Drug Addiction (gv`Kvmw³)
addiction means taking heroin, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, phencidyl
etc.Addiction to anything is very bad.It destroys the common sense of the
concerned person.Drug addiction is now a serious social problem.Drug addiction
is now a global problem.Unemployment problem, political instability, lack of
family ties, lack of love and affection
are responsible for this addiction. Drug addicted people feel drowsy,loss of
appetite and sleep. It damages brain and internal function of the body.(gv`Kvmw³ ej‡Z wn‡ivBb,Iwcqvg,gvwiRyqvbv,g‡ivwdb,†Kv‡KBb,†dbwmwWj
cÖf„wZ MÖnY Kiv‡K eySvq| ‡h ‡Kvb Lvivc wKQyi cÖwZ Avmw³ AZ¨šÍ Lvivc| Bnv m‡PZb
gvby‡li mvaviY Abyf~wZ kw³‡K bó K‡i †`q| gv`Kvmw³ GLb eo ai‡bi mvgvwRK mgm¨v| gv`Kvmw³
GLb ˆewk¦K mgm¨v| ‡eKvi mgm¨v, ivR‰bwZK Aw¯’iZv, cvwievwiK e܇bi Afve,fvjevmv I
†mœ‡ni Afve GB mgm¨v ‰Zixi Rb¨ `vqx|)
Arsenic problem (Av‡m©wbK mgm¨v)
Arsenic pollution means arsenic
contaminated water. Arsenic is a fatal poison. Arsenic problem is a new kind of
problem in our country. It is found in water especially in tube-well water. It
causes sore in any part of the body. Sometimes the sore turns into gangrene.(Av‡m©wbK mgm¨v ej‡Z Av‡m©wbK wgwkªZ `ywlZ cvwb‡K eySvq| Av‡m©wbK GK
ai‡bi gvivZ¡K wel| Av‡m©wbK mgm¨v Avgv‡`i †`‡ki bZzb ai‡bi mgm¨v| Bnv cvwbi
g‡a¨ we‡kl K‡i bjKy‡ci cvwb‡Z †`Lv hvq| Bnvi Kvi‡b kix‡i ¶Z †`Lv hvq| gv‡S gv‡S
¶Z¸‡jv M¨vsMÖx‡b iƒcvšÍwiZ nq)
shedding (we`y¨r weåvU)
Load shedding means frequent failure of
electricity.There is hardly any man who is not familiar with this problem.Peoples
from all walks of life are suffered for this problem. It has a very negative
effect on the economy.(we`y¨r weåvU ej‡Z evievi
we`y¨‡Zi miev‡n e¨vNvZ m„wó‡Z eySvq| Lye Kg gvbylB Av‡Q hviv GB mgm¨vi mv‡_
cwiPq †bB| me †kªYxi gvbylB GB mgm¨vq fy‡M _v‡K| ‡`‡ki A_©bxwZi Dci Gi gvivZ¡K
¶wZKi cÖfve Av‡Q|)
Traffic Jam (hvbRU)
interruption(evavMÖ¯Í) of regular movement of vehicles(hvbevnb) on roads and streets is known as traffic Jam.Traffic
Jam means blocked of vehicles on roads and streets.Now a days, it starts in the
morning and continues late at night.Traffic Jam is one of the major problems
of the city dwellers. Narrowness(msKxY©Zv) of road,
violation of traffic rules and overtaking tendency(cÖebZv) of drivers are responsible(`vqx) for this problem. (iv¯Ívq wbqwgZ
hvbevnb PjvP‡j e¨vNvZ m„wó‡K hvbRU ejv nq| hvbRU ej‡Z iv¯Ívq hvbevnb PjvP‡j
evavm„wó‡K eySvq| AvRKvj, Bnv mKvj‡ejv †_‡K ïi“ n‡q ga¨ivZ ch©šÍ Pj‡Z _v‡K| hvbRU
knievmx‡`i Rb¨ eo ai‡bi mgm¨vi g‡a¨ GKwU mgm¨v| iv¯Ívi msKxY©Zv, UªvwdK wbqg
†g‡b bv Pjv Ges PvjK‡`i Av‡M hvIqvi cÖeYZvB GB mgm¨v m„wói Rb¨ `vqx|)
Dangerous of smoking (a~gcv‡bi fqvenZv)
Smoking is a dangerous habit.It causes
many fatal diseases like cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis and some
other diseases. It harms liver, damages brain and internal function of the
body. (aygcvb GKwU wec`RbK Af¨vm| Bnv
A‡bK gvivZ¡K †ivM we‡kl K‡i K¨vbmvi, ü`‡ivM, †&µvwbK †eªvsKvBwUm Ges wKQy
Ab¨ †iv‡Mi m„wói KviY n‡q _v‡K| Bnv hK…‡Zi ¶wZ K‡i, †eªb‡K Ges kix‡ii
Avf¨šÍixb ¶gZv‡K bó K‡i †`q|)
Environment Pollution (cwi‡ek `~lb)
pollution means contamination(`~wlZ) of
environment by polluted air, water and too much noise around us. Any abnormal(A¯^vfvweK) change of environment in chemical, physical and biological
characteristics in environment is called environment pollution. Environment
pollution is a great threat to our existence. In our country environment is
being polluted by industrial discharge, smokes create harmful(¶wZKi) gases, so people suffer from water borne and air
borne diseases. (cwi‡ek `~lY ej‡Z Avgv‡`i
Pvicv‡k¦©i `~wlZ evqy,cvwb Ges AwZwi³ kã G¸‡jvi Øviv `~lb‡K †evSvq| cwi‡e‡ki
ivmvqwbK,evwn¨K Ges ‰RewbK †h †Kvb A¯^vfvweK cwieZ©b‡K cwi‡ek `~lb e‡j| cwi‡ek `~lb
Avgv‡`i Aw¯Í‡Z¡i Rb¨ ûgwK¯^iƒc| Avgv‡`i †`‡k KjKviLvbvi eRª,†avqv †_‡K m„ó
¶wZKi M¨vm cwi‡ek `~wlZ n‡”Q|ZvB †jvKRb cvwbevwnZ †ivM Ges evq„evwnZ †iv‡M fy‡M
Air Pollution (evqy `~lb)
Air Pollution means pollution of air by
smoke from Motor vehicles, mills and industrious. (evqy `~lb ej‡Z `~wlZ evqy hv †gvUi Mvoxi,wkí Ges KjKviLvbv †_‡K m„wó
nq Zv‡K †evSvq)
Water Pollution (cvwb `~lY)
Pollution means pollution of water by industrial, domestic and human waste and
by many other factors (cvwb `~lb ej‡Z `~wlZ cvwb hv wkíKviLvbv,M„n¯’vjx Ges gvby‡li
eRªc`v_© Ges Av‡iv Ab¨vb¨ wbqvg‡Ki Øviv `~lb‡K †evSvq|)
Sound Pollution (kã `~lY)
Pollution means too much noise from the horns of motor vehicles and from mills
and factories around us. (kã `~lb ej‡Z ‡gvUi Mvoxi nY© Ges Avgv‡`i Pvicv‡k¦© wkí ,wgjKviLvbv †_‡K AwZwi³ †kvi‡Mvj‡K
Deforestation (eb wbab)
means cutting down and burning of trees at random.(eb wbab ej‡Z hÎZÎ MvQcvjv KvUv
Ges R¡vjv‡bv‡K †evSvq|)
Acid Rain (GwmW e„wó)
rain means the rain which becomes acidic by getting mixed with waste and filth
and causes harm to human health and building. (GwmW e„wó ej‡Z Ggb e„wó hv GwmW
wgwkªZ Ave©Rbv, eRªc`v_© wg‡k Ges
gvby‡li ¯^v¯’¨ Ges AÆvwjKvi ¶wZ mvab K‡i|)
Green house effect
house effect means the warming of the air around the earth for increased amount
of carbon dioxide. (evZv‡m cÖPzi cwigv‡b Kve©b WvB-AK&ªvBW e„w×i d‡j c„w_ex Pvicv‡k¦ DòZvi m„wó nIqvi Kvi‡Y †h
cÖwZµqv m„wó nq Zv‡K wMÖY nvDR B‡d± e‡j|)
Dowry System (‡hŠZzK cÖ_v)
The money or wealth claimed by a
bridegroom and brought by the bride from her parents is called dowry.Our social
degradation of values and greedy mentality of some bridegroom are responsible
for dowry. (UvKv ev m¤ú` hv ei `vex K‡i Ges
K‡b evev-gvi evox †_‡K Av‡b Zv‡K †hŠZzK e‡j|Avgv‡`i mvgvwRK g~j¨‡ev‡ai Ae¶q Ges
wKQy ei Gi †jvfx gvbwmKZvB g~jZ †hŠZz‡Ki Rb¨ `vqx|)
gvbyl KZ…©K m„ó mgm¨vejxi bvg

S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College,Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
The life of farmer (GKRb K…l‡Ki Rxebx)
A farmer is a person who cultivates the
land for agricultural production. He lives in a village. He cultivates and
prepares his land with simple hand made tools. (GKRb K…lK n‡”Q
GKRb e¨w³ †h K…wlRc‡b¨i Rb¨ Pvlvev` K‡i| ‡m Zvi Rwg Pvl K‡i Ges Rwg cÖ¯‘Z K‡i
nv‡Z ˆZix Zvi mij hš¿cvwZ e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g|)
The life of a fisherman (GKRb †R‡ji Rxebx)

A day labourer (GKRb w`bgRy‡ii Rxebx)
A day labourer is a person who leads his
life by the sweat of his borrows in various fields. He lives in a slum area. (GKRb w`bgRyi n‡”Q Ggb GKRb e¨w³ †h Zvi gv_vi Nvg cv‡q †d‡j wewfbœ
†¶‡Î cwikªg K‡i RxweKv wbe©vn K‡i _v‡K| ‡m ew¯Í GjvKvq evm K‡i|)
A Rickshaw Puller (GKRb wi·vPvjK)
A Rickshaw Puller is a person who leads
his life by pulling rickshaw. He lives in a slum area. He carries passengers
from one place to another.When a man
finds no other means of his livelihood, he takes driving a rickshaw. ( GKRb wi·ªvPvjK n‡”Q Ggb GKRb
e¨w³, †h wi·ªv Pvwj‡q RxweKv wb©evn K‡i _v‡K| ‡m ew¯Í GjvKvq emevm K‡i| ‡m GK
¯’vb †_‡K Ab¨ ¯’v‡b hvÎx Uv‡b| hLb GKRb gvbyl RxweKvi †Kvb Dcvq bv cvq ZLb †m
wi·v Pvjvq|)
street Beggar (GKRb wf¶zK)
A Street Beggar is a person who leads
his life by begging from door to door, street to street. He is usually seen to
beg standing by the roadside, railway station, bus stands, launch and streamer
ghats. He tries his best to draw the
sympathy of the passers-by with his peculiar voice. (GKRb wf¶zK n‡”Q Ggb GKRb e¨w³ †h
GK Ni †_‡K Ab¨ Ni, GK iv¯Ív †_‡K Ab¨ iv¯Ív, †ij‡÷kb, evm ÷vÛ, jb&P Ges
w÷gvi Nv‡U wf¶v K‡i RxweKv wbe©vn K‡i _v‡K| ‡m A™¢yZ K‡Úi gva¨‡g cw_‡Ki
mnvbyf~wZ AvK©l‡bi †Póv K‡i|)
A Street Hawker (GKRb †dix Iqvjv )
street hawker is a person who leads his life
by selling various things from street to street. He is usually sells toys, cosmetics,
utensils, sweets,ribbons etc.His articles are mainly attractive to the women
and children.(GKRb †dixIqvjv n‡”Q GKRb e¨w³ †h
wewfbœ wRwbm GK iv¯Ív †_‡K Ab¨ iv¯Ív wewµ K‡i RxweKv wbev©n K‡i _v‡K|‡m mvaviYZ
†Ljbv,Km‡gwUKm,‰ZRmcÎ,wgwó,wdZv cÖf„wZ wewµ K‡i _v‡K| Zvi wRwbmcθwj cÖavbZ
gwnjv Ges wkï‡`i‡K AvK©lY K‡i|)
The life of a Garment worker (GKRb Mv‡g©›UKgx©i Rxebx)
A garment worker is a person who leads
his by working in a garment factory.(GKRb Mv‡g©›UKgx©
n‡”Q GKRb e¨w³ †h Mv‡g©›U wk‡í KvR K‡i RxweKv wbe©vn K‡i _v‡K|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Mixe gvby‡li
Rxebxi Dci Aby‡”Q`

S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
A Railway station.(GKwU †ij †÷kb)
railway station is place where trains stop for the passengers to get into and
get off from the train. It is a busy place. It becomes very busy because of the
arrival of trains. A big station is always crowded with passengers, hawkers,
and posters. (‡ij‡÷kb
n‡”Q Ggb GKwU RvqMv †hLv‡b hvÎx‡`i DVvbvgvi Rb¨ †UªbwU _v‡g| ‡Uªb Avmvi mg‡q
Bnv Lye e¨¯Í _v‡K| eo †÷kb memgq hvÎx, †dixIqvjv, Ges †cv÷v‡i ficyi _v‡K|)
village market (GKwU
MÖvg¨ evRvi)
village market means a place where people buy and sell their necessary things
and products. ( GKwU
MÖvg¨ evRvi n‡”Q Ggb GKwU RvqMv †hLv‡b †jvKRb Zv‡`i cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbmcÎ Ges`ªe¨
wewµ K‡i|)
A tea stall (GKwU Pv‡qi †`vKvb)
tea stall is a stall where tea and other snacks are sold. ((Pv‡qi †`vKvb n‡”Q Ggb GKwU
†`vKvb †hLv‡b Pv Ges Ab¨vb¨ nvjKv Lvevi wewµ Kiv nq|)
book fair (GKwU
eB †gjv)
book fair is special kinds of fair where various kinds of books are displayed
and sold. The fair where books are displayed for sale and display is known as
book fair.(GKwU
eB‡gjv n‡”Q GKwU we‡kl ai‡bi †gjv †hLv‡b wewfbœ ai‡bi eB cÖ`©kbx Ges wewµ Kiv
nq| ‡gjv †hLv‡b eB¸‡jv wewµi Rb¨ cÖ`©kbx Ges ïay cÖ`©kbx Kiv nq Zv‡K eB‡gjv ejv
A bus stand (GKwU
A bus stand is a place where a bus stops for the
passengers to get down and to get into the bus. (GKwU
evm÷vÛ n‡”Q Ggb GKwU RvqMv †hLv‡b hvÎx‡`i DVvbvgvi Rb¨ evm _v‡g|)
Rbeûj †Kvb ¯’v‡bi bvg
(-------) is generally
located in a suitable place. The place is wide and open. (--------) is a source
of pleasure (Avb›`) .It is a place where people gather(R‡ov nIqv). It becomes a part and
parcel of our life. Thus it is always crowded(RbvKxY©). Proper steps should be
taken to improve it. Its great scenery (`„k¨) is unthinkable(AwPšÍbxq). In every
life (-----------) is essential.(cÖ‡qvRbxq) But sometimes(gv‡S
gv‡S) it is full of din and bustle. That is not
suitable for environment. (-------------) should be free from it. Everything should be disciplined. (-----------) is becoming
chaos (‡kvi‡Mvj) and anarchy (AivRKZv). Proper(mwVK) steps should be taken to improve its condition. All classes of people
come here. We cannot ignore the blessing(Avkx©ev`) of (---------).So it is a
very useful to us. (mvavbiZ GKwU my›`i ¯’v‡b Aew¯’Z|¯’vbwU cÖk¯Í Ges
†Lvjv‡gjv| (welq) we‡bv`‡bi GKwU Drm|Bnv Ggb GKwU RvqMv †hLv‡b †jvKRb R‡ov nq
ev wgwjZ nq|GUvi DbœwZi Rb¨ h_vh_ c`‡¶c MÖnY Kiv DwPZ|Bnvi mywekvj `„k¨
AwPšÍbxq|Rxe‡bi memgq GwU cÖ‡qvRb|wKš‘ gv‡S gv‡S GUv †kvi‡Mvjc~Y©|GUv cwi‡e‡ki
Rb¨ Dchy³ bq|( welq) GUv †_‡K gy³ nIqv DwPZ|mewKQy myk„sLjv nIqv DwPZ|( welq )wek„sLjv Ges AivRKZv m„wó K‡i|Gi Ae¯’vi DbœwZi Rb¨
h_vh_ c`‡¶c MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e|me‡kªYxi gvbyl GLv‡b Av‡m|Avgiv (welq) Gi Avkx©ev`‡K
AeÁv Ki‡Z cvwi bv|ZvB GUv Avgv‡`i LyeB DcKvix|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class), B.H.M.S.(D.U),
B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Early Rising (mKv‡j DVv)
Early rising means the getting up from bed early in
the morning.(mKv‡j DVv ej‡Z mKvj mKv‡j weQvbv †_‡K DVv‡bv
†evSv‡bv nq|)
Morning walk (mKv‡j

AfvmMZ †Kvb Kg© hv ¯^v‡¯’i Rb¨ AwZcÖ‡qvRbxq
(……) it is a
very interesting habit. We can get more pleasure (Avb›`)of life from
(……).It serves(‡mev) the life both physicall(‰`wnKfv‡e) and mentally.(gvbwmKfv‡e) (…….) is beneficial
(DcKvix) to mind, body and soul. It is the most valuable (g~j¨evb) at the every
step in our lives. It is the way to success in life.It is preferable(A‡c¶vK…Z fvj) to wealth (m¤ú`). One may have
much wealth but he is hated(N„wbZ) in the absence of (…….).One can build up this habit if he likes. Fixed(wbav©wiZ) time is
necessary for it. It should an object of his leisure (Aemi) time. It
turns(cwiYZ K‡i) to a habit of a man and he can’t but do it.(……) may cause some
problem. Sometime,(gv‡Sgv‡S) if we are not careful(mZ©K) in our work. Out of habit a man sometimes performs(m¤ú~Y©) the task of
(…….) in ill(fMœ) health that causes harm.(¶wZ) To sum up,(Dcmsnv‡i ejv hvq) one should have a thinking for a while (wKQy mg‡qi Rb¨)before
enjoying (…….) for its greatest enjoyment. ( ) AZ¨šÍ
wPËvKl©K Af¨vm| Avgiv Rxe‡b A‡bK we‡bv`b Gi †_‡K ‡c‡Z cvwi|Bnv Rxe‡b
kvixwiKfv‡e I gvbwmKfv‡e cÖkvwšÍ G‡b †`q| (
) Gi gb,kixi Ges AvZ¥vi Rb¨ DcKvix| Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU c`‡¶cB AZ¨šÍ
g~j¨evb|Bnv Ggb GKwU c_ hv Rxe‡b mvdj¨ G‡b †`q| Bnv m¤ú` A‡c¶v †kªq| GKR‡bi
A‡bK m¤ú` _vK‡Z cv‡i| wKšÍ Bnvi Afv‡e †m N„wYZ nq| GKRb GB Af¨vm Mo‡Z cv‡i hw`
†m cQ›` K‡i| wba©vwiZ mgq Bnvi Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ cÖ‡qvRb| Bnvi Aemi mg‡qi GKwU
D‡&Ïk¨ _vK‡Z n‡e| Bnv gvby‡li Af¨v‡m cwiYZ K‡i Ges Bnv †m Bnv bv K‡i cv‡i
bv| Bnvi wKQy mgm¨v m„wó Ki‡Z cv‡i| gv‡S gv‡S Avgv‡`i KvR m¤ú‡K© hw` mZ©K bv
nB| Af¨vm Qvov gv‡S gv‡S ( ) KvR K‡i hv
¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ ¶wZKi| ms‡¶‡c ejv hvq †h, cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB Avb›` Dc‡fvM Kivi Rb¨ wKQy¶b
wPšÍv Kiv DwPZ|)
(weÁvb welK †Kvb Aby‡”Q`)
Computer/Mobile Phone/E-Mail/Internet

(g‡b Avb‡›`i Abyf~wZ RvMvq Ggb cÖvK…wZK
w`b/iv‡Zi `„k¨)
(-----------) is a
wonderful blessing (Avkx©ev`) among the gifts (Dcnvi) of nature. This is really enjoyable(Avb›`gq) and impressive (`„wóAvKl©Yxq) to all
sections of people at the time of a (------).It assumes a matchless
sight in a (--------).People of all ages enjoy (welq ).It makes a man poet. Poets
enjoy the beauty (‰mŠ›`h©) of a (--------) very much. The village children dance in joy seeing lovely(my›`i) sight(`„k¨) of a (-----). It reminds (¯^ib Kwi‡q †`q) us the
wonderful creative power of the Creator(m„wóKZ©v). A life cannot be happy and
decent (cwicvwU) without enjoying a (---------) (cÖK…wZi
Dcnvi¸wji g‡a¨ GKwU we¯§qKi Avwk©ev`
n‡”Q ( )| GBwU mwZ¨B Avb›``vqK Ges ( ) Gi
mg‡q me †kªYxi gvby‡li Kv‡Q LyeB AvK©lbxq| ( ) Afvebxq `„‡k¨i AeZib K‡i _v‡K| me
†kªYxi gvbylB Dc‡fvM K‡i _v‡K| Bnv gvbyl‡K KweKwe fve ˆZix K‡i| Kweiv Gi
ˆmŠ›`‡h© Dc‡fvM K‡i _v‡K| MÖv‡gi †Q‡j‡g‡qiv my›`i `„k¨ †`‡L bvP‡Z _v‡K| ( ) m„wóKZ©vi m„Rbkxj m„wó m¤ú©‡K g‡b Kwi‡q
†`q| ( ) e¨ZxZ GKwU Rxeb KL‡bv myLx Ges cwicvwU n‡Z
cv‡i bv|)
(------) is not very
enjoyable (Avb›``vqK) and interesting to a person who cannot have food once a day. (------)
cannot make an appeal to the persons who have no house. Everything seems(g‡b nIqv) to be dull to
them those who live under the extreme (Zxeª) poverty(`vwi`ª) line. Yet,(ZeyI) the scene of
a (-----) removes(`~i
K‡i) the monotony(GK‡N‡hgx) of routine life. So,
everyone should enjoy the matchless(mxgvnxb) beauty of a (-----------) (‡h e¨w³ w`‡b GKevi I Lvevi cvqbv Zvi Kv‡Q ( ) Avb›``vqK Ges wPËvKl©K bq|hvi evox †bB
( ) Zv‡K AvKl©Y Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| hviv
`vwi`ªmxgvi bx‡P emevm K‡i Zv‡`i Kv‡Q mewKQy wbivb›` g‡b nq|ZeyI ( )Q‡K evauv Rxe‡bi GKvKxZ¡ `~i K‡i| ZvB
cÖ‡Z¨KB ( ) Afvebxq `„k¨ Dc‡fvM Kiv
A Moon Lit
Night (GKwU P›`ª‡jvwKZ ivZ)
The night which is bathed by the beams
that the moon shed from the cloudless clear sky is called moonlit night.The
moon looks like a bright dish of silver in a moonlit night. The moon shines
brightly on every object of the nature. Rivers, canals, seas, ponds, fields, trees,
hills, mountains etc seem to smile on a moon lit night. A moonlit night is not
enjoyable and interesting to a person who cannot have food once a day. (‡gNgy³ cwi¯‹vi AvKvk n‡Z S‡i cov P›`ªwKiYmœvZ iRbx‡K †R¨vrmœ&v
ivZ e‡j|†R¨vrmœ&v iv‡Z P›`ª‡K D¾¡j G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi _vjvi gZ g‡b nq|P›`ª
cÖK…wZi cÖwZwU e¯‘ †_‡K D¾¡jfv‡e wKib †`q| b`x, K¨vbvj, mgy`ª, cyKzi, gvV, MvQcvjv,
cvnvo, ce©Z cÖf„wZ‡K †R¨vrmœ&v iv‡Z g‡b nq nvm‡Q|†R¨vrmœ&v ivZ Zvi fvj
jvM‡e bv hvi †c‡U w`‡b GKevi I †Kvb Lvevi †bB|)
A Winter Morning ( GKwU kx‡Zi mKvj)
A winter morning is the morning of cold
and misty. There is dense fog everywhere in a winter morning .Sometimes the fog
is so dense that everything is hardly seen at a little distance. In a winter
morning the chirping of birds is not heard. Dew drops fall on the leaves of
trees and the blades of grass at night. When the morning sun peeps, dew drops
look like pearls .The poor and the old bask in the sun in a winter morning. ( GKwU kx‡Zi mKvj nq VvÛv Ges
Kzqvkv”Qbœ mKvj|kx‡Zi mKv‡j me ¯’v‡b Mfxi Kzqvkv _v‡K|gv‡S gv‡S Kzqvkv GZ †ekx
_v‡K †h mvgvb¨ GKUz `~i †_‡K mewKQy Kg †`Lv hvq|kx‡Zi mKv‡j cvwLi wKwPiwgwPi kã
†kvbv hvq bv|Mv‡Qi cvZv Ges Nv‡mi Dci wkwki Kbv iv‡Zi †ejv co‡Z _v‡K|hLb m~‡h©i
Av‡jv DwKu w`‡q D‡V ,wkwki KbvMy‡jv gy³vi g‡Zv R¡jR¡j K‡i D‡V|kx‡Zi mKv‡j Mixe
gvby‡liv Ges e„× gvby‡liv m~h© †_‡K Avmv †iŠ` †cvnv‡Z _v‡K|)
Rainy Day (ev`j w`b/e„wói w`b)
A Rainy day is a day when it rains all
day long.Sometimes rain continues for days together.The sky remains cloudy in a
rainy day. The sun is not seen on the day. The day is dull and gloomy. The
weather is foul on a rainy day. Roads become muddy and slippery. So people
cannot move easily from one place to another. They need an umbrella.( ev`j w`b Ggb GKwU w`b †hw`b mvivw`b a‡i e„wó nq|KL‡bv KL‡bv K‡qKw`b
a‡i e„wó n‡Z _v‡K|e„wói w`‡b AvKvk †gNv”Qbœ _v‡K|w`‡bi †ejv m~h©‡K †`Lv hvq
bv|w`bwU wbivb›` Ges wegl©|e„wói w`‡b AvenvIqv fvj _v‡K bv|iv¯Ív K`©gv³ Ges
wcQjv n‡q _v‡K|ZvB †jvKRb GK ¯’vb †_‡K Ab¨ ¯’v‡b mnRfv‡e Pj‡Z cv‡i bv|Zv‡`i
GKwU QvZv cÖ‡qvRb nq|)
e¨¯ÍZg †Kvb RvqMvq

A Tea Stall
It is generally(mvavibZ)situated near any educational institutions, bank, factories,
mills, industries, hats, bazers, bus stops and railway stations. A tea stall is
a small shop where tea is prepared and served to the customers. A tea stall opens
at dawn(‡fvi‡ejv) and closes
at late night. Biscuits, cakes, bananas, cigarette and betal leaf are sold
here. (Pv‡qi †`vKvb mvavibZ wk¶v cÖwZôvb,
e¨vsK, KviLvbv, wgj, wkíKviLvbv, nvU,evRvi, evm _vgvi ¯’vb Ges †ij †÷k‡bi wbK‡U
Aew¯’Z| Pv‡qi †`vKvb †Qv&Æ GKwU †`vKvb †hLv‡b †µZv‡`i Rb¨ Pv cwi‡ekb Kiv
nq| Pv‡qi †`vKvb †fvi‡ejv †Lvjv _v‡K Ges Mfxi ivZ ch©šÍ eÜ _v‡K| we¯‹zU, wcVv, Kjv,
wmMv‡iU,cvb GLv‡b wewµ Kiv nq|)
A Village Market(GKwU MÖvg¨ evRvi)
It is generally situated in an open
place. Rice, dal, oil, flour, cloth ,
and other useful things are sold here.(Bnv mvavibZ †Lvjv
¯’v‡b Aew¯’Z| avb, Wvj, gq`v, Kvco‡Pvco Ges Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbm wewµ Kiv
A Railway Station ( GKwU †ijI‡q †÷kb)
It is generally situated in the
important places of a town or city. Here the train stops to take and leaves
passengers and goods. Passengers arrive and leave for their destination. There
are a raised platform, a master’s room and ticket counter in a railway station.(
‡ij I‡q †÷kb mvaviYZ kni A_ev Dckn‡ii GKwU ¸iZ¡c~Y© GKwU
¯’v‡b Aew¯’Z|GLv‡b hvÎx Ges gvjvgvj
DVvbvgiv Rb¨ †Uªb _v‡g |hvÎx GLv‡b Av‡m Ges Zv‡`i MšÍe¨¯’v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨
¯’vb Z¨vM K‡i|‡ij †÷k‡b DVvb Rb¨ cvUdg©,gvóvi i“g Ges wUwKU KvD›Uv‡ii Rb¨ i“g
A Bus Stand ( GKwU evm ÷vÛ)
It is
generally situated near educational institutions, banks, mills, factories and
market. A bus stand is the halting place for the buses. Passengers wait there
for buses. They get into and get down from a bus at a bus stand. (Bnv mvaviYZ wk¶vcÖwZôvb, wk¶vcÖwZôvb,e¨vsK,wgj,wkíKviLvbv,evRvi Gi
wbK‡U Aew¯’Z|evm ÷¨vÛ evm _vgvi Rb¨ GKwU RvqMv|hvÎxiv †mLv‡b A‡c¶v K‡i ev‡mi
Rb¨|Zviv evm ÷¨vÛ †_‡K ev‡m DVv Ges bvgv K‡i _v‡K|)
we`¨vjq msµvšÍ

A School Magazine (GKwU we`¨vjq mwPÎ msev`/mvgwqKx)
The School magazine is an annual or
periodical publication of the school by the students.The headmaster of our
school is the chief patron of the magazine committee. A senior teacher becomes
the advisor. Four members are selected from the senior students of the school. The members of the committee assist
them for editing and proof reading. The advisor asks for writing from the students.
Standard writings are selected finally for printing.It helps the students to
express their feelings and thoughts. (we`¨vjq mwPÎ
msev`/mvgwqKx nj we`¨vjq QvÎ-QvÎx KZ©„K cÖKvwkZ evwl©K ev cvw¶K mvgwqKx|cÖavb wk¶K
n‡”Q mvgwqKx KwgwUi cÖavb wbevn©x c„ó‡cvlK|GKRb wmwbqi wk¶K GKRb Dc‡`óv n‡q
_v‡K|¯‹z‡ji PviRb wmwbqi Qv&·K m`m¨ wn‡m‡e †bIqv nq|m`m¨viv KwgwUi m¤úv`bv
Ges cÖyc †`Lv Dc‡`óviv Qv·`i KvQ †_‡K †jLv Avnevb K‡i _v‡K|Qvcv‡bvi Rb¨
gvbm¤§Z †jLv wbev©wPZ Kiv nq|GUv QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Zv‡`i wPšÍv-†PZbv I my›`i AbyfywZ
cÖKv‡k mvnvh¨ K‡i _v‡K|)
A School library
A library is a part and parcel of a
school.It is on the ground floor of our school building. It is south facing. So
it is well airy and well lighted. It is nicely decorated. There are five
thousands books on history, religion, culture, sports and Games, Computer, Science
agriculture and English grammar etc. Every student can borrow books from the
library .The librarian of our school library is very expert and experienced. He
helps the students in every possible way.There is a big reading room in our
library. So each and every school should have a library in order to ensure a
standard education.( jvB‡eªix n‡”Q we`¨vj‡qi GKwU
Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|Bnv ¯‹zj wewìs‡qi bxPZjvq |Bnv `w¶bgyLx|ZvB Bnv my›`i evZvm Ges
Av‡jv cÖ‡ek‡hvM¨|Bnv my›`ifv‡e mvRv‡bv|GLv‡b cvPunvRv‡ii gZ
BwZnvm,ag©,ms¯‹„wZ,†Ljva~jv,Kw¤úDUvi,weÁvb,K…wl,Bs‡iwR MÖvgvi cÖf„wZ eB
_v‡K|cÖ‡Z¨K QvÎ-QvÎx eB GLv‡b †_‡K avi wb‡Z cv‡i|Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi MÖš’vMvwiK
Lye AwfÁ Ges `¶|‡m QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K †h‡Kvb Dcv‡q mvnvh¨ K‡i _v‡K|Avgv‡`i
jvB‡eªix‡Z eo covïbvi i“g Av‡Q|ZvB cÖwZwU ¯‹z‡jB DbœZgv‡bi wk¶vi Rb¨ fvjgv‡bi
jvB‡eix _vKv DwPZ|)
Our School Canteen
It serves Tiffin and drinks to the students. It is
housed at one corner of the school premises. It is well-airy and well-lighted.
There are necessary chairs and tables in the canteen. The canteen supplies us
delicious food, tea and coffee. No outsider is allowed here. We abide by the
rules of our canteen.(GUv QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i wUwdb Ges cvbxq
Gi Rb¨ †mev w`‡q _v‡K|Bnv we`¨vjq cÖv½‡bi GK cÖv‡šÍ Aew¯’Z|GLv‡b Av‡jvevZvm
cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z cv‡i|GLv‡b cÖ‡qvRbxq †Pqvi †Uwej Av‡Q|K¨vbwUb my¯^v`y Lvevi,Pv Ges
Kwc mieivn K‡i _v‡K|evB‡ii †KB GLv‡b cÖ‡ek Kivi AbygwZ †bB|Avgiv K¨vbwU‡bi
wbqgKvbyb †g‡b Pwj|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
wcÖq †Kvb e¨w³ wb‡q

mother /My grandmother
She came of an educated Muslim family.
She was well educated and well behaved.
She is very polite,affectionate and
intelligent.She was a wise lady in our village. She had a great interest for
female education. So, she founded a girl’s high school and a charitable dispensary.
She lead a simple life.Rice, fish and vegetables are her favourite food.
Gardening and reading story books were her favourite hobby.She says her prayer
five times a day.She advises us to follow the path of truth and honesty. (wkw¶Z gymwjg cwiev‡i Zvi Rb¥|‡m mywkw¶Z Ges m`vjvcx|wZwb Lye
webqx,†mœngqx Ges eyw×gwZ|‡m Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi GKRb Ávbx gwnjv|bvix wk¶vi cÖwZ Zvi
AvMÖn Av‡Q|ZvB †m GKwU mnR mij Rxebhvcb K‡ib|fvZ,gvQ Ges kvKmewR Zvi wcÖq
Lv`¨|evMvb Kiv Ges eB cov wQj Zvi kL|w`‡b 5 evi wZwb bvgvh Av`vq K‡ib|wZwb
Avgv‡`i‡K mZ¨ I mZZvi c‡_ Pjvi Dc‡`k †`b|)
My father/My grandfather
He was born in an enlightened Muslim family.
He was an M.A in English. He was a professor of ‘X’ college. He was a wise man
in our village. He was a great social
worker too, He founded a school in our village. He never thought of his own interest.
He wore a very simple dress. His favourite food is rice, fish and vegetables.(wZwb Av‡jvwKZ GK gymwjg cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|wZwb Bs‡iwR‡Z Gg,G.wZwb
------K‡j‡Ri GKRb Aa¨vcK| wZwb Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi GKRb Ávbx
†jvK|wZwb GKRb mgvR‡meK I e‡U|wZwb Avgv‡`i MÖv‡g GKwU ¯‹zj cÖwZôv K‡ib|wZwb
KLbI wb‡Ri wPšÍv K‡ibv |wZwb mvaviY †cvlvK cwiavb K‡ib|Zvi wcÖq Lvevi fvZ,gvQ
Ges kvKmewR|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
( RvZxq ev AvšÍ©RvwZKfv‡e †Kvb w`em D`hvcb)
Internation mother language day
The 21 st February
National independence day
Our victory day
The 16th December
Bangla New Year
Pahela Baishakh
Women’s Day
May day
World Disabled Day

S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
`wi`ª wKš‘ †L‡U LvIqv †Kvb e¨w³ wb‡q
A Fisherman
(GKRb ‡R‡j)
A Farmer
(GKRb K…lK)
Day labourer
(GKRb w`b gRyix)
Village doctor
(GKRb MÖvg¨ Wv³vi)
A postman
(GKRb WvKwcqb)
A Street hawker
(GKRb †dixIqvjv)
A rickshaw Puller
(GKRb wi·yvIqvjv)
A Garment Hawker
(GKRb ‡dixIqvjv)
A Railway Porter (GKRb †ijI‡q Kgx©)
The life of a nurse

S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
`wi`ª Ges gvby‡li `qvi Dci wbf©ikxj Ggb
e¨w³ wb‡q
A street Beggar/A Street
Children /The Rootless/Tokai

When any
passer-by(cw_K) give them any coin they pray to Allah for him. They are often (cÖvqB) heard
reciting verses from the Holy Quaran or Kalema. They move about along the
streets, eat rotten foods and sleep in a slum. Many of them sleep on the
footpaths under the open sky. They always put on dirty and torn clothes. They
live in want and die in want. They are illiterate, ill fated, and ill clad. They
are deprived of all human and social rights and facilities. They have no social
security and dignity. They are unproductive and unskilled. They are deprived of
joy and happiness of life. None loves and respects them. They are also the
citizens of our land. They have right to enjoy the basic needs, rights like other
citizens of our country. Along with the government we all should extend our
helping hands to change the wheels of lot of the street beggar. (hLb †Kvb cw_K Zv‡`i‡K †Kvb UvKv/cqmv †`q ZLb Zvi Rb¨ Avjvni Kv‡Q
†`vqv cÖv_©bv K‡i|Zv‡`i‡K cÖvqB cweÎ †KviAvb †_‡K wKQy Ask Ave„wË A_ev Kv‡jgv
co‡Z †kvbv hvq|Zviv iv¯Ívq nv‡Uu,evwm Lvevi Lvq Ges ew¯Í‡Z Nygvq|Zv‡`i AwaKvsk
†Lvjv AvKv‡ki wb‡P iv¯Ívi cv‡k Nygvq|Zviv cÖvqB gqjv Kvco ev †Qov Kvco cwiavb
K‡i|Zviv Afve AbU‡b ev‡Pu Ges Afv‡e gviv hvq|Zviv Awkw¶Z,`yfvMv,Ges g›` Kcv‡j|Zviv
gvbweK,mvgvwRK AwaKvi Ges myweav †_‡K ewÂZ|Zv‡`i mvgvwRK wbivcËv I gh©v`v
†bB|Zviv Abyrcv`bkxj Ges wb®‹g©v|Zviv Rxe‡bi Avb›` Ges myL †L‡K ewÂZ|‡KD
Zv‡`i‡K fvjev‡m bv Ges kª×v K‡i bv|Zviv Avgv‡`i †`‡kiB bvMwiK|Zv‡`i Ab¨vb¨
bvMwiK‡`i g‡Zv †gŠwjK Pvwn`v
AwaKvi,Pvwn`v Av‡Q|miKv‡ii cvkvcvwk Avgv‡`i mvnv‡h¨i nvZ‡K cÖmvwiZ K‡i Zv‡`i
fv‡M¨i PvKv cwieZ©b K‡iv DwPZ|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College,Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
‡Kvb ¸iZ¡c~Y©
RvqMv cwi`k©b Kiv wb‡q
My visit to a
world heritage site
My visit to
the Shat Gambuj Mosque
My visit to a
My visit to Dhaka
My visit to Shishu Park
My visit to an
international trade fair
My visit to a
sea beach
My visit to
Cox’s Bazer
My visit to a
book fair
10.My visit to a village fair
11.My visit to a Baishakhi Mela
12.My visit to a science fair

( ) fªgb wk¶vi GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask|Bnv Avgv‡`i‡K Avb›`,we‡bv`b †`q,AwZwi³ cwikªg I covïbvi GK †N‡qgx `~ixfyZ
K‡i|Avgv‡`i cÖK…Z Rxe‡b Gi ¸iZ¡ Ges Zvrch© Av‡Q|Avwg GKRb QvÎ|( ) fªg‡b hvevi AvKv•Lv Avgvi Zxeª|ZvB Avwg
A‡bK w`b †_‡K ( ) fªg‡b hvevi my‡hvM
LyRu‡ZwQjvg|MZ MÖx¯§Kvjxb QywU‡Z Avwg †mLv‡b Avgvi eo fvB‡qi mv‡_ wM‡qwQjvg †h
BwZnv‡mi GKRb wk¶K|Avgiv †mLv‡b 2011 mv‡ji wW‡m¤^i gv‡m wM‡qwQjvg|Avgviv †lLv‡b
A‡bK wKQ~ †`‡LwQjvg|Avgiv hv †`‡LwQjvg Zv----------------|Avgiv eq‡mi †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i
mv‡_ K_v ejvi my‡hvM †c‡qwQjvg hviv wewfbœ ¯‹zj †_‡K AvmwQj|Áv‡bi ivR¨‡K DbœwZ
Kivi Rb¨ GesbZzb AwfÁZv jv‡fi Rb¨ cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB fªgb Kiv DwPZ|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College,Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
A Report on
Celebration of (cÖ‡kœ
D‡jwLZ RvZxq w`em wb‡q cÖwZ‡e`b)
International Mother language day/Victory Day/Independence Day
w`b,gvm,eQi evi
10 April 2011

S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391 or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
A Report on
Celebration of(cÖ‡kœ
D‡jwLZ ‡Kvb RvqMv cwi`©kb wb‡q cÖwZ‡e`b)
w`b,gvm,eQi evi
10 April 2011

S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
A Report on Celebration of (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ ‡Kvb cÖvK…wZK `y‡hv©M wb‡q cÖwZ‡e`b)
w`b,gvm,eQi evi
10 April 2011

S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
A Report on (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ mgm¨v wb‡q cÖwZ‡e`b)
w`b,gvm,eQi evi
10 April 2011

S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Rxe‡bi Rb¨ `iKvix Ggb wKQy wb‡q K‡_vcK_b
1. Write a dialogue between you and your father/friend about the importance of tress/tree
plantation. (e„¶‡ivc‡bi
2. Write a dialogue two friends about the importance of reading newspaper.(msev`cÎ cv‡Vi ¸iZ¡/cÖ‡qvRbxqZv)
3. Write a dialogue two friends about the importance of English learning.(Bs‡iwR wkLvi ¸iZ¡)
4. Write a dialogue two friends about the importance of taking exercise.(e¨vqv‡gi ¸iZ¡)
5. Write a dialogue two friends about the importance of Morning walk.(cÖvZtåg‡bi ¸iZ¡)
6. Write a dialogue two friends about the importance of early rising .(mKv‡j DVvi ¸iZ¡)
7. Write a dialogue two friends about the aim in life.(Rxe‡bi j¶¨)
A dialogue between (1g e¨w³ ) and (2q e¨w³ ) about (welq)----------
1g e¨w³t Good Morning. How are you?(ïf mKvj,Zzwg †Kgb AvQ?)
e¨w³t Good Morning, I’m fine and you?( ïf mKvj,Avwg fvj AvwQ Ges Zzwg †Kgb AvQ?)
e¨w³t I’m fine/I’m not fine. Are you busy now?(Avwg fvj/Avwg fvj bv|Zzwg wK GLb e¨¯Í)
e¨w³t No. Why?(bv,†Kb?)

(Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ GKwU ¸iZ¡c~Y© welq wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z PvB|)
e¨w³ t Obviously. I’m always ready to tell you
whatever you wish to know.
(Aek¨B|Avwg memgq †Zvgv‡K ejvi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z hv Zzwg cÖZ¨vkv Ki|)
e¨w³t Can you tell me about (‡h welq wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z PvI †m welq Gi
2q e¨w³t The importance of (-------) is so much
that cannot be expressed in a word. It is the most essential thing that is
necessary in every step in our life.It isvery important for human being. To lead
a happy and peaceful life,every person should know the importance of (welq ). A man
cannotshine in life without giving importance on it.( ) Gi ¸iZ¡ GZ †ekx †h GK K_vq eY©bv Kiv hv‡e bv|Bnv AZ¨šÍ cÖ‡qvRbxq hv
Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU c`‡¶‡c Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ cÖ‡qvRb|Bnv gvby‡li Rxe‡bi Rb¨
AZ¨šÍ cÖ‡qvRb|myLx Ges kvwšÍgq Rxe‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡Z¨K e¨w³i Gi ¸iZ¡m¤ú©‡K Rvbv DwPZ|Gi
Dci ¸iZ¡ e¨ZxZ GKRb e¨w³ KL‡bv Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|)
e¨w³t Thank you very much. I have learnt many
things from you.
(‡Zvgv‡K A‡kl ab¨ev`|Avwg †Zvgvi KvQ †_‡K A‡bK wKQy wk‡LwQ|)
e¨w³t I have to go now. Good bye. (GLb
Avgv‡K †h‡Z n‡e|we`vq)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
ågb welqK K‡_vcK_b
Write a dialogue between two
friends about a journey by train/bus/plane/boat.
A dialogue between (1g e¨w³ ) and (2q e¨w³ ) about (welq)----------
e¨w³ t Good Morning. How are you?
?(ïf mKvj,Zzwg †Kgb AvQ?)

(ïf mKvj,Avwg fvj Ges Zzwg †Kgb AvQ?)
1g e¨w³ t I am also fine. It is two
weeks since I saw you last. Where had you been during the last two weeks?(Avwg fvj AvwQ|`yB mßvn AwZµg nj †kl †Zvgv‡K
†`‡LwQ|Zzwg nZZ mßv‡n †Kv_vq wQj?
2q e¨w³ t You will be glad to know
that I made my first (evn‡bi
bvg ) journey with my elder brother.(Zzwg †R‡b Lykx n‡e †h Avwg Avgvi eo fvB‡qi mv‡_
cÖ_g ågb K‡iwQjvg|)
1g e¨w³ t Where did you go?(Zzwg
†mLv‡b †Kb wM‡qwQj|)
2q e¨w³ t I went to my uncle’s house.(Avwg Avgvi PvPvi evox‡Z wM‡qwQjvg|)
1g e¨w³ t How did you enjoy the
journey? Would you please tell me your experience of your (evn‡bi bvg )(Zzwg †mLv‡b wKfv‡e ågb K‡iwQ‡j|Zzwg wK †Zvgvi
AwfÁZvi K_v ej‡e|)
2q e¨w³ t From the (evn‡bi bvg ) , I could
enjoy the natural scenery. The natural beauty charmed me a lot. Therefore it
was very exciting and thrilling.( )fªgb †_‡K Avwg cÖvKwZK ˆmŠ›`h© Dc‡fvM
K‡iwQjvg|ZvB GUv wQj AZ¨šÍ Drdzj Ges †ivgvÂKi|)
1g e¨w³ t When did you reach there?(Zzwg †mLv‡b KLb ‡cŠu‡QwQ‡j|)
2q e¨w³ t I reached there at noon.(Avwg †mLv‡b weKv‡j †cŠ‡uQwQjvg|)
1g e¨w³ t Thanks indeed.(mwZ¨B
2q e¨w³ t Welcome(¯^vMZg)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
‡`k,mgvR ev †`‡ki ¶wZ e‡q wb‡q Av‡m Ggb wKQy K‡_vcK_b
1. Write a
dialogue between two friends about the curse of illiteracy.
2. Write a
dialogue between two friends about the curse of dowry system.
3. Write a
dialogue between two friends about the cutting too many trees/deforestation.
4. Write a
dialogue between two friends about air/water/environment pollution.
5. Write a
dialogue between two friends about the bad effect of smoking.
A dialogue between (1g e¨w³ ) and (2q e¨w³ ) about (welq)----------
1g e¨w³t Good
Morning. How are you? ?(ïf mKvj,Zzwg †Kgb AvQ?)
2q e¨w³t Good
Morning, I’m fine and you? ? (ïf mKvj,Avwg fvj AvwQ Ges Zzwg
†Kgb AvQ?)
1g e¨w³t I’m also
fine/I’m not fine. Are you busy now? (Avwg fvj
AvwQ/†bB|Zzwg wK GLb Lye e¨¯Í|)
2q e¨w³t No. Why?(bv| †Kb?)
1g e¨w³t I want to
talk with you about a serious matter.

2q e¨w³t obviously. I
am always ready to tell you whatever you wish to know.
1g e¨w³t Can you
tell me about(‡h welq wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z PvI
†m welq Gi bvg)
2q e¨w³ t The adverse effect of (welq ) is so acute that it cannot be expressed in a word.Most of the people our country are
unconscious. Because of unconsciousness this problem is increasing day by day.
It impedes our normal life.It is indeed a problem for our society. ( ) Gi wei“c cÖfve GZ
‡ekx †h GK K_vq GUv cÖKvk Kiv hv‡e bv|Avgv‡`i †`‡ki AwaKvsk gvbyl m‡PZb
bv|Am‡PZvi Afv‡e GB mgm¨v w`b w`b e„w× cv‡”Q|Bnv Avgv‡`i ¯^vfvweK Rxe‡bi e¨vNvZ m„wó Ki‡Q|Bnv mwZ¨B
Avgv‡`i mgv‡Ri Rb¨ eo mgm¨v)
1g e¨w³ t How can we stop it? (wKfv‡e GUv Avgiv eÜ Ki‡Z cvwi|)
2q e¨w³ tIn order to
solve this problem we have to make our people conscious.Everybody should come
forward to make possible contribution to solve this problem. We should stop
this ill-practice for our own sake and our next generation. So there is no room
for doubt that all our efforts from all corners of the society are needed.
Developing awareness in all classes of people and implement of plan can solve this problem.(GB mgm¨v mgvav‡bi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i‡K †jvKRb‡K m‡PZb Ki‡Z n‡e|cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki
m¤¢ve¨ Ae`v‡b mgm¨v mgvav‡bi Rb¨ GwM‡q Avmv DwPZ|Avgv‡`i wb‡R‡`i ¯^v‡_© Ges
cieZx© eskai‡`i Rb¨ GB Lvivc Abykxjb eÜ Ki‡Z n‡e| ZvB †Kvb m‡›`n †bB †h mgv‡Ri
cÖwZwU ¯Íi †_‡KB Avgv‡`i cÖ‡Póv cÖ‡qvRb|)
1g e¨w³ t Thank you
very much. I have learnt many things from you.
(‡Zvgv‡K A‡bK ab¨ev`|Avwg †Zvgvi
KvQ †_‡K A‡bK wKQy wk‡LwQ|)
2q e¨w³ t Welcome. I have to go now. Good bye.(¯^vMZg|Avgv‡K GLb †h‡Z n‡e|we`vq|)
1g e¨w³ t Good bye.(we`vq)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Awdm,¯‹zj,ev K‡jR KZ…©c‡¶i Kv‡Q mv¶vrKvi ev †Kvb Z_¨ Rvb‡Z †P‡q
Write a dialogue between you and the immigration
officer of an Overseas Embasy in Dhaka.
Write a dialogue between an applicant
Hasan and opportunity authority for a job.
A dialogue between (1g e¨w³ ) and (2q e¨w³ ) about (welq)----------
1g e¨w³ t May I come in, Sir?(Avwg
wK wfZ‡i Avm‡Z cvwi,m¨vi|)
2q e¨w³ t Yes, come in.( n¨vu
Avm‡Z cvwi|)
1g e¨w³ t Good Morning,Sir.(ïf
2q e¨w³ t Good Morning. Be seated here please.
(ïf mKvj,GLv‡b AbyMÖn K‡I e‡mb|)
1g e¨w³ t Thanks. Would you please help me?
(ab¨ev`,Zzwg wK AbyMÖn K‡i Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡e?)
2q e¨w³ t How can I help you?
(Avwg Avcbv‡K wKfv‡e mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvwi|)
1g e¨w³ t I want to know about(‡h welq m¤ú©‡K Rvb‡Z G‡m‡Qb GLv‡b
wjL‡Z n‡e)
( Avwg -------m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z PvB|)
2q e¨w³ t Can I see your papers?
(Avcwb wK Avcbvi KvMRcÎ †`L‡Z cvwi|)
1g e¨w³ t Here are the papers.(GB ‡h KvMRcθ‡jv)
2q e¨w³ t Thanks. Everything is fine.
See you tomorrow with all the documents at this office at 11.am.(ab¨ev`,mewKQy my›`i|Avcbvi m‡½ AvMvgxKvj mKvj 11 Uvq †`Lv n‡e me KvMRcÎ
1g e¨w³ t Thank you sir, Good bye. (ab¨ev`,m¨vi,we`vq|)
2q e¨w³ t You are most welcome. Good
bye. (Avcbv‡K my¯^vMZg|we`vq|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14, Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
wcKwbK, †Kvb RvqMv cwi`k©b wb‡q K‡_vcK_b
Write a dialogue between two
friends about visiting a book fair/Baishakhi fair/visiting Cox’s Bazer/Shat
Gambuj Masjid etc
A dialogue
between (1g
e¨w³ ) and (2q e¨w³ ) about (welq)----------

2q e¨w³ t Good Morning. I am fine and you?
(ïf mKvj,Avwg fvj Ges Zzwg †Kgb AvQ?)
1g e¨w³ t I am also fine. Have you ever been to (RvqMvq bvg)
(Avwg Lye fvj AvwQ|Zzwg wK KLbI ----wM‡qQ?)
2q e¨w³ t Yes, I went to (RvqMvq
bvg ) with my elder brother last week.
(n¨vu Avwg (
) RvqMvq MZKvj wM‡qwQjvg Avwg
eo fvB‡qi mv‡_|)
1g e¨w³ t Would you please tell me your experience of your visiting (---)?
(Zzwg wK AbyMÖnc~eK© Avgv‡K †Zvgvi AwfÁZvi K_v
2q e¨w³ t It is a nice place. Everything charmed me a lot.
(Bnv my›`i GKwU RvqMv|mewKQyB Avgv‡K my›`ifv‡e
AvK…ó K‡i|)
1g e¨w³ t What did you see there?(Zzwg †mLv‡b wK wK †`‡LwQ‡j)
2q e¨w³ t I saw many things there. I
also saw some renowned persons there. Many school and school going students also visit (RvqMvq bvg)(Avwg †mLv‡b A‡bK wKQy †`‡LwQjvg|Avwg wKQy weL¨vZ
†jvKRb †`‡LwQjvg|A‡bK ¯‹zj Ges ¯‹zj Qv·K ågb Ki‡Z †`‡LwQjvg|)
1g e¨w³ t Did you buy anything from there?
(Zzwg wK †mLvb †_‡K ‡Kvb wRwbm µq K‡iwQj|)
2q e¨w³ t Yes, I bought (†h
wRwbm wK‡bQ Zvi bvg ) from there for me.
(n¨vu,Avwg µq K‡iwQjvg)
1g e¨w³ t Thanks. I have learnt many things from you.
(ab¨ev`,Avwg †Zvgvi KvQ †_‡K A‡bK wKQy wk‡LwQ|)
2q e¨w³ t Welcome (¯^vMZg|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
‡Kvb †`vKv‡b Zzwg wKb‡Z †M‡j we‡µZv Ges †Zvgvi
g‡a¨ K‡_vc_b
e¨w³t Good Morning, Sir. Can I help you, please?
(ïf mKvj,m¨vi,Avwg wK Avcbv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvwi|
e¨w³t Good Morning. I’m looking for ( ‡h e¯‘ wKb‡Z PvI Zvi bvg )
(ïf mKvj, Avwg ( ) LyRuwQ|

e¨w³t Let me see. (Av‡M Avwg †`wL|)
e¨w³t Here you can see on the shelf.(GLv‡b Avcwb Zvu‡K †`L‡Z cv‡ib|)
e¨w³t Give me that one.(Avgv‡K HwU w`b|)
1g e¨w³t Good Here are they.
Anything else, sir?
(fvj,GB wbb †m¸jv|Av‡iv wKQy,m¨vi|)
e¨w³t No thanks. How much do they cost?(bv,ab¨ev`|‡m¸‡jv KZ UvKv jvM‡e|)
e¨w³t They cost only five hundred taka.(‡m ¸wj †Kej cvPukZ UvKv jvM‡e|)
e¨w³t Here is the money.(GB wbb UvKv)
e¨w³t Thank you. Please visit us next time. Good
(ab¨ev`,AbyMÖn K‡i Avevi Avm‡eb|we`vq|)
e¨w³t You are most welcome. Good bye.(Avcbv‡K my¯^vMZg|we`vq|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
AcwiwPwZ †KD
†Kv_vI hvIqvi Rb¨ †Zvgvi Kv‡Q wVvKvbv Rvb‡Z PvB‡j Zv wb‡q K‡_vcK_b
Write a dialogue between you and a stranger who seeks
direction to a post office/Police station.
Write a dialogue between you and a stranger who seeks
direction to a bank.
A dialogue between (1g e¨w³ ) and (2q e¨w³ ) about (welq)----------
1g e¨w³ t Excuse me. Would you please help me?
(¶gv Ki‡eb,Avcwb wK Avgv‡K
mvnvh¨ Ki‡eb?
2q e¨w³ t How can I
help you?

1g e¨w³ t I want to get (‡h wVvKvbv LyuR‡Q Zvi
bvg ).How can I go there? Would you please give me a direction to it?
(Avwg -------†LvRu
Ki‡Z PvB|Avwg †mLv‡b wKfv‡e †h‡Z cvwi|Avcwb wK Avgv‡K hvIqvi wb‡`©kbv w`‡Z
2q e¨w³ t Certainly.
Go straight along this road hundreds yards then you will find a children’s Park.
Then turn left. Keep walking for two minutes. Then turn hundreds yards left,
you will get your destination.(Aek¨B|GB iv¯Ív eivei GKkZ MR
hv‡eb Zvici Avcwb GKwU wkï cvK© Ly‡uR
cv‡eb|Zvici ev‡g Nyi‡eb|Gfv‡e `yB wgwbU nvUu‡eb|Zvici GKkZ MR `~‡i ev‡g †Nvi‡eb
Zvn‡j Avcwb Avcbvi MšÍe¨ ¯’v‡b †cŠ‡Qu
1g e¨w³ t Thanks. But
it is confusing one. Please tell me again.
(ab¨ev`|wKš‘ GUv w`avMÖ¯Í|AbyMÖn
K‡i Avgv‡K Avevi ejyb|)
2q e¨w³ t If you don’t
mind, I want to guide you there.
(hw` Avcwb
g‡b wKQy bv K‡ib,Avwg Avcbv‡K †mLv‡b GKRb MvBW cvVvB|)
1g e¨w³ t It’s kind
of you. Let’s go.
(GUv Avcbvi `qv|Pjyb Avgiv hvB|)
2q e¨w³ t That is (‡h wVvKvbv LyuR‡Q Zvi bvg )
1g e¨w³ t Thanks
again.(Avcbv‡K Avevi ab¨ev`)
2q e¨w³ t Welcome(¯^vMZg|)
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
e¨w³MZ †h †Kvb
cÖKvi Av‡e`b cÎ
Write an application to your headmaster of your school
praying for leave of absence.(Abycw¯nZ RwbZ QywU)/ early
leave.( Av‡M Av‡M evox‡Z hvIqvi Rb¨)/ leave
after 3rd period.(2q N›Uvq QywU †P‡q)/ asking for
transfer Certificate.( Qvoc‡Îi Rb¨)/asking for
character Certificate. (PvwiwÎK mb` †P‡q)/ asking for
Testimonial. (cÖksmvcÎ †P‡q)/asking for
seat in the school. (QvÎvev‡m wmU †P‡q)/asking for
full free student ship.(webv †eZ‡b Aa¨vqb)/asking for
a financial help from poor fund.( `vwi`¨ Znwej †_‡K
mvnvh¨ †P‡q)/ asking remission of delay fine.( Rwigvbv gIKy‡ci Rb¨)/ asking for leave in advance.( AwMªg QywU †P‡q)/ change of elective subject.(4_© welq cwieZ©‡bi Rb¨)/ asking for re-admission in the class.
(cybt fwZ©i Rb¨)
Dated : ……April 2011

Subject: An application
for ( cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq )
Dear Sir,
I beg most
respectfully to state that I am /was a student of your school. I stood first in
annual examination. I am a regular student. I need (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq).My study may
be hampered if I am not given this opportunity.
May, I
therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind to grant my prayer and thus
help me to continue my studies.
I remain
Your most obedient pupil
cÖavb wk¶K,
‡ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR,
mwebq wb‡e`b GB
†h,Avwg Avcbvi we`¨vj‡qi GKRb Qv&Î|Avwg cix¶vq cÖ_g n‡qwQ| Avwg GKRb wbqwgZ QvÎ| Avgvi -----cÖ‡qvRb| Avwg hw`
G my‡hvM bv cvq Zvn‡j Avgvi covïbvq e¨vNvZ m„wó n‡Z cv‡i|
AZGe,cÖv_©bv GB
†h,Avgvi Av‡e`b gÄyi K‡i Avgvv‡K covïbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡eb|
Avcbvi GKvšÍ AbyMZ QvÎ,
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
we`¨vj‡q ‡h †Kvb
cÖKvi wKQy ¯nvcb Kiv wb‡q †h †Kvb cÖKvi
Av‡e`b cÎ
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school
requesting him to set up a literary(mvwnZ¨) club/ an
English language(Bs‡iwR fvlv) club / a debating(weZ©K) club in the
school campus./ a computer(Kw¤úDUvi)club/a
common room (Kgb i“g) / a hall
room(nj i“g) / a canteen(K¨vbwUb)/ a prayer room(bvgv‡Ri i“g)/a reading
room(covi i“g) / a Shaheed Minar (kwn` wgbvi ) / a hostel (QvÎvevm) in the
school campus./ a rich library(mg„Ø jvB‡eªix) in the school campus.
Dated : ……April 2011
The Headmaster

Dear Sir,
We beg most
respectfully to state that we are the students of your school. Our school is
one of the oldest and famous school’s in
the district. The result of our school is satisfactory. We are proud of our
school. But it is a matter of sorrow
that there is no (cÖ‡kœ
D‡jwLZ welq )in our school. It is our
long cherishing desire to have a ((cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq ) in the school premises.
It is also a part and parcel of education.
We, therefore,
hope that you would be kind enough to pass the order to set up (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq ) as quickly
as possible to continue our studies.
We remain
Your most obedient pupils
The students of
cÖavb wk¶K,
‡ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR,
welqt-------------------------------Rb¨ Av‡e`b|
mwebq wb‡e`b GB †h,Avgiv Avcbvi bvgKiv we`¨vj‡qi
Qv&Î Qv&Îx| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjqwU †Rjvi cyivZb Ges bvgKiv ¯‹zj¸‡jvi
g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi djvdj m‡šÍvlRbK|Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq‡K wb‡q Avgiv
MweZ©| wKš‘ `~‡Li welq Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡q †Kvb-------†bB| Avgv‡`i A‡bK w`‡bi ¯^cœ
†h Avgv‡`i we`¨vj†q GKwU -----‡nvK| Bnv wk¶vi GKwU Ask|
AZGe,cÖv_©bv GB †h,Avgv‡`i Av‡e`b ‡h hZ ZvovZvwo m¤¢e Avgv‡`i
we`¨vj‡q GKwU ------¯nvcb K‡i Avgvv‡`i
covïbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡eb|
-----------------we`¨vj‡qi Qv&Î Qv&Îx|
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
we`¨vj‡q ‡h †Kvb wKQy Av‡qvRb ev e‡›`ve¯Í Kiv wb‡q
†h †Kvb cÖKvi Av‡e`b cÎ
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school
requesting him for permission to go on a picnic(eb‡fvRb)/ hold
debate competitions(weZ©K cÖwZ‡hvwMZv)/ arrange a
study tour/excursion (wk¶vmdi)/ arrange a
Milad Mahfil (wgjv` gvnwdj) / arrange a
drama(bvUK Av‡qvRb) in your school./ arrange a farewell (we`vq Abyôvb ) party in
honour of the outgoing SSC students of
your school./ hold the birth anniversary(Rb¥ e©vwlKx)/death
anniversary(g„Zz¨ e©vwlKx ) of Kazi
Nazrul Islam/Rabindranath Tagore/-----
in your school./ hold a Baishakhi Mela(‰ekvLx †gjv) on your school premises on the occasion of
Pahela Baishakh.
Dated : ……April 2011

Subject: An application
for arranging a/an (cÖ‡kœ
D‡jwLZ welq )
Dear Sir,
We beg most
respectfully to state that we are the students of your school. Our school is
one of the oldest and famous schools in the district. The result of our school
is satisfactory. We are proud of our school. Our school arranges (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq) every year.
But this year no such programme has yet been arranged. We have decided to
arrange (cÖ‡kœ
D‡jwLZ welq) if you allow us to do
it. Our Bengali and English teacher has
given their consent to guide us.
We, therefore,
pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige
We remain
Your most obedient pupils
The students of………School.
cÖavb wk¶K,
‡ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR,
welqt-------------------------------Rb¨ Av‡e`b|
mwebq wb‡e`b GB †h,Avgiv Avcbvi bvgKiv we`¨vj‡qi
Qv&Î Qv&Îx| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjqwU †Rjvi cyivZb Ges bvgKiv ¯‹zj¸‡jvi
g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi djvdj m‡šÍvlRbK| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq‡K wb‡q Avgiv
MweZ©|cÖwZ eQi Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡q---------Av‡qvRb K‡i _v‡K wKš‘ cwiZv‡ci welq GB
‡h, G eQi GLbI Ggb Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb Kiv
nqwb| Avgiv -------Gi Av‡qvRb Kivi wmØvšÍ wb‡qwQ hw` Avcwb Avgv‡`i‡K AbygwZ
cÖ`vb K‡ib| Avgv‡`i Bs‡iwR Ges evsjv wk¶K Zviv Avgv‡`i mn‡hvMxZv Ki‡eb e‡j Avk¦vm w`‡q‡Qb|
AZGe,cÖv_©bv I Avkv Kwi
†h,-----------hvevi AbygwZ cÖ`v‡b evwaZ Ki‡Z Rbv‡ei myAvÁv nq|
Qv&Î Qv&Îx|
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
GjvKvi †Kvb mgm¨v
mgvavb Ki‡Z KZ„©c‡¶i Kv‡Q Av‡e`b|
Write an application to the Thana
Nirbahi Officer/The Upazilla Nirbahi Officer
/Deputy Commissioner /The Concerned
Authority/The Mayor/The Union Parisad Chariman/The Upazila Chairman requesting for (mgm¨vi welq)----------------------------------

--------------hvi eive‡i wjL‡Z n‡e
Subject: An
application for---welq (removing/repairing/setting up a /taking steps in controlling)….
Dear Sir,
With due
respect, we would like to state that we are the inhabitants of (GjvKv) area. Ours
is an area of a large population. About 100000 people live here. We have been
living here peacefully. But now a days we the inhabitants of (GjvKv) are facing
problem for (welq ).Normal life is greatly hampered here for (welq ) .For our
normal life, we need to have (welq removed/constructed/repaired/set up/controlled/---) immediately. If
necessary steps are not taken immediately, our existence will become quiet
We, therefore,
hope that you would be kind enough to take proper steps to (welq ) as soon as
possible so that we live in peace and safe.
On behalf of
the inhabitants of (GjvKv ) area.
--------hvi eive‡i wjL‡Z n‡e
h_vh_ m¤§vbcÖ`©kbc~e©K Avgiv Avcbvi
wbKU D‡jL Ki‡Z PvB †h, Avgiv --------- GjvKvi Awaevmx| Avgv‡`i GjvKvq A‡bK
gvby‡li emevm|cÖvq GK jvL gvbyl GLv‡b emevm K‡i|Avgiv †ek kvwšÍc~Y©fv‡e emevm
KiwQ| wKšÍ GLb Avgiv GB GjvKvi Awaevmxiv -------mgm¨vq AvwQ|GRb¨ ¯^vfvweK Rxeb
I e¨vnZ n‡”Q| Avgv‡`i ¯^vfvweK Rxe‡bi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i ----------------Ri“ix
cÖ‡qvRb| hw` cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v bv †bIqv nq Zvn‡j Avgv‡`i Rxeb wU‡K _vKv Am¤¢e
AZGe,cÖv_©bv GB †h,Avgvi Av‡e`b gÄyi K‡i h_vh_
cª‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡eb hv‡Z Avgiv kvwšÍ I wbivc‡` emevm Ki‡Z cvwi|
Avcbvi wek¦¯Í
--------- GjvKvi Awaevmx‡`i c¶ †_‡K
Gm.Gg. Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR) ‡ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨v›W K‡jR ,wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206
Common language for
dialogue writing.
A dialogue between myself and ( Name of
a friend according to question paper) …
Myself t Hello, How are you?(n¨v‡jv, Zzwg †Kgb
X t Well by the grace of Allah and you? I’m looking for
(Avjvni A‡kl ing‡Z fvjB AvwQ|Ges Zzwg †Kgb Av‡Qv? Avwg †Zvgv‡K
t But tell me why you call me. How are you getting on
with your studies?
(wKš‘ Avgv‡K ej Zzwg †Kb Avgv‡K WvK‡j(†Zvgvi covïbv †Kgb Pj‡Q?)
X t Oh, don’t say! I missed an important class. Then
listen, yesterday our English
teacher explained us about ………….but I was unfortunately absent.

(Avi ej bv,Avwg GKwU ¸iyZ¡c~Y© K¬vm ‡_‡K ewÂZ n‡qwQ|Zvn‡j †kvb,MZKvj
Avgv‡`i Bs‡iwR wk¶K GKwU ¸i“Z¡ welq wb‡q Av‡jvPbv K‡i‡Qb| wKš‘ `y©fvM¨ekZ Avwg
Abycw¯_Z wQjvg|
t How can I help you?(Avwg †Zvgv‡K
wKfv‡e mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvwi|)
X t Please tell me brief.(AbyMÖn K‡i Avgv‡K
mvigg© ej|)
t I’m very glad to learn that you have much interested
to know ……………
(Avgvi †R‡b Lye fvj jvMj †h Zywg ----------m¤ú©‡K Rvb‡Z LyeB AvMÖnx)
X t It is very important to know about………………………….
(Bnv Rvbv AZ¨šÍ `iKvi--)
t …………………………………………………….
X t You are a scholar. I’ll be happy to learn from you
(Zzwg LyeB weÁ|-----m¤ú©‡K †Zvgvi KvQ †_‡K †R‡b LyeB Lykx ne|)
t ……………………………………………………………
X t Fine, my friend, thank you for touching a good point.
(fvj, Avgvi
eÜz,my›`i ¸i“Z¡c~Y© welq ejvi Rb¨ †Zvgv‡K ab¨ev`)
Myself t ……………………………………………………….
X t Could you inform more information about it?
(Zzwg wK G m¤ú©‡K Avgv‡K AviI Z_¨ w`‡Z cvi‡e|)
t ………………………………………………
X t I have learnt a lot about…………from you. Thank you very
much for your co-operation.
(G m¤ú©‡K Avwg †Zvgvi KvQ †_‡K A‡bK wKQ~ wk‡LwQ|‡Zvgvi mn‡hvMxZvi Rb¨
†Zvgv‡K ab¨ev`)
Myself t Don’t worry. I’ll help you in all respect. Now time
is over. I’m in a hurry. See you again. Goodbye.(‡Kvb wPšÍv Ki bv| Avwg †Zvgv‡K me©‡¶‡Î mvnvh¨ Kie| GLb Avi mgq
†bB|Avgv‡K ZvovZvwo ‡h‡Z n‡e|Avevi †`Lv n‡e|we`vq|)
X t I’m glad to have met you (‡Zvgvi mv‡_ mv¶vZ n‡q fvj
t Thank you. It is nice to have seen you. I hope, we
can get together again.
( ‡Zvgv‡K
ab¨ev`|‡Zvgv‡K †`‡L Lye Lykx n‡qwQ| Avwg Avkv Kwi, Avgiv Avevi wgwjZ n‡Z cvwi|
X t You’re most welcome.(‡Zvgv‡K my ¯^vMZg)
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
Help line- 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Write a letter to your friend
describing/telling/narrating/experiencing/tell how/…about
Sarif Ahsan
552/1 utter Ibrahimpur Dhaka cantt.-1206
My dear friend Sagor (wcÖq mvMi)

GLv‡b c‡Îi g~j
Ask/K_v/cÖavb As‡ki K_v¸‡jv wjL‡Z n‡e-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well, I hope I
have given you a long description about ---------.That’s all for now. No more
today. Wishing you a sound health, peaceful mind and all the best of luck.
Carry my best regards to your parents and affectionate to your brothers and
sisters. Keep well and write to me. Have a nice time. Hopping to hear from you
soon.(Zvn‡j,Avwg Avkv Kwi
Avwg †Zvgv‡K `xN© eb©bv w`‡qwQ|GLbKvi gZ GZUzKyB| AvR Avi bq| ‡Zvgvi my›`i
¯^v¯’¨, kvwšÍgq gb I mev©½xb g½j Kvgbv KiwQ| ‡Zvgvi evev gv‡K Avgvi kª×v Rvbv‡e
Ges †Zvgvi †QvU fvB †ev‡bi cÖwZ Avgvi
†mœn iBj| fvj †_‡Kv Ges Avgv‡K †j‡Lv| ‡Zvgvi my›`i mgq AwZevwnZ †nvK GB Kvgbv
Kwi| ‡Zvgvi KvQ †Zvgvi wKQy my›`i †jLvi kªxNB cvIqvi cÖZ¨vkv KiwQ|)
Your loving friend (‡Zvgvi wcÖq eÜz)
Sarif Ahsan
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Write a letter to your
friend consoling his/her mother’s /father’s sudden death.(‡Zvgvi eÜzi evev/gv Gi g„Zy¨‡Z Zv‡K mvš—¡bv
Rvwb‡q Zv‡K GKwU cÎ wjL|)

Write a letter to your
friend telling him about what you intend to do after the S.S.C examination.(Gm,Gm,wm cix¶vi ci Zzwg wK Ki‡e Zv Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi
eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ wjL|)
I have made up our mind that I will go to my village. I will teach the
illiterate people. I will teach them about sanitation, health education, and
importance of family planning. I will tell them about the importance of tree
plantation. Lack of knowledge, our farmers cannot grow more crops. I will teach
them the scientific method of cultivation. I will also make them aware of
pollution. (Avwg
Avgvi gb w¯’i K‡iwQ †h.Avwg Avgvi MÖv‡g P‡j hve|Avwg MÖv‡gi Awkw¶Z †jvK‡`i
wkw¶Z K‡i Zzje|Avwg Zv‡`i‡K cqwbt®‹vkb ,¯^v¯’¨ wk¶v Ges cwievi cwiKíbv m¤ú©‡K
wk¶v †`e|Avwg Zv‡`i‡K e„¶‡ivc‡bi ¸iZ¡ mg&c©‡K eje|Áv‡bi Afv‡e Avgv‡`i
K…l‡Kiv †ekx km¨ Drcv`b Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|Avwg Zv‡`i‡K weÁvbm¤§Z Pvlvev` Gi wk¶v
cÖ`vb Kie|Avwg AviI Zv‡`i‡K `~l‡bi m‡PZbZv m¤ú©‡K I eje|)
Write a letter to your
friend telling him not to adopt unfair means in the examination.(cix¶vq Am`yDcvq Aej¤^b bv Kivi Rb¨ eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)
Every students wants to make a good result in the examination .So, in
order to make a good result hard labour is a must. But some students think that
they will be able to pass by copying/adopting in the examination. It is harmful
for the students. It makes a student lame. It is a disgrace act. No student can
prosper in life by copying/adopting unfair means in the examination. So I am
telling you that you must keep away from the boys/girls who try to copy/adopt
unfair means in the examination.(cÖ‡Z¨K QvÎ-QvÎx cix¶vq fvj djvdj jvf Ki‡Z PvB|ZvB cix¶vq fvj djvdj
jvf Kivi Rb¨ cwikªg Avek¨K|wKš‘ wKQy QvÎ-QvÎx wPšÍv K‡i †h Zviv cix¶vq Am`ycvq
Aej¤^b K‡i cix¶vq fvj Ki‡e|Bnv QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Rb¨ ¶wZKi|Bnv QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i c½y K‡i
†`q|Bnv N„wYZ KvR I e‡U|‡Kvb QvÎ-QvÎx Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i bv cix¶vq
Am`ycvq Aej¤^b K‡i|ZvB Avwg †Zvgv‡K ejwQ †h Zzwg Aek¨B GB mg¯Í evjK-evwjKv‡`i
KvQ †_‡K `~‡i _vK‡e hviv cix¶vq Am`ycvq Aej¤^b K‡i|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
4. Write a letter to your friend about the importance of learning English.(Bs‡iwR ‡kLvi ¸iZ¡ Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)

5. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.(eÜzi AvwZw_qZvi Rb¨ ab¨ev` Rvwb‡q cÎ wjL|)
Last week I went to your sweet house and I spent six days with you in
your sweet family. I will never forget those happy and joyful days while I had
been with you at your village home. I was highly charmed at the loving care of
all the members of your family. The sweet memory of my short stay at your house
will remain ever fresh in my mind.(MZ mßv‡n Avwg †Zvgv‡`i my›`i
evox‡Z wM‡qwQjvg Ges Qqw`b †Zvgvi my›`i cwiev‡ii m‡½ KvwU‡uqwQjvg| Avwg KL‡bv H
my›`i gyn~Z©My‡jv fzje bv Ges Avb›`gq w`b¸‡jv hLb Avwg †Zvgv‡`i mv‡_ †Zvgvi
MÖv‡gi evox‡Z wQjvg|Avwg LyeB we‡gvwnZ n‡qwQjvg †Zvgvi cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i my›`i
fvjevmv gvLv ‡`Lvïbv|‡Zvgv‡`i evox‡Z Avgvi msw¶ß Ae¯’vb Avgvi g‡b memgq
wPi¯’vqx n‡q _vK‡e|)
6. Write a letter to you friend telling him the benefit of reading
cv‡Vi DcKvwiZv Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL)
A newspaper is a store house of knowledge. It is a mirror of the
current world. By reading newspaper we can enrich our knowledge on various
fields. Only bookish knowledge cannot meet up our thirst for knowledge. By
reading newspaper we can learn the current information on science, education,
literature, agriculture, sports and games, arts and culture. Every student and
every educated person should read newspaper. (msev`cÎ Áv‡bi fvÛvi|GUv PjwZ we‡k¦i `c©b|msev`cÎ cv‡Vi gva¨‡g Avgiv
wewfbœ †¶‡Î Avgv‡`i Ávb‡Z mg„× Ki‡Z cvwi|‡KejgvÎ cywVMZ Ávb Avgv‡`i Áv‡bi
wccvmv‡K wbevib Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|msev`cÎ cv‡Vi gva¨‡g Avwg
weÁvb,wk¶v,mvwnZ¨,K…wl,†Ljva~jv ,Kjv I ms¯‹…wZ m¤ú©‡K PjwZ we‡k¦i Z_¨ Rvb‡Z
cvwi|cÖ‡Z¨K QvÎ Ges wkw¶Z e¨w³i msev`cÎ cvV Kiv DwPZ|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
7. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her brilliant success in the S.S.C examination. (eÜzi K…wZ¡Z¡c~Y© djvd‡j Zv‡K Awfb›`b Rvwb‡q Zv‡K
cÎ wjL|)
I came to know by your letter that you have passed the S. S. C
examination with G.P.A-5:00.I congratulate you on your brilliant success. In
fact, this brilliant result is a matter of pride and joy for us. This success
now brings golden opportunities for you to rise in life. I am sure that you
will do still better in your future examination.(Avwg †Zvgvi c‡Î Rvb‡Z cvijvg †h Zzwg Gm.Gm.wm
cix¶vq wRwcG-5 †c‡q DËxY© n‡qQ||‡Zvgv‡K Awfb›`b RvbvB †Zvgvi AmvaviY mvd‡j¨i
Rb¨|cªK…Z c‡¶,GB Amvavib djvdj M‡e©i welq Ges Avgv‡`i Rb¨ Avb›`|GB mvdj¨ †Zvgvi
Rxe‡bi avc¸‡jv AwZµg Ki‡Z †mvbvjx my‡hvM G‡b †`‡e|Avwg wbwðZ †h Zzwg fwel¨‡Z
Av‡iv fvj djvdj Ki‡e|)
8. Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for sending you a nice
my›`i Dcnvi cvVv‡bvi Rb¨ eÜz‡K ab¨ev` Rvwb‡q cÎ wjL|)

9. Write a letter to your friend to attend your birthday ceremony.(‡Zvgvi Rb¥w`‡bi Abyôv‡b gš¿Y Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K cÎ
You must be glad to know that the coming 20th May is my
birthday. A small party is going to be arranged. All my relatives and friends
have been invited. My parents and my grandparents will be happy to have you in
their midst .Your arrival will make my party more enjoyable. So you are
heartily requested to come to my birthday party.(Zzwg †R‡b Lykx n‡e †h Avmbœ 20 †k †g Avgvi
Rb¥w`b|GKwU †Q&vÆ cvwU©i Av‡qvRb Kiv hv‡”Q|Avgvi me AvZ¡xq ¯^Rb Ges
eÜzevÜe Avgwš¿Z|Avgvi evev gv Ges `v`v`v`x Lye Lykx n‡e †Zvgv‡K Avgv‡`i
gv‡S †c‡q|cvwU©‡Z †Zvgvi Dcw¯’wZ cvwU©‡K Av‡iv Avb›`gq K‡i Zzj‡e|ZvB †Zvgv‡K
AvšÍwiKfv‡e Aby‡iva Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h Zzwg Avgvi Rb¥w`‡bi cvwU©‡Z Avm‡e|)
10.Write a letter to your father or mother about the progress/preparation
of your studies.(cix¶vi
†Zvgvi cÖ¯‘wZ Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi evev‡K cÎ wjL|)
I am preparing very well for the ensuring examination. You will be delighted to know that I have got
G.P.A.-5:00 in test examination. I am
sure now you will be proud of me if I can do better in the S.S.C examination. I
have completed my revision of English, Bengali and elective subjects. Do pray
that I can keep your heads high by the grace of Allah.(Avwg Avmbœ cix¶vi Rb¨ fvjgZ cÖ¯‘wZ wbw”Q|Zzwg
†R‡b Lykx n‡e †h,Avwg ‡U÷ cix¶vq wRwcG -5 ‡c‡qwQ|Avwg GLb wbwðZ †h Zzwg Avgv‡K wb‡q Mwe©Z n‡e hw` Avwg Gm,Gm.wm
ciw¶vq fvj Ki‡Z cvvi|Avwg Bs‡iwR,evsjv Ges Hw”QK wel‡q wiwfkb m¤úbœ K‡iwQ|Avgvi
Rb¨ cÖv_©bv Ki hv‡Z Avwg Avjvni ing‡Z
†Zvgvi gv_v D‡”P Zz‡j ai‡Z cvwi|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
11.A letter to your friend describing your recent Journey by train.(‡Zvgvi mv¤cÖwZK GKwU †Uªb åg‡bi eY©bv w`‡q eÜz‡K
cÎ wjL|)

12.A letter to your younger sister who has just passed the SSC examination
advising her about the things she has to do for getting admission into a
college. (‡Zvgvi
†QvƇevb †h Gm,Gm,wm cix¶vq cvm K‡i‡Q Zv‡K wKfv‡e K‡j‡R fwZ© n‡Z n‡e Zv Rvwb‡q
Zv‡K cÎ wjL|)
At first you should choice a good college. You will have to collect an
admission form from the respective college. Then you will be filled up the form
and submit the form in the college office. After that you have to contest an
admission test. Coming out successfully from the admission test you have to
take admission into the college.( cÖ_‡gB †Zvgv‡K GKwU fvj K‡jR cQ›` Ki‡Z n‡e|Zvici mswkó K‡jR †_‡K
K‡jR dg© †Zvgv‡K msMÖn Ki‡Z n‡e|Zvici Zzwg dg©wU c~ib Ki‡e Ges K‡jR Awd‡m Rgv
w`‡e|Gici †Zvgv‡K fwZ© cix¶vi AskMÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e|fwZ©cix¶vi mdjZvi ci Zzwg K‡j‡R
fwZ© n‡Z cvi‡e|)
13.A letter to your pen friend describing our National Memorial at Savar.(Avgv‡`i RvZxq ¯§„wZ †mŠ‡ai eb©bv w`‡q Kjgx eÜz‡K
cÎ wjL|)
I visited National Memorial last month. Our National Memorial at Savar
was founded to remember the memory of the martyrs, in the war of liberation. It
stands for nation respect for the martyrs. It also stands for the achievement
earned by the martyred freedom fighters for the independence of our mother
land. The greatest significance of the memorial lies in the fact that the
tyranny of the oppressors does not last long. (Avwg RvZxq ¯§„wZ‡mŠ‡a †eov‡Z wM‡qwQjvg|Avgv‡`i RvZxq ¯§„wZ †mŠa
mvfv‡ii Aew¯’Z gyw³h„‡× Rxeb wem©RbK…Z gyw³‡hv×v‡`i ¯§ib ivLvi Rb¨|Bnv knx`‡`i
cÖwZ RvZxi kª×vi cÖZxK wn‡m‡e `vwou‡q Av‡Q| Av‡iv `vwo‡q Av‡Q gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Avgv‡`i ¯^vaxb
evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ AwR©Z AR©b|¯§„wZ‡mŠ‡ai me‡P‡q eo Zvrch© n‡”Q †h Ackvmb `xN©w`b
wU‡K _v‡K bv|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed. (IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College,Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
14. A letter to your friend describing him/her informing the procedures of
opening a bank account.(e¨vs‡K
wKfv‡e wnmve Lyj‡Z nq Zv Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K c·K wjL|)
First you can go to any bank. Then meet to the correspondence officer
and express them about your desire. He will manages you a form. Then fill up
the form clearly. Following their rules and regulation. You must give them
asking amount, which they need. In this way you can open an account.(cÖ_‡g Zzwg e¨vs‡K ‡h‡Z cvi|Zvici AbymÜvb Awdmv‡ii
mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡e Ges †Zvgvi B”Qvi K_v Rvbv‡e|‡m †Zvgv‡K GKwU dg© †`‡e|Zvici dg©wU
wbLyZfv‡e c~ib Ki‡e|Zv‡`i wbqgKvbyb Abymib Ki‡e|GKvD‡›Ui Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq welq¸wj
Zv‡`i‡K w`‡e|GBfv‡e Zzwg e¨vs‡K GKwU wnmve Lyj‡Z cvi‡e|)
A letter to your friend telling him how to improve his knowledge in
wKfv‡e DbœwZ Ki‡Z cvi‡e Zv Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)

You will be happy to know that I am going to advise how you can improve
your skill. English is used and understood in almost all over the countries. If
you wish to have higher education in any subject you must know English. So try
to improve your English. By listening, speaking and reading books you can
improve your English. I advise you to read English newspaper and listen to
English news bulletin regularly. Read story books and novels. Try to speak
English as much as you can. If you follow these instructions you will surely
†R‡b Lykx n‡e †h Avwg †Zvgv‡K Dc‡`k w`‡Z hvw”Q †h wKfv‡e Zzwg Bs‡iwR‡Z DbœwZ
Ki‡Z cvi‡e|Bs‡iwR mvivwe‡k¦ e¨eüZ Ges †evaMg¨ fvlv|Zzwg †h †Kvb wel‡q D”PZi
wk¶v MÖnY Ki‡Z PvI Zvn‡j †Zvgv‡K Aek¨B Bs‡iwR Rvb‡Z n‡e|ZvB Bs‡iwR‡Z DbœwZ Kivi
†Póv Ki|‡kvbv,ejv,covi gva¨‡g Zzwg Bs‡iwR‡Z DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cvi|Avwg †Zvgv‡K
Dc‡`k w`w”Q †h Zzwg wbqwgZ Bs‡iwR msev`
cÖwZ‡e`b co|MíGes Dcb¨vm co|Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v ejvi †Póv Ki hZ`~i m¤¢e|hw` Zzwg GB
wb‡`©kbv¸wj Abymib Ki Zvn‡j Zzwg Aek¨B Bs‡iwR‡Z DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
16.A letter to your friend describing your experience of taking food in a
†i÷z‡i‡›U Lvevi LvIqvi AwfÁZv Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)
You will be happy to know that I had an experience of taking food in a
Chinese restaurant. However, I had a chance of participating with some of my
friends in went in an expensive Chinese restaurant in Dhaka.
At first my friends ordered the dishes we liked. I took soup, fried shrimps,
burger and other items of food and enjoyed everything as I liked. I also took
drink. So it was one type of experience in my life. It was really delightful. I
would remember that experience forever.
†R‡b Lykx n‡e †h PvBwbR †i÷z‡i‡›U Avgvi Lvevi LvIqvi AwfÁZv n‡qwQj|hvB †nvK
Avwg my‡hvM †c‡qwQjvg wKQy eÜzi mv‡_ XvKvi GKwU `vgx †i÷z‡i‡›U Lvevi
LvIhvi|cÖ_‡g Avgvi eÜz Avwg hv cQ›` KiZvg hv Avm‡Z ejj|Avwg myd,fvRv
wPswo,evM©vi Ges Ab¨vb¨ Lvevi wb‡qwQjvg
Ges hv cQ›` n‡qwQj Dc‡fvM K‡iwQjvg|Avwg cvbxq I wb‡qwQjvg|ZvB Avgvi Rxe‡bi GK
ai‡bi AwfÁZv|Bnv mwZ¨B Avb›``vqK wQj|Avwg G AwfÁZv wPiw`b g‡b ivLe|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
17.A letter to your friend advising him/her on how to adjust to the new
place and the new food.(GKwU
bZzb RvqMv Ges bZzb Lvevi‡ii m‡½ wKfv‡e gvwb‡q †b‡e Dc‡`k w`‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)

18.A letter to your friend
inviting him/her to go with him/her to visit a place of historical interest. (GKwU
HwZnvwmK ¯’v‡b †Zvgvi mv‡_ åg‡bi `vIqvZ w`‡q †Zvgvi eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)
You will be glad to know that we are going to a picnic at Sonargaon. It
is a place of historical interest. It is near to Dhaka.
I hope you will join us. We shall start at seven o’clock in the morning from
our school campus. You will come in time. Your presence will give us much
pleasure. ( Zzwg
†R‡b Lykx n‡e †h Avgiv †mvbviMvu eb‡fvR‡b hvB‡ZwQ|Bnv GKwU HwZnvwmK ¯’vb|Bnv
XvKvi wbK‡U|Avwg Avkv Kwi Zzwg AskMÖnY Ki‡e|Avgiv we`¨vjq cÖv½b †_‡K mKvj 7 Uvq
iIbv nŸ|Zzwg mgqgZ Avm‡e|‡Zvgvi Dcw¯’wZ Avgv‡`i‡K Avb›` †`‡e|
19.A letter to your friend narrating your experience who has not traveled
by plan.(wegvb
åg‡bi AwfÁZv Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi GK eÜz †h KLbI wegv‡b D‡Vwb Zv‡K GKwU cÎ wjL|)
We started our journey from Zia
International Airport
by an internal flight. I was happy to get a seat beside the window. I looked
down from my window and saw everything very small. I was very amazed to see the
floating clouds around me. We reached Jessore Airport
at 10 p.m. It was an extra ordinary experience to me. I really enjoyed my
first plane Journey. ( Avgiv Avgv‡`i fªgb wRqv AvšÍ©RvwZK wegvb e›`i
†_‡K Avf¨šÍixb wegvb e›`‡i wM‡qwQjvg|Avwg Lye Lykx n‡qwQjvg Rvbvjvi cv‡k¦ Avmb
†c‡q|Avwg Rvbvjv †_‡K wb‡Pi w`‡K ZvKvw”Qjvg Ges mewKQy‡K †QvU †`‡LwQjvg|Avwg
wew¯§Z n‡qwQjvg Avgvi Pvicv‡k¦ fvmgvb †gN †`‡L|Avgiv h‡kvi wegvbe›`‡i ivZ 10
Uvq †cŠu‡QwQjvg|Bnv wQj Avgvi Kv‡Q GKUz Ab¨ iK‡gi AwfÁZv| Avwg mwZ¨B Avwg Avgvi cÖ_g wegvb fªgb K‡iwQjvg|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
20.A letter to your friend describing the bad effects of smoking. (a~gcv‡bi K~dj Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)

21.A letter to your friend in the Japan telling him about the foods
and food habits in Bangladesh.(evsjv‡`‡ki
Lv`¨ Ges Lv`¨vfvm Rvwb‡q Rvcv‡bi GK eÜy‡K c·K wjL|)
The people of Bangladesh
are not as rich as you; Most of them are poor farmers. They grow vegetables,
pulses, fish and rear goats, cows, etc. They are fond of rice, pulses,
vegetables and fish. They take main meals twice a day. Besides, they have their
breakfast in the morning and a little refreshment in the evening. This is their
habit of eating their meals. You are in Japan. Don’t forget to let me know
the foods and food habits of your people. (Avgv‡`i †`‡ki gvbyl †Zvgv‡`i gZ abx bq| Zv‡`i AwaKvskB K…lK|Zviv
kvKmevR,Wvj.gvQ Ges QvMj ,Mi“,cÖf„wZ cvjb K‡i|Zviv fvZ,Wvj,kvKmewR Ges gvQ cQ›`
K‡i| Zviv w`‡b g~jZ `yBevi Avnvi K‡i|GQvov I
Zviv mKvj †ejv bv¯Ív K‡i Gesmܨv‡ejv nvjKv wKQy LvB| GB nq Zv‡`i Avnv‡ii
Af¨vm |Zzwg Rvcv‡b _vK|‡Zvgv‡`i †jvKR‡bi Lv`¨ Ges Lv`¨vf¨vm m¤ú‡©K Avgv‡K
Rvbv‡Z fyj Ki bv|)
22.A letter to your cousin describing your experience about the Dhaka Zoo.(XvKv wPwoqvLvbvq †Zvgvi AwfÁZvi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgiv PvPvZ fvB/†evb‡K GKwU cÎ wjL|
You wanted to know my experience about the Dhaka
Zoo. I am describing in a short.
I went with some of my classmates .We went by bus. We reached there at
11 o’clock. At first we bought tickets and went inside the Zoo. We saw tigers,
bears, elephants, monkeys, giraffe,pea-cocks,deer and many other animals and birds.(Zzwg Rvb‡Z †P‡qQ XvKv wPwoqvLvbvi AwfÁZvi
K_v|Avwg Avgvi †kªYx m½x‡`i mv‡_ wM‡hwQjvg|‡ejv 11Uvi mgq †mLv‡b
wM‡qwQjvg|cÖ_‡g Avgiv wU‡KU Γq K‡iwQjvg Ges wPwoqvLvbvi wfZ‡i cÖ‡ek
K‡iwQjvg|Avgiv evN,fvjyK,nvwZ,evbi.wRivd,gqyi,nwiY Ges A‡bK cÖvYx †`‡LwQjvg|
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
23.Write a letter to your friend about annual sports day of your school. (‡Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi evwl©K µxov cÖwZ‡hvMxZvi eY©bv
w`‡q eÜz‡K eY©bv w`‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)

24.Write a letter to your father asking him to send you some money.(evevi Kv‡Q wKQy UvKv †P‡q cÎ wjL|)
The result of my annual exam published yesterday. I have stood first in
the examination. Our class will be started January10, 2011.I will have to buy
some new books .I will also have to buy a new shirt. Now I need 2200 Tk. So you
are requested to send me the money as soon as possible.(Avgv‡`i evwlK© cix¶vi djvdj MZKvj cÖKvwkZ
n‡q‡Q|Avwg cix¶vq cÖ_g n‡qwQ|Avgv‡`i †kªYxcvV 2011 mv‡ji Rvbyqvix 10 Zvwi‡L ïi“
n‡e|Avgv‡K wKQy bZzb eB wKb‡Z n‡e|Avgv‡K wKQy bZzb kvU© wKb‡Z n‡e|GLb Avgvi
2200 UvKv cÖ‡qvRb|ZvB AbyMÖn K‡i hZZvovZvwo m¤¢e Avgv‡K UvKv¸‡jv cvwV‡q †`‡eb|)
25.Write a letter to your pen-friend telling him about Bangladesh and her people.evsjv‡`k Ges evsjv‡`‡ki gvbyl m¤ú©‡K eY©bv w`‡q
†Zvgvi Kjgx eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)
Bangladesh is an independent country. It is a small country. Its land area is
1,47,570 squre kilometers .Our mother tongue is Bangla.Most of the people of
our country are Muslims.Besides,Hindus,Buddhists,Christians live here
peacefully. Most of the people of our country are farmers.They grow
rice,jute,wheat etc.Bangladesh is a land of rivers.The Padma,the Meghna,the
Jumuna are the big rivers. The sea beach
of Cox’s Bazer is the
longest sea beach in the world.Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet. The
people of our country are friendly and hospitable.( evsjv‡`k GKwU ¯^vaxb †`k|Bnv GKwU †QvÆ †`k|Bnvi
fywgi AvqZb cÖvq 147,570 eM©wK‡jvwgUvi|Avgv‡`i gvZ„fvlv evsjv|Avgv‡`i †`‡ki
AwaKvsk gvbyl gymjgvb|GQvov I wn›`y,‰eŠ×,wLª÷vbiv kvwšÍc~Y©fv‡e evm K‡i|Avgv‡`i
†`‡ki AwaKvsk gvbyl K…lK|Zviv avb,cvU,Mg cÖf„wZ Drcv`b K‡i|evsjv‡`k b`xgvZ…K
†`k|cÙv,†gNbv,hgybv eo b`x|K·evRv‡ii mgy`ª ˆmKZ we‡k¦i eo mgy`ª ˆmKZ|KvRx bRi“j
Bljvg Avgv‡`i RvZxq Kwe|evsjv‡`‡ki RbMY eÜzZ¡civqb Ges kvwšÍwcÖq|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
26.Write a letter to your friend telling him about my aim in life.
Teaching a noble profession. My aim is to be a teacher. I want to be a
teacher of my village school. The students of my village school do not get
standard education. After completing SSC I will admit myself into a famous
university. From there I will complete all necessary degrees. Then I will join
in my village school. A teacher can lead an honest life.( wk¶KZv GKwU gnr †ckv|Avgvi Rxe‡bi j¶¨ n‡”Q GKRb
wk¶K nIqv|Avwg Avgvi MÖv‡gi ¯‹z‡ji GKRb wk¶K n‡Z PvB|Avgvi MÖv‡gi ¯‹z‡ji
QvÎ-QvÎxiv DbœZ gv‡bi wk¶v cvB bv|GBP Gmwm m¤úbœ Kivi ci Avwg bvg Kiv
wek¦we`¨vj‡q fwZ© ne|Avwg cÖ‡qvRbxq wWMÖx A©Rb Kie|Zvici Avwg Avgvi MÖv‡gi we`¨vj‡q †hvM`vb Kie|GKRb wk¶K
mr Rxebhvcb K‡i|)
27.Write a letter to your friend telling him about your hobby.(‡Zvgvi kL Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)

28.Write a letter to your friend describing him about a serious accident
that you have witnessed.(GKwU
`~N©Ubv hv Zzwg †`‡LQ Zv eb©bv w`‡q eÜz‡K cÎ wjL|)
It was January 10, 2010.After school hour, I was returning home on
foot. I saw a boy crossing the busy school road. Just at the moment a cruel
truck was running at a great speed. The truck driver could not control speed.
He was run over by the speedy truck. I rushed to the spot and found him dead.
His parents were informed of the accident. I will never forget this serious
wQj 2011 mv‡ji Rvbyqvix gv‡mi 10 ZvwiL|Avwg cv‡q †n‡uU evox wdiwQjvg|Avwg GKwU
evjKwU‡K e¨¯Í ¯‹z‡ji iv¯Ív cvi nB‡Z †`Ljvg|wVK GB gyn~‡Z© GK NvZK UªvK `ªyZ
†e‡M Avm‡ZwQj|UªvKwUi MwZ wbqš¿b Ki‡Z cvij bv|‡m `ª“Z Uªv‡Ki bx‡P Pvcvu c‡o
wM‡qwQj|Avwg NUvb¯’‡j Dcw¯’Z njvg Ges Zv‡K g„Z †`Ljvg|Zvi gvev‡K `yNUbvi msev` †cÖiY Kiv n‡jv|Avwg KL‡bv GZ eo `yNU©bv
fyje bv|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
weÁvb ev
weÁv‡bi Avwe¯‹…Z wRwbm wb‡q
Modern age is
an age of science. There is no aspect of our life that is not influenced by
science.Science had made our life easier and more comfortable. Modern science
has invented a lot of wonderful and useful things. It has made possible
impossible. Whenever we turn our eyes, we can see the contributions of science.The
inventions of science have conquered disease, natural disaster, space, distance
and time. (AvaywbK
hyM weÁv‡bi hyM|Ggb †Kvb welq †bB hv weÁv‡bi Øviv cÖfvweZ nq bv|weÁvb Avgv‡`i
Rxeb‡K K‡i‡Q mnR Ges AwaKZi Avivg`vqK|AvaywbK weÁvb A‡bK we¯§qKi Ges DcKvix
wRwbm Avwe¯‹vi K‡i‡Q|Bnv Am¤¢e‡K m¤¢e‡K m¤¢e K‡i‡Q|hLb Avgiv Avgv‡`i †PvL ‡divB
ZLb Avgiv weÁv‡bi A‡bK Ae`vb †`L‡Z cvB|weÁv‡bi Avwe¯‹vi Rq K‡i‡Q †ivM,cÖvK…wZK
`y‡h©vM,gnvk~b¨,`~iZ¡ Ges mgq|)
Science does a
great service to mankind in many ways. It helps us in our daily life in many
ways. Now a days it is widely used in our daily life in different fields.(weÁvb wewfbœfv‡e gvby‡li Kj¨v‡bi Rb¨ eo aI‡bi KvR
K‡i _v‡K|cÖZ¨vwnK Rxe‡b Bnv Avgv‡`i wewfbœfv‡e mvnvh¨ K‡i _v‡K|GLb wewfbœ †¶‡Î Bnv
Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨vwnK Rxe‡b e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K|)

There is no
unmixed blessing in the world. So, science has its own demerits. Sometimes it
causes harm to people.( GB
c„w_ex‡Z †Kvb AwewgwkªZ Avkx©ev` †bB|ZvB weÁv‡bi wb‡Ri wKQy ¶wZKi w`K Av‡Q|gv‡S
gv‡S Bnv Rbmvavi‡Yi ¶wZ K‡i _v‡K|)
In the
conclusion it can be said that in spite of having some demerits science is
useful undoubtedly. We should remember that the blessings of science should be
utilized carefully only for the benefit and interest of mankind.(Dcmsnv‡i ej‡Z cvwi †h wKQy ¶wZKi w`K _vK‡jI Bnvi
AcKvwiZv Av‡Q|Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h weÁv‡bi Avwk©ev`‡K e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e
mZ©KZvi mv‡_ †KejgvÎ gvby‡li Kj¨v‡b Ges ¯^v‡_©|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Electricity is the first wonder of
modern science. The advancement of modern science is impossible without
electricity.(we`y¨Z AvaywbK weÁv‡bi cÖ_g
we¯§qKi | we`y¨Z Qvov AvaywbK weÁv‡bi AMÖMwZ Am¤¢e|)

Radio is also another great wonder of
modern science. It is a great source of recreation and amusement. It also plays
a vital role in spreading education.(‡iwWI AvaywbK
weÁv‡bi Avi GKwU we¯§qKi |Bnv Avb›` we‡bv`‡bi GKwU eo Drm|Bnv wk¶vwe¯Ív‡i I
¸iZ¡c~Y©f~wgKv cvjb K‡i _v‡K|)
Television is one of the greatest
wonders of modern science. It is a source of recreation. It is one of the
greatest mass media of communication. By sitting at home, we can watch T.V. It
removes our monotony. (‡Uwjwfkb AvaywbK weÁv‡bi Av‡iKwU
we¯§qKi Gi g‡a¨ GKwU|Bnv we‡bv`‡bi Drm|Bnv eo Mb†hvMv‡hvM gva¨‡gi GKwU| evox‡Z
e‡m Avgiv †Uwjwfkb †`wL|Bnv Avgv‡`i GK‡N‡qgx `~i K‡i|)
Computer is perhaps the most wonderful
invention of modern science. Modern civilization is not imaginable without it.
It has lessened our work. It can perform any difficult work within a second.(Kw¤úDUvi m¤¢eZ AvaywbK weÁv‡bi we¯§qKi m©wói g‡a¨ GKwU|AvaywbK mf¨Zv
Bnv Qvov Kíbv Kiv hvq bv|Bnv Avgv‡`i KvR‡K Kwg‡q w`‡q‡Q|Bnv K‡qK †m‡K‡Ûi g‡a¨
†h‡Kvb eo ai‡bi KvR m¤ú~b© Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
Mobile phone is the latest invention in
the field of communication. It is very cheap and common. By sitting at home, we
can talk to any person at any remote corner of the globe.(‡gvevBj †dvb †hvMv‡hv‡Mi †¶‡Î me©‡kl Avwe¯‹vi|Bnv m¯Ív Ges
mvaviY|evox‡Z e‡m Avgiv K_v ej‡Z cvwi †h †Kvb e¨w³i mv‡_ we‡k¦i †h‡Kvb cÖv‡šÍi
‡h‡Kvb e¨w³i mv‡_|)
COMPUTER IN EVERY DAY USE (‰`bw›`b Rxe‡b Kw¤úDUv‡ii e¨envi)
Now a day’s computer is widely being
used in education. Today the results of the examination are prepared by the
help of computer within a short time.( AvRKvj wk¶v‡¶‡Î
Kw¤úDUvi e¨vcKfv‡e e¨enZ n‡”Q|AvR cix¶vi djvdj Kw¤úDUv‡ii mvnv‡h¨ K‡qK †m‡K‡Ûi
g‡a¨ ‰Zix Kiv n‡”Q|)
Computer is used to diagnose any disease
exactly in second. So, medical science cannot be thought of without computer. ‡h †Kvb ‡ivM mvVKfv‡e Aí mg‡q wbY©q Ki‡Z Kw¤úDUvi e¨envi Kiv nq|ZvB
wPwKrmvweÁvb Kw¤úDUvi Qvov wPšÍv I Kiv hvq bv|)
Production has been increased
wonderfully in mills and factories by the help of computer.
Even no mill and factory can run without
computer. Now days computer helps to grow more crops in developed countries.
Computer is expected to be used very soon in our country to grow more crops. (Kw¤úDUv‡ii mvnvh¨ KjKviLvbvq Drcv`b we¯§qKifv‡e e„w× †c‡q‡Q|GgbwK
†Kvb KjKviLvbv Ges wkícÖwwZôvb Kw¤úDUvi e¨ZxZ Pj‡Z cv‡i bv||AvRKvj DbœZ
†`k¸‡jv‡Z AwaKZi dmj djv‡Z Kw¤úDUvi mvnvh¨ K‡i _v‡K|Kw¤úDUvi kªxNÖB Avgv‡`i
†`‡k AwaKZi dmj dj‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡e Avkv Kiv n‡”Q|)
Today computer is commonly used in all
international games and sports. It has made sports and games interesting.(AvR‡Ki w`‡b AvšÍRvwZ©K †Ljvayjvi †¶‡Î Kw¤úDUvi e¨envi Kiv nq|Bnv
†Ljva~jv‡K AvK©lbxq K‡i †Zv‡j|)
(Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨wnK Rxe‡b
†Uwjwfk‡bi ¸iZ¡c~Y©)

(Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨wnK Rxe‡b
†Uwjwfk‡bi ¸iZ¡c~Y©)
Radio is one of the greatest sources of
recreation and amusement. It broadcasts different cultural programmes, songs,
music, plays, drams etc. It broadcasts different educational programmes. It
helps to remove illiteracy. It also broadcasts the valuable discussions on the
imporantance of family planning, sanitation, the rules of health, tree
plantation, sports and games. It also broadcasts the weather forecast.(‡iwWI Avgv‡`i Avb›` we‡bv`‡bi me‡P‡q eo Drm|Bnv wewfbœ mvs¯‹…wZK
Abyôvb,Mvb,evRbv,bvUK,bvwUKv cÖf„wZ m¤cÖPvi Kiv nq|Bnv Awk¶v `~i K‡i|Bnv Av‡iv
g~j¨evb Av‡jvPbv K‡i cwievi cwiKíbv,cqwb¯‹vkb, ¯^v¯’¨wewa,e„¶‡ivcb,†Ljva~jvi
¸iZ¡m¤ú©‡K|Bnv Av‡iv AvenvIqvi c~e©vKvk m¤cªPvi K‡i _v‡K|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com

The importance
of (-----) is so much that cannot be expressed in a word. It is the most
essential thing that is necessary in every step in our life. If any one learns
the value of (welq ), he must
succeed in life. (welq) crowns him with brilliant success in life.( welq) [(
) Gi
¸iZ¡ †h KZ †ekx hv Aí K_vq cÖKvk Kiv hv‡e bv|Bnv AZ¨šÍ ¸iZ¡c~Y© hv Rxe‡bi
cÖwZwU c`‡¶‡c AZ¨šÍ cÖ‡qvRb|hw` GKRb (
) Gi ¸iZ¡m¤ú©‡K Rvb‡Z cv‡i Zvn‡j †m Aek¨B mdjZv jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e|Rxe‡b
DbœZ mv‡d‡j¨i gva¨‡g Zvi Rxeb Av‡jvwKZ K‡i|)
All the great
men of the world were full aware of it. We need to follow them. If we make a
list of successful people who acquired a giant stride in their respective
arena, we will find that their prosperity was completely based on giving
importance on it. They did not neglect it. It is (------) that can
make a man successful. (we‡k¦i
me gnvgvbeB G m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb|Avgv‡`i Zv‡`i‡K AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|hw` Avgiv mdjKvgx
gvby‡li ZvwjKv ˆZix Kwi hviv Zv‡`i ¯^¯^ †¶‡Î kxl© Avmb AR©b K‡iwQj Zvn‡j Avgiv
†`L‡Z cve †h Zv‡`i mg„w×i AwR©Z n‡qwQj Gi Dci ¸iZ¡ †`Iqvi Rb¨|Zviv KLb I Bnv‡K
Ae‡njv K‡iwb|Bnv Ggb GKwU welq hv GKRb gvbyl‡K mdjKvgx wn‡m‡e ˆZix K‡i|)
One may have
much wealth but if he does not know the importance of (-------) ,he is an
ill fated man.Besides, without it man becomes unhappy.For a
peaceful,decent,happy and prosperous life (-------) is must.A life without (------) means full
of disorder,chaos and anarchy.We need it to establish a good habitual for our
A‡bK m¤ú` _vK‡Z cv‡I wKšÍ hw` ‡m Gi Dci ¸iZ¡ bv †`q,Zv n‡j †m n‡”Q GKRb `y©fvMv
e¨w³| GQvovI Bnv e¨ZxZ gvbyl AmyLx nq|kvwšÍgq,cwicvwU,myLx Ges mg„w× Rxe‡bi Rb¨
Bnv Avek¨K| GKwU Rxeb Bnv e¨ZxZ hv ej‡Z eySvq Zvnj m¤ú~b©
wek„sLwjZ,†kvi‡Mvjc~Y© Ges AivRKZvc~Y©|)
(------) is the best
tonics. The value of (------- ) is great. It brings us success in life.It is our bounden duty to
follow it for our overall development.( ---------) brings mental peace. The
mental peace and social respect belong only by it and they can’t bring for
me‡P‡q eo g‡nvJla| Rxe‡b Bnvi g~j¨
A‡bK|Rxe‡b Bnv mvdj¨ e‡q wb‡q Av‡m|Avgv‡`i m‡ev©cwi DbœwZi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i
Aek¨B GUv Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|Bnv gvbywmK kvwšÍ Avbqb K‡i|gvbwmK kvwšÍ Ges mvgvwRK
kª×v Gi g‡a¨B _v‡K Ges GUv A_© Avb‡Z cv‡i bv|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S. (D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English, Rotary School
& College
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
(Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨wnK Rxe‡b k„sLjvi
¸iZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv)
There is a good discipline in every
family. All the members of the house must obey the head of the family. We
observe discipline in every object of the nature. The earth, the moon and the
stars move around the sun according to certain rules. Even the lower animals
are disciplined. The ant and the bee are the wonderful example of discipline.
All the bees obey the queen bee. Discipline is also found in human body. All
the organs of the body cooperate with one another. Discipline is strictly
maintained in the play-ground. A player has to abide by the rules of the games.
Discipline is also maintained in the army.
(cÖ‡Z¨K cwiev‡i GKwU my›`i k„sLjv
_v‡K|evoxi mg¯Í m`m¨iv cwievi cÖavb‡K gvb¨ K‡i|cÖK„wZi cÖwZwU †¶‡Î Avgiv
wRwb‡mB Avgiv k„sLjv j¶¨ Kwi|c„w_ex,P›`ª Ges Zviv m~‡h©i Pvwiw`‡K mywbw`ó
wbq‡gi g‡a¨ Pj‡Q|GgbwK †QvÆ cÖvYx I k„sLjve×|wccov Ges †gŠgvwQ k„sLjvi GKUv
we¯§qKi D`vnib|me †gŠgvwQB ivbx ‡gŠgvwQ‡K gvb¨ K‡i|gvbe‡`‡n I k„sLjv †`Lv
hvq|kix‡ii cÖwZwU A½cÖZ¨½ G‡K Ac‡ii mv‡_ msMwVZ|‡Ljvi gv‡V I k„sLjv K‡Vvifv‡e
wbqš¿b Kiv nq|GKRb †L‡jvqvo‡K †Ljvi wbqg k„sLjv †g‡b Pj‡Z nq|‡mbvevwnbx‡Z I
k„sLjv wbqwš¿Z nq|)
(Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨wnK Rxe‡b ‰`wnK e¨vqv‡gi ¸iZ¡)

DAILY ROUTINE (Avgvi ˆ`wbK Kg©m~Px)
I get up early on the morning. Then I
finish my natural call and have a wash and brush my teeth.After saying Fazer
prayer, I walk on the river side. After
returning home, I take breakfast and go to my reading room. I read for two
hours. Then I take preparation for going to school. After returning from
school, I take lunch. Then I take rest for a while. At 5.00 pm I go to field to
play with my friends. After returning from the play ground I say my Magrib
prayer. After saying prayer, I prayer my lessons till 10:00 pm.Then I take
supper. After saying Esha prayer I go to bed.(Avwg †fvi‡ejv
DwV|Zvici Avwg cÖK…wZi Wv‡K mvov †`B|`vZu cwi¯‹vi Kwi Ges ˆaŠZ Kwi|dR‡ii
bvgv‡hi ci b`xi av‡i nvUvnvwU Kwi|evox wd‡i bv¯Ív Kwi Ges covi †Uwe‡j hvB|`yB
N›Uv cwo|Zvici ¯‹z‡j hvIqvi cª¯‘wZ †bB|¯‹z‡j †_‡K wd‡i `ycy‡ii Lvevi LvB|Zvici
wKQy¶‡bi Rb¨ wekªvg †bB|cvPuUvi mgq eÜz‡`i mv‡_ gv‡V †Lj‡Z hvB|‡Ljvi gvV †_‡K
wd‡i `kUv ch©šÍ cwo|Zvici iv‡Zi Lvevi LvB|Gkvi bvgvh c‡o Avwg weQvbvq Nygv‡Z
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com

VALUE OF TIME (mg‡qi g~j¨)
We can regain lost knowledge by studying
hard; regain lost wealth by hard labour, lost health by medicine. But once gone
is gone forever. To make right use of time, we must follow a routine. There
should be time for study, time for other work, time for exercise, time for
rest, time for sleep, time for play, time for prayer, time for eating and so
on. Wastage of time is a great crime and sin. Those who waste time can never
prosper in life. They depend on the charity of others. Everybody hates them.(Avgiv nviv‡bv Ávb wd‡i †c‡Z cvwi A‡bK covïbv K‡I,K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡i
nviv‡bv m¤ú` wd‡i †c‡Z cvwi,Jla †me‡bi gva¨‡g nviv‡bv ¯^v¯’¨ wd‡i †c‡Z cvwi|wKš‘
mgq GKevi P‡j †M‡j wd‡i cvIqv hvq bv|mg‡qi mØe¨env‡ii Rb¨ Avgv‡`i Aek¨B i“wUb
Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|cov,KvR,e¨vqvg,wekªvg,Nyg,†Ljv,bvgv‡hi LvIqv mn mewKQyi mgq
_vKv DwPZ|mg‡qi Ace¨envi eo ai‡bi Aciva Ges cvc|‡h mgq bó K‡i †m Rxe‡b DbœwZ
jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|Zviv A‡b¨i `qvi Dci wbf©i K‡i _v‡K|cÖ‡Z¨K Zv‡K N„Yv K‡i|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
cÖvK…wZK `y‡hvM© †hgb eb¨v,R‡jv”Qvm BZ¨vw` wb‡q

The causes of
(-------) are many. People of our country generally think that (------) is a cause
of Allah. Green house effect is one of the causes of ( ).Cutting too many trees
is also liable for (-------) ( )Gi A‡bK KviY i‡q‡Q|Avgv‡`i †`‡ki gvbyl mvavibZ wPšÍv K‡i †h ( ) Avjvni m„wó|MÖxb nvDR B‡d± GB Kvib¸‡jvi
g‡a¨ GKwU|‡ekx †ekx MvQ KvUv GUvi Rb¨ `vqx|)
(-------) visits our
country almost every year. During last two decades we are experiencing the most
devastating (------) .Because of (----- ) thousands of people became homeless and helpless and many people lost their valuable lives.( ) Avgv‡`i †`‡k cÖvq cÖwZ ermiB Av‡m|MZ `yB `k‡K Avgiv Pigfv‡e AwfÁZv
AR©b KiwQ|KviY nvRvi nvRvi gvbyl Avkªqnxb Ges Amnvq Ges A‡bK gvbyl Zv‡`i
g~j¨evb Rxeb nvwi‡q‡Q|)
(welq ) causes
great havoc. It brings untold loss and sufferings to men, animals. Crops are
damaged. Trees are uprooted. Houses are damaged. Many people loss their lives.
Food production is lessened.( ) e¨vcK asm K‡i _v‡K|Bnv gvby‡li,cÖvYxi Aeb©bxq ¶wZ
e‡q wb‡q Av‡m|dmj †f‡m hvq|MvQcvjv Dc‡o hvq|A‡bK gvbyl Zv‡`i Rxeb nvivq|Lv`¨
Drcv`b n«vm cvq|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com

In Bangladesh
(---------- ) causes a huge loss. So it is urgently necessary to take proper steps
for the prevention of (--------) .Both long and short term plans can be taken for this. A well –planed
irrigation system will go a long way to eradicate the fury of (-------) ( ) evsjv‡`k cÖPzi cwigv‡b ¶wZMÖ¯Í nq|ZvB GUv cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb
c`‡¶c MÖnY AZ¨šÍ Ri“ix|¯^í †gqv`x Ges `xN©‡gqv`x cwiKíbv MÖnY Kiv hvq| GKwU
mycwiKwíZ Pvlvev` c×wZ ( ) GB mgm¨vi
we‡ùvib‡K `~ixf~Z Ki‡e|)
government, different kinds of N.G.O and the local organizations come forward
to help the victims. They can provide food, pure water, clothes and other
necessary things for the people. Relief camps are set up to distribute relief
goods among the affected people.(miKvi,wewfbœ †emiKvix ms¯’v Ges ¯’vbxq ms¯’vi ¶wZM͇֯`i mvnv‡h¨i
Rb¨ GwM‡q Avm‡Z n‡e|Zviv cÖ‡qvRbxq Lv`¨,weï× cvwb,Kvco‡Pvco Ges Ab¨vb¨
cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbmcÎ ‡jvKR‡bi Rb¨ mieivn Ki‡Z cv‡i|¶wZMÖ¯Í †jvK‡`i Rb¨ wiwjd K¨v¯ú
¯’vcb K‡i wiwjd `ªe¨ weZib Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
Ours is a very
poor country. If we cannot check the loss our development is impossible. So we
must find out effective and permanent measures for the prevention of it. (Avgv‡`i †`k Mixe †`k |hw` Avgiv ¶wZ bv c~ib Kwi Avgv‡`i DbœwZ
Am¤¢e|ZvB Avgv‡`i Kvh©Kvix Ges ¯’vqx e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e Gi cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Rb¨|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
evsjv‡`‡ki mgm¨v wb‡q
Bangladesh is a small
and a developing country. But she is beset with various acute problems. Now
days (-------) is one of the most common and
frightful problems in our country. It has become a great panic here. In the
recent years this problem has become very severe which can not be described in
a word.( evsjv‡`k †QvÆ GKwU †`k|wKšÍ GwU
wewfbœ ai‡bi mgm¨vq RR©wiZ|AvRKvj (
) Avgv‡`i †`‡k GKwU Ab¨Zg Ges fqven mgm¨v|Bnv GLv‡b LyeB †e`bv`vqK
n‡q‡Q|m¤cÖwZK ermi¸‡jv‡Z GB mgm¨v Zxeª AvKvi avib K‡i‡Q hv GK K_vq eb©bv Kiv hvq
The present situation of (--------) is acute than ever before. If we read newspaper, we
will be able to understand how acute this problem is. It is obvious that now
this problem is a burning question in Bangladesh. It has become a great
threat to a decent life.( ) Gi eZ©gvb Ae¯’v Av‡Mi †_‡K A‡bK Zxeª|hw` Avgiv msev`cÎ cvV Kwi Avgiv
eyS‡Z m¶g n‡ev GB mgm¨vi ZxeªZv KZ |Bnv ¯úóZ †h GLb GB mgm¨v evsjv‡`‡ki
Av‡jvPbvK…Z mgm¨v n‡q‡Q|Bnv Avgv‡`i cwicvwU Rxe‡bi Rb¨ ûgwK¯^iƒc|)

We should learn well about this great
problem. We should realize the serious consequences of rapid growth of this
problem and train ourselves to build a planned society. Our students can play
an important role to remove this problem. They should make the people aware.
There should be wide publicity about the serious consequences of this problem
through radio, television and other mass media. Government must take necessary
steps in this regard. A small country like ours cannot afford to indulge this
problem. So this problem should be stopped at any cost.(Avgv‡`i GB mgm¨v m¤ú©‡K ÁvZ nIqv DwPZ|GB mgm¨vi D`Mxib Gi djvdj Gi
fqvenZv m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡`i Abyaveb Ki‡Z n‡e Ges cÖwk¶‡bi gva¨‡g cwiKwíZ mgvR MVb
Ki‡Z n‡e|GB mgm¨v `~i Ki‡Z Avgv‡`i QvÎ-QvÎxiv ¸iZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡Z
cv‡i|Zv‡`i DwPZ †jvKRb‡`i m‡PZb Kiv|‡iwW I,†Uwjwfkb,Ges Ab¨vb¨ Mbgva¨‡g Gi
cwibwZ m¤ú©‡K e¨vcK cÖPvicÖPvibv Pvjbv Kiv DwPZ|miKv‡ii G e¨vcv‡i cÖ‡qvRbxq
c`‡¶c †bIqv DwPZ|Avgv‡`i †`‡ki gZ †QvÆ †`‡ki GB mgm¨v †_‡K D‡Ëvib Ki‡Z cv‡i
bv|ZvB †h †Kvb g~‡j¨ GB mgm¨v `~ixf~Z Ki‡Z n‡e|)
It is obvious that (--------- ) has become a major problem in our developing
country. It has become a great threat to a decent life.If we fail to stamp out
this problem our development plans and activities will standstill. (Bnv ¯úóZ †h ( ) Avgv‡`i
Dbœqbkxj †`‡ki eo ai‡bi mgm¨v|GKUv my›`i cwicvwU Rxe‡bi Rb¨ GB mgm¨vi Rb¨
ûgwK¯^iƒc|hw` Avgiv e¨_© nh GB mgm¨v `~ixf~Z Ki‡Z Avgv‡`i Dbœqb cwiKíbv Ges
Kg©KvÛ _g‡K hv‡e|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
RbmsL¨v mgm¨v)

(evsjv‡`‡ki †eKvi mgm¨v)
means want of productive works for the people. Unemployment is a great curse of
a man’s life.It leads a man to steal, rob,hijack and to do many anti-social
activities. Over population is mainly responsible for this problem.Lack of
proper female education and gender discrimination are also responsible for this
mgm¨v ej‡Z gvby‡li Drcv`bgyLx Kg©Kv‡Ûi Afve‡K ‡evSvq|‡eKviZ¡ gvby‡li Rxe‡bi
Awfkvc|Bnv gvbyl‡K Pzwi Ki‡Z,WvKvwZ Ki‡Z,nvBRvK Ki‡Z Ges Av‡iv mvgvwRK
Acivag~jK KvR Ki‡Z cwiPvwjZ K‡i|AwaK RbmsL¨vB GB mgm¨vi Rb¨ `vqx|h_vh_ bvix
wk¶vi Afve Ges wj½‰elg¨ I GB mgm¨vi Rb¨ `vqx|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Composition on Problem in
everyday life

Green house effect
Recent flood affect of Bangladesh
Population problem of Bangladesh.
Load shedding
Copying in the examination
Student Politics in Bangladesh.
Deforestation in Bangladesh
Illiteracy in Bangladesh
Corruption in Bangladesh
10.Gender discrimination in Bangladesh
11.Unemployment problem in Bangladesh
12.Natural calamity
13.Child labour
14.Violence against women in Bangladesh.
(-----) is the main
factor which may be called the major impediment to the overall development of
the country. (-----) is a vast and complex matter. There are various kinds of problems but
(-----) is now a serious and so much harmful element as an obstruction for
the improvement the society. (------) is injurious and
destructive of public interest. This kind of problem is one of the greatest
challenges in our human life. (------) is a complex thing for our
daily life. It is an obstruction for the prosperity of our national life.( ) n‡”Q cÖavb evnK hv †`‡ki mvwe©K Dbœq‡bi c‡_ eo ai‡bi evav m„wó Ki‡Z
cv‡i|( ) GKwU eo Ges RwUj KviY|A‡bK
ai‡bi KviY Av‡Q wKš‘ ( ) GLb AZ¨šÍ
gvivZ¡K Ges ¶wZKi Dcv`vb KviY mgv‡Ri DbœwZi c‡_ eo ai‡bi evav m„wó K‡i|( ) RbM‡bi AvKv•Lvi Rb¨ AvNvZgq Ges
aeeskvZ¡K|GB ai‡bi mgm¨v gvbe Rxe‡bi Rb¨
eo ai‡bi cÖwZ‡hvMxgyLxi g‡a¨
GKwU|Bnv Avgv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨wnK Rxe‡bi Rb¨ LyeB K‡ói|Bnv Avgv‡`i RvZxq Rxe‡bi
DbœwZi Rb¨ GK ai‡bi evav|)
(------) is incurable
social disease.( ------) causes many kinds of obstacles points. The people are fully unable to
lead their life in peaceful way.( ) nq wbivgqnxb mvgvwRK
†ivM|( ) A‡bK ai‡bi evav m„wó K‡i
_v‡K|‡jvKRb m¤ú~Y©fv‡e kvwšÍc~Y©fv‡e Zv‡`i Rxeb cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z A¶g|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com

It is almost
certain that one of the main causes of (------) is the negligence and
illiteracy of same people of our
country. In fact, (--------) cause great
sufferings to the people. Moreover, (------) loses and vanishes any kind
of ethical virtue of morality. Life becomes almost to a small stand still.(Bnv cÖvqB wbwðZ †h wKQy †jv‡Ki AeÁv Ges Awk¶vB GB
mgm¨v m„wó K‡i _v‡K|cÖK…Z c‡¶, ( ) †h †Kvb g~j¨‡ev‡ai ¸bvejx bó nq|Rxeb
cÖvqB w¯’i n‡q hvq|)
awareness should be created among all the people of our society. We can get rid
of this problem by raising conscious among them. Again this problem can be solved
by creating opportunities for the people. Napoleon said “Nothing is impossible
for man. So the government and conscious people of our country also should come
forward to extend their strong helping hand to solve the ( welq)(mgv‡Ri †jvKR‡bi gv‡S mvgvwRK m‡PZbZv e„w× Ki‡Z n‡e|Zv‡`i gv‡S
m‡PZbZv m„wói gva¨‡g GB mgm¨v †_‡K gyw³ cvIqv hvq|Avevi RbM‡bi my‡hvMmyweav
m„wói gva¨‡g I GB mgm¨vi mgvavb Kiv hvq)†b‡cvwjqvb e‡jwQ‡jb, Ò gvby‡li Kv‡Q
Am¤¢e e‡j wKQy †bB|ZvB miKv‡ii GesAvgv‡`i †`‡ki
m‡PZb gvby‡li kw³kvjx nvZ‡K cÖmvwiZ K‡i GB mgm¨vi mgvavb Kiv DwPZ|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
A Journey by ( welq ) evm/†Uªb/wegvb/‰bŠKv
Introduction: Man is very much busy today. He does not find a moment to spend to
see and enjoy the sight, beauties of nature or a place of a historical
interest. Life has become dull mechanized and barren for want of recreation. We
should manage time to get relief from routine bound life and monotonous works.
A journey by (-----) can serve this purpose to some extent.(AvR‡Ki w`‡b gvbyl A‡bK e¨¯Í|‡m cÖZ…wZi †mŠ›`h©
Ges `„k¨¸‡jv A_ev HwZnvwmK ¯’vb †`L‡Z
Ges Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z GK gyû©Z mgq cvB bv|Rxeb wbivb›`,hvwš¿K Ges Abye©i n‡q‡Q
we‡bv`‡bi Afv‡e|Avgv‡`i‡K i“wUbgvwdK Ges GK‡N‡qgx Kg©KvÛ †_‡K gyw³ †c‡Z mg‡qi
e¨e¯’v Ki‡Z n‡e|)
Description: Journey by (w------) is always pleasant to me. Whenever I go for journey, my heart leaps
up with joy. My greatest pleasure is in a journey by (welq).( ) fªgb memgq Avgvi Kv‡Q Avb›`gq|hLb Avwg fªg‡bi Rb¨ †ei nB,Avgvi ü`q
Avb‡›` DwuK w`‡Z _v‡K|Avgvi me‡P‡q Avb›` (
) åg‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡q|)

Occasion: A few days ago, I make a journey by (------) from Aricha to
Sadarghat/Rajshahi to Khulna.
Our school was closed on the occasion of autumn vacation.( K‡qKw`b c~‡e© Avwg ( ) åg‡b AvwiPv †_‡K m`iNvU/ivRkvnx †_‡K Lyjbv
wM‡qwQjvg|Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq ki‡Zi eÜ wQj|)
The journey : We were five in number. All of
us were of the same age. We hired /Brought a boat/a ticket the previous day. We
had our breakfast early in the morning. We started at 8 a.m. It was a bright
sunny morning. The weather was fine. In a nutshell environment pleased us. When
our boat/bus/train crossing some famous and beautiful bridge on the river, we
enjoyed the rivers scenery. We saw that it was full to brim. We also observe
the bridge .We enjoyed the small wave on the river from the boat/train/bus. We
enjoyed the scenes on the both side s of the river/road/rail-line.(msL¨vq
wQjvg Avgiv cvPuRb|Avgiv mevB GKB eq‡mi wQjvg|Avgiv ‡bŠKv fvov/ ‡Uª‡bi /ev‡mi
wU‡KU Av‡Mi w`b µq/fvov K‡iwQjvg|mKvj mKv‡j Avgiv bv¯Ív K‡iwQjvg|Avgiv 8 Uvi
mgq iIbv w`‡qwQjvg|‡mw`b wQj ‡iŠ`ªgq D¾¡j mKvj |AvenvIqv fvj wQj|mew`K †_‡K
AvenvIqv Avgv‡`i mš‘yó K‡iwQj|hLb Avgv‡`i †bŠKv/evm/†Uªb wKQy b`xi Dci weL¨vZ
Ges my›`i †mZz AwZµg Ki‡ZwQj Avgiv b`xi †mŠ›`h© Dc‡fvM Ki‡ZwQjvg|Avgiv †`Ljvg
†h G¸‡jv Kvbvq Kvbvq cwic~b©|Avgiv Avi I †mZz j¶¨ Kijvg|Avgiv ‰bŠKv /evm/†Uªb
†_‡K Dfqcv‡k¦©I `„k¨ Ae‡jvKb Ki‡ZwQjvg|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Sight journey: There were
green fields, villages, far of paddy fields, rows of trees which were full of
flowers and fruits and all these things charmed us. All sights cast a magic
spell on our mind.(‡mLv‡b meyR gvV,MÖvg¸‡jv,`~‡i
i‡q‡Q av‡bi gvV,mvwi mvwi MvQ hv wQj dz‡j,d‡j cwic~Y© Ges G¸‡jv Avgv‡`i‡K AvK…ó
Ki‡ZwQj|me `yk¨ Avgv‡`i‡K g‡b Avb›` w`‡qwQj|)

and evening scenery: Again we started our journey. The
boatman/driver/train driver tried to reach the goal within time. It was late
afternoon. The sun was setting in the distant horizon. The sun and the nature
seem to meet together. The sheds of evening began to spread over earth. The
stars rose one after another. We enjoyed the sunset. At last we reached our
destination.(Avevi Avgv‡`i f„gb ïi“
Kijvg|gvwS,PvjK/†Uªb PvjK h_vmg‡q wbw`ó j‡¶¨ †cŠ‡Qu hvIqvi †Póv Kij|Bnv wQj
weKvj †ejv|m~h© `~i w`M‡šÍ Wye‡ZwQj|m~h© Ges cÖK…wZ g‡b nq GK m‡½ wg‡j‡Q|mܨvi
Qvqv gvwU‡Z Qwo‡q coj|Zviv¸‡jv G‡Ki ci DV‡Z ïi“ Kij|Avgiv m~h©v¯Í ‡`Ljvg|me‡k‡l
Avgiv Avgv‡`i MšÍe¨¯’v‡b †cŠ‡Q †Mjvg|)
Conclusion: The journey,
I bore in my heart. It gave me much pleasure. It was the most memorable days in
my life indeed.(fªgbwU Avgvi ü`‡q avib
K‡iwQjvg|Bnv Avgv‡K Avb›` w`‡qwQj|mwZ¨B Bnv Avgvi Rxe‡bi me‡P‡q ¯§ibxq w`b|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
Name of composition (welq)
Introduction: (-----) is the most valuable and
powerful element of success in life. It implies obedience to set of rules for
an orderly life in society. It is the mode of leading life in accordance with
rules.(Rxe‡b K…ZKv‡h©i Rb¨ GwU LyeB ¸iZ¡c~b©
I g~j¨evb|mgv‡R my›`ifv‡e Rxebhvc‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ KwZcq aviv †g‡b PjvB GwU ( )|
( ) Gi A_© Rxeb‡K mwVKfv‡e
cwiPvjbv Kiv)

It’s necessary
:(----) is necessary in every walk of our life. It is the key to success in
human life. With this firmness will prevail everywhere. If we make a list of
the successful person. We will find that their success depends mainly upon this
great virtue. By dint of it, they do not only make their life fruitful but also
helped in the advancement of civilization. So the value of it is equally great
in every spheres of our life. (Avgv‡`i
Rxe‡bi cÖ‡Z¨K †¶‡Î Bnv `iKvi|GUv gvbe Rxe‡bi mvd‡j¨i ZvwjKv cÖ¯‘Z Kwi Z‡e †`Le
†h Zv‡`i K…ZKvh© g~jZ GB gnr¸‡bi Dci wbf©ikxj|Gi e‡j Zviv ïay Zv‡`i Rxeb‡K
djcÖm~ K‡iwb,Bnv mf¨Zvi AMÖMwZ‡ZI mvnvh¨ K‡iwQj|ZvB Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU †¶‡ÎB
Gi g~j¨ Awfbœ|)
importance: (----) is one of the best virtues of mankind and absence of it makes a man
unhappy and forlorn. In fact it is more valuable than money. A man may have
much money but if he lacks in this quality, he will earn no respect. So, in all
branches of life, it brings great rewards for human life. It is the most
precious possession of a man. There fore, it is of great importance in a man’s
life.(Bnv gvbe Rxe‡bi GKwU
gnr ¸b Ges Gi Afve gvbyl‡K AmyLx I wbrmnvq K‡i †Zv‡j|g~jZ GwU A‡_©i †P‡q A‡bK
g~j¨evb|GKRb gvby‡li cÖPzi A_© LvK‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ Gi Afv‡e †m †h‡Kvb m¤§vb AR©b
Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|ZvB Rxe‡bi me©‡¶‡Î Bnv h‡_ó mybvg enb e‡q Av‡b|GwU gvby‡li Lye LvwUu AwaKvi|myZivs
gvby‡li Rxe‡b Gi ¸iZ¡ Acwimxg|)
Conclusion: (-----) is seldom
and inborn virtue. It should be acquired by the force of habit. Without (--------) there can be
no fame, no progress, no success. In a word, those who have risen in their
respective vocation have done. So, simply by dint of it therefore everybody
should have to at all cost and the earlier and better.(Bnv GKwU Rb¥MZ ¸Y bq|Af¨v‡mi Øviv GUv AR©b Kiv
hvq|Bnv e¨ZxZ †Kvb bvg hk,†Kvb DbœwZ †Kvb K…ZKvh© n‡Z cv‡i bv|GK K_vq hviv
ch©vqµwgKfv‡e GB mnRvZ KvR¸‡jv m¤úv`b K‡i‡Q ZvivB Gi e‡j †kªôZ¡ AR©b
K‡i‡Q|myZivs cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki †h †Kvb wKQyi wewbg‡q G _vKv ¸b _vKv `iKvi Avi GwU hZ kxNÖ m¤¢e ZZB
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
(------) is very harmful to us. It is one kind of misdeeds which destroys the
normal life of a person. One who is of (------) can’t go a long way. It is
the corner stone of destroys. The great people of the world were not of (----).They tried
their level best to make the world wonderful one without it. So, we need to
avoid it.( Bnv
Avgv‡`i Rb¨ ¶wZKi|Bnv GK ai‡bi AKg© hv GKRb e¨w³i ¯^vfvweK Rxeb‡K bó K‡i
†`q|‡h ( ) A‡bK `~‡i †h‡Z cv‡i bv|Bnv as‡mi GK cÖvšZ
cv_i|we‡k¦i weL¨vZ gvby‡liv ( ) bv|Zviv GUv QvovB h_vmva¨ †Póv K‡i‡Q
wek¦‡K we¯§qgq Kivi Rb¨|ZvB Avgv‡`i GUv‡K Gwo‡q Pjv DwPZ|)

The reasons are noted here:(KviY¸‡jv GLv‡b D‡jL Kiv n‡jv|)
(i) unawareness (Am‡PZbZv)
(ii) illiteracy(Awk¶v)
(iii) Backwardness of law enforcement
authority and
(AvBb cÖ‡qvMKvix K…Z©c‡¶i AbMÖmiZv|
(iv) Loop-hools of laws etc. (AvB‡bi dvK‡duvKo)
efforts of (------): It is fact that (-----)is a detrimental to health/society.It is the root of sorrow in the
society.The danger’s of (----) totally annihilate the addicted.So it is full of pernicious
effects.All should be conscious of it.(Bnv GKwU welq †h ,Bnv ¯^v‡¯’I,mgv‡Ri Rb¨ ¶wZKi|Bnv mgv‡Ri K‡ói Rb¨
g~j wkKo|Bnvi wec`RbK Avm‡³i w`‡K avweZ K‡i|ZvB Bnv‡Z eo ai‡bi cÖfve Av‡Q|mevi
G m¤ú©‡K m‡PZb _vKv DwPZ|)
Abuse of (--------) There is no
use of (-------).Nobody can say that (------) has a single utility. It creates disturbance over our mind. It is
used just like a poison in our society.It causes a huge quantity of money. The
abuses of (----)are so many that it cannot be written only in a very normal way.(G‡Z †Kvb e¨envi †bB|‡KB ej‡Z cv‡i bv †h Gi mvgvb¨
e¨envi Av‡Q|Bnv Avgv‡`i g‡bi Dci weNœ m„wó K‡i _v‡K|Avgv‡`i mgv‡R Bnv cqR‡bi gZ
e¨envi Kiv nq|Bnv cÖPzi cwigv‡b UvKvi KviY n‡q `vovq|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com

The role of
the government: It should be the first duty of the government to take effective
step to prevent it. The government may take effective/proper step to remove
this. But we should remember that the government or a man can not solve this
without the help of us. So, we all should work hard to demolish it.(Gi cªwZKv‡ii Rb¨ miKv‡ii cÖ_g KZ©e¨ Kvh©Kix c`‡¶c
MÖnY Kiv DwPZ|GUv `~ixf~Z Ki‡Z miKvi Kvh©Kix/q_vh_ c`‡¶c MÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡i|wKšÍ
Avgv‡`i ¯§ib ivLv DwPZ †h miKvi ev GKRb gvby‡li m¤^e bq Avgv‡`i mvnvh¨ Qvov|ZvB
Avgv‡`i mevi GUv aywjmvr Kivi Rb¨ cwikªg Ki‡Z n‡e|)
Conclusion: In
fine, it can be said that proper steps should be taken to prevent it. If
vigorous campaign /movements are presented against (------ ).People will
be more conscious to avoid this. Everybody should come forward in this regard.
If we can realize about the bad effect of it, we hope that we will be able to
overcome this problem. (Dcmsnv‡i
ejv †h‡Z cv‡i †h,GUv‡K cÖwZ‡iva Ki‡Z h_vh_ c`‡¶c MÖnY Kiv DwPZ|hw` A`g¨
cÖPvicÖPvibv Gi wei“‡× Pvjv‡bv hvq †jvKRb GUv‡K Gwo‡q hvIhvi †¶‡Î m‡PZb
n‡e|cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB G e¨vcv‡i GwM‡q Avm‡Z n‡e|hw` Avgiv Gi Lvivc cÖfve m¤ú‡K© Abyaveb
Kwi Avgiv Avkv Kwi †h GB mgm¨v †_‡K Avgiv AwZµg Ki‡Z cvwi|)
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
We are so lucky that God has
created this earth with his love for different creatures and scenic elements.
We are charmed by different things of the earth. There are many elements on
earth which always serve for the best of mankind. From this point of view, (welq) can be such a conception which can have
a far reaching effect for the betterment of mankind.(Avgiv LyeB fvM¨evb †h Avjvn Zvi fvjevmv w`‡q w`‡q
wewfbœ cÖvYx Ges `„k¨MZ Dcv`vb w`‡q GB c„w_ex m„wó K‡i‡Qb|GB c„w_exi wewfbœ
wRwb‡mi cÖwZ Avgiv AvK…ó nB|c„w_ex‡Z A‡bK wbqvgK Av‡Q hv gvbe RvwZi g½‡ji Rb¨
wbwnZ|GB `„wó‡Kvb †_‡K, ( ) GB
aviYv n‡Z cv‡i gvbeRvwZi Kj¨v‡bi Rb¨ my`~i cÖmvix cÖwZwΓqv Av‡Q|)

The importance of (------ ) lies within us. Man has a long history
of advancement of knowledge. (welq
)can always have a better form for us. There are different aspects of (------).We have always been inspired with the
value that lies within (-----).Therefore,
we always try to get the best opportunity of (-----)
( ) Gi
¸iZ¡ Avgv‡`i gv‡S weivwRZ|gvby‡li Áv‡bi Dbœq‡b `xN© BwZnvm Av‡Q|Bnv me mgq
Avgv‡`i g½‡ji Rb¨ Av‡Q|( ) GB
`„wó‡Kvb Av‡Q|Avgiv memgq AbycÖvwYZ nB Gi ¸iZ¡ Øviv hv Gi g‡a¨ wbwnZ Av‡Q|ZvB
Avgiv memgq Gi †_‡K my‡hvM myweav cvIqvi Rb¨ †Póv Kwi|)
But we should not forget
that we have responsibilities for the prosperity of ( ------).We
believe that the influence of (--------)
can go a long way for the welfare of people. There are many phases of (------) which can give us a great influence upon
our life. Man always want to get the best way of life.The wishes to be happy.
Our life on earth has a very short existence. But there are some ways to make
life successful. For these success, we need to have the blessing of (----
).In fact, (------)
can be a theme of man’s friendly companion.
(wKš‘ Avgv‡`I fy‡j †M‡j Pj‡e bv †h, ( ) Gi mg„w×i Rb¨ Avgv‡`i KZ©e¨ Av‡Q|Avgiv
wek¦vm Kwi †h ( ) Gi cÖfve gvby‡li
Kj¨v‡Yi Rb¨ A‡bK cÖmvi we¯Ívi Ki‡Z cv‡i|(
) Gi A‡bK ch©vq Av‡Q hv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Dci e¨vcK cÖfve we¯Ívi Ki‡Z
cv‡i|gvbyl memgq Rxe‡bi m‡e©vËg c_ †c‡Z PvB|‡m myLx n‡Z PvB|c„w_ex‡Z Avgv‡`i
Aw¯ÍZ¡ Lye mgq|wKš‘ Rxe‡bi mdjKvgx nIqvi A‡bK Dcvq Av‡Q|GB mvdj¨,Avgv‡`i ( ) Gi Avkx©ev` Aek¨B †c‡Z n‡e|cÖK…Zc‡¶ ( ) e›×zZ¡c~Y© m½xfve n‡Z cv‡i|)
S.M.Ahsan Habib
M.A. in English (1st class),
B.H.M.S.(D.U), B. Ed. M.Ed.(IER-DU)
Senior Teacher in English,Rotary School
& College, Mirpur-14,Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01911447391
or 01716425157 E.Mail-pann2004u@yahoo.com
There are some people who
often do not understand the value of (------).They
think that (-------)
may have very little importance in our life. As a result, they neglect the
significance of (-------)
and want to overlook (-------).They
try to make their life meaningful without realizing the importance of (--------).But with the touch of (-------) there may come the smile of a real
winner. The importance of (------)
has different points which add to the prosperity in our life. ( A‡bK gvbyl Av‡Q hviv cÖvqB ( ) Gi ¸iZ¡ ey‡S bv|Zviv g‡b K‡i †h Rxe‡bi Rb¨
Gi ¸iZ¡ Kg| hvi d‡j Zviv Gi Zvrch©‡K Ae‡njv K‡i Ges bv †`Lvi fvb K‡i|Zviv Gi
¸iZ¡ Qvov Rxeb‡K A_©en Kivi †Póv K‡i wKš‘ (
) Gi ms¯ú‡k© Zviv weR‡qi nvwm †c‡Z cv‡i|( ) Gi ¸i‡Z¡i A‡bK w`K Av‡Q hv Rxe‡bi
mg„wׇK cÖmvwiZ K‡i|

e¨vcv‡i Avgv‡`i aviYv‡K |DbœwZ Ki‡Z n‡e|)Avgv‡`i ( ) Gi mwVK e¨venv‡ii Rb¨ †Póv Kiv
DwPZ|Aciw`‡K Avgv‡`i wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e †h (
) Kzd‡ji mv‡_ wgk‡Z bv cv‡i|Avgv‡`i Rxeb Bnv †_‡K gy³ _vK‡Z n‡e|)
Man has always
tried his best to make his life better. The sun rises everyday. The day comes
to us a new life. But everyday is not the same day. We face new things with the
odd ones. (-------) can be such
a matter which we should not take for our food. Man always tries to get as much
benefit as he can. Most of the time he keeps himself busy in making the best
way of life.(-----) can be an outcome of man’s unconscious idea. As a result it brings
miseries for the others. Man may do such harm knowingly or unknowingly. Thus (------) can bring
unwanted troubles in our life.(gvbyl
cÖwZwbqZ Zvi Rxeb‡K A‡c¶vK…Z my›`i Kivi †Póv Ki‡Q|m~h© cÖwZwbqZ D‡V|w`b Av‡m
Avgv‡`i bZzb Rxe‡b|wKšÍ cÖZ¨Kw`b GKB iKg bq|bZzb wKQyi mv‡_ AcÖZ¨vwkZ wKQyi
m¤§yLxb nB| ( ) n‡Z cv‡i Ggb GKwU welq
hv Avgv‡`i Lv‡`¨i Rb¨ †c‡Z cvwi bv|gvbyl cÖwZwbqZ fvj wKQy cvIqvi †Póv K‡i hv †h cv‡i|AwaKvsk mgq ‡m wb‡R‡K
Rxe‡bi my›`i c‡_i Rb¨ e¨¯Í iv‡L |( )
n‡Z cv‡i gvby‡li Am‡PZbvi GKwU cÖvwß|hvi djkªywZ‡Z A‡b¨i `ytL Kó e‡q wb‡q
Av‡m|gvbyl Rvb‡Z ev ARvb‡Z A‡bK ¶wZ Ki‡Z cv‡i|Gfv‡e ( ) Rxe‡b AcÖZ¨vwkZ mgm¨v e‡q wb‡q
If we want to
find the reason for this, we will see that there is a class of people who are
working behind this. They do not go to the right way. Instead, they take the
wrong way and make a mess of everything.( welq ) can be nothing but the
result of our own misdeeds and misconception of the way of life.(hw` Avgviv Gi KviY LywR Zvn‡j Avgiv †`L‡Z cve †h
GK †kªbxi gvbyl Gi wcQ‡b KvR Ki‡Q|Zviv mwVKc‡_ P‡j bv|Zvi cwie‡Z© Zviv fyj c‡_
P‡j Ges mewKQy‡Z RMvwLPzix cvwK‡q †d‡j|(
) Avgv‡`i wb‡R‡`i Rxe‡bi fyj Ges Rxeb cwiPvjbvi aviYvi AÁZv Qvov ( ) wKQyB n‡Z cv‡i bv)|

Human life has
a very short existence on this earth. We want to have a better life. Man should
have a respect for others. We should never do anything which may cause troubles
to others. This beautiful earth is a wonderful gift of God. We should try to
make it a better place for all. (c„w_ex‡Z gvby‡li Rxeb AZ¨šÍ msw¶ß|Avgiv my›`i
Rxeb †c‡Z PvB|gvby‡li A‡b¨i cÖwZ kªØv‡eva _vKv DwPZ| Avgv‡`i Ggb wKQy Kiv DwPZ
bq hv A‡b¨i Rb¨ mgm¨v ‰Zix Ki‡Z cv‡i|GB my›`i Avðh© c„w_ex m„wóKZ©vi we¯§qKi
Dcnvi|Avgv‡`i DwPZ mevi Rb¨ my›`i GKwU RvqMv m„wó Kiv|)
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
e¨w³MZ †h †Kvb
cÖKvi Av‡e`b cÎ
Write an application to your headmaster of your school
praying for leave of absence.(Abycw¯nZ RwbZ QywU)/ early
leave.( Av‡M Av‡M evox‡Z hvIqvi Rb¨)/ leave
after 3rd period.(2q N›Uvq QywU †P‡q)/ asking for
transfer Certificate.( Qvoc‡Îi Rb¨)/asking for
character Certificate. (PvwiwÎK mb` †P‡q)/ asking for
Testimonial. (cÖksmvcÎ †P‡q)/asking for
seat in the school. (QvÎvev‡m wmU †P‡q)/asking for
full free student ship.(webv †eZ‡b Aa¨vqb)/asking for
a financial help from poor fund.( `vwi`¨ Znwej †_‡K
mvnvh¨ †P‡q)/ asking remission of delay fine.( Rwigvbv gIKy‡ci Rb¨)/ asking for leave in advance.( AwMªg QywU †P‡q)/ change of elective subject.(4_© welq cwieZ©‡bi Rb¨)/ asking for re-admission in the class.
(cybt fwZ©i Rb¨)

The Headmaster
Subject: An application
for ( cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq )
Dear Sir,
I beg most
respectfully to state that I am /was a student of your school. I stood first in
annual examination. I am a regular student. I need (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq).My study may
be hampered if I am not given this opportunity.
May, I
therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind to grant my prayer and thus
help me to continue my studies.
I remain
Your most obedient pupil
cÖavb wk¶K,
‡ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR,
mwebq wb‡e`b GB
†h,Avwg Avcbvi we`¨vj‡qi GKRb Qv&Î|Avwg cix¶vq cÖ_g n‡qwQ| Avwg GKRb Qv&Î wbqwgZ QvÎ| Avgvi
-----cÖ‡qvRb|Avwg hw` G my‡hvM bv cvq Zvn‡j Avgvi covïbvq e¨vNvZ m„wó n‡Z cv‡i|
AZGe,cÖv_©bv GB
†h,Avgvi Av‡e`b gÄyi K‡i Avgvv‡K covïbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡eb|
Avcbvi GKvšÍ AbyMZ QvÎ,
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
we`¨vj‡q ‡h †Kvb
cÖKvi wKQy ¯nvcb Kiv wb‡q †h †Kvb cÖKvi
Av‡e`b cÎ
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school
requesting him to set up a literary(mvwnZ¨) club/ an
English language(Bs‡iwR fvlv) club / a debating(weZ©K) club in the
school campus./ a computer(Kw¤úDUvi)club/a
common room (Kgb i“g) / a hall
room(nj i“g) / a canteen(K¨vbwUb)/ a prayer room(bvgv‡Ri i“g)/a reading
room(covi i“g) / a Shaheed Minar (kwn` wgbvi ) / a hostel (QvÎvevm) in the
school campus./ a rich library(mg„Ø jvB‡eªix) in the school campus.
Dated : ……April 2011
The Headmaster

Dear Sir,
We beg most
respectfully to state that we are the students of your school. Our school is
one of the oldest and famous school’s in the district. The result of our school
is satisfactory. We are proud of our school.
But it is a matter of sorrow that there is no (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq )in our
school. It is our long cherishing desire to have a ((cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq ) in the
school premises. It is also a part and parcel of education.
We, therefore,
hope that you would be kind enough to pass the order to set up (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq ) as quickly
as possible to continue our studies.
We remain
Your most obedient pupils
The students of
cÖavb wk¶K,
‡ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ
welq: --------------------------Rb¨
mwebq wb‡e`b GB
†h,Avgiv Avcbvi bvgKiv we`¨vj‡qi Qv&Î Qv&Îx| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjqwU †Rjvi
cyivZb Ges bvgKiv ¯‹zj¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi djvdj
m‡šÍvlRbK|Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq‡K wb‡q Avgiv MweZ©| wKš‘ `~‡Li welq, Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡q
†Kvb-------†bB| Avgv‡`i A‡bK w`‡bi ¯^cœ †h Avgv‡`i we`¨vj†q GKwU -----‡nvK| Bnv wk¶vi GKwU Ask|
AZGe,cÖv_©bv GB
†h,Avgv‡`i Av‡e`b ‡h hZ ZvovZvwo m¤¢e Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡q GKwU ------¯nvcb K‡i Avgvv‡`i covïbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡eb|
-----------------we`¨vj‡qi Qv&Î Qv&Îx|
Gm,Gg,Avnmvb nvexe
wmwbqi wk¶K (Bs‡iwR ) †ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR wgicyi-14, XvKv-1206|
we`¨vj‡q ‡h †Kvb cÖKvi wKQy Av‡qvRb ev e‡›`ve¯Í Kiv wb‡q
†h †Kvb cÖKvi Av‡e`b cÎ
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school
requesting him for permission to go on a picnic(eb‡fvRb)/ hold
debate competitions(weZ©K cÖwZ‡hvwMZv)/ arrange a
study tour/excursion (wk¶vmdi)/ arrange a
Milad Mahfil(wgjv` gvnwdj) / arrange a
drama(bvUK Av‡qvRb) in your school./ arrange a farewell (we`vq Abyôvb ) party in
honour of the outgoing SSC students of
your school./ hold the birth anniversary(Rb¥ e©vwlKx)/death
anniversary(g„Zz¨ e©vwlKx )of Kazi
Nazrul Islam/Rabindranath Tagore/-----
in your school./ hold a Baishakhi Mela(‰ekvLx †gjv) on your school premises on the occasion of
Pahela Baishakh.
Dated : ……April 2011
The Headmaster

Subject: An application
for arranging a/an (cÖ‡kœ
D‡jwLZ welq )
Dear Sir,
We beg most
respectfully to state that we are the students of your school. Our school is
one of the oldest and famous schools in the district. The result of our school
is satisfactory. We are proud of our school. Our school arranges (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq) every year.
But this year no such programme has yet been arranged. We have decided to
arrange (cÖ‡kœ
D‡jwLZ welq) if you allow us to do
it. Our Bengali and English teacher has
given their consent to guide us.
We, therefore,
pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige
We remain
Your most obedient pupils (Avcbvi GKvšÍ AbyMZ QvÎx|)
The students of………School.
cÖavb wk¶K,
‡ivUvix ¯‹zj A¨vÛ
--------------------------Rb¨ Av‡e`b|
mwebq wb‡e`b GB
†h,Avgiv Avcbvi bvgKiv we`¨vj‡qi Qv&Î Qv&Îx| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjqwU †Rjvi
cyivZb Ges bvgKiv ¯‹zj¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi djvdj m‡šÍvlRbK|
Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq‡K wb‡q Avgiv MweZ©|cÖwZ eQi Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡q---------Av‡qvRb
K‡i _v‡K wKš‘ cwiZv‡ci welq GB GB ‡h, G eQi GLbI Ggb Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb Kiv nqwb| Avgiv -------Gi
Av‡qvRb Kivi wmØvšÍ wb‡qwQ hw` Avcwb Avgv‡`i‡K AbgwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib| Avgv‡`i Bs‡iwR
Ges evsjv wk¶K Zviv Avgv‡`i mn‡hvMxZv
Ki‡eb e‡j Avk¦vm w`‡q‡Qb|
AZGe,cÖv_©bv I
Avkv Kwi †h,-----------hvevi AbygwZ
cÖ`v‡b evwaZ Ki‡Z Rbv‡ei myAvÁv nq|
-----------------we`¨vj‡qi Qv&Î Qv&Îx|
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