU †Uwjwfkb †mU Av‡Q|‡Uwjwfk‡bi Abyôvbgvjv ïay we‡bv`bg~jK bq,Zv A‡bK wk¶YxqI e‡U|D`vniY¯^iƒc,`~iwk¶‡Yi R‡b¨ †Uwjwfkb e¨eüZ n‡”Q|D¤§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq †h mKj cvV¨µg cwiPvjbv K‡i †m¸‡jv Zv‡`i Øviv †Uwjwfk‡b †`Lv‡bv nq|)
Answer: (a) common (b) source (c) present (d) interests (e) numerous (f) even
               (g) television (h) educative (i) distance (j) shown
33. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
(a)-----blind people cannot (b)-----,their (c)-----of toch becomes far more developed than that of most sighted people.This (d)---was put to use by a brilliant (e)-----called Louis Braille.In the early nineteenth century,he invented a (f)----of writing which bears his name.The Braille system reproduces the (g)----of the alphabet by a series of (h)----in certain positions,which are rasied on the paper.The blind person runs the (i)----of his fingers across the pages of the Braille book,and can work out  the printed letters and numbers .In this way,he reads the book(j)-----his sense of touch.(hw`I A܇jv‡Kiv †`L‡Z cvq bv ,Zv‡`i ¯ú‡k©i Abyf~wZ AwaKvsk `„wókxj gvby‡li †P‡q A‡bK †ewk DbœZ nq|jyBm †eªBwj bvgK GKRb †gavex gvbyl GB `¶Zv Kv‡R jvwM‡q‡Qb|Dbwesk kZvãxi cÖ_g w`‡K wZwb †jLvi GKwU  Dcvq Avwe¯‹vi K‡ib,hv Zvi bvg enb K‡i|‡eBjx cØwZ wbw`©ó Ae¯’vbmg~‡n myweb¯Í WU wP‡üi gva¨‡g eY©gvjvi A¶i¸‡jv‡K cybivq ˆZwi K‡i †h¸‡jv KvM‡Ri Dci †Zvjv nq|AÜ e¨w³ †eªBwj cy¯Í‡Ki cvZvi GKw`K †_‡K Ab¨w`‡K Av½y‡ji AMÖfvM Pvjy K‡i Ges gyw`ªZ A¶i Ges msL¨v¸‡jv eyS‡Z cv‡i|Gfv‡e ¯ú‡k©i Abyf~wZ e¨envi K‡i †m eB c‡o|)
Answer : (a) Although (b) see (c) sense (d) abilty (e) man (f) way
                 (g) letters (h) dots (i) tips (j) using .

34.  Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                         
The ocean has always been a good (a)-----of food for man.But only one percent of mankind’s food (b)----from the sea and most of it is fish.Besides fish,we eat prawn,shrimps,lobsters and whales,(c)------are commonly (d)------fish but are scientifically classified otherwise.There are about 20 thousand (e)------of fish but are scientifically classified otherwise.There are about 20 thousand (e)-----of fish in the sea.We (f)------only a few kinds.We should try to eat some (g)-----kinds too.In order to (h)-----the sea’s yield of fish,we can start fish farming in the sea.In China,sea weeds are now (i)------for use both as food and as fertilizer.We too can take similar meaures and make the best (j)-----of our water resources.(gnvmvMi memgq gvby‡li R‡b¨ GKwU DËg Drm n‡q Av‡Q; wKšÍ gvbeRvwZi Lv‡`¨i †Kej kZKiv GK fvM mgy`ª †_‡K Av‡m Ges Gi AwaKvskB gvQ|gvQ Qvov Avgiv wPswo,evM`v wPswo Ges wZwg LvB †h¸‡jv‡K mvaviYZfv‡e gvQ ejv nq wKšÍ ˆeÁvwbKfv‡e G¸‡jv‡Z Ab¨fv‡e †kYxweb¨¯Í Kiv n‡q‡Q|mgy‡`ª cÖvq 20 nvRvi cÖKv‡ii gvQ i‡q‡Q|Avgiv †Kej Aí K‡qK cÖKvi LvB|Avgv‡`i Ab¨ K‡qK cÖKv‡ii gvQ †L‡ZI †Póv Kiv DwPZ|mgy‡`ªi gv‡Qi Drcv`b e„w× Kivi R‡b¨ Avgiv mvM‡i grm¨ Lvgvi ïi“ Ki‡Z cvwi| Px‡b eZ©gv‡b mvgyw`ªK Dw™¢` Drcv`b Kiv nq Lv`¨ Ges mvi Dfq cÖKvi e¨env‡ii R‡b¨|AvgivI GKB iKg e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡Z cvwi Ges Avgv‡`i Rjm¤ú‡`i m‡ev©Ëg e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi|)
Answer: (a) source (b) comes (c) which (d) called (e) kinds (f) eat (g) other (h) increase
                (i) grown (j) use .
35.  Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                                                                         
As the world’s communication system is (a)-------day by day, the worlds seem to be (b)-----smaller. For the development of communication system, now we can easily (c)-----with the people of other countries within a moment. Now, the world (d)------to be a village and the countries seem to be families. If we develop our (e)-----understanding and co-operation, we can (f)------our world a better place. We should never (g)------domes that have won others as enemies but as friends. As a friend we should (h)-----immediate help to other counties in their (i)-------and sorrows. We should take them to  be our (j)------.(‡h‡nZz we‡k¦i †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi w`bw`b DbœwZ n‡”Q †m‡nZz wek¦‡K ¶z`ªZi e‡j g‡b n‡”Q| ‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi DbœwZi d‡j GLb Avgiv mn‡RB gyn~‡©Zi g‡a¨ Ab¨‡`‡ki †jvKR‡bi mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z cvwi|GLb c„w_ex‡K MÖv‡gi gZ Ges †`k‡K cwiev‡ii gZ g‡b n‡”Q|hw` Avgiv cvi¯úvwiK †evSvcov Ges mn‡hvMxZvi DbœwZ Kwi Zvn‡j Avgiv c„w_ex‡K DËg ¯’vb evbv‡Z cvwi|KvD‡K KL‡bv kΓ fvev DwPZ bq eis eÜz fvev DwPZ|eÜz wn‡m‡e Ab¨‡`‡ki wec‡` Avc‡` `ª“Z mvnvh¨ wbwðZ Kiv DwPZ|Zv‡`i‡K Avgv‡`i cÖwZ‡ekx wn‡m‡e MÖnY Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer:(a) developing (b) getting (c) communicate (d) seems (e) mutual (f) make (g) treat (h)ensure (i) distress (j)neighbours

36.  Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
The disposal of various kinds of (a)-----is seriously polluting the environment.The world’s climate is (b)---a significant change.(c)-----warming is the cause of the increase of heat in the atmosphere. The climatologists (d) -------- that it will be difficult to find a (e) --------- place to live in. Every year millions of people all over the world die (f) -------- as a result of (g) ------- . These unfortunate and (h) ---------- deaths are (i) ---------about by four specific factors. We should take determined (j) ---------- to control these problems. (wewfbœ ai‡bi Ave©Rbvi AcmviY cwi‡ek‡K gvivZ¡Kfv‡e `~wlZ K‡i‡Q|we‡k¦i Rjevqy ¸iZ¡c~Y© cwieZ©‡bi †fZi w`‡q hv‡”Q|wek¦e¨vcx DòZvi evqygÛ‡j ZvcgvÎv e„w×i KviY|AvenvIqvwe`MY fwel¨rØvYx K‡ib †h,emevm Kivi Rb¨ Dchy³ RvqMv Ly‡uR †c‡Z KwVb n‡e|cÖwZ eQi wek¦Ry‡o j¶ j¶ gvbyl wbôzifv‡e g„Zz¨eiY K‡i `~l‡Yi Kvi‡Y|G mKj `yfvM¨RbK Ges Gov‡bv‡hvM¨ g„Zz¨ PviwU wbw`©ó Kvi‡Y n‡”Q|GB mgm¨v¸‡jv wbqš¿‡Y Avgv‡`i msKíe× c`‡¶c MÖnY Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) waste (b) undergoing (c) Global (d) predict (e) suitable (f) cruelly
              (g) pollution (h) avoidable (i) brought (j) action.

37. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.
Self-employment means to create (a)…opportunity for (b)…by one’s own effort. Various government organizations are trying to (c)….a congenial atmosphere for self-employment. Different NGOs have (d)…rendered their help. Livestock (e)…., agricultural (f)….., poultry(g)….are some of the (h)….There are many (i)….for self employment in Bangladesh. One can (j)….engage oneself in these jobs.(AvZ¥Kg© ms¯’&vb ej‡Z GKR‡bi wbR¯^ †Póvi Øviv Kg©ms¯’vb ev Kv‡Ri my‡hvM m„wó‡K eySvq| bvbwea miKvwi ms¯’v AvZ¥Kg© ms¯’&v‡bi cwi‡ek m„wó Ki‡Z †P®Uv Ki‡Q|wewfbœ †emiKvix ms¯’v I mvnv‡h¨i nvZ cÖmvwiZ Ki‡Q|cïcvjb,K…wlKvR,nvmgyiMx cvjb n‡”Q G iKg wKQ~ †¶Î| AvZ¥Kg© ms¯’&v‡bi Rb¨ evsjv‡`‡k A‡bK my‡hvM i‡q‡Q|‡h †KD wb‡R‡K Gme Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ wb‡qvwRZ ivL‡Z cv‡i|)
Ans(a) job (b) oneself (c) create (d) also (e) rearing (f) farming (g) raising (h) sectors
       (i) opportunities (j) easily
38. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
It (a)---- difficult to drive in Bangladesh if you have no experience of (b)----here.Drivers change lanes (c)-----.As a foreigner you may find lane changing (d)---- signal quite distressing. Even drivers (e) --------- defying rules. Many people are not at all (f) ------- about traffic signals. They go around not (g) --------- what may happen to them if accident (h) --------. Rickshaw and baby-taxi (i) --------- in and out in a zigzag course and try to push (j) -------- whenever they find some space.  (evsjv‡`‡k Mvox Pvjv‡bv nq KwVb hw` Avcbvi GLv‡b Mvwo Pvjv‡bvi †Kvb AwfÁZv bv _v‡K|Mvwo Pvj‡Kiv NbNb †jb cwieZ©b K‡i|we‡`wk wn‡m‡e ms‡KZ  Qvov †jb cwieZ©b Avcbvi Kv‡Q hš¿bv`vqK g‡b n‡Z cv‡i|GgbwK Mvwo PvjKiv AvBb Kvbyb AeÁv K‡i Mvwo Pvjvq|A‡b‡KB UªvwdK ms‡KZ m¤^‡Ü †gv‡UB m‡PZb bq|hw` `yNU©bv N‡U Z‡e Zv‡`i Kx NU‡Z cv‡i GUv bv †R‡b Zviv Pvwiw`K Pjv‡div K‡i|wiKkv Ges †eweUªvw·ª AvuKvevKv c‡_ Xy‡K c‡o Ges †ei nq Avi hLbB †Kvb Lvwj RvqMv cvq †fZ‡i Xy‡K co‡Z †Póv K‡i|)
Answer: (a) is (b) driving (c) frequently (d) without (e) drive (f) conscious (g) knowing
                (h) occurs (i) move (j) through .

39. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Bangladesh has a (a)---population.Our educational institutions are also few.We have far too many students to (b) ---------. Compared to the number of instritutions (c) -----------. Bangladesh (d) ---------- more schools, colleges, and universities to provide for the (e) ---------- number of students. But owing to financial and resource (f) ---------- .the govermant cannot fund the (g)-----number of educational institutions.At present every educational institution  is overcrowded and class size is (h) --------- large. As (i) ---------- in this institutions are poor,The students do not get a (j) ---------- education.(evsjv‡`‡k wekvj RbmsL¨v Av‡Q|Avgv‡`i wk¶v cÖwZôvb I Kg|Avgv‡`i wk¶v †`Iqvi R‡b¨ A‡bK †ewk QvÎ-QvÎx i‡q‡Q cÖvß wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi msL¨vi Zzjbvq |evsjv‡`‡k µgea©gvb QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i ms¯’vb Kivi R‡b¨ cÖ‡qvRb AviI AwaK we`¨vjq,gnvwe`¨vjq Ges wek¦we`¨vj‡qi|wKš‘ Avw_©K Ges m¤ú‡`i mxgve×Zvi Kvi‡Y miKvi cÖ‡qvRbxq msL¨K wk¶vcÖwZôv‡bi Rb¨ †hvMvb w`‡Z cv‡i bv|eZ©gv‡b cÖwZwU wk¶vcÖwZôv‡b AwZwi³ QvÎ-QvÎx i‡q‡Q Ges †kªYxi wk¶v_©xi  msL¨v A¯^vfvweKfv‡e ‡ewk|‡h‡nZz Gme cÖwZôv‡b my‡hvMmyweav bMY¨,QvÎ-QvÎxiv gvbm¤§Î wk¶v cvq bv|)
Answer: (a) huge (b) educate (c) available (d) needs (e) increasing (f) constraints
                (g) requisite (h) unusually (i) facilities (j) standered.

40. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.
Einstein was very simple in his (a)….of life. He was (b)…to his fame. Once the queen of Belgium (c)….him to Brussels. When he (d)….down from the train, he could not (e)….that there were actually many (f)….dressed officials to (g)….him at the station. The officials also expected somebody who would (h)….to be (i)…and aristocratic to them. They never imagined that this (j)…man would be Einstein.(AvBb÷vBb Lye mvaviY Rxebhvcb Ki‡Zb|wZwb wQ‡jb Zvi L¨vwZi cÖwZ D`vmxb|GKevi †ejwRqv‡gi ivYx Zv‡K eªv‡m‡j‡m Avgš¿Y K‡ib|wZwb hLb †Uªb †_‡K bvg‡jb ZLb wZwb fv‡ebwb †h RvKRgKc~Y© †cvkvKciv D”P c`¯’ Kg©KZ©viv Zv‡uK Af¨©_bv Rvbv‡Z Avm‡eb|Kg©KZ©viv I Avkv K‡iwQ‡jb †h wZwb n‡eb Lye abx I AwfRvZm¤úbœ e¨w³|Zviv KL‡bv fv‡ewb †h GB mv`vgvUv civ †jvKwUB AvBb÷vBb|) 
Ans:(a) ways (b) indifferent (c) invited (d) got (e) think (f) gorgeously (g) receive
        (h) appear (i) rich (j) shabby
41. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
While (a)-----food we should bear in (b)----that we don’t eat just to (c) -------- hunger or to feel the belly. We eat to (d) -------- our health. For good health a man (e) ---------- good food .Sometimes, it so (f) ------- that people who live even in the midst of plenty do not eat the food they need for good health,because they have no (g)---of science and health and (h)----.They don’t know how to secret a (i)-----diet from the many foods that are (j)----to them. (Lv`¨ LvIqvi mgq Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h,ïay ¶zav †gUv‡bv A_ev D`©ic~wZ©i R‡b¨ Avgiv Lvevi LvB bv|Avgiv Avgv‡`i ¯^v‡¯’¨ i¶v Kivi R‡b¨ LvB|my¯^v‡¯’¨i R‡b¨ GKRb gvby‡li fvj Lvevi cÖ‡qvRb|gv‡S gv‡S Ggb N‡U †h,gvby‡liv hviv GgbwK cÖvPz‡h©i g‡a¨ emevm K‡ib Zviv I my¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ Zv‡`i †h Lvevi cÖ‡qvRb Zv Zviv Lvb bv,†Kbbv Zv‡`i weÁvb Ges ¯^v¯’¨ I cywói †Kvb Ávb †bB|Zviv Rv‡b bv wKfv‡e A‡bK Lvevi †_‡K mylg Lv`¨ wbe©vPb Ki‡Z nq,†h Lvevi¸‡jv Zv‡`i Kv‡Q jf¨|)

Answre: (a) eating (b) mind (c) satisfy (d) preserve (e) needs (f) happens
               (g) knowledge (h) nutrition (i) balanced (j) available.

42. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
The destruction of forests and other (a)----is causing the (b)---of various plants and animals everyday.In the last 25 years alone the world has lost one third of its natural wealth. Forests are bring (c) ---------- down. Moreover, they are being burnt (d) ---------- resulting in an (e) ------ in carbon di oxide and ultimately the water lavel is (f) --------- as a consequence of global (g) --------. It is (h) ------- that the new century will face an overwhelming environment (i) ---------. It is therefore (j) -------- to cheak the reckless pollution of the environment.  (eb Ges Ab¨vb¨ Avevm¯’j aeesm cÖwZwbqZ wewfbœ Dw™¢` Ges cÖvYxi wejywß NUv‡”Q|ïay MZ 25 eQ‡iB wek¦ Zvi cÖvK…wZK m¤ú‡`i GK-Z…Zxqvsk nvwi‡q‡Q|eb †K‡U †djv n‡”Q|AwaKš‘,G¸‡jv‡K h‡_”Qvfv‡e cywo‡q †djv n‡”Q hvi d‡j Kve©bWvB A·ªvBW e„w× cv‡”Q wek¦e¨vwc DòZvi d‡j|GwU Avkv•LvRbK †h,bZzb kZvwã me©e¨vwc cwi‡ekMZ `y‡h©v‡Mi †gvKvwejv Ki‡e|AZGe cwi‡e‡ki h‡_”Q `~lY‡iva Kiv AZ¨vek¨K|)

Answer:  (a) habitats (b) extinction (c) cut (d) recklessly (e) increase
                 (f) rising (g) warming (h) anticipated (i) catastrophe (j) imperative.

43. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Education is one of the basic (a)-----of a human being and is (b)----for every kind of development.It(c)----us to make right choices in life.It (d)----our ability to raise crops,store food,(e)----the environment and (f) -------- out our social responsibilities. It (g) -------- us with an enlightened (h) ---------- about things. But education has to be (i) ------- . It is merely (j) ------- degrees from schools colleges and universities. It is something more lasting more humane.  (wk¶v gvbe RvwZi †gŠwjK cÖ‡qvR‡bi GKwU Ges †h‡Kvb ai‡bi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ AZ¨vek¨K|GwU Rxe‡b mwVK wRwbm¸‡jv †e‡Q wb‡Z Avgv‡`i m¶g K‡i|GwU Avgv‡`i mvg_¨©‡K e„w× K‡i|dmj Drcv`b  Ki‡Z Lv`¨ gRy` Ki‡Z,cwiek i¶v Ki‡Z Ges Avgv‡`i mvgvwRK `vwqZ¡mg~n cvjb Ki‡Z|GwU wewfbœ welq m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡`i ms¯‹vigy³ uwKš‘ mywbw`ó K‡i wk¶vi cybmsMvqb Ki‡Z n‡e|GwU ïay ¯‹zj,K‡jR Ges wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K wWwMÖ cvIqv bq|GwU Ggb wKQy hv AviI †ewk ¯’vqx Ges AviI ‡ewk gvbweK|)
Answer:(a) needs (b) essential (c) enables (d) enhances (e) protect (f) carry
              (g) provides (h) awreness (i) defined (j) getting .

44. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.
Bangladesh (a)----in the active earthquake zone.It is (b)---to all Bangladeshis.Experts are alarmed by the (c)-----of quakes during recent years.But they give no (d)---answer to the question of (e)---about the buildings of Dhaka city.As there is every (f)----of earthquakes in Bangladesh,experts call for taking adequate (g)---measures to (h)---losses.RAJUK (i)----that an  earthquake resistant building code should be (j)----.(evsjv‡`k mwµq f~wgK¤ú A‡j Aew¯’Z|GwU mKj evsjv‡`kxiB Rvbv|we‡klÁiv mv¤cÖwZK eQi¸‡jv‡Z f~wgK¤ú cybtc~b NUvq kw¼Z|wKšÍ Zviv XvKv bMixi feb¸‡jv m¤ú‡©K wbivcËvi cÖ‡kœ †Kvb mivmwi DËi †`b bv|‡h‡nZz evsjv‡`‡k f~wgK†¤úi mKj m¤¢ebv i‡q‡Q|we‡klÁiv ¶q¶wZ Kgv‡bvi Rb¨ ch©vß c~e©mZ©KZvg~jK e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡Z Avnevb Rvbv‡”Q|ivRDK wek¦vm K‡i †h, GKwU f~wgK¤ú cÖwZ‡ivaK wbg©vY bxwZgvjv ˆZwi Kiv DwPZ|)

Answer: (a) is (b) known (c) recurrence (d) direct (e) safety (f) possibility (g) precautionary
              (h) reduce (i) believes (j) developed
45. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.      
E-mail means (a)…..mail. It is an electronic (b)…….of communication. E-mail (c)……is user to user but telex communication is terminal to terminal. Telephone connection often takes a lot of time to be (d)…because both the caller and the called must be present (e)….But E-mail is a computer (f)……system and the messages that are (g)….via the computer become (h)….in the mail box of an individual’s (i)….computer without the need of his being (j)…present. Thus, e-mail saves both time and money.( B-†gBj n‡”Q B‡jKUªwbK †gj|ev ‰e`y¨wZKfv‡e †cÖiYK…Z evZ©v|GUv †hvMv‡hv‡Mi GKwU ‰e`y¨wZK gva¨g|B †gj †hvMv‡hvM  n‡”Q GK e¨enviKvix †_‡K Av‡iK e¨enviKvixi g‡a¨ msev` Av`vb cÖ`vb Ges †U‡j· n‡”Q n‡”Q Uviwgbvj †_‡K Uviwgbv‡j msev` Av`vb cÖ`vb|msev` Av`vb cÖ`vb ev evZ©v wewbg‡q ‡Uwj‡dvb ms‡hvM A‡bK mgq †bq KviY Kj †cªiK Ges MÖvnK‡K GKB mg‡q Dcw¯’Z _vK‡Z nq|wKš‘ B-†gBj n‡”Q Kw¤úDUviwfwËK c×wZ Ges e¨w³i mivmwi Dcw¯’wZ QvovB †cÖiYK…Z evZv© †h Kv‡iv e¨w³MZ Kw¤úDUv‡i B-†gBj ev‡· Rgv nq|Gfv‡e B-†gBj mgq Ges A_© evuPvq|)  
Ans (a) electronic (b) mode (c) communication (d) established (e) simultaneously
        (f)based (g) sent (h) stored (i) personal (j) personally

46. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Over eating (a)-----taking too much food (b)----one needs.We eat (c)----to overload our stomach but to (d)----a sound health.A sound health (e)----on eating habit,to some extent. Overeating tells (f) ------- our health. By (g) ------- awareness of the people havit of overeating can be (h) ------- . With a view to (i) -------- our body fit. We should (j) -------- taking too much food.  (AwZ‡fvRb A_© GKR‡bi Pvwn`vi †P‡q A‡bK †ewk Lv`¨ MÖnY Kiv| Avgiv Avgv‡`i †cU‡K AwZwi³ †evSvB Kivi Rb¨ LvB bv,my¯^v¯’¨ i¶v Kivi Rb¨ LvB|my¯^v¯’¨ wKQyUv Lv`¨vf¨v‡mi Dci wbf©i K‡i|AwZ‡fvRb Avgv‡`i ¯^v‡¯’¨i ¶wZ K‡i|RbM‡Yi m‡PZbZv e„w×i gva¨‡g AwZ‡fvR‡bi Af¨vmwU eÜ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|Avgv‡`i †`n‡K †hvM¨ ivLvi D‡Ï‡k¨ AwZwi³ Lv`¨ MÖnY Kiv Avgv‡`i Gov‡bv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) means (b) than (c) not (d) maintain (e) depends (f) upon  (g) raising (h) stopped (i) keeping (j) avoid.
47. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.

Electronic mail, popularly (a)---as ‘e’ mail is the communication of textual message via (b)----means.Although telex (c)---is also electronic in (d)----,there are differences (e)----a telex and ‘e’mail.’While telex communication(f)----to terminal ,electronic mail communication  is user to user via the (g)----.In telax,messages destined to a number of users are sent to the same terminal from where it is (h)-----in a printed form by an operator.On the other hand,e-mail is derived to (i)---electronic mail boxes (j)----in computers.(B-†gBj ˆe`¨ywZK †gBj hv mK‡ji Kv‡Q B-†gBj wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ,†mwU nj ˆe`¨ywZK c×wZi gva¨‡g cvV‡hvM¨ evZ©vi Av`vb cÖ`vb|hw`I †U‡j· †hvMv‡hv‡Mi ˆewk‡ó¨i w`K w`‡q ˆe`y¨wZK ,Zey †U‡j· Ges B-†gB‡ji g‡a¨ w`‡q e¨enviKvix †_‡K e¨enviKvix ch©šÍ|‡U‡j‡· K‡qKRb e¨enviKvix‡K D‡Ïk¨ K‡i evZv©mg~n GKB cÖv‡šÍ cvVv‡bv nq †hLvb †_‡K Acv‡iU‡ii gva¨‡g Qvcv‡bv Ae¯’vq GwU weZiY Kiv nq|Ab¨w`‡K,B-†gBj Kw¤úDUv‡i ¯’vwcZ e¨w³MZ ˆe`y¨wZK †gBj e‡· mieivn Kiv nq|)
Answer: (a) known (b) electronic (c) communication (d) nature (e) between (f) terminal
               (g) computer (h)distributed (i) individual (j) based
48. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                         
The world is getting (a) ----- because of pollution. Every year million of people all over the world die (b) ------- as a result of pollution. In the recent years there have been (c) ------- reports that the worlds (d) ------- is undergoing a significant (e) -------- . All these reports provide strong (f) -------- that world temperatures are (g)-------- day by day . Climatologlsts (h)-------- that midway through the next century temperatures may have (i)------ as much as 4 c. This could raise sea-leavels and theeerby (j)------(`~l‡bi Kvi‡Y wek¦ DòZi n‡”Q|cÖwZeQi wek¦e¨vwc j¶ j¶ gvbyl `~l‡Yi d‡j Ah_v g„Zz¨eiY K‡i|mv¤cÖwZK eQi¸‡jv‡Z Avkv•LvRbK Lei nj †h,c„w_exi Rjevqy GKwU D‡j­L‡hvM¨ cwie©Z‡bi †fZi w`‡q hv‡”Q|Gme Lei k³ cÖgvY mieivn Ki‡Q ‡h,c„w_exi ZvcgvÎv w`b w`b e„w× cv‡”Q|AvenvIqvwe`MY fwel¨ØvYx Ki‡Qb ‡h,AvMvgx kZvwãi gvSvgvwS ZvcgvÎv 4 wWMÖx †m ch©šÍ †e‡o †h‡Z cv‡i|G‡Z mgy`ª ¯Í‡ii D”PZv e„w× †c‡Z cv‡i Ges G‡Z DcK~jxq GjvKvmg~n Ges K…wl Rwg c­vweZ n‡Z cv‡i|)
Answer(a) warmer (b) unnecessarity (c) alarming (d) climate (e) change (f) evidence (g) increasing (h) predict (i) risen (j) flood.

49. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
A libaray serves as the best source of knowledge (a)----for the students and the teachers.It is a large (b)----of books.Among these there are books on courses that are taugt in different classes. There (c)-------- books on extra –curricularsubjects also. In the library newspapers and perlodicals are also (d)--------- . The library (e)-------- to the testes of different tastes of different people . Books are arranged in shalves (f)-------- . There are library assistants who are also heips for the readers.One head librarian (g)-------- after the library. So the readers do not have any problems in (h)------ out the right book . There is also reading room where silence (i)-------- . one can also take books from the library fpr reading at home by (j)------- library cards to the librarian. (GKwU MÖš’vMvi QvÎ Ges wk¶K Df‡qi R‡b¨ Áv‡bi Drm wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|GwU nj MÖ‡š’i wekvj msMÖn|G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wewfbœ cvV¨µ‡gi Dci cy¯ÍK i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv wewfbœ †kªYx‡Z cov‡bv nq|cvV¨m~Px ewn©f©~Z wel‡qi Dci I cy¯ÍK i‡q‡Q|MÖš’vMv‡i wewfbœ Le‡ii KvMR Ges mvgwqKx I cvIqv hvq|MÖš’vMvi wewfbœ gvby‡li wewfbœ i“wPi Pvwn`v c~iY K‡i|eB¸‡jv wewfbœ Zv‡K cwicvwUfv‡e mvwR‡q ivLv nq|MÖš’vMv‡i mnKvixI i‡q‡Qb hviv cvVK‡`i R‡b¨ I mnvqK|GKRb cÖavb MÖš’vMvwiK MÖš’vMv‡ii †`Lvïbv K‡ib|myZivs mwVK eB Ly‡R ‡c‡Z cvVK‡`i †Kvb mgm¨v nq bv|‡mLv‡b GKwU covi Ni I i‡q‡Q †hLv‡b bxieZv weivR K‡ib|myZivs mwVK eB Ly‡Ru †c‡Z cvVK‡`i †Kvb mgm¨v nq bv|‡mLv‡b GKwU covi NiI i‡q‡Q †hLv‡b bxieZv weivR K‡i|‡h †KB MÖš’vMvwi‡Ki Kv‡Q jvB‡&eªwi KvW© Rgv w`‡q evwo‡Z covi R‡b¨ jvB‡eªwi †_‡K eB wb‡Z cv‡i|)
Answer: (a) both (b)collection (c) are (d) available (e)appeals (f) neatly (g) looks
                 (h) finding (i) prevails  (j) submitting
50. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
We find changes in amusement and entertainment that (a)----taken place  over time.Common forms of entertainment like snake charming,puppet shows,jarigan(b)----popular in the past are gradually (c)-----their appeal.They are (d)---out.We don’t (e)---the existence of many of these.Now people like to (f)---TV.They(g)---concert,disco,pop etc.All the changes that have (h)----place today are not (i)---good.Sometimes people are (j)—to receive some bad aspects of western culture.(Avgiv Av‡gv` - cÖ‡gv` we‡bv`‡bi cwieZ©b †`L‡Z cvB hv mg‡qi mv‡_ msNwUZ n‡q‡Q|we‡bv`‡bi mvaviYi“c †hgb mv‡ci †Ljv,cyZzj,bvP,RvwiMb Ges KvwiMvb †h¸‡jv AZx‡Z we‡bv`‡bi mvaviY aiY wQj,†m¸‡jv Zv‡`i Av‡e`b cÖvq nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Q|G¸‡jv wbwðü n‡q hv‡”Q|G¸‡jvi ‡ewkifv‡Mi Aw¯ÍZ¡ Avgiv †`L‡Z cvB bv|GLb RbMY wUwf †`L‡Z cQ›` K‡i|KbmvU©,wW‡¯‹v,cc BZ¨vw` Zviv AwaK cQ›` K‡i|AvRKvj †hme cwieZ©b mvwaZ n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv meB fvj g‡b Kiv nq bv|KLbI KLbI RbMY cwðgv ms¯‹…wZi wKQy wKQy Lvivc ‰ewkó¨ MÖnY Ki‡Z eva¨ nq|)
Answer:(a) have (b) were (c) losing (d) dying (e) find (f) enjoy (g) prefer
              (h) taken (i) considered (j) bound
51. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.

Proper education (a) ….a learner with opportunities of (b)….all his talents. Its aim is to (c)….him physically and (d)…so that he can be (e)….to himself and to the society. An educated man is (f)…..but he also (g)…others in attaining self-reliance. He is supposed to be well mannered, kind and (h)……So a man who has acquired knowledge and skill only for his maternal development cannot be (i)….a truly (j)….man. (GKRb wk¶v_x©‡K Zvi mg¯Í ai‡bi †gav‡K weKv‡ki  j‡¶¨ mwVK wk¶v A‡bK my‡hvM myweav cÖ`vb K‡i _v‡K|wk¶v_x©i gvbwmK Ges kvixwiK weKvkB n‡jv Gi D‡Ïk¨ hv‡Z K‡i †m wb‡Ri Ges mgv‡Ri Kv‡Q cÖ‡qvRbxq n‡Z cv‡i|GKRb wkw¶Z †jvK AvZ¥wbf©ikxj n‡q _v‡K |Z‡e AvZ¥wbf©ikxjZvi gnvb ¸YwU AR©‡b wZwb Ab¨Rb‡K I mnvqZv K‡i _v‡K|mvavibZ GKRb wkw¶Z e¨w³‡K m`vjvcx,`qvjy Ges mnvbyf~wZkxj wn‡m‡e g‡b Kiv nq|GB Rb¨B hviv †Kej cvw_©e DbœwZi Rb¨ wkw¶Z Ges `¶ nq Zviv mwZ¨Kv‡ii wkw¶Z †jvK wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nq bv| )
Answer:(a) provides (b) improve (c) develop (d) mentally (e) useful (f) self-reliant
              (g) assists (h) helpful (i) called (j) educated

52. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.                        
Television is a source of much knowledge,pleasure,and information and a widely used media of mass communication,is now being (a)----at from a different point of view.Is the TV really doing good,especially to the youngsters of our new generation?It is an important (b)----both to ask and to answer indeed.Looked from an (c)----point of view,the Tv set is to be (d)----one of the most effective means of educating both the students and the public as a whole. Again,it has almost become the most effective and popular means of people’s (e)-----.Flims,dramas,songs,dances,comedy series all these are very attractive packages of programmes.As a means of communications Tv is,(f)-----not the most important ,yet the most effective and useful means of communication.Upto this point,we must say that the TV is doing good to our youngsters by educating them and by giving them recreational (g)---.But as far as the satellite TV is (h)----,we cannot say this for certainly.The commercial pakage programmes (i)----by satellite TVs are detrimental to our young generation,pernicious to our socities,threating to our values and traditions and (j)---beliefs.(‡Uwjwfkb A‡bK Ávb,Avb›` Ges Z‡_¨i Drm Ges MY‡hv‡Mi GKwU e¨vcKfv‡e e¨eüZ gva¨g|GwU‡K eZ©gv‡b wfbœ `„wó‡Z †`Lv n‡”Q|‡Uwjwfkb wK mwZ¨Kvifv‡e fvj wKQy Ki‡Q,we‡kl K‡i Avgv‡`i bZzb cÖR‡b¥i Zi“b‡`i Kv‡Q? GwU wR‡Ám Kiv Ges DËi †`Iqv Df‡qi R‡b¨B cÖK…Zc‡¶ GKwU  GKwU ¸iZ¡c~Y© cÖkœ|wk¶Yxq `„wó‡Kvb †_‡K †`L‡j wUwf‡K wk¶v_x© Ges m‡ev©cwi RbMY Dfq‡KB wkw¶Z Kivi me‡P‡q djcÖm~ gva¨g My‡jvi GKwU wn‡m‡e MY¨ Ki‡Z nq|Avevi,A‡bKvs‡kiB RbM‡Yi we‡bv`‡bi me‡P‡q djcÖm~ Ges RbwcÖq gva¨‡g cwiYZ n‡q‡Q|QvqvQwe,bvUK,Mvb,bvP,†KŠZzK me ce©B Lye AvK©lYxq c¨v‡KR Abyôvb|‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi gva¨g wn‡m‡e  wUwf hw`I me‡P‡q ¸iZ¡c~Y© bq,ZeyI GwU me‡P‡q Kvh©Ki Ges `iKvwi †hvMv‡hv‡Mi gva¨g|GB cÖm½ ch©šÍ,Avgv‡`i Aek¨B ej‡Z n‡e †h,wUwf Avgv‡`i Zi“b‡`i g½j Ki‡Q Zv‡`i wkw¶Z Kiv Ges we‡bv`‡bi my‡hvM myweav cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g|wKš‘ hZ`~i m¤¢e m¨v‡UjvBU wUwfi mswk­óZvi wel‡q Avgiv wbwðZfv‡e GwU ej‡Z cviwQ bv|m¨v‡UjvBU wUwf KZ„©K m¤cÖPvwiZ evwYwR¨K c¨v‡KR Abyôvbmg~n Avgv‡`i Zi“b cÖR‡b¥i Rb¨ ¶wZKi,Avgv‡`i mgv‡Ri Rb¨ aeesmvZ¡K,Avgv‡`i g~j¨‡eva I HwZn¨ Ges agx©q wek¦v‡mi R‡b¨ ûgwK¯^iƒc|)
Answer(a) looked (b) question (c) educative (d) considered (e) recreation (f) though
             (g) facilities (h) concerned (i) broadcast (j) religious

53. Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.              
beat up
Women in our society have always been considered (a)…to men. The majority of houses are being (b)…usually by (c)…and women most often have no say in opinion. Their opinion is (d)……unnecessary even in such important (e)….as the number of things they would like to have. In many households they are (f)….by the husbands. To (g)…their rights the government has introduced law. But (h)…sometimes can’t (i)…them. So what is more needed for them is the proper (j)-----.(Avgv‡`i mgv‡R gwnjv‡`i memgq cyiy‡li Aaxb¯Í wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq|AwaKvsk M„n mPivPi ¯^vgx KZ…©K kvwmZ n‡”Q Ges bvixiv cÖvqk gZvg‡Z †Kvb K_v ej‡Z cv‡i bv|Zviv †h cwigvY welqvejx MÖnY Ki‡Z cQ›` Ki‡e Ggb ¸i“Z¡c~Y© †¶‡Î I Zv‡`i gZvgZ‡K AcÖ‡qvRbxq g‡b Kiv nq|A‡bK M„‡n Zviv ¯^vgx KZ©„K cÖüZ nq|Zv‡`i AwaKvi msi¶‡Y miKvi AvBb cÖYqb K‡i‡Qb|wKš‘ AvBb A‡bK mgq Zv‡`i i¶v Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|myZivs hv Zv‡`i Rb¨ AwaKZi cÖ‡qvRb Zv n‡”Q h_v_© wk¶v|)

Ans:(a) subservient (b) dominated (c) husbands (d) considered (e) issues (f) beaten up (g) protect (h) law (i) save (j) education

1.    Computer is one of the latest important and most (b)----inventions of science.A computer performs three important (b)----.It recives data,process date (c)----various computations and emits data.Computer now (d)----us in various ways.In a (e)---minutes a computer can perform calculations that trained mathmathicians would need years to complete.Now computers are (f)-----used in agricultural farms.Computer within the shortest span of time.The computer has become very sophisticated and can perform (i)---complicated tasks.This is why many people call the computer “an electronic (j)----.(Kw¤úDUvi me‡P‡q ¸iZ¡c~Y© Ges me‡P‡q Avðh©RbK weÁv‡bi Avwe¯‹vi¸‡jvi GKwU|Kw¤úDUvi wZbwU ¸iZ¡c~Y© KvR K‡i _v‡K|GUv WvUv MÖnY K‡I,WvUv cªwµqvRvZ K‡i wewfbœ MYbv Kv‡Ri R‡b¨ Ges WvUv ewn©Mgb K‡i|Kw¤úDUvi GLb Avgv‡`i mvnvh¨ K‡i wewfbœfv‡e|K‡qKwgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ Kw¤úDUvi Ggb me wnmve wbKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i hv cÖwkw¶Z A¼kv¯¿we`‡`i †kl Ki‡Z K‡qK eQi †j‡M hv‡e|GLb Kw¤úDUvi e¨vcKfv‡e e¨eüZ nq K…wlLvgv‡i|Kw¤úDUvi DbœZgv‡bi n‡q‡Q Ges A‡bK RwUj KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i|GB Rb¨B A‡bK †jvK Kw¤úDUvi‡K ÒGKwU B‡jKUªwbK gw¯Í®‹ Ó e‡j|)
Answer: (a) popular/wonderful/necessary/useful (b) data\ jobs\ functions. (c) in\ for\ of (d) helps\ serves (e) few (f) being\ also\ greatly\ widely (g) computer (h) examination\ complicated (i) many\ various\ different\ very\ extremely (j) brain device.
2.    Returning home can be very difficult.When people (a)----to their home countries,they often find many changes.The (b)-----old streets may not look the same.People they remember may not (c)----them.If they go back to their own childhood house,thehouse may look very (d)-----.It may (e)----small and cramped.One woman wrote that she returned to her (f)----and her house was gone.In its (g)---,there was a little,modern grocery shop.No one (h)----her.She was extremely (i)---.It is also possible to return to a place where everyone remembers you.That makes a person feel happy inside; at least you were not (j)----. (evwo ‡div Lye KwVb n‡Z cv‡i|hLb †jv‡K Zv‡`i ¯^‡`‡k wd‡i Av‡m,Zviv cÖvqB A‡bK cwieZ©b †`L‡Z cvq|LyeB cwiwPZ,cyiv‡bv iv¯Ív †`L‡Z GKBiKg bvI n‡Z cv‡i|‡m me ‡jvKRb‡K Zv‡`i g‡b c‡o Zviv Zv‡`i‡K bvI wPb‡Z cv‡i|hw` Zviv wb‡R‡`i ˆkk‡ei evwo‡Z wd‡i hvq,†mB evwo LyeB A™¢yZ †`Lv‡Z cv‡i|GUv nq‡Zvev  g‡b †QvU Ges msKxY© n‡Z cv‡i|GKRb gwnjv wj‡LwQ‡jb †h wZwb Zvi evwo‡Z wd‡i wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges Zvi evwo wejxb n‡qwQj|Gi ¯’vb †mLv‡b GKwU †QvU,AvaywbK gyw`i †`vKvb wQj|‡KDB Zv‡K wPbj bv|‡m LyeB e¨w_Z |GUvI †mB ¯’v‡b wd‡i hvIqv n‡Z cv‡i †hLv‡b cÖ‡Z¨‡KB †Zvgv‡K ¯§iY Ki‡Z cv‡i|‡mUv wfZ‡i †Kvb †jvKRb‡K mywL Abyfe Kiv‡Z cv‡i; Kgc‡¶ Zzwg fy‡j wQ‡j bv|)
Answer: (a) come back\ returned (b) very familiar (c) recognize\ know\ identify (d) different\ strange\ unknown (e) look\ be \ apper\ seem (f) house (g) place (h) know\ recognized (i) shocked\ sad\ surprise (j) unwelcome\ forgotten.
3.    Rose is a symbol of (a)-----.I have a rose garden.The garden looks (b)----when the roses bloom.It (c)----sweet.The (d)----and fragrance of the rose attract all.I  pluck roses from my garden (e)----our house (f)----.Now a days many people (g)----roses.The (h)---of rose is profitable.So we should (i)----roses not only to earn money but also to (j)----our houses.(‡Mvjvc dzj n‡”Q †mŠ›`‡h©i GK bgybv|Avgvi GKwU †Mvjv‡ci evMvb Av‡Q|evMvbwU †`L‡Z PgrKvi hLb †Mvjvc¸‡jv †dv‡U|GUvi MÜ wgó|‡Mvjv‡ci †mŠ›`h© Ges myMÜ mevB‡K AvK…ó K‡i|Avwg Avgv‡`i evwo my›`ifv‡e mvRvevi R‡b¨ Avgiv evMvb †_‡K †Mvjvc dzj Zzwj|B`vwbs eû †jvK †Mvjv‡ci Pvlvev` K‡i|‡Mvjv‡ci Pvl jvfRbK|ZvB Avgv‡`i ïay UvKv Dcv©R‡bi Rb¨ bq,eis Avgv‡`i evwo‡K mvRvevi R‡b¨ †Mvjv‡ci Pvl Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) love\ beauty\ purity (b) beautiful\ nice\ charming (c) smells (d) beauty\ colour (e) to decorate\ for (f) beautiful\ decoration (g) plant\ produce\ cultivate (h) cultivation (i) cultivate\ plant \ grow (j) decorate \ adorn\ beautiful.
4.     Banks are often unable or unwilling to lend (a)-----to the power section of the society.The Grameen Bank (b)-----credit to the poor,particularly rural (c)---.There are about 800 micro-finance (d)----in the country.It is estimated that they have (e)—emplyment for about 54,000 people.A recent (f)---indicates that micro-credit programes had a (g)----effect on socio-economic variables(h)---children’s schooling,nutrition and family (i)----and about 5% of programme participants rose above (j)----line.(e¨vsK¸‡jv cÖvqB mgv‡Ri Mwie †kªYxi m`m¨‡`i UvKv w`‡Z A¶g A_ev Awb”QyK|MÖvgxY e¨vsK Mwie‡`i A_© †`q we‡kl K‡i MªvgxY bvix‡`i|‡`‡k cÖvq 800 gvB‡µv-wdb¨vÝ cÖwZôvb Av‡Q|wnmve Kiv nq †h †m¸‡jv cÖvq 5400 †jv‡Ki PvKzwi †`q|m¤cÖwZ GK Rwic wb‡`©k K‡i ‡h gvB‡µv-†µwWU †cÖvMÖvg¸‡jvi GKwU BwZevPK dj wQj mvgvwRK A_©‰bwZK cwieZ©bkxj †hgb †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i ¯‹z‡j †jLvcov Kiv,cywó Ges cwievi cwiKíbv Ges cÖvq 5 % †cÖvMÖv‡g AskMÖnYKvix `vwi`ª¨mxgvi D‡aŸ© D‡V †M‡Q|)
Answer: (a) money (b) provides\ gives\ offers (c) women (d) institution \ organization (e) created (f) study\ survey\ report (g) positive\ great (h) including\ like (i) planning (j) poverty.
5.     Jerry,an (a)----of twelve lived in the orphanage.The writer hired a cabin(b)---to the orphanage.Jerry came to the cabin to (c)-----wood for the writer.He also (d)----some extra work for the (e)---of the writer.Once he (f)----a cubby-hole when he (g)—some kindling and medium wood (h)---that the writer might (i)---dry fire materials ready in (i)---of sudden wet weather.(‡Rwi evi eQi eqmx GK GwZg †h GwZgLvbvh evm K‡i|‡jwLKv GwZgLvbvi gvwjKvaxY GKwU †Kweb fvov wb‡qwQ‡jb|‡Rwi †Kwe‡b AvmZ †jwLKvi Rb¨ KvV KvU‡Z|‡m †jwLKvi myweavi R‡b¨ wKQy AwZwi³ KvR I KiZ|GKevi †m R¡vjvbx ivLvi GKwU e× KzVwi Ly‡Ru †cj †hLv‡b †m Lwo Ges gvSvwi KvV ivLZ hv‡Z †jwLKv AcÖZ¨vwkZ Av`ª© AvenvIqvi ïK‡bv Lwo cÖ¯‘Z †c‡Zb|)
Answer: (a) orphan (b) adjacent \ next\ belonging (c) chop\ cut\ (d) did (e) benefit\ comport\ ease \convenience (f) dug\ made (g) put\ stored\ kept (h) so (i) get\have\ find (j) case.
6.     E-mail has brought (a)----revolution in modern (b)---.Messages can be transmitted from one country to another within (c)----.It is far cheaper than telephone calls.Trade and commerce has become greatly(d)----on this speedy mode of communication.It has,(e)----not reached everyone especially in (f)----countries likes ours,as most people cannot (g)----to have a personal computer.But (h)----here people have started (i)---commercially operated e-mail for important (j)---.(B-†gBj GKwU AvaywbK †hvMv‡hv‡Mi e¨e¯’vq GKwU wec­e wb‡q G‡m‡Q|GK †`k †_‡K Ab¨ †`‡k gyû©‡Zi g‡a¨B evZ©v †cÖiY Kiv hvq|GwU †Uwj‡dvb K‡ji †P‡q AwaKZi m¯Ív|e¨emv Ges evwYR¨ †hvMv‡hv‡Mi GB `ªyZ gva¨‡gi Dci AwaKZi wbf©ikxj|GwU Z_vwc mevi Kv‡Q †cŠ‡Qwb|we‡klfv‡e Avgv‡`i gZ Dbœqbkxj †`‡ki,†h‡nZz AwaKvsk †jvK e¨w³MZ Kw¤úDUv‡ii ms¯’vb Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|wKšÍ GgbwK GLv‡b gvbyl evwYwR¨Kfv‡e cwiPvwjZ B-†gBj e¨envi Ki‡Q ¸iZ¡c~Y© D‡Ï‡k¨|
Answer: (a) about (b) communication (c) seconds\ moments (d) dependent (e) however (f) developing (g) afford (h) even (i) using (j) purposes.  
7.     Language plays a very (a)----role in our life.We use language from the (b)---we wake up in the morning(c)----we go to bed at night.We use language not only during our (d)---hours but also in our dreams.We use language to (e)----what we feel and to say (f)---we like or dislike.We also use language to (g)----information.In short,language is ever present in our (h)----.It is an (i)----part of what we do,(j)----and believe.(fvlv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b LyeB ¸iZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i _v‡K|mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K †R‡M IVvi gyn~©Z †_‡K ivZ iv‡Z Nygv‡Z hvevi AvM ch©šÍ Avgiv fvlv e¨envi Kwi|Avgiv kyay †R‡M _vKvi mgqB fvlv e¨envi Kwi bv,¯^‡cœ I e¨envi Kwi|Avgiv fvlv e¨envi Kwi hv Abyfe Kwi Zv cÖKvk Ki‡Z Ges Kx cQ›` A_ev AcQ›` Kwi Zv ej‡Z|Avgiv Z_¨ msMÖn Kivi Rb¨ I fvlv e¨envi Kwi|ms‡¶‡c,fvlv Avgv‡`i Kvh©Kjv‡c wPi we`¨gvb|GwU Avgiv hv Kwi,wPšÍv Kwi Ges wek¦vm Kwi Zvi Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|)
Answer: (a) vital\ significant\ important (b) moment (c) till (d) woking (e) express (f) what (g) get\ obtain (h) ever (i) inseparable (j) perceive.  

8.     Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.It is a (a)----city.It is a city (b)----traffic jam.Afly (c)----is built a Mohahakhali with a view to (d)----the traffic jam.To solve this problem,traffic rules (e)----be enforced.Besides this,drivers,passer-by and (f)—should honour and abide(g)----all rules (h)----making the city habitable.Otherwise our life (i)---remain (j)----stake.(XvKv evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx|GwU GKwU Rbeûj kni|GwU GKwU hvbh‡Ui kni|gnvLvjx‡Z GKwU Dovj †mZz wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q hvbhU Kgv‡bvi  D‡Ï‡k¨ |GB mgm¨v mgvavb Kivi R‡b¨ UªvwdK AvBb ejer Kiv DwPZ|ZvQvov,PvjK,c_Pvix Ges hvÎx‡`i I kni‡K e‡mvevm‡hvMx Kivi R‡b¨ mKj AvBbKvbyb‡K m¤§vb Kiv Ges †g‡b Pjv DwPZ|Ab¨_vq Avgv‡`i Rxeb wecbœ n‡q _vK‡e|)
Answer: (a) populous (b) of (c) over (d) reducing (e) should\ must (f) passengers \ other\ people (g) by (h) for (i) will (j) at.
9.     Everybody (a)-----to live a happy and peaceful life.But what are the (b)---that can assure you such a nice life? Naturally people’s opinions are quite different on this point.The factors(c)----be money,power,security,honour,love,health,good family bondage,education,voluptuous,pleasures etc.Most people (d)----money alone can ensure all other elements(e)----for a happy life.It’s partly true.But if you (f)---stick of money,you may start running after money.But you cannot live in two rooms ,cannot (g)----two persons’ food the (h)----time.You should bear in (i)---that your necessity or desire has a limit.If you exceed the limit and run(j)---money with an endless greed,you will be utterly ruined.(cÖ‡Z¨‡KB GKwU mLx Ges kvwšÍc~Y© Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z Pvq|wKšÍ welq¸‡jv Kx hv †Zvgv‡K GiKg GKwU my›`i Rxe‡bi wbðqZv w`‡Z cv‡i? ¯^vfvweKfv‡e G wel‡qi Ici RbM‡Yi gZvgZ †ek Avjv`v |welq¸‡jv n‡Z cv‡i A_©,¶gZv,wbivcËv,m¤§vb,fvjevmv,my¯^v¯’¨,fvj cvwievwiK eÜ&b,wk¶v ,Bw›`ªq cwiZ…wßi Avb›` BZ¨vw`|AwaKvsk gvbyl g‡b K‡i GKgvÎ A_© GKwU myLx Rxe‡bi R‡b¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq Ab¨ mKj Dcv`vb wbwðZ Ki‡Z cv‡i|GwU AvswkK mZ¨|wKšÍ hw` Zzwg memgq A‡_©i mv‡_ †j‡M _vK,Zzwg A‡_©i wcQ‡b †QvUv ïi“ Ki‡Z cvi|wKšÍ GKB mg‡q Zzwg `ywU N‡i evm Ki‡Z cvi bv,`yR‡bi Lvevi †L‡Z cvi bv|‡Zvgvi g‡b ivLv DwPZ †h †Zvgvi cÖ‡qvRb A_ev Kvgbvi GKwU mxgv Av‡Q|Zzwg hw` mxgv j•Nb Ki Ges mxgvnxb †jvf wb‡q A‡_©i wcQ‡b QyU,Zzwg m¤ú~Y© aeesm n‡q hv‡e|)
Answer: (a) wants (b) factors (c) may (d) think (e) necessary (f) always (g) eat (h) same (i) mind (j) after.
10. Man pollutes water,another vital (a)-----of the environment,by (b)-----waste into it.Farmers (c)----chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields.Some of these chemicals,washed away by rain and floods,(d)----mixed (gvbyl cwi‡e‡ki Av‡iKwU ¸iZ¡c~Y© Dcv`vb cvwb `~wlZ K‡i Gi g‡a¨ Ave©Rbv wb‡¶‡ci gva¨‡g|K…l‡Kiv Zv‡`i Rwg‡Z ivmvqwbK mvi Ges KxZbvkK e¨envi K‡ib|GB ivmvqwbK c`v_©¸‡jvi Ask e„wó Ges eb¨v Øviv †aŠZ n‡q b`x,Lvj Ges cyKz‡ii cvwb‡Z wg‡k hvq|cvwb KjKviLvbvq ØvivI `~wlZ nq hLb Zviv Zv‡`i welv³ ivmvqwbK c`v_© Ges eR©¨ b`x‡Z Ges Lv‡j wb‡¶c K‡i|Rjhvb¸‡jvI b`x‡K `~wlZ K‡i G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †Zj,Lv‡`¨i Dw”Qó Ges gvbe eRª wb‡¶‡ci Øviv|b`x Ges Lv‡ji Zx‡i wbwg©Z A¯^v¯’¨Ki cvqLvbv AwaKZi `~l‡Yi R‡b¨ `vqx| Gfv‡e wewfbœ ai‡bi eR¨ Ges AveR©bv cvwb `~wlZ K‡i|)
Answer: (a) element (b) throwing (c) use (d) get (e) polluted (f) toxic (g) wastes (h) built     (i) responsible (j) kinds .
11. Modern life (a)-----much on transport.We can very well (b)----how important transport is when it is (c)-----by natural calamities or during socio-political crisis.In fact,transport has made it (d)----for us to reach places previously (e)----.It has (f)---helped the flourish of trade and commerce and to (g)----new knowledge and ideads.(h)----,transport has (i)----friendship and understanding among nations and peoples (j)---the globe.(AvaywbK Rxeb hvbevn‡bi  Dci A‡bKvs‡k wbf©i K‡i|Avgiv hvbevnb KZ ¸iZ¡c~Y© Zv fvjfv‡e Dcjwä Ki‡Z cvwi hLb cÖvK…wZK `~‡h©v‡Mi mgq mgq hvZvqvZ e¨e¯’v †f‡O c‡o|cÖK…Z c‡¶,hvbevnb Avgv‡`i R‡b¨ mnRZi K‡i‡Q Ggb ¯’v‡b  †cŠQ‡Z hv Av‡M wQj `yM©g|GwU cÖavbZ e¨emv evwYR¨ cÖmv‡i Ges bZzb Ávb I aviYv AR©b Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i‡Q|ZvQvov,hvbevnb mvivwe‡k¦ wewfbœ RvwZ Ges RbM‡bi gv‡S eÜzZ¡ I mg‡SvZv jvjb K‡i‡Q|)
Answer: (A) depends (b) realize (c) hampared (d) easier (e) difficult (f) mainly (g) gain (h) Besides (i) fostered (j)  around.
12.It is a happy news that the (a)---of adopting unfair means in the examination has been (b)----to a greater extent.Our students have now (c)----that passing in the examination is not  the only goal of student life.But still this heinous (d)----has not been totally (e)----when an examinee is caught copying in the examination,there is nothing open to authority (f)----to (g)----him/her.This damages not only the concerned examinee,but also (h)----a total loss to the whole family of that examinee.So,our students must refrain themselves (i)----this bad practice.They should also rememember that a building (j)---strong foundation must fall down either today or tomorrow.(GwU GKwU Lywki Lei †h cix¶vq Am`ycvq Aej¤^‡bi Af¨vm A‡bKUv K‡g G‡m‡Q|Avgv‡`i QvÎQvÎxiv GLb Abyaveb Ki‡Q †h cix¶vq cvm Kiv QvÎRxe‡bi GKgvÎ j¶¨ bq|wKšÍ GLbI GB N„Y¨ Af¨vm m¤ú~Y©i“‡c eÜ nqwb|hLb GKRb cix¶v_x© cix¶vq bKj Kivi mgq aiv c‡o,ZLb Zv‡K ewn¯‹vi Kiv Qvov KZ©„c‡¶i Avi Kivi wKQyB Kivi _v‡K bv|GwU ïaygvÎ mswk­ó cix¶v_©xi ¶wZ K‡i bv,†mB cix¶v_©xi  †MvUv cwiev‡ii GKwU m¤ú~Y© ¶wZi KviY n‡q `vouvq|myZivs Avgv‡`i QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i GB Lvivc Af¨vm †_‡K wb‡R‡`i‡K weiZ ivL‡Z n‡e|Zv‡u`i‡K GUvI g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h gReyZ wfwË wenxb GKwU BgviZ AvRKvj Aek¨B †f‡½ coe|)
Answer: (a) practice (b) reduced (c) realized (d) pratice (e) stopped (f) but (g) expel (h) causes (i) from (j) without.
13.One day a fox was very (a)----.It was (b)----for some feed to eat.But it could not manage any (c)----.At last it became very (d)----and sat (e)---a tree.A crow was sitting on the tree with a (f)----of meat in its beak.The fox looked at the crow and (g)---the piece of meat.An idea came to its mind to (h)----the meat from the crow.The fox said loudly, (i)—a beautiful bird it is! But alas! the bird (j)---not sing.”(GKw`b GK †kqvj Lye ¶zav©Z n‡q c‡owQj|‡m LvIqvi R‡b¨ wKQy Lvev‡ii †LvuR KiwQj|wKšÍ †m †Kvb Lvev‡ii e¨e¯’v Ki‡Z cviwQj bv|Ae‡k‡l †m Lye K¬všÍ nj Ges GKwU Mv‡Qi wb‡P e‡m coj|MvQwU‡Z GKwU KvK Zvi †Vv‡Uu GK UzK‡iv gvsm wb‡q e‡m wQj|wkqvjwU Kv‡Ki w`‡K ZvKvj Ges gvs‡mi UzKivwU †`Lj|KvKwUi wbKU †_‡K gvsmwU †c‡Z Zvi g‡b GKwU cwiKíbv Gj|wkqvjwU D”Pt¯^‡i ejj, ÒKx my›`i GKwU cvwL GwU|wKš‘ nvq!cvwLwU Mvb MvB‡Z cv‡i bv|)
Answer: (a) hungry (b) looking (c) food (d) tired (e) under (f) piece (g) saw (h) get (i) what (j) can
14.Electricity is (a)-----a part of our everyday (b)----that we rarely think twice about its importance and necessity.When we switch (c)-----the light and the fan or turn on our television and computer,we enjoy (d)-----blessings of electricity.Even when we turn off the besides lamp and are fast asleep,(e)-----remains working for us driving our fans,heating or cooling our rooms and running our refrigarators.Unfortunately,we(f)----enjoy the uninterrupted blessings of electricity.There is some (g)----in the generation (h)----electricity in Bangladesh.(i)-----load shedding or suspension of the supply of electricity has (j)----a regular programme of the power Development Board.(we`y¨r Avgv‡`i cÖvZ¨wnK Rxe‡bi Ggb GKwU Ask †h Avgiv Gi ¸iZ¡ Ges cÖ‡qvRbxqZv m¤ú‡K© `yÕevi LyeB wPšÍv Kwi|hLb Avgiv myBP wU‡c evwZ Ges d¨vb Pvjy Kwi A_ev Avgv‡`i †UwjwfkY Ges Kw¤úDUvi Pvjy Kwi,ZLb Avgiv we`y¨‡Zi Avwk©ev` Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvwi|Ggb wK hLb Avgiv weQvbvi cv‡ki evwZ wbwf‡q †`BGes Mfxi Ny‡g _vwK,we`y¨Z Avgv‡`i d¨vb Pvwj‡q Avgv‡`i Ni¸‡jv Mig iv‡L A_ev VvÛv  K‡i Ges Avgv‡`i †iwd«Rv‡iUi Pvjy †i‡L Avgv‡`i R‡b¨ Kv‡R iZ _v‡K|`~fvM¨µ‡g,Avgiv we`y¨‡Zi Ae¨venZ Avkx©ev` Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvwi bv|evsjv‡`‡k we`y¨Z Drcv`‡b wKQy NvUwZ i‡q‡Q|ZvB †jvW‡kwWs A_ev we`y¨r mieivn mvgwqK eÜ ivLv we`y¨r Dbœqb †ev‡W©i GKwU wbqwgZ Kg©m~Px n‡q `vwuo‡q‡Q|)
Answer: (a) such (b) life (c) on (d) the (e) electricity (f) cannot (g) deficiency (h) of (i) so (j) became.
15. An elephant does many things with its trunk.It smells,feels and picks things up with its (a)----.Elephants can uproot trees (b)-----their trunks.They can defend themselves by wrapping their trunks around (c)-----enemies and dashing them(d)----the ground.They use their trunks to eat (e)----peanuts too.They can even brush (f)----flies.In the lumberyards of India,elephants learn to pull logs out (g)---rivers and stack them.Elephants have even taught to sweep.By holding a broom in (h)---trunk, an elephant can (i)----a road clean of dust.What a wonderful (j)----that trunk is!(nvwZ Zvi ïou w`‡q A‡bK wKQy K‡i|GwU Zvi ïuo w`‡q MÜ ï‡Ku,Abyfe K‡i Ges wewfbœ wRwbm Zz‡j †bq|nvwZ Zvi ïuo w`‡q MvQ Dcov‡Z cv‡i|Zviv Zv‡`i ïou Pvwiw`‡K Rwo‡q kµ‡`i wei“‡× wb‡R‡`i‡K i¶v Ki‡Z †S‡o †dj‡Z cv‡i Ges gvwU‡Z AvQvo w`‡Z cv‡i|eo eo ev`vg †L‡ZI Zviv Zv‡`i ïuo e¨envi K‡i|Zviv GgbwK gvwQ †S‡o †dj‡Z cv‡i|fvi‡Z KvV ivLvi ¯’v‡b nvwZiv b`x ‡_‡K Kv‡Vi ¸wou †U‡b Avb‡Z Ges †m¸‡jv‡K ZvK K‡i ivL‡Z wk‡L|nvwZ‡`i GgbwK Svo– w`‡Z wkLv‡bv n‡q‡Q|Zvi ï‡uo Svo– a‡i,nvwZ iv¯Ív‡K ayjvgy³ Ki‡Z cv‡i|wK PgrKvi wRwbm nvwZi ïuo|)
Answer: (a) trunk (b) with (c) against (d) to (e) big (f) away (g) of (h) its (i) make (j) limb.
16. Bangladesh is one the (a)----countries of the United Nations.As a peace loving and (b)---country she has been undertaking welfare and (c)----activities in line decade(f)—the disabled in the Asia and the Pacific region.Along(g)----other governments of this region she is (h)---to implement the charter.There is also provision in our constitution for ensuring health(i)-----,education and employment for the (j)----.(evsjv‡`k RvwZms‡Ni GKwU m`m¨ †`k|kvwšÍKvgx Ges MYZvwš¿K †`k wn‡m‡e †m RvwZms‡Ni wb‡`©kbv Abyqvqx Kj¨vYg~jK Ges Dbœqb Kg©KvÛ MÖnY K‡i‡Q|evsjv‡`k Gwkqv Ges cÖkvšÍ gnvmvMixq A‡j c½y‡`i R‡b¨ RvwZms‡Ni wØZxq kZ‡Ki ¯^v¶i K‡i‡Q|GB A‡ji Ab¨vb¨ miKv‡ii mv‡_ mb`wU ev¯Íevqb Ki‡Z †m A½xKvie×|Avgv‡`i kvmbZ‡š¿ c½y‡`i R‡b¨ ¯^v¯’¨ myweav,wk¶v Ges PvKzwi wbwðZ Kivi R‡b¨ AvB‡bi avivI i‡q‡Q|
Answer: (a) membeer (b) democrating  (c) development  (d) with (e) signed (f)for (g) with (h) committed(i) care (j) disabled.
17. While eating food we have to (a)-----that we should not eat just to satisfy hunger or to (b)----the stomach.We should (c)----to preserve our health.For good (d)-----we need good food.Sometimes it so happens that people(e)----live even in the midst of plenty,do not eat the (f)----they need for a good health as they (g)----no knowledge of health and nutrition.Again the poor and illiterate people think that good food (h)----costly food,They do not (i)---that whatever food they get can be nutritive (j)---they can select the food items wisely to make a balanced diet.(Lv`¨ LvIqvi mgq Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h ,ïay ¶zav wbevi‡bi R‡b¨ A_ev cvK¯’jx‡K AwZwi³ †evSvB Kivi R‡b¨ Avgv‡`i Lv`¨ LvIqv DwPZ bq|¯^v¯’¨ i¶vi R‡b¨ Avgv‡`i LvIqv DwPZ|fvj ¯^v‡¯’¨i R‡b¨ Avgv‡`i R‡b¨ †h Lv`¨ Zv‡`i `iKvi Zv Zviv Lvq bv †h‡nZz Zv‡`i ¯^v¯’¨ Ges cywó m¤ú‡K© †Kvb Ávb †bB|Avevi `vwi`ª Ges wbi¶i gvby‡liv g‡b K‡i ‡h,fvj Lv`¨ A_© `vwg Lv`¨|Zviv Rv‡b bv †h,Zviv †h LveviB cvq ZvB cywóKi n‡Z cv‡i hw` mylg Lv`¨ ˆZwi Kivi R‡b¨ Zviv weÁZvi mv‡_ Lv`¨ wbe©vPb Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
Answer: (a) remember (b) overloaded(c) eat(d) health (e) who (f) food(g) have
                (h) are (i) know (j) if.
18. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.It is a populous city.It is a city (a)----traffic jam.A fly (b)-----is built at Mohakhali with a view to (c)------the traffic jam.To (d)---this problem,traffic rules(e)—be enforced.Besides this,drivers,passer-by and (f)----should honour and abide (g)----all rules (h)----making the city habitable.Otherwise our life (i)—remain(j)----stake. (XvKv evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx|GwU GKwU Rbeûj †`k|GwU GKwU hvbhU Gi bMix|gnvLvjx‡Z hvbhU Kgv‡bvi D‡Ï‡k¨ GKwU d¬vBIfvi moK wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q|GB mgm¨v mgvav‡bi R‡b¨ UªvwdK AvBb Aek¨B ejer Ki‡Z n‡e|ZvQvov,bMix‡K emevm‡hvM¨ Kivi R‡b¨ MvwoPvjK,c_Pvix Ges hviv cv‡q †n‡Uu P‡j Zv‡`i mKj‡K hveZxq wbqgKvby‡bi cÖwZ cÖ`©kb Ki‡Z n‡e Ges †m¸‡jv †g‡b Pj‡Z n‡e|Ab¨_v Avgv‡`i Rxeb wecbœ †_‡K hv‡e|)
Answer: (a) of (b) over (c) reducing (d) slove (e) should (f) pedestrians (g) by (h) for (i)will (j) at
19.  The Shatgambuj Mosque is a 15 century Islamic (a)----situated in the suburbs of Bagerhat,on the (b)----of the Sundarbans,some 175 km south-west of Dhaka.It is an(c)----Mughal architectural site (d)-----a very large area.The mosque is (e)----in that it has sixty pillars,which (f)----seventy seven exquisitely (g)----domes that have worn away with the (h)----of time.The mausoleum of the city’s (i)---Khan Jahan Ali can be found nearby.With the (j)----of the mosque as a world Heritage Site it is hopped that this beautiful architectural movement will be preserved from further decay.(lvU ¸¤^R gmwR` XvKv †_‡K 175 wK‡jvwgUvi `w¶Y-cwð‡g my›`ie‡bi avi †N‡lu ev‡Minv‡Ui kniZwj‡Z Aew¯’Z GKwU cÂ`k kZ‡Ki Bmjvwg BgviZ|GwU weivU GjvKv Ry‡o GKwU wekvj gyNj¯’vcZ¨ wb`k©‡bi ¯’vb|gmwR‡`i G‡Zv Abb¨ †h,Gi lvU ¯Í¤¢ i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv mvZvËiwU Abycgfv‡e evKvu‡bv ¸¤^R aviY K‡i Av‡Q †h¸‡jv Kv‡ji Ave©‡Z ¶q n‡q †M‡Q|bMixii cªwZôvZv Lvb Rvnvb Avwji gvRvi mwbœK‡UB †`L‡Z cvIqv hv‡e|gmwR`wU Iqv©ì †nwi‡UR mvBU †NvwlZ nIqvi Kvi‡Y Avkv Kiv hvq †h,GB my›`i †mŠa‡K AviI ¶q n‡q hvIqv †_‡K i¶v Kiv n‡e|)
Answer: (a) edific (b) edge (c) enourmous (d) covering (e) unique (f) support (g) curved (h) passage (i) founder (j) declaration.
20.  Housing is one of the (a)----problem of our (b)---.Thousands of people in big (c)----like Dhaka and Chittagong dwell on the footpaths.In rural (d)----also there is an acute (e)---of houses.The cost of construction is (f)----everyday.At present it is very (g)----for the common (h)---to afford the (i)----of construction.This problem needs to be (j)—immediately.(Avevmb Avgv‡`i †`‡ki GKwU Zxeª mgm¨v|XvKv Ges PUªMÖv‡gi gZ eo eo kn‡i nvRvi nvRvi gvbyl dzUcv‡Z evm K‡i|MÖvgv‡j I M„‡ni Pig NvUwZ i‡q‡Q|wbgvY© LiP cÖwZw`b e„w× cv‡”Q|eZ©gv‡b wbgv©‡Yi LiP †hvMvb †`Iqv mvaviY gvby‡li R‡b¨ LyeB KwVb|GB mgm¨v `ª“Z mgvavb Kiv cÖ‡qvRb|)
Answer:(a)acute (b) country (c) cities (d) areas (e) shortage (f) increasing 
               (g) difficult (h) people (i) cost (j) slove
21.  Many events of (a)-----importance took place during the last century.Significant advaces were made in the (b)----of science and technology.Many European colonies(c)---independence.The movement for democracy became (d)---in many parts of the world.Two worlds wars (e)----out in this country.It also witnessed the misuse of atomic  energy.Two cities of Japan were completely (f)----as a result of the dropping of atom bombs.The Vietnam war and the Gulf war killed (g)----of innocent people.However,the emergence of Bangladesh as an (h)----nation was a momentous events.After a bloody (i)---of nine months.Bangladesh was born.Now we hold our heads (j)-----in the comity of nations.(MZ kZvwã‡Z AvšÍ©RvwZKfv‡e A‡bK ¸iZ¡c~Y© NUbv N‡U‡Q|¸iZ¡c~Y© AMÖMwZ mvwaZ n‡q‡Q weÁvb I cÖhyw³i †¶‡Î|A‡bK BD‡ivcxq Dcwb‡ek ¯^vaxbvZv AR©b K‡i‡Q|we‡k¦i A‡bK GjvKvq MYZ‡š¿i R‡b¨ Av‡›`vjb MwZkxj n‡q‡Q|G kZvwã‡Z `yÕwU wek¦hy× msNwUZ n‡q‡Q|GwU AvYweK kw³i Ace¨enviI cÖZ¨¶ K‡i‡Q|AvYweK †evgv †djvi Kvi‡Y Rvcv‡bi `yÕwU kni m¤ú~Y© aeesm n‡q‡Q|wf‡qZbvg hy× Ges DcmvMixq hy× nvRvi nvRvi wbiciva gvbyl nZ¨v K‡i‡Q|hv‡nvK,¯^vaxbvZv RvwZ wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`q GKwU ¸iZ¡c~Y©  NUbv wQj|bq gvm i³¶‡qi hy‡×i ci evsjv‡`k Rb¥ wb‡qwQj|eZ©gv‡b Avgiv we‡k¦i RvwZ¸‡jvi gv‡S Avgv‡`i gv_v DPzu‡Z Zz‡j awi|)
Answer: (a)international (b) fields (c) won (d) momentous (e) broke
                (f) ruined (g) thousands (h) independent (i) war (j) high.
22.  There have been (a)----changes in the types of entertainment over time.Many of these no longer exist.Even if they do,people keep looking for newer forms of (b)----.Thus snake charming,puppet show,Jarigan,Sharigan and Kabigan which were common forms of entertainment in the past,have almost lost their (c)----.Radio is now giving place to television and to (d)-----chanels in particular.The entertainment business,like other spheres of life,is getting (e)----day by day.Folk is now fusing melodies from folk and traditional songs.In general,band and pop music are becoming more and more(h)---particularly among the (i)----generation.Sports has become a great source of entertainment(j)-----.(mg‡qi †mªv‡Z we‡bv`‡bi ai‡bi ¸iZ¡c~Y© cwie©Zb n‡q‡Q|A‡bK¸‡jvi Avi Aw¯ÍZ¡ †bB|GgbwK hw`I ev †_‡K _v‡K,gvbyl bZzb bZzb we‡bv`‡bi †Lv‡Ru i‡q‡Q|Gfv‡e mv‡ci †Ljv,cyZzj,bvP,RvwiMb Ges KvwiMvb †h¸‡jv AZx‡Z we‡bv`‡bi mvaviY aiY wQj,†m¸‡jv Zv‡`i Av‡e`b cÖvq nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Q|‡iwWI eZ©gv‡b ‡Uwjwfkb‡K RvqMv †Q‡o w`‡”Q Ges we‡kl K‡i m¨v‡UjvBU †Uwjwfkb‡K|we‡bv`b evwYR¨,Rxe‡bi Ab¨vb¨ †¶‡Îi gZ w`b w`b cvðZ¨ ai‡bi n‡q hv‡”Q|‡jvKMxZ A_ev cj­xMxwZ eZ©gv‡b cwðgv ev`¨h‡š¿i mvnvh¨ MvIqv nq|GKB mv‡_,AvaywbK mv‡_ msMxZ Ges mbvZb msMx‡Zi myi mswgkªY Ki‡Q|mvaviYfv‡e,e¨vÛ Ges cc msMxZ AwaK RbwcÖq n‡”Q we‡kl K‡i Zi“Y cÖR‡b¥i gv‡S|‡Ljva~jv AvRKvj we‡bv`‡bi GKwU eo gva¨‡g n‡q‡Q|
Answer(a) significant (b) entertainment (c) appeal (d) satellite (e) westernized
             (f) instruments (g) modern (h) popular (i) young (j) today.
23. Television has become a (a)-----source of entertainment of the present world.A wide (b)---of programmes is (c)----on numerous chanels.Almost every family has a television(d)---today.Television (e)-----are not only entertaining,they can be highly (f)---too.For example,television is now(g)----used for distance learning.The courses (h)----by the open university are shown on BTV.Several chanels like the Discovery Chanels and the National Geographic Chanel telecast highly informative and (i)----programmes.However,watching TV (j)----is not permissible.(‡Uwjwfkb eZ©gvb we‡k¦ GKwU RbwcÖq we‡bv`‡bi gva¨‡g cwiYZ n‡q‡Q|e¨vcK cwim‡ii Abyôvb gvjv AmsL¨ P¨v‡b‡j  cÖPvwiZ nq|eZ©gv‡b cÖvq cÖ‡Z¨‡K cwiev‡iiB GKwU †Uwjwfkb †mU Av‡Q|‡Uwjwfkb Abyôvbvw` ïay we‡bv`bg~jK bq,Zviv Ly&eB wk¶vg~jKI n‡Z cv‡i|D`vnib¯^iƒc,†Uwjwfkb eZ©gv‡b `~i wk¶‡Yi R‡b¨ e¨eüZ n‡”Q|D¤§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq KZ©„K cwiPvwjZ wk¶vKvh©µg wewUwf‡Z †`Lv‡bv nq| K‡qKwU P¨v‡bj †hgb wWmKfvwi P¨v‡bj Ges b¨vkbvj wRI MÖvwdK P¨v‡bj LyeB Z_¨g~jK Ges we‡bv`bg~jK Abyôvb m¤cÖPvi K‡i|hv‡nvK,memgq wUwf †`Lv Aby‡gv`b‡hvM¨ bq|)
Answer: (a) wonderful (b) range (c) telecast (d) set (e) programes (f) educative (g) bing (h) run\ conducted (i) entertaining (j) always .
24. Michael Baumann is a lawyer.He doesn’t like (a)---who talk too much.He himself(b)---to speak very little.He doesn’t (c)----a beard but he (d)-----an enormous moustache.He (e)---it makes him look important.He does not have a lot of (f)----on his head but he isn’t (g)---either.His hair is not straight but (h)----.He is (i)----his fifties and (j)-----to eat.(gvB‡Kj  e‡gb GKRb AvBbRxwe|hviv AwZwi³ K_v e‡j wZwb Zv‡`i‡K cQ›` K‡ib bv|wZwb wb‡RI Lye Kg K_v ej‡Z cQ›` K‡ib|Zvi `vwo †bB,wKš‘ Zvi GKwU wekvj †Mvdu i‡q‡Q| wZwb g‡b K‡ib GwU Zv‡K ¸iZ¡c~Y© †`Lv‡Z mnvqZv K‡i|Zvi gv_vq †ewk Pzj †bB|wKš‘ wZwb †U‡KvI bb| Zvi Pzj †mvRv bq,†KvKuov‡bv wZwb cÂv‡ki †KvVvq i‡h‡Qb Ges †L‡Z cQ›` K‡ib|)
Answer: (a) people (b) likes (C) possess (d) has (e) says (f) hair (g) bald (h) curly (i) in (j) loves
25. One day a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruitseller.After a few days the fruit seller asked the grocer to (a)----his balance and weights to him.The grocer said, “I am sorry to say that the mice ate away your balance and weights.” The furitseller became very (b)----at the (c)----excuse of the dishonest grocer.Then one day the frutiseller said to the grocer, “I am (d)----to the town to do some shopping.Please send your son with me to (e)-----my things.We will come back tomorrow.” So the grocer (f)----his son with the fruitseller.The next day the fruitseller returned alone from the town.“Where is my son?”asked the grocer. “A crow carried your son away,” replied the fruitseller.How can a crow(g)----away such a big boy?” The grocer shouted angrily. “Just the same way as the mice can (h)----away the balance and weights,” said the fruitseller.The grocer (i)----the point.He returned the balance and weights to the fruitseller.Then the fruitseller sent the boy (j)----to his father.(GKw`b GK gyw` GK djwe‡µvZvi wbKU †_‡K cvj­v Ges evULviv avi wb‡qwQj|wKQyw`b ci dj we‡µZv gyw`‡K Zvi cvj­v-evULviv wdwi‡q w`‡Z ejj|gyw` ejj, ÒAvwg `ytwLZ †h,Bu`yi †Zvgvi cvj­v evULviv †L‡q †d‡j‡Q|Ó Amr gyw`i †Lvov hyw³‡Z dj we‡µZvi Lye ivM nj|Zvici GKw`b djwe‡µZv gyw`‡K ejj,ÒAvwg wKQy †KbvKvUv Kivi R‡b¨ kn‡i hvw”Q|Avgvi wRwbmcÎ enb Kivi R‡b¨ `qv K‡i †Zvgvi †Q‡j‡K Avgvi m‡½ `vI|Avgiv AvMvgxKvj wd‡i Avme|ÓAZÎe,gyw` Zvi †Q‡j‡K djwe‡µZvi mv‡_ cvwV‡q w`j|ciw`b djwe‡µZv kni †_‡K GKv wd‡i Gj|gyw` wR‡Ám Kij, ÒAvgvi †Q‡j †Kv_vq?Ó dj we‡µZv DËi w`j, ÒGKwU KvK †Zvgvi †Q‡j‡K Zz‡j wb‡q †M‡Q|Ógyw` ivMvwš^Zfv‡e wPrKvi K‡i ejj,ÒGKwU KvK wKfv‡e GZ eo †Q‡j‡K Zz‡j wb‡q †h‡Z cv‡i?Ó djwe‡µZv ejj,ÒwVK †mfv‡e †hfv‡e B`uyi cvj­v evULvi †L‡q †d‡j|Ó gyw` welqwU eyS‡Z cvij|‡m cvj­v evULvi djwe‡µZv‡K wdwi‡q w`j|Zvici djwe‡µZv ‡Q‡jwU‡K Zvi wcZvi Kv‡Q †diZ cvwV‡q w`j|)
Answer: (a) return (b) angry (c) lame (d) going (e) buy (f) sent
                (g) carry (h) eat (i) realized (j)back

26.A large number of people (a)----English all over the world.Some people use it as (b)----language and some people take it as a(c)----language.Many international (d)----now depend on English to (e)-----with offices in different countries.Their advertisements published in different (f)----are always in (g)----.They also want people who posses a good (h)----knowledge of English.People seeking employment (i)----expect to get good jobs without (j)----English.(mvivwe‡k¦ wecyj msL¨K gvbyl Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v e‡j| †Kvb †Kvb gvbyl GwU‡K wØZxq fvlv wn‡m‡e e¨envi K‡i| †Kvb †Kvb gvbyl GwU‡K we‡`kx fvlv wn‡m‡e M&ªnb K‡i‡Q| A‡bK AvšÍ©RvwZK †Kv¤úvwb eZ©gv‡b wewfbœ †`‡ki Awd‡mi mv‡_ †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Bs‡iwRi Dci wbf©i K‡i| wewfbœ cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ Zv‡`i weÁvcb¸‡jv memgq Bs‡iwR‡Z n‡q _v‡K| Zviv G ai‡bi †jvKejI Pvq Bs‡iwR‡Z fv‡jv Kv‡Ri Ávb i‡q‡Q| PvKwi c&ªZ¨vkxiv Bs‡iwR Rvbv Qvov fvj PvKwi Avkv Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|

Answer: (a) speak (b) sceond (c) foreign (d) companies (e) communicate
               (f) newspaper (g) English  (h) workers/employees (i)for (j) killed

27.News paper in Bangladesh have constantly (a)----our attention to the (b)----safety measures provided by (c)----garment factors.They (d)----adequate space,(e)-----staircases and (f)----exits.(g)-----addition,most of the garment (h)----do not have any training(i)----fire safety.At least 104 garment employees were (j)----in fire related incidents.(evsjv‡`‡ki msev`cÎmg~n AbeiZ Avgv‡`i g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y K‡i‡Q A‡bK †cvkvK wkí KviLvbv KZ…©K cÖ`Ë Ac©hvß wbivcËv e¨e¯’vi w`‡K| †m¸‡jv‡Z ch©vß ¯’vb, cÖk¯Í wmwou Ges Riywi wbM©gb e¨e¯’vi Afve i‡q‡Q| AwaKš‘, AwaKvsk †cvkvKwkí kªwg‡Ki AwMœ wbivcËvi Rb¨ †Kvb cÖwk¶b †bB| Kgc‡¶ 104 †cvkvKwkí kªwgK AwMœ msµvšÍ NUbvq cÖvY nvwi‡q‡Q|)

Answer: (a) drawn (b) insufficient/inadequate (c) many (d) lack (e) wide
              (f) Emergency (g) In (h) workers/employees (i) for (j) killed

28.I don’t think that it is (a)----not make any (b)----while leanring English.Because we (c)---through trial and error.I think it is better to (d)----English without paying much(e)---on being correct.Because it is not important to (f)----always correct English.I do not(g)---that a shy man can never (h)----English.This is because a shy man can learn English by (i)----English Newspapers,(j)-----and various text books.(Avwg g‡b Kwi bv †h, Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z †M‡j †Kvb fyj bv Kiv m¤¢e| †Kbbv fyj †kvaiv‡bv ch©šÍ cix¶v GB c×wZi gva¨‡g Avgiv wkwL| Avwg g‡b Kwi ï× nIqvi Dci †ewk g‡bv‡hvM bv w`‡q Bs‡iwR †kLv AwaKZi fvj| †Kbbv memgq ï× Bs‡iwR e¨envi Kiv Ri“wi bq| Avwg GUv eySvw”Q bv †h GKRb jvRyK e¨w³ KL‡bvI Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z cvi‡e bv| GUv G Kvi‡b †h GKRb jvRyK e¨w³ Bs‡iwR cwÎKv Rvb©vj Ges wewfbœ cvV¨eB cvV K‡i Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z cv‡i|
Answer: (a) possible (b) mistake (c) learn (d) learn (e) attention
               (f) use (g) mean (h) learn (i) reading (j) journals.

29.Amin is a young man of 20 years.His parents were very poor.They could not provide his educational(a)----.Amin passed the SSC Examination.He thought that he(b)----not be able to continue his studies.He thought that he would get (c)----in poulty and cultivation of fish.He got himself admitted into Youth Development Training Center and after (d)-----training he (e)----an amount of money from a bank.He (f)----a poulty farm.He was (g)----profits.Then he started fish cultivation (h)----brought huge (i)----for him.He is no more an(j)----man rather he can provide people with work.(Avwgb 20 eQ‡ii GK Zi“b| Zvi wcZvgvZv Lye Mwie wQ‡jb| Zviv Zvi wk¶vi LiP †hvMvb w`‡Z cv‡ibwb| Avwgb gva¨wgK cix¶vq DËx©b n‡q‡Q| †m fvej, †m Zvi covïbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z mg_© n‡e bv| †m fvej nvum gyiwM Ges grm¨ Pv‡l cÖwk¶b wb‡e| †m hye Dbœ&q‡b cÖwk¶b †K‡›`ª fwZ© nj Ges cÖwk¶b †kl Kivi ci †m GKwU e¨vsK †_‡K †KQy UvKv avi wbj| †m GKwU nvmugyiwMi Lvgvi cÖwZôv Kij| †m jvf †c‡Z _vKj| Zvici †m gvQ Pvl ïi“ Kij hv Zvi Rb¨ wekvj jvf wb‡q Avmj| †m Avi †eKvi e¨w³ bq eis †m gvbyl‡K KvR w`‡Z cv‡i|)
Answer: (a) expenses (b) would (c) training (d) getting/receiving
              (e) borrowed (f) started (g) making (h) which (i) money/profit (j) idle .
30.Your performance in the interview is very important,even (a)----some people regard(b)----as poor predictors of future(c)----.There is a good(d)----of subjectivity in an interview to judge a (e)-----,but as a candidate,he subjectivity inherent in interviews can work to your (f)----.If you manifest confidence and enthusiasm,smile a (g)---and generally look as though you know (h)----you are talking about,then you are well on the (i)----to a result.(j)----you respond is probably more important than what you say.(mv¶vZKvi Abyôv‡b †Zvgvi cvi`wk©Zv AZ¨šÍ ¸i“Z¡c~b©, hw`I †KD †KD g‡b K‡ib fwel¨Z cvi`wk©Zvi Rb¨ mv¶vZKvi GKwU `~e©j Cw½Z evZ©v| cÖv_x© wePv‡ii †¶‡Î mv¶vZKv‡ii g‡a¨ h‡_ó cwigv‡b AvZ¥wbôv i‡q‡Q, Z‡e cÖv_x© wn‡m‡e mv¶vZKv‡i †m mnRvZ AvZ¥vwbôZv †Zvgvi c‡¶ KvR K‡i| Zzwg hw` AvZ¥wek¦vkx Ges Drmvnx _vK, Zvn‡j gyLgÛ‡j h‡_ó nvwmLywk ivL‡e Ges eyS‡Z †`‡e †h Zzwg hv ejQ Zv Zzwg Rvb Zvn‡j †Zvgvi dj fvj n‡e| Zzwg hv ejQ Zvi †P‡q AwaKZi ¸i“Z¡c~b© Zzwg Kxfv‡e mvov w`”Q|
Answer: (a) though (b) interviews (c) performance (d) deal (e) candidate
                (f) advantage (g) bald (h) lot (i) way (j) how
31.Traffic Jam is one of the major problems of our time.It is a very (a)----affair in big cities and towns.Our population has (b)----very fast over the last fifty years or so.The vechicles has also gone up.But our roads are not broad (d)---to accommodate so many buses,trucks and cars.Slow moving vechicles (e)----rickshaws and baby taxies have added complications to the problem.On top of that our drivers are not very willing to (f)---traffic rules.They often (g)----impatient and look to go (h)---of one another (i)---traffic signals.Sometimes they (j)----recklessly and meet horrible road accidents.(hvbhU Avgv‡`i mg‡qi GKwU weivU mgm¨v| eo eo kn‡i Ges bM‡i GwU GKwU LyeB mvaviY welq|MZ cÂvk eQ‡i Avgv‡`i RbmsL¨v LyeB `ª“Z MwZ‡Z e„w× ‡c‡q‡Q|hvbevn‡bi msL¨vI e„w× †c‡q‡Q|wKšÍy Avgv‡`i moK¸‡jv GZ ‡ewk evm UªvK Ges Mvwo‡K RvqMv †`Iqvi gZ h‡_ó cÖk¯Í bq| wi·ªv Ges †eex Uªvw·ªi gZ axi MwZm¤úbœ hvbevnb GB mgm¨v‡K AviI RwUj K‡i Zz‡j‡Q|Zvi Dci Avgv‡`i Mvwoi Pvj‡Kiv UªvwdK AvBb †g‡b Pj‡Z LyeB B”QyK bq|Zviv cÖvqB Amwnòy n‡q c‡o Ges UªvwdK wmMb¨vj Agvb¨ K‡i GKRb Av‡iKR‡bi mvg‡b †h‡Z Pvq|KLb I KLbI Zviv †ec‡ivqvfv‡e Mvwo Pvjvq Ges fqvbK moK `yNUbv NUvq|)
Answer: (a) common (b) increased (c) use/number (d) enough(e) like
              (f)obey (g) become (h) ahead (i)disobeying/breaking/violating (j) drive

32.Money is power and can do much good and evil.It gives (a)----and delight.It (b)---do everything.A person without (c)----is a person to be pitied.Nobody pays(d)---respect to him.His friends do not (e)----him.He has to depend on the (f)----of others.In order to (g)---money he does a lot of jobs.It is a must (h)---our life.But it does not necessarily (i)---happiness.Happiness is absolutely a (j)---matter.(A_© n‡”Q ¶gZv|A_© A‡bK fvj Ges g›` mvab Ki‡Z cv‡i|GwU myL Ges Avb›` †`q|GwU mewKQy  Ki‡Z cv‡i|A_©nxb GKRb e¨vw³ Ki“Yv cÖv_x©|‡KD Zv‡K m¤§vb †`Lvq bv|Zviv eÜziv Zv‡K fvjev‡m bv|A‡b¨i `v‡bi Dci Zv‡K wbf©i Ki‡Z nq|A_© Dcv©R‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ †m A‡bK KvR K‡i|GwU Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b AZ¨vek¨Kxq|wKš‘ GwU Aek¨v¤¢vexi“‡c myL Av‡b bv|myL m¤ú~Y© GKwU Av‡cw¶K welq|)
Answer:(a) happiness (b) can (c) money (d) any(e) love (f)charity
             (g) earn (h) in (i)bring (j) personal
33.Introverts and extroverts (a)-----two kinds of men (b)----in the society.An introvert is quite(c)---to an extrovert.Without(d)----extrovert no man or woman can (e)----life in the country.What we have(f)---from the (g)---of Sohel and Farid gives us the quality of introvert.(h)----Farid has done in the bus(i)----introvert.Fahima is (j)---the extrovert quality.(AšÍ©g~L©x Ges ewn©g~Lx mgv‡R evm Kiv `yÕai‡bi gvbyl nq|GKRb AšÍ©g~Lx e¨vw³ GKRb ewn©g~Lx e¨vw³i m¤ú~Y© wecixZ|ewn©g~Lx nIqv Qvov †Kvb cyi“l A_ev bvix †Kvb †`‡k Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|‡mv‡nj Ges dwi‡`i K_vevZ©v †_‡K Avgiv hv Rvb‡Z †c‡iwQ Zv Avgv‡`i AšÍ©g~L©xi ‰ewkó¨ cÖ`vb K‡i|dwi` ev‡m hv K‡i‡Q Zv AšÍ©g~Lx ¯^fv‡ei|dvwngvi g‡a¨ ewn©g~Lx ˆewkó¨ Av‡Q|)
Answer: (a) are (b) living (c) opposite (d) being(e) lead (f) learnt
              (g) conversation (h) what (i)is(j) containing
34.Bangladesh is a country (a)….an area of 147570 square kilometers. It is (b)….with more than 140 million people. About 1000 people live in per(c)…kilometer. So it is a (d)…populated country now. The present growth rate is very (e)….which should be (f)….immediately. If this rate (g)…on unchecked, Bangladesh will (h)….a great problem. So everyone should come (i)…to (j)…public awareness.(evsjv‡`‡k 1,47,570 eM©wK‡jvwgUvi AvqZvb wewkó GKwU †`k|GUv 120 wgwjqb †jvKmsL¨v wb‡q Pv‡ci gy‡L Av‡Q|GLv‡b cÖwZ eM©wK‡jvwgUv‡i cÖvq GKnvRvi †jvK emevm K‡i|ZvB GUv GKwU AwZ NbemwZc~Y© †`k|Rb¥nvi LyeB D”P hv Aek¨B AwZmË¡I wbqš¿b Ki‡Z n‡e|hw` G nvi Awbqbwš¿Z fv‡e †e‡oB P‡j Z‡e evsjv‡`k GKwU weivU mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb n‡e|ZvB MYm‡PZbZv e„w×K‡í cÖ‡Z¨‡K GwM‡q Avmv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) with/covering (b) populated/inhabitated/ burdended  (c) live (d) over
(e) high/alarming (f) checked/stopped (g) goes (h) face/encounter (i) come (j) raise/create/develop
35.Riaz is fed(a)----with his nextdoor(b)----.His bedroom is very (c)----to theirs.Evertimes he sits down to (d)----in the evening.(e)----comes the blaring sound of the television(f)---the house next door.It (g)----that the TV is kept (h)----the whole evening.In winter he can bear it by(i)---his widow closed (j)---in summer it gets too hot and stuffy if the window is kept closed.(wiqvR Zvi cÖwZ‡ewki mv‡_ wei³|Zvi †kvevi Ni Zv‡`i †kvevi N‡ii Lye KvQvKvwQ|cÖ‡Z¨Kevi hLb †m mܨvq co‡Z e‡m,cv‡ki evwo †_‡K ‡Uwjwfk‡bi D”P kã †f‡m Av‡m|g‡b nq,mvivUv mܨv †Uwjwfkb Pvjy ivLv nq|kxZKv‡j Zvi Rvbvjv eÜ ‡i‡L †m GUv mn¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i,wKš‘y MÖx¯§Kv‡j Rvbvjv eÜ ivL‡j NiwU Lye Mig Ges f¨vcmv n‡q hvq|)
Answer: (a) up (b) neighbours (c) close (d) study(e) there (f) from (g) seems
               (h) on (i) keeping(j) but

36.Learning a language is (a)----riding a cycle.The most(b)—thing (c)----any language a communication.You learn to (d)----effectively by using a language,by doing things with it and by experiencing it.You(e)----learn English in the same(f)-----as one learns to ride a cycle.Do not (g)----if people laugh at you (h)---you make (i)---.You can certainly learn(j)---mistake.(GKwU fvlv †kLv mvB‡Kj Pvjv‡bvi gZ|‡Kvb fvlvi me‡P‡q ¸iZ¡c~Y© welq nj fve wewbgq Kiv|Zzwg Kvh©Kifv‡e fve wewbgq Ki‡Z †kL Ges GKwU fvlv e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g Gi mvnvh¨ wewfbœ KvR mgvav Kivi Øviv Ges Gi AwfÁZv Øviv|Zzwg Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z cvi GKB fv‡e †hgb GKRb mvB‡Kj Pov †k‡L|Dw`Mœ n‡qv bv hw` gvbyl †Zvgv‡K wb‡q we`ª“c K‡i hLb Zzwg fyj Ki|Zzwg wbðqB fy‡ji ga¨ w`‡q wkL‡Z cvi|)
Answer: (a) like(b) important (c) about (d) commuincate (e) can (f) way
               (g) worry (h) when (i) mistakes (j) through
37.Sports are a (a)-----form of entertainment.Many international sporting events are (b)---from time to time.Most of these events are (c)----by multinational manufacturing (d)---and business firms.They (e)----for the sports events in exchange for the right to (f)----their products during those events.These events are (g)----worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them(h)---.As a result,the sponsors’s products (i)----maximum media(j)---thus giving companies international recognition.(‡Ljvayjv we‡bv`‡bi GKwU RbwcÖq gva¨g|wewfbœ mg‡q A‡bK AvšÍR©vwZK †Kv¤úvwb Ges †Kvb e¨emvqx cÖwZôvb| GB Abyôvb¸‡jvi mgq Zviv Zv‡`i weÁvc‡bi cwie‡Z© GBme †Ljv¸‡jv mivmwi Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡i|d‡j,A_©`vZvi cb¨ mev©waK cÖPvi cvq Ges †Kv¤úvwb¸‡jv‡K AvšÍ©RvwZK ¯^xK…wZ G‡b †`q|)
Answer: (a) popular (b) organized (c) sponsored (d) companies (e) pay (f) advertise (g) telecast (h) live (i) receive (j) coverge.
38.Sincerity is the best way of achieving success.One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity.People who are sincere to their work are (a)----of making anything success.The greatmen are also sincere because they (b)---that sincerity is the (c)-----to success.Those who are not (d)---can never (e)----a long way in the world.The poor people are not always sincere,because they do not know the (f)---of sincerity.If they knew it,they would (g)---a good use of it.Sincerity (h)---not only to work properly,but also with dutifulness,honesty,modesty and good behaviour.The people of our country are not still (i)----of the (j)---of sincerity.(mdjZv AR©‡bi DËg Dcvq n‡jv AvšÍwiKZv|GKRb A‡bK AMÖmi n‡Z cv‡i hw` †m AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ †Kvb wKQy K‡i|hviv Zv‡`i Kv‡R AvšÍwiK Zviv †h †Kvb wKQy mdj Ki‡Z m¶g|gnr e¨vw³iv I AvšÍwiK †Kbbv,Zviv wek¦vm K‡ib †h,AvšÍwiKZv mdjZvi PvweKvwV|hviv AvšÍwiK bq Zviv c„w_ex‡Z KLb I A‡bK AMÖmi n‡Z cv‡i bv|Mwie gvby‡liv memgq AvšÍwiK bq,†Kbbv Zviv AvšÍwiKZvi g~j¨ Rv‡b bv|hw` Zviv Zv RvbZ,Z‡e Zviv Gi mØe¨envi KiZ|AvšÍwiKZv ïaygvÎ mwVKfv‡e KvR Kiv bq,`vwqZ¡kxjZv,mZZv,f`ªZv Ges m`vPi‡Yi mv‡_ KvR Kiv I e‡U|Avgv‡`i †`‡ki RbMY GLbI AvšÍwiKZvi g~j¨ m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb bq|)
Answer: (a) capable (b) know (c) key (d) sincere (e) go (f) importance (g) make (h) is (i) aware (j) value.

39.Jerry was a twelve old boy.(a)----lived in the orphanage.The authoress hired the cabin (b)----to the orphanage.Jerry came to the cabin to (c)----wood for the authoress.He also did some extra work (d)----the convenience of the authoress.Once he (e)----a cubbyhole where he put some kindling and medium wood (f)---that the writer might get dry fire materials ready in case of (g)----wet weather.The authoress was pleased (h)---him.When she gave him some candy or apples he used to (i)---silent.He expressed his (j)—by looking at the gift and the authoress.( bv‡Rix evi eQi eqmx GK evjK †h GwZgLvbvq evm K‡i|‡jwLKv GwZgLvbvq gvwjKvaxb †KwebwU fvov wb‡qwQ‡jb|‡Rwi †Kwe‡b AvmZ †jwLKvi Rb¨ KvV KvU‡Z|‡m †jwLKvi myweavi R‡b¨ wKQy AwZwi³ KvRI KiZ|GKevi †m R¡vjvbx ivLvi GKwU e× KzVwi Ly‡uR †cj †hLv‡b †m Lwo Ges gvSvwi KvV ivLZ hv‡Z †jwLKv AcÖZ¨vwkZ AvenvIqvq ïK‡bv Lwo cÖ¯‘Z †c‡Zb|‡jwLKv Zvi mv‡_ mš‘ó wQ‡jb|hLb wZwb Zv‡K K¨vwÛ A_ev Av‡cj w`‡Zb †m Pzc _vKZ| †m Zvi K…ZÁZv cÖKvk KiZ DcnviwU Ges †jwLKvi w`‡K ZvwK‡q †_‡K|)

Answer: (a) who (b) belonging (c) chop (d) for (e) found (f) so (g) sudden (h) with (i) keep (j) gratitude.

40.For international communication a common language is (a)-----.There are many (b)---for which English has achieved the (c)----of being that language.Now English has (d)---the national borders to (e)---people who speak other language.It is no longer the (f)---poessession of British or American or other native speakers,but a language that belongs to (g)----people.This phenomenon has led to a (h)---variety of English around the world.As more and more people speak English,more and more varities have(i)----which are strongly (j)----by the pronunciation,grammar and idioms of the respective mother tongues.(AvšÍ©RvwZK †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ GKwU fvlv mvaviY fvlv cÖ‡qvRb|A‡bK KviY i‡q‡Q hvi R‡b¨ Bs‡iwR †mB fvlv nIqvi †MŠie AR©b K‡i‡Q|eZ©gv‡b Bs‡iwR RvZxq mxgvbv †cwi‡q †mB gvbyl‡`i Kv‡Q †cŠ‡uQ‡Q hviv Ab¨vb¨ fvlvq K_v e‡j|GwU Avi wewUªk A_ev Av‡gwiKvb A_ev Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vbxq fvlv e¨enviKvixi GKgvÎ m¤úwË bq,wKš‘ GwU GKwU fvlv hv mKj gvby‡li m¤úwË|GB Ae¯’v wek¦e¨vwc Bs‡iwRi nZeyw× fve ˆewP‡Îi Rb¥ w`‡q‡Q|hZB AwaK gvbyl Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v e‡j ZZB ˆewP‡Î¨i cÖKvk N‡U †h¸‡jv wbR¯^ gvZ…fvlvi D”PviY,e¨vKiY Ges evMixwZ Øviv k³fv‡e cÖfvweZ|)
Answer: (a) needed (b) reason (c) prestige (d) crossed (e) reach (f) only (g) world (h) great (i) emerged (j) affected

41.If we (a)----forests and cut(b)---trees,the effects might eventually (c)-----us all.If forests (d)-----into deserts,what will (e)----carbon dioxide?Then the weather pattern (f)-----change and the world will become(g)----.This is (h)----the greenhouse effect.As a result of this effect the polar ice caps will (i)----and this will cause the flood of (j)---areas of the globe.(hw` Avgiv ebf~wg aeŸsm Kwi Ges MvQ ‡K‡U †dwj,Gi djvdj cwi‡k‡l Avgv‡`i mK‡ji Dci co‡e|hw` ebf~wg gi“f~wg‡Z cwiYZ nq,†K Kve©bWvB A·vBW ï‡l †b‡e?ZLb AvenvIqvi aiY e`‡j hv‡e Ges wek¦ Dò n‡q hv‡e|GwU‡K ejv nq MÖxYnvDR cÖwZwµqv |GB cÖwZwµqvi d‡j †gi“ A‡ji Zzlvi P~ov¸‡jv M‡j hv‡e Ges GwU we‡k¦i wbgœ GjvKv¸‡jv‡Z eb¨vi KviY n‡e|)
Answer: (a) destroy (b) down (c) harm (d) turn (e) absorb (f) will (g) warm (h) called (i) melt (j) lower.

42.The great ship ‘Titanic’(a)----for New York from Southampton on April 1912.She was(a)----1316 passengers and a crew of 891.At that time,however,she was the only largest ship that had been (c)-----built.She was regarded as unsinkable,for she had sixteen water –tight compartments.The tragic (d)-----of the great ship will always be remembered for she went down on her maiden (e)-----with a heavy loss of life.Four days after setting out,while the Titanic was sailing (f)---the icy water of the North Atlantic, a huge ice berg was suddenly spotted (g)----the look out.After the alarm had been given,the great ship turned sharply to avoid a (h)---.Suddenly,there was light trembling sound from the below and the captain went down to see what had(i)---.The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged.Below the captain realized to his horror that the ‘Titanic ‘was sinking rapidly,for five of the sixteen water –tight compartments had already been(j)---.(e„nr RvnvR UvBUvwbK 1912 mv‡ji 10 GwcÖj  UvBUvwbK mvD_¯úUb †_‡K wbDIq©‡Ki D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv ïi“ K‡iwQj|GwU 1316 Rb hvÎx Ges 891 Rb bvweK enb KiwQj|‡m mgq GwU wQj we‡k¦i me©e„nr RvnvR †hwU we‡klfv‡e wbgv©Y Kiv n‡qwQj|  GwU‡K AWyebxq wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nZ,†Kbbv Gi 16 wU cvwb‡ivaK Kvgiv wQj|GB e„nr RvnvRwUi welv`gq Wy‡e hvIqv me mgq ¯§iY Kiv n‡e,†Kbbv GwU Zvi cÖ_g hvÎvi A‡bK cÖvYnvwbmn Wy‡e wM‡qwQj|hvÎv Kivi Pviw`b ci ,UvBUvwbK hLb ‡mB gyû©‡Z  DËi AvUjvw›U‡Ki wngkxZj VvÛv cvwbi ga¨ w`‡q PjwQj,ZLb nVvr GKwU wekvj wng‰kj AbymÜv‡bi mgq †`L‡Z cvIqv wM‡qwQj|mZ©K ms‡KZ †`Iqvi ci,e„nr  RvnvRwU GKwU msNl© Gov‡bvi Rb¨ Zxeª †gvo †bq| nVvr wbP †_‡K nvjKv av°vi kã cvIqv †Mj| K¨v‡Þb wb‡P bvg‡jb,Kx n‡q‡Q Zv †`Lvi R‡b¨|kãwU GZB nvjKv wQj †h †KD fve‡Z cv‡iwb †h,RvnvRwU ¶wZMÖ¯Í n‡q‡Q|wb‡P  K¨v‡Þb Zvi AvZ¼‡eva †_‡K eyS‡Z cvi‡jb †h UvBUvwbK `ª“Z Wy‡e hvw”Qj| RvnvRwUi 16 wU cvwbcÖwZ‡ivaK K‡¶i g‡a¨ cvPuwU msN‡l© m¤ú~Y© ¶wZMÖ¯Í n‡qwQj|)
Answer:(a) started (b) carrying (c) ever (d) sinking (e) voyage (f) across (g) by (h) collision (i) happened (j) flooded

43.No other word is so (a)-----as the word ‘Mother’It is (b)-----up with our existence.Everyone starts his life first (c)-----the word, “mother’.This word lasts to the child(d)-----death.It is mother,who first becomes touched (e)----our happiness and sorrows.We know about the mother of Bayazid Bostami(f)----Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.In every religion the position of mother is (g)---the hightest place.Our great prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Sm) (h)-----that ‘Heaven is at the (i)----of mother.So,when I think of my mother,my head (j)----down.(ÔgvÕ kãwUi gZ Ab¨ †Kvb kã GZ wgwó bq|GwU Avgv‡`i Aw¯Í‡Z¡imv‡_ wg‡k Av‡Q|cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Zvi Rxeb ïi“ K‡i cÖ_‡g ÔgvÕ kãwU D”PviY K‡i|GB kãwU wkïwUi mv‡_ wU‡K _v‡K g„Zz¨ ch©šÍ|gv-B cÖ_g Avgv‡`i myL Ges `ytL Øviv Av‡jvwoZ nb|Avgiv ev‡qwR` †ev¯Ívgx Ges Bk¦iP›`ª we`¨vmvM‡ii gv m¤ú~‡K© Rvwb|cÖ‡Z¨K a‡g© gv‡qi Ae¯’vb m‡ev©”P †`Iqv n‡q‡Q|Avgv‡`i gnvbex nhiZ †gvnv¤§` (m) e‡j‡Qb †h Ôgv‡qi cv‡qi wb‡P mšÍv‡bi †e‡n‡¯ÍÕ|myZivs hLb Avwg Avgvi gv‡qi K_v fvwe,ZLb Avgvi gv_v bZ n‡q Av‡m|)
Answer:(a) sweet (b) mixed (c) uttering (d) until (e) with (f) and (g) given (h) said (i) feed (j) bows .

44.Natural disaster (a)----throughout the world in recent years.The man reason behind this is greenhouse effect or (b)----of the air(c)----the earth.Global warming is melting the (d)----ice of polar regions and of the peaks of (e)----mountains.Consequently the (f)----of sea water has alarming increased.Cyclones and tidal bores(g)-----indundating and destroying the coastal regions to a large extent.Climatologists(h)----that in the last 85 years 99 cyclones hit the coastal(i)-----and offshore islands of four country causing irrecoverable loss(j)----life and properties.(mv¤cÖwZK eQi¸‡jv‡Z wek¦e¨vvwc cÖvK…wZK `y‡hv©M msNwUZ n‡q‡Q| Gi wcQ‡b cÖavb Kvib nj MÖxbnvDR cÖwZwµqv,A_ev c„w_exi Pvwiw`‡K evZv‡mi DòZv †gi“ A‡ji  Ges cvnv‡oi P~ovi wekvj eid  Mwj‡q w`‡”Q|d‡j mgy‡`ªi cvwbi ¯Íi Avkv•LvRbKfv‡e e„w× †c‡q‡Q|N~wY©So Ges R‡jv”Q¡vm DcK~jxq  AÂj e¨vcK fv‡e Wywe‡q w`‡q‡Q aeesm K‡i msNwUZ nq|AvenvIqvwe`MY e‡jb †h weMZ 185 eQ‡i 99wU Nywb©So Avgv‡`i †`‡ki DcK~jxq A‡j Ges DcK~jeZx© Øxcmg~‡n AvNvZ K‡i‡Q Rxeb Ges m¤úwËi Ac~iYxq ¶wZ mvab K‡i|)
Answer:(a) occurs (b) warming (c) surrounding (d) huge (e) the (f) level (g) occur (h) say (i) areas (j) of .

45.One day a lad went to a famous teacher and having expressed his desires to (a)-----knowledge,begged him to (b)-----him in the arts and sciences.The learned man wishing to (c)----out what sort of ability the lad(d)----,asked him where God (e)----.The lad replied, “I will answer you,if you will first(f)----me where He is (g)-----.”The Sage from this sensible (h)----,thought highly of the boy’s (i)----and according to his(j)---perfected him in his studies.Thus the wisdom of the wise manifests itself early.(GKw`b GK evjK GKRb cÖL¨vZ wk¶‡Ki Kv‡Q †Mj Ges Ávb AR©‡bi R‡b¨ Zvi B”Qv e¨³ K‡i Aby‡iva Kij Kjv Ges weÁvb wel‡q Zv‡K wk¶v †`Iqvi R‡b¨|Ávbx e¨vw³wU evjKwUi Kx ai‡bi †gav i‡q‡Q Zv eySvi R‡b¨ Zv‡K wRÁvmv Ki‡jb †Lv`v †Kv_vq _v‡Kb|evjKwU DËi w`j, ÒAvwg Avcbv‡K DËi w`e hw` Avcwb Avgv‡K cÖ_‡g e‡jb †Kv_vq wZwb †bB| Ò Slx e¨w³wU GB myeyw×m¤úbœ DËi †_‡K evjKwUi eyw×gËv m¤ú‡K© D”P aviYv †cvlb Ki‡jb Ges Zvi B”Qv Abyhvqx Zvi covïbvq DrK©lZv `vb Ki‡jb|Gfv‡e Ávbx gvby‡li cÖÁv c~‡e©B cÖKvk cvq|)
Answer:(a) acquire (b) teach (c) fined (d) had (e) is (f) tell (g) not (h) reply (i) intelligence (j) desire

46.Atom bomb was first (a)----on Hiroshima and Nagsaki in World War II.When the first bomb(b)----,the world knew for the first time that man (c)----at long last been in possession of a force (d)----in all respects.The atomb bomb(e)-----.But alas!The superhuman energy has been (f)----against mankind.One single bomb(g)----the (h)----town Hiroshima and another bomb Nagasaki.There had (i)-----many children,women and patients not(j)----in the problems of the war.(AvbweK †evgv wØZxq wek¦hy‡×i mgq wn‡ivwkgv Ges bvMvmvwKi Dci cÖ_‡g †djv n‡qwQj|hLb cÖ_g †evgvwU †djv nj,wek¦ cÖ_gev‡ii gZ Rvbj †h,gvbyl Ae‡k‡l mew`K w`‡q aeesmvZ¡K GKwU kw³i AwaKvix nj|AvYweK †evgv Avwe¯‹…Z nj|wKšÍ nvq! GB AwZ gvbweK kw³wU e¨eüZ nj gvbe RvwZi wei“‡×|gvÎ GKwU †evgv my›`i kni wn‡ivwmgv‡K wbwðü Kij Ges Av‡iKwU †evgv bvMvmvwK‡K| A‡bK wkï,bvix Ges †ivMx †hLv‡b wbnZ n‡qwQj hviv kn‡i hy‡×i mgm¨vq RR©wiZ wQj bv|)
Answer:(a) dropped (b) fell (c) had (d) terrible (e) fell (f) used (g) ruined (h) beautiful (i) been (j) invelpoed .

47.Air and water are two of the important(a)------of the environment.These elements are often(b)-----in various ways.Air is polluted by (c)----and water is polluted by different kinds of (d)----and filth.If we want to live a (e)----life,we should (f)----the pollution of the environment.Total prevention may be(g)----,but we can certainly (h)----pollution by raising (i)----among the people.All should come (j)---in this regard.(evZvm Ges cvwb cwi‡e‡ki `ywU ¸iZ¡c~Y© Dcv`vb|GB Dcv`vb¸‡jv wewfbœfv‡e cÖvqB `~wlZ n‡”Q|evZvm †avuqv Øviv `~wlZ n‡”Q Ges cvwb wewfbœ ai‡bi eRª Ges Ave©Rbv Øviv `~wlZ n‡”Q|hw` Avgiv my¯’fv‡e/¯^v¯’¨Ki Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z  PvB ,Z‡e Avgv‡`i DwPZ cwi‡ek `~lY †iva Kiv|m¤ú~Y© †iva nqZ Am¤¢e,wKšÍ gvby‡li g‡a¨ m‡PZbZv e„w×i gva¨‡g Avgiv Aek¨B `~lY n«vm Ki‡Z cvwi|G e¨vcv‡i mK‡jiB GwM‡q Avmv DwPZ|)
Answer:(a) elements (b) polluted (c) smoke (d) waste (e) healthy (f) prevent (g) difficult (h) reduce (i) awerness (j) forward

48.Who is to control the crimes of the country?The rich? The government? Who?It is everybody’s responsibity.In a country where everybody is trying to defeat every other one to make unlimited wealth as quickly as possible,it is very difficult to curb the crimes.Almost all contribute to crime and disorder in one or the other (a)----.World Bank and other international organizations have published (b)----on corruption and human rights violation in Bangladesh.They have also suggested how to (c)----the existing situation.But none of them is (d)----so far.It is alleged that most of the political parties are (e)----to gain their party interests.They have also divided the nation ideologically.National (f)----is a dream that might never come true.Sometimes some so called intellectuals write some article in Newspapers.But that brings no(g)----.Abuse of (h)----by the public servants has led the nation to its present situation.The representitives of the people are being mainly(i)----for it.But it is not the only truth.Let us all be united to bring an end to this deterioting (j)-----.(Kviv †`‡ki Aciva wbqš¿b Ki‡e? abxiv? miKvi? Kviv? GwU mK‡ji `vwqZ¡| GKwU †`‡ki †hLv‡b cÖ‡Z¨K cÖ‡Z¨K‡K hZ `&ªyZ m¤¢e AMva m¤úwË AR©‡bi Rb¨ civwRZ Ki‡Z †Póv Ki‡Q, †mLv‡b Aciva `gb Kiv LyeB KwVb| cÖvq mK‡j †Kvb bv †Kvb fv‡e Aciva Ges wek„•Ljvq f~wgKv ivL‡Q| wek¦ e¨vsK Ges Ab¨vb¨ AvšÍ©RvwZK ms¯’vmg~n evsjv‡`‡k `ybx©wZ Ges gvbevwaKvi j½‡bi Dci cÖwZ‡eab cÖKvk K‡i‡Q| Zviv cÖ¯ÍveI w`‡q‡Q Kxfv‡e we`¨gvb cwiw¯’wZ †gvKv‡ejv Ki‡Z n‡e| wKš‘ †KvbUvB G ch©šÍ mdj nq wb| Awf‡hvM Kiv nq †h, AwaKvsk ivR‰bwZK `j Zv‡`i `jxq ¯^v_© jv‡f AvMÖnx| Zviv Av`k©MZfv‡eI RvwZ‡K wef³ K‡i‡Q| RvZxq HK¨ GKwU ¯^cœ hv nqZ KL‡bvI mZ¨ n‡e bv| gv‡S gv‡S wKQy Z_vKw_Z eyw×Rxwe cwÎKvq wKQy cÖwZ‡e`b †j‡Lb| wKš‘ †mUv †Kvb djvdj e‡q Av‡b bv| RbM‡bi †meK‡`i Øviv ¶gZvi Ace¨Knvi RvwZ‡K GB eZ©gvb cwiw¯’wZ‡Z wb‡q G‡m‡Q| RbM‡bi cÖwZwbwaiv Gi Rb¨ cÖavbZ `vqx| wKš‘ GwU GKgvÎ mZ¨ bq| Avmyb GB AebwZkxj cwiw¯’wZi GKwU mgvwß Avb‡Z GKwÎZ nB|)
Answer:(a) way (b) reports (c) face (d) successful (e) eager (f) consensus (g) result (h) power (i) responsible (j) situation

49.Sports can give us (a)----.International sports (b)----organise different sporting events in different (c)-----.Most of these events are sponsored by mulitinational manufacturing companies and business firms.They pay for the sport event.They do it because in (d)---they get the right of (e)----their products (f)----the events.The satellite chanels (g)----the events (h)----.As a (i)----people all over the world can(j)---the events live.(‡Ljvayjv Avgv‡`i we‡bv`b w`‡Z cv‡i| AvšÍ©RvwZK µxov ms¯’v wewfbœ ai‡bi †Ljvayjv wewfbœ mg‡q Av‡qvRb K‡i| GB Abyôvb¸‡jv AwaKvs‡ki e¨q enb K‡i eûRvwZK Drcv`bKvix †Kv¤úvwb Ges e¨emvqx cÖwZôvb| Zviv †Ljvayjv Abyôv‡bi e¨q enb K‡i| m¨v‡UjvBU P¨v‡bj¸‡jv Abyôvbmg~n mivmwi m¤cÖPvi K‡i| d‡j mviv we‡k¦i RbMb Abyôvb¸‡jv mivmwi Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡i|
Answer:(a) amusement (b) association (c) countries (d) return (e) projecting (f) through (g) telecast (h) live (i) result (j) enjoy.
50.Student life a life of (a)---for future struggle. To make him (b)-----for the struggle, education is necessary. So the first and foremost duty of a student (c)-----to prosecute his studies well. He who (d)----his lessons regularly (e)---well in the examination. On the (f)-----the student who wastes his time cuts a (g)----figure. It should be (h)----in mind that none can get back the (i)----time. If the students neglect their studies they will suffer in the (j)----run.(QvÎRxeb fwel¨Z msMÖv‡gi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘wZi Rxeb| msMÖv‡gi Rb¨ Zv‡K cÖ¯‘Z Ki‡Z Ávb Avek¨K| myZivs GKRb Qv‡Îi me©cÖ_g `vwqZ¡ nj fv‡jvfv‡e Zvi covïbv Pvwj‡q hvIqv| †h wbqwgZ Zvi cov wk‡L †m cix¶vq fvj K‡i| Ab¨w`‡K †h QvÎ Zvi mgq bó K‡i †m cix¶vq Lvivc K‡i| GUv g‡b ivLv DwPZ †h †KD nviv‡bv mgq wd‡i †c‡Z cv‡i bv| hw` QvÎiv Zv‡`i covïbvq Ae‡njv K‡i cwi‡k‡l Zviv Kó †fvM Ki‡e|
Answer: (a) preparation (b) ready (c) is (d) prepares (e) does (f) otherhand (g) sorry (h) borne (i) lost (j) long.
51.In the polar regions,one kind of houses is made of glass for growing crops in it.When the rays of the sun fall on earth,their wave-length is so small that they (a)----on the soil inside the house without(b)----the glass walls.When those rays are reflected by the earth,their wave length gets (c)----and thus they can easily heat  the glass walls.This process of artificially heating up the glass houses is called the green house effect.Though it is fundamentally the (d)----of a scientific process,now we(e)----by it to a dangerous effect being caused in the atmosphere.For various scientific reasons,now a days the amount of carbon-di oxide,methane,nitrous oxide,chloroflorocarbons are (f)---in the atmosphere.Consequently,when the rays of the sun,after being(g)-----by the earth,goes up with larger wave-lengths,the above mentioned gases get heated by it (h)—the glass walls of the aforesaid greenhouse.The result is obvious and fatal,the temperature of the (i)----around the earth increases more than (j)----.(‡gi“ A‡j dmj Drcbœ Ki‡Z GK ai‡bi Kv‡Pi Ni ˆZwi Kiv nq| hLb m~h© iwk¥ c„w_exi Dci c‡o, Zv‡`I Zi½ ˆ`N©¨GZB ¶z`ª †h †m¸‡jv N‡ii †fZi gvwUi Dci c‡o Kv‡Pi †`qvj‡K DËß bv K‡iB H iwk¥¸‡jv gvwU Øviv cÖwZwew¤^Z nq Zv‡`i ZLb Zi½ ˆ`N©¨ e„wØ cvq Ges Gfv‡e Zviv mn‡RB Kv‡Pi †`qvj‡K DËß Ki‡Z cv‡i| Kv‡Pi evwo¸‡jv‡K GB cÖwµqvq K…wÎgfv‡e DËß Kiv‡K ejv nq MÖxbnvDR cÖwZwµqv| hw`I GwU †gŠwjKfv‡e GKwU ˆeÁvwbK cÖwµqvi dj eZ©gv‡b Avgiv evqygÛ‡j NUgvb Gi Øviv fqven gvÎvq AvµvšÍ nw”Q| wewfbœ ˆeÁvwbK Kvi‡b eZ©gv‡b Kve©bWvB- A·vBW wg‡_b bvBUªvm A·vBW ‡K¬v‡ivd¬z‡ib Kve©‡bi cwigvb evqygÛ‡j e„wØ cv‡”Q| cwibwZ‡Z, hLb m~h©iwk¥ c„w_ex KZ…©K cÖwZdwjZ n‡q AwaKZi eo Zi½ ˆ`N©¨ Dc‡I D‡V hvq| ZLb Dc‡ivwj­wLZ M¨vmmg~n c~‡e© D‡j­wLZ MÖxb nvD‡Ri Kv‡Pi †`qv‡ji gZ GZ Øviv DËß nq| dj ¯úó Ges gvivZ¥K c„w_exi Pviw`‡K evqygÛ‡ji ZvcgvÎv 44†m: GiI †ekx e„wØ cvq|)
Answer: (a) fall (b) heating (c) enlarged (d) output (e) are affected (f) increasing (g) reflected (h) likes (i) atomsphare (j) 4 c

52.From the moment we are born we cannot (a)----alone.We are always in (b)----of assistance of (c)----others around us.We need clothes,which others (d)----;houses ,which others(e)---and food,which others(f)---.We have to earn our livelihood by (g)---for others,while they get their livelihood by working for us.As children,we need our parents to be our comforters,and to take (h)---of us in body and (i)---.As we grow up we need the care of others; we cannot exist a day (j)----our fellowmen.(Avgv‡`i R‡b¥i g~n©Z †_‡K Avgiv GKv _vK‡Z cvwi bv|Avgiv memgq Avgv‡`i Pvwiw`‡K Ab¨ A‡b‡Ki mnvqZv PvB|Avgv‡`i RvgvKvco cÖ‡qvRb hv Ab¨iv †ev‡b;evwo hv A‡b¨iv wbgvb© K‡i Ges Lv`¨ hv A‡b¨iv Drcv`b K‡i|A‡b¨i R‡b¨ KvR K‡i Avgv‡`i RxweKv Dcv©Rb Ki‡Z nq,Zviv I Avgv‡`i R‡b¨ KvR K‡I Zv‡`i RxweKv Dcv©Rb K‡i|wkï wn‡m‡e,Avgv‡`i mvš—¡bv`vZv nIqvi Ges †`n g‡bi hZœ †bIqvi R‡b¨ I Avgv‡`i evev gv cÖ‡qvRb|Avgiv hLb eo nB Ab¨‡`i hZœ Avgv‡`i cÖ‡qvRb; m½x Qvov Avgiv GKw`b I wU‡K _vK‡Z cvwi bv|)

Answer: (a) live (b) need (c) many (d) weave (e) build (f) cook (g) working (h) care (i) mind (j) without .

53.Bangladesh is a land of (a)----.But nowa days the rivers are (b)----up.So,(c)----is an urgent necessity for our country now.The rivers carry (d)----which makes the land(e)----to grow crops.Besides,they supply us plenty of (f)----.During the dry season we (g)----river water to the land.At present,the (h)----of water causes bad harvest.We can easily (i)----the use and utility of the rivers in our life and (j)---.(evsjv‡`k b`xgvZ…©K †`k|wKšÍ AvRKvj b`x¸‡jv ïwK‡q hv‡”Q|myZivs b`x Lbb Avgv‡`i †`‡ki R‡b¨ GLb Ri“ixfv‡e cÖ‡qvRb|b`x¸‡jv cwj enb K‡i hv dmj Drcv`‡bi R‡b¨ Rwg‡K De©i K‡i|ZvQvov G¸‡jv Avgv‡`i cÖPzi gvQ mieivn K‡i|ﮋ †gŠmy‡g Avgiv b`xi cvwb Rwg‡Z wb‡q hvB|eZ©gv‡b,cvwbi NvUwZ Lvivc dm‡ji Kvib|Avgiv Avgv‡`i Rxeb Ges RxweKvq b`x¸‡jvi e¨envi Ges cÖ‡qvRb mn‡RB eyS‡Z cvwi|)
Answer:(a) rivers (b) drying (c) irrigation (d) slit (e) fertile (f) fishes (g) irrigate (h) lack (i) understand (j) property.

54.Bangladesh is a country (a)….an area of 147570 square kilometers. It is (b)….with more than 140 million people. About 1000 people live in per(c)…kilometer. So it is a (d)…populated country now. The present growth rate is very (e)….which should be (f)….immediately. If this rate (g)…on unchecked, Bangladesh will (h)….a great problem. So everyone should come (i)…to (j)…public awareness.(evsjv‡`‡k 1,47,570 eM©wK‡jvwgUvi AvqZvb wewkó GKwU †`k|GUv 120 wgwjqb †jvKmsL¨v wb‡q Pv‡ci gy‡L Av‡Q|GLv‡b cÖwZ eM©wK‡jvwgUv‡i cÖvq GKnvRvi †jvK emevm K‡i|ZvB GUv GKwU AwZ NbemwZc~Y© †`k|Rb¥nvi LyeB D”P hv Aek¨B AwZmË¡I wbqš¿b Ki‡Z n‡e|hw` G nvi Awbqbwš¿Z fv‡e †e‡oB P‡j Z‡e evsjv‡`k GKwU weivU mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb n‡e|ZvB MYm‡PZbZv e„w×K‡í cÖ‡Z¨‡K GwM‡q Avmv DwPZ|)


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Composition on Female Education in Bangladesh for Examination

  Female Education in Bangladesh Education is a light to which everybody has the equal right. Education is the backbone of a nation. The ...